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Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Emerald Article: E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai, Che-Hao Hsu

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To cite this document: Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai, Che-Hao Hsu, (2013),"E-procurement and supply chain performance", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 18 Iss: 1 pp. 34 - 51 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13598541311293168 Downloaded on: 22-01-2013 References: This document contains references to 73 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com

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E-procurement and supply chain performance

Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu
Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Abstract Purpose The aim of this study is to discuss the relationship between e-procurement and supply chain performance. Design/methodology/approach Both interviews with practicing managers and an empirical study were conducted in the current study. Interviews with four practicing managers were conducted to gather the practical insights of the theoretical framework. Empirical data were collected from 108 Taiwanese enterprises. Findings The paper found that partner relationships, information sharing, and supply chain integration can represent the processes through which eprocurement contributes to supply chain performance. Supply chain integration has the highest standardized total effect on supply chain performance. Research limitations/implications Future studies could more systematically analyze the relationships among e-procurement, supply chain integration and supply chain performance. Cross-level analysis is also worthy of investigation when considering the inuence of technology-usage characteristics. Practical implications Compared to partner relationships and information sharing, supply chain integration has more inuences on supply chain performance. Therefore, this study suggests that a joint-learning practice can be implemented for properly managing supply chains (e.g. know-how collaboration, mutual competency creation). Originality/value This paper contributes to the literature by proposing and testing the inuences of partner relationships, information sharing, and supply chain integration. This allows a strategic viewpoint when implementing e-procurement systems intended to improve supply chain performance. Keywords E-procurement, Supply chain performance, Partner relationships, Information sharing, Supply chain integration, Interviews, Survey, Supply chain management, Taiwan Paper type Research paper

An e-procurement system is an information technology-based purchase system which is at the input end of the supply chain (Presutti, 2003). It has been commonly accepted that information infrastructures such as e-procurement systems become increasingly connected and embedded with other infrastructures to initiate the growth of enterprises (Vaast and Walsham, 2009). In line with this notion, the usage of information technology in e-procurement systems is considered to be an innovation strategy action (Mishra and Agarwal, 2010). In recent years, e-procurement has been advocated as a new strategic view of supply chain management (Nelson et al., 2002). The innovation of implementing e-procurement systems can create value for enterprises through utilizing ITenabled resources on supply chain management (Dong et al., 2009). Previous studies have focused on the benets of eprocurement on supply chain performance (e.g. Dell, 1999; Presutti, 2003; Timme and Timme, 2001, Turban et al., 2000). However, the process through which e-procurement
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1359-8546.htm

contributes to supply chain performance is still an unknown issue. For academics, e-procurement is an emerging phenomenon in the business world, and it needs to be systematically analyzed. For supply chain managers, eprocurement creates a need to understand the impact of information technology on the achievement of competency on a practical level (Dong et al., 2009; Jonsson and Gunnarsson, 2005; Presutti, 2003). In the current study, we consider partner relationships, information sharing, and supply chain integration as the processes through which e-procurement contributes to supply chain performance. This argument is based on previous studies that have indicated that relational exchange, information rich and joint-learning are basic strategies applied through technological functions in organizations (Walters, 2008). In line with this notion, we suggest that partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration represent the reasons for the relationship between e-procurement and supply chain performance. The rationale underlying this agreement is consistent with practical implementations. For instance, Wal-Marts inventory and supply chain management system benets not only itself but also its partners. Mattels inventory system improves its relationship with channel members and enhances
Received 8 November 2011 Revised 28 January 2012 20 April 2012 Accepted 24 April 2012

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 18/1 (2013) 34 51 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1359-8546] [DOI 10.1108/13598541311293168]


E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

manufacturing efciency as well (Johnson, 2002). Thus, the current study contributes to literature by proposing and empirically testing a theoretical model that can both reect the technological nature of e-procurement and also can capture basic strategies applied through technological functions. The remainder of this study is structured as follows: In the next section, we present a literature review and the theoretical framework of e-procurement and supply chain performance. Following our literature review, we conducted interviews with practitioners to gather practical insights and to initially understand the appropriateness of our research framework. After the interviews, an empirical study was conducted to statistically test the theoretical framework. Finally, after demonstrating the results, we present the conclusions and implications in the last section of this article.

Research framework and hypothesis development

Supply chain performance, E-procurement and research framework Supply chain performance refers to the evaluation of supply chain management, and includes both tangible (e.g. cost) and intangible (e.g. capacity utilization) factors (Croom and Johnson, 2003; Eng, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Tan et al., 2002). E-procurement is an electronic procurement system. The wider application context of e-procurement system is ebusiness. E-business refers to the implementation of business activities business activities through digital technologies over the internet (or extranet) (Amit and Zott, 2001). Among the several applications of e-business, e-procurement is considered as our research focus for two reasons: 1 E-procurement system can improve the effectiveness of operation processes and the transparency of the supply chain (Puschmann and Alt, 2005). Therefore, it could be implied that an e-procurement system is more pivotal than other e-business applications when studying supply chain performance. 2 In the current economic environment, a value creation perspective is important for improving supply chain performance (Wiengarten et al., 2010). It can be expected that the functional characteristics of e-procurement systems can enable companies to improve the efciency of value creation processes in the supply chain. In the current study, we view e-procurement as an electronic procurement system that has four functions: e-design, esourcing, e-negotiation, and e-evaluation (Croom, 2000; Kim and Shunk, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Sain et al., 2004; Tatsis et al., 2006). E-design refers to the setting of purchasing requirements on an electronic procurement system; esourcing refers to the process wherein an enterprise selects its suppliers through an electronic procurement system; enegotiation refers to the contract agreement conducted through technology; e-evaluation refers to the stage where extensive information about suppliers is collected for further evaluations and transactions. From this point of view, eprocurement can provide a strategic function for supply chain management and can contribute to supply chain performance (Dell, 1999; Nelson et al., 2002; Presutti, 2003; Timme and Timme, 2001; Turban et al., 2000). 35

However, the process through which e-procurement contributes to supply chain performance is still an unknown issue. Figure 1 presents our theoretical framework, which can explain the relationships among such processes. Partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are proposed as the processes that connect eprocurement systems with supply chain performance. The rationales are explained as follows: Since e-procurement is an electronic (technology-based) system (Presutti, 2003), the consequences of e-procurement can be inferred from the technological applications associated with supply chain management. Previous studies have indicated that relational exchange strategy, information rich strategy and joint-learning strategy can be the basic strategies applied through technological functions in supply chains (Walters, 2008). As a result, it is reasonable to expect that relational exchange, information enrichment and joint-learning are three basic strategies when enterprises can implement in e-procurement systems with an expectation of their having an impact on supply chain performance. In line with this notion, we suggest that the characteristics of relational exchange, information enrichment and jointlearning strategies can be reected in the domains of partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration, respectively. In particular, relational exchange strategy stresses the focus of committed ongoing relationship between enterprises (Walters, 2008). The focus of information enrichment strategy is on information ows, such as acquisition, distribution, and exploitation (Walters, 2008). Joint-learning strategy focuses on know-how collaboration and mutual competency creation (Walters, 2008). The term partner relationships refers to mutually committed relationships between enterprises and their partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain (Ellram and Krause, 1994; Li et al., 2005; Liker and Choi, 2004; Panayides and So, 2005; Skjtt-Larsen et al., 2003). Information sharing refers to good-quality information ow between an enterprise and its partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain (Lee et al., 1997; Monczka et al., 1998; Tan et al., 2002). Supply chain integration is dened as the coordination and activity integration of supply chain processes between an enterprise and its partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain (Lee and Whang, 2001; Morash and Clinton, 1997; Tan, 2001, Tan et al., 2002; Virolainen, 1998; Zhang et al., 2006) It is necessary to note that the domain of the supply chain integration in this study focuses on the functional aspect, which is the integration of functional activities in the supply chain (Dornier et al., 1998). As a result, partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are incorporated into the theoretical framework since they reect the potential applications of eprocurement. The specic rationales of the research hypotheses are presented as follows: Hypothesis development E-procurement and partner relationships. The relationship between e-procurement and partner relationships is expected to be positively related. E-procurement could serve as a platform to facilitate the problem solving process between an enterprise and its partners (i.e. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Figure 1 Research framework

(Cagliano et al., 2003). Through this facilitation, the relationship (e.g. mutual trust) between an enterprise and it partners could further be enhanced (Johnson and Klassen, 2005). This would be expected to improve such partner relationships. Thus, H1 is proposed: H1. E-procurement is positively related to the partner relationships between an enterprise and its partners.

E-procurement and information sharing. E-procurement is expected to be positively related to information sharing that occurs between an enterprise and its partners (i.e. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members). First, an e-procurement system provides an internet-based infrastructure that enables an enterprise to communicate with its suppliers more effortlessly (Eng, 2004). Second, through the use of internet-based technology, information ows among organizations can be facilitated and hence the quality can further be maintained (Cagliano et al., 2003; Johnson and Klassen, 2005). Thus, information sharing can be treated as a consequent element led by an e-procurement system. As a result, H2 is presented: H2. E-procurement is positively related to information sharing between an enterprise and its partners.

expect that supply chain integration is also inuenced by partner relationships. Information sharing and partner relationships. Information sharing refers to good-quality information ows between an enterprise and its partners (Li et al., 2005; Tan et al., 2002). Through good-quality information ow, mutual trust between enterprises can be established. In addition, information sharing activities have been found to be facilitators leading to improvement in relationships among enterprises (Bakos, 1991; Ellram, 1995; Liker and Choi, 2004). As a result, H4 is presented: H4. Information sharing is positively related to the partner relationships between an enterprise and its partners.

E-procurement and supply chain integration. We propose that eprocurement is positively related to supply chain integration based on the following reasons: E-procurement systems can provide opportunities for an enterprise to be coordinated with its partners (Sain et al., 2004). For example, previous studies have found that collaborative planning can be enhanced by information technology (Cagliano et al., 2003; Croom and Johnson, 2003; Skjtt-Larsen et al., 2003). Hence, this implies the extent to which the cooperation between an enterprise and its partners can potentially be enhanced through e-procurement. As a result, it could be expected that supply chain integration might be advanced by an eprocurement system, and, consequently, H3 is proposed: H3. E-procurement is positively related to the supply chain integration between an enterprise and its partners.

Information sharing and supply chain integration. A positive relationship is expected between information sharing and supply chain integration: Supply chain integration refers to the integration of supply chain processes (Lee and Whang, 2001; Tan, 2001, Zhang et al., 2006); and one of the basic criteria for it is the information availability among the parties under consideration (Morash and Clinton, 1997). Thus, it can be further expected that the processes of information sharing could advance supply chain integration (Cagliano et al., 2003; Morash and Clinton, 1997); therefore we expect that: H5. Information sharing is positively related to supply chain integration between an enterprise and its partners.

Partner relationships and supply chain integration. In the theoretical framework, partner relationships are also expected to be positively related to supply chain integration. Our rationales are as follows. First, tightly linked relationships among enterprises are a necessary criterion of business activity integration (Lee and Whang, 2001). Further, past literature has indicated that the higher the level of relationships among enterprises, the greater is the extent of business cooperation (Patterson et al., 2003; Skjtt-Larsen et al., 2003). Thus, the sixth hypothesis is proposed: H6. Partner relationships are positively related to supply chain integration between an enterprise and its partners.

Apart from the inuence of e-procurement, potential relationships among partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration might also exist. First, we propose that partner relationships will be inuenced by information sharing. Second, supply chain integration is expected to be inuenced by information sharing. Third, we 36

Information sharing and supply chain performance. Information sharing between an enterprise and its partners is expected to positively inuence supply chain performance. In particular,

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

information sharing among enterprises could not only advance the control ability of supply chain management, but also could reduce transaction costs between enterprises and their partners (Eng, 2004). Furthermore, the exibility of product specications could be enhanced by a technologybased information sharing platform (Evans and Wruster, 2001). This implies that information sharing could provide an opportunity for enterprises to manage their supply chains more effectively (Barratt and Rosdahl, 2002; Tan et al., 2002). Therefore, H7 is presented: H7. Information sharing between an enterprise and its partners is positively related to supply chain performance.

Partner relationships and supply chain performance. The inuence of partner relationships on supply chain performance is expected to be positive. Relying on ongoing and mutually benecial partner relationships, an enterprise can launch a successful product/service faster than its competitors (Liker and Choi, 2004). Enterprises that incorporate strategic collaboration partners in their product design process could potentially further reduce the time and cost of developing and introducing new products (Eng, 2004). Therefore, H8 is proposed: H8. Partner relationships between an enterprise and its partners are positively related to supply chain performance.

(see Table AI) presents their background information. For the purposes of condentiality, the three companies are presented anonymously as A, B, and C, respectively. Four employees from the three companies participated in interviews, two from company A and one each from companies B and C, and all of them are in charge of the procurement departments of their companies. Appendix 2 (see Table AII) lists their background information. Miss Ling is the deputy manager of the inventory control department in company A. She is in charge of all procurement projects, including sourcing, partner relationships, and contract negotiating. Mr Lee works in the material science and mechanical department. He is in charge of developing the sources of new corporate partners and working with the corporate inventory control department, material science department and mechanical department in company A. Mr Tai has a complete knowledge background of the e-procurement systems in company B. He works in the purchasing department and has previously been in charge of the information system department. Mr Liu is a senior project manager of the purchasing division in company C. He works with an information team to build the eprocurement system in company C.

Results of the case study

Practical insights The rst purpose of a case study is to gather practical insights for each research construct. We conducted open-ended questions in interviews with practicing managers. Appendices 3 and 4 (see Tables AIII and AIV) present these questions and the results of interviews from the three companies, respectively. In general, supply chain performance is recognized as an important factor for improving competitive advantage. Managers tend to evaluate supply chain performance from both tangible (e.g. cost) and intangible perspectives (e.g. time). E-procurement is treated as a comprehensive system applied to each purchase process. Case companies acknowledge that e-procurement has an inuence on supply chain performance. Furthermore, the functions of e-procurement are e-sales, e-purchases, and e-transportation in company B. The issues of partner relationships shared by case companies are bonding, reciprocity, empathy and trust. This implies that a partner relationship is a longterm orientation. It is worth noting that company B takes price and quality into account prior to the consideration of partner relationships when making transactions. This is because company B is in the steel industry. As a result, it could be inferred that the implementation of partner relationship strategy might differ among distinct industries. For the consideration of information sharing, the case companies all have high-level communication information with their partners in the supply chain. Case companies evaluate information sharing by not only information exchanges themselves, but also by the quality of information (e.g. accuracy, value, and criticality, among others). Supply chain integration is treated as a comprehensive function that has a high inuence on supply chain performance. This implies that its importance is higher than partner relationships and information sharing. In addition, coordination and activity integration are the main subsections within the implementation of supply chain integration. 37

Supply chain integration and supply chain performance. In addition to information sharing and partner relationships, supply chain performance could also be improved by supply chain integration. Process automation is one of the key drivers for increasing process efciency (Croom, 2000). It could be expected that product quality and customer service performance would be enhanced by supply chain integration activities (Tan et al., 2002). As a result, we suggest that the higher the extent of supply chain integration, the higher the supply chain performance. Therefore, H9 is expected: H9. Supply chain integration between an enterprise and its partners is positively related to the supply chain performance.

We conducted interviews with practicing managers prior to the empirical study. The purposes of interviews are two-fold: to gather insights into each research construct from the practice; and to understand the appropriateness of the theoretical framework. The background information and rationales for the case companies and interviewees are presented as follows: we selected three case companies which rely on supply chain management to achieve competitive advantage. The industry categories for the three companies are Hard disk drive and telecommunication industry, Steel industry, and Biochemistry industry, respectively. Each industry represents a high extent to which a comprehensive supply chain exists. Since these three companies are all at the top in their corresponding industries, it further implies that these three companies are highly relying on supply chain management to achieve competitive advantage. Appendix 1

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

The appropriateness of theoretical framework In order to understand the appropriateness of the theoretical framework, the main issue we examined was the roles of partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration in delivering the inuence from e-procurement to supply chain performance. In general, the case companies all recognize that partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are three important strategies that accompany the application of e-procurement. More specically, e-procurement can enhance partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration, and hence, it contributes to the growth of supply chain performance. In particular, partner relationships are treated as an important factor for improving supply chain performance. The benets of partner relationships are cost reduction and time savings. Information sharing can be facilitated by e-procurement. The benets of information sharing are related to the effectiveness of supply chain management. Supply chain integration is treated as a platform to integrated supply chain related activities. It could potentially be inuenced by an e-procurement system. Based on the previous discussions, partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are acknowledged as three key elements that reect the inuences of e-procurement; and link it with supply chain performance. Thus, the underlying rationales of the theoretical framework are reasonable based on the interviews discussed previously.

Results of empirical study

Based on the interviews, it was reasonable to test the theoretical framework. We conducted an empirical survey study to test the hypotheses. The measurements, sampling procedure, sample characteristics and data analysis results are presented as follows: Measurements and pretests A seven-point Likert scale was used to measure all of the research constructs. The measurement items were taken from relevant literature, and the content validity was conrmed in the case study. Table I presents the denition and measurements of latent variables. For measuring supply chain performance, different measurement approaches are suggested in supply chain literature. For example, tangible and intangible dimensions (Croom and Johnson, 2003; Eng, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Tan et al., 2002), the framework of supply chain operational references (SCOR model) (Lockamy and McCormack, 2004; Gunasekaran et al., 2004), dynamic modeling approaches (Perea et al., 2000; Puigjaner and Lanez, 2008), agility and exibility (Swafford et al., 2008). Based on a literature review and analysis, a recent study, it was found that Akyuz and Erkan (2010) suggested that in the new era of competition, supply chain performance should include the measures of partnership, collaboration, agility, exibility, productivity, and excellence metrics. However, Akyuz and Erkan (2010) also acknowledged that it is a challenging task to include all the measures from all aspects of supply chain performance. In our study, we conducted questionnaires to survey practicing managers opinions. For survey-based research, researchers need to both maintain the construct validity and control the length of the questionnaire in order to minimize 38

measurement errors (Malhotra and Grover, 1998). Therefore, we adopted tangible and intangible dimensions to measure supply chain performance (Croom and Johnson, 2003; Eng, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Tan et al., 2002). Tangible dimensions refer to costs and benets, whereas intangible dimensions capture the aspect of subjective evaluations of capacity utilization and exibility judgments (Croom and Johnson, 2003; Eng, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Tan et al., 2002). E-procurement is measured by four dimensions: e-design, e-sourcing, e-negotiation, and e-evaluation (Albrecht et al., 2005; Croom, 2000; Kim and Shunk, 2004; Presutti, 2003; Sain et al., 2004; Tatsis et al. 2006). Reciprocity and bonding are two dimensions used to measure partner relationships. Reciprocity refers to the empathy aspect of relationships, whereas bonding measures the structural aspects (Ellram and Krause, 1994; Li et al., 2005; Liker and Choi, 2004; Panayides and So, 2005; Skjtt-Larsen et al., 2003). Information sharing is measured by information ow and information quality, and by measuring these two dimensions, both the quantity and quality aspects of information sharing can be measured (Lee et al., 1997; Li et al., 2005; Monczka et al., 1998; Tan et al., 2002). Coordination and activity integration are used to measure supply chain integration (Lee and Whang, 2001; Morash and Clinton, 1997; Tan, 2001; Tan et al., 2002; Virolainen, 1998; Zhang et al., 2006). When constructing the questionnaire, we discussed the questions with case interviewees and accordingly adjusted the items based on their opinions. After ensuring the content validity, thirty questionnaires were posted to three case companies for the purpose of a pretest. Consequently, the Cronbachs a of each constructs were above 0.7: e-procurement (0.932), partner relationships (0.899), information sharing (0.924), supply chain integration (0.912), and supply chain performance (0.897). Thus, no changes were made during the pretest stage. Sampling procedure and sample characteristics According to the nature of each construct, the unit-of-analysis of the research framework was at the enterprise level, and hence, data were collected by a mail survey based on the list of The 5,000 Largest Corporations in Taiwan (China Credit Information Services, 2005). Questionnaires, along with a prepaid-return envelope, were mailed to 700 rms chosen randomly. As suggested by previous research (Roth and Bevier, 1998), we relied on research procedures to ensure that the answers came from the right informants. Explanations about the purpose of the study were presented on the rst half page of the questionnaire to facilitate survey respondents understanding of the questionnaire. We then relied on asking the surveyed company to nd the relevant employees who are familiar with the topic to ll out the questionnaire. The resulting sample consisted of 108 usable questionnaires, a response rate of 15.43 per cent, and the sample characteristics are presented in Table II. There might be three reasons of such low response rate. First, it might be due to the high number of measurement items in the questionnaire (a total of 71 items needed to be lled out). Second, this result is consistent with the notion which indicates that the response rate of company-survey studies has been declining in recent years (Cycyota and Harrison, 2006). Third, since we did not provide any incentive for companies to ll out the questionnaire, this might have resulted in a low response rate as well (Rose et al., 2007). Among 108 usable

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Table I Construct denition and measurement items

Construct denition and measurement items

Supply chain performance The evaluation of supply chain management includes both tangible (e.g. cost) and intangible (e.g. capacity utilization) factors Tangible dimension SCP1 Our company manages costs well SCP2 Our company manages prot well SCP3 Our company manages cash turnover well Intangible dimension SCP4 Our company predicts customers potential needs accurately SCP5 Our company utilizes capacity well SCP6 Our company manages product quality well SCP7 Our company manages inventory turnover well SCP8 Our company has sufcient material availability SCP9 Our customers are satised SCP10 Our company manages lead time well SCP11 Our company manages the deadlines for products/services well SCP12 Our company reacts to customer problems effectively E-procurement The electronic (technology-based) procurement system consists of four functions: e-design, e-sourcing, e-negotiation, and e-evaluation. E-design EP1 Our company uses an electronic system to gather information at the procurement request stage EP2 Each department within the organization shares the same network platform for purchasing requests EP3 Each department within the company requests purchases from one specic department unit EP4 The design of the purchase requirement or the standardized purchasing norm between the organization and the supplier will be communicated or negotiated via the internet EP5 Our company designs the format of marketing demands using the information system E-sourcing EP6 Our company selects the most appropriate supplier through the information system EP7 Our company gathers the demand proposals about procurement information or related information through the information system EP8 Our company releases the company requirements or rules via the information system EP9 Our company noties the supplier on the arrival of an authorized procurement contract via the information system E-negotiation EP10 Our company negotiates with the supplier through the internet EP11 Our company conrms the procedures concerning daily purchases with the supplier through the internet EP12 Our company negotiates the general procedures of purchasing with the supplier through the internet E-evaluation EP13 Our company documents past purchasing information in an electronic form EP14 Our company sets up a database about procurement and utilizes it in the purchasing process EP15 Our company evaluates the performance of suppliers from past purchasing information in the information system Partner relationships The mutual commitment relationship between an enterprise and its partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain. Reciprocity PR1 We trust each other PR2 We both try very hard to establish a long-term relationship PR3 We work in close co-operation PR4 We communicate and express our opinions to each other frequently PR5 We can show our discontent towards each other through communication PR6 We share the same opinions about most things PR7 We always see things from each others viewpoints PR8 We understand each others values and goals PR9 We care about each others feelings PR10 We keep promises to each other in any situation



E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Table I Construct denition and measurement items

Bonding PR11 PR12 PR13 PR14 PR15 PR16

We regularly solve problems jointly with our suppliers and partners We consider quality as our number one criterion in selecting suppliers and partners We have helped our suppliers and partners to improve their product quality We have continuous improvement programs that include our key suppliers and partners We include our key suppliers and partners in our planning and goal-setting activities We actively involve our key suppliers and partners in the new product development process

Information sharing Good-quality information ow between an enterprise and its partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain Information ow IS1 Our company has committed to a formal contract for information interchanges between us and our trading partners IS2 There are informal information interchanges between our company and our trading partners IS3 Our company has participated during decisions about purchase policies established by the suppliers IS4 The members in the supply chain, including internal or external manufacturers, would discuss future needs together IS5 Our trading partners share proprietary information with us IS6 Our trading partners keep us fully informed about issues that affect our business IS7 Our trading partners share business knowledge about core business processes with us IS8 We and our trading partners exchange information that helps business planning between us Information quality IS9 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is timely IS10 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is accurate IS11 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is adequate IS12 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is critical IS13 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is reliable IS14 Information exchange between us and our trading partners is complete Supply chain integration The coordination and activity integration of supply chain process between an enterprise and its partners (e.g. suppliers, the same tier manufactures and channel members) in the supply chain. Coordination SCI1 There are cross-functional coordination and integration events or organizations within the company SCI2 We and our trading partners have strategy alliances SCI3 The company has plans for coordination and integration with our suppliers Activity integration SCI4 Our trading partners are able to use our companys network platform for procurement-related work such as stock checking or provision of catalogs SCI5 The company searches for new ways to integrate the supply chain SCI6 The company carries out related events to reduce response time across the supply chain SCI7 The company improves integration activities across the supply chain SCI8 The company establishes frequent contact with supply chain members SCI9 The company creates a compatible communication/information system
Note: Italic words are the items deleted after measurement model assessment

questionnaires, the electric and metal industries accounted for approximately 41 per cent of rms. Capital of more than 122 million USD accounted for 47 per cent of the sample. For the number of employees, more than 2,000 accounted for 34 per cent; and most of the companies were older than 15 years (65.74 per cent). Half of the respondents job titles were manager, and 65.74 per cent were in the procurement department. Of the companies 57.41 per cent were in the midstream position of the supply chain. To further ensure that the sample was representative, we proled the four questionnaires, which came from sales 40

department employees, by industry chain to examine sample representativeness. It shows that three questionnaires came from midstream position enterprises, and that one came from an upstream position. Since their enterprises are all at midstream and above positions, at this position in the supply chain, the duties of sales personnel might consist of purchase negotiations with suppliers and information sharing with partners. Thus, it could be inferred that employees who lled out these four questionnaires are familiar with purchasing transactions and procurement systems, implying that they are representative.

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Table II Sample characteristics

Frequency (%)

Industry Medicine and biochemistry Environment and health Plastic Metal Electric machinery Machinery Transportation Textiles Food Computers Electronics Steel Others Capital (USD) Less than $30 million $33.3 to $60 million $63.6 to $91 million $93.9 to $122 million More than $122 million Not available Number of employees Less than 100 101-500 501-1,000 1,001-2,000 More than 2,000 Not available Company history Less than 1 year 1 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 15 years More than 15 years Department Sales Procurement Logistics IT Manufacturing Others Job title Executive Manager Engineer Administration and management Others Industry chain Upstream Midstream Downstream Not available

3 2 4 17 1 5 4 12 9 10 27 9 5

2.78 1.85 3.70 15.74 0.93 4.63 3.70 11.11 8.33 9.26 25.00 8.33 4.63

28 7 16 4 51 2

25.93 6.48 14.81 3.70 47.22 1.85

12 9 25 20 37 5

11.11 8.33 23.15 18.52 34.26 4.63

1 10 16 10 71

0.93 9.26 14.81 9.26 65.74

4 71 6 17 5 4

3.70 65.74 5.56 15.74 4.63 4.63

4 54 24 19 7

3.70 50.00 22.22 17.59 6.48

24 62 21 1

22.22 57.41 19.44 0.93

Data analysis results Structural equation modeling was conducted and Amos 4.0 software was used (Arbuckle and Wothke, 1997). We followed a two-step approach that evaluated the measurement model prior to estimating the hypothesized structural model (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). In the rst step, measurement quality was assessed. Second-order conceptualization of each construct was examined followed by a ve-construct measurement model. In the second step, the structural model was estimated to test the hypotheses. Measurement assessment. We rst assessed the second-order conceptualization of all research constructs. The purpose for this was to examine the appropriateness of each measurement item, and Table III presents the results of this examination. It can be seen that supply chain performance is conceptualized by tangible performance (with three indicators) and intangible performance (with nine indicators). The results indicated that all items were appropriate, with a standardized loading higher than 0.7. E-procurement is conceptualized by e-design (with ve indicators), e-sourcing (with four indicators), enegotiation (with three indicators), and e-evaluation (with three indicators). The results revealed the standardized loading of EP13 (Our company documents the past purchasing information in an electronic form.) to be lower than 0.7; however, since this item is an important indicator for measuring e-evaluation, we attempted to preserve it. Partner relationships are conceptualized by reciprocity (with ten indicators) and bonding (with six indicators). The results indicated the standardized loadings of the following ve items were below 0.7: PR6 (We share the same opinion about most things.), PR7 (We always see things from each others viewpoint.), PR10 (We keep promises to each other in any situation.), PR12 (We consider quality as our number one criterion in selecting suppliers and partners.), PR16 (We actively involve our key suppliers and partners in the new product development process.). Thus, these ve items were deleted. Information sharing is conceptualized by information ow (with eight indicators) and information quality (with six indicators). IS1 (Our company has committed to a formal contract for information interchanges between us and our trading partners.), IS2 (There are informal information interchanges between our company and our trading partners.), IS3 (Our company has participated during decisions on purchase policies established by the suppliers) were deleted since the standardized loadings were found to be below 0.7. Supply chain integration is conceptualized by coordination (with three indicators) and activity integration (with six indicators). SCI4 (Our trading partners are able to use our companys network platform for procurement-related work such as stock checking or provision of catalogs.) was deleted since the standardized loading was below 0.7. After examining the appropriateness of each item, a veconstruct measurement model was constructed to investigate the overall assessment of the measurement model. Within this model, the indicators of each research construct were represented by the average score of each respective dimension, and Tables IV and V presents the results of the overall assessment. Model t indexes are shown to be at the acceptable level (chi-square 112.830; df 44; pvalue , 0.000; chi-square/df 2.564; GFI 0.852; CFI 0.929; NFI 0.891, and RMR 0.076), and the composite reliability and variance extracted of all research constructs are higher than the acceptable level. Therefore, the 41

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Table III Second-order conceptualization of each latent variable

Indicator Direction Construct Standardized Loading 0.821 0.839 0.768 0.738 0.801 0.726 0.809 0.741 0.797 0.773 0.801 0.772 0.951 0.871

Supply chain performance SCP1 Tangible dimension SCP2 Tangible dimension SCP3 Tangible dimension SCP4 Intangible dimension SCP5 Intangible dimension SCP6 Intangible dimension SCP7 Intangible dimension SCP8 Intangible dimension SCP9 Intangible dimension SCP10 Intangible dimension SCP11 Intangible dimension SCP12 Intangible dimension Supply chain performanceb Tangible dimensiona Intangible dimensiona Supply chain performanceb Chi-square 5 146.289, df 5 53, p-value < 0.001 Chi-square/df 5 2.760, GFI 5 0.817, CFI 5 0.896, NFI 5 0.849, RMR 5 0.072 E-procurement EP1 E-design EP2 E-design EP3 E-design EP4 E-design EP5 E-design EP6 E-sourcing EP7 E-sourcing EP8 E-sourcing EP9 E-sourcing EP10 E-negotiation EP11 E-negotiation EP12 E-negotiation EP13 E-evaluation EP14 E-evaluation EP15 E-evaluation E-procurementb E-designa E-sourcinga E-procurementb E-procurementb E-negotiationa a E-evaluation E-procurementb Chi-square 5 251.194, df 5 86, p-value < 0.001, Chi-square/df 5 2.921, GFI 5 0.749, CFI 5 0.873, NFI 5 0.821, RMR 5 0.154 Partner relationships PR1 Reciprocity PR2 Reciprocity PR3 Reciprocity PR4 Reciprocity PR5 Reciprocity PR6 Reciprocity PR7 Reciprocity PR8 Reciprocity PR9 Reciprocity PR10 Reciprocity PR11 Bonding PR12 Bonding PR13 Bonding PR14 Bonding PR15 Bonding

0.769 0.795 0.830 0.824 0.776 0.872 0.879 0.811 0.811 0.760 0.861 0.947 0.639 0.829 0.854 0.930 0.920 0.896 0.656

deleted deleted

deleted deleted

0.846 0.793 0.831 0.873 0.819 (, 0.7) (, 0.7) 0.768 0.808 (, 0.7) 0.787 (, 0.7) 0.843 0.923 0.844



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Table III Indicator



Standardized Loading deleted (, 0.7) 0.978 0.844

PR16 Bonding Reciprocitya Partner relationshipsb Bondinga Partner relationshipsb Chi-square 5 146.356, df 5 43, p-value < 0.001, Chi-square/df 5 3.404, GFI 5 0.823, CFI 5 0.900, NFI 5 0.866, RMR 5 0.074 Information sharing IS1 Information ow IS2 Information ow IS3 Information ow IS4 Information ow IS5 Information ow IS6 Information ow IS7 Information ow IS8 Information ow IS9 Information quality IS10 Information quality IS11 Information quality IS12 Information quality IS13 Information quality IS14 Information quality Information owa Information sharingb Information qualitya Information sharingb Chi-square 5 99.631, df 5 43, p-value < 0.001 Chi-square/df 5 2.317, GFI 5 0.863, CFI 5 0.954, NFI 5 0.923, RMR 5 0.070 Supply chain integration SCI1 Coordination SCI2 Coordination SCI3 Coordination SCI4 Activity integration SCI5 Activity integration SCI6 Activity integration SCI7 Activity integration SCI8 Activity integration SCI9 Activity integration Supply chain integrationb Coordinationa Activity integrationa Supply chain integrationb Chi-square 5 67.880, df 5 19, p-value < 0.001 Chi-square/df 5 3.573, GFI 5 0.864, CFI 5 0.927, NFI 5 0.903, RMR 5 0.096 Notes: aSecond-order indicator; bSecond-order latent construct

deleted (, 0.7) deleted (, 0.7) deleted (, 0.7) 0.702 0.833 0.826 0.841 0.842 0.910 0.952 0.928 0.896 0.891 0.852 0.994 0.844

0.665 0.854 0.950 Deleted (, 0.7) 0.829 0.897 0.907 0.787 0.780 0.936 0.775

Table IV Measurement model results

Model t indexes Chi-square Df p-value Chi-square/df GFI CFI NFI RMR

112.830 44 , 0.000 2.564 0.852 0.929 0.891 0.076

reliability and convergent validity are acceptable for these constructs (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Table VI summarizes the correlation estimates between research constructs. 43

Discriminant validity was tested through the comparison of the variance extracted and the respective correlation estimates of each paired construct. As indicated, the evidence indicates that the discriminant validity of the measurement model is acceptable (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Further, Harmons one-factor measurement model was used to assess the extent to which a single latent variable would account for all the indicators, and hence, to test for common method variance (Podsakoff et al., 2003). The results are presented in Table VII, showing that the t of the one-factor measurement model is signicantly worse than that for the ve-construct model. Therefore, the quality of the measurement model was acceptable for further analysis. Structural model estimating and hypothesis testing. Hypotheses were tested by structural model estimation, and the results are presented in Table VIII and Figure 2. The model t indexes found were at an acceptable level (chi-square 117.455;

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Table V Measurement model results

Indicator Supply chain performance (CR 5 0.80, VE 5 0.73) Tangible dimensiona Intangible dimensiona E-procurement (CR 5 0.85, VE 5 0.68) E-designa E-sourcinga E-negotiationa E-evaluationa Partner relationships (CR 5 0.85, VE 5 0.78) Reciprocitya Bondinga Information sharing (CR 5 0.85, VE 5 0.78) Information owa Information qualitya Supply chain integration (CR 5 0.77, VE 5 0.70) Coordinationa Activity integrationa Direction Construct Standardized loading


Supply chain performanceb Supply chain performanceb

0.835 0.878


E-procurementb E-procurementb E-procurementb E-procurementb

0.864 0.894 0.884 0.624

12.325 12.095 7.125

Partner relationshipsb Partner relationshipsb

0.925 0.841


Information sharingb Information sharingb

0.841 0.927


Supply chain integrationb Supply chain integrationb

0.845 0.828


Notes: aFirst-order indicator: using average score of measurement items; bFirst-order construct. CR: Composite Reliability; VE: Variance Extracted

Table VI Correlation matrix

Construct 1 2 3 4 5 Supply chain performance E-procurement Partner relationships Information sharing Supply chain integration 1 0.857 0.617 0.697 0.682 0.708

0.824a 0.384 0.884a 0.399 0.826 0.885a 0.693 0.854 0.756 0.847a

0.526, respectively. Supply chain integration inuences supply chain performance directly, and the standardized total effect is 0.839. Standardized total effect of e-procurement dimensions on endogenous constructs. Because our research purpose is to understand the effects from e-procurement to supply chain Table VII Test for common method variance
n Measurement model Chi-square Df p-value Chi-square/df GFI CFI NFI RMR Harmons One-Factor Measurement Model Chi-square Df p-value Chi-square/df GFI CFI NFI RMR
112.830 44 , 0.000 2.564 0.852 0.929 0.891 0.076 395.941 54 , 0.000 7.332 0.578 0.647 0.618 0.205

Note: aRoot-square of variance extracted of each construct

df 45; p-value , 0.000; chi-square/df 2.610; GFI 0.849; CFI 0.925; NFI 0.887, and RMR 0.077). E-procurement has no signicant effect on partner relationships (0.059, t-value 0.725), whereas it has positive signicant effects on information sharing (0.400, tvalue 3.805) and Supply Chain integration (0.445, tvalue 5.830). Therefore, H1 is not supported, while H2 and H3 are supported. For the relationships among partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration, information sharing has a signicant effect on partner relationships (0.810, t-value 8.345); and partner relationships has a signicant effect on supply chain integration (0.742, t-value 4.605). Thus, H4 and H6 are supported, but H5 is not. Lastly, supply chain performance is only inuenced by supply chain integration (0.839, t-value 3.679). We summarize the standardized effect of each construct on supply chain performance in Table IX. The standardized total effect of e-procurement on supply chain performance is 0.602. Partner relationships and information sharing inuence supply chain performance both directly and indirectly, and the standardized total effects are 0.307 and 44

Notes: Test for difference between the two models: DChisquare 283.111; Ddf= 10; p-value ,0.000

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Table VIII Structural model results

Hypothesis Standardized coefcient E-procurement E-procurement E-procurement Information sharing Information sharing Partner relationships Information sharing Partner relationships Supply chain integration ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Partner relationships Information sharing Supply chain integration Partner relationships Supply chain integration Supply chain integration Supply chain performance Supply chain performance Supply chain performance 0.059 0.400 * * * 0.445 * * * 0.810 * * * 20.014 0.742 * * * 0.289 20.315 0.839 * * *

0.725 3.805 5.830 8.345 20.092 4.605 1.446 21.177 3.679

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9

Notes: Chi-square=117.455; df=45; p-value , 0.000; Chi-square/df=2.610; GFI=0.849; CFI=0.925; NFI=0.887; RMR=0.077

Figure 2 Structural model results

Table IX Standardized effect of each construct on supply chain performance

Construct 1 2 3 4 E-procurement Partner relationships Information sharing Supply chain integration Standardized direct effect 20.315 0.289 0.839 Standardized indirect effect 0.602 0.622 0.237 Standardized total effect 0.602 0.307 0.526 0.839

performance, we further analyzed the effects of four eprocurement dimensions on the endogenous constructs. Figure 3 present the results. In model specication, for parsimonious purposes (Kline, 2005), exogenous constructs (i.e. four e-procurement dimensions: e-design, e-sourcing, enegotiation, e-evaluation) were treated as observed variables represented by the average scores of indicators (e.g. e-design is represented by the average score of its indicators: items EP1 to EP5). Endogenous constructs (partner relationships, information sharing, supply chain integration, and supply chain performance) were treated as latent variables measured by their respective dimensions. In general, model t indexes are acceptable (chi-square 75.004; df 34; pvalue , 0.000; chi-square/df 2.206; GFI 0.900; CFI 0.958; NFI 0.928, and RMR 0.043). We summarize the standardized total effects in Table X to present the inuences of four e-procurement dimensions on endogenous constructs. Table X shows that e-sourcing, e45

negotiation, and e-evaluation have positive standardized total effects on the endogenous constructs, whereas e-design has negative standardized total effects. In this study, e-design refers to the design of platforms and formats for applying eprocurement systems. It is the infrastructure aspect among the four e-procurement dimensions. Theoretically, it is reasonable to expect that e-design would bring companies benets (e.g. higher levels of partner relationships, improved supply chain performance). However, this result is contrary to our expectations. Two reasons might account for this result: companies in the era of a modern economy might focus on the infrastructure aspects of e-procurement system too heavily to offset the benets; the relationship between e-design and the benet outcomes of supply chain management might be more complex than is the case for linear relationships. For instance, an Inverse-U relationship could be expected, and there might be an optimal level of its implementation on supply chain management.

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Figure 3 Structural model results

Table X Standardized total effect of e-procurement dimensions on endogenous constructs

E-procurement dimensions 1 2 3 4 E-design E-sourcing E-negotiation E-evaluation Partner relationships 20.293 0.183 0.362 0.205 Endogenous constructs Information sharing Supply chain integration 2 0.293 0.474 0.022 0.298 2 0.040 0.318 0.190 0.414 Supply chain performance 20.033 0.348 0.053 0.367

On the other hand, e-sourcing, e-negotiation, and eevaluation have positive standardized total effects on the endogenous constructs. In addition, the relative inuences of these dimensions are different. E-sourcing inuences mostly information sharing; e-negotiation inuences mostly partner relationships; e-evaluation inuences mostly supply chain integration. In the case of supply chain performance, esourcing and e-evaluation have higher standardized total effects than do the other two dimensions. This result shows that e-procurement dimensions complement each other and lead to different outcomes with regard to benets. This notion, in a broader context, is also consistent with supply chain literature that suggested an integrated approach for improving supply chain performance (Park, 2005).

important and appropriate as linkages between e-procurement and supply chain performance. The empirical study indicated that information sharing and supply chain integration are two important factors. Thus, it could be inferred that eprocurement systems can facilitate the information ow and activity coordination among supply chain partners. This is consistent with the business practice of Wal-Marts and Mattels inventory systems (Johnson, 2002). Further, based on the results of standardized effect analysis, supply chain integration is the most important factor that derives effects from e-procurement to supply chain management, implying that supply chain integration represents the main reason explaining the processes through which e-procurement contributes to supply chain performance. This notion is consistent with previous studies on this topic (Walters, 2008). Research implications This study contributes to supply chain literature by studying the process through which e-procurement system leads to supply chain performance. We found that partner relationships, information sharing, and supply chain integration are important factors. In information sharing literature, previous studies have found that information exchange between partners can reduce uncertainty, improve order fulllment rate, and increase supply chain performance (Lin et al., 2002). In other words, information sharing increases supply chain performance by increasing the level of trust among business partners. Yu et al. (2001) found that sharing information among business partners can lead to cost savings and inventory level control and increase their 46

Conclusions and managerial implications

Conclusions This study was conducted to understand how e-procurement contributes to supply chain performance. E-procurement is a technological function of a procurement system consisting of four aspects: e-design, e-sourcing, e-negotiation, and eevaluation (Croom, 2000; Kim and Shunk, 2004). Based on the technological nature of e-procurement, partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are proposed as three intermediated variables which could potentially capture basic strategies applied through technological functions and also represent the rationales of the impact of e-procurement on supply chain performance. Interviews revealed that these factors are all

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partnerships. Kohli and Grover (2008) also suggested that ebusiness value (e.g. its impact on performance) is created by the interactions between members in the supply chain. This suggestion is consistent with and conrmed by our ndings. In our study, partner relationships and information sharing are found to inuence supply chain performance through supply chain integration. This implies that information sharing and partnerships are the requirements for supply chain integration. This nding is consistent with the notions proposed by previous studies. Lee and Whang (2000) suggested that information sharing among supply chain partners is the basic enabler by which to facilitate higher levels of coordination. Horvath (2001) also suggested that date models and common architecture are necessary for business networks to integrate and coordinate. By analyzing the effects of four e-procurement dimensions, we found that different dimensions have different inuences on endogenous constructs. Specically, information sharing is mainly inuenced by e-sourcing; partner relationships are mainly inuenced by e-negotiation; supply chain integration is mainly inuenced by e-evaluation. This implies that eprocurement dimensions focus on different aspects (e.g. different functions) and that they complement each other in terms of the benets for supply chain management. Amit and Zott (2001) suggested that efciency, novelty, complementarities, and lock-in are the main sources of value creation for e-business. Therefore, e-procurement syetems can be viewed as a combination of sub-systems that are complementary and benetial for value creation. Wiengarten et al. (2010) also suggested that e-business systems can be a component of value creation processes in the supply chain. Managerial implications Supply chains consist of all associated activities, from raw material ows to good transformations, to the end users. Management of the integration of supply chain activities in order to improve supply chain relationships and competitive advantage is an important topic (Handeld and Nichols, 1999). Since e-procurement is at the input end of the supply chain, it is worth developing an understanding on the part of practitioners of other aspects of supply chain (e.g. the midend of supply chain) when discussing the impact of eprocurement on supply chain performance. In this study, we propose that partner relationships, information sharing and supply chain integration are the relevant factors and suggest that supply chain integration is the most important one. This implies that a joint-learning practice (Walters, 2008) could be implemented for managing the supply chain well. Joint-learning strategy reects the strategy underlying the concept of supply chain integration and focuses on know-how collaboration and mutual competency creation (Walters, 2008). Based on our ndings, four managerial implications are proposed as follows: First, an enterprises know-how could be documented and collaborated with partners through an eprocurement system. For instance, know-how and cooperation with regard to product designs could be incorporated into the e-procurement system, thus enhancing supply management performance, such as the electronic visibility system in Timken Company (Bylinsky, 2001). Second, supply chain members could integrate business activities to achieve a mutual goal through an e-procurement system. For instance, IBMs global cross functional 47

enterprise system allows its customer to be cooperative and reect real-time feedback for improving the efciency of order conguring, implying an improvement in supply chain performance (Sawhney and Zabin, 2001). Third, whereas procurements system could be subjected to outsourcing for cost-down implementation (Parry et al., 2006), managers should consider implementing eprocurement systems because they can provide such benets as the lowering of process and procurement costs (Puschmann and Alt, 2005). However, the benets of eprocurement implementation could depend on factors such as rm size (Pearcy and Giuniper, 2008). Forth, consistent with previous ndings (Angeles and Nath, 2007), the current study suggests that when evaluating the implementation of eprocurement systems, managers should consider the issues of end-user resistance, partner relationships, information infrastructure system integration and standardization in order to achieve supply chain performance.

Limitations and suggestions for future research

Limitations of this study are stated as follows: Since we collected data across different industries, some underlying industry characteristics were not investigated in this research. As a result, the relatively low level of respondents in the category of administration and management might be a limitation of this study. In addition to limitations, further suggestions are discussed as follows: First, results indicated that supply chain integration is the most important factor between eprocurement and supply chain performance, implying an important issue of determining how e-procurement enhances supply chain integration, and this notion has been proposed by a previous study (Zhang et al., 2006). Second, other variables could be further explored and incorporated into the framework. For instance, in a service-oriented economy, relationship marketing variables can enhance business performance (Sin et al., 2002), implying that a potential inuence on the supply chain performance might exist as well. Third, this study analyzed the inuences of e-procurement system on supply chain performance. We suggest that future studies can focus on other e-business applications and analyze the inuences systematically to enhance the generalization of the results. Forth, tangible and intangible dimensions were used to measure supply chain performance in this study. Future research could adopt different measurement approaches to measure supply chain performance (e.g. the framework of supply chain operations reference, agility and exibility) (Lockamy and McCormack, 2004; Swafford et al., 2008). From different perspectives of measurements, relative inuences on supply chain performance can be further compared. Last, this study is conducted at the enterprise level; future studies could explore the potential linkages based on the individual level. For example, the question of how employee behavior with regard to technology-usage inuences the linkage between e-procurement and supply chain performance is worthy of investigation for a cross-level analysis (Kreft and de Leeuw, 1998).

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Further reading
Shah, S.K. and Corley, K.G. (2006), Building better theory by bridging the quantitative-qualitative divide, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 43 No. 8, pp. 1821-35.

E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Appendix 1
Table AI Background information of case companies
Company A Headquarters Founded Industry Main products Taiwan 1984 Hard disk drive and telecommunication industry Magnesium die casting Company B Taiwan 1971 Steel industry Carbon steel and stainless steel Company C Taiwan 1967 Biochemistry industry Consumer foods (e.g. Soft drinks, instant noodles, dairy products)

Appendix 2
Table AII Background information of interviewees
Case company A B C Participant Miss Ling Mr Lee Mr Tai Mr Liu Department Inventory control Material science and mechanical Purchasing Purchasing Position Deputy manager Consultant Senior buyer Project manager Work experience (yrs) 17 15 18 22

Appendix 3
Table AIII Interview questions
Constructs Supply chain performance E-procurement Interview questions What is the supply chain performance dened by your company? How does your company think about the concept of supply chain performance in terms of criteria or measures? What is the e-procurement system dened by your company? How does your company use the e-procurement system? Does supply chain performance benet from the implementation of an e-procurement system? And how? What are partner relationships as dened by your company? How does your company maintain partner relationships? Does supply chain performance benet from these partner relationships? And how? What is the information sharing dened by your company? How does your company implement the information sharing? Does supply chain performance benet from the information sharing? And how? What is the supply chain integration dened by your company? How does your company implement the supply chain integration? Does supply chain performance benet from the supply chain integration? And how?

Partner relationships

Information sharing

Supply chain integration


E-procurement and supply chain performance Hsin Hsin Chang, Yao-Chuan Tsai and Che-Hao Hsu

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Volume 18 Number 1 2013 34 51

Appendix 4
Table AIV Results of the case study
Constructs Supply chain performance Company A B C A Results Cost, quality, delivery time are considered to be the measures Time, cost and quality are the important indicators of supply chain performance Time, quality, service and coordination are preferred as performance indicators E-procurement is used in gathering information and documenting les E-procurement has been performed in depth An e-procurement system can inuence supply chain performance E-procurement is a comprehensive system It consists of three functions: e-sales, e-purchases, and e-transportation E-procurement is applied in each purchasing process E-procurement is a tool for communicating and sharing information An e-procurement system will be used in online payment and catalog displays Partner relationships is an important factor for supply chain management A good partner relationship is enhanced by useful information sharing The benets of partner relationships are cost, time, and product quality They treat their partners case by case Bonding and reciprocity with partners are the two indicators The benets of partner relationships are product quality, response time, and material source availability Empathy, trust, and reciprocity are important indicators Company A has high-level information sharing with its suppliers Information regarding manufacturing processes, technology, and useful suggestions is shared Information is shared with permitted partners The accuracy of information sharing is the most important indicator Information is shared with permitted partners Accuracy, timeliness, adequacy, credibility, value of information are considered as important indicators Cross-function cooperation is implemented Supply chain integration has the highest inuence on supply chain performance among three strategies (i.e. partner relationships, information sharing) A cross-function team will be established in the future Through the application of e-procurement, the supply chain is integrated more efciently The coordination network is applied when implementing an integration of supply chain activities



Partner relationships

B C Information sharing A B C Supply chain integration A


Corresponding author
Hsin Hsin Chang easyhhc@mail.ncku.edu.tw can be contacted at:

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