Save Paper Save Trees TAE
Save Paper Save Trees TAE
Save Paper Save Trees TAE
Comprehension Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions Vocabulary after, creation, done, find, new, old, terrific, work Phonics long //u_e CONTENT STANDARDS Social Studies Geography
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by Nancy Jolson
Focus Questions: Why is it important to save paper and trees? What can we do to save them? (SS.B. People, Places, and Environments Natural resources affect our daily lives.)
Look around your school. You will find lots of things made of paper.
Discuss: People use paper for all kinds of things every day. Cups, napkins, tissues, and coloring books are all made of paper. Look at the picture on this page. What things do you see that are made of paper? (signs, books, tracing paper, decorations)
Vocabulary Routine: We use many paper products every day. Use the routine to discuss the meaning of this word. Define: A product is something made in a natural way. Example: Paper is a product of trees. Ask: What paper products do you use at school? (school books, notebooks, worksheets)
Where does all that paper come from? Paper is made from trees. It takes many, many trees to make the paper people use.
Content Vocabulary: Trees are a natural resource. A natural resource is something in nature that people use. Air is a natural resource. Water is, too. Why do you think taking care of our natural resources, such as trees, air, and water, is important? (People use products from trees; people need clean air to breathe and water to drink.)
These logs will be sent to a paper mill and made into paper.
Content Vocabulary: To recycle is to make something new from something old. We can recycle paper, plastic, and metals. By recycling, we can make what we have last longer. How does recycling paper help trees, a natural resource? (If we recycle paper then we help save many trees from being cut down.)
How can people help to save trees? In some places, workers collect paper for recycling. Recycling is making new things from old things.
Old paper is recycled into new paper at a mill. Look and see how it is done.
The chopped paper is mixed with hot water. It becomes a mush called pulp.
Discuss: This is how paper is recycled. Sometimes chemicals have to be used to remove ink that may be on the paper. Sometimes a chemical called bleach is added to make the paper look whiter. What product do we get when this is done? (We get recycled paper that we can use again.)
The pulp is made into paper. The paper comes out in rolls.
You saw how recycling old paper into new paper helps to save trees. You can help to save trees if you use less paper. After you are done with a paper, use the other side.
Discuss: Why is it important to save trees, our natural resource, by using less paper? (If we use too many trees, we could run out; some animals live in trees and we shouldnt take away their homes.)
A paper towel is thrown out, but a cloth towel can be used again.
Save the paper on gifts you get. After, you can use the paper again.
You can make something new from something old. Here is a terrific creation made from an old box.
Discuss: How can you get other people to help save paper and trees? (I can tell them what I know about recycling; I can help them take their paper to a recycling center; I can show them how to use less paper.)
Think about ways you can work to save paper. You can collect paper for recycling. You can use less paper. You can make new things from old things. Save paper, save trees!
Comprehension Check
Use a Draw Conclusions Chart to draw a conclusion about what you read.
teracy Activities Li
A Letter to the Editor
Write a letter to a newspaper. Ask everyone to help save paper. Copy the frame below. Then write your letter.
Dear , In school I learned about saving paper. Everyone can help by .
A Recycling Center
Collect 2 boxes. Decorate one box with pictures of bottles and the other box with pictures of cans. Make a sign for each box. Choose a place at school to put your recycling center.
Social Studies
1.4 Week 2