Looping Case Study
Looping Case Study
Looping Case Study
Stata has commands that allow looping ove r sequences of numbers and various types of lists, including lists of variables. Some jobs must be solved by repeating some step over and over: When replacing a flat tire with a spare, you must ``place a lug nut at the e nd of each bolt, and as long as the nut is loose, rotate it clockwise over and o ver until it is finally secure against the wheel.'' When searching for your favorite show on the television, you must, ``while y ou haven't yet found your show, press the channel button repeatedly.'' Both of these ``algorithms'' rely on repetition to achieve their goals.
Theif/elsestatement selects different code fragments depending on values calcula ted at run time by the program. In this chapter we will study control statements cal led loops, which are used to execute code segments repeatedly. Repetition significantly ext ends the kinds of programs we can write. We will also study several classes that exte nd the domain of problems we can solve by writing programs. To extend the range of problems and programs, we will use some basic design guidelines that help in writing code, functions, and programs. As programs get l arger and more complicated, these design guidelines will help in managing the complexi ty that comes with harder and larger problems. In the first part of the chapter we ll introduce a basic loop statement. We ll use l oops to study applications in different areas of computer science. We ll end the chapte r with a study of two classes used in this book that extend the kind of programs you ca n write. Using loops and these classes will make it possible to write programs to print c alendars for any year, to simulate gambling games, and to solve complex mathematical equa tions.
The while Loop In the last chapter Program 4.10, numtoeng.cpp, printed English text for integer s in the range of 1 99. Converting this program to handle all C++ integer values would be difficult without using loops. Loops are used to execute a group of statements r epeatedly. Repeated execution is often called iteration. The most basic statement inC++for looping is the while statement. It is similar syntactically to the if statement, but ver y different semantically. Both statements have tests whose truth determines whether a block
of statements is executed. When the test of an if statement is true, the block of s tatements that the test controls is executed once. In contrast, the block of statements co ntrolled by the test of a while loop is executed repeatedly, as long as the test is true. The control flow for if statements and while statements is shown in Fig. 5.1. In a while loop, after execution of the last statement in the loop body (the blo ck of statements guarded by the test), the test expression is evaluated again. If it i s true, the statements in the loop body are executed again, and the process is repeated unti l the test becomes false. The test of a loop must be false whenwhile loop is the group of s tatements in the curly braces guarded by the parenthesized test. The test is evaluated once before all the statements in the loop body are executed, not once after each statement. If the test is true, all the statements in the body are executed. After the last statement in the body is executed, the test is evaluated again. If the test evaluates to true, the statements in th e loop body are executed again, and this process of test/execute repeats until the test is f alse. (We will learn methods for breaking out of loops later that invalidate this rule, but it is a good rule to keep in mind when designing loops.) When writing loops, remember that the loop test is not reevaluated after each st atement in the loop body, only after the last statement. To ensure that loops do not exe cute forever, it s important that at least one statement in the loop changes the values that are part of the test expression. As a simple example, Program 5.1 prints a string ba ckwards.... #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int k; string s; cout << "enter string: "; cin >> s; cout << s << " reversed is "; k = s.length() - 1; // index of last character in s while (k >= 0) { cout << s.substr(k,1); k -= 1; } return 0; }
In Program 5.1 the value of the indexing variable k changes each time the loop executes. Since k is used in the loop guard, and k decreases each time the loop executes, you can reason informally that the loop will terminate: the loop executes exactl y as many times as there are characters in the string s. Developing loop tests/guards can be difficult, and we ll study techniques that will help you develop loops that exe cute correctly. In general there are three conceptual parts in developing a loop test . 1. The initialization of variables/expressions that are part of the loop, in par ticular of the loop guard. In revstring.cpp the initialization is the following statemen t. k = s.length() - 1; // index of last character in s 2. The loop guard or test which is a boolean expression whose truth determines i f the loop body executes. This isk >= 0in revstring.cpp. 3. The update of variables/expressions. The update must have the potential to ma ke the loop test false. Usually this means changing the value of a variable used in the test. In revstring.cpp the following statement is the update. k -= 1; For the string "flow", the initial value of k is 3. The loop body executes for k having the values 3, 2, 1, and 0. When k is zero, the letter f is printed, and k i s decremented to have the value -1
While Loops We can write while-loops in Java; the format is while ( TEST ) { BODY } where TEST is a boolean-typed expression and BODY is a sequence of (zero or more ) statements. With Java's while-loop, we can rewrite the method that prints the reciprocals f rom 1/2 to 1/20. The algorithm goes like this: Set variable denominator = 2. The variable remembers which reciprocal to pri nt next. Do this: while ( denominator <= 20 ) { print 1.0/denominator and add one to denominator. } Step 1 initializes the variable that acts as the loop's counter; Step 2 prints t he reciprocals, one by one, as the loop's counter increases by ones. Here is how the algorithm is written in Java: public static void main(String[] args)
{ int denominator = 2; while ( denominator <= 20 ) { System.out.println("1/" + denominator + " = " + (1.0 / denominator)); denominator = denominator + 1; } } The while-loop prints the fractional representations of 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/20 and stops. Here is a more precise explanation of how the while-loop, while ( TEST ) { BODY }, executes: The TEST expression is computed. If TEST computes to true, then the BODY executes and the process repeats, re starting at Step 1. If TEST computes to false, then the BODY is ignored, and the loop terminates . Repetition by means of a while-loop is called iteration, and one repetition of t he loop's body is called an iteration; when the loop repeats its body over and o ver, we say that it iterates.
Definite Iteration A loop performs definite iteration when the number of the loop's iterations is k nown the moment the loop is started. 7.5 Indefinite Iteration: Input Processing Many programs are designed to interact with a user indefinitely; for example, t he bank-account manager application in Chapter 6 processed as many account trans actions as its user chose to enter. The appplication did this by sending a messa ge to restart itself after processing each input request, but we see in this Sec tion that a while-loop is a simpler technique for repetitive input processing. We can build on the exam-average method in Figure 1 to illustrate the technique. Say that we modify the method so that it does not know how many exam scores it must read. Instead, the user enters exam scores, one by one, into input dialogs until the user terminates the process by pressing the Cancel button. The method handles this behavior with a loop that terminates when Cancel is pressed. A first attempt at the revised method's algorithm might go, while ( the user has not yet pressed Cancel ), do the following: Generate a dialog to read the next exam score; If the user pressed Cancel, then note this and do no further computation within the loop; else the user entered an exam score, so add it to the total and add one to the count of exams read. Compute the average of the exams.
Indefinite Iteration: Searching In the real world, searching for a missing object is an indefinite activity, bec ause we do not know when we will find the object. Programs can also go ``searchi ng''---for example, a program might search a computerized telephone directory fo r a person's telephone number. A small but good example of computerized searchin g is finding a specific character in a string. Searches use an important pattern of loop, so we develop the character-search example in detail. Recall these two useful operations on strings from Table 5, Chapter 3: The length operation returns the length of a string; for example, String s = "abcde"; int i = s.length(); assigns 5 to i. The length of an empty string, "", is 0. We use the charAt operation to extract a character from a string: String s = "abcde"; char c = s.charAt(3); assigns 'd' to c. (Recall that a string's characters are indexed by 0, 1, 2, and so on.)
For-Statements Definite-iteration loops pervade computer programming. When we use this pattern of definite iteration, { int i = INITIAL VALUE; while ( TEST ON i ) { EXECUTE LOOP BODY; INCREMENT i; } } there is a special loop statement in Java, called a for-statement, that we can u se to tersely code the above pattern; it looks like this: for ( int i = INITIAL VALUE; TEST ON i; INCREMENT i; ) { EXECUTE LOOP BODY; } The semantics of the for-statement is exactly the semantics of the definite iter ation pattern, but there is a small technical point: The scope of the declaratio n of i extends only as far as the for-statement's body---the statements followin g the for-statement cannot examine i's value. If it is important that i's value be available after the loop terminates, then an extra declaration must be prefix ed to the loop: int i; for ( i = INITIAL VALUE; TEST ON i; INCREMENT i; ) { EXECUTE LOOP BODY; } // because i is declared before the loop starts, i's value can be read here Here is the for-loop that corresponds to the while-loop we saw at the beginning of this Chapter, which prints the decimal values of the reciprocals, 1/2 to 1/20 :
for ( int denominator = 2; denominator <= 20; denominator = denominator+1 ) // invariant: 1/2, ...up to..., 1/(denominator-1) printed so far { System.out.println("1/" + denominator + " = " + (1.0 / denominator)); } Compare this to the original while-loop: int denominator = 2; while ( denominator <= 20 ) { System.out.println("1/" + denominator + " = " + (1.0 / denominator)); denominator = denominator + 1; } There are two advantages in using the for-statement for definite iteration: The for-statement is more concise than the while-statement, because it displ ays the initialization, test, and increment of the loop counter all on one line. The for-statement suggests to the reader that the loop is a definite iterati on. Begin Footnote: Java's for-statement can be used to compute an indefinite iterat ion (by omitting the INCREMENT i part), but we do not do this in this text. End Footnote The for-statement is particularly useful for systematically computing upon all t he items in a set; here is a loop that easily prints all the characters in a str ing s, one per line, in reverse order: for ( int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1 ) // invariant: printed characters at s.length()-1 ...downto... (i+1) { System.out.println(s.charAt(i)); }
Nested Loops A loop may be placed within the body of another loop; a nested loop is the resul t. Nested loops are the natural solution to problems that require a ``table'' of answers, so we begin with two examples that build tables. Computing a Multiplication Table We might wish to generate a 4-by-5 table of all the mutiplications of 0..3 by 0. .4. The output might appear like this: To do this, we must generate all possible combinations of i * j, when i varies i n the range 0..3 and i varies in the range 0..4. The algorithm for printing the multiplications might go: for i varying from 0 to 3, do the following: print i * 0, i * 1, ..., i * 4. The ``for'' keyword in the algorithm suggests that a for-statement is the best w ay to write the required loop. Similarly, printing the multiplications, i * 0, i * 1, ... i * 4, can be done by varying the second operand over the range, 0..4: for i varying from 0 to 3, do the following: for j varying from 0 to 4, do the following: print i * j The completed algorithm uses its outer loop to count and print the rows of multi plications and uses its inner loop to print the individual multiplications on ea
ch row: for ( int i = 0; i <= 3; i = i + { // invariant: printed 0*x for ( int j = 0; j <= 4; j // invariant: printed { System.out.print(i + System.out.println(); } 1 ) up = j i*0 "*" to + 1 up + j (i-1)*x, for all values x in 0..4 ) to i*(j-1) + "=" + (i * j) + " "); }