8.human Res - IJHRMR - Building Career

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International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research (IJHRMR) ISSN 2249-6874 Vol.

3, Issue 1, Mar 2013, 73-78 TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


S. T. BHOSALE & S. S. JADHAV Assistant Professor, VPIMSR, Sangli, Maharashtra, India

Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and development of any country. They have become even more important given the increasing pace of globalization and technological changes provide both challenges that is taken place in the world. Countries with higher and better level of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of globalization. Soft skills built an dynamic personality, also helps to develop leadership quality.

KEYWORDS: Skills, Knowledge, Personality, Leadership Quality INTRODUCTION

Knowledge is becoming mandatory for each and every type of organization. India moves progressively towards becoming a knowledge economy. In new era skill set can range from professional, conceptual, managerial, operational behavior to inter personal skills and inter domain skills. The 21st century as science progresses towards better understanding of the miniscule, that is genes, nano-particles, bits and bytes and neurons, knowledge domain and skill domain also multiply and become more and more complex. To cope up more complexity the Eleventh Plan has given a very high priority to skill development in Higher Education. Initiatives such as establishing 30 new Central Universities, 5 new IISERs, 8 IITs, 7 IIMs, 20 IITs, etc. are aimed at meeting that part of the challenger of skill development. The future of the nation, and the future of world civilization, will soon rest in the hands of today's youth. To become productive and contributing individuals who can be effective and proactive in determining the course of tomorrow's world, today's youth must develop positive leadership knowledge, attitudes, skills and aspirations. Preparing today's youth for their roles as tomorrow's leaders is a challenge we all face (Cox, 1996). A demanddriven vocational training, a need to align education for the new economy is negated by a high premium still on government jobs, an aversion to blue collar jobs, skill shortages that are often culturally driven e.g. nursing, serving, cultural immobility, gender discrimination and an aversion to rural work.

Human skill is the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. Skill refers to the quality of the performance. Thus, all who can carry on their occupation with a high quality of output or performance as skilled. Skill, therefore, is synonymous with proficiency. Various human skills like reading, writing, learning, speaking, listening, interviewing, training, decision-making, innovative thinking, reengineering etc. Basic Skills- Reading, Writing, Listening. Abilities Ability represents a broad and stable characteristics responsible for a pensions performance. An ability includes what a person can do now and he can learn to do future.


S. T. Bhosale & S. S. Jadhav

Types of Abilities Experts on the subject classify these human abilities in different ways as they thought fit in attempt to communicate with the readers. These are 1) Physical 2) Mental 3) Mechanical 4) Psychomotor 5) Visual and 6) Special attitudes. According to Prof. A.C. Croft and his associates classified them as 1) Muscular 2) Sensory 3) Mental 4) Social 5) Conceptual Attitudes An attitude is not neutral but is insistent, dynamic and strived up. An attitude is a persistent tendency to fell and behave in a particular way towards some object. It is feeling about something- a person, a place, a commodity, a situation or an idea. It expresses individuals positive or negative feelings about some object. It describes an individuals feelings, thoughts and predispositions to act towards some object in the environment. According to Prof. M.V. Richard E. Petty, D.T. Weagener and I.R. Fabriger- an attitude is the way we think, feel and act towards some aspect of our environment such as retail store, television program or products Management Skills In recent competition world, new skills are being developed to meet future strategies and behavior and attitude of each employee drastically changing an organization. Some of the new skills are creative mental skills, stress management, team role skills, critical thinking skills, computing skills, technical skills etc. Personality The term personality, which is most commonly used, has been derived from the Latin term persona, which means to speak through. A very common meaning of the term personality is a role, which the person (actor) displays to the public. According to Prof. Leaon G. Setiffman and Leslie Lazer Kaunk- personality stands for those inner psychological characteristics that both determines and reflect how a person responds to his or her environments. Mr. Carl Jung at the base of Lus theory, explains that the personality has four dimensions- Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition Thinking- includes logical reasoning- rational and analytic Feeling- includes to the interpretation of a thing or a event on a subject scale-emotional effect Sensation- deals with perception of thing in general sense of factual and concrete Intuition- is based on unconscious inner perception of the potentialities or events or things- association

Skill development is the process of training development of employees, by which the individuals gain and apply knowledge, skills, insights, styles and attitudes to manage the work in organizations effectively. Managerial development is to improve the employee levels if knowledge, insights, skills and attitudes. It is the program, by which executives capacities to achieve desired objectives. Different skill development techniques areDecision Making Skill- Every manager is a decision maker, Because, management is the process of decision making. Whatever the manager does, he does through sound and timely decisions. A decision is an acceptable solution and decision making is the process of reaching a cut off point. It is a matter of choosing the best alternative solution and it is the quality if decision that determines the degree of effectiveness in terms soundness and timeliness.

Building Character by Way of Skill Improvement


Methods used for improving skill of decision making - Business Games. Case Studies etc. Interpersonal Skills- Interpersonal skills are also called as communication skills. Interpersonal skills are those abilities, which help the mangers to understand the people around then and their problems need and feelings, to get along with them, to build effective team work, to provide counseling and to resolve conflict that emerge at anytime. Methods used for improving Interpersonal skills- Role play, Behavioral modeling, sensitive training etc. In India, skill acquisition takes place through two basic structural streams- a small formal one and a large informal one. The formal structure includes i) Higher technical education imparted through professional colleges, ii) vocational education on schools at the post-secondary stage iii) technical training in specialized industries and iv) apprenticeship training.

Soft Skills India was set up to meet the growing needs for soft skills among employees at the entry level and at supervisory and managerial levels in the corporate sector. In the IT and ITeS industries, employees at all levels work in an environment in which technical knowledge alone is not enough to create value for the customer or to achieve career progression. Our education system is in process to prepare graduates for this work environment. Schools and colleges focus almost exclusively on technical knowledge, and ignore critical areas like industry exposure and soft skills development. Soft skills are associated with positive values, leadership skills, team work, communicative skills and lifelong learning. Soft skills are identified to be the most critical skills in the current global job market especially in a fast pace era of technology. Communicative Skills Ability to deliver idea clearly, effectively and with confidence either orally or in writing. Ability to practice active listening skill and respond. Ability to present clearly and confidently to the audience. Ability to use technology during presentation. Ability to discuss and arrive at a consensus. Ability to communicate with individual from a different cultural background. Ability to expand ones own communicative skill. Ability to use non-oral skills.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Ability to identify and analyze problems in difficult situation and make justifiable evaluation. Ability to expand and improve thinking skills such as explanation, analysis and evaluate discussion. Ability to find ideas and look for alternative solutions. Ability to think beyond. Ability to make conclusion based on valid proof. Ability to withstand and give full responsibility. Ability to understand and accommodate oneself to the varied working environment.

Team Work Skills Ability to build a good rapport , interact and work effectively with others.


S. T. Bhosale & S. S. Jadhav

Ability to understand and play the role of a leader and follower alternatively. Ability to recognize and respect others attitude, behavior and beliefs. Ability to give contribution to the planning and coordinate group work. Responsible towards group decision.

Life-Long Learning & Information Management Skills Ability to find and manage relevant information from various sources. Ability to receive new ideas and perform autonomy learning. Ability to develop an inquiry mind and seek knowledge.

Entrepreneurship Skills Ability to identify job opportunities. Ability to propose business opportunity. Ability to build, explore and seek business opportunities and job. Ability to be self-employed.

Ethics, Moral & Professional Skills Ability to understand the economy crisis, environment and social cultural aspects professionally. Ability to analyze and make problem solving decisions related to ethics. Ability to practice ethical attitudes besides having the responsibility towards society.

Leadership Skills Knowledge of the basic theories of leadership. Ability to lead a project. Ability to understand and take turns as a leader and follower alternatively. Ability to supervise members of a group.

Some of the Mission and Objective Are Assess skill deficits sector wise and region wise and meet the gaps by planned action in a finite time frame. Orchestrate Public Sector/Private Sector initiatives in a framework of a collaborative action Establish a National Skill Inventory and another National Database for skill Deficiency Mapping on a national Web portal- for exchange of information between employees and employment seekers. Enlarge the 50000 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) programme eventually into a Virtual Skill Development Resource Network for web-based learning. State Skill Development Missions The State Government may establish state-level mission to gear skill development activities in the Mission mode, with appropriate structures. Departments of the state governments having skill development programmes will be required to reorient their skill development strategies and programmes in line with the central objective.

Building Character by Way of Skill Improvement


Scope for Human Resources and Skill Development Focus on professional and vocational learning, including related awareness raising, skills development, and enhancement of on-the job performance Consideration of learning action within diverse government sectors (e.g. agriculture, transport, education, health, etc) Coverage of institutions at various levels of governance (i.e. national,sub-national, and local) Consideration of learning and skills development needs of NGOs,the private sector, etc.

With an estimated 58.6 million new jobs in the domestic economy and above 45 million jobs in the international economy invites skilled personnel for quality jobs beckoning the Indian youth, the government and private sector will act in a concreted manner so that opportunities materialize and operate as an employability guarantee.

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