Moving Wheel Loads Analysis
Moving Wheel Loads Analysis
Moving Wheel Loads Analysis
Program Description:
"MOVLOADS" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of simple-span members subjected to from one (1) up to eight (8) moving wheel loads with up to seven (7) wheel spacings. Specifically, the maximum moment and location from the left end of the member and wheel postioning, the maximum end shears, the maximum deflection, and the maximum center support reaction for two (2) adjacent simple-span members are calculated. This program is a workbook consisting of two (2) worksheets, described as follows:
Worksheet Name
Doc Moving Loads
This documentation sheet Moving loads analysis for single-span members
Formulas Used to Determine Shear, Moment, Slope, and Deflection in Single-Span Members For Uniform Load: Loading functions for uniform load evaluated at distance x = L from left end of beam: FvL = -w*L FmL = -w*L^2/2 FqL = -w*L^3/(6*E*I) FDL = -w*L^4/(24*E*I) Loading functions for uniform load evaluated at distance = x from left end of beam: Fvx = -w*x Fmx = -w*x^2/2 Fqx = -w*x^3/(6*E*I) FDx = -w*x^4/(24*E*I) For Point Loads: Loading functions for each point load evaluated at distance x = L from left end of beam: FvL = -P FmL = -P*(L-a) FqL = -P*(L-a)^2/(2*E*I) FDL = P*(L-a)^3/(6*E*I) Loading functions for each point load evaluated at distance = x from left end of beam: If x > a: Fvx = -P else: Fmx = -P*(x-a) else: Fqx = -P*(x-a)^2/(2*E*I) else: FDx = P*(x-a)^3/(6*E*I) else: Initial summation values at left end (xL = 0) for shear, moment, slope, and deflection: Simple beam: Vo = Mo = qo = Do =
0 0 0 0
-1/L*S(FmL) 0 1/L*S(FDL)+L/(6*E*I)*S(FmL) 0
Summations of shear, moment, slope, and deflection at distance = xL from left end of beam: Shear: Moment: Slope: Deflection: Vx = Mx = qx = Dx = Vo+S(Fvx) Mo+Vo*x+S(Fmx) qo+Mo*x/(E*I)+Vo*x^2/(2*E*I)+S(Fqx) -(Do-qo*x-Mo*x^2/(2*E*I)-Vo*x^3/(6*E*I)+S(FDx)
Reference: "Modern Formulas for Statics and Dynamics, A Stress-and-Strain Approach" by Walter D. Pilkey and Pin Yu Chang, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1978)
For Simple-Span Members Subjected to 1 - 8 Moving Loads with up to 7 Wheel Spacings Subject: Originator:
P2 S1 S2
P3 S3
P4 S4
P5 S5
P6 S6
P7 S7
w1 x VL
P1 30.00 S1 8.00
P2 25.00 S2 4.00
P3 20.00 S3 6.00
Results: Moment and Shears for Left Span, L1: M(max) = 705.00 ft-kips @x= 20.00 ft. # Wheels on Span = 4 VL = 49.25 kips VR = 48.75 kips VL(max) = 76.25 kips VR(max) = 71.25 kips Maximum Deflection for Left Span, L1: D(max) = -0.8449 in. @x= 19.99 ft. D(ratio) = L/568 in. Maximum Reaction at Center Support: R(max) = 81.83 kips
maximum moment under wheel @ P2 from left end to M(max) P1, P2 ,P3, P4, for M(max) left end shear for wheels positioned for M(max) right end shear for wheels positioned for M(max) wheels positioned for maximum shear at left end wheels positioned for maximum shear at right end
maximum vertical deflection for wheels positioned for M(max) from left end to D(max) deflection ratio
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2/27/2013 11:31 AM