Enlish 200
Enlish 200
Enlish 200
JUE 200/4 ENGLISH I LECTURER: PUVANESWARY MURUGAIAH E-mail address: ampuva@usm.my Tel. No: 04-6535936
INTRODUCTION JUE 200 is an intermediate level English proficiency course offered by the School of Distance Education (PPPJJ). It is meant for students who have passed JUE 100 English course and those who have secured a band 4 score in MUET. GENERAL OBJECTIVES This course is a continuation of JUE 100. It is designed to improve your proficiency in the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) as well as your grammar and vocabulary at the intermediate level. It is hoped that this course would encourage you to use the language more frequently and effectively in your daily activities. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, you must be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. use grammar structures accurately and demonstrate a good range of vocabulary speak and express yourself clearly in English in a group read and comprehend a variety of texts listen for information in various types of oral texts effectively write short essays in the English language express your views clearly in the written form
COURSE MATERIALS The book used for this course is English Result (Intermediate Students Book) by Mark Hancock & Annie McDonald. By attempting the tasks provided in each of the 12 units in this book, you can learn and practice English on your own. Moreover, the JUE 200 test questions will be similar to those found in the book. Therefore, it is important for you do the exercises given in the book. Supplementary notes and exercises on grammar, reading and writing will be posted on the e-learning portal of PPPJJ portal (http://el.usm.my). You are also encouraged to read other English texts and practise using the language as much as you can.
COURSE ASSESSMENT Coursework (60%) i. Assignment: Short essay ii. Oral test iii. Continuous Assessment (Test)
Final Examination
Assignment (20%) Short Essay Write a short essay of 250-300 words on ONE of the following topics. Write an expository essay on any issue/problem that you face at your regional centre, for example dirty conditions, poor management etc. OR Write a descriptive essay describing your regional centre. General rules and guidelines 1. This is an individual assignment and not group work. 2. If you choose to write an expository essay, make sure it consists of three main elements: introduction, content and conclusion. The introductory paragraph should introduce the issue. There must be two or three content paragraphs. The first content paragraph should highlight the issue; that is describe the issue, its causes etc. while the next paragraph/s must provide ways to solve the problem or improve the situation at the regional centre. In the concluding paragraph, you may summarize your points, give an overall view of the issue etc. Please refer to notes in this planner. 3. If you choose to write a descriptive essay, make sure it contains the relevant features that are important in describing a place. Please refer to notes in this planner. 4. All essays must be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font and must be doublespaced. 5. Use the cover page that will be posted on the e-learning portal for your assignment. 6. Warning: 0 marks will be awarded for copying; that is, for identical essays. Date of submission: 31 October 2012 Post your assignment to: The JUE 200 Course Co-ordinator School of Distance Education
Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang Make sure you keep any proof of submission of your assignment. If you are posting it, keep the pos express tab or registration receipt etc. If you are delivering it personally at the PPPJJ general office, please request for the assignment card (Kad Penyerahan Tugasan). Oral test (20%) For the oral test, you will be tested in a group. More details of the test will be posted on the e-portal. Continuous Assessment (20%) The test will be held during the intensive course. You will be tested on listening and grammar. Final examination (60%) In the final examination, you will be tested on grammar and reading comprehension. INTENSIVE COURSE The intensive course will be held from 21 January to 7 - February 2013. COUNSELING You can contact me for clarifications, advice and academic counseling. Postal address: Ms. Puvaneswary Murugaiah JUE 200 Course Co-ordinator Pusat Pengajian Pendidkan Jarak Jauh Universiti sains Malaysia Please check the portal for updates on the course. I wish you all the best in your studies. Good luck! Puvaneswary Murugaiah
EXPOSITORY WRITING Expository essays are formal essays. When you write expository essays, you express your opinion on a certain topic by providing facts. In other words, you analyze a topic factually. Three main components make up an expository essay: introduction, body/content and conclusion. Introduction: This paragraph introduces the topic. The main feature in the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement states what the whole essay is about. It is the controlling idea that is developed in the content paragraph. For example: There are several causes of air pollution. In my view, studying locally is better than studying overseas due to several reasons. Drug addiction is the main problem faced by Malaysian youths today. Body/Content: The content paragraphs support the thesis statement. Usually, each content paragraph has a main idea followed by supporting sentences. A main idea states what the whole paragraph is about. It is the controlling idea of that paragraph. Usually the main idea is contained in one sentence that is called the topic sentence. The remaining sentences in a content paragraph are called supporting sentences because they contain details that support the main idea or topic sentence. These details are developed using examples, explanation, facts, comparison, description etc. Besides the main idea/ topic sentence and supporting sentences, unity, coherence and adequate development are essential elements of a good paragraph. Unity means oneness. More specifically, each idea in the paragraph should clearly support the one main idea as expressed in the topic sentence. Normally there should not be any information that is irrelevant, that does not support the main idea of the paragraph. Coherence means that the sentences within a paragraph are linked smoothly. This can be achieved by using transition words such as furthermore, however, in contrast, whereas, also and others. In addition to unity and coherence, the paragraph should also be adequately developed; that is, through explanation, illustrations etc. Conclusion: This paragraph concludes the essay. You can conclude by summarizing the points, stating you position, providing suggestions etc. Make sure your conclusion is appropriate and effective. Here is an outline of an expository essay. Introduction Introduces the topic Brief introduction Can be a definition or an explanation of the topic Make it interesting
Topic sentence (main idea of each paragraph) Supporting sentences (provide details by explaining, comparing, giving examples etc.) Link ideas using transition words Summary of main points Emphasize the thesis statement Give suggestions or make prediction
The Writing Process Before you start writing an essay, it is important for you to a) prepare the points and b) draw an outline of the essay. These steps would make it easy for you to write the essay. Moreover, your essay will be organized. Let us look at an example. Title: The Internet has brought about many changes that are beneficial to society. Do you agree? 1. Preparing points: There are many ways of getting the points for an essay. You can brainstorm or draw a mind map of the points, as shown in the diagram below.
Wide range of sources Can see the governmental organizations pages Accessibility of documents Banking no queues
Drawing an outline: It is important for you to draw an outline of the essay to ensure that there is a thesis statement in the introduction, topic sentences in each content paragraph, supporting ideas that support the topic sentences and an appropriate
conclusion. Besides that, following an outline prevents you from including irrelevant information or details. Here is an example of an outline for the above topic.
Topic sentence/Point 3 opinion Supporting ideas: Elaboration/examples Conclusion suggestion and ending
In this era of science and technology, the Internet plays a crucial part in our lives. It is one of the most useful inventions of all time. It has brought us a lot of advantages in various aspects. Firstly, the Internet plays an important role in the world of communication. This is because the Internet offers easy and inexpensive ways to communicate such as e-mails, messenger, chatting, teleconferencing and blogging. Besides that, the Internet also saves time as messages can be delivered in a matter of seconds. Today, we do not need to go to the post office to post a letter in order to contact family or friends. Snail mail has become history. Other than that, the Internet also enables us to gain access to a wealth of information with just a click of the mouse. Information from various fields such as business, education, science and entertainment from all over the world is not only easily obtainable but most of it is also free of charge. In education, the Internet is a very powerful tool for students for the completion of their assignments or projects. In other words, the Internet helps to promote students' learning. Students of today need not spend hours browsing through volumes of books from cover to cover to obtain information. Apart from that, the Internet also plays a major role in the field of entertainment. We can download songs, music, watch sports and even play games via the Internet. We can entertain ourselves by just sitting in front of the computer. On top of that, we clan also download films and watch them on our computer screens instead of going through the hassle of going to the cinema. In conclusion, it is undeniable that the Internet brings us many advantages. It is a marvelous creation that has paved the way for progress. Let us not point our fingers at the Internet for the very few negative aspects that come with the package. Instead, we should make full use of the Internet to benefit mankind.
DESCRIPTIVE WRITING When you describe something or someone, you give a picture in words to your readers. To make the word picture as vivid and as real as possible, you must observe and record specific details that appeal to your readers' senses. A descriptive paragraph needs sharp and lively details. Features of a good descriptive essay:
1. 2. 3.
Appeals to all the senses: - sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste so as to make a description come alive. The procedures are stated in a logical order/sequence. The essay should stress the description of the subject, and not a narration of a chronology of events. Description of a place:
(iii) Coherence
This can be achieved by developing order in your organisation.
Physical order utilise transition words like: To the left To the right next to across from above below on the opposite side nearby
Spatial relationships and size distance, length, width, breadth etc. Any special order that can arrange your word pictures appropriately.
Sense details words used to describe things one sees, hears, smells, tastes, and touches. Eg: See Colourful Gloomy Hear noisy ringing Smell foul aroma Taste bitter salty Touch rough sticky
Where is it? What does the place look like? What are other sounds, smells, touch tastes that can be associated with it? What are its surrounding thins/areas made of/constitute of? Feelings and opinions about the place: how do you feel about the place? Why do you feel that way?
Analyse these two examples: (i) A mat covers the living room.
A thin mat, made from mengkuang leaves is laid on the wooden floor, wall to wall across the airy living room. It is rich in colour, woven intricately in a traditional pattern of blue, green and cream. If you walk on it, your feet can feel the pleasant sensation of its roughness.
During dusk, the crimson sunset at Feringgi is very breathtaking. The wind blows gently, and the Casuarina trees sway in a dance. You can almost taste the slightly salty air on your lips as the waves hit the beach in a melodious rhythm.
Description of a person Here are a few points to remember when writing a descriptive essay about a person.
General details: character, first impression, and relationship with you Specific details: Development should elaborate on:
physical features (e.g. tall, slim, wavy hair, round face etc.) character e.g. cheerful, aggressive, good-natured, helpful, caring etc.) habits/likes and dislikes: (e.g. smoking, likes to drive fast etc.) interests/hobbies: (e.g. watching television, reading etc.) others (e.g. career/work, achievements, family etc.)
Coherence Development of your essay must follow a certain order like the above.
who is she/he what does she/he look like? What are other sounds, smells, touch, tastes that can be associated with her/him? what is her/his character and personality like? what does she/he do/like to do/hate to do etc? feelings and opinions about the person: how do you feel about him/her? why do you feel that way?
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