Garbc Chaplain

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Becoming a

with the

Military chaplains go where they are needed all around the world, providing worship services, religious education, pastoral
care, counseling, and visitation to the military community at permanent bases, medical facilities, industrial complexes, and deployed sites. Work
areas reach far beyond chapel walls to the hospitals, field maneuvers and flight lines, and battleships and aircraft. Chaplains are trained to
respond to a wide variety of situations, including emergency ministrations, mass casualty ministries, and national readiness mobilizations for
deployments. They offer spiritual ministries during war, contingencies, national emergencies, and military exercises.
Active duty chaplains are assigned to positions around the world, normally accompanied by their families; they are subject to deployment with
other military personnel. The guard and reserve offer part-time military duty to clergy who wish to remain in the civilian ministry. Those in the
guard or reserve usually serve two weeks of active duty each year plus other training periods as required. They may be called to full-time active
duty in the case of a national emergency, and they must meet the same requirements as those specified for active duty chaplains.

Requirements for Appointment Chaplain Candidate Program

• You must be a United States citizen. The Chaplain Candidate Program allows individuals to explore the military ministry option
• You must be less than 40 years of age. while attending seminary. It is designed to expose seminarians to the diverse and demand-
• You must have a bachelor’s degree and a master of ing role of military chaplaincy in a variety of ministerial settings. Requirements for appoint-
divinity or equivalent degree; you must have ment in the Chaplain Candidate Program include:
completed 90 semester hours in a graduate program
from an institution regionally accredited or accredited • Approval by the GARBC Chaplaincy Commission.
by the Association of Theological Schools. • Being less than 35 years of age on the date of your appointment as a chaplain candidate.
• You must be ordained and a member in good stand- • A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
ing of a church that is in fellowship with the GARBC. • Full-time enrollment in a seminary or theological school that is regionally accredited or
• You must have a minimum of two years of full-time accredited by the Association of Theological Schools, working toward a master of divinity
professional experience. or equivalent degree.
• You must be endorsed by the GARBC Chaplaincy • Fulfilling requirements for commissioning as a second lieutenant in the reserve. Commis-
Commission. sioning can occur after the Reserve Personnel Center favorably reviews at least one
• You must pass a complete military physical. semester or quarter of your seminary work. Upon completion of the Chaplain Candidate
• You must pass a security background investigation. Program, you are encouraged to apply for reappointment as a reserve chaplain.

Selection is competitive and is based upon the needs of the military. Applications are accepted after enrollment in seminary and must be completed prior to the beginning of the
third semester before graduation. Those who apply must be available for approximately 100 days of training.
Civil Air Patrol
The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is the official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. CAP chaplains, like all CAP members, are volunteers. They wear Air Force-
style uniforms and attend local squadron meetings twice a month or more. CAP chaplains must have an accredited undergraduate degree and seminary
training or equivalent education. Like military chaplains from other branches of service, CAP chaplains are endorsed by the Chaplaincy Commission.

For more information or to apply for this challenging ministry opportunity, contact:
Chaplain, COL, John B. Murdoch, CAP
Director of Chaplaincy Ministries, GARBC
2304 Canterbury Drive, Kokomo, IN 46902
Regular Baptist
Phone and fax: (765) 455-9727 • Voice mail: (888) 588-1600, ext. 178 • E-mail:
Chaplaincy Ministries

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