DalCo BailBondInvestigator

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February 26,2013
TO: Commissioners Court

13fEB 20 PM I: 50

THROUGH: Rya'RJ!r:own, Budget Officer FROM: SUBJECT: Erica Terrazas, Budget and Policy Analyst Sheriff - Full Time Bail Bond Investigator


BACKGROUND In FY2011, the part time position of Bail Bond Investigator, Deputy I, was eliminated as a costsavings measure. Currently, a detached Deputy has been assisting with the duties previously covered by the Bail Bond Investigator and working with the Bail Bond Board. The detached Deputy currently working on Bail Bond Investigations has other duties as part of the Warrants Division. The full time Bail Bond Investigator position focuses on the law enforcement investigation aspect of bail bond companies and bail bondsmen.
The purpose of this briefing is to recommend the addition of one (1) Deputy I to the Sheriff Fiscal Division as a Full Time Bail Bond Investigator solely dedicated to Bail Bond law enforcement.

IMPACT ON OPERATIONS The full time Bail Bond Investigator will focus on investigative duties and responsibilities, which include investigating applicants for bail bond licenses, performing yearly inspections for Bail Bond Companies, investigating complaints and alleged violations of State Statute or Bond Board regulations. The Bail Bond Investigator will also prepare necessary materials for the monthly Bail Bond Board meetings that include details regarding ongoing and proposed investigations. The Bail Bond Board has also requested the input of a Bail Bond Investigator for the revision of Bail Bond Board Regulations.
The full time Bail Bond Investigator wiil allow for a position dedicated solely to bail bond investigations as well as assisting the Hail Bond Board and its counsel. In Dallas County, there are currently 36 licensed bondsmen and 200 attorneys that requirc monitoring by the Sheriffs Office.

FINANCIAL IMPACT/CONSIDERATIONS The approximate total salary ($50,710) :and benefits ($17,455) of $68,169 for the full time Bail Bond Investigator Deputy I will be covered by funds budgeted for additional staff for the Sheriff Personnel Division, therefore having no> new impact on the Generaill Fund.

411 Elm Streett - 3 FloOf, Dallas, Texas 75202-3340 (214) 6536389 . (214) 6536517 . crica.terrazas@dallas:.county.org


RECOMMENDATION The Office of Budget and Evaluation recommends the Commissioners Court approve the addition of one (1) Deputy I to serve as Full Time Bail Bond Investigator in the Sheriff Fiscal Division.


ORDER NO: DATE: March 5, 2013 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BE IT REMEMBERED, at a regular meeting of the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas, held on the _ _ _ _~5'-th_ _ _ _ _,day of_ _ _ _--'M!.'-"a'-'rc"'h'----_ _ _ _ _ , 2013, on motion made by and seconded by

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the following Order was adopted: WHEREAS, the Office of Budget and Evaluation briefed the Commissioners Court on February 26, 2013 regarding the addition of one (1) full time Deputy I to serve as Bail Bond Investigator in the Sheriff Fiscal Division; WHEREAS, the duties of the Bail Bond Investigator include investigative duties and responsibilities regarding Bail Bond Companies, performing inspections for Bail Bond Companies, and working with the Bail Bond Board on investigating complaints and alleged violations of State Statute or Bond Board regulations; and WHEREAS, the approximate total salary ($50,710) and benefits ($17,455) of $68,169 for the full time Bail Bond Investigator will be covered by funds budgeted for additional staff for the Sheriff Personnel Division, therefore having no new impact on the General Fund,
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Dallas County Commissioners Court hereby approves the addition of one (1) Sheriff Deputy to serve as Bail Bond Investigator in the Sheriff Fiscal Division, with the Human Resources/Civil Service Department reviewing the classification of the position.

DONE IN OPEN COURT this the _ _~5,-th_ _ _ day of _ _--"M"'a""r"'ch"--_ _ , 2013.

Clay Lewis Jenkins County Judge

Dr. Theresa M. Daniel Commissioner Disl. #1

Mike Cantrell Commissioner Dis!. #2

John Wiley Price Commissioner Dis!. #3

Dr. Elba Garcia Commissioner Dis!. #4

Recommended by:

n> t...)-. Ryan Br wn, Budget Officer

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