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The Crescent 2012

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Illegal fishing declines LGU

Illegal fishing in Sofronio Espanola declines this year said by the LGU following the event at Brgy. Pulot Shore an accident of a fisherman whose arms cut and his right eye blinded after the big blast that wrecked fishing boat. Luckily his one companion survived the accident without much physical injury on November 2012. The LGU declaration were amidst the isolated casualties that happen last years primarily at Pulot Shore involving deaths of some fishermen due to the use of Bong-Bong or a local version of dynamite as way of catching fish. Aniceto T. Ayala, Administrative IV of Mayors Office said that they were doing their best to totally stop illegal fishing. Espanola have 15 Bantay Dagat who also happened a Bantay Gubat with only one boat to use. He added they were working out to answer the need. (Ajera S. Tadi)

June - December 2012 Vol. 2 No. 1

Zone II strikes Zone I surrenders

A POSE OF A WARRIOR. Marzid Mohammad prepares to strike for home run.

With the score of 7-2 at Second Inning, Zone II was on their warm up mood for the game and wasnt fully blasted yet with energy when Zone Is coach Jun Zumaraga surprisingly call out for surrender. Mixed emotions rained from Zone I, dismay for they were bitin on the game and gladness for the victory.
get off his rubber shoes used for badminton and played barefooted on the muddy field as the Zone IIs best pitcher for baseball. His effort paid off and the group won, he too rank 1st for Badminton Single A. Coach of Zone II was Ronie Bacosa. (Rayhan Hussin and Shamsina Maadil)

Gold, bronze

haulininwind-like moves field Riding the

what makes Hamdi Arquero snatched 1st place in 100 meter dash race during the Palarong Bayan 2012 held at Municipal Sports Complex. He inched away seven contender from different schools. Thanks for my long legs these were my x-factor to win said by the newly king of the race. PSES female team on relay snatches bronze. We were not used to run barefooted. They commented. A r q u e r o represented Spanola in Provencial Meet 2012 at Brookes Point. He ranks 3rd place during the 1st race however he wasnt able to play for the final race because he was struck by flu.

Zone II was last years District Meet champs of Base ball game, won without contender it was only the Pulot Shore Elem. Sch. (PSES) that have a representative player for base ball, they represent the Zone II. It makes them By for their first fight with their only opponent the Zone I. Under the hot noon sun yet of muddy field because of the previous day heavy rain Zone II won on their 1st fight with the score of 13-14. Marsid Mohammad from PSES who was the group pitcher was happened to be a badminton player too, the two games were almost played at the same time. Husain Yacob a PSES player that substituted Marsid while he was at the semi final of badminton against Zone I. He said that having a best pitcher was one factor to rule on the baseball game. Having sandwiches to two games made Marsid, run and crosses the track and field several times, changed outfit and

The Official School Publication of Pulot Shore Elementary School Pulot Shore, Sofronio Espaola, Palawan, Division of Palawan, Region IV-B MIMAROPA

PROUD. A fisherman exhibiting his exotic fresh catch at Carasanan.

SEMP or Sofronio Espanola Municipal Police, spearheaded the Mini Olympic 2012-2013, There were only three categories of games, The Chiefs Badminton Cup open for male and female, The 3 on 3 challenge for Basket Ball and the Shootout Game where us the players should shoot CASH EXCHANGE PER SHOOT. Police officer sweat out. the 25 balls to all angle of the court. Mini Olympic next year. The said activity started Nov. 19 Chief of Police Carlito Valdez and end up Dec. 18, 2012. aims to make the youth closer to This was an open game the people and by way of making for three categories, from Pulot sports activities like this every year Natl High School there were five will help the youth to make their groups, Outsider or Out of School time valuable, one way to make Youth and from PNP group. Prices them away from vices. for these were cash and trophy. Contest was held on Sitio SEMP was looking possibly Tagbabalat, at PNP headquarters. to include elementary level on their (Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin)

SEMPS shootouts Mini Olympics

1st Library drives launched

Under the banner, SIGNATURE FOR A CAUSE CAMPAIGN 2011-2012 a fund raising of English Club raised 1,816 signatures that yielded P8,000 worth of assorted books and P2,000 worth of pledge signatures.
Since 1935 of its establishment this was the first formal mini library that opened up for schools use, open up for pupils on November 27, 2012 in relation to Araw ng Pagbasa, With the National Reading Month years theme: Nasa Pagbasa ang Pag-asa the school partake on the annual reading advocacy aims to promote and develop love for reading. The library now serving 82% of Muslim children and 16% IPs with 2% Christian pupils. Signature for A Cause campaign was composed of thirty-six folders each folder have one leader with 10-12 English Club Members from grade III to VI who helped to solicit signatures. Anyone who signed on the SIGNATURE FOR A CAUSE campaign donated a minimum amount of one peso and above and some donated books. (Ella Sala)


P100K gift set for centenarian

Scouts Flood Drill marches under the rain

This year PulotShorean kids prepared and know what to do if high water approaches their buildings. They proved it when even under the rain the scouts headed the lane and marched out of the school and onto the police car during flood evacuation drill. As three long whistles blow, 60 pupils from grade III to VI and 13 from lower grades marched on not minding the drizzles that later turned into a big drops of rain. The school conducted its 1st Flood Drill though a must surprisingly it was the 1st ever flood drill in any school and locality of municipality. The drill was the schools response from the March-flood last year that struck three schools including PSES, leaving suffered books, teachers Ims, office stuffs including TV, player and CPU ditched in mud and flood. Madam Talan, the Sch. Principal was hoping however that there will be no application for this flood evacuation drill the school have just practiced. This activity was in relation

LOUD AND CLEAR. English Club officers assist lower grades in reading.

f the mouse could help you connect with friends a ball and racket could help you find new brothers and sisters. You dont need to be hit by paddle to be a member of this growing brotherhood. Just paid a membership fee of 100 pesos and play. But the clubs meant more than just an instrument to shape

the growing belly of Espaolan guys and girls who almost forgot to exercise. Based on their observations each active member who regularly plays have already lost inches of excess fats on waist. One of the main aims of the club is to train kids to teach them the love of sports and soon prepare them for competitions.

More than sports the club is a brotherhood of men and women who help each other. Members who were sick or if family member was dead. The club initiates effort to give financial and moral support. It was even more than welling to give community service soon as one of its vision. For the first time Sofronio

Espanola sports enthusiast has new thing to get busy with more than for sports. Started March 2011 when the lawn tennis court was formally opened to the public. Sept. 30 2011 when the 1st Sofronio Espanola Tennis Club was organized and Mayor Zenaida Gomez as their Adviser. Starting from 21 original members it rose to 30 active male and female members. Now everything changes. The club is determined to shape not just the belly but the attitude, much more the brotherhood and camaraderie of Spanolans closer to each other.

to the Joined Boy Scout and Girl Scout Encampment, Nov.15-16. Other activities were first Aid, cooking contest, knot tying, semaphore and parlor games. (Ella Sala)

Among the population of 35,053 people at Espanola only one would be possibly given a chance to receive a cash amount of 100,000 pesos. The DSWDs identified 100 years old seniors from Brgy. Pulot Center. wala kami kabalo, (We dont know about it), said by Tecla Gregas the only senior identified as hundred years old. The Bill was already proposed October 2011 and out of 15 seniors asked, all said they dont know about the news. The House of Representatives has approved a Centenarians Bill or The House Bill 834 that would reward senior citizens a P100,000. cash but only if the elderly reaches the age of 100. (Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin)

Pupils reading gleefully, singing songs, actively doing board work a normal class in an ordinary dayonly that their teachers were these Little Teachers under the School Pupil Government Program. A sweet treat for Heroes Activity was in relation to World Teachers Day celebrated on October 08 at PSES compound. The said activity was composed of 12 SPG volunteer officers who acted as teachers proxy for a half day, there was one Little Teacher for every grade level starting Kinder to grade V. This activity aims to bring simple joy to schools heroestheir teachers.

World Teachers Day features Little Teachers

It help us, for a half day it change the environment of our class, indeed we were surprised these Little Teachers show potentials Quoted from grade I Teacher, Irene Rabaya. Other activities hosted by SPG during a short program on the afternoon were card making contest. For bracket A ( Grd.IIII) won by Jenny Imperial, Grd. III. Nasima Borong won for Bracket B (IV-VI) with the title A basket of flower Full of Love. Afterwards while the Grade VI sung the tribute song pupils gave cards to their favourite teachers. (Yheena Dalendeg)


Espaola spins gold in Provl Lawn Tennis

A thundering forehand top spin technique from Trizia Beatriz Talan what makes her won over Brookes Point with the score of 9-7. When at this last crucial seconds her blow wasnt blocked by her opponent. Making her the Elem. Girl Single B Lawn Tennis Champion for Provincial Meet 12. This grade IV pupil was quite tensed during the event with only almost a month preparation against the more experienced Brookes Point player whom an inches towering over her height. For the first time Espanola District sent a player for Lawn Tennis Elem while it was also her 1st time to join the competition. The X-Factor for Trizias victory was the fact that Teddie Talan her father was also her

PSES mentors join 2012 DepEd

LIS Elem Nationwide Launching
Learners Informations System or LIS Program was launched by the DepEd this year 2012. This activity asked the pupils personal records including parents name, birthdates, Nutritional Status, and whether they are a Conditional Cash Beneficiaries member (4Ps) and the most important part the pupils national ID numbers or the Learners Record Numbers (LRN). For the first time teachers all over the Philippines were mandated to upload to the internet the said asked information. District of Sofronio Espanola were divided in three groups in varied days for uploading the data in the DepEd LIS program as assisted by the district trainer Ali Pinson, teacher II of Olympic Elem. Sch. Purposes were to clean the records, submit correct data example from NAT results, ensure accuracy data for the integrity of the LRN, deactivated pupils with multiple accounts, and removed ghost pupils in the system. The said identified LRN numbers will be the ID number of pupil starting from kinder to high school. They will bring this ID number whether they will transfer-in to any schools. The said LIS program was already long been used in other countries and proved to be effective. (Farhana Dalendeg)

Dario Gullos a 34 year old Espanolan received national recognition as Young Farmers Awardee at Nueva Ecija, Nov.13 2012 handed by President Aquino himself he also received 150,000K cash gift. Following the event he was granted a 20 days tour to India together with other members of Asian Farmers they observed farms in the area. 2004 When he started farming, and out from 5 hectares vegetables farm income at Malalong he had bought a tractor that now he uses for his farming. This inspired me a lot it changed my perspective in farming He said when asked why he pursue farming when he was a graduate of diesel mechanics. Prior the national award he was already a recipient of 2008 Agricultural Exchange Council in Japan. A recipient of Regional Greenhouse Facility from Department of Agriculture on 2010. He was also a resource person for Farmers Entrepreneurship forum at Puerto Princesa City. Now Dario was training another farmer from Roxas Palawan for whole month of January will be the new province representative for regional

Espaolans reaps Natl Young Farmers Award

DOING WELL. Ella Sala faithfully doing her duty as little teacher in Grade II.

competition next year. Our focus now is how to change youths perspective about farming specially nowadays that farming was youths least priority in the Philippines. He added. (Ajera S. Tadi)

First Brgy Amon Jaded Highlights Cultural Festival

1st Bgy. Amon Jaded ( Arabic Language for Muslim New Year) was celebrated last Nov. 14-15 in relation to 354 yearly days of Muslim Calendar. With the theme; Pagpapanatili sa Minanang Kalinangan Tungo sa Mas Maunlad na Pamayanan Bgy Pulot Shore Highlights Cultural Festival. For two nights it staged the competition portraying talents. Playing traditional musical instruments, songs and dances as well as reading of Quran and reciting the Bang or Calling prayers. Though Amon Jaded was not celebrated by all Muslims still we would like to impart this piece of tradition and information to these young generations to bring them closer to God and brings more unity to old and new generations Bgy. Capt. Norayda Omar during an interview.

It doesnt matter that we were having a good time in sports, what fulfilling most is if that sports at the same time helps to promote our identity, our cultural heritage, a way for more unified country. Dec.11, 2009 former Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed the R.A.9850 declaring Arnis as the National Martial Arts and Sports of the Philippines. Last May 6-12, 12 for the second time the competition of Arnis was opened to the Elementary Division male and female from all over the country. Now the schools all over the country were mandated to include Arnis in their Physical Education Curriculum. (P.E.) However on our current curriculum, Arnis was not yet there, another issue was P.E teachers should also have a proper trainings regarding the basics of Arnis and not just about the History alone. This will help a lot for deeper appreciation and application of it. Arnis, the said martial arts that have been an instrument used by our heroes to defeat their colonizers were said to be losing its recognition. The reality we were facing today was the need to continuously veer the interest of young athletes towards the arnis sports. Lets all help to revive the lost passion for this lost combat.

Arnis for Elementary: A revival of lost combat

trainer. It brought out positive outcome. The usual father and daughter bonding during practiced makes way for it. However during the moment of competition her trainer have this unusual behaviour the Momy Ds attitude he turned out to be more tensed for her daughter and cant bare to witness the actual game. He managed just to came out somewhere after the game was finished. This was quite hard for a player because the racket was heavier and we need to play under the heat of sun, however this game for me was satisfying and its getting recognition here in our place Said by Trizia when asked why he chose Lawn Tennis as her sport.

Donaire punches Best fighter of the year

Before the year end the Ring Magazines declared Nonito The Filipino Flash Donaire as 2012 Best fighter of the World. The Filipino found-forfound contender went fourfor-four wins against Wilfredo Vasques of Puerto Rico, Jeffery Matibola of South Africa, Toshiaki Nishioka of Japan and Jorge Arce of Mexico. Two of his wins were won by knock out (TKO) these were between Nishioka, he defeated at 6th round via right left hook punch and his freshly fight with Arce whom he defeated on 3rd round. According to him focus and strategy were vital in the boxing ring in order to win. we were glad Donaire regain the countrys honor after Pacmans TKO with his fight against Marquez said by Mr. Trinidad, the schools former trainer in boxing. He shows potential to be the next Pacman he added. (Sofrejan Gubat)

NO TIME FOR GOOD TIME. Trizia working out a day before the final match.

FOR COUNTRYS PRIDE. One of a punch from Donaire that thunders Arce.

In relation to World Rabies Day Celebration

Jenifer, grade V, was one of 26 pupils of PSES who suffer dog bites and only four have completed the shots, the other 5 pupils never completed the three shots, some just opt to tanduk, or the local way of extracting venom or rabies using carabaos horn. Because it was cheaper, parents gamble on this way. While she belonged to the rest who never been vaccinated and just thought that it was just a minor incident, these were the findings of Science Club on their investigation conducted on August 08, 2012. The given information prompted PSES Science Club to join the war against rabies and requested short information dissemination about rabies awareness and prevention campaign together with Municipal Health Unit, in relation to World Rabies day on September 28. 311 been vaccinated with an antidote against rabies last 2011 and record speaks, with 279 cases as of December alone of this year it just yielded almost the same result before another year ends. Almost 90% of patients were children. This was the findings disclosed by the Rural Health Unit of Espanola for the cases in relation to dog bites. We always encourage the victim to complete vaccination however because of lack of financial matters some settled for two vaccines only of which the RHU given free, out of three to four shots required. If this happen the former shots would be useless as they will be back to zero Catherin Barroma, municipal nurse said during an interview. Being almost 100% fatal, rabies ranks the 10th in causes of mortality in the world. Many of the fatalities were attributed to dog bits where 30 to 60 % of the victims are children under age of 15, according to WHO although the incidence of rabies in the country has declined somewhat in recent years, disease rates per 100, 000 continue to be higher in the Philippines than those of neighbouring countries. In fact as of 2010 World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the Philippines ranked fourth among with the highest cases in the world. (Ajera S. Tadi)

Sci Club declares war against rabies

ALIVE Program in Espaola serious research

Post Grad research entitled Status of the Arabic Language and Islamic Values (ALIVE) in the District of Sofronio Espanola reveals it was much serious. Main cause of the problems in implementing the ALIVE Prog. Is the availability of enough funds which result to poor school facilities and resources and poor availability of skilled azatids. It also reveals that Bataraza, Quezon, Brookes Point LGU gave additional monthly honorarium as support on their Arabic teachers where as the municipality of Espanola had given none due to lack of municipal fund. Another problem is the additional learning loads of ALIVE subjects for Muslim pupils and the administrative problems of the program. The research tested the

FOURSOME. ALIVE pupils while trying to fit themselves in three-seater capacity chair during their Arabic subject as the classroom was loaded of pupils.

WHEN THE KING CRIES. King Dennian, 2 years old and 9 months one of the youngest victim by the dog on the head, cries after vaccination of anti-rabbies.

Ask Mr. Bookworm

Q: How do Typhoons Form?

Pharaoh Jareen D. Sofronio Espaola, Palawan

Firefly Effect Puts the Glow in New LED Bulb Tech

New single room building graced on October 22 houses 77 grade IV pupils. The said building constructed starting July 09, finished on September 06 of the same year with the total coast of 693,737.38 pesos. Presently this was the highest structural building of the school and wider of few meters compared with other buildings. Yet the school as located in flood prone area was still looking forward for two-storey building that would also be as a refuge area if flood will came in. The newly constructed building had no available comfort room to serve.

New building houses 77 pupils

The school was also facing an outnumbered teacher-pupil ratio. Grade V alone have 86 pupils with one regular teacher and only one Para teacher to assist, this situation forced the principal to handle other subjects. (Ajera S. Tadi)

PSES grabs 1st place in Mun Nutrition Individual categories, 2nd in jingle
This was the first time that we asked helped for a trainer, this was not just for competition the biggest part were let the talents of our pupils honed and showcased. She added. Other activity joined by the school was the Slogan Making Contest of which Marsid Mohammad got 3rd place.

Acceptability and the Status and Challenges of the program only among the three schools of the District, namely in Sofronio Espanola Centarl School, Punang and Pulot Shore Elem. Sch. which offered ALIVE class. The respondents find the ALIVE prog. much acceptable to the respondents because of the religious and cultural aspect of it. Research also reveals that relationship between muslim and Christian pupils is a less serious problem. ALIVE Program is projected to meet its goal as long as the problems which are considered by the respondents as much serious are appropriately acted upon. This was according to the study conducted by Janice D. Dasas a faculty of Pulot Shore Elem. School. (Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin)

Mun Multi purpose convention center on constructions

More than 7 Million pesos was estimated proposed budget for this newly constructed multi purpose convention center started Jun 2012, as of now 3.5M was prepared for its second phase of constructions started Nov.2013. This convention building was designed to be an evacuation center if calamities arrived and at the same time a hall for meetings and seminars. (Sitti Ferdauzia Sahiddin)

You need two components to have a typhoon to form, the ocean and the heat of warm air. Since heat rises the warm air is pushed up into the sky and can cause a large swirling action which creates a typhoon. The moister of the ocean coupled with the heat of the air can keep the typhoon going and growing.

New research has found that LEDs that use firefly-inspired lenses need less energy to shine brighter. Scientists have developed a lens for LEDs that is etched with tiny dots, similar to how a fireflys lantern is covered in tiny ridges. The lens allows 98 percent of light to pass through it, which is significantly better than a traditional lens, and an improvement similar to coating a lens with an expensive anti-reflective coating. Ki-Hun Jeong of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and colleagues studied firefly abdomens under a scanning electron microscope. They found the lantern part of the abdomens where the light is produced is made of three layers, and bears a striking resemblance to a standard LED bulb. (Source: http://www.livescience.com/24418-fireflyeffect-puts-the-glow-in-new-led-bulb-tech.html)

With 17 points ahead Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin, Grade VI marked 1st on Nutrition Quiz Bee while first timer Rizan Gubat got 1st place on On-the-Spot painting contest. Under the years them Pagkain ng Gulay Ugaliin Arawaraw itong Ihain Nutrition Month was celebrated in all municipalities nationwide. This yearly municipal quiz bee competition and On-theSpot Making Contest was won by PSES. Were so happy we made our coaches and our school proud thats the most important for us said by Sittie when asked about her feelings after the competition. One of the highlights of Nutrition Month celebration was the jingle competition. This most awaited competition was presented on the afternoon and joined by secondary and elementary level. For the first time the school joined jingle competition of which it ranked 2nd among the three contender.

The said activity was held at municipal gym, July 30, 12 and participated by all schools in the district. Coach for Quiz bee was Lolita Tiron and Janice Dasas for On-the-spot painting and jingle while Mr. Robert Alipoon as their trainer for jingle competition. (Karen Dacayo)

ALL OUT ON DANCE FLOOR. First timers jingle dancers showcase their moves.


If you dont understand what you read then you dont know how to read at all. This research revelation became the new standard for education. Reading comprehension is the heart and goal of reading, since the purpose of reading is to gather meaning from the printed page. If the pupil says words in a passage, without gathering meaning, one would hesitate to call it reading. Under the schools Phil-IRI or Philippine Informal Reading Inventory of 2011,out of 365 pupil tested slow reader were 276 and 333 were comprehension frustrations. For 2012 Phil-IRI as pretest tested on 377 pupils, only 178 were slow reader and 200 comprehension frustrations. Base from the given data the school may hit a little improvement yet still far from better but how long will it guarantee an ascending performance in the yearly PhilIRI? The DepEd as pursuing its Every Child A Reader program, the school was doing its best to complied with the it ,recently it opened a schools mini library in order to develop better comprehension for pupils by developing their habit of reading. However winning the battle for reading comprehensions requires a lot not just merely on industriousness of teacher and availability of library. The school as of today have 516 pupils with only 9 regular teachers and 3 parateachers. Considering the ratio of pupils per teacher such example on 77 Grade IV with one teacher the quest for winning the battle might be so hard. Submitting yearly Phil-IRI is not enough the DepEd should also take actions for the needs of the school such us lack of teachers if it really want to deliver quality education. While the school should always put the battle for comprehension as its priority.
June - December 2012 Vol. 2 No. 1

The battle for reading comprehensions

PSES Investigatory Proj yields hair treatment for dandruff and hair loss
Using combination of juices extracted from Aloe Vera, Maiden hair, century plant and virgin coconut oil. The three Grade VI pupils Ajera Tadi, Sittie Sahiddin and Ella Sla came up with a hair lotion possibly could stimulate hair growth and prevent hair from baldness. The formula was tested under 10 volunteered grade six pupils

Super Spice, Spice up life

LITTLE SCIENTISTS. Ajera, Sittie and Ella during the presentation of Sci output.

A mother comes up with the cure

Where are we missing? We gave our best already. The often dialog of our teachers every time the results came and even after all the combined efforts still the MPs was low. 3.84% increased out from 48% points of last years MPs it was the schools achievement. Far behind the passing score of 75%. It could be both a compliment and an insult. We said at least we were honest. We never cheat. IS NAT EXAM A MATTER OF SCORE AND VALUES ISSUE? According to our Grade VI teacher who happened to be a participant on the Reg. NAT seminar, on Puerto Gallera (though we were not the lowest) she said it was not just about a GMRC- like activity. We often have this so-called idea that when other schools got higher score they probably cheated. Well some might be. If the school have already made a better foundation before then they dont need to do any magic. (If there was) According to Ms. Tiron (grade VI adviser) their speakers said the NAT issues was not just for Grade VI teachers but started from the grade I up to higher grades, if the foundation was at its best then they can reap its effect year after years. All must give their best to every child; I myself recognized the effort of my teachers. If they gave their best then a big part came from us also, we (the pupils) should help our teachers to mold us not only to be intellectually good but the most important thing was the VALUES that they taught on us. This coming March we will make new records, hoping our school and our teachers might be proud of us. That we can have another higher point without sacrificing our souls. For all of my batch in grade VI we should work hard and help our selves to achieve greater goals. Allah will bless us! By Muhmina Isul and Ella Sala
ecessity is truly the mother of inventions. This was proven by a woman when at age of 12 she had already come up with the needed ingredients to help her paralyzed grandfather back into normal. She was a natural born manghihilot as goes with the local term. Just by mere observing with the other folks in their locality Jane had created her own version of ointment which later she named Juana Wonder Oil. Juana Wonder Oil was an ointment composed of coconut oil, native ginger and yellow ginger (turmeric) with some secret herbs. She claimed using the same oil her grandfather gets well from being paralyzed. They heated the oil at a tolerable level then used it to gently massage or reflex the paralyzed part. Now as a licensed reflexologist she had already helped 7 paralytic using herself made oil. The home made ointment was paled yellow with very slight aroma of coconut oil she said the ointment was also good for feet with varicose veins, to give relief to muscle spasm and to comfort rheumatism among folks. Jane Gomez 45 yearold mother of 4 children uses her creativity driven by the desires to help other people now had successfully proven that the medicines could only be found within our backyard. To d a y she was already supplying Juana Wonder Oil to U.S.A, Dubai, Manila and to the different municipalities of Palawan including P u e r t o Princesa.

including their research adviser Lolita Tiron applying the mixture for seven consecutive days to be applied before taking a bath. Related problem encountered was how to make the mixture remains unspoiled without damaging each natural capacity to cure. The researchers for the main time recommended that the product should be refrigerated to make it stay fresh. Further investigation was suggested to make the mixture stay unspoiled for longer time. Using the combination of these materials the researcher hope to help find the solution for major hair problems of people in the community and at the same time introduced livelihood to local folks.


he new spice of wonder: Turmeric. Found to be five to eight times stronger than vitamin E and stronger than vit. C, three times more powerful than grape seed or pine bark extract. Turmeric (curcuma longa) locally known as luyang dilaw, dulaw or yellow ginger is number one spice in many Pilipino Muslims kitchens. In India it was used for more than two thousand years they called it the spice of life. Today Its value was recognized by modern science. Curcumin is one of the major components of turmeric; this gives it yellow color found from its roots. Researchers unwrapped its healing magic powers by recent studies revealing a heap of gifts from this what they call a super spice. Here are some of its long list; considered by many to be most reactive of all oxidants, boost immune system, maintain healthy cells natural liver detoxifier, balance the health of digestive system, assist neurological systems healthy response to stress and anti cancer. With these list who can argue that our humble local luyang dilaw is truly a super spice that could really spice up our life to the next level?

The Official School Publication of Pulot Shore Elementary School Pulot Shore, Sofronio Espaola, Palawan

SY 2012-2013
Editor in Chief: Ella Sala, Assistant Editor In Chief: Ajera S. Tadi, Managing Editor: Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin, Assistant Managing Editor: Farhana Dalendeg, News Editor: Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin, Feature Editor: Muhmina Isul, Assistant Feature Editor: Farhana Dalendeg, Science & Technology Editor: Ella Sala, Assistant Science & Technology Editor: Adzfar Andor, Sports Editor: Rayhan Hussin, Assistant Sports Editor: Shamsina Maadil, Cartoonist: Sofrejan Gubat, Assistant Cartoonist: Marsid Mohammad, Photojourn: Wanhar Ibrahim, Assistant Photojurn: Khairunisa Abdurajak Contributors: Raiza Ibno, Tom Pacana, Karen Dacayo, Yheena Dalendeg, Hanifah Jamion Advisers: Janice Delmo Dasas & Lolita V. Tiron Principal: Lavelyn S. Talan

Some pink mushrooms were found under the forest of Bulho Calasaguen. According to Grade IV teacher who saw it, even some natives asked in the area said it was their first time to come across with such kind of unidentified mushroom.

Watered power alarm clock to wake you up!

Going green is cheap and easy! The water clock will display the time and date in clear easy to read numbers just moments after you fill the liquid case in the back with the liquid of your choice.

Gadgets for Kids

The ball has built-in motors that you control with a smartphone app after connecting via Bluetooth. http://www.entrepreneur.com/ slideshow/225271#8 Sphero; a little robot ball you can control with your phone The Sphero is a neat little accessory for your smartphone.

Logitech io Digital Pen

Goodbye to no. 2 pencil and inky pen! The

Logitech io Pen digitally captures everything you write or draw including notes, drawings, sketches, and even your doodles. Using io Digital pen it downloaded notes directly to your pc via USB interface in the same format that you entered them.

Mothers are the original storytellers,

f you were a Palawan you might know already the meaning of the word: Busong. Busong is a Palawan word that literally means fate. The story was inspired by the tales of Aureus Solitos mother, particularly the concept of fate or karma. Solitos mother was from the Palawan tribe of Palawan. Busong is a must watch indie film directed by Aureous Solito. The story was about the journey of Punay (played by Alessandra De Rosi) and his brother Angkarang in search for a healer for the formers wounds on her body. Throughout the film, different people helped carry Punay in a hammock because she cannot step on the earth. It was later

environmental degradation. Now that the Province of Palawan was facing a raging battle against preservation of nature and culture this film what really speaks for us. According to Solito, the film fulfilled his dream

By: Ella Sala

revealed that Punay was the personification of the island province and the wounds on her body represent the islands

of making a film set in his home province to honor his heritage and to preserve its rich culture. This is also the reason why Solito featured some of the native mythology and folklore of Palawan set against the magnificent vistas of the province. The Endie Film bagged prestigious award received such as International Critics Prize award from the International Federation of Film Critics at the film festival. Pat Marquez a high school teacher of Palawan included also in the cast. The Endie Film have bagged prestigious award from International Critics. Solatorio has proven we may be famous and successful in our life but what satisfying most is to be our TRIBES PRIDE.

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We congratulate the staffs and advisers of our School Publication for ranking second on 2011-2012 DSPC from the first issue. We were proud of you! -Grade V Molave Our school lack garbage cans. That might be one reason there were a lot of trash on our school ground. I hope the School will take actions. -Darwina Sintik Grade IV The back of grade I building smell awfully. It often disturbed our classes. -Angelica Aban- Grade II To Darwina, our SGB already initiated a garbage can project to be use this December. We should also help our school in maintaining cleanliness by following our school rules regarding it. To Angelica, there were a constructed comfort room project on your school building area , it will possibly can be use this January. You can also help by reminding grade I to use comfort rooms.

From an orphan to ship owner

By Khairuniza Abdurajak

Its almost 5 oclock but Faizal still continue hamering, the usual tak tak tak sound inside the unfinish ship could be heard. Being alone and deprived of families love were not enough reasons to waste life for nothing, it takes a lot of courage for a man to make his life worthwhile and made it beautiful without parents guidance. He always said on some teenagers who sometimes curiously peep while his doing errands in his ship. I was only three years old when I lost my mother and fa ther . Pain could still be seen

on his face as he said it. Abdurajaks family were just one among the victim of rampant pirate attacks on 1960s while on their way to Malaysia. Aboard with their family passenger vessels group of pirates came and robbed their two ships they bombarded the two vessels with their long guns that causes the death of 30 people . Every child needs love and guidance but every time I am sick I had nothing to lean on so I must be strong Faizal was not a typical kid, leaving on his other relatives he happened to learned how to make a ship through watching and

observing. No one taught me nor did I go to a formal school. I started from small vessel then dreamed to make it bigger. And he did at age of 21 he started and finished his first masterpiece. A small vessel they called it lantsa for local term. Bigger compared to ordinary fishing boat yet smaller compared to a ship. From then on he knows what he wanted to do. At age of 47 I had already finished 4 Lantsa. He meekly said while smiling. It varies in type, the latest was a tourist vessel for

Island Hopping on El Nido whom I had sold for 800 thousand, and the other one was my gift for my wife and 4 kids. I saw him lovingly looking at her wife besides him. very vessels that I work for was like a connection to my past, a tribute for my lost families, a lost love that I never felt, a thing that what makes me stronger to face life challenges. It 5 oclock no usual sound of tak tak tak the boat was finished and A b d u r a j a k s family was on thier way for the first trip of his familys lants.

Palwan inah noh? Muslim neh noh? (Is your mother Palwan? Is your mother Muslim?) Everyone of us have our respective ethnic origin which matter as we begin to enter schools. The department of Education wanted to produce globally competitive individual so launches its new curriculum, the K-12 of which this year added the Kindergarten and another two-year in high school. Under the K-12 Program, The DepEd Palawan launches the Mother Tongue Based Learning Program (MTB-MLE) This program was full implemented this year in Grade I, which the lesson was taught in first language of a child where as no subject taught in. It means NO English subject on first grading. This new language curriculum guide emphasizes new research based teaching

methodologies that enable the student to develop strong thinking skills through participatory methods, facilitating successfully without loss of cultural and linguistic heritage. As a pupil based on experienced I learned fast and I participate more if the subjects was explained in Filipino much better if it was taught on my mother tongue language. Research within the Philippine and around the globe reveals that strong education foundations in the learners first language more easily enable mastery of all subject including Filipino and English. Lets wait year from now and who knows Palawan might reap a lot out from the goodness of this program. We might not know this would be one way to upgrade our education and economic status.

Character is something that separates a great man from the ordinary. Each shaping of values started as early as were kids. As we grew in our grade level our space for socialization widened. Our generation of today uses different medium for reaching each other from via phone and electronic communication for socializations. Our communication ways may differ from the older one but the rules never change. The rules about how we should properly communicate and socialized with other people. News about teenage suicide after cyber bullying was one of example of worst result of lack of discipline from user of social media. Today that internet becomes our inescapable medium in our daily life as pupils we should be familiar with new terms such as cybercitizenship, cyber ethics and netiquette refer to responsible cyber social behaviour. We may be kids but using technology like internet it

could be weapon that we may be a victim or we could used it that could brought serious damage and harm to others. From mere downloading of music, movies for our projects to posting bad comments to our classmates we might not know but we already committed against the new law of R.A.10175 or the Cyber Crime Prevention Act that was signed by President Benigno Aquino. This Law will punish libel online and combat related offenses in the country. Based on researches minors percentage of cybercrime was very high. Our parents cant be always there to check us but If we were always be guided by our good values or ethics about how to deal with other people regardless of time and medium then its not impossible to leave and continue enjoy the blessings of technology. After all our characters that begin us kids were something that we need for a shaping a better society may it in any form.


by Ajera S. Tadi

Muslim culture was wrapped of many colorful activities. A child on its first year of life has a lot of things to celebrate for, even a simple cutting of his hair means a lot to his families and deals a lot of effort and ceremony for being a muslim. To marks the childs first year he must only then have his first hair cut. A ceremony must start with putting the child inside the patadyong or the traditional wrapping cloth of Muslim. Weighing at him at the opposite side was a patadyong with rice, Muslim delicacies and sprouted coconut. He will then turn countless time while the chick or chicken was at the middle of it. He will be fetch later by a child whose both parents was still a live. Then he will drink a fresh juice of young coconut. This fruit should get witho u t falling from

the ground. There was also burning of fragrant camangyan sap and oil for the ceremony. After some prayer of blessing from the imam or Muslim priest the child will have his first hair cut by the priest. The hair will be put inside the young coconut or be keep by his parents. This culture of ceremony is still being practiced in the area of Pulot Shore and some Muslim dominated part amidst the changing test of modern time this was still being observed. Colonization of different race in the Philippines and the modernization do not make this tradition fade. This tradition proved its worth to be a part of every Muslims lives,a culture that stands amidst the changing test of time.

The usual joke of Mang Joe to his customer while during serving the menu and this joke pass to his parokyanos as they regularly came back to his carederia for this exotic food blended just for Spanolans taste. With the combination of Vietnamese and Italian an extra ordinary spaghetti was made. With its main ingredients from spaghetti, it has catsup, milk powder, added with cabbage and carrot finely chopped as toppings while from chaolongs main ingredients it barrow rice noodles, mint leaves and calamansi and with extra especial ingredients wedded together and presto a SpagChao was born! This yummy, delicious and saucy unique spaghetti was on the top rating

lease remember your list order in Picanas carenderia. name before eating About 3 years ago, It was born

out of creativity of Joe Picana a 57 year old man. At first you wont classifies if what it is, a spaghetti or chaolong? It was creamy to taste, the pasta has more elastic texture with a tilt of calamsi, crunchyness of chopped vegetables with a hint of mint leaves, a sweet aftermath taste that lingers on taste. A Spagchao was not just a famous food for us in Pulot Center, but this was a symbol of mixed culture, a perfect example of a change based on food tale. This what made it unique only Spanola owned this signature dish. A pride of our hometown All I can say is you better taste it! And decide by your own whether it is a chaolong or spaghetti.

By: Sofrejan Gubat

by Ella Sala

July 22 1998 a baby girl named Ajera S. Tadi was born. She was our most responsible Ate at class, whom always prim and proper. She topped our class in Grade V and now on our 1st and 2nd Grading (Sshh she might be our Class Valedictorian). She was our English Club President, our M a t h Wiz-

By Farhana Dalendeg and Muhmina Isul

f you can do it better do it best. The Magic threes motto. They dont belong to a singing competition nor acting in a soap opera, but they have a big role in our school as pupils source of inspirations. The campus superstars: Our very own magic three. In their blood a promising youth with innate capabilities, their talents and achievements what inspire others to follow their foot prints. Their destinies were to make history!

Lets begin first on our SPG Mayor. Sittie Ferdauzia Sahiddin. Born on Oct. 16 2000. She was our first honor from grade I to grade IV, former E.I.C., and zone IIs asset on Chess Competition, she topped on 2012 District Nuti. Quiz Bee and she even got the best in Pronunciation award last year. Her favourite cartoon character was Detective Conan, shes fanatic of investigating cases, and who knows if she will be an NBI agent someday.

ard and our best Project making Queen. She bagged an award of Best in Leadership, Best in penmanship and Best in spelling too. Her height was one of her best physical asset paired with her tanned skin. Her beauty was revealed in her simple and demure ways. She was fan of reading books and she loves to draw and paints. Her secret (shes our most industrious news writer) The remaining contender was our certified singer queen her sweet voice was her main identity. Ella Sala our Science

Club President whom born on January 23 2000, was also called the beauty and brain lass. This girl came from a family of musician, she can not also sing but actually can play musical instrument such as piano and guitar. She ranked 3rd on DSPC Feature writing last year and joined RSPC in Tagaytay. Now our current E.I.C. (She never sleep till she finished her pub assignment) T h e s e Magic Three as what other called them was both beauty in and out. The schools pride. They mark a big part in our school history. We dont need to look outside or inside the TV just watching these friends do inspire us a lot already. Truly they bring magic on us!

fter three hours and fortyfive minutes of walking we finally met her. Our eyes were locked on her we never speak for a moment just savoring the awesome beauty that we see. Shes silently setting on her throne made of piles of big rocks. Water gracefully flowing down. After almost four months of waiting I finally met this water falls which later we named the nameless virgin. We believed it we were the first outsider who sought eyes on her considering the miles of walking and the road without traces of other foot steps hehe yes she was. She was located at the forest in the middle of the mountains between Bulho Calasaguen and Malalong Espanola. And opps she was not alone we were surprised to learned besides her was a small cave made of dark colored stones. It became our comfortable place when we have lunch. To meet her we paid it with sweat when we climbed the not ordinary height of the tall mountains, walking almost five kilometers of vast lands with no houses just some charcoal tent smoking meters away but we never met any man on the way, we went under the forest until we could not find the road so our guide need t o make

our own way against the thick and sometimes thorny weeds. We walk along the river,I was amazed only then I knew that there were a lot of big rocks in the river of Espanola, going up we met more of different shapes of rocks times more bigger than the houses. Truly amazing! For this trip Maam Elma accidentally worn out his slipper to the rescue of our guide who cut a vines and fixed it. I accidentally almost kissed rocks when I fell on the slippery stone of the river. I cant use my shoes soak with water (my wrong moves hehe). While Sir Roslan accidentally slipped on the slippery rocks and nervously fell down from the steep clip down to the heart of water falls pool. Damaging his pants and soaking the school digital camera on the water. I cant literally draw the face reactions of maam Janice my sch. paper adviser tsk tsk. Thanks maam Rona have an extra digicam to document our adventure. I will always remember her. How I wish every Espaolan could meet her too. So they could give more respect to the mountains that they see every day with lots of treasure, stories to give just waiting to be discover by our pen and by us. By then perhaps she will be no longer called the nameless virgin!

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