SMS Gateway Interface

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The document discusses how an SMS gateway is used to send targeted messages to subscribers within certain constraints, and how subscribers can opt out of receiving messages.

The system uses an HTTP GET request to the SMS gateway interface, specifying parameters like the subscriber number, message, and credentials. It then checks the return code to determine if the message was sent successfully.

There are three blacklist types - manual, system-generated after a subscriber receives a certain number of messages in a day, and subscriber-requested via an opt-out SMS.

1 SMS Gateway

For sending advertisement messages to the targeted subscribers, the Telco Provider SMS gateway is used. System has some constraint before sending SMS to subscriber. Some constraints are: Subscriber can only receive 3 SMS/ day at max. Subscriber will not get same content in the same day. Subscriber will not receive SMS if their number is blacklisted. SMS will be sent in certain periods only (8 AM to 10 PM)

1.1 SMS Gateway Interface

The SMS Gateway interface is an HTTP interface. The request is initiated by an HTTP GET request and the SMS Gateway Interface is answering by sending an HTML document which is containing the return code. The current maximum throughput for this interface is 100 transactions per second. The system has a configuration item, to limit the maximum number of transactions for this interface

1.1.1 HTTP Get Request SMS Gateway Interface

The following is the HTTP GET request for sending a message to a subscriber: http://<domain.suffix>:<port>/cp/smsbulk/submit.jsp? msisdn=<msisdn>&sms=<message>&sid=<sid>&pwd=<passwd>&cp_name=<cp_na me> For a description of the parameters please see Table 1: HTTP Get Request SMS Gateway Interface. Parameter Sample Description This is the intranet address for accessing the SMS Gateway interface. This parameter will be kept in a configuration file. Telco Provider will provide a user for accessing the SMS Gateway Interface. This parameter will be kept in a configuration file. Telco Provider will provide a password for accessing the SMS Gateway Interface. This






parameter will be kept in a configuration file. <cp_name> Tridas Telco Provider will provide a contact person for accessing the SMS Gateway Interface. This parameter will kept in configuration file. This is the subscriber number to which the message will be sent. The msisdn is including the national code and as well as the operator code. This is the message which will be send. The message has a maximum length of 160 characters and has to be URL encoded.





Table 1: HTTP Get Request SMS Gateway Interface

1.1.2 SMS Gateway Return Codes

The SMS Gateway Interface is returning an HTML side, which is containing the return code. The following table shows the return codes, their meaning and the action which will be taken by the LBA application (see Table 2: SMS Gateway Return Codes). Code 0 Description Failed when submitting Msg to SMSC, lost connection to SMSC. Success submitting Msg to SMSC. Unregistered Action The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted. The message will be counted for the campaign management as well as for the credit management. The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted. The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted. The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted. The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted. The condition will be logged into the



Incorrect Username/Password Unauthorized IP Address



Internal Server Error


Incomplete parameters.

log file. The message will not be counted. HTTP Errors HTTP 500, HTTP 40, The condition will be logged into the log file. The message will not be counted.

Table 2: SMS Gateway Return Codes

1.2 SMS Pull Request

In case some subscribers dont want to receive push notification for LBA advertisement, we will implement SMS Pull Request. With this pull request, we can remove user from the targeted list (Blacklist). Every subscriber can send a SMS to a well defined ADN (Short Number SMS). This ADN is maintained by Telco Provider, so it also can be a short number which is not charged (Depended on the configuration settings done by Telco Provider.). By sending UNREG to this ADN, the system will put subscriber number in blacklist table and the subscriber will not receive further advertisement.

1.2.1 HTTP Get SMS Proxy

This is the implementation of point 1.2 above. The system will require the parameter given by Telco Provider.

1.2.2 SMS Get Proxy Interface

The SMS Get Proxy Interface is an HTTP interface. The request is initiated by an HTTP GET request and the SMS Get Proxy Interface is answering only with the HTTP status code. The current maximum throughput for this interface is 100 transactions per second. The system has a configuration item, to limit the maximum number of transactions for this interface. The following is the HTTP GET request for accepting a Get request is outlined: http://<domain.suffix>:<port>/<internally path>? msisdn=<subscriber>&trx_id=<trx_id>&sms=<message> For a description of the parameters please see Table 3: HTTP Get Request SMS Proxy Interface. Parameter Sample Description This is the intranet address for accessing the SMS Gateway interface. Request to this interface will only be accepted for a preconfigured IP address, to prevent other systems to use the interface. <domain.suffix>



This is the subscriber number from which the message was send. The MSISDN includes the international dialing code, as well as the operator code and the subscriber number. Leading zeros or a plus sign are not permitted. This is the transaction id generated by the SMS Pull request service. This is the message send by the user who wants to get onto the blacklist. The message is not parsed by the system.

<trx_id> <message>


Table 3: HTTP Get Request SMS Proxy

2 Blacklist
The Account Management Tool, provides a user interface for defining blacklisted subscriber numbers. Additional to the manual update of the blacklist, there is an interface to the LBA API. Subscribers can send a notification SMS to a special ADN, this notification SMS will be processed by the LBA API, and the send subscriber number will be forwarded to the Account Management tool and added as a blacklisted subscriber in an automatic way.

2.1 Blacklist Type

There are three blacklist types that described below:

2.1.1 Manual Blacklist

From LBA Account Management Tool GUI, system administrator can manually add blacklist number to the system. This number will be permanently blacklisted.

2.1.2 System Blacklist

The subscriber that was receiving 3 SMS on someday will automatically blacklist for current day. This subscriber can receive SMS again for the next day.

2.1.3 Requested Blacklist

Subscriber can send notification SMS (UNREG) to a special ADN if dont want to receive SMS. This notification SMS will be processed by the LBA API and updated the blacklist. This blacklist is valid up to 60 days.

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