Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Theory of Computation)

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Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Theory of Computation)

Compiled By Prof. M. S. Bhatt

RLs: Intersection, Union & Complement


RLs are closed Under Intersection

1 1 1 0 p0 0 p1 q0 0 1 q1 0 q2

The construct gives:

0/1 = Q1 x Q2 = {[p0, q0], [p0, q1], [p0, q2], [p1, q0], [p1, q1], [p1, q2]}
= {0, 1} = {[p1, q2]}

start state = [p0, q0]


Some examples:

([p0, q2], 0) = [1(p0, 0), 2(q2, 0)] = [p1, q2] ([p1, q2], 1) = [1(p1, 1), 2(q2, 1)] = [p1, q2]

Final Result:
1 p0, q0 0 0 p1, q0 1 1 p1, q1 1 p0, q1 1 p0, q2 0 0 p1, q2 1 0


A direct construction of a DFA M such that L( M ) Let: M1 = (Q1, , 1,p0,F1), where Q1 = {p0, p1,} M2 = (Q2, , 2,q0,F2), where Q2 = {q0, q1,} where L(M1) = L1 and L(M2) = L2.



Construct M where: Q = Q1 x Q2 each = {[p0, q0], [p0, q1], [p0, q2],} and M2 F = as with M1 and M2 = F1 x F2 Note that M has a state for

pair of states in M1

start state = [p0, q0]


([pi, qj], a) = [1(pi, a), 2(qj, a)] and a in

for all [pi, qj] in Q

RLs are closed Under Intersection

q0 b a q2 a b p1 a b p2


p3 a



RLs are closed Under Intersection

q0 b a q1 a b a q2


p3 a

qo p0 a b q1 p1 a


q2 p3

Closure Under Intersection Proof 2

DeMorgans Law: L1L2 = L1 U L2 L1 and L2 are regular So L1 and L2 are regular (Closure under complementation) So L1 U L2 is regular (Closure under union) So L1 U L2 is regular. (Closure under comp.) So L1 L2 is regular.


RLs are closed Under Union

1 1 1 0 p0 0 p1 q0 0 1 q1 0 q2

The construct gives:

0/1 = Q1 x Q2 = {[p0, q0], [p0, q1], [p0, q2], [p1, q0], [p1, q1], [p1, q2]}
= {0, 1} = {[p1, q2], [p1, q0], [p1, q1], [p0, q2] }

start state = [p0, q0]


Some examples:

([p0, q2], 0) = [1(p0, 0), 2(q2, 0)] = [p1, q2] ([p1, q2], 1) = [1(p1, 1), 2(q2, 1)] = [p1, q2]

Final Result:
1 p0, q0 0 0 p1, q0 1 1 p1, q1 1 p0, q1 1 p0, q2 0 0 p1, q2 1 0



RLs are closed Under Union

q0 b a q1 a b a q2


p3 a



RLs are closed Under Union

q0 b a q2 a b p1 qo p0 a b q1 p1 a a b p2


p3 a


q2 p3


Closure Under Union Proof 2 DeMorgans Law: L1 U L2 = L1 L2 L1 and L2 are regular So L1 and L2 are regular (Closure under complementation) So L1 L2 is regular (Closure under intersection) So L1 L2 is regular. (Closure under comp.) So L1 U L2 is regular.

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