The Boy in The Striped Pajamas Essay

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By: Maria Pilar Nogales Paz

You cant go with that kid, he is an animal, he is a Jew. The boy in the stripped pajamas took place during World War II, in the Holocaust. During this period of time, the world was divided, politically, and socially. In Germany you were either in the Nazi party or part of the rest Jew. The emotional and sad theme of the story was the way people learn to hate each other and the racism. The Holocaust is mostly of racism, people belief they are superior to others because of skin color, language, or place of birth. Racism is a belief that a particular race is superior to other races, thats what German thought, they thought that they were better and that they would change the world to make it a better place to live. They went too far this time; the Nazis took the majority of the Jews to the concentration camps and killed them. For example, the reason Shmuel and his family were moved to the concentration camp was because of their religion. Shmuel never asked to be this religion, but because his family was Jewish, he had no choice. I repeat, Jews where treated like animals in the concentrations camps as we saw in this movie. I am personally so ashamed of Germans. However, what I learn in this movie was that racism is a belief that is teaches, people do not born with it. I believe that racism is taught to children and they are teaches to believe in other kind of beliefs. Shmuel was very clear about why he and his family were move to the concentration camp, he is conscious of the separation of Nazis and Jews. He knows that his friendship with Bruno is not allowed, they are enemies. Another character that is taught to be racist is Gretel (Brunos sister). She had seen so

many bad treatments to Jews so she believes in what she had seen and learned from the soldiers and her father. It just cant fit to my head the idea of seeing people different from you or anyone else. Pavel its just one example of bad treatment and loneliness he didnt study to be a potato peeler he was a doctor. Nazis didnt have care of the other peoples life they just wanted to destroy the Jews, it was the final solution. For example, I know people just say Negro just trying to be fun sometimes, but I here many people saying that word. Sometimes I prefer to let it pass, but I know sometimes how it feels to be threatened or insulted. On the other hand, Bruno does not know about these differences, he is a very friendly boy to almost everyone. Bruno lived a very confortable life. His parents tried live from his fathers job. Bruno did not know about the holocaust and he saw the concentration camps as the fake propaganda Germans made to bring Jews more easily. He was so protected from the outside world that he did not realize the danger of speaking to Shmuel. Bruno was just excited to meet a new friend. Since Bruno never knew about the separation between the Jews and the Nazis, he did not realize that the two of them were supposed to be enemies. Bruno is under the impression that life on the other side of the fence is pleasant. Bruno remains innocent until one faithful day when he crosses over to the other side of the fence to be with Shmuel.

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