Alsip January 9 2012 Board

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January 9, 2012

Mayor Kitching called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Clerk Venhuizen called the roll with the following in attendance: Trustees Shapiro, Daddona, Quinn and Dalzell, and Mayor Kitching. Also in attendance Village Attorney, Todd Hayden. Absent: Trustees McGreal and Ryan. PRESENTATION: Mayor Kitching introduced Dan Donahue, representing the Joint Action Water Agency (JAWA), and Project Manager, Postl-Yore Engineering. Mr. Donahue introduced Brett Postl, PE, President of Postl-Yore Engineering, Mayor Don Peloquin, City of Blue Island. Mr. Donahue reported the administrative structure of the proposed system is a local government cooperative allowed under Illinois State Statutes, known as Joint Action Water Agency (JAWAs) are recognized Illinois Municipal Corporations empowered to finance, build, operate and maintain water supply systems under the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. On June 30, 2011, the South Suburban Joint Action Water Agency (SSJAWA) was formed by Intergovernmental Agreement in accordance with state statutes and held its first meeting. Founding members of the agency were the City of Markham and the Village of Robbins. On September 1, 2011, the agency voted to accept the membership request from the City of Harvey and the City of Blue Island on January 5, 2012. It has since grown to represent the interest of ten municipalities with average daily water demands of seventeen million gallons. The executive summary submitted to the Board included a copy of the intergovernmental agreement with details and responsibilities of agency members, the agency administrative structure, the methods by which the agency costs are shared and water rates are determined. The executive summary also includes a description of the system infrastructure. On the Indiana side there is a new raw water intake into Lake Michigan and a facility to pump raw water across the state line into Illinois. On the Illinois side there is a new ultra filtration water plant and a new transmission main to members municipal water system. Construction of the system will be funded by water revenue bonds, backed by long term water purchase agreements between the agency and the member municipalities. The water rates charged by the agency to its members cover bond repayment obligation, and the operation, repair and maintenance of the water system. Financial infrastructure of the system costs are based on a projected start date in 2013 and a project completion date in 2016. Agency member wholesale water rates are dependent on several factors including the water demand of individual members and distance of the member municipalities from the treated water transmission main and the water treatment facility. Modeled with the current membership and an operational date set in the year 2016, the wholesale water rate of an Agency member would average $3 per thousand gallons. Agency members closer or farther from the treated water transmission main and water treatment plant should expect wholesale rate deviations plus or minus 15%. By comparison in 2016, the Chicago water rate will be between $3.82 and $4.11 per thousand gallons. Most suburban municipal wholesale consumers of Chicago water have no economic alternative and will be forced to pay the ever increasing water Charges. Unfortunately, these communities will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage attracting growth and economic development as industry and manufacturing build or relocate in communities with affordable water rates. The south suburban customers of Chicago water have a viable alternative, developed by Postl-Yore & Associates, Inc., and Public Funding Enterprises. Trustee Quinn questioned the estimated water rates per member municipality in 2016, and Mr. Donohue responded when this system is built the average rate will be $3.00 per 1,000 gallons, but could fluctuate 15% either side of the $3.00 depending on how close the municipality to the transmission main and water treatment plant. Trustee Quinn pointed out the Village of Alsip is the furthest western and northern municipality in the proposed district. Mr. Donahue responded potential rates range between $3.45-$3.60 per thousand gallons. Mayor Peloquin, reported the City of Blue Island had the same concerns because of their location, but decided to join in order to set the water rates which are estimated at $3.00-$3.15 per thousand gallons, as opposed to Chicago rates of $3.85-$3.90 per thousand gallons.
This text was added to this file download from the website of the Village of Alsip as a part of an indexing process being performed and published through My Pile of Strange and part of The 2013 Election Collection. Paper Print Warning! This content is on 8 1/2" by 14" paper with less than .5" margins. Content will be cut off if printer settings do not auto-reduce, especially when legal size paper is unavailable!


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Board of Trustees meeting January 9, 2012 Discussion followed on the water rates of northern municipalities that created a similar water supply system, and Trustee Quinn pointed out that final water rates were higher than proposed. Trustee Quinn also pointed out that the Village of Alsip supplies water to Crestwood and Palos Heights. Trustee Quinn questioned payment of water for communities in the JAWA that cannot pay; currently the City of Chicago is absorbing that cost. Discussion followed on the importance of staying connected to the City of Chicago, as an alternative source for water. Mr. Donahue asked the Board to review the Intergovernmental Agreement and if acceptable, pass an Ordinance to enact the Intergovernmental Agreement and send a representative to sit on the JAWA Board when initial decisions are decided. Until January 25, 2012, any municipality can join or withdraw unilaterally. If the agency board doesnt extend that date, a municipality can still become a member but if the Village of Alsip decided to leave, it would need approval of two-thirds of the sitting members and would have to pay pro rata any charges that were incurred while Alsip was a member. In response to a question from Trustee Quinn concerning the initial costs to the Village of Alsip, Mr. Donahue reported that would be a JAWA Board decision. Mayor Kitching reported discussion on member communities that do not pay for water the bills, and Mayor Peloquin responded that financial experts suggested individual homeowners and businesses pay their water bills directly to JAWA, and JAWA cashes the check, keeps what is owed to them, and sends the difference back to the town. The individual municipalities would be responsible for the money owed in their communities and turning the water off at the location of the unpaid water bill. Mayor Kitching reported the attorney will review the intergovernmental agreement and the ordinance for review at the next committee meeting. MAYORS REPORT: Mayor Kitching gave an update on the new law effective January 1, 2012, prohibiting the disposal of electronic equipment for pickup by Allied Waste. Acme Refining has agreed to place a dumpster at the old Public Works garage for drop off of these items by residents at no charge. Acme will pay the Village a small fee for scrap. b) The Irish Manor Restaurant at 115th & Pulaski has been purchased by Las Fuentes. CLERKS REPORT: Clerk Venhuizen presented: a) November, 2011 FOIA Report with 13 requests and December, 2011 FOIA Report with 6 requests. b) Report the revised meeting schedule for the month of January, 2012, presented by Trustee Daddona and approved by Board consensus at the December 27, 2011 Committee meeting is on the Consent Agenda for formal approval. Board meetings for January, 2012: January 3 - no meeting, January 9 - Board meeting, January 16 - Committee meeting, January 23Board meeting and January 30 - Committee meeting. ATTORNEY REPORT: No report. ENGINEER REPORT: Tom Lang, Village Engineer, presented: a) Request for approval of an IDOT Agreement with the Village of Alsip regarding the improvement of Illinois Route 50 and the Cal Sag bridge rehabilitation. b) Request for approval of an IDOT Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code regarding the street lighting on the Cal Sag Bridge, (Village owned lighting.) PUBLIC FORUM: Mayor Kitching asked for any input from the public; there was none. FINANCE REPORT: Trustee Quinn presented: a) Request for approval of a payroll list dated December 30, 2011. b) Request for approval of an accounts payable list dated January 9, 2012. c) Request for approval of a proposal from Kane McKenna and Associates, Inc. to assist the Village in the termination of the existing 123rd and Cicero TIF District, the designation of a new larger TIF District and the designation of a coterminous Business District. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: No report.
This text was added to this file download from the website of the Village of Alsip as a part of an indexing process being performed and published through My Pile of Strange and part of The 2013 Election Collection. Paper Print Warning! This content is on 8 1/2" by 14" paper with less than .5" margins. Content will be cut off if printer settings do not auto-reduce, especially when legal size paper is unavailable!


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Board of Trustees meeting January 9, 2012 POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Trustee Daddona presented: a) Request for approval of the Garcia timesheets. b) Presentation by Ms. Lorie Chesna, SWSRA rescheduled. c) Report that Officer Daniel Heimerdinger and Officer Brian McIntyre were sworn in at the December 27, 2011 Committee meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT: Motion by Trustee Quinn to table the request for approval to create a new administrative position in the Public Works Department until the next Committee meeting; seconded by Trustee Dalzell. Roll #1: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Daddona, Quinn and Dalzell. Motion carried. Trustee Quinn reported there is no need for an Executive Session scheduled for the purpose of discussing the administrative position and removed the Action Item following the Executive Session. Trustee Quinn requested scheduling an Executive Session following the January 16, 2012 Committee meeting to discuss creation of a new administrative position in the Public Works Department and contract negotiations. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: No report. HEALTH & POLLUTION: No report. SEWER & WATER: Trustee Dalzell presented: a) Water Department Report for December, 2011. LICENSE REPORT: Trustee Quinn presented: a) Request for approval of a list of licenses dated December 27, 2011. Trustee Quinn reported a short Building and License Committee meeting will take place immediately following this meeting. PLANNING & ZONING REPORT: Trustee Shapiro presented: a) Request for approval to refer to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing and review the Planning & Zoning application requesting a Zoning Map Amendment (Farming to I-2 Industrial) and a Subdivision request for the property located at 13101 S. Pulaski Avenue (northeast corner of 131st & Crawford). REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES VILLAGE PROPERTIES: No report. INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Trustee Quinn reported the Insurance Committee meeting scheduled did not take place and will be rescheduled. ORDINANCE & LEGISLATION: Trustee Dalzell tabled the request for approval of an Ordinance Authorizing a Local Vendor Purchasing Policy until the January 16, 2012 Committee meeting, and removed Item F from the Consent Agenda. IT: No report. BOAT LAUNCH: No report. PRESENTATIONS, PETITIONS, COMMUNICATIONS: None. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Kitching asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda, in addition to Item F; there were none. Motion by Trustee Daddona to Establish the Consent Agenda as modified; seconded by Trustee Shapiro. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of December 19, 2011 Board meeting. B. Approval of minutes of December 27, 2011 Committee meeting. C. Approval of a list payroll dated December 30, 2011, totaling $345,296.62. D. Approval of a list of Accounts Payable dated January 9, 2012, totaling $391,929.52. E. Approval of a list of licenses dated December 27, 2011.
This text was added to this file download from the website of the Village of Alsip as a part of an indexing process being performed and published through My Pile of Strange and part of The 2013 Election Collection. Paper Print Warning! This content is on 8 1/2" by 14" paper with less than .5" margins. Content will be cut off if printer settings do not auto-reduce, especially when legal size paper is unavailable!


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Board of Trustees meeting January 9, 2012 F. G. H. Approval of an ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LOCAL VENDOR PURCHASING POLICY. (tabled to January 16, 2012) Approval of an IDOT RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE. Resolution No. 2012-1-R-1. Approval to accept the revised meeting schedule for the month of January, 2012, canceling the meeting on January 3, 2012, and rescheduling the Board meetings to January 9th and January 23rd, and the Committee meetings to January 16th and January 30th.

Approval of an IDOT Agreement with the Village of Alsip regarding the improvement of Illinois
Route 50 and the Cal Sag bridge rehabilitation.

Approval of a proposal from Kane McKenna and Associates, Inc. to assist the Village in the

rd termination of the existing 123 & Cicero TIF District, the designation of a new larger TIF

District and the designation of a coterminous Business District.

Approval of the Garcia timesheets.

Approval to refer to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing and review, the

Planning & Zoning application requesting a Zoning Map Amendment (Farming to I-2 Industrial)
and a Subdivision request for the property located at 13101 S. Pulaski Avenue (northeast corner
of 131st & Crawford).

Acceptance of committee reports as presented.

I. J.

K. L.


Roll #2: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Daddona, Quinn and Dalzell. Motion carried

Motion by Trustee Quinn to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; seconded by Trustee Daddona.
Roll #3: Voting aye: Trustees Shapiro, Daddona, Quinn and Dalzell. Motion carried.
Item F was removed for further discussion at the next committee meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Shapiro to adjourn; seconded by Trustee Daddona. All in favor;
none opposed. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Venhuizen

Village Clerk, Alsip, Illinois

This text was added to this file download from the website of the Village of Alsip as a part of an indexing process being performed and published through My Pile of Strange and part of The 2013 Election Collection. Paper Print Warning! This content is on 8 1/2" by 14" paper with less than .5" margins. Content will be cut off if printer settings do not auto-reduce, especially when legal size paper is unavailable!


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