Walsh Functions and Sequences
Walsh Functions and Sequences
Walsh Functions and Sequences
March 27, 2001 Applications of Walsh Functions IS-95 system employs Walsh functions in the forward link (5.4.1) for multiplexing the many different forward link channels, while Walsh sequences or Walsh sequences or codewords are used in the reverse link (5.4.2) for power efficient orthogonal modulation purposes. Definitions The Walsh functions of order N consist a set of N time functions, denoted { W j (t ) ; t (0, T ), j = 0,1L , N 1 }, such that W j (t ) takes on the values {1, -1} except at the jumps, where it takes the value 0; W j (t ) = 1 for all j; W j (t ) has precisely j sign changes (zero crossings) in the interval (0, T); W j (t ) 's are orthonormal,
1 W j (t )Wk (t ) dt = ; jk T
Each function is either odd or even with respect to the midpoint of the interval. The member functions in the set are ordered according to the number of zero crossings (sign changes). The corresponding Walsh sequence is defined as W j = ( w j 0 , L w j ( N 1) ) where
w j 0 = 0 for all j and w jn = 0 or 1 for n = 1,2,L N 1. ( "+ 1" 0, " 1" 1 ). Let N = 2 K . The
index sequence is a K-tuple X j = ( x j1 ,L x jK ) , The Walsh functions ({ 1 }) are closed under multiplication, while the Walsh sequences ({0,1}) are closed under modulo-2 addition, i.e.: Wi (t ) W j (t ) = Wk (t ) i, j , k {0, L N 1} Wi W j = Wk Example: order-8 Walsh functions and sequences
Walsh Function Generation Using Hadamard Matrices Hamadard Matrices: If H N (N=1,2,4n) is a Hadamard matrix, then H N H T = NI N . N
? N 1 H 1 0 0 H 2N = N H2 = , , 1 1 0 1 H N H N H ab = H a H b : substituting H b for +1 in H a and H b (complement) for -1 in H a .
Relationship between Walsh sequences and Hadamard matrices All the row and column sequences of Hardamard matrices are Walsh sequences if N = 2 K The Walsh functions generated by the Hamadard matrix method are not indexed according to the number of sign changes. Converting ordering using Gray codes of the index sequences: ci ,K = x i,1 , ci ,K j = xi , j x i , j + 1 , j = 1,2, L , K 1 .
0 1 0 L ci1 1 1 c 0 L i 2 = M N In matrix notation, M 1 1 0 L c iK 1 0 0 L E.g. N = 8, X 5 = (1 0 1) 5 , C 5 = (111) 7 , 1 xi1 0 xi 2 M 0xi ,K 1 0 xiK W5 = H 7 = [1 1 11 111 1] [01101001]
Walsh function generation using basis vectors and shift registers The Walsh sequences of order N form a K-dimensional vector space over GF(2) , i.e., all the Ntuple Walsh sequences can be spanned by a set of linearly independent basis vectors. There exists a K N generation matrix G W such that W j = X j G W , j = 0,1, L 2 K = N .
W4 01100110 01100110 W = 00111100 , W = X G = [101]00111100 = [01101001] E.g. N = 8, G W = 2 5 5 W W1 00001111 00001111
The operation can be generalized with a hardware or software implementation to generate the Walsh sequence that is commanded by any index vector. E.g. N = 8, X = ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ), W = (0, x1 , x1 x 2 , x 2 , x 2 x3 , x1 x 2 x3 , x1 x3 , x3 )
Orthogonal Walsh functions for CDMA applications Order-64 Walsh functions are extensively used in IS-95 system: 1. Orthogonal multiplexing in the base-to-mobile (forward, down-) link One-to-many transmission with pilot, sync, paging, traffic channels The Walsh sequences are used as channel-distinct identification sequences to distinguish among different users, with one period of a Walsh sequence per code symbol. Walsh sequences are assigned by the base station based on the usage of the channel. They are used as orthogonal multiplexing to eliminate multiple access interference, and chosen by the use of the channel. 2. Orthogonal modulation in the mobile-to-base (Reverse, up-) link Many-to-one transmission with access and traffic channels Walsh-Hadamard sequences are used to form 64-ary modulation symbols, not to distinguish users. Noncoherent OQPSK to follow. The Walsh sequences are chosen by the encoded data symbols. A distinct phase offset of a long PN code is used to distinguish among users. The channel block coding using Walsh sequences is to provide the base station receiver a measure of coherence over the duration of six coded symbols. For the reverse link, there is no pilot channel that can provide a carrier phase reference for possible coherent demodulation. Therefore, the reverse link is necessarily a noncoherent channel. Walsh demodulation can be achieved nocoherently using correlation decoding, and a timing reference can be derived through demodulation of the coded 64 symbols.
Figure: block diagram of the traffic channel in forward link with Walsh-Hadamard multiplexing for MAI suppression
Figure: block diagram of the traffic channel in reverse link with Walsh-Hadamard orthogonal modulation