Bus Com Course Outline - Spring 1213

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences



Course No. : ENG 2103 Nature : Core (3 credit) Academic Term : Spring 2012-13 Course teachers : Mr. Faheem Hasan Shahed, Ph.D. ; Ms. Silverine de Silva, Ph.D. ; Mr. Azad Ruhul Amin ; Ms. Sadia Jabeen Rahman ; Mr. Mohammad Khan Firoz ; Ms. Sabrina Rahman ; Ms. Fahrima Rinku ; Ms. Sayeeda Rahman ; Mr. Mehedi Kaiser Pabitra ; Ms. Farhana Afroz. Course Description:


The course deals with a wide range of verbal and written communications skills that are concerned with multi-faced business/technical/organizational purposeslike, business correspondence, report writing, oral and multimedia presentation skills, resume writing and job interview skills etc. VI Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

Face challenging verbal and written situations confidentlyas well as enhance his/her personal and organizational functions effectively. They would also be able to utilize their knowledge in inter-personal and cross-cultural settings.

VII Topics to be covered TOPICS

Pre Mid Term
(a) Introduction to

Specific Objective(s)

Time Frame

Suggested Activities

Teaching Strategy(s)

communication; process of communication.

(b) Basic ideas about the 6 Levels of Communication (Interpersonal, Extrapersonal, Intrapersonal, Organizational, Mass Communication, Crosscultural);

1 week 1. week

Different barriers to communication; Media of communication, Non-verbal & Silent communication.

(c) Organizational communication.

The specific objective of the topics is to prepare the students face challenging verbal and written situations confidently, as well as enhance their personal & organizational functions effectively. They would also be able to utilize their knowledge in inter-

1 week

White board, OHP and Interactive lectures, multimedia case dealings and devices will be group work. used inside the class. Internet will be used for latest online knowledge sharing.

0.5 week

1 week 1.5

Downward, upward and lateral. Formal & Informal communication (Grapevine). (d)Business English techniques
(e) Rsum writing (including cover letters) (f) Types and styles of effective business correspondence; Order placement and Complain & Adjustment letters

personal and cross- weeks cultural settings. 1 week

3 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week


(a) Report writing: A - Z. Assigning Report Writing in groups. (b) Job interview techniques)

(c) Memorandums and notice-agenda-minutes. (d)Bad news message techniques

(e) Report submission and 3


VIII - Course Requirements

Students would be required to submit term papers and case study analyses on a regular basis. At the end of the course, they would have to submit Reports based on qualitative/quantitative research.

X Evaluation
Pre- midterm Attendance 10 Class perfor 15 Quizzes 20 Assignments 15 Exam 40 __________________________ 100

Post- midterm Attendance 10 Quizzes 20 Report 20 Presentation 10 Exam 40 __________________________ 100 Final grade = 40% Midterm + 60% Final

IX Textbook/ Reference Materials (1) (2)

Business Communication
Dr. Abdul Awal Khan & Dr. M A Taher
Technical Communication - Principles & Practice Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma


Model Business Letters Shirley Taylor


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