Post Tension

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Sa Carneiro airport, Porto (Portugal)

Tensacciai started to operate in the field of post-tensioning in 1956 and in the sixties the beginning of the highway program in Italy offered many chances in the works of art, favoring in this way a remarkable development of the Company. The systems used by Tensacciai were those of partial tensioning. These systems were soon considered insufficient to the owner to face competition of simultaneous tensioning systems. A program of technological renewal began. 0,6 diameter strands started to be used, and the system of multiple and simultaneous tensioning was developed. The use of strand, at that time scarcely present in post-tensioning, made it possible to carry out a system of multiple tensioning which, by assuring the isotensioning to cable components under stressing, complied with a design requirement, not yet achieved by the other systems with the same efficaciousness. An important development was achieved in the seventies: the years of the completion of the big highway program in Italy and of the final success of Tensacciai, as the system universally became used in big public works and in the most important bridges. During the nineties Tensacciai has completely streamlined and innovated its technological and operating structure and has fully developed the electrically insulated post-tensioning system. Moreover, during year 2008 Tensacciai has finally obtained the European Technical Approval and subsequent CE marking for its post-tensioning system after 3 years of intensive testing campaign in several European laboratories. Post-tensioning tendons have been installed in several jobsites in all five continents, in wider applications in viaduct, bridges, tanks, buildings and foundations.

Tensacciai post-tensioning system

Multi-strands tendons foresee a wide range of anchorages and systems for different applications. Post-tensioning system is provided with European Technical Approval and CE marking. MTAI the MTAI monogroup anchorage range is now improved and completed. In fact, the MTAI system, with its compact geometry and reduced angle of deviation, is the most modern, high-performance Tensacciai development comprising also a dead anchorage type MTAIM. MTG coupling anchorage has been developed and improved, covering the full range of post-tensioning tendons. MTAIE external post-tensioning anchorage MTAID electrically insulated anchorage, widely used and tested in the worlds biggest full scale application, the 4,3 km long Piacenza viaduct. The production also includes the ST series anchorages, i.e. dead end anchorages with bond end anchorages, CU single strand coupling type, and the DF anchorage used for ring post-tensioning or for intermediate tensioning. Systems are also foreseen for the slab post-tensioning: the 1C15 monostrand unbounded system and the multi-strand bonded PTS system.

As a specialized contractor with decades of experience in the specific field, Tensacciai is able to provide not only the products and the installation but also, through their Engineering Department, all the activities involved in design, such as shop drawings, assistance to design, installation procedures, tension checking and other engineering services related to the installation of post-tensioning works. Tensacciai take care of all the placing, stressing, tension and deformation checking operations with their own specialized teams, taking full responsibility and applying Quality Assurance according to ISO9001.

Steel strand
This document provides technical information regarding post-tensionig tendons made of strands 15,7 (0,6S) or 15,2 mm (0,6) diameter. Tendons can also be made of 12,7 mm (0,5) diameter strands: this system is less used but still available in Tensacciai product range.

Dimension and properties of 7-wire strands according to prEN 10138-3 (1)

Steel name Tensile strength Rm (fpk) [MPa] Diameter D [mm] Cross sectional area Sn (Ap) [mm2] Mass M [g/m] Permitted deviation on nominal mass [%] Characteristic value of maximum force Fm (Fpk) [kN] Maximum value of maximum force Fm max [kN] Characteristic value of 0,1% proof force Fp0.1 (Fp0,1k) [kN] Minimum elongation at maximum force Agt (L0 ) [%] Relaxation after 1000 hours at 0,7 Fm (2) [%] at 0,8 Fm (3) [%] Modulus of elasticity E [MPa] (notations according to prEN10138-3, in rounded brackets to ETAG013 where possible) Other typologies of strands are available on request, according to main international standards. 279 329 246 3,5 2,5 4,5 195.000 (1) Until prEN10138-3 remains a draft norm, standards and regulations valid at the place of installation can be used. (2) The requirement for 70% Fm is mandatory. (3) Values for 80% Fm may be agreed between supplier and purchaser. Y1860S7 1.860 15,7 150 1.172 Y1860S7 1.860 15,2 139 1.086 2 259 306 228


Ducts are made of bright or galvanized steel or plastic. The ducts have a corrugated surface to guarantee the adherence between the cable and the surrounding concrete.

Duct thickness vary from 0,3 up to 0,6 mm on request. These dimensions are indicative only: in any case they must comply with national standards and be in accordance with operating conditions.

Suggested technical data

Strand no. Internal [mm] Grout requirement [l/m] Cement [kg/m] 1,2 1,9 2,3 3,6 2,8 4,5 3,6 5,8 3,8 6,1 4,7 7,5 5,2 8,4 6,2 9,9 6,9 10,8 8,6 13,8 4 45 7 62 9 72 12 80 15 85 19 95 22 100 27 110 31 115 37 130

High speed train line Roma Napoli, Colleferro (Italy)

Main features of cables using 15,7 mm strand

Strand diameter nominal cross section area 150 mm2 nominal mass 1.172 g/m Number of strands Nominal cross section area of steel Ap [mm2] Nominal mass of steel [kg/m] Characteristic tensile strength fpk = 1.860 MPa Characteristic ultimate resisting force of tendon Fpk [kN] 1.116 1.953 2.511 3.348 4.185 5.301 6.138 7.533 8.649 10.323 4 600 4,69 7 1.050 8,20 9 1.350 10,55 12 1.800 14,06 15 2.250 17,58 19 2.850 22,27 22 3.300 25,78 27 4.050 31,64 31 4.650 36,33 37 5.550 43,36

Main features of cables using 15,2 mm strand

Strand diameter nominal cross section area 140 mm2 nominal mass 1.093 g/m Number of strands Nominal cross section area of steel Ap [mm2] Nominal mass of steel [kg/m] Characteristic tensile strength fpk = 1.860 MPa Characteristic ultimate resisting force of tendon Fpk [kN] 1.036 1.813 2.331 3.108 3.885 4.921 5.698 6.993 8.029 9.583 4 556 4,24 7 973 7,60 9 1.251 9,77 12 1.668 13,03 15 2.085 16,29 19 2.641 20,63 22 3.058 23,89 27 3.753 29,32 31 4.309 33,66 37 5.143 40,18

The maximum prestressing force to be applied on the tendon is specified in the national standards and regulations in force in the place of use.

Tensacciai post-tensioning system

MTAI system, with its compact geometry and reduced deviation angle, is a guarantee for high performance, both for internal and external post-tensioning systems.

Metallic or PE duct

Hdpe connector

Cast iron block MT anchor plate

Removable grouting cap

MTG system is the range of anchorages suitable for the coupling of cables. It is fully integrated with the MTAI system and allows installation of cables in different separate stages.

Wedges Spring

MTG anchor plate

Steel connector

Post-tensioning system range

Post-tensioning tendons anchorages are classified in live anchorages, dead anchorages, couplers, annulars, external and electrically insulated.

Internal MTAI type

Internal MTAIM type

Electrically insulated MTAID type

Coupler MTG type

External MTAIE type

Annular DF type

Post-tensioning system Center and edge distance

MTAI system size








Minimum edge distance (A) [mm] not including cover

fcm,0 - cyl = 25 MPa fcm,0 - cyl = 33 MPa fcm,0 - cyl = 45 MPa

125 110 95

165 145 130

190 165 144

220 195 170

250 220 190

280 245 215

305 265 230

340 300 260

365 325 280

410 360 310

C - concrete cover in accordance with European Standard EN 1992-1-1 and national regulations valid at the place of use

Minimum center distance (B) [mm]

fcm,0 - cyl = 25 MPa fcm,0 - cyl = 33 MPa fcm,0 - cyl = 45 MPa

270 240 210

355 315 280

400 355 315

465 410 360

520 460 405

580 515 450

630 555 485

700 620 540

755 670 585

840 740 640

Bursting reinforcement

MTAI system size Concrete strength 25

4 33 45 25

7 33 45 25

9 33 45 25

12 33 45 25

15 33 45

fcm,0 cyl [MPa]

s [mm] b [mm] SL [mm] p [mm] No. of turns 5 250 200 170 10 225 50 4,5 4 6 200 360 150 250 210 12 300 60 5 4,5 7 270 420 180 290 260 12 360 60 6 5,5 8 7 330 480 230 340 310 14 420 60 6 8.5 360 510 280 380 350 14 450 60 7,5 7 420 315

MTAI system size Concrete strength 25

19 33 45 25

22 33 45 25

27 33 45 25

31 33 45 25

37 33 45

fcm,0 cyl [MPa]

s [mm] b [mm] SL [mm] p [mm] No. of turns 9,5 570 410 380 16 510 60 8,5 7,5 11 450 660 360 470 430 16 540 60 9 8 12 480 720 400 500 470 20 600 60 10 9 12,5 540 750 440 540 500 20 630 60 10,5 9,5 13 570 780 470 560 530 20 720 60 12 10,5 630 500

MTAI system

MTAIM system

MTAI system size LTOT [mm] S [mm] h [mm] hm [mm] d (int/ext) [mm]

4 475 150 45 77 45/50

7 531 180 49 84 62/67

9 688 200 52 84 72/77

12 708 220 62 92 80/85

15 736 250 69 98 85/90

19 783 280 74 106

22 823 300 80 110

27 848 325 87 115

31 1.009 350 91 122

37 1.107 400 96 131

95/100 100/105 110/115 115/120 130/135

MTG coupler system

MTG system size A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E x E [mm] F [mm]

4 185 90 330 100 150 45/50

7 215 100 380 120 180 62/67

9 230 105 400 180 200 72/77

12 248 104 430 190 220 80/85

15 265 110 460 208 250 85/90

19 280 120 460 225 280 95/100

22 340 120 600 240 300 100/105

27 340 120 600 250 325 110/115

31 390 140 730 300 370 115/120

37 430 150 815 360 400 130/135

MTAID system Electrically insulated post-tensioning

MTAID anchorages for electrically insulated post-tensioning meet the demand for total protection of pre-stressing cables from corrosive agents. This protection is total and permanent, since the cable is enveloped completely in a protective sheath from outside agents, starting from the anchoring blocks. Protection by envelopment consists of dielectric material made of high-density polyethylene that covers the strands also in the anchoring areas. In this post-tensioning application, the anchoring discs of the strands are separated from the cast-iron blocks of the ends by means of rings made of dielectric material capable of withstanding the prestressing effort without becoming deformed. The polyethylene connectors that are positioned inside the cast-iron blocks lead out from the separating rings; then they are connected to the sheaths by means of elements that make the system completely waterproof.

Electrically insulated post-tensioning system offer measurable advantages: electrical insulation of the cable from the surrounding environment; protection against corrosion caused by electrochemical phenomena; impermeability of the duct; protection against corrosion caused by oxidation and chlorides attack; total filling of pipes with mortar injection; possibility of control during structure lifetime of the integrity of protection with electrical resistance measures; use of special sheaths HDPE; reduction of friction losses.

High speed train line Milano Napoli, Piacenza viaduct, Piacenza (Italy)

MTAID system size A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm] G [mm]

4 150 100 110 45 90 280 58/73

7 180 120 140 47 90 324 58/73

9 200 180 160 48 90 348 76/91

12 220 190 180 51 90 378 76/91

15 250 206 200 53 95 428 100/116

19 280 225 220 65 100 418 100/116

22 300 240 250 74 110 478 100/116

27 325 250 270 78 115 478 115/131

31 370 300 290 88 125 538 130/146

37 400 360 310 94 135 568 130/146

MTAIE system External post-tensioning

Is Tensacciai external-post-tensioning evolution, suitably designed for external cables where full replaceability and protection is required. System can be demounted and substituted

through the presence of an inner steel cone that separates strands and inner protective injection from the surrounding elements in the anchorage zone.

MTAIE system size A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm]

4 150 100 135 63/3,6 310 82,5

7 180 120 160 75/4,5 360 101,6

9 200 180 177 90/5,4 430 127

12 220 190 195 110/6,6 450 139,7

15 250 208 210 110/6,6 520 152,4

19 280 225 245 125/7,4 600 168,3

22 300 240 265 125/7,4 660 193,7

27 325 250 295 140/8,3 700 203

31 350 300 330 160/9,5 750 229

37 400 360 330 160/9,5 800 229

MTRN system Adjustable post-tensioning

Protection cap

Bearing plate

Protection tube

Compound sealing Injection pipe Galvanized greased and coated strand Nut Anchorplate MTRN Type Anti-corrosive compound The great advantage of this system is to allow force adjustment anytime, depending on the structure behaviour and construction needs. It also gives the possibility to monitor loads, especially in the period following the installation of cables, when either the strands relaxation or the viscous effects of concrete can affect the evaluation of forces. To allow the load check and adjustment, Tensacciai can provide MTRN anchorages, composed of a threaded anchorage with a nut, all protected with a cap filled with grease. The load adjustment operation is carried out with a special annular jack, especially designed for these applications. This system is fully replaceable. Due to the progressive deterioration of already built structures, now the technique of external post-tensioning is becoming more common during last years, especially in the cases where its necessary to increase considerably the resistance of load-bearing beams. On request Tensacciai can supply complete monitoring systems, with load cells and data recording with alert system.

Salerno - Reggio Calabria Highway, rehabilitation of Incoronata viaduct, Polla (Italy)

CU coupling system

CU system size

4T15 (7T13)

7T15 (9T13) 800 62/67 159 340 -

9T15 (12T13) 950 72/77 177 400 800 -

12T15 (15T13) 1250 80/85 193 400 800 1.200

15T15 (19T13) 1.250 85/90 193 400 800 1.200

19T15 (22T13) 1.300 95/100 193 400 800 1.200

22T15 (27T13) 1.385 100/105 219 400 800 1.800


A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F (mm)

675 45/50 140 300 -

1.700 110/115 244 400 600 1.400

ST dead end system

ST system size A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm] G [mm] H [mm] I [mm]

4 210 80 80 10 50 250 800 100

7 80 240 10 50 350 800 100

9 160 160 12 60 400 800 150

12 80 400 160 160 14 60 400 800 150

15 160 160 14 60 400 800 150

19 240 240 14 70 400 900 220

DF system Annular post-tensioning

Special rectangular anchorages are used for ring post-tensioning: these anchorages also uses a special deviator for tensioning with mono-strand jacks.

DF system size A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm] G [mm] H [mm]

2 85 55 90 100 70 560 170 140

4 90 60 100 160 80 710 200 170

6 110 80 140 230 100 860 240 210

8 115 85 150 320 130 950 300 270

12 120 90 160 400 160 1200 330 300

Additional sizes available on request

Derivation tunnel for hydroelectric plant, Presenzano (Italy)

Malampaya off shore gravity structure, Olongapo (Philippines)

Post-tensioning system for buildings

Monostrand system (1C15) Strands are covered with a special corrosion inhibitor grease and with a proof PE coating No adherence between duct and concrete High performance in service conditions (SLS) Possibility to maximize cables eccentricity Rapidity of execution and cracking phenomena reduction

Multistrand system (PTS) Strands are all inserted inside a duct, that is filled with cementious material after installation High performance both in service (SLS) and ultimate conditions (ULS) Multistrand system with 5 strands maximum

Strands used main characteristics

Steel designation Diameter [mm] Ultimate strength [MPa] Area [mm2] Maximum load [kN]

Y1820S7G 15,2 1.820 165 300

Y1860S7 15,2 1.860 139 259

Y1860S7 15,7 1.860 150 279

PTS system slab post-tensioning

PTS system size 3-13

(3 strands 12,7 mm)

(3 strands 15,2 mm)

(4 strands 12,7 mm)

(4 strands 15,2 mm)

(5 strands 12,7 mm)

(5 strands 15,2 mm)

A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] F [mm] G [mm] H [mm] I [mm]

170 75 50 125 190 45 45 72 20

170 75 60 155 190 45 45 72 20

220 75 50 160 220 45 45 72 20

220 75 60 205 220 45 45 72 20

220 75 50 200 220 45 45 72 20

265 75 60 250 270 45 45 92 22

1C15 system Slab post-tensioning

Live end

Dead end


Center and edge distances valid for

fcm,0 cyl 20 MPa

c - concrete cover in accordance with European Standard EN 1992-1-1 and national regulations valid at the place of use

A [mm] 180

B [mm] 140

C [mm] 80+c

D [mm] 60+c

Plant for San Benedetto mineral water, Treviso (Italy)

Calculation notes

Friction losses
The calculation of loss of prestressing force due to friction and wobble effects inside tendons is usually made starting from the following equation, taken from EN 1992-1-1: where: P (x) = loss of prestressing force from 0 up to x distance [kN] x = distance from the stressing point [m] Pmax = force at the stressing end [kN] = friction coefficient between strands and ducts [1/rad] = sum of the angular deviation from 0 up to x distance, irrespective of direction or sign [rad] k = not intentional angular deviation inside tendons, wobble coefficient [rad/m] Values for friction coefficient are between 0,18 and 0,22 while k values are between 0,005 and 0,01. Recommended values for calculation are = 0,19 [1/rad] and k = 0,005 [rad/m].

P (x) = Pmax (1-e-(+kx))

Basic elongation evaluation factors

The elongation of the tendon, under the action of one or two jacks, is determined by the designer and verified at the construction site. The elongation calculation must clearly specify the theoretical elongation calculation and the corrective elements taken into account. It must be possible, with great accuracy, to establish the relationship between calculated elongation and measured elongation. In fact, secondary terms should be added to the elongation of the tendon along its length up to the anchorages, to obtain the real elongation. Real elongation measured at the construction site is thus defined as the sum of the following elements: DLa: theoretical elongation of the strand, calculated on the basis of the length between the anchorages, at one or two ends, depending on whether one or two jacks are used. DLb: concrete elastic shortening. This bit of information, since it is extremely small, is usually neglected. DLr: accumulation of deformations of the anchorage devices, for the deflection of the anchorages into the concrete and for the draw-in of the wedges. DLv: draw-in of the strand wedges within the jack and jack deformations.

DLo = DLa + DLb + DLr + DLv


Together with post-tensioning system Tensacciai has developed a range of dedicated installation equipments, including multi and mono stressing jacks, hydraulic pumps, grouting pumps and load cells. Nowadays Tensacciai is proudly involved in design and production of new stressing jacks, applying technologies and experience to obtain even more performing equipments.

Tensioning of vertical cables

PT series monostrand stressing jacks

Tensacciai manufactures 4 type of PT series jacks which differ in terms of tensioning section, weight and dimensions. All the jacks of the PT series are equipped with the automatic lock-off.

Type of jack Capacity [kN] Stroke [mm] Weight [kg] Tensioning section [cm2] Max. tensioning pressure [bar] Max. return pressure [bar] Max. locking pressure [bar] Connection [cm2] A [mm] B [mm] C [mm]

PT 150 KN 150 100 16 32,80 550 180 165 2 tubes 85 600 60

PT 200 KN 200 200 23 47,20 450 180 165 2 tubes 100 1000 85

PT 250 KN 250 200 23 47,20 550 180 165 2 tubes 97 930 77

PT 300 KN 300 200 28 58,32 550 180 165 2 tubes 110 870 88

MT series multi strand stressing jacks

Tensacciai manufactures several types of MT stressing jacks (monogroup), ranging from 1000 up to 9000 kN. The MT jacks have been designed and built by Tensacciai considering stressing needs: minimum strand waste, jack built-in hydraulic circuit, controlled lock-off, easily removed and controlled wedges, jack rotation around its own axis, making easier to place and wedge onto the tendon. The extreme high functionality and material based quality have made of this jacks series its success even under the most severe operating conditions.

Type of jack Capacity [kN] Stroke [mm] Weight [kg] Tensioning section [cm2] Max. tensioning pressure [bar] Max return pressure [bar] Max. locking pressure [bar] Tensioning overlength with lock-off [cm2] A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm]

MT1000KN 1.000 250 100 155,51 600 180 165

MT1500KN 1.500 250 180 302,18 500 180 165

MT2500KN 2.500 250 290 361,00 700 180 165

MT3000KN 3.000 250 350 400,55 700 180 165

MT3500KN 3.500 250 420 492,44 700 180 165

MT4500KN 4.500 250 600 725,71 700 180 165

MT6000KN 6.000 250 1.000 879,60 700 180 165

MT9000KN 9.000 250 1.250 1.400,50 700 180 165

35 950 155 137 162 248

37 930 130 152 185 310

37 951 150 173 213 339

38 984 154 195 236 370

38 970 148 214 252 415

45 1.107 200 243 310 512

51 1.237 207 295 380 615

52 1.016 195 322 407 714

Detailed technical sheets and instruction manual are available on request.

MTX series multistrand stressing jack

The MTX series jacks, as natural evolution of the MT series jack, have been designed and built for stressing in very restricted areas, where the overall round dimensions of the jack are fundamental factor.

Type of jack Capacity [kN] Stroke [mm] Weight [kg] Tensioning section [cm2]

MTX2500KN 2.500 100 350

MTX3500KN 3.500 100 420

MTX4500KN 4.500 250 600 636,43 660 100-120 100-120 26 680 165 255 400 537

Foto corretta?
409,00 660 100-120 100-120 660


Max. tensioning pressure [bar] Max return pressure [bar] Max. locking pressure [bar]

100-120 100-120 26 665 160 214 347 466

Tensioning overlength with lock-off [cm2] 23 A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm] 650 150 180 305 390

MTP series multistrand stressing jack

MTP series jack is the last evolution of Tensacciai stressing equipment. This series has been designed during last year after a long experience of many years on jobsites all around the world, and guarantee top efficiency level during installation.

Type of jack Capacity [kN] Stroke [mm] Weight [kg] Tensioning section [cm2] Max. tensioning pressure [bar] Max return pressure [bar] Max. locking pressure [bar] Tensioning overlength with lock-off [cm2] A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E [mm]

MTP850KN 850 150 95 194,78 465 200 100 500 493 217 136 146 230

MTP1600KN MTP2600KN MTP3500KN MTP5500KN MTP7000KN 1.600 250 195 278,02 570 200 100 750 780 165 170 218 280 2.600 250 258 549,78 485 200 100 880 900 195 227 270 375 3.500 250 665 674,49 495 200 100 1.200 1.170 285 225 291 417 5.500 250 570 987,30 497 200 100 1.300 1.124 217 256 336 496 7.000 290 1200 1.237,00 560 200 100 1.500 1.281 323 320 396 560

Pumps and equipment

Stressing pump Tensacciai offers a wide range of hydraulic pumps, which differ in terms of performance ratings, dimensions and weight. The PT series jacks require stressing pumps with power ratings ranging between 2.2 and 10 kW. The MT, MTX and MTP series jacks require stressing pumps with power ratings ranging between 7.5 and 30 kW. All Tensacciai pumps are equipped with an automatic lock-off circuit.

Grouting pump The GP pump is available in various models which differ in terms of performance ratings. The grouting pump consists of an eccentric screw pump, a mixer and a turbomixer. All the machines are equipped with a push-button control panel.

Vacuum pump Tensacciai offers vacuum pumps with power ratings ranging from 4 kW to 7.5 kW. This pump is used to inject grout under a vacuum, thus guaranteeing perfect grouting without any air entrance.

Strand pushing machine This equipment, designed to insert the prestressing strands into the sheaths, consists of a hydraulic pump and a unit that pushes the strand into the sheath. The two units can be installed at a remote location. Tensacciai also offers various models to meet all construction site requirements.

Extrusion jack The equipment consists of a highpowered portable jack (XG2), fed by a hydraulic pump. This jack extrudes passive anchorages (compression grips) at the ends of the strands. The jack drive will vary depending on the type of pump to which it is connected.

Bond end machine The equipment consists of an automatic pump XST/3 and an operating unit (jack UST/3) that opens the strand. The bond end operation is completely automatic, controlled by an electronic device that regulates both time and force.

Post-tensioning bars

Products Tensacciai supplies bars with continuous thread for post-tensioning applications, such as buildings, roads and viaducts, tunnels and mines. These systems can be provided in diameters varying from 12 to 75 mm, and are used worldwide in post-tensioning and in pre-tensioning systems application. The advantages in the use of these post-tensioning systems are several and are supported by excellent results achieved in various jobsite. Usable for all reinforcing systems, different corrosion protection systems and steel grades are available. Ease of handling on-site. Continues thread along the entire length of the bar, which ensures optimal adhesion with the cast in concrete. Cut to size and possibility of extension using couplers in any position of the bar. Different possibilities for protection against corrosive phenomena: galvanized, hot dip galvanized, epoxy coated, painted acc. DV-Norm. For special applications further steel grades are available.

Coupler Nut Threaded bar Bearing plate

Application field Prestressed concrete structures Rehabilitation of buildings Temporary supports

Steel bars carachteristics

Continuous threaded bar left hand thread hot rolled, ribbed SAS 670
d max dA fy / ft / A10 Ft A [kN] [mm] [mm] [mm] 18 21 22 25 25 28 28 32 30 34 35 40 43 48 57,5 63 63,5 70 75 82

670 N/mm / 800 N/mm / 10% 195 250 300 375 390 491 490 616 565 707 770 962 1.170 2.080 2.540 3.535 1.466 2.597 3.167 4.418

Continuous thread bars right hand, hot rolled Y 1050

d max dA [mm] [mm] 18 21 26,5 31 32 37 36 42 40 46 47 53 57 64 65 72 75 82

fy/ / fpk / A10 Fpk A

ft Ft Agt A A10

950 N/mm / 1050 N/mm / 7 % [kN] [mm] 255 241 580 551 850 804

835N/mm/1035 N/mm / 7%

1.070 1.320 1.820 2.671 3.447 4.572 1.020 1.257 1.735 2.581 3.331 4.418

= minimum ultimate strength = minimum ultimate load = percentage total elongation at maximum force = area = ultimate elongation evaluated on 10 diameters


Several kind of accessories are available to satisfy all design requirements. Full range set of couplers, nuts and anchor plates, including special pieces could be realized on request.

Tensacciai is able to provide a wide range of products customisation which enables use in new and different shapes.

Metallic end cap are always placed when it is necessary to provide a protective injection in the anchorage zone.

Anticorrosion protection
N 1 2 3 Coating spray galvanization hot galvanization epoxy coating ID GV FV EP thickness m = 82m m = 10020m m = 20050m Reference code DIN 50961 DIN EN ISO 1461 ASTM A 934 / A 934M ASTM A 775 / A 775M bar length on request on request 15 mt


When it is necessary to ensure a long life service to the structure, even if it is exposed in a particularly aggressive environment, and also a high resistance to corrosion and fatigue with high mechanical strength and ductility is required, TENSO-INOX systems can be used: modern systems with a wide range of use. Developed to meet the demand for solutions with high mechanical characteristics.
Different typologies of accessories available

That is why we provide the indications necessary to design for the most appropriate applications. Tenso-inox bars are made of special stainless steels by process of hot rolling, according to EN 10088 / 3 standards and certified according to EN 10204 3.1.B. Tenso-inox bars are manufactured through hot rolling process, in special high resistance and high yield strength steels, with resilience at -20 C> = 27 J.

Tenso-Inox 1030 SS
Nominal diameter [mm] 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 38 40 50 Area [mm2] 320 387 461 541 627 819 1.035 1.156 1.280 1.985 Breaking load Ft [kN] 329 398 475 557 646 843 1.066 1.190 1.318 2.044


Placing of the steel sheaths


The sheaths are fixed to the reinforcing steel of the structure to avoid that their position changes during the pouring of the concrete. For longitudinal post-tensioning they are usually placed following a parabolic lay-out.

Tensacciai jacks have been designed and built considering stressing needs: minimum strand waste (300mm to 500mm), automatic lock-off, easy removal and control of the wedges, jack rotation around its own axis.

Threading of the strands Strands are thread one by one inside the placed duct, using special strand pushing machine. Threading operation shall be carried out with care to avoid any damage to the strand or to the steel duct.

Grouting Grouting of tendon ducts shall be executed using a colloidal cement mortar, with a composition variable depending on temperature and length of tendons. Tendons ducts shall be provided with air vent pipes at the highest parts to ensure the air gets out and grout completely fills internal volume. Grouting equipment consist of an eccentric screw pump, a mixer and a turbo mixer.


High speed train line Milano Napoli, Piacenza viaduct, Piacenza (Italy) Electrically insulated post-tensioning

High speed train line Milano Torino, Marchiazza viaduct, Vercelli (Italy) Electrically insulated post-tensioning


Imigrantes Highway, San Paolo-Santos (Brasil)

Metro project, Dubai (UAE)


Central corridor, Muscat (Oman) Tiziano bridge, Alessandria (Italy)

Funchal airport extension, Madeira (Portugal)


Rabat Fes Highway, section 2 (Morocco)

Adriatic LNG project Mooring Dolphins, Venezia (Italy)


Loureiro viaduct, Calhandriz (Portugal)

Metro railway viaduct, Delhi (India)


Covas viaduct, Galizia (Spain)

Head Office: via XX Settembre, 24 20123 Milano (Italy) tel. +39 024300161 fax +39 0248010726 Office in Rome: via Lutezia, 2 00198 Roma (Italy) tel. +39 0632111820 fax +39 063219854 Factory: via 25 Aprile, 8/10 20016 Pero, Milano (Italy) tel. +39 0238100064 fax +39 0233910227

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