Extraction Instruments

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DENTSPLY Limited, Hamm Moor Lane, Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey KT15 2SE, United Kingdom t +44 (0)1932 853422

www.dentsply.com f +44 (0)1932 858970 www.ash-instruments.com


Ask your local DENTSPLY subsidiary or dental wholesalers for supplies outside the UK and Ireland

Extraction Instruments | Introduction

Luxation Elevators Forceps Overview Upper Anterior, Premolar and Roots Forceps Upper Molar and Roots Forceps Lower Anterior, Premolar and Roots Forceps Lower Molar and Roots Forceps Childrens Pattern Forceps 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 13

Welcome to DENTSPLY Ash Instruments

DENTSPLY Ash Instruments specialises in the manufacture of high-quality dental hand instruments and is a manufacturing division of DENTSPLY International. DENTSPLY International is the largest manufacturer of dental prosthetics and consumable dental products in the world and has factories in Europe, the Americas and Asia as well as sales distribution facilities scattered throughout the globe. Today the range includes a broad selection of scalers, curettes, restorative plastic instruments, rubber dam products, dental burs, forceps, and sundry items. This catalogue showcases the extraction product range. We also have separate catalogues for our periodontal range, restorative and sundries range, dental burs, and rubber dam, and are available on request, or via our website www.ash-instruments.com

Our origins
The Ash Instruments part in the DENTSPLY story began in 1820 when Claudius Ash, a man from a family of silversmiths and goldsmiths in London (UK) began making denture parts to order with his four sons. The business originally operated from premises in 9 Broad Street (now Broadwick Street), part of London's Soho district close to the famous names of Regent Street and Carnaby Street. By 1854, records show that the business had expanded to 8-9 Broad Street, and was employing 42 workers. During the mid 19th Century, the family business (known as Claudius Ash and Sons Ltd) prospered and the company began manufacturing and supplying a wide range of materials, including porcelain teeth, rubber and waxes, as well as early versions of the burs and hand instruments that Ash Instruments is known for today. By the turn of the 20th Century, the company was supplying products to over 30 countries. In 1924, the company expanded and merged with a Swiss company, DeTrey Ltd, to form the Amalgamated Dental Company Ltd. The company continued to grow until it was sold in 1976, when the major manufacturing businesses became part of the US-based DENTSPLY family, and the name DENTSPLY Ash Instruments was born (along with DENTSPLY DeTrey, based in Konstanz, Germany). Today, DENTSPLY Ash Instruments supplies its high quality product range to countries across the world via the global DENTSPLY network of companies and their dental dealer partners. Please ask your local DENTSPLY subsidiary or dental wholesalers for supplies outside the UK and Ireland.

Ash Instruments Extraction Equipment

All Ash Instruments Forceps, Elevators and Luxation instruments are precisely manufactured to the most exacting standards. To withstand the stresses of clinical use, Ash instruments are subject to vacuum heat treatment to ensure that correct hardness is achieved, without brittleness. This process also contributes to the high corrosion resistance and smooth surface finish of our Forceps, Elevators and Luxators. With correct care, your instruments will give years of trouble-free use. The instruments in this catalogue can be cleaned using all standard methods and all forceps should be lubricated after every application. Luxator and elevator blades should be kept sharp. To avoid risk of cross infection elevators and luxators should be sharpened after sterilisation and re-sterilised prior to use. The Ash Sharpening Kit is available to help you keep your instruments in optimal condition.

Ash Sharpening Kit

Product Code 62499200 Sharpening Kit 62499202 Honing Rod 62499203 Sharpening Test Stick 62499204 DENTSPLY Sharpening Oil 62499205 Flat Sharpening Stone


Luxation | Luxation Instruments

Ash Luxation Kit
Ash Luxation instrument tips are more finely tapered than excavators tips. Their characteristics are a combination of a Periotome and an elevator. The sharp tip enables more efficient cutting of the periodontal ligament, whilst the tapering shaft assists with controlled expansion of the bony socket. Many practitioners find that a large proportion of extraction procedures become totally forceps free, especially valuable for younger patients, as part of an orthodontic programme or in advance of implant placement. The Ash Luxation Kit comprises of four Luxation instruments, a straight and curved blade version in two different widths, a Lustra Heidebrink root pick elevator, and a sharpening stone and honing rod to keep the instruments in perfect condition.

Elevators | Warwick-James
Warwick-James Elevator (Straight)
Product Code 62301301 Warwick-James Elevator (Straight)

Warwick-James Elevator (Left)

Product Code 62301302 Warwick-James Elevator (Left)

Product Code 62309999 Luxation Kit

Warwick-James Elevator (Right) Luxation Instrument 3C

Product Code 62303004 Luxation Instrument 3C

Product Code 62301303 Warwick-James Elevator (Right)

Elevators | Couplands
Luxation Instrument 3ST
Product Code 62303005 Luxation Instrument 3ST

Couplands Bone Chisel No.1

Product Code 62303001 Couplands Bone Chisel No.1

Luxation Instrument 5C

Product Code 62303006 Luxation Instrument 5C

Couplands Bone Chisel No.2

Product Code 62303002 Couplands Bone Chisel No.2

Luxation Instrument 5ST

Product Code 62303007 Luxation Instrument 5ST

Couplands Bone Chisel No.3

Product Code 62303003 Couplands Bone Chisel No.3

Heidebrink Root Pick Elevator E13/E14

Handle Options

Product Code 62109374 Lustra Heidebrink E13/14

Elevators | Cryers
Cryers Elevator No.30 (Left)
Product Code 62301008 Cryers Elevator


Millers Bone File No. 52

No.30 (Left) Product Code 62099004 Millers Bone File No.52

Cryers Elevator No.31 (Right)

Product Code 62301009 Cryers Elevator No.31 (Right)



Forceps | Ash Forceps

1, 29, 30, 113

Forceps | Ash Forceps

Setting up a surgery, and looking for a Starter Set of Forceps? Then why not consider the following selection.
29, 30, 113 1, 107 29, 30, 113 1, 107

Forceps No.74 Forceps No.73 Forceps No.29 Forceps No.76 Forceps No.76N

(for lower roots) (for lower molars) (for upper roots) (for upper molars and roots) (for small upper roots)

Product Code 62201074 Forceps No.74 62201073 Forceps No.73 62201029 Forceps No.29 62201076 Forceps No.76 62201876 Forceps No.76N 62201089 Forceps No.89 62201090 Forceps No.90 62201051 Forceps No.51 62201079 Forceps No.79

17, 89, 95

18, 90, 94

Forceps No.89 (Right) (for upper molars) Forceps No.90 (Left)

(for upper molars) (for upper molars) (for lower wisdoms)

17, 89, 95 37, 138, 163 37, 138 37, 138 17, 19, 51, 67, 89, 94 39, 157 158, 159 39, 157 158 22, 73, 73S, 79 22, 73, 73S, 86, 87 22, 73, 73S, 86, 87 13, 75

18, 90, 94 18, 19, 51, 67, 90, 95 22, 73, 73S, 79 22, 73, 73S, 86, 87 22, 73, 73S, 86, 87 13, 75

Forceps No.51 Forceps No.79

39, 157 158, 159 39, 157 158

Rongeurs No.3

Product Code 62204003 Rongeurs No.3

160, 161

160, 161



13, 74
74, 137

13, 74

123, 162

Localised trimming of alveolus after extraction. Narrow blades allow insertion into socket for removal of septum.

Fig. 1 2 7 13 17 18 19 22 29 29S 30 37 39 44N 51 67 73 73S 74 74N 75 76 76S 76N 06

Application Upper centrals, canines and roots Upper laterals Upper premolars and roots Lower premolars Upper molars (Right) Upper molars (Left) Upper wisdoms Lower molars (Hawks bill) Upper roots Upper roots Upper roots Childrens upper incisors and canines Childrens upper molars Upper roots Upper wisdoms (Bayonet) Upper wisdoms Lower molars (Hawks bill) Lower molars (Hawks bill) Lower roots Small lower roots and anteriors Lower premolars Upper roots (Read) Upper roots (Read) Small upper roots (Read)

Fig. 79 86 87 89 90 94 95 101 107 113 123 136 137 138 147 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 3

Application Lower wisdoms Lower molars (Cowhorn) Lower molars (Cowhorn) Upper molars (Right) (Upper Cowhorns) Upper molars (Left) (Upper Cowhorns) Upper molars (Right) Upper molars (Left) Upper molars and roots Upper canines Upper roots (Martin) Childrens lower anteriors, premolars and roots Upper premolars and roots (Guys) Lower anteriors and roots (Guys) Childrens upper anteriors, premolars and roots Upper roots (Gibb) Childrens upper molars Childrens upper molars Childrens upper premolars Childrens lower molars (Hawks bill) Childrens lower molars (Hawks bill) Childrens lower anteriors and roots Childrens upper anteriors Rongeurs forceps


Forceps | Ash Forceps Upper Anteriors, Premolars and Roots

Forceps No.1 (for upper centrals, canines and roots)
Product Code 62201001 Forceps No.1

Forceps | Ash Forceps Upper Anteriors, Premolars and Roots

Forceps No.107 (for upper canines)
Product Code 62201107 Forceps No.107

Effective removal of broken down roots

Forceps No.2 (for upper laterals)

Product Code 62201002 Forceps No.2

Forceps No.113 (for upper roots)

Product Code 62201113 Forceps No.113

Forceps No.7 (for upper premolars and roots)

Product Code 62201007 Forceps No.7

Forceps No.136 (for upper premolars and roots)

Product Code 62201136 Forceps No.136

Forceps No.29 (for upper roots)

Product Code 62201029 Forceps No.29

Forceps No.147 (for upper roots)

Product Code 62201147 Forceps No.147

Forceps No.29S (for upper roots; small beak)

Product Code 62201929 Forceps No.29S

Forceps | Ash Forceps Upper Molars and Roots

Forceps No.17 (Right Side) Forceps No.18 (Left Side) (for upper molars)
Product Code 62201017 Forceps No. 17 62201018 Forceps No. 18

Forceps No.30 (for upper premolars and roots)

Product Code 62201030 Forceps No.30

Forceps No.17

Forceps No.18

Forceps No.19 (for upper wisdoms and roots)

Product Code 62201019 Forceps No.19

Forceps No. 44N (for upper roots; narrow beak)

Product Code 62201844 Forceps No.44N

Good removal of small roots from posterior region of upper jaw



Forceps | Ash Forceps Upper Molars and Roots

Forceps No.51 (for upper wisdoms; Bayonet)
Product Code 62201051 Forceps No.51

Forceps | Ash Forceps Upper Molars and Roots

Forceps No.94 (Right Side) Forceps No.95 (Left Side) (for upper molars)
Product Code 62201094 Forceps No.94 62201095 Forceps No.95

Forceps No.94

Forceps No.95

Forceps No.67 (for upper wisdoms; Bayonet)

Product Code 62201067 Forceps No.67

Forceps No.101 (for upper molars and roots)

Product Code 62201101 Forceps No.101

Especially good for awkwardly placed/partly erupted wisdoms

Forceps No.76 (for upper roots)

Product Code 62201076 Forceps No.76

Forceps | Ash Forceps Lower Anteriors, Premolar and Roots

Forceps No.13 (for lower premolars)
Product Code 62201013 Forceps No.13

Forceps No.76N (for small upper roots; narrow beak)

Product Code 62201876 Forceps No.76N

Forceps No.74 (for lower anteriors and roots)

Product Code 62201074 Forceps No.74

Forceps No.76S (for upper roots; small beak)

Product Code 62201976 Forceps No.76S

Forceps No.74N (for small lower anteriors and roots; narrow beak)
Product Code 62201874 Forceps No.74N

Effective on crowded incisors

Forceps No.89 (Right Side) Forceps No.90 (Left Side) (for upper molars; Upper Cowhorn)

Product Code 62201089 Forceps No.89 62201090 Forceps No.90

Forceps No.75 (for lower premolars)

Product Code 62201075 Forceps No.75

Forceps No. 90

Forceps No. 89

Forceps No.137 (for lower centrals and roots)

Product Code 62201137 Forceps No.137



Forceps | Ash Forceps Lower Molars

Forceps No.22 (for lower molars; Hawks bill)
Product Code 62201022 Forceps No.22

Forceps | Ash Forceps Childrens Pattern Upper Anteriors, Premolars and Roots
Forceps No.37 (Childrens upper incisors and canines)
Product Code 62201037 Forceps No.37

Forceps No.73 (for lower molars; Hawks bill)

Product Code 62201073 Forceps No.73

Forceps No.138 (Childrens upper anteriors, premolars and roots)

Product Code 62201138 Forceps No.138

Forceps No.73S (for lower molars; Hawks bill; Small beak)

Product Code 62201973 Forceps No.73S

Forceps No.163 (Childrens upper anteriors)

Product Code 62201163 Forceps No.163

Forceps No.79 (for lower wisdoms)

Product Code 62201079 Forceps No.79

Forceps | Ash Forceps Childrens Pattern Upper Molars

Forceps No. 39 (Childrens upper molars)
Product Code 62201039 Forceps No.39

Allows approach from the front of the patient

Forceps No.86 (for lower molars; Cowhorn)

Product Code 62201086 Forceps No.86

Forceps No.157 (Childrens upper molars)

Product Code 62201157 Forceps No.157

Forceps No.87 (for lower molars; Cowhorn)

Product Code 62201087 Forceps No.87

Forceps No.158 (Childrens upper molars)

Product Code 62201158 Forceps No.158



Forceps | Ash Forceps Childrens Pattern Upper Molars

Hand Instruments Forceps No.159 (Childrens upper premolars)
Product Code 62201159 Forceps No.159 1. WARNINGS:

Instruments are not sterile upon receipt and must be sterilised before use in accordance with the following instructions. Instruments can be damaged by alkaline and acidic detergents. Always use a pH neutral detergent or solution. Do not exceed 140C. Remove all packaging prior to cleaning and sterilisation. Contaminated instruments should be handled with gloves and eye protection should be used. Repeated processing has minimal effect on these instruments. End of life is normally determined by wear and damage due to use. See Inspection.

Visually inspect to ensure all contamination has been removed. Check for distortion, damage and wear. Cutting edges should be free of defects. Discard damaged, worn or corroded instruments.

Dry using paper towelling or dry heat not exceeding 140C.


Forceps | Ash Forceps Childrens Pattern Lower Anteriors, Premolars and Roots
Forceps No.123 (Childrens lower anteriors, premolars and roots)
Product Code 62201123 Forceps No.123


10. PACKAGING FOR STERILISATION: The UK Department of Health recommends that validated, pre-vacuum autoclaves are used for sterilising wrapped instruments. Autoclaves drawing only a post-sterilisation vacuum for drying purposes are not suitable for processing wrapped instruments. Instruments may be loaded into dedicated instrument trays or general- purpose sterilisation trays. Ensure that cutting edges are protected. 11. STERILISATION:

Remove all excess soil with a disposable cloth

paper wipe.
4. CONTAINMENT AND TRANSPORTATION: Protect delicate or fine instruments from damage. Instruments should be reprocessed as soon as is reasonably practical following use. Instruments left standing wet may stain or corrode. 5. PREPARATION FOR CLEANING:

Use only validated vacuum autoclaves (Refer to HTM2010: UK only). Do not exceed 140C.
Sterilisation Temperature Range (C) Min 134 Max 137 0.225 3 Nominal Pressure (MPa) Minimum Time at Temperature* (mins)

No specific requirements.

Disassembly not required.


Forceps No.162 (Childrens lower anteriors and roots)

Product Code 62201162 Forceps No.162

Use only validated washing machines (HTM 2030: UK only) and validated cleaning agents suitable for both instruments and washing machine. Follow instructions issued by both the equipment and cleaning agent manufacturers. When unloading, inspect for complete removal of visible soil. If necessary, repeat cycle, or use manual cleaning before repeating cycle.

* Minimum holding time when nominal operating temperature and pressure have been reached.


Avoid contamination.


7. MAINTENANCE: Apply a small quantity of surgical grade lubrication oil to forceps hinges prior to sterilisation.

When sterilising multiple instruments in one autoclave cycle, ensure that the manufacturers stated maximum load is not exceeded. Validated ultrasonic baths may be used with validated cleaning agents. Follow instructions for use issued by both the equipment and cleaning agent manufacturers.


Forceps | Ash Forceps Childrens Pattern Lower Molars

See brochure for telephone and address of local representative or telephone DENTSPLY Ash Instruments. Tel: +44 (0)1932 853422. These instructions have been validated by the manufacturer as being capable of preparing a device for re-use. It remains the responsibility of the reprocessor to ensure that reprocessing has actually achieved the desired result. This normally requires validation and routine monitoring of the process. Any deviation by the reprocessor from these instructions should be properly evaluated for effectiveness and potential adverse effects.

Forceps No.160 (Childrens lower molars; Hawks bill)

Product Code 62201160 Forceps No.160

Forceps No.161 (Childrens lower molars; Hawks bill)

Product Code 62201161 Forceps No.161

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