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27 - MAY 2002
Ronald W. Anderson
The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Bank of Belgium.
The paper reports research carried out within the National Bank of Belgium's
project, "New Views on Firms' Investment and Finance Decisions". I would like
to thank the NBB for their support and my co-researchers on this project for their
comments. I would also like to thank my colleague Andrew Carverhill of
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for discussions and for
allowing me to draw upon our joint theoretical research. Elizabeth Mueller has
provided excellent research assistance. Responsibility for all errors and views
expressed is my own.

IRES, Universit catholique de Louvain and Department of Accounting and Finance, London
School of Economics and Political Science.
Editorial Director
Jan Smets, Member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Belgium
Statement of purpose:
The purpose of these working papers is to promote the circulation of research results (Research Series) and analytical
studies (Documents Series) made within the National Bank of Belgium or presented by outside economists in seminars,
conferences and colloquia organised by the Bank. The aim is thereby to provide a platform for discussion. The opinions
are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bank of Belgium.
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Imprint: Responsibility according to the Belgian law: Jean Hilgers, Member of the Board of Directors, National Bank of Belgium.
Copyright National Bank of Belgium
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ISSN: 1375-680X
This paper is an exploration of the relationships among the firm's financial
structure, its choice of liquid asset holdings, and growth. We present a theoretical model of
the firm where external finance is costly and where retaining earnings as liquid assets
serves a precautionary motive. One of the predictions of this model is that a long-term
reliance on high levels of debt finance tends to be associated with high levels of liquid
asset holding. We test this empirically by estimating the determinants of liquid asset
holdings using panel data sets of Belgian and UK firms. We find evidence of a positive
relation between leverage and liquid asset holding. This result leads us to identify a
possible linkage from high debt to high liquidity to slow growth. In light of this we discuss
the possible implications of the development of stock markets, private equity, and venture
capital markets.
On May 27-28, 2002 the National Bank of Belgium hosted a Conference on "New
views on firms' investment and finance decisions". Papers presented at this
conference are made available to a broader audience in the NBB Working Papers
no 21 to 33.
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................2
4. EMPIRICAL TESTS...................................................................................................8
4.1 Hypotheses to be tested.............................................................................................8
4.2 Tests based on a panel of UK firms...........................................................................9
4.3 UK results .................................................................................................................11
4.4 Testing based on a panel of Belgian firms ..............................................................14
4.5 Belgian results ..........................................................................................................15
5. IMPLICATIONS........................................................................................................17
6. CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................19

1. Introduction

This paper is an exploration of the relationships among the firm's financial structure, its
choice of liquid asset holdings, and growth. The literature on the determinants of economic
growth has long studied the role of financial development promoting growth.
The literature
corporate finance provides some microeconomic underpinnings for this relationship in the
form of a variety of partial equilibrium analyses showing how capital structure can effect the
firms investment decisions and therefore its growth.
To date this literature has overlooked
the channel between financial structure and growth that we examine here.

Briefly, the central thesis of our paper is that in choosing to hold its assets in liquid form, the
firm will often forego an opportunity to invest in an illiquid and, possibly riskier, project that
promises a higher expected return. In so doing, the growth of the firm is slowed since high
returns on assets will pave the way for future investments. The decision to hold assets in
liquid form may be motivated by a variety of considerations. Prominent among these is that
liquid assets may allow the firm to invest in a more attractive growth opportunity that may
present itself later (i.e., the option value of waiting to invest is high). The alternative reason
that we focus on is a precautionary motive for keeping a high level of liquidity. Liquid assets
provide a cushion that would allow the firm to survive a period of low earnings during which
the firm might be unable to access capital markets or could do so only at a very high cost.
The firms financial structure will affect this decision because the degree of leverage used by
the firm will affect the likelihood that cash flows will be insufficient to cover debt service
and other fixed charges. This creates a possible linkage from high debt to high liquidity to
slow growth.

We explore this idea in three way in what follows. First, we present the findings of a
theoretical model of the firm where external finance is costly and where retaining earnings as
liquid assets serves a precautionary motive. We study the policy that should be chosen by

This literature goes back at least to Schumpeter (1942). More recently the theme has been explored in
theoretical models of growth, e.g., Greenwood and Jovanovich (1990) and in the empirical literature on growth,
which has documented positive correlations between growth rates and various measures of financial
development, e.g., King and Levine (1993).
For a recent contribution including a review of the earlier corporate finance literature see Anderson and
Nyborg (2002).
managers maximizing shareholder wealth and discuss its implications for dividend policy
and liquid asset holding. One of the predictions of this model is that a long-term reliance on
high levels of debt finance tends to be associated with high levels of liquid asset holding. We
then study the question empirically by estimating the determinants of liquid asset holdings
using panel data sets of Belgian and UK firms. After controlling growth opportunities and
other important factors we find evidence of a positive relation between leverage and liquid
asset holding. This is consistent with the theoretical analysis we presented and goes against
previous studies, which documented a negative relationship between leverage and levels of
liquid asset holding. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results from a broader
institutional perspective. In particular, we discuss the possible implications of the
development of stock markets, private equity, and venture capital markets.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the previous literature is
reviewed. In section 3 we present the results of a theoretical analysis of a dynamic model of
firm liquid asset holding. Section 4 is devoted to our empirical analysis. Section 5 discusses
implications of the institutional development in light of our findings. Section 6 concludes.

2. Literature Review

The finance literature on the corporate choice of liquid asset holding is not very large. Unlike
the enormous literature on capital structure, the composition of the left hand side of company
balance sheets has not attracted a great deal of attention. The reason for this is in part
attributable to the classic propositions of Modigliani and Miller establishing the irrelevance
of financial structure and dividend decisions for the value of the firm and the cost of capital.
For firms operating in an M&M world the assets of the firm will be composed of those
investments available to the firm for which the net present value is positive. Firms can inflate
their balance sheets by making zero NPV investments in liquid assets; however, there seems
little reason to believe that firms would wish to do so on a systematic basis. That is, there
will be no relationship between the firms preference for liquidity and capital structure or
other firm characteristics.

The enormous developments of the literature on corporate finance in the last twenty-five
years have of course produced a plethora of ideas as to how capital structure does matter for
the value of the firm and for the firms investment decisions. Potentially, agency effects of
various kinds may create important reasons for holding liquid assets with the further
implications of different patterns of corporate liquidity depending on capital structure or
other firm characteristics. This was one of the messages of Myerss original analysis of the
corporate borrowing decision (Myers (1977)). By pointing out that problems of debt
overhang (i.e., levered equitys disincentive to invest in positive NPV projects) could be
overcome with financial slack he established an important incentive for maintaining liquid
asset holding. This notion has been further reinforced by the subsequent corporate finance
literature that has emphasized the reasons why tapping capital markets may be relatively
costly compared to retaining earnings.
Furthermore, the literature on real options has
emphasized the option value of waiting to invest
. Thus maintaining liquid assets will be

This idea was developed more explicitly in Myers and Majluf (1984). It is also studied in this volume in the
paper of Van Cayseele.
For developments of this idea and references to the literature see Cassimon, Butzen and Grard and
Verschueren all in this volume.
important for firms faced with growth opportunities whose expected return fluctuates over

Other veins of the corporate finance literature have pointed toward possibly unfavourable
effects of liquid asset holding. This is an implication of asset substitution problem first
identified by Jensen and Meckling (1976). If levered equity holders have an incentive to
engage in increasing the riskiness of assets, they can implement this only if the firms assets
are sufficiently liquid to allow this transformation to take place.

These positive and negative aspects of corporate liquidity have been studied together in a
recent analysis by Myers and Rajan (1998). Asset liquidity bestows a benefit in the sense
that it makes it possible for the firm to seize unforeseen opportunities or to survive during
periods of poor business conditions. However, liquidity has a disadvantage that it makes it
difficult for firm insiders to commit to a given course of actions. Their analysis assumes that
assets in place generate cash flows at dates t=1 and t=2. They allow insiders to undertake
non-contractible asset transformations at dates t=0.5 and t=1.5. The values of transformed
assets are supposed to be appropriated entirely by firm insiders to the detriment of the firm's
creditors. Asset liquidity is the proportion of the asset value that is retained upon
transformation. They show that the debt capacity of the firm it typically non-monotonomic
firms with excessively liquid can raise less debt than can a less liquid firm. Rajans and
Myers model is very stylised and their analysis is incomplete in many respects. However,
they clearly identify a conflict of interests of debtholders and shareholders in regard to the
degree of liquid asset holding.

Recently, Morellec (2001) provides an interesting analysis of the implications of liquidity
that develops the asset transformation theme. He considers a dynamic model of a levered
firm whose net revenue, given a capital stock, follows a geometric Brownian motion. The
firm benefits from leverage because of the tax shields they bestow. He studies the firm-
closure decision of a levered firm and obtains closed-form expressions for the values of debt
and of equity. He then considers the possibility that the firm can liquidate a fraction of the
assets of the firm prior to closing the firm entirely. He shows that shareholders will generally
do so and that given a level of nominal debt, this partial asset sale increases the value of
equity and reduces the value of debt. Thus, ex ante, asset liquidity (i.e., the capacity to
engage in asset sales) reduces the value of the firm and the debt capacity of the firm.
Consequently, asset liquidity can result in underinvestment relative to the illiquid asset
benchmark case.

Kim, Mauer and Sherman (1998) present a theory of the choice of liquid assets when outside
finance is costly. The basic motivation for holding liquid assets is the creation of financial
slack which will allow firm insiders to pursue futures attractive investment opportunities
when they present themselves (as in Myers and Majluf). They study this issue in a three
period model. At time zero a firm with amount of funds available, X allocates these funds
to an illiquid investment with a risky return, a liquid investment with a (low) riskless return,
and dividends. At t=1, given the returns to initial investments, the shareholders issue, at a
cost, an amount of debt and chooses a level of risky fixed investment. At time t=2 returns are
paid our as a dividend and firm is dissolved. In this set-up we see that the motivation for
holding liquid assets is to avoid issuing costly debt at time t=1.

Kim, Mauer and Sherman explore their theory in an empirical study of U.S. industrial firms
over the period from 1975 through 1995. Their measure of liquidity is the ratio of cash and
marketable securities to the book value of assets. They consider explanatory variables
measuring growth opportunities, cash flow volatility, debt ratio, cash flow, and bankruptcy
risk. They interpret their findings as supportive of their theoretical model. This is based
principally upon the finding of a positive relationship between growth opportunities and
liquidity. It is notable that they find a negative relationship between leverage and corporate
liquidity for which their theoretical analysis offers no explanation. We will discuss their
results again in Section 4 when we turn to our own empirical analysis.

Opler, Pinkowitz, Stulz and Williamson (1999) also provide an empirical analysis of
corporate holding of liquid assets. Their sample covers U.S. non-financial firms during the
1952-1994 period. Their results are similar to those of Kim In particular, they find a
positive relationship with respect to growth opportunities (measures by market to book ratio
or by R&D spending). One difference is that Opler find that cash flow enters positively;
whereas, Kim find a negative relation with cash flow. In agreement with Kim,
they find a negative relation between debt and corporate liquidity. We will return to this and
other aspects of their analysis in Section 4 below.

3. The Precautionary Motive for Corporate Liquidity

In this section we address the question: in a world where a firm may be exposed to persistent
periods of relatively low (or high) cash flows and where accessing external capital markets is
very costly what policy for paying out dividends or retaining earnings in the form of liquid
assets will be in the interests of shareholders?

Consider a firm with given productive capacity (assets in place). The firm may accumulate
liquid assets as a reserve to service debt and other fixed flow costs. To capture in a simple
way the idea that outside finance is costly we simply do not allow for new equity issues or
issue of new debt. Assets in place generate cash flows following a diffusion with stochastic
drift. Liquid assets have a return less than the rate used to discount future profits, and less
than the mean drift of the firm's risky assets.

Mathematically dS
is the cash flow generated by assets in place, r is the discount rate, I is
flow costs including debt service (i.e., debt is considered to be a perpetual bond with fixed
interest). Then the technology is
t t t
dW dt dS + =
is a stochastic drift term, is cash flow volatility (a constant) and
dW is a
Brownian motion. In order to reflect persistence in departures from normal levels of cash
flows we model the drift with mean reversion according to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process,

t t t
dW dt d + = ) (


dW is independent of
dW . Shareholders are risk neutral and maximize the present
discounted value of dividends.

This section is based on unpublished joint work with Andrew Carverhill of Hong Kong University.
The difference between cash flows and cash outflows in the form of costs, debt service and
dividends is accumulated in liquid assets belonging to the firm. So long as the cash flows
plus liquid assets are sufficient to cover costs and debt service the firm is solvent. Otherwise
the firm is bankrupt. In the case of bankruptcy the firm is instantaneously transferred to
bondholders and the firm subsequently is operated as an all equity firm.

We assume that there are no bankruptcy costs. We furthermore assume that the return on
liquid assets is zero; however, this is just a convenience. Our results hold true if returns to
liquid assets held by the firm is bounded above by the risk-free rate.

In this set up there is no accumulation of risky assets, so that the firm's only investment
choice concerns the amount of liquid assets which are to be held. Therefore, the cost of
holding liquid assets is the pure time value of money (r), i.e., the loss associated with
consuming later rather than earlier. The benefit of holding liquid assets is that in times of
low cash flow the equity holders can survive to benefit from future dividends. The
assumption that there is no accumulation of risky assets is technically important because it
reduces the dimensionality of the dynamic programming problem to be solved for optimal
dividend policy. As was mentioned above we assume that it is not possible to issue new
equity. Again this is a simple way of modelling the costliness of external finance. At the cost
of additional analytical complexity, it could be relaxed to assume equity can be issued but
only at a positive marginal cost (hair cut).

Notice that the return on assets is decreasing in the amount of liquid assets held. As a
consequence, the decision to increase the proportion of assets held in liquid form will reduce
the growth rate of the firm. Stated in another way holding liquid assets inside the firm as
opposed to paying them out and making them available for current consumption reduces the
value of the (cum dividend) value of the firm. Thus the first best rule in these circumstances
is to hold no liquid assets. This will imply that the levered firm enters bankruptcy almost
surely. (This is the consequence of the cash flow process having unbounded variation.)
However, in the absence of bankruptcy costs, this involves no loss of cash flows -- cash flow
rights simply are transferred from old equity holders to debt holders who become the new

The policy that maximizes the value of shares will in general differ from this first best
policy. Finding this policy involves solving a dynamic programming problem with two state
variable, the current drift of the cash flow process,
, and the current level of liquid asset
C . The dividend payout policy is given by
t t
dC Idt dS . Notice that we do
not impose any cost of changing dividend policy from one moment to the next. Then in this
setting we can apply fundamental results from the theory of controlled Brownian motion to
note that the optimal dividend policy will be to payout all available cash flow and liquid
assets in excess of a critical amount and to retain all available cash flows if liquid asset
holdings are less than this critical amount. (See, Dutta and Radner (1999)). Specifically, a
basic property of the model is:

The return on the firm's liquid assets may be strictly less than the risk-free rate if their availability creates
agency problems of the sort described by Jensen and Meckling (1976) or Myers and Rajan (1998).

Proposition 1: There is a critical level of cash holdings, ) ( *
C , such that if the
current level expected cash flow rate is
the firm will pay out all available liquid
assets in excess of ) ( *
C as dividends and if liquid assets are currently less than
) ( *
C the firm will pay no dividends and will retain all cash flow in excess of debt
service and other fixed charges in order to accumulate additional liquid assets.

It is important to point out that an implication of this proposition is that when cash flow
tends to be high (high
) there will generally be a dividend paid which will fluctuate with
movements of cash flows. In this high cash flow region the liquid asset holdings will be
maintained close to the critical level ) ( *
C and will change only as the rate of expected
cash flows ) (
changes. In contrast, when expected cash flows are low (i.e., low
), then
there will generally be a zero dividend and liquid asset holdings will fluctuate in step with
cash flows. In this latter region, observed liquid asset holding (
C ) may be far less than
desired levels of liquid asset holding, ( ) ( *
C ).

The solution of the optimal policy in this context consists in characterizing the critical level
of liquid asset holding ) ( *
C for all possible expected rates of cash flows. This is a
complicated dynamic programming problem, which we have solved numerically. Some
important characteristics of the solution can be seen in the graph where we have plotted
) ( *
C as a function of
under specific parametric assumptions. In this graph we have
represented the solution for a low debt case, which is given by the dotted line, and for a
high debt case given by the solid line. In the high debt case the parameter I is 50% higher
than in the low debt case.

OptimaI Liquid Asset HoIdings

Expected Cash FIow

In examining the low debt case (the dotted line) notice that the optimal level of liquid asset
holdings is a decreasing function of expected cash flows over the region of relatively high
expected cash flows. The intuition for this is that, given that the currently high cash flows are
likely to persist, the prospect of financial distress is relatively remote. The firm need not
carry very high levels of liquid assets. However, should expected cash flows begin to drop
the shareholders will begin to target higher levels of liquid asset holding as a precaution
against a time when cash flows will fall short of contractual costs. Note however that the
optimal liquid asset holding is an increasing function of expected cash flows in the region of
low expected cash flows. The reason is that if expected cash flows are low relative to costs
(Idt) then the likelihood is that available liquid assets will be drawn down during the period
of firm poor performance. At some point the shareholders decide that prospects of the firm
are too poor and that it is better to pay out a large fraction of liquid assets as dividends. In so
doing, they willingly increase the likelihood of insolvency and therefore sacrifice future
dividends. We can summarize this discussion in,

Proposition 2: There is a critical level of expected cash flows,
)) ( * max( arg *
C = , such that for * <
, the critical level of liquid assets
) ( *
C is weakly increasing in the expected cash flow and for * >
the critical
level ) ( *
C is weakly decreasing in the expected cash flow.

Notice that the non-monotonicity of the relation between optimal liquid asset holding and
expected cash flows suggests that there will be no simple empirical relationship between
observed cash flows and the level of liquid asset holding. If realized cash flow and liquid
asset holdings were observed for a firm over an extended period of time it would not be
surprising to find a positive correlation or a negative correlation or no significant correlation
at all.

If we compare the graphs of the critical liquid assets for low debt (dotted curve) and high
debt (solid curve), we notice that the critical level of cash flows is higher for the high debt
firm than for the low debt firm,
* * < . Furthermore, for expected cash flows greater
than the critical level for the high debt firm,
t H
< * , the target level of cash holdings for
the high debt firm exceeds that of the low debt firm, ) ( * ) ( *
t L t H
C C > . If we combine
this fact with the observation made above that in the range of relatively high expected cash
flows actual liquid asset holdings are typically close to target holdings whereas for relatively
low expected cash flows actual liquid assets holdings are generally far less than target
holdings we arrive at an important empirical implication of this analysis. Everything else
equal high levels of debt tend to be associated with high levels of liquid asset holdings.

In this section we have limited our discussion to the simplest version of our continuous time
model of corporate liquid asset holding in order to highlight the implications of the model
for changes in financial structure, the level of liquid asset holdings and the return of assets
for the firm.
For reasons of limitation of space we have not presented the technicalities
involved in solving this model and we have not explored its full implications. For example,
the model allows us to consider the effect of increasing cash flow volatility, , the mean

It is worth pointing out how this analysis differs from those of Kim and Morellec discussed in Section 3.
Kim model is static in nature. The motivation for holding liquidity is to avoid issuing costly debt in order
to pursue growth opportunities that arise. There is nothing comparable to the precautionary motive that we have
emphasized. Morellec model is dynamic in nature, but his analysis of the liquidation decision is static.
Specifically, he allows for a one-time asset sale. In contrast, our analysis allows for liquid assets to be sold or to
be accumulated freely at all times. This is a more complicated problem which results in the fact that we need to
solve it numerically.
cash flow rate, , or the volatility of the expected cash flow rate, . Furthermore, with a
slight modification to allow for debt related corporate tax shields, the framework could be
used to derive the optimal capital structure.

4. Empirical tests

4.1 Hypotheses to be tested.

The analysis of the preceding section has served to demonstrate a link between capital
structure and firm liquidity, which we believe has been overlooked in previous discussions
of the determinants of firm liquidity. It is this predicted positive relationship between
leverage and liquidity that we will focus on in our empirical analysis.

However, we recognize that leverage may be only one of the factors that determine a firms
choice of liquid asset holdings. Some other factors are suggested by other factors that appear
explicitly in our model. In particular, we would expect asset volatility to be positively
associated with liquid asset holding everything else equal.

There are very likely other important factors affecting the choice of liquid assets even though
it has not been possible to incorporate them into our analysis. Foremost among these is the
presence of growth opportunities which we would expect to be positively associated with
liquid asset holding. The testing methodology we adopt should be careful to control for these
additional affects appropriately.

In our review of the literature on the firms choice of liquid asset holdings, we have
discussed the two recent empirical studies that are closest to our study (Kim, Mauer and
Sherman (1998) and Opler, Pinkowitz, Stulz, and Williamson (1999)). It is useful to
summarize the findings of these studies and to compare them to our predictions based on the
model we have summarized in Section 3 and the out-of-model predictions that we find
unexceptionable. The following table does this:

Table 1: Factors determining liquid asset holdings
Variable Kim Opler finding Our prediction
Cash flow - + Ambiguous
Growth opportunities + + +
Volatility + + +
Leverage - - +
Bankruptcy risk - n.a. Ambiguous
Firm size n.a. - n.a.

Notice that the Kim study finds a negative effect of cash flow on liquid asset holding
and that Opler find a positive relation. This apparent puzzle is in some sense resolved
by our model which points out explicitly that the relation between cash flow (understood as a
proxy for expected cash flow) and liquidity is non-monotonic. The previous studies agree in
finding positive relations with respect to growth opportunities and volatility and are
consistent with our predictions.

The major difference between the previous studies and our predictions concerns the effect of
leverage. Both previous studies found a negative effect; whereas, our prediction is of a
positive effect. It should be noted that leverage was included in the earlier studies as a
control and the authors provided no detailed rationale for the negative sign obtained.
Furthermore, the earlier studies employed measures of leverage that aggregated debt of all
maturities. In U.S. corporate financial structures short-term debt tends to predominate. In
contrast, the formal model we described in Section 3 was based on the assumption that debt
was long-term (indeed perpetual). As a result, we should be alert to the fact that the design of
the previous empirical studies may not have been suited to testing our predictions. We will
try to deal with this by including measures of both long-term and short-term debt in our

Finally, we should point out that one of the puzzling findings of the Kim study was that
bankruptcy risk had a negative effect on liquid asset holdings. The measure of bankruptcy
risk they employed was based on the Altman z-score which includes a variety of financial
ratios that are positively correlated with cash-flow. Therefore, we note that the non-
monotonicity result of our model suggests that this relationship may not necessarily be a
robust or stable one.

4.2 Tests based on a panel of UK firms

Our first empirical estimates are based on an unbalanced panel data set of listed UK firms.
The focus on listed firms is motivated by several considerations. First, these firms tend to be
larger firms which would tend to have access to long-term debt finance. Second, these firms
would tend to be those for which more reliable estimates of R&D expenditures (one of our
proxies for growth options) are available. Finally, for these listed firms it is possible to
calculate the ratio of market value to book value which may be an alternative indicator of
growth options.

The data set is drawn from Datastream consisting of financial variables of non-financial
firms included in the FTSE All Shares index in 2001. Our data is covers the annual reports
over a maximum of 12 years per firm, 1989 through 2001.

Using the FTSE all shares index means that we cover large and medium sized firms based in
the U.K. The fact that we have used firms that were in existence in 2001 creates a possible
survivorship bias. Some of the firms that have disappeared from the sample may have done
so through mergers. It is sometimes stated that highly liquid firms are attractive takeover
targets. Our data will not allow us to identify this effect. Other firms may have disappeared
through bankruptcy or distressed reorganization. Our model suggests that the choice of
liquid asset holding by distressed firms (low
) will be very different from that of firms
under normal conditions. To the extent that the construction of our data set excludes
distressed firms, this means that our results are better characterizations of firms under normal
operating conditions.

Table 2 summarizes the definitions of the variables used in our study of UK firms. The
definitions we have adopted for liquid assets, cash flow, R&D, and market to book are
directly comparable to the definitions used by Kim and Opler As in their studies
the dependent variable of our regression analysis is liqurat, the total liquid asset holding of
the firm expressed as a fraction of total assets. Note that all variables have been divided by a
scale indicator in order to reduce problems of heteroscedasticity.

Table 2: Data definitions
liqurat Liquid asset Sum of cash, bank balances, and investments in current assets
divided by total assets
cfratio Cash flow Earnings before taxes and interest divided by total assets
ltlev Long term debt Debt greater than 5 years to maturity divided by total assets
mtlev Medium term
Debt greater than 1 year and less than 5 years to maturity
divided by total assets
stlev Short term debt Debt payable within 1 year divided by total assets
rdratio R&D
Expenditures on R&D divided by total sales
MTBV Market value to
book value
Market value divided by net tangible assets, market value is
share price multiplied by the number of ordinary shares
outstanding; net tangible assets is ordinary shareholder's equity
less intangible assets.

R&D expenditures and market to book ratio are included as a proxies for the firms growth
opportunities. In our view R&D is the preferred variable in that the link to growth appears to
be the clearest. Its drawback is that not all firms report R&D expenditures. As a result, we
have included market to book ratio which can be calculated for a larger set of firms. This
variable is not ideal because high market to book may be indicative conditions favorable to
the firm that have nothing to do with its future growth opportunities.

Unlike previous studies we distinguish long-term and short-term debt. UK financial reports
are unusual in that they include indicators of debts with at least five years to maturity. Thus
to clearly focus on the predictions of our model concerning debt as a persistent feature of the
firms capital structure we take long-term debt to be at least five years and short term years
to be debt of a maximum maturity of one year. As an additional control we do some
estimations including medium term debt (between one and five years).

In examining summary statistics for the variables included in our analysis it was noted that
some implausibly high or low values of variable were observed. These may well reflect data
errors. We deal with this by working with a truncated sample where the data points involving
the smallest percentile or largest percentile of a variable are excluded.

In addition to the variables we have listed we have included in the analysis dummy variables
for industrial categories and year of observation. We have also explored the effect of
alternative definitions of leverage (including trade credit), lagged values of explanatory
variables, and measures of cash flow volatility. It is not possible to present all these
estimates here. Generally, we have found that industry dummies and year dummies are
significant. Furthermore, once these industry dummies are included the estimated effect of
volatility is not significant; although, this variable is significant when industry dummies are
excluded. The inclusion of lagged regressors did not produce any systematic or interesting
dynamics. The sign and significance of these variables were sensitive to exact specification
and estimation method. There inclusion had little effect on the sign and significance of the
contemporaneous regressors. Therefore we report the results excluding these lagged

We have estimated the linear regression model between liquidity ratio and the explanatory
variables we have listed. We have estimated this relation by Ordinary Least Squares.
Furthermore, given the nature of our data set it is interesting to estimate the model using
panel study techniques. A limitation of these techniques is that often the length of the panel
is often too short to yield powerful results. In our case, we have a maximum of 11 years of
data for a given firm. We consider this sufficient to make these techniques potentially
interesting. We report results for both firm fixed effects and random effects versions of our

4.3 UK Results

Table 3 reports the results of the ordinary least squares regressions of the model based on the
sample of UK firms described in the preceding section. Columns 1 presents the estimates
including indicators for long-term and short-term leverage and using R&D expenditures as a
proxy for growth opportunities. Since R&D is our preferred proxy for growth we view this
regression as a benchmark for comparison with other results. Cash flow enters with positive
sign and is significant.

Table 3: UK Firms, trimmed sample, OLS regressions, dependent
variable liquidity ratio (t-statistics under parameter estimates)
cfratio 0.104065 0.023521 .1343059 .0748854
2.683 0.879 3.450 2.702

ltlev 0.255896 0.057081 .262579 .0546408
5.389 1.715 5.567 1.627

mtlev -.1330946 -.1540377
-2.919 -5.196

stlev -0.0098 -0.03638 -.0258692 -.0400304
-0.198 -0.99 -0.517 -1.075

rdratio 0.45305 .4320407
7.702 7.424

MTBV 0.000778 .000659
2.743 2.294

dummies yes yes yes yes

dummies yes yes yes


Adjusted R
0.1871 0.1223 .2003 .1546

Number of
s 929 1780 892 1692

Long term leverage has a positive coefficient which is highly significant. This is consistent
with the prediction of our theoretical model. Short-term leverage enters with a negative sign
but is insignificant. R&D spending is positive and highly significant. The industry dummies
taken as a whole are significant. The same applies to the year dummies taken as a whole.

Column 2 differs from column 1 in that market to book ratio is taken as a proxy for growth
opportunities. This regression is estimated on a larger data set since a large number of firms
in the UK sample do not report expenditures on R&D spending. The results are consistent
with the estimates of column 1. The proxy for growth opportunities enters with positive sign
and is significant. The other variables enter with the same signs as in column 1. However,
cash flow and short-term leverage are insignificant and long-term leverage is only
marginally significant.

Columns 3 and 4 differ from columns 1 and 2 in that they include medium leverage (based
on debt with 1 to 5 years maturity) in the regression. In both cases this variable enters with
negative sign and is significant. Otherwise the pattern of estimates is similar to that seen in
columns 1 and 2. Long-term leverage has a positive coefficient and is highly significant in
the regression where R&D is a proxy for growth opportunities. When market to book is used
to control for growth opportunities this variable still has a positive effect, but it is no longer
significant. In both columns 3 and 4 short-term leverage enters with negative sign but is
insignificant. Growth opportunities (R&D or market to book) enter positively and are

The major finding from Table 3 is that other things equal, greater long-term debt is
associated firms setting higher target levels of liquid assets. This is consistent with the theory
of the choice of liquid assets we have elaborated above. Furthermore, these results raise
doubts about the finding of previous studies which a negative relationship between firm
liquidity and firm indebtedness. In our data set short-term leverage entered negatively into
the relation and was insignificant. Medium term leverage entered negatively and was
significant. These results suggest that firms may view long-term debt and short-term debt
very differently. Long-term debt may reflect a durable feature of the firms capital structure
to which other policies, such as dividend and liquid asset holding are adapted. Short-term
debt can be used more actively and may be substitutable for liquid asset holding.

In the regression analysis reported in Table 3 there is a risk that there are determinants of
liquid asset choice beyond the measures of leverage, cash flow, and growth opportunities
that we have explicitly introduced. We have attempted to control other possible factors by
including dummy variables for time and the industry of the firm. These may be imperfect
controls. The panel structure of our data set allows us to take an alternative approach by
allowing for firm specific effects which are either constant over time (fixed effects) or are
drawn randomly each year from a fixed distribution (random effects). In Table 4 we report
the result of applying these panel techniques to our baseline model specifications which
include leverage measures, cash flow, growth option proxies, and dummies for industry and
year. Estimation is by generalized least squares.

Table 4: UK firms, panel estimates, trimmed sample, dependent variable
liquidity ratio (z-statistics or t-statistics under parameter estimates)

Fixed firm
Fixed firm

Cfratio .0817506 .0421787 .0134804 -.0108182
2.089 0.972 0.500 -0.362

Ltlev .158416 .1359057 .0558594 .0877992
3.340 2.672 1.670 2.398

Stlev -.1024555 -.1285672 -.1297774 -.1422015
-2.126 -2.477 -3.750 -3.800

Rdratio .4812984 .4959705
8.406 7.682

MTBV .0002276 .000015
0.915 0.055

dummies yes yes yes yes

dummies yes yes yes yes

test (p-value) 0.0370 0.0106

Number of
obs 928 928 1777 1777

Columns 1 and 2 of Table 4 presents the panel estimates based on R&D spending as a proxy
for growth opportunities. The results of the Haussman test suggest that the fixed effects
regression is the preferred specification; however, the coefficient estimates are similar in the
two specifications. Long-term leverage enters with a positive sign and is significant.
Interestingly, short-term leverage enters negatively and is significant in both specifications.
Cash flow enters positively. It is significant in the random effects version of the model but
not in the fixed effects version. As expected R&D enters positively and is highly significant
in both the random effects and fixed effects versions of the model. is no longer significant.
Short-term leverage has a negative coefficient and is significant. The market to book ratio
enters positively but is insignificant. This tends to confirm our reservations expressed about
this measure as a proxy for growth opportunities. Finally, cash flow enters positively in the
random effects version of the model but negatively in the fixed effects version. In both cases
it is insignificant.

The results of these panel estimates tend to confirm the main conclusions tentatively reached
on the basis of the OLS regressions. We find significant evidence of a positive relationship
between long-term leverage and liquid asset holding. This is consistent with the presence of
a precautionary motive for holding liquid assets for firms that maintain high leverage as a
durable feature of their capital structure. Beyond this there seems to be evidence of a
negative relationship between short-term leverage and asset liquidity. This suggests that
short term debt and liquid asset holding may be substitutes in the sense that a firm facing
persistently low cash flows will respond either by drawing down available liquid assets or by
accumulating short term debt or both.

Another point that emerges from our analysis of the panel data set of UK firms is that the
relationship between cash flow and liquid asset holding does not appear to be stable or
robust. In the results reported here as well as in our experiments with alternative
specifications of the model, we found that the estimate of the cash flow were sometime
positive, sometimes negative and often insignificant. Our theoretical analysis of Section 3
suggests that this should not be surprising.

4.4 Testing based on a panel of Belgian firms

To further study the determinants of the firms choice of liquid asset holding we have
extended our analysis to an unbalanced panel data set of listed Belgian firms. This is based
on the annual financial reports of Belgian firms for 1986 through 1999 as compiled by the
National Bank of Belgium. From this data set we have selected non-financial firms that have
been listed on the Belgian stock exchange. As in the case of the UK data, the focus on listed
firms meant that we have studied relatively large firms which had access to capital markets
and which might provide data on R&D spending (our main proxy for growth opportunities).
It should be noted that by excluding non-financial firms we have excluded many of the
largest Belgian firms which collectively have represented a large share of Belgiums total
market capitalization.

In order to aid comparability of results we have tried to work with variables that are as close
as possible to those we have used in our UK data base. In most cases the correspondence is
close, but several differences should be noted. Most importantly, Belgian financial reports
define short-term debt as payable within one year and all other debt considered long-term.
Thus there is no measure directly comparable that for the UK which indicated debts of
greater than five years.

In comparing Belgian and British measure of firm debts we are alerted to possible
ambiguities in what is meant by long-term and short-term debt. For example, if a firm has
negotiated a revolving credit facility, by drawing upon the facility it may create a short-term
liability even though maintaining some relatively high level of this liability may be a
permanent feature of its capital structure.

Another feature of the NBB data set is that it does not include measures of the market value
of the equity. Therefore, we have been unable to use market to book ratio as a proxy for
growth opportunities. Given our conceptual reservations about this measure and the rather
unstable results obtained for it in the UK data set, we do not consider this a major limitation
of our study of Belgian firms.

As with our study of UK firms estimate the linear regression model of the determinants of
the ratio of liquid assets to total assets. Estimates are obtained both by the method of
ordinary least squares and by panel methods. In studying the descriptive statistics of our
variables we have found evidence of outliers, which might be attributable to reporting or
coding errors. All the results we report are based on the trimmed sample with these apparent
outliers eliminated.

4.5 Belgian results

Before attempting to explain the determinant of liquidity, it is useful to point out an
important apparent difference between our UK and Belgian data sets. Table 5 reports the
quartiles of the distribution of liquidity ratio for these two data sets. Based on these data we
see that the level of liquid asset holding of Belgian listed non-financial companies appears to
be considerably higher than that of their UK counterparts. For example, the median liquid
asset holding is 11% in Belgium versus 7% in the UK. The high end of the distribution is
quite surprising. About 25% of Belgian non-financial firms hold at least 23% of their assets
in liquid form. In contrast, the top quartile of UK firms holds at least 14% of their assets in
liquid form. These observations are sufficient to point out that liquid asset holding even for
industrial and commercial firms can be quite substantial.

Table 5: Comparisons of corporate liquidity (ratio of liquid assets to
total assets)
percentile median 75
UK 0.034 0.074 0.140
Belgium 0.048 0.111 0.233

The results of estimating the linear model of the determinants of liquid asset holding are
reported in Table 6. Column 1 is devoted to variables included in the regressions are the
same for each column. The columns differ with respect to estimation method. Otherwise the
specifications of the models are identical.

We find a positive and significant relationship between the level of liquid asset holding and
growth opportunities as proxied by R&D spending. We also find a positive and significant
relationship with respect to short term leverage. In contrast, we find that long-term leverage
enters negatively and is insignificant once firm effects (either fixed or random) are
introduced to the regression. Cash flow ratio enters negatively in the OLS estimates but
positively in the panel estimates.

Table 6: Belgian firms, Trimmed-sample regressions,
dependent variable liquidity ratio (t-statistics or z-statistics
under parameter estimates)

The main apparent difference between the results we have obtained for Belgian firms and
those we obtained UK data set is the reversal of sign patterns for long-term and short-term
leverage. There is no obvious or simple accounting for this. One possible source of
discrepancy that we have already noted is that long-term liabilities coming due in one year or
more for Belgian data whereas in the UK data set it pertains to debts greater than 5 years.
However, it is not clear why this difference, in itself, explains the fact that short-term debt is
positively associated with liquid asset holding in Belgium; whereas, in the UK it is long-term
debt that is positively associated with leverage. Rather, it seems that our results point to
some other institutional differences between the Belgian and UK contexts that are masked by
the standard accounting definitions.

We have already mentioned the potential problem that a long-term revolving credit facility
might be recorded as short-term debt even though it is a permanent feature of the firms
capital structure. Thus if this kind of arrangement more prevalent in Belgium as compared to
the UK we might better understand why in Belgium it appears that short-term debt creates a
strong precautionary motive for liquid asset holding. Unfortunately, our data does not allow
us to determine whether this conjecture is correct. Therefore, this issue must await further
study for clarification.

Finally, we note that in Table 6 the cash flow variable enters negatively in the OLS
regression. In the panel estimates the sign of this variable becomes positive. This apparent
OLS Fixed effects Random Effects
Cfratio -.00686 .14574 .13186
2.06 3.53 1.94

Ltlev -.26516 -.04239 -.07017
-6.12 -0.90 -1.56

Stlev .22697 .22427 .21859
5.88 5.59 5.67

Rdratio .63488 1.5258 1.2858
1.60 2.61 2.40

year dummies yes yes yes

industry dummies yes yes yes

Adjusted R

Number of observations 888 888 888
Haussman text (p-value) 0.9528
sensitivity of this variable to changes of specification or estimation method was observed
with UK data and has been given an interpretation in our analytical discussion of Section 3.

5. Implications

It is useful to summarize the main stylised facts about corporate liquid asset holdings that
emerge from the analysis of the preceding sections. First, within the universe of non-
financial firms there are substantial differences across firms and across countries in the
proportion of assets that are held in liquid form. Second, there appears to be a strong and
robust positive relationship between the presence of growth opportunities and corporate
liquidity. Third, cash flow volatility appears to be positively associated with liquid asset
holding. Fourth, there does not appear to be a stable or robust relationship between cash flow
and corporate liquidity. Fifth, US studies a negative relation between leverage and corporate
liquidity; whereas, our studies of British and Belgian firms found evidence of a positive
relationship between leverage and corporate liquidity.

This last observation highlights an issue that deserves further careful study. Our analysis of
Belgian and UK firms shows that for the purposes of understanding corporate liquidity it is
very important to differentiate debt according to maturity. The US studies used measures of
leverage which combined debts of all maturities. Thus, it would be very interesting to
reconsider the US data studied by Kim and Opler allowing for long-term and
short-term leverage. Furthermore, it would be interesting to study the implications for
corporate liquidity of finer indicators of capital structure, e.g., bank versus other debt, use of
callable debt, or convertibles.

Thus our understanding of the way capital structure impacts corporate holding of liquid
assets is still incomplete. Nevertheless, we believe that analysis in this paper clearly raises
the possibility of an important precautionary motive for corporate liquidity in environments
where access to external capital is costly. In particular, we have identified a channel that
operates as follows: Liquidity grants a survival option to the shareholders of the levered
firm. Consequently, these shareholders will choose a higher level of asset liquidity than
would maximize the value of the firm. In so doing, they reduce the rate of return on assets
and the growth of the firm. This effect is more pronounced the greater is the leverage used
by the firm. Furthermore, it is more pronounced the more rigid is the financial structure and
the more costly is accessing external financial markets.

In this section we draw out some of the possible implications of this channel. In this regard
our analysis adds to the work on international comparisons of financial development as a
determinant of differences in economic growth rates. In that literature, the study that most
clearly links differences in corporate growth to the institutions of the financial sector is that
of Rajan and Zingales (1999). That study did not specifically explore the channel that we
have identified here. However, implicitly their earlier international comparison capital
structure (Rajan and Zingales (1995)) did produce some results that are suggestive that this
channel may be important. In particular, in that study they found when leverage is measured
as non-equity liabilities divided by total assets, the Anglo-American economies have
considerably lower median leverage in 1991 (about 0.56) than companies in Continental
Europe and Japan (0.70). (Rajan and Zingales (1995), p. 1429). However, when they
deduct liquid asset holding from non-equity liabilities, they find that the leverage levels are
similar across the countries. If anything Germany emerges as a low level country. By
implication high leverage is associated with high levels of liquid assets.

We still do not have a complete understanding of what accounts for differences in leverage
or other aspects of financial structure across countries. The study of Rajan and Zingales
(1995) suggest that the traditional break-down between bank-based and market-based
systems is at best only a crude explanation of observed differences. It is likely that
differences tax incentives and ownership patterns (e.g. family and interlinked coalitions of
investors versus dispersed ownership) account for more of these differences. Our
highlighting the presence of a structure-liquidity-growth linkage brings an additional
dimension to observations about institutional differences across financial systems.

Regarding the difference between bank-based versus market-based systems, our analysis
suggests that a crucial aspect of financial structure will be the flexibility that it affords the
firm in dealing with periods of cash flow short-fall. If close relationships to creditors mean
that firms will be able to access additional credit during these periods, then this softens the
precautionary motive for corporate liquidity. While this may be a potential advantage of
systems based on close banking relationships, the recent work by Edwards and Fischer on
German financial systems raises doubts about whether the haus-bank relationship really
affords this flexibility.

Another important observation that has emerged from international comparisons of corporate
financial practices is that some systems are characterised by structures that help to perpetuate
the effective control over firms by family groups or other coalitions of investors. This
appears to be what accounts for the prevalence of pyramids and interlinked ownership
structures in some continental European systems. Our analysis points out a hidden
implication of the reliance on debt finance in order to concentrate control rights over the firm
in the hands of specific investors. If investor groups attempt retain control a firm through the
heavy reliance on debt, they may be forced to maintaining a higher degree of asset liquidity
than they would otherwise. In so doing they may be undermining the subsequent growth
rates of the firm and condemning the firm to ultimate stagnation.

Our analysis also puts the widely observed growth of European equity markets in a new
light. If equity market development has effectively brought down the barriers to equity
finance for a wider range of firms, this potentially could have an important and long-lasting
impact on the growth potential of these firms. If this source of finance effectively reduces the
observed leverage levels, it also reduces the precautionary incentive for corporate liquidity.
Firms may be freer in channelling their available cash flow into riskier positive NPV
investment opportunities. Furthermore, our analysis points out one of the favourable
consequences of equity based finance is that it can be growth promoting even if new equity
issuance is not the direct source of finance for risky projects. By simply creating a structure
whereby retentions can be channelled into risky projects rather than low return liquid assets,
firm growth is promoted.

While our empirical analysis has focused on listed firms for reasons of data reliability, the
capital structure-liquidity-growth channel we have identified can be at least as important for
smaller firms with strong growth potential. Our analysis suggests that the environment may
be seriously growth inhibiting if the only effective means of financing growth at early stages
of the firm is through debt. For with increased leverage brings a stronger liquidity bias thus
potentially reducing the growth trajectory of the firm. In this regard, the emergence of
private equity and venture capital are potentially very important developments for the growth
of European firms. When these financing methods operate well, they can create much greater
flexibility than traditional debt based financial structures. In so doing, they may allow the
firm to operate with a smaller proportion of their assets tied up in liquid form. This can help
in achieving higher average returns on assets and allow the firm to reach more quickly the
stage where public equity issuance is feasible. In making this observation we do not wish to
give the impression that these financial modes are a panacea for promoting economic
growth. In practice the private equity financial structures impose tight constraints on the firm
if the interests of investors are effectively protected (see Gilson 2000). Nevertheless, we feel
it is important to point out that adding these investment modes as an alternatives to straight
debt finance is potentially a deeply growth-promoting development.

6. Conclusion

In this paper we have identified a channel between financial structure and corporate growth
which operates through the firms choice of liquid asset holding. We have developed this
idea first through a theoretical analysis of a dynamic model of the firms choice of dividends
and accumulation of liquid assets. In this model we see that the precautionary motive for
corporate liquidity means that higher leverage will tend to be associated with higher average
levels of liquid assets. We explore this idea empirically by studying two panel data sets, one
based on UK listed firms and the other based on Belgian listed firms. The results revealed
positive associations between leverage and liquid asset holding, thus running counter to
previous studies based on US data which documented a negative relationship between total
leverage and corporate liquidity. While reconciling these differences will require further
study, our results clearly raise the prospect that the link between financial structure and
corporate liquidity exits. In the final section of the paper we have drawn out the implications
of this linkage and have identified some prominent features of the European financial
landscape that may be seriously growth inhibiting while suggesting other features that may
be growth promoting. These observations are necessarily somewhat speculative in nature. It
is hope that the present paper will help to stimulate further study of these issues, as we
believe that they contain many exciting avenues of inquiry that would repay serious research


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14. "La nouvelle conomie" by P. Bisciari, Document Series, March 2001.
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16. "A guided tour of the world of rational expectations models and optimal policies" by
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17. "Attractive Prices and Euro - Rounding effects on inflation" by L. Aucremanne and
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18. "The interest rate and credit channels in Belgium: an investigation with micro-level firm
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19 "Openness, imperfect exchange rate pass-through and monetary policy" by F. Smets
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22. "What do we know about investment under uncertainty?" by L. Trigeorgis, Research
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24. "The impact of uncertainty on investment plans" by P. Butzen, C. Fuss,
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27. "Capital structure, firm liquidity and growth" by R. Anderson, Research series,
May 2002.
28. "Structural modelling of investment and financial constraints: where do we stand?" by
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29. "Financing and investment interdependencies in unquoted Belgian companies: the
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30. "Development path and capital structure of Belgian biotechnology firms" by V. Bastin,
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31. "Governance as a source of managerial discipline" by J. Franks and C. Mayer,
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32. "Financing constraints, fixed capital and R&D investment decisions of Belgian firms"
by M. Cincera, Research series, May 2002.
33. "nvestment, R&D and liquidity constraints: a corporate governance approach to the
Belgian evidence" by P. Van Cayseele, Research series, May 2002.

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