Audio-Video Systems: AIM: - To Study About Tuner Section
Audio-Video Systems: AIM: - To Study About Tuner Section
Audio-Video Systems: AIM: - To Study About Tuner Section
AIM: - To study about tuner section APPARATUS:Operating unit and ele6tronic tuner section for 20" Colour TV, Colour pattern generator, Connecting wires, Power supply, D.M.M. THEORY: The RF tuner is the first section in a television receiver. Its function is to select and amplify RF signals of one television channel and then convert it in to IF signals. Very high frequency (VHF) tuner is meant for channels 2 to 12. Channel selector is generally used to turn on UHF tuner. The block diagram of VHF RF tuner is shown is fig. 1. The RF signals from antenna feeder wire (or coaxial cable ) are fed to RF tuner through antenna input circuit. The purpose of the antenna input circuit or coupling circuit is to provide impedance matching between feeder wire and -tuner RF amplifier transistor. From antenna input circuit, the RF signal passes through filters and traps before reaching RF amplifier stage. The function of filters and traps is to remove unwanted frequencies from other sources like FM radio stations 88MHz to 108MHz )and amateur radio. The RF amplifier -accepts RF signals of just one channel and amplifies it. It has broad bandwidth so that a band of frequencies 7 MHz wide are amplified. The table I shows frequencies allotted to each channel from 2 to 12. The gain of RF amplifier is controlled- by AGC section. RF amplifier serves another important function of isolating oscillator stage from antenna. The mixer and oscillator form converter stage to convert RF carrier in to intermediate frequency (IF) carriers. The oscillator generates a signal 38.9 MHz above the selected or incoming) video carrier frequency. The incoming signal and the oscillator signal are then mixed to produce correct IF difference signal.
Video Carrier MHz 48.25 55.25 62.25 175.25 182.25 189.25 196.25 203.25 210.25 217.25 224.25
Audio Carrier MHz 53.75 60.75 67.75 180.75 187.75 194.75 201.75 208.75 215.75 222.75 229.75
Band Width MHz 41 to 64 54 to 61 61 to 68 174 to 181 181 to 188 188 to 195 195 to 202 47 to 54 47 to 54 47 to 54 47 to 54
TURRET VHF TUNER Most of the tuners in present day B/W IV receivers are of turret -type. These. tuners employ coils to tune base and collector of RF amplifier, base, and collector of oscillator. These coils are mounted on the individual strips which on the outside of the strip. These strips then make connections with a set of contacts inside the tuner to complete the circuit. For each channel, a separate, set of coils is employed. As channel selector shaft of coils is rotated, a different set of coils is switched in for each channel Turret tuners have found wide acceptance. These tuners can be repeatedly by tuned to exactly the same frequency after being switched. The circuit diagram of a VHF tuner is shown in fig.2. It employs three transistors. The transistor Q701 (2SC606 works as RF amplifier the transistor Q702 ( 2SC605 works as mixer and the transistor Q703 (2SC287 works as local oscillator. The coils L302, L402 to IA12, L502 to L512 and L602 to L612 are the ones which are switched in for channel selection. The coils L302 to L312 are the RF amplifier base coils, L402 to L412 are RF amplifier collector coils; L501 to L512 are mixer base coils; and L602 to L6-12 are the oscillator collector coils. The contacts - which -are located on the outside of the individual coil strips are indicated by the small circles numbered 1 through 8. The matching spring type contacts within the tuner, which make with the contacts on the strip are indicated by arrowheads.
ANTENNA INPUT CIRCUIT: The purpose of antenna input circuit is to match the 300-ohm, transmission. line (from antenna) to the 75-ohm input impedance level. Input impedance of most RF amplifiers are frequency dependent but a 75ohm impedance is a representative figure for mid-VHF band. For impedance matching a balanced unbalanced (or balun ) transformer, is used, as shown ,-in fig.3 It is a matching transformer with a ferromagnetic core upon which four tightly coupled and evenly spaced windings are connected to provide an impedance transformation from 300-ohm balance source to a 75-ohm unbalanced load. The antenna input circuit also has a tuned network (L101, C101 & L103 ) build in to reject the FM broad casting signals which occupy the range 88MHz to 108MHz. Three is an IF trap also. The trap is a high pass filter to cut all frequencies below 50Hz. The purpose of this trap is to prevent the injection of IF frequencies generated by neighboring receivers. RF AMPLIFIER:The RF amplifier stage in receiver performs three functions. 1. It provides signal amplification at a point where signal strength is minimum. In outlaying regions or nosily locations, this extra amplification is very important. 2. It select signal. of desired channel, and provides discrimination against signals lying is adjacent channel. This is especially applicable for image frequencies. 3. It reduces local oscillator radiation, which can cause disturbance in neighboring receivers. The circuit diagram of an RF amplifier is shown in fig. 4. The contacts are shown for channel the class-A amplifier stage uses an NPN transistor Q701 (2SC606) in ground emitter configuration. The grounded emitter -stage provides high gain but it requires neutralization. The RIF signal available from circuit tuned at desired channel is applied to base of transistor 2SC606 through capacitor C703. The output is available at collector and is fed to base of mixer stage transistor 2SC605 through double tuned transformer ( L404-L504 ). A- degenerative ( or negative ) feedback from collector to base of RIF amplifier is provided by capacitor C707. The purpose is to feed a signal from collector to base -which is 180 degree out of phase with the signal at base. This feedback signal or neutralizing signal cancels the effect of the undesired feedback and hence provides stability to the amplifier stage. A positive AGC voltage is. fed -to base of NPN transistor via resistor R701. A negative voltage would be needed if a PNP transistor was employed. The resistor R701 and capacitor C704 form decoupling filter. The symbol for capacitor C725 indicates a feed through construction. This construction feature very low inductance. The RF amplifier gets collectors 13ias voltage from +B supply through coil. L404 and resistor R702..the capacitors C706 and C708 provides decoupling.
The emitter bias circuits is formed by R703 and C705. The net -emitter base - Vbe is 1.65V1.25V=0.4V. By property -adjusting peaks of input and output tuned, circuits, an essentially over-all flat response of- 7 MHz can be achieved for this stage as shown in fig.5. MLXER STAGE.: The mixer stage of a tuner, receives signals from both the RF amplifier and from the local oscillator circuit.~ The mixer stage is formed by transistor Q702 ( 2SC605 ) as shown in fig.6. The RF signal from collector of RF amplifier Q701 is coupled to base of mixer transistor Q702 via L404; L504 and C711. The frequency of local oscillator available at collector of transistor Q703 2SC287) is coupled to base of mixer. Transistor via capacitor C716. The mixer transistor forms a non-linear amplifier. In an non-linear amplifier, heterodyning takes place and the output signal consists of both sum and difference frequencies. Suppose, the RF tuner is tuned at channel 4. The carrier frequencies for audio and video signal are 67.75MHz 62.25MHz-respectively -A& channel 4 the frequency of local oscillator is 101.15MHz. The carrier and oscillator frequencies beat together to produce sum and difference carrier frequencies 9 in MHz) of (67.75 + 101.15), (62.25 + 101.15), (101.15 - 67.75) and 101.15 - 62.25). These difference frequencies of 33.4. MHz and 38.9 MHz are called intermediate frequency IF signals for audio and video respectively: The collector circuit of mixer stage has a selective network ( T1 & C714 ) tuned to pass desired- IF signals only. The collector of mixer transistor 2SC 605 gets collector bias from +B supply via primary of T1 and resistor R708. The emitter bias circuit is formed by R707 & C713. the IF output is available at secondary of T1. The capacitor C726 as feed through construction. LOCAL OSCILATOR STAGE:The local oscillator stage provides a frequency that can be heterodyned with RF signals. In TV receivers the oscillator frequency is kept above the incoming RF frequency and is equal to sum of RF frequency and receiver IF frequency. Thus oscillator frequency for channel 4 is 62.256 MHz + 38.9 MHz ( or 67.75 + -33.4 ), i.e., 10 1.15 MHz. The local oscillator stage is made up of NPN transistor Q703 ( 2SC287 ), as show in fig.7. the collector bias voltage is available from +13 supply via R709 and L604. The base bias is decided by potential - divider circuit formed by resistors R7 11 and R710. The emitter bias circuit is formed by R722 and C712. The frequency determining network comprises of L604, C718 and 1701. The inductance of coil L701 can be varied slightly by adjusting the core of the coil. The coil L701 serves as the finetuning control of the receiver. The capacitor C721, between collector and emitter of Q703, serves to deliver the regenerative feedback signal required from the collector to the base circuit. An important characteristic of the local oscillator used in tuners is freedom from drift in frequency due to change in temperature, d.c. bias, load condition or aging of components. In monochrome receivers a very small amount of oscillator drift can. be tolerated. The frequency of local oscillator is changed whenever the receiver is tuned from one station to another. The fine-tuning control allows the oscillator frequency to be varied over a narrow range.
READINGS:All voltage are DC voltage measured by DMM except mentioned. 1) Main Voltages: 1. +115V Output from SMPS 2. +18 V Output from SMPS 3. +12 V Output from EHT 4. +25 V Output from EHT 5. +150 V Output from EHT 6. Q714 (BF393) Collector +60V. 7. +330V DC at fuse F 802 with reference to bridge rectifier ground. (2) Voltages of Tuner section: 1. AFT 2. AFT SW 3. UB 4. LB 5. TU 6. 7. 8. 9. HB TU AGC +12V IF O/P 5.2 10.0 when AFT SW is ON. 10.6 if Band UHF selected. 10.6 if Band I Selected. 0 to 33.0 depending upon the channel selected. 10.6 if Band III Selected. 2.7 to 8.2 12.1 5.06