Evaluation For Suitable Large-Scale Propagation Models To Mobile Communications in Urban-Area
Evaluation For Suitable Large-Scale Propagation Models To Mobile Communications in Urban-Area
Evaluation For Suitable Large-Scale Propagation Models To Mobile Communications in Urban-Area
Eman Gaber Ahmed Mahmud, 2Hosam El den Elsaied, 3Ashraf Mohamed Ali Hassen, 4Amin Mohamed Nasser
Modern Academy in Maadi,Communication Dept. 2 Benha university Electrical Engineering Dept 3 Modern Academy in Maadi Communication Dept. 4 Cairo University Communication Dept
Abstract: Propagation models that characterize the rapid fluctuations of the receiver signal strength over very
short travel distances (few wavelengths) or short time durations (in the order of seconds) are called small-scale or fading models. Many research activities, such as simulation and system design, need a model of the channel under study. Models are available in the literature, but often it is difficult to match the real scenario to the theoretical models at disposal. In this paper, the large-scale propagation performance of Okumura- Hate, cost231 and log-normal propagation models has been compared and evaluated varying Mobile Station (MS) antenna height, transmitter-receiver (T-R) separation distance and Base Station (BS) antenna height, considering the system to operate at 1800 MHz The main concentration in this paper is to find out a suitable model to provide guidelines to help the network designers. The simulation is done via mat lab tool to show the results of our search. Keywords- propagation models, large-scale propagation, Okumura-Hate model, cost231model and log-normal model.
The path loss propagation models have been an active area of research in recent years. Path loss is unwanted signal strength reductions that signal suffers when propagating from transmitter to receiver. The losses present in a signal during propagation from base station to receiver may be classical and already exiting. General classification includes three forms of modeling to analyze. These losses are shown in figure (1) [1] [2].
GENERAL classification
Deterministic(maxwall"s Eq)
Empirical(Measured data)
Fig.1. General Classification of path loss modeling In the above models Deterministic models are better to find the propagation path losses. This model uses Maxwells equations along with reflection and diffraction laws. The Statistical models use probability analysis by finding the probability density function. The empirical models uses Existing equations obtained from results of s measurement efforts .this model also gives very accurate results but the main problem with this type of model is computational complexity [2]. In mobile radio systems, path loss models are necessary for p roper planning, interference estimations, frequency assignments, and cell parameters which are basic for network Planning process as well as LBS techniques that are not based on GPS system [3].
Path loss characteristics of a channel are commonly important in wireless communications and signal propagation. Path loss may occur due to many effects, such as free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection,
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We introduce in this session different kinds of propagation models with discussions and analysis. 3.1 Free-Space Propagation Model In wireless communications, path loss can be represented by the path loss exponent, whose value is normally in the range of 2 to 4 (where 2 is for propagation in free space, 4 is for relatively lossy environments. In some environments, such as buildings, stadiums and other indoor environments, the pathloss exponent can reach values in the range of 4 to 6. On the other hand, a tunnel may acts a waveguide, resulting in a pathloss exponent less than 2 [4,5,6]. This is an ideal model used to compute the received signal strength when there is a direct LOS between a [1, 3,7] transmitter and a receiver unit, placed at distance (d) between them, without any obstacles near the line of sight. The power received in free space ( Pr ) is given by the Fries transmission equation
pr (t ) =
2 P Gt G r t 2 2 ( 4 ) d L
Where Pt is the transmitted power, Gt is the transmitter antennas gain, Gr is the receiver antennas gain, is the wavelength (expressed in the same unit as d) and L is the system loss factor ( 1, for example filter losses, antenna losses, etc). From now on, without loss in generality, we assume L=1 the path loss or freespace loss Lfs is defined as the ratio between the effective transmitted power and the received power, which includes the effects of the antenna gains Lfs = 10 log ( The antenna gain is given by
Pt Gt G r pr L
) =20log(
(2) )
G =
4Ae 2
Where Ae is the effective size of the antenna. Theoretical and measurement-based models, developed in generic environments with or without LOS, indicate that the average received signal power decreases with the distance raised to some exponent. The exponent is 2, that is, the received power decreases as the square of distance. The link Budget equation
Pr Pt G t G r L f L p
Where Lp: Path Loss, Lf: Feeder Loss and The path loss equation
( 4)
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L p (d ) is expressed as
a function of the distance d by using a path loss exponent, independently of the presence of a direct LOS between the transmitter and the receiver units.
L p (d ) (
d n ) do
a has a
L p (d ) dB L f s (d o ) dB 10 log(
Where n is path loss exponent, d is the T-R separation distance in meters and d0 is the close-in reference distance in meters [3]. 3.3 Okumura-hata model The Hate model (1980) is an empirical formulation of the curves provided by Okumura, approximated through analytical formulations.[1] Hate presents the urban area path loss and supplies a correction factor to the formula for applying it to other situations. The formula for the median path loss in urban areas is given by:
where the path loss is expressed in dB, f c is the frequency in the range 150-1500 MHz, h t is the effective transmitter antenna height ranging from 30 to 200 meters, from 1 to 10 meters, factor for the effective receiver antenna height, which depends on the environment. For a small or medium city, the correction factor is given by [8].
h r is the effective receiver antenna height ranging is the distance between transmitter and receiver in km, and a ( hr ) is the correction
For For
3.2(log11.75hr )2 4.97
fc 200MHz fc 400MHz
(10) (11)
3.4 COST231 Extension to Hata Model A model that is widely used for predicting path loss in mobile wireless system is the COST-231 Hata model [4,5]. The COST-231 Hata model is designed to be used in the frequency band (fc )from 500 MHz to 2000 MHz It also Contains corrections for urban, suburban and rural (flat) environments. Although its frequency range is outside that Of the measurements, its simplicity and the availability of correction factors has seen it widely used for path loss Prediction at this frequency band. The basic equation for path loss in dB is [1],
(12 )
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Here in this session we will introduce the matlab simulation to describe relationship between power loss and user position in practical case and free space case we consider free space path loss model which is most commonly used idealistic model. We take it as our reference model; so that it can be realized how much path loss occurred by the others proposed models. For fc=1800 MHz, the relation between path loss and the change in distance between (T-R) from1m to 1000m when (BTS) ht=45 m and (MS) hr=1.5 m is shown in figure 2. The relation between path loss and the change in(MS) hr from 1m to 10m when(BTS) ht=45mand distance between (T-R) =1000m is shown in figure 3 Demonstrates the relationship between path loss and the change in (BTS) ht from30m to 200m when (MS) hr=1.5m and distance between (T-R) =1000m is shown in figure 4.
Fig.2. The Relationship between path loss and distance between (T-R) The values of parameters used in the curve of figure are shown in table 1. Table 1 System parameters BTS/Node B antenna height (ht) MS antenna height (hr) BTS/Node B antenna Gain (Gt) MS antenna Gain (Gr) central frequency (fc) Service Area 45 m 1.5 m 18 dbi 2 dbi 1800 MHz 1m to 1 Km2
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Fig.3. The Relationship between Path loss and hr (MS) The values of parameters used in simulation of figure 3 are shown in table 2. Table 2 System parameters BTS/Node B antenna height (ht) MS antenna height (hr) BTS/Node B antenna Gain (Gt) MS antenna Gain (Gr) central frequency (fc) Service Area 45m 1 mto10m 18 dbi 2 dbi 1800 MHz 1 Km2
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Fig.4. The Relationship between path loss and ht (BTS) The values of parameters used in simulation of figure 4 are shown in table 3. Table 3 System parameters BTS/Node B antenna height (ht) MS antenna height (hr) BTS/Node B antenna Gain (Gt) MS antenna Gain (Gr) central frequency (fc) Service Area 30 mto200m 1.5m 18 dbi 2 dbi 1800 MHz 1 Km2
Summary of results
From Fig. 2, it is seen that for Okumura hata model path loss model the propagation path loss is highest due to the increase in MS(hr) distance from BTS(ht) than the other two models and Log-distance path loss model has the Lowest path loss. From the analysis it is seen that overall Log-distance path loss model shows the better performance than that of the other two models. And cost 231 model is better performance than okumura-hata model. From Fig. 3, it is seen that the propagation path loss increases with the decrease in MS (hr) antenna height for all the models. For Okumura hata model the loss is maximum, for cost 231 model the loss is medium and for Logdistance path loss model is minimum. From Figure 4, it is seen that the propagation path loss decreases due to the increase in BTS (ht) antenna height for all the models. For Okumura hata model the loss is maximum, for cost 231 mode l the loss is medium and for for Log-distance path loss model is minimum.
In this paper, three widely known large scale propagation models are studied and analyzed. The analysis and simulation was done to find out the path loss by varying the BTS antenna height, MS antenna height, and the TR separation. Okumura-hata model was seen to represent high power loss levels in the curves than cost231, Logdistance models. Log-distance model was seen to represent lowest power loss levels in the curves than cost231, Okumura-hata models. The result of this analysis will help the network designers to choose the proper model in the field applications. Further up-gradation in this result can be possible for the higher range of carrier frequency.
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