Navy Electrical Power Generating Equipment
Navy Electrical Power Generating Equipment
Navy Electrical Power Generating Equipment
1 SEP 1999
Certification Sheet
Chapter/Paragraph Page
Chapter/Paragraph Page
Chapter/Paragraph Page
Chapter/Paragraph Page
310-1.1.1 SCOPE. This section covers a description of and operational instructions for generators other than
those used in electric propulsion systems. Instruction for the operation of electric propulsion systems are inNSTM
Chapter 235 of the Naval Ships’ Technical Manual (NSTM). Instructions on maintenance are in NSTM Chap-
ter 300 .
310-1.1.2 TECHNICAL MANUALS. The personnel responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of
equipment should be thoroughly acquainted with the contents of the appropriate technical manuals. Prints of suf-
ficiently detailed plans are also available to enable the ship’s force to handle most of the repairs ordinarily
required. These plans should be indexed, kept up to date, and should be referred to when machines require over-
haul or repair, or when ordering new parts by requisition.
310-1.1.3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Safety precautions must be observed when working around electrical
equipment to avoid injury to personnel and equipment. NSTM Chapter 300 provides detailed procedures and
precautions. In addition, generators are frequently equipped with various accessories having separate sources of
power. Internal illuminating fixtures, internal heaters, and externally powered temperature detectors and alarm
contact makers are examples of accessories whose terminals must be de-energized when working on these gen-
erators. Check to ensure that all such separate circuits are de-energized prior to attempting any maintenance or
repair work on the equipment.
310-1.2.1 GENERATOR CHARACTERISTICS. Alternating current (ac) generators on United States naval
ships include:
a. Generators may be used for ship service or emergency service. In some cases, they can be designated inter-
changeable for either ship service or emergency service. These generators are normally 450-volt, 60-hertz,
three-phase machines except:
1. A few 230-volt, 60-hertz, three-phase generators used on some auxiliary ships.
2. Some 1,000-volt, 400-hertz, three-phase generators.
3. Some 4,160-volt, 60-hertz, three-phase generators used on aircraft carriers.
b. . Generators for special services, such as aircraft servicing and electronic and other applications, include
1,000-volt and 450-volt, 400-hertz, three-phase generators, and single-phase and three-phase generators of the
voltage and frequency required for particular applications.
310-1.2.2 GENERATOR CONNECTIONS. The ac windings of most generators are contained in the stator
(frame) and are either Y- or delta-connected. There is no preference for either insofar as the service requirements
are concerned, and the choice depends solely on the most economical design selected by the manufacturer to
obtain the required operating characteristics and to ensure ease and simplicity of manufacture and repair.
a. In a Y-connected generator, the voltage per leg or phase of the winding (that is, between the line terminal and
the neutral) is equal to the line voltage divided by 1.73; the current per leg is the same as the line current.
b. In a delta-connected generator, the voltage per leg or phase of the winding is the same as the line voltage; the
current per leg is equal to the line current divided by 1.73.
310-1.2.4 SYNCHRONOUS SPEED. The synchronous speed of an ac generator is the speed at which it must
be driven to generate rated frequency. The synchronous speed depends upon frequency and number of poles, and
can be calculated from equation d. of paragraph 310-1.2.3. Synchronous speeds of 60-hertz and 400-hertz gen-
erators with two, four, or six poles are as follows:
60-Hertz Generator
Number of Synchronous
poles Speed, rpm
2 3,600
4 1,800
6 1,200
400-hertz generators
Number of Synchronous
poles Speed, rpm
2 24,000
4 12,000
6 8,000
310-1.2.5 TYPES OF ROTORS. Most alternating current generators are usually of the dc excited revolving
field type, although some of small capacity may be of the revolving armature type. Two types of rotors are used
for generators of the revolving field type; namely:
a. Salient pole. Salient pole type rotors are used on generators of 1,800 rpm and below. The poles with their
windings, are separate parts from the rotor spider and are secured to it by dovetails which are keyed to the
spider with steel keys. The rotor spider may be either a separate laminated steel core pressed on and keyed to
the shaft or a part of the shaft forging itself. The length of this type of rotor core is usually less than its diam-
eter. An amortisseur or damping (squirrel cage) winding is provided on all engine-driven and some turbine-
driven salient pole generators to damp out hunting effects when the generators are in parallel and to equalize
flux distribution when an unbalanced load condition exists.
b. Cylindrical. Cylindrical type rotors are normally used for generators of 3,600 rpm and above. The rotor con-
sists of a solid steel forging in which slots are milled for the field coils. In these machines the length of the
rotor exceeds the diameter. These rotors are usually not provided with an amortisseur winding, but the slot
wedges which secure the field winding and the rotor body itself produce the effect of such a winding.
310-1.2.6 TYPES OF DRIVE. The generators on naval ships are driven either by steam turbines, gas turbines,
diesel engines, or electric motors.
a. Turbine-driven generators. Turbines for driving generators operate at relatively high speeds, between about
5,000 and 12,000 rpm. Turbine-driven Navy generators of 3,600 rpm and less are driven through reduction
gears, except on submarine applications where direct drive is used to reduce noise output. Higher speed (400
hertz) generators are usually direct-connected to the turbine.
b. Engine-driven generators. The 60 hertz generators driven by diesel engines are 600, 720, 900, 1,200 or 1,800
rpm machines. They are all of the salient pole type and are direct-connected to the engine. Single engine drive
is preferred; however, in some applications, 1,800 rpm, twin engine driven units (one engine at each end of
generator in tandem) are necessary because of weight and size constrictions. Engine-driven 400 hertz genera-
tors are driven through step-up gears.
c. Motor-driven generators. Motor-driven ac generators are used to convert direct current to alternating current,
or alternating current of one frequency to alternating current of a different frequency.
310-1.2.7 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. For efficient operation of ac generators, various auxiliary equipment is
310- Excitation. The fields of ac generators are excited by direct current. This is obtained from:
a. A rotating exciter which is mounted on the same shaft as the ac generator and which is either:
1. A conventional dc generator as described in paragraphs 310-1.3.1 to 310-1.3.5.
2. A rotating amplifier which is built similar to a conventional dc generator but using a complex system of
field windings to obtain high response dc output.
3. A brushless ac generator in which the ac generated in its rotating armature is rectified by solid state recti-
fiers mounted on the same shaft, and this dc is connected directly to the main generator field.
b. A dc bus, where available, usually in the case of dc to ac motor generators; or
c. A static excitation system which is energized from the ac generator terminals and which consists of various
combinations of potential and current transformers, magnetic amplifiers, reactors, rectifiers, controlled rectifi-
ers, transistors, and other solid state devices.
a. Generator switchboards are equipped with meters to indicate the generator voltage, current, watts, frequency,
and on older ships, power factor. Synchroscopes and synchronizing lamps are provided for paralleling genera-
tors. Indicator lamps are provided to give visual indication of the operating status of various circuits.
b. Alternating current generators of 500 kW capacity and over are usually equipped with temperature detectors
located between the coils at various points around the periphery of the stator and connected through a trans-
fer switch to temperature measuring instruments on the switchboard. By means of this transfer switch, it is
possible to observe the temperature at several different points in the windings during operation.
c. Many bearings are equipped with thermometers by which the bearing temperature may be observed during
operation. Generators of 200 kW capacity and over are equipped with a bearing temperature alarm thermo-
static switch (contact maker) which operates a warning bell or horn when temperatures become excessive.
(See NSTM Chapter 430 .)
310- Control. Frequency, voltage, and kilowatt load division must be controlled.
a. Frequency. Frequency is controlled by controlling speed, which is proportional to frequency. Speed is auto-
matically controlled by a speed governor, except in some motor-generators in which speed is controlled by the
inherent characteristics of the driving motor. The speed governors for large machines with mechanical hydrau-
lic governors are set to the required speed by a governor motor. Those using electro-hydraulic governors are
set by a speed adjusting potentiometer. Both are controlled from the switchboard. The speed governors for
small machines not equipped with governor motors cannot be set to the required speed from the switchboard.
These must be set by manual adjustment at the governor.
b. Voltage. Voltage is controlled automatically by a voltage regulator. See Section 3 of this chapter for voltage
regulators. Automatic voltage regulators are provided with a transfer switch which permits a shift to manual
voltage control in case of trouble in the voltage regulator.
c. Load division. The division of kilowatt load between two ac generators operating in parallel is controlled by
the settings and characteristics of the prime mover governors and is not affected by the voltage control, either
manual or automatic.
310- After the desired division of kilowatt load between the two generators has been obtained by
adjustment of their governor settings, the desired division of reactive kilovolt-amperes can be obtained by adjust-
ing the voltage rheostat settings, or adjustment of the manual control if failure of the voltage regulators makes
it necessary to go to manual voltage control. In some dual automatic voltage regulators, no manual control exists,
so reactive power control will be determined by the adjustment of the voltage adjusting rheostat. When the kilo-
watt load is equally divided between two machines, unequal division of reactive kilovolt-amperes is indicated by
unequal current readings for the two machines. If power factor meters are installed, the unequal division of reac-
tive kilovolt-amperes is also indicated by unequal power factor readings. The machine with the lower power fac-
tor reading will have the larger current and the larger reactive kilovolt-ampere load.
310- Protection. AC generators need to be protected against excessive current, speed, and temperature.
a. A generator circuit breaker is connected between the generator and the switchboard to protect the generator
from damage by the excessive current which flows in case of a fault or short circuit in the distribution sys-
tem or connected equipment. This circuit breaker is set to open when the current exceeds a predetermined
value, and, when open, disconnects the generator from the switchboard bus work, except the vital power bus
(if a vital power bus is provided) which is connected to the generator ahead of the generator circuit breaker.
It is extremely important for operating personnel to realize that no provision is made in the generator circuit
breaker or elsewhere for automatic protection of the generator from damage by long continued operation at a
current only moderately in excess of rated capacity. Sole reliance for this type of protection is placed upon the
vigilance of the operator. This is possible because a moderate overcurrent can be carried without damage for
sufficient time to permit the operator to recognize the conditions from this instrument readings and take steps
to remedy it.
b. In order to prevent the generator from operating as a motor when running in parallel with other generators,
the circuit breaker in the generator line is equipped with reverse power protection which trips the breaker and
takes the generator off the line when power flows from the line to the generator instead of from the genera-
tor to the line.
c. Protection against overspeed is provided with the prime mover which operates to shut the unit down when a
preset value of overspeed is reached due to failure of the normal speed governing system. The overspeed pro-
tective system is completely independent of the governing system. In the case of some motor-generator sets,
this protection is given by a speed limit switch mounted on the shaft of the set. This switch disconnects the
motor of the set from the supply circuit when speed reaches a predetermined limit.
d. Water-air-cooled generators are equipped with air temperature alarms which give a signal when the tempera-
ture exceeds predetermined limits. The temperature indicating instruments mentioned in paragraph 310-
also will indicate any excessive temperatures.
310- Enclosures. Alternating current generators may be of the open, protected, dripproof, totally
enclosed, or water-air-cooled type. Generators 500 kW or over are of the water-air-cooled type. One or more
make-up air inlets with filters are provided to clean the air used to pressurize the bearing housing and the gen-
erator enclosure thus minimizing the entrance of oil vapor and other contaminants into the machine. One or more
filtered make-up air inlets are provided at the point of lowest internal pressure. These are normally located just
behind the fan blades. This source of clean air ″makes-up″ for the air pumped from the generator enclosure to
pressurize the bearing housings to minimize the amount of vapor entering the generator.
310- Heat Exchangers. Water-air-cooled generators are equipped with heat exchangers. To remove the
heat generated during operation, the air within the generator enclosure is circulated through the generator and the
heat exchanger. Heat is thus transferred to the cooling water which is pumped through the heat exchanger.
310- Heaters. Totally enclosed and water-air-cooled generators and some generators open to outside air
have electric heaters installed within the generator enclosure. These heaters are used to keep the generator warmer
than its surroundings and prevent the condensation and accumulation of moisture within the generator when it is
not in operation.
310-1.3.1 TWO-WIRE AND THREE-WIRE. The dc distribution systems used on United States naval vessel
are 120-volt, two-wire; 240-volt, two-wire; and 120/240-volt, three-wire. Ship’s service and emergency service
dc generators have these voltage ratings. A three-wire generator is a modified two-wire generator which has the
ends of a balance coil connected to taps on the armature 180 electrical degrees apart. The electrical midpoint of
the balance coil is connected to a third wire which is known as the neutral of the distribution system.
310-1.3.2 FIELD WINDINGS. Field windings are used to produce the magnetic flux that is necessary for gen-
erator operation.
a. Types. A shunt field winding is connected in parallel with the armature, a series field winding in series with
the armature. A shunt generator has a shunt field only. Stabilized shunt and compound generators have both
a shunt field and a series field winding.
b. Shunt generators. Shunt generators are designed to give the proper droop in the voltage regulation curve so
that, when necessary, two or more machines of this type may be operated in parallel with each generator car-
rying its proper share of the load.
c. Stabilized shunt generators. Stabilized shunt generators have a light series field winding on the same poles
with the shunt field winding. At full load, the ratio of series field ampere turns to shunt field ampere turns
does not exceed 15 percent. The purpose of the series winding is to give closer voltage regulation than that
normally obtained from plain shunt generators. At the same time, however, stabilized shunt generators have
sufficient voltage droop from no load to full load to ensure good parallel operation without the use of equal-
izer connections or voltage regulators.
d. Compound generators. Compound generators usually have enough series field to give a flat voltage regulation
curve (without droop), i.e., the voltage is the same at full load as at no load. Such machines will not operate
in parallel and divide the load successfully without the use of equalizers or of voltage regulators, which are
not commonly used on dc generators for naval installations. For this reason, compound generators are infre-
quently used on our naval vessels.
310-1.3.3 SHUNTS OR DIVERTERS. Shunts or diverters are always connected in parallel with the series field
windings of compound generators intended for parallel operation, and are sometimes used on stabilized shunt
generators intended for parallel operation. The shunt or diverter is used to adjust the compounding effect of the
series field winding and the voltage regulation of the generator. These shunts may be in the form of grids or rib-
bon resistors.
310-1.3.4 EQUALIZERS. An equalizer, or equalizer connection, is used to connect two or more compound
wound generators which are to operate in parallel. The connection is made at a point where the armature and
series field leads join, thus placing the armatures in parallel and the series field windings in parallel, so that the
load may be divided between the generators in proportion to their capacities. Its use is necessary in paralleling
compound wound generators when voltage regulators are not used. In order to be effective, its resistance must be
considerably lower than that of the series field winding. Consequently, a very heavy conductor is required. espe-
cially if there is considerable distance between the machines to be paralleled. Because of its bulk and the required
additional switching, its use is not considered desirable; hence, the preferable use of shunt or stabilized shunt
generators which do not require an equalizer connection (or voltage regulators) for satisfactory division of load
while operating in parallel.
310-1.3.5 COMMUTATING WINDINGS. Most dc generators, whether shunt, stabilized shunt, or compound
wound, are furnished with commutating poles, also known as interpoles. These poles are located midway between
the mainpoles, and their windings are in series with the armature. The function of these poles is to correct flux
distortion caused by armature reaction and make it unnecessary to shift the brushes in order to obtain good com-
mutation at varying loads.
310-1.3.6 TYPES OF DRIVE. Direct current generators are driven by steam turbines, gas turbine, diesel
engines, or electric motors, (either ac or dc).
a. Turbine-driven. Because of the high operating speed of steam turbines (usually well above 5,000 rpm), dc
generators are not directly connected to the turbine shaft but are driven at reduced speed through reduction
gears. Direct current generator speeds range from 900 to 1,800 rpm, depending upon generator size and
design. In rare instances, generators having a speed of 3,600 rpm may be used.
b. Engine-driven. Generators driven by diesel engines operate at speeds from 400 to 1,800 rpm. The shafts of
these generators are directly coupled to the engine shafts.
c. Motor-driven. Motor-driven dc generators make up the generator end of ac to dc and dc to dc motor genera-
310-1.3.7 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. Various auxiliary equipment for dc generators must be provided.
a. The switchboard meters installed for observing the performance of dc generators usually includes only volt-
meters and ammeters.
b. Many bearings are equipped with thermometers by which the bearing temperature may be observed during
a. Generator speed is controlled by the speed governor of the prime mover. Remote speed control is not required
and no governor motor control switch is used on the switchboard, as is done for ac generators.
b. Manual voltage control is obtained by a rheostat in the shunt field. This rheostat is operated at the switch-
c. Direct current generators are usually not provided with voltage regulators. The inherent characteristics of the
generators provide all the voltage regulation that is needed for most applications. However, where the type of
service demands constant voltage at all loads on shunt or stabilized-shunt generators, where it may be neces-
sary to parallel either two or more compound generators or compound and shunt or stabilized-shunt genera-
tors, or where battery charging may occur, automatic voltage regulators may be used. This, however, is not
310- Protection. Direct current generators are protected against damage by short circuit current, over-
speed, and reverse current in a similar manner to ac generators (paragraph 310- except that in addition to
other protective features, a shunt trip switch is provided on turbine-driven dc generators to trip the generator cir-
cuit breaker when the throttle valve is tripped closed.
310- Enclosures. Direct current generators may be of the open, protected, dripproof, totally enclosed, or
water-air-cooled type.
310-1.4.1 OVERSPEED. Great care must be exercised in the operation of both ac and dc generators to prevent
overspeeding. No other casualty arising from improper operation is likely to be so destructive to equipment, or
so dangerous to personnel. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to know and observe the precautions to pre-
vent overspeeding, and to know what to do in an emergency if a generator set overspeeds because of an equip-
ment failure, or a failure to observe the necessary precautions. Precautions to be observed to prevent overspeed-
ing, are:
1. Ascertain that all parts of the governor, overspeed trip, and manual trip are clean, free moving, and function-
ing properly.
2. See that these safety devices are periodically tested, and that the prime mover is started and operated in strict
accordance with the instructions for the type of prime mover used. See NSTM Chapters 234 and 502 of this
manual for auxiliary turbines, and NSTM Chapter 233 for diesel engines. Proper attention to these points will
prevent overspeeding.
3. Overspeed trip set points should be verified periodically in accordance with Planned Maintenance System
(PMS) Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRC’s). When overspeeding generator sets, at least two independent
means of measuring speed with different principles of measurement should be used. At least one of these
measurements should be on a non-stroboscopic tachometer. Where the design of the equipment permits, this
should be a hand held tachometer. When a stroboscopic tachometer must be used, its reading must be com-
pared to an independent speed measuring device at speeds equal to or less than rated speed before entering
the overspeed range. Additional precautions concerning the use of stroboscopic tachometers can be found
inNSTM Chapter 491 .
310-1.4.2 OVERSPEED PROCEDURE. Immediate action is of the utmost importance. A generator set can
overspeed to destruction with startling rapidity.
2. Always locate the manual trip before taking over a generator watch and find out exactly what must be done
to stop the generator set of your particular installation in an emergency. There is no time to find out after the
set overspeeds.
310-1.4.3 OVERLOAD. Automatically-operating devices are not provided to protect generators from damage
by long continued operation at a current only moderately in excess of rated current. Sole reliance is placed upon
the vigilance of the operator. See instructions on prevention of overload in NSTM Chapter 320.
310-1.5.1 BEFORE STARTING. Before starting an ac generator at any time (except automatically started
emergency power generators):
2. Make sure that the voltage regulator control switch is turned to the MANUAL position. If the MANUAL
selection is not available, as will be the case on certain types of dual voltage regulators, make sure the switch
is turned to the NORMAL position.
3. Make sure that the manual voltage control is set at the position which gives the lowest ac generator voltage.
For the cases where no MANUAL is available, turn the voltage adjust rheostat/potentiometer to its lowest
4. Examine both the prime mover and electrical ends for evidence of obstruction to moving parts.
5. See that the oil reservoir for oil ring lubricated bearings contains the proper amount of oil as indicated by the
oil sight gage.
1. Measure the insulation resistance of all windings. If the insulation resistance is too low, due to long expo-
sure to high humidity, the machine should be dried out before being placed in operation. Judgment should
be used in interpreting the measured values because temperature and dirt on windings, as well as moisture,
affect the insulation resistance. See NSTM Chapter 300 of this manual for detailed instructions on the mea-
surement of insulation resistance and drying out generator windings.
2. Check all connections with the connection diagram.
3. See that connections of field leads into pole windings and collectors, connections between the poles, and
connections between stator leads and line cables are tight.
4. See that coupling bolts and foundation bolts are tight.
5. See that the collector rings are clean and have a polished surface.
6. Check collector brushes to make sure they have no tendency to stick in the brush holders, that they are prop-
erly located and seat squarely with no part overhanging the edge of the rings, and that the pigtails will not
interfere with the brush rigging nor with each other.
7. Check the brush pressure. This should agree with the figure recommended in the technical manual. In the
absence of specific instructions, use a brush pressure of approximately two psi of brush area.
8. Check the air gap to determine that the rotor is concentric with the stator with uniform clearance.
9. Carefully examine the air gap and interior of machine for any dirt or loose bolts, nuts, or tools. These and
any other loose pieces of metal should be removed. Unless removed, they will be attracted into the air gap
when excitation is applied, and result in serious damage to both the rotor and stator.
10. See that there is sufficient clearance between all moving parts.
11. Check the oil lines to and from forced-feed lubricated bearings to make sure there is no obstruction to the
free flow of oil.
12. If the generator has an exciter, check the exciter in accordance with paragraphs 310-1.6.1 and 310-1.6.2.
Exciters will normally be a dc generator for older units, but newer units are most likely to be brushless ac
types using diode rectifiers positioned on or within the exciter rotor or shaft. The ac frequency of these units
is normally higher than 60 Hz--typical values range from 180 to 400 Hz.
13. Check points under Maintenance inNSTM Chapter 300 .
14. Replace covers and all cover-holding bolts if any have been removed.
310-1.5.3 BEFORE APPLYING LOAD. Before applying load to an ac generator at any time:
1. See that the unit is started and brought up to speed in accordance with the instructions for the type of prime
mover used. See NSTM Chapters 234 and 502 of this manual for turbines; and NSTM Chapter 233 for die-
sel engines. Be sure that the overspeed device and manual trip and all other safety devices are tested and are
functioning as required by these instructions.
2. Locate and correct any appreciable vibration. All rotating parts are balanced by the manufacturer. If vibration
is apparent, search for possible misalignment, sprung shafting, loose foundation bolts, or something chafing
the rotating elements.
3. Check lubrication of bearings.
a. In oil ring lubricated bearings, see that the rings turn freely, have no tendency to stick or bind, and are car-
rying oil.
b. In forced-feed lubricated bearings, observe, through the sight flow gage, that oil is freely flowing to and
from the bearings.
c. Check oil and bearing temperatures.
4. See that commutator and collector rings run true, that all brushes ride freely in the brush holders, and there
is no chattering of brushes.
5. See that there is ample clearance between all rotating and stationary parts.
6. For totally enclosed machines with coolers, see that water is flowing through the cooler as prescribed in the
technical manual and that there is no leakage of water.
7. If the machine is equipped with heaters, see that the heaters are turned off.
8. Replace covers and all cover-holding bolts if any have been removed.
an ac generator after installation or overhaul, proceed in accordance with paragraph 310-1.5.3 and in addition:
1. Check the phase sequence of the generator. One convenient method of doing this is to use a phase sequence
indicator. When the generator is connected to the switchboard buses, the phase sequence of the buses should
be A B C. Another convenient method is to select a three-phase motor whose direction of rotation is known
and connect it to the buses. Make sure that motor lead T1 is connected to bus A, lead T2 to bus B, and lead
T3 to bus C. If the motor turns in the proper direction, the phase rotation of the generator is correct. In mak-
ing this check, either with the phase sequence indicator or the motor, be sure that no equipment is connected
to the buses which might be damaged if the phase sequence of the generator should happen to be incorrect.
2. See that the natural air flow through the machine does not have a tendency to suck oil out of the bearing
housings, along the shaft, and into the machine.
3. Check the ends of bearing housings to see that no oil leaks along the shaft which may eventually get into the
4. Examine the oil for metal particles or dust from defective bearings, dirt in the system, or water resulting from
leakage in the oil cooler.
5. Check oil and bearing temperatures and operate for a long enough time to determine that there is no overheat-
310-1.5.5 NONPARALLEL OPERATIONS. To connect a single ac generator to its bus for nonparallel opera-
tion, proceed as follows:
1. Check before starting; start, and check before applying load in accordance with paragraphs 310-1.5.1 to
310-1.5.4 inclusive.
2. For generators having voltage regulators switchable to manual voltage control, adjust the generator terminal
voltage to rated value. Carefully watch the generator voltmeter as the voltage is being adjusted manually and
do not build the generator voltage up to more than its rated value. If the voltmeter reading does not change
when the manual control setting is changed, check to make sure that the right voltmeter is being watched and
that it is connected to the generator whose voltage is being controlled. Unless care is used, the generator volt-
age may be built up high enough to damage equipment. If manual control is absent, as it is on certain dual
voltage regulators, keeping the control in the NORMAL (AUTOMATIC) position will ensure that if one regu-
lator were to fail to prevent overvoltage, the other will take over control--were both to fail, the field voltage
to the exciter would be reduced to zero.
3. Check the frequency by means of the frequency meter and raise or lower the prime mover speed, as neces-
sary, until normal frequency (60 hertz) is indicated. Watch the frequency meter as the adjustment is being
made and be sure that the meter measures the frequency of the generator which is being adjusted and not of
some other generator. An operator who neglects this precaution may overspeed the generator and cause it to
be tripped off by operation of the overspeed trip.
4. Place the voltage regulator in control by turning the control switch from MANUAL to the AUTOMATIC
position. Check the generator voltage and, if necessary, adjust to the desired value by means of the voltage
adjusting device. If the voltage regulator is of the dual voltage regulator type without manual, adjust the
DROOP setting to the desired indicated value. Caution should be exercised if a load is connected when
switching between MANUAL and AUTOMATIC--large differences which may exist in the exciter field volt-
age because of mismatched settings can result in undesirable transients. Normally the voltage regulator should
be placed in and taken out of service only under steady load or no-load conditions.
5. Turn the voltmeter switch to read the voltage on the bus. Check the bus voltage for all three phases if the con-
nections to the voltmeter switch are such as to permit this to be done. If all three phases cannot be checked,
check those that can.
6. If the bus is de-energized, turn the handle of the synchronizing switch to the ON position. The synchroscope
is not needed for synchronizing since the bus is dead, but in many installations an interlock makes it neces-
sary to have the synchronizing switch ON before the generator circuit breaker can be closed.
7. Close the generator circuit breaker. This energizes the bus and load may be applied.
8. Turn the synchronizing switch to OFF.
310-1.5.6 SYNCHRONIZING FOR PARALLEL OPERATION. If the bus is already energized, never close the
generator circuit breaker unless the generator and bus have approximately equal voltages and are in phase (syn-
chroscope at appropriately the 11 to 12 o’clock position) and approximately in synchronism (synchroscope needle
moving slowly). If the generator is not in phase at the time the circuit breaker is closed excess forces are devel-
oped in the generators and accordingly care should be taken to properly parallel the generators. A synchronizing
protective device is installed on many ships to prevent closing of the circuit breaker unless proper conditions
exist. The use of the synchronizing protective device should be a mandatory requirement on ships that have it
installed and bypass of this protective device should be allowed only in the event of an emergency. Synchroniz-
ing procedure is the same where the synchronizing protective device is installed or not: that is, the synchroscope
and synchronizing lights are used in each case. To parallel the generator to an energized bus proceed as follows:
1. Bring the generator up to approximately normal speed and voltage and place the voltage regulator in control
as described in paragraph 310-1.5.5, steps 1 through step 4, inclusive.
2. Turn the voltmeter switch on the incoming generator to read generator voltage on the voltmeter.
3. Turn the voltmeter switch on the adjacent generator panel to read the bus voltage.
4. Turn the voltage adjusting device of the voltage regulator until the incoming generator voltage is equal to the
bus voltage.
5. Compare the frequency of the generator with that of the bus and adjust to correspond.
6. Turn the synchronizing switch to ON and for ships equipped with the synchronizing protective device posi-
tion the function switch to TEST, to establish that it is functioning, and then to OPERATE. The synchroscope
will rotate in one direction or the other. Adjust the speed of the generator until the synchroscope rotates very
slowly (one turn every six seconds or more) in the clockwise direction.
7. Make sure that the voltages of the bus and the incoming generator are still equal, and just before the synchro-
scope pointer passes very slowly through the zero position (pointing vertically upward or approximately the
11 o’clock position for remotely operated standard Navy breakers) close the generator circuit breaker.
8. When synchronizing lamps, instead of the synchroscope, are used, the circuit breaker should be closed just
before the midpoint of the dark period of the lamps is reached. The midpoint of the dark period corresponds
to the vertical position of the synchroscope pointer.
9. Turn the synchronizing switch to OFF.
310-1.5.7 ADJUSTMENT FOR PARALLEL OPERATION. Whenever ac generators are operating in parallel,
the kilowatt loads and the current readings should be proportional to the generator ratings, and, if power factor
meters are installed, the power factors should be equal. The desired division of the kilowatt load is obtained by
adjusting the settings which control the speeds of the generators with mechanical hydraulic governors. For
electro-hydraulic governors equal kilowatt load division is obtained automatically in the isochronous mode and
by adjustment of the speed settings in the droop mode. Proportional division of generator currents and equality
of power factors are obtained by adjusting the voltage rheostats of the voltage regulators after the kilowatt load
division has been adjusted. These adjustments are made as follows:
a. Make necessary adjustments for wattmeters to have equal readings (if the generators have the same rating) or
so that the kilowatt load is divided in proportion to the generator ratings (if the generator ratings differ from
each other). For systems operating in speed droop:
1. If the frequency is above normal, turn the governor control switches for the heavily loaded generators in
decrease speed direction.
2. If the frequency is below normal, turn the governor control switches for the lightly loaded generators in
the increase speed direction.
3. If the frequency is normal, make the adjustment in small steps. Turn the governor control switches for the
lightly loaded generators in the increase speed direction and for the heavily loaded generators in the
decrease speed direction.
b. Turn the voltage adjusting rheostats of the voltage regulators until generator line currents are divided in pro-
portion to generator ratings or power factor readings are equal.
1. If the voltage is above normal, turn the voltage adjusting rheostats for the generator with more than its fair
share of line current (lowest power factor) in the decrease voltage direction.
2. If the voltage is below normal, turn the voltage adjusting rheostats for the generator with less than its fair
share of line current (highest power factor) in the increase voltage direction.
3. If the voltage is normal, make the adjustments in small steps. Turn the voltage adjusting rheostat on the
machine with the larger current in the decrease voltage direction. On the machine with the lower current
turn the voltage adjusting rheostat in the increase voltage direction. For systems with electric governors and
operating isochronously, adjust each speed potentiometer to raise or lower the speed of the paralleled sys-
310-1.5.8 SECURING. To secure an ac generator which is connected alone to the bus, hence, not operating in
parallel with any other machine:
1. Reduce the load on the generator as much as practicable by opening feeder circuit breakers on the power and
lighting circuits.
2. Trip the generator circuit breaker by pushing its trip button.
3. Check whether voltage regulator selector switch has a MANUAL position; if so, turn it to the MANUAL
position. If not (as may be the case for some dual voltage regulator types) proceed to the next step.
4. If voltage regulator selector switch is in MANUAL position, turn the manual voltage control as far as it will
go in the decrease voltage direction. If the MANUAL position is not available on the selector switch, turn the
voltage adjust control to its minimum position.
5. Secure the prime mover in accordance with the prime mover instructions.
6. Shut off the flow of water through air coolers (if any).
7. Turn on the heaters (if any) within the generator enclosure or frame.
310-1.5.9 SECURING AFTER PARALLEL OPERATION. To secure an ac generator which has been operat-
ing in parallel with another generator, or with other generators:
1. Turn the governor motor control switch of the generator being secured in the decrease speed direction and the
governor motor control switch (or switches) of the other generator (or generators) in the increase speed direc-
tion until all the load has been shifted from the machine being secured. This may be checked by reading the
wattmeters. If the total connected load is greater than can be carried by the machine which is to continue
operating, it will be necessary to decrease the load by opening feeder circuit breakers.
2. Trip the circuit breaker of the generator being secured.
3. Proceed in accordance with paragraph 310-1.5.8, steps 3 through 7.
1. See that the generator circuit breaker and field switch (if furnished) are open.
2. See that the field rheostat handle is set to cut in all the field resistance.
3. Examine both the prime mover and electrical ends for evidence of obstruction to moving parts.
4. See that the oil reservoir for oil ring lubricated bearings contains the proper amount of oil as indicated by the
oil sight gage.
1. Measure the insulation resistance and dry out windings if necessary. See NSTM Chapter 300 of this manual.
2. Check all connections with the connection diagram.
3. See that all bolts, nuts, and electrical connections are tight.
4. Check armature banding wire for any evidence of looseness.
5. Clean out slots between commutator segments. Clean off any accumulated dirt or grease.
6. Examine the commutator. If the commutator shows polish from factory testing, it is ready for the immedi-
ate application of load. However, if the commutator is freshly turned, the generator should be operated at
very light load for 24 hours, and then for an additional 24 hours at about half load. If the commutator then
presents high and uniform polish, it is ready for operation at full load. Use no lubricant on the commutator
either during the polishing period or at any other time.
7. See that the brush pressure and staggering of the brushes are in accordance with the technical manual. If spe-
cific information on the brush pressure for a particular machine is not available, use a brush pressure of
approximately two psi.
8. See that there is no tendency for brushes to stick or bind in the holders.
9. See that the whole surface of each brush seats uniformly on the commutator.
10. Check spacing of brushes and adjust if necessary so that they are equally spaced around the commutator.
11. See that brush pigtails are tightly secured and that there is ample clearance between pigtails or opposite
12. Inspect all electrical clearances, particularly where bare conductors of opposite polarity approach each other.
13. See that the air gap is uniform as measured under poles of the same type and that poles are uniformly spaced
between tips.
14. Examine the interior of the frame, the armature, the commutator, the air gap, and spaces between poles and
remove any dirt, loose bolts, nuts, tools, or other pieces of metal.
15. Make sure of sufficient mechanical clearance between all moving and stationary parts.
16. In oil ring lubricated bearings, see that the oil reservoir contains the proper amount of oil as indicated by the
oil sight gage. For forced-feed lubricated bearings, check the oil lines to and from the bearings to make sure
there is no obstruction to the free flow of oil.
17. Check points under Maintenance in NSTM Chapter 300 .
310-1.6.3 BEFORE APPLYING LOAD. Before applying load to a dc generator at any time:
1. See that the unit is started and brought up to speed in accordance with the instructions for the type of prime
mover used. SeeNSTM Chapters 502 for steam turbines, 233 for diesel engines and 234 for gas turbines. Be
sure that the overspeed governor and trip and all other safety devices are tested and are functioning as required
by these instructions.
2. Locate and correct any unusual vibration.
a dc generator for the first time after initial installation and after each overhaul:
1. Check the ends of bearing housings to see that no oil leaks along the shaft which may eventually get into the
2. Examine the oil for metal particles and dust from defective bearings, dirt in the system, or water resulting from
leakage in the oil cooler.
3. Check oil and bearing temperatures and operate for a long enough time to determine that there is no overheat-
310-1.6.5 NONPARALLEL OPERATION. To connect a single dc generator to its bus for nonparallel opera-
1. Check before starting, start and bring up to speed in accordance with paragraphs 310-1.6.1 through 310-1.6.4.
2. Close the shunt field switch and gradually cut out the field resistance until normal voltage is obtained.
3. Close the circuit breaker.
4. Close the line switch (if used).
310-1.6.6 PARALLEL OPERATION. If the bus is already energized and it is desired to connect another gen-
erator to the line:
1. Check before starting, start, and bring the generator up to speed in accordance with paragraphs 310-1.6.1
through 310-1.6.4
2. Close the shunt field switch (if installed).
3. Gradually cut out field resistance until the generator voltage is from one to four volts higher than the bus volt-
4. Close the circuit breaker.
5. Close the line switch (if open).
6. Adjust the field rheostat to cause the generator to take its proper share of the load. Turning the field rheostat
in the increase voltage direction will cause a generator to take more load.
310-1.6.8 SECURING AFTER PARALLEL OPERATION. To secure a dc generator which has been operating
in parallel with another generator or with other generators:
310-1.7.1 GENERAL. The remedy for most troubles with either ac or dc generators is immediately apparent
from their cause; the remedy for others will be found in NSTM Chapter 300 in the instructions which deal with
maintenance. The following summarizes the most probable causes to be looked for when different types of
trouble develop.
a. With no excitation on the generator or the direct or belt connected exciter of an ac generator, look for:
1. Misalignment.
2. Sprung shafting.
3. Something chafing the rotor or armature.
4. Loose coupling bolts, bearings, balance weights, or foundation bolts.
5. Transmission of vibration from the prime mover.
b. Under load, or with excitation on the generator or its exciter, look for:
1. Shorted field or armature coils.
2. Unequal air gaps in either generator or exciter.
310-1.7.4 OIL LEAKS. When oil or grease leaks are detected, look for:
310-1.7.5 NOISY BRUSHES. When the brushes are noisy, look for:
1. Too much clearance between collector ring or commutator and brush holder. See instruction on maintenance
in NSTM Chapter 300 .
2. Incorrect brush pressure.
3. Rough collector ring or commutator due to:
a. Flat spots.
b. High mica.
c. Loose bars.
d. Pitting.
e. Unbalance or eccentricity.
310-1.7.6 SCORING. When collector rings or commutators show signs of scoring, look for:
a. Blackening of a commutator:
1. On all bars indicates incorrect brush pressure or position or poor adjustment of commutating field.
2. On groups of bars at regular intervals indicates the above conditions or poor brush contact.
3. On a single bar, usually indicates open armature coil.
4. At irregular intervals indicates roughness or eccentricity.
b. Blackening of collector rings:
1. An unbalanced condition of the rotor.
2. Electrolysis.
3. Action of acid fumes or salt air on rings.
c. Wipe off blackening with a firm, lintless cloth such as canvas, wound around a block and held against the
commutator or collector rings. Locate and correct the cause of the trouble. If the cause of the trouble is
allowed to remain, it will lead to serious injury to the commutator or collector rings requiring extensive over-
haul. See NSTM Chapter 300 for the maintenance of commutators and collector rings.
a. If zero voltage or only a small voltage is shown with full voltage available for excitation at the excitation bus
or exciter, look for an open circuit or ground in:
1. The generator field rheostat.
2. The leads in the circuit from the generator field terminals through the field rheostat to the excitation bus
or exciter.
3. The connection between the pole windings and from the pole windings to the field terminals in dc genera-
tors, or to the collector rings in rotating field ac generators.
4. The connections between the generator field terminals and the brushes in rotating field ac generators.
5. The diodes and connections in the rotating rectifier assembly on a brushless exciter.
6. The PMA supplying the exciter.
b. When a separately excited generator produces a substantial voltage but will not come up to normal rated volt-
age, one of the following causes may be responsible for failure to develop normal rated voltage:
1. Speed may be below normal.
2. The switchboard instruments may read incorrectly.
3. The regulator may be set to regulate for too low a voltage.
4. Part of either the field or stator windings may be short-circuited or improperly connected.
a. Look for:
1. Loose connection or break in the field circuits.
2. Poor brush contact due to dirty commutator.
3. Incorrect position of the brushes.
4. Open circuit or high resistance in the rheostat.
l. Brushes chatter.
m. Brushes may be of unsuitable grade.
n. Unequal brush pressures may cause some brushes to take more than their share of current.
o. Incorrect brush angle with respect to the commutator.
p. Commutator blackened, dirty, oily, or worn out.
q. Commutator rough or eccentric.
r. High mica on commutator. Will require grinding or turning.
s. Loose bar or high bar in commutator. Tap high bar back into place with a wooden or rawhide mallet, then
tighten commutator clamping bolts.
t. . Burned out mica between segments. This is rarely, if ever, due to excessive voltage between bars. More
likely it is caused by the mica becoming oil soaked, or by loose bars allowing foreign material to work its
way in between them. This burning may be stopped by scraping out the burned mica and filling the space
with a solution of sodium silicate (water glass) or other suitable insulating cement.
u. Open circuit or loose connection in the armature. This is indicated by a bright spark which appears to pass
completely around the commutator. Eventually it will definitely locate itself by scarring of the commutator at
a point of open circuit.
v. Loose soldered connection between the commutator risers and armature coils. This is one of the most diffi-
cult faults to locate by visual inspection as the joints may seemingly be tight when the machine is secured
and then partially open up, due to centrifugal force, when the machine is running. This fault is indicated by
a bright spark each time the loose contact passes under a brush. If there is a definite break in the contact at
the joint, the spark will hold between the bars, causing a ring of fire around the commutator to burn the mica
between segments. This burning will indicate the location of the broken contact.
w. Dirt, flat spots, or roughness on collector rings.
x. Improper strength of commutating field. Assuming that brush position is correct and no other faults are
apparent, the commutating pole field may be adjusted. SeeNSTM Chapter 300 for instructions on how to
make this adjustment.
a. Excessive voltage.
b. Sudden excessive overloads (short circuits on the line).
c. Rough or dirty commutator.
d. Water dripping on commutator.
310-1.7.13 OPEN CIRCUITS. Open circuits, which are not visually evident receive detailed coverage in
NSTM Chapter 300.
a. Open circuits which develop in the field winding of a dc generator or a non-paralleled ac generator are indi-
cated by the immediate loss of armature voltage and hence load. In the case of a paralleled ac generator, the
effect of an open circuited field is influenced by the governor characteristics and the type of damper windings
on the rotor. For some types of governors, the prime mover can increase speed to the point where the genera-
tor can act as an induction generator. Such operation would be evidenced by a low leading power factor and
increased rotor temperatures to the point of damage. In cases where the governor reduces prime mover power
to zero, the open field can result in induction motoring action. To prevent this:
1. Trip the generator circuit breaker to take the generator off the line if this has not already been done by the
reverse power relay.
2. Open circuits in the field winding usually occur at the connection between poles and can be detected by
visual inspection. Any open circuit within the coils themselves would be the result of an internal short cir-
cuit so serious that its location would be at once evident.
b. An open circuit seldom, if ever, occurs within the stator winding of an ac generator. A short circuit of such
severity and duration as eventually to cause an open circuit would at once make its location evident by smoke,
flame, or charred insulation. Should any other open circuit occur, it will probably be due to damaged connec-
tions on the ends of the windings where the various coils and circuits in each phase are connected.
c. Open circuits in dc armatures of the nature described above in paragraph 310-1.7.10.u. through 310-1.7.10.v.
are indicated by sparking at the brushes which may leave visual evidence of their location on the commuta-
d. Open circuits can occur in brushless exciters as a result of centrifugal forces on the rotating diode assembly,
although some designs using bore-pack rectifiers located within the exciter shaft can reduce this problem.
Diode failure can result in either a reduction of exciter output (main generator field) voltage or a complete
loss of output voltage. Diode failure by open circuiting can occur but tends to be uncommon.
310-1.7.14 SHORT CIRCUITS. Refer to NSTM Chapter 300 for instructions on locating and repairing short
circuits in field coils, stators of ac machines or armatures of dc machines. Short-circuits may be indicated by:
a. In field coils:
1. The necessity for increasing field current to maintain normal voltage with the machine running at normal
2. Vibration of the rotor due to unbalanced magnetic pull.
3. Smoke or the odor of burning insulation if the short circuit is severe.
b. In the stator of an ac generator or in the armature of a dc generator by smoke, flame, or odor of charred insu-
c. In case of any short circuit, immediately secure the machine affected.
d. Short circuits occurring in brushless exciters are commonly the result of one or more defective diodes on the
rotating rectifier assembly. Loss or reduction of field voltage combined with smoke or odor are symptomatic
of this failure.
310-1.7.15 GROUNDS. Refer to NSTM Chapter 300 for detailed procedures on testing for and correcting
a. A ground on a machine oil circuit that is not intentionally grounded is a zero or low resistance path which is
caused by a breakdown in insulation and which extends from ground to a winding or some other conductor
in the machine or circuit. If no other part of the system is grounded, a single ground in any of the windings
of a generator will cause no particular harm to the machine. If, however, the generator and its connected cir-
cuit have two zero or low resistance grounds at points of widely different potential, the result will be similar
to a short circuit and considerable damage may be caused. This danger can be avoided by keeping the gen-
erator and its connected circuits free from grounds.
b. The presence of grounds can be detected by the use of a permanently installed ground detector voltmeter, an
insulation resistance measuring instrument, or a circuit continuity testing device such as a magneto, or lamp
and lighting circuit.
310-1.7.16 GENERATOR ROTOR SHAFT INDUCED VOLTAGE. Generator magnetic circuit irregularities
can give rise to a voltage difference between one end of the rotor shaft and the other. If the bearings are not insu-
lated, a relatively low resistance path permits current flow thru the bearing, generator frame, and then thru the
shaft back to the first bearing resulting in damage to the shaft journals and bearings. The damage occurs over
periods of time ranging from several days to several weeks and is first evidenced by a satin appearance of the
shaft journal later developing into small pits on the shaft surface. Babbitt bearing material seriously affected by
continuous circulating shaft current is characterized by deep irregular holes and fissures that can penetrate to the
bearing shell. In addition to requiring bearings to be insulated from the generator frame, those that are equipped
with thermometers or thermocouples must also have these devices insulated to avoid the current path. In a related
problem, some steam turbine units use brushes riding on the shaft to drain the static charge which can accumu-
late as the result of the action of steam on the turbine blades.
power such as hunting and loss of synchronism can occur, requiring the operator to be prepared to trip the shore
tie breaker. NSTM Chapter 320 discusses shore power connection procedures.
310- KW Load Division. The following factors are involved in a kilowatt load division:
a. The division of kW load between two or more ac generators operating in parallel is determined by the settings
and characteristics of the prime mover governors and is not affected by the generator field currents, hence, is
not affected by the operation of the voltage regulators. When generators with mechanical hydraulic type gov-
ernors are in parallel, the governor motor control switches are adjusted (see paragraph 310-1.5.7.a. until the
total kW load is divided between the generators in proportion to their ratings (for electric governor operating
in the differential load sensing mode the generators will share load upon closure of the circuit breaker and no
adjustment of speed control should be required for dividing loads). If, however, the total kW load changes
after this adjustment has been made, then the new load will be divided in the same proportion. The kW load
division will be satisfactory if the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The prime movers are free from speed pulsations of sufficient magnitude to cause objectionable hunting.
2. For generators operating in the speed droop mode at all loads the speed of each generating unit decreases
when the kW load on the generator increases, and increases when the kW load decreases.
3. For generators operating in the speed droop mode, the curve which shows the speed of a generating unit
plotted against kW load (both speed and load being expressed as percentages of their rated values) is the
same for each of the generating units operating in parallel.
b. The fulfillment of the conditions given above is dependent upon the behavior of the prime movers and their
governors. Fulfillment of the speed-load characteristics referred to in subparagraphs 1b and 1c above applies
to governors operating in the droop mode. For electrohydraulic governors operating in the isochronous mode,
adjustments should be made in the load sensing circuitry and not by adjusting the speed control of the gover-
nors. Consequently, when the division of kW load is unsatisfactory, check the governors and make sure that
hunting and speed pulsations are reduced to a minimum, for droop operation ensure that the percentage speed
droop from no load to full load is the same for all generating units, and that their speedload curves coincide
as nearly as possible over the range from no load to full load. For electrohydraulic governors ensure that the
load sensing circuits are matched between units.
310- Reactive KVA Load Division. The following factors are involved in dividing the reactive kVA
a. If the total kW load is divided between the machines in proportion to their ratings, the total reactive kVA load
will be properly divided if the total current is divided in the same proportion. If power factor meters are
installed, the power factor readings will be equal. If the ammeter readings are not the same when the wattme-
ter readings indicate proper division of kW load, the machine with high proportional current readings and low
power factor readings will be carrying an excess of reactive kVA load and the machine with low proportional
current readings and high power factor readings will be carrying less than its proper share of reactive kVA
load. After the division of kW load has been adjusted in accordance with paragraph 310-1.5.7.a. the division
of reactive kVA load should be adjusted in accordance with paragraph 310-1.5.7.b. If the total reactive kVA
load changes after this division has been made, the new reactive kVA load will be divided in the same pro-
portion as before, provided the following conditions are satisfied:
1. At all reactive kVA loads the voltage of each generating unit decreases when the reactive kVA load
increases, and increases when the reactive kVA load decreases.
2. The curve which shows the voltage of a generating unit plotted against reactive kVA expressed as a per-
centage of rated kVA is the same for each of the generating units operating in parallel.
b. The fulfillment of the conditions given above is primarily dependent upon proper operation of the voltage
regulators. Consequently, when difficulty is experienced with division of reactive load between generators
operating in parallel, check the voltage regulators in accordance with the instructions in paragraph 310-
c. Another possible source of trouble is failure of exciters to build up voltage of correct polarity. It has been
found that sometimes the residual magnetism of an exciter reverses. This makes the exciter build up voltage
of the wrong polarity and causes misoperation of the voltage regulator. Consequently, whenever trouble is
experienced, check the polarity of the exciter. If the polarity is incorrect, reverse the residual magnetism of
the exciter by flashing its field. (See paragraph 310-1.7.9.d.)
310-1.7.18 PARALLEL OPERATION OF DC GENERATORS. Shunt and stabilized shunt wound generators
furnished for naval use where parallel operation is necessary are required to possess characteristics such that they
will operate satisfactorily in parallel without an equalizer connection (paragraph 310-1.3.4). Two-wire compound
wound generators require one equalizer connection, and three-wire compound wound generators require two
equalizer connections for parallel operation when voltage regulators are not used. The difficulties which are
sometimes experienced in parallel operation of dc generators are usually not due to deficiencies in the inherent
characteristics of the generators and their prime movers but to failure to adjust the generating units so that they
satisfy certain conditions which must be fulfilled before satisfactory parallel operation is possible.
310- Parallel Operation. The following factors are applicable when operating dc generators in parallel
without equalizers.
a. Necessary conditions. For satisfactory parallel operation of dc generators without an equalizer connection:
1. The prime movers must be free from speed pulsations of sufficient magnitude to cause objectionable fluc-
tuations in generator voltage.
2. At all loads the terminal voltage produced by each generating unit must decrease appreciably when its load
current increases, and increase when its load current decreases.
3. The curve which shows terminal voltage plotted against load current expressed as a percentage of full-load
current must be substantially the same for each of the generating units to be paralleled.
b. Reasons for conditions. The first two of these conditions are to prevent surging of the load and ensure stable
operation: the third is to provide for dividing the load between the generators in proportion to their ratings.
c. Speed pulsation. Excessive speed pulsation of a generating unit causes voltage fluctuations which make the
load surge back and forth between the units in parallel and prevent satisfactory parallel operation. No diffi-
culty from this source should be experienced in the parallel operation of shunt and stabilized shunt generators
provided that:
1. At no load, the voltage does not vary from the average voltage by more than 1-1/2 volts for a 120-volt
generator or more than three volts for a 240-volt generator.
2. At any constant load between 20 percent and 100 percent of full load, the voltage does not vary from the
average voltage by more than one-half a volt for a 120-volt generator or by more than one volt for a 240-
volt generator.
d. Stability of operation. Parallel operation without an equalizer will be stable when the generating units have
the drooping voltage characteristic required by the condition stated in paragraph 310-, and the sta-
bility will be greater the more the voltage drops with increased load current. Excessive voltage drop is unde-
sirable from the standpoint of system operation, but enough must be tolerated to ensure stable operation. The
way in which a drooping characteristic provides stability can be seen by considering a constant total load cur-
rent which is supplied by two or more such generating units operating in parallel. If, for any reason, one unit
should momentarily supply more that its normal share of the total current, its voltage will drop. The other unit
or units, being relieved of load because the total load remains the same, will rise in voltage. These voltage
changes restore the original division of load since the low voltage unit will drop its excess load, and the higher
voltage units will pick it up. This is stable operation because when the system is momentarily disturbed it
automatically comes back to the original condition. Shunt and stabilized shunt generators operate in this way
without requiring an equalizer because they have a drooping voltage characteristic. The terminal voltage
decreases when the load current increases because the inherent characteristics of the generator cause such a
change even if the speed of the generator is kept constant for all loads, and, in addition, the speed of the prime
mover decreases when the load is increased except when the prime mover of the generating unit is equipped
with an isochronous governor which maintains constant speed irrespective of load. The decreased speed causes
an additional decrease in voltage. The drop in voltage with increased load when the speed is kept constant is
a characteristic of the generator alone. The drop in voltage due to the combined effect of the generator char-
acteristic and the drop in speed of the prime mover is a characteristic of the complete unit including genera-
tor, prime mover, and governor. The overall or combined unit voltage regulation characteristic is the one which
is important for parallel operation of generating units. It can be conveniently shown by a curve in which the
quantity plotted horizontally is the load current expressed as a percentage of full-load current, while the quan-
tity plotted vertically is the terminal voltage produced by the unit at each load current when the unit is run-
ning under the control of the governor so that speed decreases with increased load in accordance with the
governor characteristics and setting. Examples of such curves are shown in Figure 310-1-1 for three different
pairs of generators.
e. Division of load.
1. If, as in Figure 310-1-1 part A, the overall voltage regulation characteristics of two generating units are
identical (or substantially identical), the two units will parallel satisfactorily and divide the total load
between them in proportion to their ratings, whatever the total load may be.
2. If, however, the characteristic curves are as shown in Figure 310-1-1 part B, the two units will not divide
the total so that each carries the same percentage of its full-load current even assuming that it has been
possible to parallel the units without tripping the breakers or damaging the machines. When two units are
operating in parallel, their terminal voltages must be the same except for the negligible drop in potential
in the connecting leads. Reference to Figure 310-1-1 part B shows that when the common terminal volt-
age is V volts, for example, unit No. 1 will be loaded to P1 percent of full load, and unit No. 2 to P2 per-
cent. Unit 2 is more lightly loaded. Further consideration of the figure will show that when the total load
is increased until unit No. 1 is carrying full load, unit No. 2 will still be only partially loaded. The total
output that can be obtained from the two units without overloading either one is, therefore, less than the
sum of their ratings.
3. By adjusting the shunt field rheostat of one or both of the units, their terminal voltages can be made to
coincide at no load as shown in Figure 310-1-1 part C. The total load still will not divide correctly since
unit No. 2 will take less than its fair share. It is necessary to change the slope of the characteristic curve
for one of the units; unit No. 2, for example. This can be done by adjusting the series field diverter, or the
brush position, or the speed regulation of the prime mover, or all three. By means of these adjustments,
which are made once and for all when adjusting the units for parallel operation combined with the use of
the shunt field rheostats which require setting each time the units are paralleled, the terminal voltages can
be made to coincide at no load and at full load. Since the characteristic curves showing terminal voltage
plotted against current region are nearly straight lines in this region, the two units will properly divide the
total load at all loads. Voltage is the same for each unit, the percentage of full-load current supplied by each
is also the same.
1. Start the prime mover of one of the generating units in accordance with the applicable instructions and safety
precautions, and bring up to rated speed.
2. Measure the voltage fluctuation at no load. If the voltage fluctuation is greater that the value given in para-
graph 310-, do not disturb the governor adjustment before looking for and correcting other causes
of excessive speed pulsation such as:
a. Unbalanced rotor.
b. Unequal air gaps.
c. Poorly aligned shaft or baring.
d. On diesel engine-driven units, sticking valves, incorrect valve timing, or one or more cylinders not oper-
ating satisfactorily.
3. If the voltage fluctuation at no load is still in excess of the limit specified, adjust the governor to reduce the
speed pulsation. If the governor has a hunt or compensation feature, adjust this, if possible, until the speed
pulsation is within suitable limits. If the governor has no such feature increasing the speed droop will
decrease the speed pulsation.
4. Apply a light load to the generating unit operating alone, that is, not in parallel with any other. Increase the
load to about half rated load; warm up the unit at this load for about 30 minutes; and then gradually build
up to full rated load adjusting the field rheostat to maintain full-load rated voltage. Run at full load for one
hour and then check the generator voltage, current, and speed. If necessary, readjust the load, governor, and
field rheostat until the generating set is operating at full load rated current, voltage, and speed.
5. Gradually reduce the load on the generator to zero without changing the governor or the field rheostat set-
tings. Note the no-load speed and no-load voltage.
6. Adjust the shunt field rheostat until the voltage at no load is equal to the rated full-load voltage. Increase the
load to full load without changing the governor or field rheostat settings. Note the full load speed and volt-
7. Compare the observed speed regulation and voltage rise with Table 310-1-1. The speed regulation is the
no-load speed minus the full-load speed expressed as a percentage of full-load rated speed. The voltage rise
is the no-load voltage minus the full-load voltage expressed as a percentage of full-load rated voltage. The
voltage drop is defined similarly. Note that when measuring voltage rise, the shunt field rheostat is set to give
rated full-load voltage when the machine is carrying full load: but when measuring voltage drop, it is set to
give rated full-load voltage when the load is zero. In both cases the field rheostat is then left unchanged while
the load is changed. The generator operates at different points on the saturation curve in these two cases,
which is the reason for the difference between voltage rise and voltage drop as given in Table 310-1-1.
8. Adjust the prime mover governor, if necessary, until the speed at full load is equal to the speed recommended
by the manufacturer, the speed regulation is within the limits given in Table 310-1-1 and the voltage fluc-
tuation at no load and any load between 20 percent and 100 percent of full load is not greater than the val-
ues given in paragraph 310- The adjustments should be made gradually. After each small change,
apply full load and recheck. It may not be possible to obtain by the speed adjustment alone a voltage rise
and drop which are in accordance with Table 310-1-1 but the adjustment should be made to approach this
condition as closely as possible. For example, if the speed regulation is less than 3.5 percent for a turbine-
driven unit and the voltage rise is less than 7 percent, adjust the governor to increase the speed regulation
(though not to above 3.5 percent) as a change in this direction will increase the voltage rise.
the brush rigging and corresponding marks on the generator frame. Adjustments will usually be simplified
by initially setting the brushes in this position. To increase the difference between no-load and full-load
voltage, shift the brushes in the direction of rotation of the generator. Only a small change (about 1/32
inch) should be made in brush position for each adjustment. After the final adjustment, check the com-
mutation. If there is still objectionable sparking after operating under load for one hour, it will be neces-
sary to reset the brushes.
c. For generators equipped with diverters, method a, can be supplemented by method b.
10. When the generating unit has been adjusted to have the desired speed regulation and voltage rise and drop,
operate at no load; adjust the field rheostat to give rated voltage; and then increase the load to rated load in
steps of approximately 20 percent of the rated load without changing the governor or field rheostat setting.
Note and record the values required in Table 310-1-2 under Voltage Drop. When increasing the load during
this test, and when decreasing it (see paragraph 310- to obtain the data for Voltage Rise, do not
bring the load back to a point which has been skipped unless the load change has first been carried to
completion, that is, from no load to full load or from full load to no load.
11. When rated load is reached, readjust the load and field rheostat until the unit is delivering rated full load at
rated full-load speed and voltage. Decrease the load in steps of about 20 percent of rated load without chang-
ing the governor or field rheostat and record the data required in Table 310-1-2 under Voltage Rise. The test
results should show no increase in voltage with increase in load, or drop in voltage with decrease in load at
any point in the Table 310-1-2.
12. Next adjust each of the other generators to be paralleled until its voltage regulation is the same as that of the
first one adjusted which is taken as the reference machine. Unless a number of generator sets are already
properly adjusted and matched, it is advisable to select as the reference machine the generator which is most
difficult to adjust. All of the foregoing adjustments are made on generators when operating alone, that is, not
in parallel with any other.
310- Parallel Operation Test. When all the machines which are to operate in parallel have been adjusted
individually in accordance with paragraph 310- they should be tested for parallel operation as follows:
1. Start the machines and connect them in parallel at no load and rated voltage, observing all necessary precau-
tions for this operation.
2. Gradually increase the load on the common bus to a value as close as practicable to the sum of the full-load
ratings of the connected machines.
3. Adjust the generator field rheostat until each generator is carrying a load proportional to its rating, and the
voltage of the common bus is equal to the rated voltage of the generators. Let the generators warm up for
about one hour and readjust the generator loads and bus voltage, if necessary.
4. Reduce the load to 20 percent of the combined rated load in steps of approximately 20 percent of the com-
bined rating of the connected generators, without changing the prime mover governor or the generator field
rheostat settings. Read and record the values required in Table 310-1-3 under Decreasing Load.
5. With the generators operating at approximately 20 percent load, adjust the generator field rheostats until the
generators give rated full-load voltage. Increase the load to 100 percent in steps of approximately 20 percent
of the combined ratings of the generators, without changing the prime mover governor or the generator field
rheostat settings. Read and record the values required in Table 310-1-3 under Increasing Load.
6. For all bus loads between 20 percent and 100 percent of the combined ratings of the connected generators and
for both the decreasing and increasing load conditions, the load current of each generator, expressed as a per-
centage of its rated full-load current, should not differ from the total system current, expressed as a percent-
age of the total rated full-load currents of all connected generators, by more than 7.5 percent for generators
of the same kW rating, or by more than 15 percent for generators of different kW ratings. Parallel operation
is satisfactory if this condition is satisfied. Suppose, for example, that three 120-volt generators, A, B, and C,
rated at 60, 100, and 100 kilowatts, respectively, are operating in parallel. If the generator currents are 210,
450, and 500 amperes, respectively, generator A does not satisfy the requirement for satisfactory parallel
310- Compound Wound Generators. Conditions necessary for parallel operation of compound wound
generators are given.
a. Conditions to be satisfied for the parallel operation of compound wound generators (generators with full-load
voltage nearly equal to or greater than no-load voltage as distinguished from stabilized shunt machines with
a drooping voltage characteristics) are:
1. The generating units must be free from excessive speed pulsations.
2. Equalizer must be used (unless the division of load is controlled by voltage regulators) one equalizer for
two-wire generators, and two equalizers for three-wire generators. The resistance of the equalizers should
be as low as practicable. (See paragraph 310-
3. The compounding must be so adjusted that the combined unit voltage regulation, or the change in voltage
from no load to full load with rheostat and prime mover governor settings left unchanged, is approximately
the same for each of the generators to be operated in parallel. The more closely this condition is satisfied,
and the more closely the generator voltage characteristics match over the entire range from no load to full
load, the more nearly equal the division of load will be.
4. When the series field circuit (including the series field itself and the series field diverter) of each genera-
tor is carrying the rated full-load current of the generator, or the same fraction of rated full-load current,
the voltage drop across the series field circuit from bus to equalizer must lie the same for each of the gen-
erators to lie paralleled. This condition must lie satisfied for 10th series field circuits on three-wire genera-
tors. The more closely it is satisfied, the more nearly equal the division of load will be.
b. Two-wire compound wound generators have a single series field and require one equalizer connection: three-
wire compound wound generators have two series fields and require two equalizer connections. The condition
stated in paragraph 310- is equivalent to the requirement that the resistance of each series field cir-
cuit from bus to equalizer be inversely proportional to the rated full-load current of its generator.
c. It is desirable that the resistance of the equalizer connection be less than approximately 20 percent of the
resistance of the series field circuit (series field with diverter plus all other connections between the equalizer
terminal and the switchboard). This often results in excessively large equalizer cables and is not mandatory.
However, the size of equalizer cable should satisfy the following conditions:
1. Where the main power circuit connections per terminal, between the generator and switchboard, have a
total conductor cross-sectional area of one million circular mills or less, the conductor cross-sectional area
of the equalizer should not be less than the area of the main power circuit connections per terminal.
2. Where the main power circuit connections per terminal have a total cross-sectional area more than one
million circular mills, the total conductor cross-sectional area of the equalizer connection should not be less
than one-half that of the main power circuit connections per terminal.
310- Adjustment of Compound Wound Generators. The adjustment of compound wound generators to
satisfy the conditions of paragraph 310- is made by working on each generator individually when not
connected to any other. The recommended procedure is:
1. Start the generator which is selected as a reference machine to which the others are to lie matched, connect
it to the line alone, and adjust the prime mover governor until the speed regulation is in accordance with Table
310-1-1, paragraph 310-, and the voltage fluctuation is within the limits specified in paragraph
310- except that for compound wound generators of less than 60 kW capacity, the permissible volt-
age fluctuations is twice as great. See paragraph 310- step 1 through step 5 inclusive for the details of
the adjustment.
2. Adjust the shunt field rheostat to give the desired no-load voltage, increase the load, and measure the change
in voltage from no load to full load.
3. Adjust the series field diverter (see paragraph 310-1.3.3) to give the desired change in voltage from no load
to full load. For a flat compounded machine, the no-load and full-load voltages should be the same.
4. Use an accurate low range voltmeter (0-0.5, 0-1, or 0-3 volts are required) to measure the voltage drop across
the series field or fields when the generator is carrying full-load current. With the equalizer switch open and
with no other generator connected to the bus, the current through the parallel circuit consisting of series field
and series field shunt (diverter) will be the same as the load current, and can be read on the generator amme-
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each of the generators to be operated in parallel. Be sure that the measurement
of the voltage drop across the series field circuits are made with the windings at the normal full-load tempera-
ture for all machines.
6. If the voltage drops measured across the series field circuits satisfy the requirements of paragraph
310-, no further adjustment should be necessary. If the voltage drops are higher for generator No.
1 for example, than for the others when all are measured at their respective normal full-load temperature,
insert an adjustable resistor in series with each series field circuit of each of the other generators. Run each
generator separately and adjust the resistor until the condition discussed in paragraph 310- is sat-
isfied when all voltage drops are measured with field windings at the proper temperatures.
310- Test for Parallel Operation. After each of the generating units to be operated in parallel has been
adjusted individually, in accordance with paragraph 310-, parallel the units and test for parallel operation
as in paragraph 310-
310-1.8.1 GENERAL. The following supplements the Planned Maintenance System (PMS). When PMS is
installed, conduct preventive maintenance in accordance with PMS.
3. Time spent in cleaning, inspecting, and correcting defects before they grow serious means time saved in
overhauls and repairs.
c. See NSTM Chapter 300, Electric Plant - General, for further instructions on maintenance.
310-1.8.2 PRECAUTIONS. There are numerous precautions which should be carefully observed in the opera-
tion and care of generators to ensure the continuous operation and long life of the equipment. In this connection,
the technical manuals should be frequently consulted together with the preceding instructions on operation, the
instructions on maintenance on the PMS cards and in NSTM Chapter 300, Electric Plant - General , and the
following summary of precautions.
1. Check all connections to see that they are tight and correctly made.
2. Check periodically the insulation resistance of all windings for possible grounds. The temperature of the
windings should be taken at the time of measurement and this temperature together with values of insulation
resistance recorded in the log. If any grounds or short circuits are detected, don’t operate the generator until
they are corrected. Record in the log the location, nature, and correction of any grounds or short circuits.
3. For insulated bearings, make sure that there are no short circuits caused by temperature probes, drain lines,
oil lines, or other drainers connected or in contact with the insulated portions of the bearings. Further, check
for adequate bearing electrical insulation to minimize current flow at journal bearing locations.
4. A generator which has been subjected to moisture should not be operated until its insulation resistance has
been brought to the proper value by drying out the windings. Record in log. Don’t allow oil, oil mist, or
water to come in contact with the windings. Two pole 3,600 revolutions per minute (rpm) ship service gen-
erator rotors must be kept free of moisture. These units have nonmagnetic retaining rings of MnCr alloys
which are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in the presence of moisture.
5. The generator circuit breakers of a generator which is secured should not be closed even though the line may
be dead. Under such conditions, should any other generator be started up, the generator connected to the line
may operate as a motor and possibly wreck itself and its prime mover.
6. Don’t start a generator unless the generator circuit breaker is open and the voltage regulator is first adjusted
to minimize generator field excitation by whatever means appropriate for the particular unit.
7. See that overspeed protective system is tested in accordance with the applicable prime mover instructions.
Never continue to operate a generator unless these devices are functioning satisfactorily. Record in log. Gen-
erators and their prime movers have been wrecked, and personnel fatally or otherwise injured, due to failure
of these devices to function before dangerous overspeeds were reached.
8. Don’t turn the voltage regulator switch from MANUAL to NORMAL until the ac generator voltage has been
adjusted to approximately the desired operating value. Voltage regulators having no MANUAL selection
(dual types) should be switched to the NORMAL position and the voltage control set near the desired oper-
ating value with the DROOP control set near maximum.
9. Turn the synchronizing switch of an ac generator to the ON position before attempting to close the breaker
for an ac generator.
10. The generator circuit breaker (non-parallel operation of an ac generator) should not be closed until the volt-
age and frequency of the generator are normal.
11. In paralleling ac generators, the circuit breaker of the incoming generator should not be closed until the volt-
age and frequency are normal, and the generator is in synchronism with other generators on the line.
12. Don’t close the generator circuit breaker to parallel an ac generator with other machines unless the pointer
of the synchroscope is in the eleven o’clock to twelve o’clock position, corresponding to the synchronizing
lamps being dark. Also, the period of rotation of the synchroscope, or dimming of the synchronizing lamps,
should not be greater than once every six seconds.
13. A generator should not be run continuously above its rated speed.
14. A generator should not be run at continuous overload. Record the magnitude and duration of the overload in
the log together with any unusual conditions or temperatures observed.
15. A machine in which there is a vibration should not be continued in operation until the cause is found and
corrected. Record in log.
16. A direct current (dc) generator in which the commutation is bad, should not be in operation until the cause
has been found and corrected. Record in log.
17. Immediately disconnect the generator from the line in case of failure or derangement of either the prime
mover, lubricating system, or the generator itself.
18. After tripping the generator circuit breaker, when securing a non-automatically started dc generator, minimize
the field current by either: a) inserting maximum resistance in the field circuit by adjusting the field rheostat,
or b) turning the voltage adjust on the voltage regulator to minimum--this may involve first selecting the
MANUAL position on the regulator, but if the voltage regulator is of the dual automatic type, the MANUAL
position may be absent, requiring that the voltage be minimized by adjustment in the NORMAL position.
19. After tripping the generator circuit breaker, when securing a nonautomatically started ac generator, remem-
ber to turn the voltage regulator control switch to the OFF or MANUAL position.
20. After turning the voltage regulator control switch to the OFF or MANUAL position, remember to turn the
manual voltage control as far as it will go in the decrease voltage direction. For voltage regulators with no
MANUAL position, turn the voltage adjust control to minimum and the DROOP adjust control to maximum.
21. Open all its switches and circuit breakers when securing a nonautomatically started generator. This rule does
not apply to disconnect links installed solely to isolate the generator circuit breaker so that it can be worked
on while the bus is hot.
22. Keep all its switches and circuit breakers opened as long as a non-automatically started generator is secured.
23. Blow out generators regularly with low pressure air and afterwards, wipe the windings with a lintless cloth
to remove all accumulated dirt. This should be done at least once a week, preferably immediately after the
generator is secured.
24. The current of air should not be directed on the windings until all moisture is blown out of the air hose.
25. Air at too high a pressure should not be used for blowing out machines. See NSTM Chapter 300, Electric
Plant General, for instructions on air pressure to be used in cleaning machines.
26. Turn on heaters (if any) immediately after securing and blowing out a generator. Conversely, remember to
turn them off when putting the generator in operation.
27. Turn off water in air coolers (if any) after securing a generator and turn it on again when putting the gen-
erator in service.
310-1.9.1 RECORDS IN LOG. In addition to the entries in the log required in preceding sections of this chap-
ter, observe and record in detail any unusual feature of generator operation, its cause, and effect.
these should include, in minute detail, observations made prior to, during, and after the improper operation in
addition to comments as to the cause and results of the failure. Improper operation reports have been received
which, beyond noting the fact that a operational error has occurred, give no information upon which to base
action to prevent future similar disruptions in service. The complete allowance parts list (APL) number, identifi-
cation plate rating, serial number, model number, and name of manufacturer of the equipment involved, should
be given. Make a report using the Maintenance Data Form as prescribed in OPNAVINST 4790.4 Volume II.
310-2.1.1 GENERAL TYPES. Governors control the speed of the prime mover driving the generator by con-
trolling the flow of steam or fuel to the prime mover under any load up to the capacity of the prime mover. When
generators are run in parallel, the governors adjust so each generator carries its proportionate share of the kilo-
watt (kW) load. In alternating current generation, governors are most important since they keep speed constant
to produce 60 hertz or 400 hertz. There are two types of governors.
a. The mechanical (or mechanical-hydraulic) types are described in the governor section of NSTM Chapter 502,
Auxiliary Steam Turbines, NSTM Chapter 233, Diesel Engines, and NSTM Chapter 234, Marine Gas
Turbines . These governors when operating singly, can operate isochronously, that is, having no change in
speed as the load changes. However, in parallel operation they must depend upon their droop characteristic;
that is, having a change in speed as the load changes in order to get proportional division of load between
generators. Paralleled ac generators have the same speed. Droop should be set at a value of approximately 3.3
percent to provide for good load division (maximum of 5 percent difference between loads on each genera-
b. The electrohydraulic load sensing type is described herein. This governor has better transient response than
the mechanical-hydraulic type. These governors allow their associated generators to operate isochronously,
that is, having no change in speed as the load changes. This allows a system to operate at a chosen frequency
regardless of load condition, and does not require the operator to periodically adjust the system frequency as
the loads change.
310-2.1.2 ELECTROHYDRAULIC. The electrohydraulic governor is attractive in view of the simplicity with
which electric signals can be manipulated to achieve fast, accurate, governor response. Basically, the EH gover-
nor receives electric signals representative of speed and load(s); compares them to a reference, and any differ-
ence becomes a signal for a hydraulic system to change the throttle setting. A typical EH governing system could
be composed of these four basic elements:
a. Permanent magnet alternator (PMA) or equivalent, such as a toothed wheel and reluctance pickup, for mea-
surement of prime mover speed. Its output frequency is converted to a voltage and compared to a frequency
reference (see paragraph 310-2.1.2.b., below). The PMA may also supply the power for the brushless exciter.
b. The speed sensing circuitry receives the speed signal, converts it to a voltage, compares it to a reference, and
produces an output to control the fuel or steam valves to provide the desired speed output. The reference volt-
age (representing the desired speed) is set by the speed setting potentiometer. Any resultant voltage difference
between the speed and reference signals causes the hydraulic actuator to adjust the throttle. This basic regu-
lation loop is altered by the signal from the load sensor such that a drooping speed-load characteristic is pro-
vided in the droop mode, and automatic kW load division is provided (at constant speed) in the isochronous
c. A load sensor comprised of transformers, diodes, and a potentiometer, which converts its generator’s three-
phase voltage and current signal to a dc voltage signal proportional to load. In the isochronous mode, the out-
put of the load sensor of one generator is compared to an equivalent output of another generator. Any differ-
ence results in a signal fed into the basic sensing circuit of each governor so as to equalize the loads
automatically. In the droop mode the outputs of the load sensors are not compared. Each load sensor causes
its individual generator to exhibit a drooping speed-load characteristic. A droop potentiometer provides for
varying droop from 0 percent to 5 percent.
d. The fourth basic element of a governor speed control is an actuator which is controlled by the speed and load
sensor circuitry. This actuator controls the fuel or steam, as required, to control the output speed of the prime
310-2.2.1 TECHNICAL MANUALS. The applicable technical manuals should be referred to for a detailed
description of the construction, and detailed instructions for the operation, care, maintenance, overhaul, and repair
of any particular governor. The personnel responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of any piece of
equipment should be thoroughly acquainted with the contents of its technical manual, as well as with the instruc-
tions contained herein.
310-2.2.2 START UP. In general, following the start-up procedure of a prime mover, the governor will auto-
matically take over speed control when the speed gets to 80 percent synchronous speed.
a. The paralleling procedure for any particular installation is covered in the technical manual. Normal operation
is with the governor set for the isochronous mode of operation. Use droop mode when paralleling with other
sets not equipped with a similar EH governor or with a shorepower system. The oncoming generator is syn-
chronized with the other generators; e.g., voltage and phase relationships are identical, and the oncoming gen-
erator’s circuit breaker is closed, thus putting that generator on the line and in parallel with the other genera-
b. In the isochronous mode, the generator immediately takes on its portion of the load and the generator is in
parallel. In the droop mode, the generator takes on a part of the load but the speed potentiometer is manually
adjusted to make the oncoming generator share the load equally.
310-2.3.1 GENERAL. Maintenance information given herein supplements PMS. Where PMS is installed, con-
duct preventive maintenance in accordance with PMS. In addition, check the permanent magnet section for cracks
or other damage.
310-2.3.2 PERMANENT MAGNET ALTERNATORS (PMA). For maintenance of the PMA see paragraph
310-1.8 which provides maintenance information on generators.
310-2.3.3 SPEED SENSING AND LOAD DIVISION CONTROLS. Satisfactory operation is dependent on
adjustments made strictly in accordance with a prescribed procedure. Accordingly no adjustments shall be made
unless specifically called out for the particular equipment.
310-2.3.4 HYDRAULIC ACTUATOR. This unit is sensitive to dirty oil and moisture. Dirty oil causes exces-
sive wear of parts and can cause parts to stick, thus impairing operation. Moisture causes corrosion, further
impairing operation. Every effort should be made to keep the oil clean and moisture-free. Oil filter elements
should be replaced routinely. Disassembly and adjustments shall be made only by qualified personnel, and in
accordance with instructions for the specific equipment.
310-2.3.5 TROUBLESHOOTING. Governor faults are usually revealed in speed variations of the prime mover
but it does not necessarily follow that all such speed variations indicate governor faults. Therefore, when
improper speed variations appear, the following procedure should be carried out:
1. Check the load to be sure that the speed changes observed are not transients resulting from continuing load
changes. On a diesel engine, check the engine operation to be sure that all cylinders are firing properly, and
that the injectors are in good operating condition.
2. See that the operating linkage between the hydraulic power piston and engine or turbine is free from binding
or lost motion.
3. Check the voltage regulator to be sure it is functioning properly. If these checks do not reveal the cause of the
speed variation, the cause may be in the governor.
4. Trouble in the governor can be located by measuring various dc signals to the actuator speed sensing and load
division circuits. Test details are shown in the equipment technical manual for the particular installation
310-3.1.1 SCOPE. The voltage regulators used on naval ships differ widely in type and design, and the auxil-
iary equipment used with each also differs in type, function, and design. Because of this fact, no attempt will be
made here to describe in detail the construction, the operation, and the care and maintenance of each of these
various types with its associated auxiliary equipment. The following discussion is, therefore, confined to an enu-
meration and brief description of the more important types of voltage regulators, and to general instructions
which serve as a guide to the operation, care, and maintenance of all types of equipment.
310-3.1.2 TECHNICAL MANUALS. The applicable technical manuals should be referred to for a detailed
description of the construction, and detailed instructions for the operation, care, and maintenance of any particu-
lar voltage regulator. The personnel responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of any piece of equip-
ment should be thoroughly acquainted with the contents of its technical manual as well as with the instructions
contained herein.
310-3.1.3 USAGE. In general, naval use of voltage regulators is limited to the following:
a. Voltage regulators are not normally used on dc generators for naval use except where unusually close voltage
regulation is needed, or where voltage regulators are provided to control parallel operation of flat-compound
wound generators or generators having unlike compound characteristics, or for variable speed generators such
as battery charging generators. The inherent characteristics of properly wound dc generators give sufficiently
close regulation for most applications.
b. Voltage regulators are always used on ac generators.
c. One voltage regulator is used for each generator where voltage is to be regulated. In some cases, dual auto-
matic voltage regulators are applied redundantly, so that the failure of one will not result in loss of regulation.
The original voltage regulator applications for ac generators used electromagnet type voltage regulators which
provide control by varying the resistance in the generator field. The practice for these installations was to
incorporate a spare voltage element which could be put in service, if any other voltage regulator element on
the switchboard failed, by simply turning a switch. Many of these installations still exist on naval ships. Spare
elements are not incorporated in modern day silicon-controlled rectifier and transistor type regulators.
310-3.1.4 FUNCTIONS. When used on ac generators, the functions performed by voltage regulators are:
310-3.1.5 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS. Each complete regulator equipment will have the following
operating characteristics:
a. The normal voltage can be set at any desired value, within specified limits, by means of the voltage adjust-
ing rheostat of the voltage regulator.
b. At constant loads, from zero to full load, and from rated to unity power factor on ac generators, the equip-
ment will maintain the generator terminal voltage within a plus or minus specified percentage of normal volt-
age without objectionable hunting.
c. With suddenly applied loads, the equipment will not cause the generator terminal voltage to rise or drop more
than a specified percentage of normal voltage and will recover and hold the voltage to within a specified per-
centage of normal voltage within a specified time.
d. For unbalanced load on ac generators, where the variation in voltage between phases does not exceed a speci-
fied percentage of normal voltage, the equipment will automatically maintain normal voltage (average of three
phases) within specified performance limits.
e. In the parallel operation of ac generators with each generator controlled by its own regulator, individual reac-
tive current compensation by the regulators and their associated equipment will provide for the division of
reactive current between the generators in proportion to their respective capacities. The division of the kilo-
watt load between the generators depends upon the power input from the prime movers and is controlled by
the governor settings. Since voltage regulators control excitation but not power input from the prime movers,
reactive current compensation for ac generators in parallel affects the division of kVA, but not the division of
kW. Individual reactive droop compensation for ac generators requires no equalizer connections between
either the generators or their voltage regulators but cause the voltage to droop as the lagging current carried
by the generators increases. Since a slight voltage droop is not objectionable and the connections are simple,
individual reactive droop compensation is used almost exclusively in paralleling ac generators on naval ships.
f. Voltage regulators are seldom used on dc generators. When they are, they eliminate any need for the heavy
equalizer connections between the field windings of the generators which would otherwise be required for
parallel operation of flat or overcompounded generators. When dc generators, each controlled by its own volt-
age regulator, are operated in parallel, either individual or differential cross-current compensation is used to
divide properly the current and kilowatt load between generators.
1. Individual cross-current compensation for dc generators requires no connections between the voltage regu-
lators on the generators operating in parallel, but causes the voltage to droop when the load is increased.
2. Differential cross-current compensation for dc generators requires connections between the voltage regula-
tors of the generators operating in parallel, but does not cause a droop in voltage when the load is
increased. Both types of compensation are used for dc generators on naval ships.
310-3.1.6 TYPES. A voltage regulator consists, essentially, of a voltage-sensitive element and associated
mechanical or electrical means to produce the changes in generator field current that are necessary to maintain a
predetermined, constant generator voltage. The possible combinations of different kinds of voltage-sensitive ele-
ments and associated control means give rise to a number of different types of voltage regulators.
a. Indirect Acting Rheostatic Type. The indirect acting rheostatic type of voltage regulator consists essentially of
a voltage-sensitive element and a motor-operated rheostat which is connected in the field circuit of the ac gen-
erator being regulated. A small motor, which is controlled by the voltage-sensitive element, drives a contact
arm over contact buttons on the field rheostat and changes the field resistance. The response of the motor-
operated rheostat is too slow to handle large, sudden changes in voltage. When these occur, high speed relays
are actuated by the voltage-sensitive element to insert or cut out large blocks of resistance in the field circuit.
These may be cut in or out a number of times before the motor-operated rheostat makes the final adjustment
for the new load conditions.
b. Direct Acting Rheostatic Type. The direct acting rheostatic type of voltage regulator has a voltage-sensitive
element in the form of a solenoid, magnetic torque element, or torque motor which exerts a mechanical force
directly on a rheostat. In the case of dc generators or small ac generators the rheostat is usually connected
directly in the field circuit of the generator being controlled. In the case of large ac generators, the rheostat is
usually connected in the field circuit of the exciter. This eliminates the need for a rheostat in the field circuit
of the ac generator, and permits the use of much smaller voltage regulator equipment since the exciter field
power is much less than the ac generator field power.
310- Rotary Exciter and Voltage Regulator System. There are two types:
a. The rotary dc exciter type of voltage regulator system furnishes a large change in output dc voltage for a small
change in the control field current of the rotary exciter. The voltage-sensitive element is a network of capaci-
tors, reactors, and resistors. It detects the variation of the ac generator voltage from a reference voltage which
can be set to a predetermined desired value. The variation between actual ac voltage and the reference volt-
age sends a current through the control field of the exciter, changes its output voltage, and hence changes the
ac generator field current to hold the ac generator voltage at the desired value.
b. The brushless ac exciter type of voltage regulator system controls the dc power delivered to the stationary field
of a brushless exciter. Its rotating armature ac output is rectified by hermetically sealed silicon rectifiers
mounted on or in its shaft and this resultant regulated dc is connected directly to the main generator field. This
statically controlled rotating system is brushless, having no commutators or slip rings. Because of this design,
measurement of main generator field voltage and current is not feasible.
310- Static Exciter and Voltage Regulator System. This system furnishes dc current to the ac generator
field by rectifying a part of the ac generator output. The voltage detector consists of a network of capacitors,
reactors and resistors and controls the power input to the generator field by means of magnetic amplifiers or sili-
con controlled rectifiers (SCR). Modern day systems use SCR exclusively, because of their improved perfor-
mance characteristics.
310-3.1.7 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. The type of auxiliary equipment used in connection with the voltage-
sensitive element depends upon the individual types and designs used by the various manufacturers. For a com-
plete description of the auxiliary equipments and their operating principles, refer to the technical manual for the
310-3.2.1 TECHNICAL MANUALS. Reference should be made to the technical manual for the manufacturers
detailed instructions regarding the operation, maintenance, and care of the voltage regulation equipment of the
particular installation involved.
310-3.2.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. In addition to the detailed instructions given in the technical manuals,
the following general instructions are to be observed prior to and during operation, as follows:
to the equalizing reactor that the voltage of each machine is decreased when its reactive load increases. This
will equalize the power factors of generators operating in parallel.
b. For indirect acting rheostatic type voltage regulators.
1. See that the connections to the contacts of the voltage-sensitive element and relays give the correct direc-
tion of rotation to the pilot motor of the field rheostat.
2. See that the contact arm of the motor-operated field rheostat moves smoothly and freely over its entire
range, and at the same speed up or down, when driven by the pilot motor or when operated by hand.
3. See that the brushes on the contact arm of the motor-operated field rheostat move freely and do not stick
in their holders.
4. See that the resistance buttons of the rheostat are tight, with no tendency toward tilting or movement from
side to side as the brushes of the contact arm pass over them. Any movement or tilting may cause the
brushes to stick in their holders, create an arc, and result in a burnout or fusion between buttons.
5. Make sure there are no worn resistance buttons or there is no accumulation of carbon or copper dust on
or between the resistance buttons of the rheostat, and the brushes of the contact arm are not chipped,
cracked, or unduly worn.
6. Check the limit switches to see that they function properly to disconnect the pilot motor from the line
when they are tripped by the contact arm.
7. See that the correct tap of the variable permanent resistance of the rheostat is used so that the required
excitation is obtained within the limits of travel of the contact arm over the resistance buttons.
8. See that all contactors and relays have a positive make and break when energized or de-energized.
9. See that the commutator of the pilot motor is clean and smooth, and is not excessively worn.
10. See that the brushes of the pilot motor move freely in their holders and are not chipped, cracked, or
unduly worn.
11. See that there is no leakage of grease into the motor from its bearings.
c. Inspection should be made once a week for the above points.
310-3.2.3 TROUBLES. When troubles develop, the instructions given in the manufacturer’s technical manual
shall take precedence over paragraphs 310- through 310- These paragraphs are supplementary to
the technical manual and shall lie observed in all cases where they apply without conflicting with the technical
310- Regulator Not Operating. If the voltage-sensitive element ceases to function look for:
310- Erratic or Unstable Voltage. Should the regulated voltage become either erratic or subject to vio-
lent swings, investigate these possible sources of trouble:
1. Look for an open circuit in the connections between the regulator contacts and contactors which they control
to lower the voltage.
2. Look for open or short circuits in the contactor coils.
3. See that the contactors which raise the voltage are not stuck closed.
4. See that the motor-operated rheostat is not stuck in any one position and that its motor responds properly to
the contactors which control it, also that there is no misalignment of the motor shaft or the screw or rods
which support the contact arm.
310- Abnormally Low Voltage. If the voltage is abnormally low or droops badly when load is applied
to the generator:
310- Faulty Operation of Contactors. Should any of the contactors fail to function properly look for:
310- Sparking of Rheostat. In case of sparking of the motor-operated rheostat, look for:
310- Sticking of Rheostat. If there is a tendency for the brush contact arm to stick or move with a jerky
motion, look for:
a. Improper or insufficient lubrication of the operating screw and the rods supporting it.
b. Misalignment of the gears, screw, or rods.
c. Looseness of resistance buttons, allowing them to tilt and cause the brushes to jam.
d. Brushes too loose or too tight in holders.
310- Faulty Parallel Operation of AC Generators. In case of faulty parallel operation between two or
more machines; i.e., the power factor is unstable and shifting from one machine to the other:
1. Look for loose connections or faulty contact in the voltage adjusting rheostat, the regulator circuit, and the
rest of the ac potential circuit.
2. See that the current transformer and the equalizing reactor for each generator are in the same phase.
3. See that the connections of the current transformer to the equalizing reactor are such that with increase of
reactive kVA, the regulated voltage of each machine is reduced when the reactor is in the circuit.
4. Adjust the voltage regulators so that all machines have the same voltage droop from no load to full load at
rated power factor.
310-3.2.4 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS. Personnel are advised that in addition to those in the technical manu-
als which take precedence in every case, the following precautions should be observed.
1. Don’t operate the regulator without first determining that the connections of the voltage-sensitive element and
its auxiliary equipment are in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Don’t operate the regulator without first determining, by hand control, that the motor-operated rheostat func-
tions properly.
3. Don’t fail to follow, in detail, the procedure recommended by the manufacturer in putting the regulator in or
taking it out of service.
4. In case of trouble, don’t attempt any adjustments of the voltage-sensitive element until the auxiliary equip-
ment and connections are first thoroughly examined for faults.
5. Don’t make any adjustments, either of the voltage-sensitive element or the auxiliary equipment, except those
recommended in the technical manuals.
6. See that all parts are kept clean of dirt, grease, or loose metal shavings. Check once a week.
7. See that all moving contacts are free of burrs or fused metal globules. Dress with a fine file. Check weekly.
8. See that all connections are tight and properly made. Check weekly.
9. See that all moving parts have free and unobstructed movements. Check weekly.
10 Examine the pilot motor for blackening or excessive wear of the commutator, condition and fit of brushes, or
leakage of grease. Check weekly.
11 Inspect the motor-operated rheostat for loose or worn resistance buttons; dirt, grease, and carbon or metal dust
on or around the buttons; misalignment of the pilot motor shaft, the gears in the gearbox, or of the screw
which actuates and the rods which support the contact arm. Check weekly.
12 See that the brushes or contacts of the contact arm have the proper pressure on all the buttons in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions, also that the brushes or contacts move freely in their holders and are not
broken, chipped, or worn. Check weekly.
13 Examine resistance buttons for burrs or evidence of burning or arcing. Dress with a fine file. Check weekly.
14 Where equalizing reactors and current transformers are used in paralleling two or more ac generators, see that
the current transformer and reactor are in the same phase for each generator.
15 Obtain the proper division of kW load between ac generators by manipulating the equalizing reactors or
regulators. It cannot be done. The only way to get proper division of kW load is by varying the input from
the prime movers of the generators by means of the governor control switches.