EBD Report

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The definitions used for emotional and behavioral disorders vary.

However, accepted definitions propose that the presenting problem behaviors have the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. They exist to a marked extent and are notably serious. They are chronic or exist over a long period of time (three to six months). There is a high rate of frequency of exhibited behavior. There is an intense, dramatic or overwhelming behavioral response. Unacceptable behavioral episodes last far beyond expected duration. Personal difficulties adversely affect school perfomaces The behavior is age inappropriate and regarded as deviant from cultural or sociological standards of childs background

The proposed definition Emotional or Emotional Disorders (EBD) refer/s to a condition in which: 1. Behavioral or emotional responses of an individual in school are so different form his/her generally accepted age-appropriate, ethnic or cultural norms that are adversely affect educational performance I such areas as self-care, social relationships, personal adjustment, academic progress, classroom behavior or work adjustment. Such disability is: a. More than temporary, expected response to stressful events in the environment; b. Consistently exhibited in two different settings, at least one of which is school related; and c. Unresponsive to direct intervention in general education or the childs condition is such that general education interventions would be insufficient. 2. Emotional and behavioral disorders can co-exist with other disabilities. 3. This category may include children or youth with schizophrenic disorders or other sustained disturbances of conduct or adjustment when they adversely affect educational performance. General Characteristics of Children with EBD Have serious learning problems, are often falling all their subjects and are often two or more years behind their peers academically. Have serious problem with making or sustaining happy, gratifying relationships with other children and adults. Are often socially alienated, ostracized; some are withdrawn Exhibit behavior that is often obnoxious and surprisingly inappropriate and the behavior puzzles, frightens and disgusts observers. Are often anxious and sad. Complaint about psychosomatic illness, especially stomach pains, nausea and headaches.

Dimensions of Childrens Behavior 1. rate refers to how a particular behavior is performed, how undesirable and how often 2. duration a measure of how long a child engages in a given activity (ex. longer tantrums, short attention span) 3. Topography refers to the physical shape or form of the action 4. Magnitude or Force soft or hard or loud

Characteristics of EBDs Avoidance of contact with others Avoidance of eye contact with others Ritualistic behavior Chronic disobedience Covert or overt hostility Disorganization in routine tasks or spatial orientation Temper tantrums Disturbances of sleep or eating habits Emotional isolation Exaggerated or bizarre mechanism Falls in test and quizzes Few or no friends Frequent or persistent verbalizations about suicide Frequent unexplained illness Frequent unexplained crying Low frustration level Hyperactivity Inability to complete tasks Inability to concentrate Inappropriate noises and verbalizations Poor attention Inconsistency in academic performance Inconsistency I friendships Lethargy Lack of contact with reality Pessimistic Extreme mood changes Physical aggressiveness toward others or property Physical withdrawn from touch Phobic-type reactions Rapid or severe changes in mood Denial of responsibility of actions Need for constant assurance Repetitive behavior Self-mutilation Self-stimulation Severe reactions to changes I routine Sexual deviation Truancy Unexplained academic decline Lack of motivation Unreasonable fears Verbal aggression Verbal disruptiveness

3 Conditions that must be met 1. chronicity over a long period of time 2. severity to a marked degree 3. difficulty in school adversely affects educational performance Classification Systems Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) has over 230 separate diagnostic disorders

QUAYA Statistical Classifications is a quantitative approach which is based on behavior problems in children seen in hospitals, schools and clinics 1. Conduct disorder likely to be disobedient and/or disruptive, get into fights, bossy, exhibit temper tantrums 2. Personality disorder identified by social withdrawn, anxiety, depression, feeling of inferiority 3. Immaturity characterized by short attention span, extreme passivity, daydreaming, preference for younger playmates, clumsiness 4. Socialized aggression marked by truancy, gang membership, theft, pride in belonging to a delinquent subculture Learning Competence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attention level making contact with the environment Response level active motor and verbal participation Order level following instructions, rules and routines Exploratory level accurately and thoroughly investigate the environment Social level interactions with others Mastery level involve skills related to self-care, academics and vocational interest

Degree of Severity has two levels 1. Mild could respond to interventions provided in regular classrooms by regular teachers with support from guidance counsellors 2. Severe need intense treatment programs and residential placement Causes Biological Influence Prenatal Biological influence occurring during birth Genetically transmitted problems and predispositions Biological influence occurring after birth diseases, trauma that may cause neurological impairment or mental disorders Brain damage caused by diseases or exposure to toxic substances Nutritional deprivation Shapes how we perceive ad respond to the world around us, expectations Parenting styles, discipline patterns Curriculum factors may influence classroom behavior, failure, stress, schools physical: environment


Environment Influence Cultural

Home School


Significant influence o sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, management of aggression, moral standards, emotional security

High Risk influences and causes for EBD: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Physical and sexual abuse and neglect Inconsistent punitive discipline Rejection and poor adult role models Inept, hostile, acting-out teachers and other school personnel Divorce, violent neighborhoods, TV violence Substance abuse Psychotic parents, death of loved ones, poverty and/or other severe disabling or handicapping condition 8. Homelessness Identification Process 1. Behavior rating or inventory scales 2. Interviews the child, teacher, parents and peers 3. Ecological assessments observations conducted in the home and classroom isolating factors that appear to affect or exacerbate the childs behavior problem. Social workers often perform evaluations 4. Self-reports/self-concept measures level of anxiety, impulsivity or aggression 5. Projective Tests are developed to help individuals reveal inner wishes, conflicts, feelings and fantasies (ex. sentence or word completion tests) 6. Achievement and IQ Test Seven step model for behavioral assessment Step 1 Decide if the problem exists. Step 2 Determine if the intervention is warranted. Step 3 Determine if medical and/or psychological reasons exist that contribute to the problem behavior Step 4 Perform a functional assessment Step 5 Determine if the problem is the result of a skill or performance deficit Step 6 Develop a behavior management intervention Step 7 Conduct ongoing evaluation Approaches to Treating Behavioral Disorders Approach Biogenic Biophysical Psychodynamic Causes of EBD or Chemical imbalance; genetic abnormalities; brain dysfunction Unsuccessful negotiation of psychological Interventions Medication (stimulants, antidepressants) Encouragement of free expression

Psychoeducational Behavioral



Other interventions

stages; early traumatic experiences; inner of feelings; reduction of conflicts limitations; accepting environment Negative self-image; anxiousness; undue Support; reduction of limitations; stress; negative view of the environment accepting environment Learned appropriate behavior that is Reinforcement and modelling of reinforced; models of inappropriate appropriate behavior behavior are followed Interactions between the child and Adjustment of student, various environments; interactions environment or both; adaptation between childs needs and demands of of environment; teaching societal norms and responsibilities alterative behaviors Depersonalized system of education; Free open educational system; irrelevant curricula; individual emphasis on affect and depersonalization, authoritarian and rigid interdependence; caring teachers supportive atmosphere Cognitive strategy approaches self- monitoring, self-instuction and selfcontrol strategies; develop self-awareness and self-direction while being reinforced to be more socialized and better learners Drug Treatment Instructional method and curricula content curriculum emphasis ranges from teaching life, academic and social skills to help children cope with their current problems and prepare for future independent functioning Group process positive peer group Teacher skills combination of professional competencies and personal characteristics that produce the best teaching strategies Applied Behavioral Analysis Peer mediation

Elements to intervention approaches 1. Programs are well-structured; arrangement of the learning environment is carefully designed with established routines, rules, limits, Curricular ad other activities are carefully planned and implemented. The experiences of children characterized by clear directions, expectations that the child will do as directed and consistent follow-through in applying consequences for behavior. 2. Programs are established so that adults using them expend vast energy to communicate love, affection and gratifying experiences with no strings or conditions 3. Programs of effective remedial education are initiated to enable the child to become a successful student 4. Programs are developed to increase appropriate socialization and social skills

5. Parents in collaboration with teachers are included to support the childs programs at home and at school

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