Kinesiotaping Linfedema
Kinesiotaping Linfedema
Kinesiotaping Linfedema
Applied Kinesio Taping for Lymphoedema/Chronic Swelling of the Arm and/or Breast after a Mastectomy and Axilla Lymph Node Removal
ymphoedema is swelling that occurs when there is a permanent overload of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of small lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes that run parallel to the circulatory system. The purpose of the lymphatic system is to collect and return excess bacteria, fluid, and protein from the interstitial tissues to the bloodstream. The body will then elimination these waste product from the body. The lymphatic system also produces cells that assist in fighting disease, called lymphocytes, for the immune system. Lymphoedema of an arm and/or breast can be caused by a deficiency in the flow of lymph fluid from a mastectomy, radiation, scar tissue, and/or due to surgical removal of lymph nodes especially at the axilla area. The swelling may appear immediately or may appear many years after the mastectomy and/or lymph node removal. Providing a new injury or trauma to the body such as an infection, rash, bug bite, or physical trauma to the arm or breast can trigger Lymphoedema. Lymphoedema can not be cured but can be significantly reduced and controlled with therapy and self- management techniques. Early detection and intervention provides the most effective approach to management of lymphoedema. Right: Lymphoedema of the left arm post total masectomy and lymph node removal of the left axilla. Kinesio Taping is an elastic tape that can augment the current treatment of acute or chronic oedemas such as decongestive massage, manual l y m p h a t i c drainage, medical compressive bandaging, compressive garments, positional consideration, and/ or exercise. The unique properties of Kinesio Tape allows it to be able to structurally lift the skin and opening up superficial lymphatic pathways of the affected area. Kinesio Tape also can provide a directional pull that guides the lymphatic fluid in the desired direction of drainage. This is important in routing and rerouting the lymphatic fluid in the lymphatic vessels to reduce swelling of the arm and breast. Kinesio Tape can continue facilitating
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lymphatic flow for the next 3-5 days, during the wearing of the tape, after the therapy session. Left: Fan shaped Kinesio Tape directing lymphatic fluid from hand and forearm to the mediai aspect of the elbow. This taping assists in reducing the swelling by lifting the skin and directing the lymph fluid in the superficial lymphatics Kinesio Tape can also work on deeper tissue of the body such as the muscles of the. By facilitating weak muscles and inhibiting tight muscles, Kinesio Tape can help to balance the muscle activity of the body. Proper muscle contraction is crucial in function of the collector lymphatics. Proper muscle contraction can facilitate the stretch response of the angions
when the patient moves or contract muscles. In other words, Kinesio Tape can help to accelerate the reduction of oedemas by improving how the patient is moving. This allows the patient to better be able to do trunk, neck, and arms movements to help pump oedema out of the arm and hand. The Kinesio Tape is applied to facilitate a weak tr icep musc le to improve muscle function. This will help to reduce the swelling of the posterior upper arm by encouraging the stretch reflex of the collector lymphatics. This will help in reducing the swelling and indurated tissue that pools in the posterior arm and elbow. Another way that Kinesio Tape can help to reduce the oedema of the arm and breast is by correcting the posture of the head, neck, shoulders, and trunk. This helps to open up lymphatic pathways to allow for better drainage of a swollen arm and/
or breast. It also helps to facilitate drainage of the deep trunk lymphatics by helping the patient perform better abdominal breathing by improving the function of the diaphragm. The Kinesio Tape is applie to entourage retraction of the scapula and shoulder. This will assist in opening up of the lymphatics to assist in reducing swelling of the arm. Kinesio Tape is an important modality in the treatment of lymphoedema of the arm and breast post mastectomy and lymph node removal when used appropriately. The therapist treating these patients should be certified in a manual lymphatic technique. It is also important that the therapist be properly trained in how to apply the Kinesio Tape on to patients with lymphoedema. One should not just apply fan tapes to the lymphatic pathways without consideration of where they are moving the lymphatic fluid. With proper training the therapists can set up a Kinesio Taping home program that is tailored specifically for the patient's needs. Kinesio Taping Association (KTA) can assist therapists and patients on how to get proper training to Kinesio Tape for lymhoedema.
Advance healing
summer 2006
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