Spire - March 4, 2013

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Volume 41, Issue 10

A Beacon and A Bridge

March 4, 2013

Woodmont Attendees at Spring Fling

Bethany Hills - March 1-3

Congratulations to Jocelyn Sitton, Russell Carpenter and Alex Smith for being elected to the TCYF for 2013-14, the statewide planning and governing body for TN Disciples' Christian Youth Fellowship!

Mission Statement
Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others

Congratulations to David and Karen Conrad on Receiving the Safe Haven 2013 Hero Award!

Core Values:
Welcoming Outstanding Worship Outreach Different Traditions Mission & Ministry On the Move Nurturing Transforming 2013 Areas of Focus
Prayer - Presence - Peace

This Weekend!!

Parenting on Point with Jim Williams

Saturday, March 9th 9:00 a.m. - Noon Drowota Hall


Free childcare provided with reservation. Make your reservation at www.woodmontkids.com today!

Many thanks to John "Jojo" Hermann in his willingness and dedication to raising money for the Nashville Food Project!!

Labyrinth by Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care

shows up and all he says is, "Follow me." The disciples had no idea where it would lead them. They could not see the aerial view of God's Master plan and yet they laid down their nets and followed Jesus into the labyrinth. At some point on the journey of life, each one of us has heard those words, "Follow me," spoken to the intimate places of our being. The problem is we have a hard time laying down our nets and journeying into the labyrinth, into the unknown in search of God. Following God is hard, unpredictable; it stretches us, and contradicts our human need to be in control of our own destiny. We are each making our way through the labyrinth of Easter, a Lenten pilgrimage of twists and turns before we reach the center, Easter Sunday. There is a rich history of Christians embarking on pilgrimages to encounter God. In our own time, over 300 million people set out on some form of religious pilgrimage every year to Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago, and Lourdes. Countless others embark on private journeys of the spirit, trying to step away from the noise of their lives in a quest for something sacred. Archaeologists have determined that this impulse, this need to search for the Divine, dates back to the earliest cultures. I find that my own journey of faith often feels like a journey through a labyrinth. Just when I think I am on the right path I hit a dead end and must set out in another direction, all with hopes of one day reaching the center. It is written into our DNA to spend our lives trying to reach the center, the place where God dwells. We are all "Seekers," yearning to experience something in our lives that is sacred, holy, and more than what we can see with our eyes or reason with our intellect. St. Augustine said, "Lord, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Our time here on Earth is a life-long pilgrimage, a sacred journey to the center of the labyrinth where we will experience union with God. I believe that we are each created in the image and likeness of God with this beautiful divinity deeply embedded within us. It explains this powerful, I would even say supernatural longing we feel for connecting with that which created us. I like to think that we are each fitted with this sacred magnet within our souls that is drawn in such a powerful way to that which is holy, sacred and eternal. Our lives become this journey, this seeking to connect with that divine piece of metal. When our magnet locks in, we finally experience home, unimaginable love and complete union with God. The problem is we ignore the pull, or we try to find other metals to satisfy the longing. It takes courage to simply surrender, walk the road of the pilgrim, and embrace the magnetism of God. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus' disciples embarked on their own journey. The Gospel of Mark shows us Peter and Andrew casting their nets in the sea, living their normal lives as fisherman. Jesus
The Spire is published weekly by: Woodmont Christian Church 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 Visit our Webpage: www.woodmontchristian.org (615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-9319 email: wcc@woodmontcc.org Kim Adair, Editor Copyright 2013

Lent is a great wake-up call. It beckons us to ask the question...Am I on the right path? Remember, this is your pilgrimage, not anyone else's. God knows if your heart is fully committed to the journey. Jesus said in Mark 6:8, take neither your purse nor belt for the journey. I believe Jesus is saying, take an account of your life, are you so weighted down by your job, your family, your insecurities, your past baggage, your need to be in control, your fear of death that you are having a hard time making your way down the path, fully seeking the Divine? Or are you just going through the motions? Showing up for church here and there, giving up a prayer when duty calls, writing the quick check to charity? Are you missing the wonder and the mystery and the miraculous of God on your life journey? Life on this side is not perfect. I can promise you that you will find yourself at some point in the valley of the shadows, you will get lost along the way, there will be periods of drought in your faith and you will stumble and have to watch others that you love stumble. But I believe there is a Master Plan, an aerial view that is so full of grace. Here are some secrets to walking the labyrinth: Walk whatever path is set before you with gratitude. Don't miss the beauty on the road. Encourage other pilgrims that cross your path. When the path becomes too difficult, remember that God is walking it with you and has already promised that you will make it to the center! Live in Hope, Farrell P.S. Even though I am on maternity leave, I am busy writing each week on my "Bread and Honey" blog for you. My blog hopes to offer spiritual nourishment for the mind, body, and soul! You can expect spiritual reflections, recipes, book suggestions, and much more! I hope you will sign up at www.breadandhoneyblog.net and receive my email every Monday morning! See you back in church soon!

Halfway There by Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Church Life

William Willimon, a preacher, theologian, She agreed. She agreed it was tacky and manipulative, and bishop in the Methodist Church, once told calloused. "Of course," she added, "the worst part of all is what the following story. Read it and reflect. he said was true." READ AND REFLECT HALFWAY OVER

When I was serving a little church in rural Georgia, one of If you agree with that, then why don't we do something about my members had a relative who died, and Patsy and I went to the it. As Rick Warren says, "We will spend more time on the other funeral as a show of support for the family. The funeral was in a side of death than this side. So only a fool would not get ready little, hot, crowded, off-brand Baptist country church. Well, I for what he knows is definitely coming." have never seen anything like it. They wheeled the coffin in; the preacher began to preach. He shouted, fumed, flayed his arms. Of course, I hope Christianity means more than just "getting into heaven." To me it means becoming more like Jesus while "It's too late for Joe," he screamed. "He might have wanted to we live in this world. And Lent is the 40-day period leading up do this or that in life, but it's too late for him now. He's dead. It's to Easter when we are called to be more serious than usual about all over for him. He might have wanted to straighten his life out, that. Lent is halfway over now. Life is halfway over now or but he can't now. It's over." maybe more. How serious are we about our spirituality, and where it is, or isn't, leading us? What a comfort this must be to the family, I thought. When Jeff Dyer died recently, his wife Jane reflected on their "But it ain't too late for you! People drop dead every day. So marriage and said, "Forty-nine years. Where did it go?" So will why wait? Now is the time for decision. Now is the time to make we reflect on our lives, before we know it, and say, "Where did it your life count for something. Give your life to Jesus!" go?" But maybe better yet, we ought to ask, "Where is it going?" Well, that was the worst thing I ever heard. "Can you imagine a preacher doing that kind of thing to a grieving family?" I asked Patsy on the way home. "I've never heard anything so manipulative, cheap, and inappropriate. I would never preach a sermon like that," I said. Lent is halfway over. How have you spent it? ~Roy

Warm Fuzzy by Andra Moran, Creative Director for "The Bridge"

This February, I was invited to write some devotionals to accompany a CD of Christian music for kids put out by Capitol Records. I thought my Woodmont family might enjoy this one, and modified it for you Grown Up Readers of The Spire. When I was a little girl, the PTA shop at Swimming River Elementary School sold "warm fuzzies." These were basically colored cotton balls to which some patient person had glued paper feet and googly eyes. feelings that come over us when we feel love! It sure is nice to think about how we are loved, isn't it? See if you can conjure up a warm fuzzy by naming five people who love you. That is a fun list to make, isn't it? You know, warm fuzzies don't just come to us when we get love; we also get warm fuzzies when we give love! So now, make a list of five people that you love, and I bet you'll feel another warm fuzzy.

As people of faith, we must always remember that God is on both of these warm fuzzy lists: The list of who loves us, and the list of who we love! Now here's a question for you: What are You could give a warm fuzzy to someone for being nice to some ways we can share warm fuzzies with God? you, to brighten their day or to tell them you loved them. The price was steep for a warm fuzzy, though: 50 cents! I planned Every one may have unique answers to this question, but for my warm fuzzy budget this way: I'd save my milk money from me, my favorite way is to sing. Take a few moments to think lunch for three days, and by the end of the week, I'd have just about ways that you can share warm fuzzies with your friends, enough money to buy a warm fuzzy plus a tootsie pop. family, neighbors and with God this week. Of course, we grown-ups are so smart that we know now that warm fuzzies are actually free! They are simply the happy ~Andra

Greatest Love Story by Stephen Daniel King, Creative Director for "The Bridge"
This past week has been quite busy for me. The good news, however, is I've managed to sneak in a two hour "nap" in the last 48 hours. It's currently late on a Sunday evening and in an attempt to unwind and unplug, my sleep-deprived eyes have been mindlessly scanning my Twitter feed. As if that helps anything. Apparently, as I write this, the History Channel is debuting its brand new series called "The Bible: The Greatest Story Ever Told." Friends of mine have been tweeting and re-tweeting about it, I've noticed a couple paid advertisements singing its praises, and of course there's that one person sardonically live-tweeting everything "Hollywood" about it. So far, God is akin to Saruman from Lord of the Rings, John the Baptist is Scottish, and the Pharisees wear so much eye-liner, the next logical step is to form a punk-rock band. I'm sure I'll end up watching the series eventually. Perhaps when there's nothing left in my Netflix queue. I do think it's beautiful that someone found this Story worthy to be told in such a grand way. That's certainly more than I can say for myself at times. But I'm not convinced such a grand story always needs to be communicated so grandly. It seems a common thing during Lent is to give something up in order to focus more on God. We simplify, we rid ourselves of distraction. So in that spirit of complex simplicity, know this during this Lenten season. God loves you immensely. God even likes you immensely. And as much as we fall short of it, we are to imitate and reflect that love to everybody around. And that's kind of it. It's simple. And it's difficult. But that's it. That's the greatest story ever told. It's the ultimate love story. And we as the church are to be known for our love. So, if nothing else, tell that story. And if it helps, use a Scottish accent. ~Stephen

Youth This Week
(March 4-10) Wednesday, March 6 5:45 p.m. 5-Star Dinner 6:30 p.m. Current Events & Bible Study in Room 235 7:30 p.m. Dismissal Sunday, March 10 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Jubilation-Please join us, one and all! 11:15 a.m. Chi Rho & CYF Sunday school Noon Dismissal Noon - CYF Sack Lunch & Radnor Walk (Details forthcoming via e-mail) 2:30 p.m. Return to Woodmont & Dismissal/Pick-Up Mark Your Calendars April 5-7: Chi Rho Spring Retreat at Bethany Hills May 5: Youth Sunday & Senior Banquet Summer Church Camp Schedule June 2-8: CYF June 30-July 6: Eighter's July 21-27: Chi Rho



Wednesday Night - March 6

6:30 p.m. DivorceCare (The Bay) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer and Janet Wall 6:35 p.m. Special Guest, Dr. Amy Jill Levine will speak at the combined classes led by Clay Stauffer and Roy Stauffer in Room 105. "Parables of Jesus" class will resume in the Boardroom next Wednesday, March 13.

Sunday School - March 10

9:30 a.m. Disciples Class (105) "Ask, Seek, Knock" - Led by Roy Stauffer Challenge Class (200) "Parables" - Led by Julia Tanner Young Adult Class (Boardroom) "Rob's Solution to Everything" - Led by Rob Quinn Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay) "Real Hope: How to Find It and How to Keep It" Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer 11:00 a.m. Second Hour of the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay) (Open to Men Also) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer Reflections Class (200) "Pray Without Ceasing" - Led by Roy Stauffer Points of View (105) "The Jewish Jesus" - Led by Ralph Parsons and Doug King

5-Star Dinner Wednesday Nights 5:35 p.m. in Drowota Hall

Menu - March 6 Hearty Ground Beef Vegetable Soup Tomato Bisque Soup Pork Tenderloin on Rolls
Spinach Salad with Mandarin Oranges & Toasted Pecans

Remember to set your Clocks Ahead 1-hour for Daylight Savings this weekend!
Menu - March 13 Barbeque Chicken Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole Baked Beans
Andy Gump's Savory Cole Slaw

Mobile Meals Needs Your Help!

Mobile meals delivers hot lunches to shut-ins between Franklin Road and West End Avenue and south to Old Hickory Boulevard. Edgehill and Melrose are included. The meal includes meat, 2 vegetables, fruit and milk for $2.75 per meal. We could deliver at least 20 more meals each day. We deliver to apartment buildings as well as individual homes. If you know of someone who could use this service, please call Cecelia Manning at 790-2090. Thank you so much!

Decadent Fudge Cake with Chocolate Ganache Chess Squares Pizza for the kids

Warm Chocolate Pudding Cake with Whipped Topping Luscious Lemon Bars Pizza for the kids

Reservations should be made through the Sunday "connection

card," by calling the church office (297-8563), emailing the church office at sspivy@woodmontcc.org. or thru the website at: www.woodmontchristian.org. The deadline is Monday by noon. Price structure: Adults $8, Children 4 years old thru 5th grade $4 and family cap $28.

Introduction to Woodmont

CWF Circle Meetings

Tuesday, March 12th
Circle #1 Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the Centennial Club (2805 Abbott Martin Road, 37215) Circle #2 Will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the church in Room 105 Circle #3 Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the Centennial Club (2805 Abbott Martin Road, 37215) Circle #4 Will meet at 11:30 a.m. at O'Charley's on White Bridge Road for lunch and then go to the Knowles Assisted Living Home to host Bingo for the residents Circle #6 Will meet at 10:00 a.m. at The Nashville Food Project in South Hall. Childcare provided at the church in the Nursery. Circle #7 Will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Marianne Rogers (605 Westover Drive, 37205) Co-Hostess: Sallye Galloway

We offer a free monthly luncheon and class to teach visitors and new members about our beliefs, values, and community. Introduction to Woodmont is a brief look at the Disciples of Christ denomination and our own congregation. Visitors and members alike are invited to join us for lunch and a lively conversation with our church ministers about what it means to be a part of the Woodmont family. The next introduction to Woodmont class and luncheon will be on Sunday, March 24, at 12:15 p.m. in the Boardroom. Free childcare will be provided if requested in advance by calling the church office at 297-8563.


GEMS Spring Meetings
(Greet, Eat, Meet and Socialize)

March 26th Judge Frank Drowota April 23rd Judge Seth Norman May 28th "GEMS: Premier Red Carpet Event"
More information to follow! Watch the Spire for details.

Shaping outstanding ministers for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Disciples Divinity House 2013 "Talent 4 the House"

featuring Vince Gill, Jonell Mosser, Gabe Dixon, and Andrew Peterson, silent auction and homemade Italian dinner (all major credit cards accepted) to benefit

"Talent 4 the House"

Online at discipleshousevandy.org Complete this form and drop in the

To Make Reservations:
or offering plate on Sunday.

Check Enclosed

Pay at Door

Name: __________________________________ Number: _______ Phone No: _______________________________ Email: __________________________________

The Disciples Divinity House

Thursday, April 4, 2013 Woodmont Christian Church - Drowota Hall Doors Open 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Adults - $30.00 Children 10 and under - $5.00

Congregation: ____________________________
Please make checks payable to: Disciples Divinity House 1917 Adelicia Street, Nashville, TN 37212 Note: Talent 4 the House Reservations needed by Thursday, March 28, 2013


Spiritual Journeys for Women Spring Retreat April 20 - 21, 2013
Bethany Hills Camp
Kingston Springs, TN

Details to Follow (Space is limited so please make your plans to attend now!)

Please call Mary Glynn Williamson at 330-2594 or send your questions to: maryglynnwilliamson@gmail.com

My family and I want to thank the congregation and staff of Woodmont for all the love, support and strength you gave to us during my husband, Bryan's, illness and death. We were comforted by and grateful for your presence. Most thankfully, Pat Stanley

You are not alone

If you need a confidential and caring Stephen Minister to talk with when you go through life's transitions or difficult times, call Kathy Patten (838-4957).

Safe Haven 2013 Hero Award Event Honoring David and Karen Conrad
Saturday, March 2

The deadline for articles and announcements to go in The Spire is Friday by Noon. Please send submissions to Kim at kadair@woodmontcc.org. Thanks!

If you would like to reserve a room at the church to meet, please contact Kim at the church office (297-8563) or email (kadair@woodmontcc.org) to make your reservation.


Wednesday, March 6th 5:35 p.m. - 5-Star Dinner 6:15 p.m. - JYF Kids Club Saturday, March 9th 9:00 a.m. - Noon - Parenting on Point with Jim Williams Sunday, March 10 9:30 a.m. - Children's Moment 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Children's Church 5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Service

Sunday School Lessons & Volunteers March 10th

The Last Supper

Stars (2 Yrs)
Loaves & Fishes

Frogs (4 Yrs) Too Afraid to Follow Jesus Betty White Joy & Gloria Jackson Monkeys (5 Yrs/K) Too Afraid to Follow Jesus Laurie Cooper Mari-Kate Hopper

Children's Church Kaitlyn Asher Christy Brown 11:00 4th/5th Grade Class How Holy Week Begins Ronda Hirst Donuts/Coffee Still Needed

Claire Drowota Porter Meadors Pandas (3 Yrs) Easter Christi Williams Becky Griffith

Happy Birthday To:

3/10 - Lydia Crider 3/13 - Brooks Williams 3/15 - Winston Brown

ChristQuest Memory Verse

"While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.'" (Matthew 26:26)

Children's Seed Collection

The children at Woodmont are collecting vegetable seeds to send to Morgan Scott. Most families in Morgan and Scott Counties plant a vegetable garden to provide fresh food for the summer and can or freeze food for the winter. There is a basket in the ChristQuest area to place the seeds. Please bring the seeds before Friday, March 15. Thank you!

Children's Sunday School March 3

Bulletin Board
Opportunities at Woodmont
Wednesday, March 6 6:15 a.m. Men's Small Group (107) 7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study (105) Younger Men's Bible Study (BR) 5:35 p.m. 5-Star Dinner (DH) 6:15 p.m. JYF Kids Club (KC) 6:30 p.m. DivorceCare (Bay); Choir Practice (CR) Leadership Woodmont (200) Stephen Ministry (100, 107, Library) Youth Bible Study (CHI RHO, CYF) 6:35 p.m. Special Guest, Dr. Amy Jill Levine (105) Thursday, March 7 Library Workday 7:00 p.m. Restore Classes (200, BR & Youth Rooms) Saturday, March 9 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Habitat Build (Off-Campus) 9:00 a.m. - Noon Parenting on Point with Jim Williams (DH) Sunday, March 10 Fourth Week of Lent 7:00 - 3:00 p.m. Habitat Build (Off-Campus) 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship 4:45 p.m. Woodmont Knitters (GH) 5:45 p.m. The Bridge Service (DH) 6:30 p.m. After The Bridge Soup/Salad Dinner (DH) Monday, March 11 4:00 p.m. Small Group for Men (BR) 5:45 p.m. Personnel Meeting (200) Tuesday, March 12 9:00 a.m. Women's Prayer Group (CS) 10:00 a.m. CWF Circle 2 (105) Circle 6 @ TNFP (SH) 10:30 a.m. Circles 1, 3 & 7 (Off-Campus) 11:30 a.m. Circle 4 (Off-Campus) 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Disciples Class "Welcome" Party (Off-Campus) 6:00 p.m. Handbell Practice (234)

Elders Prayer Corner

The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for: We pray for True Self this Lenten Season. We pray for reflection, and the rediscovery of the solid foundation our spirituality For the volunteers and the recipients of the Habitat for Humanity Build March 9, 10 and 16 The Disciples Class for children interested in baptism, communion, and church membership The Bridge - "Lead Me On" journey to Easter Our shut-in members who are unable to attend worship All our new members who bring their gifts to Woodmont


IN THE HOSPITAL: Bette Jefcoat, Centennial Ann Bailey, aunt of Cynthia Arnholt, Cleveland Clinic Madelyn McConnell, Vanderbilt Children's Hospital NEW CONCERN: Lady Bird Kay Butterworth CONTINUING CONCERNS: Elaine Markland Thom McHugh John Galloway Christy Bradley LuAnn Brent Amy Alexander John Shelton Beverly Small Emily Duncan Janet Howell Jeannette Miller Peggy Johnson Yot Williams, Woodcrest at Blakeford Milo Brown, nephew of Ben Harper (Musician at The Bridge) JoAnn Patterson, Stallworth at Vanderbilt Hale Hooper, Richland Place Gary Jones, father of Pam Groom, Louisville, KY Jim Luther, uncle of Selena Guilfoy and Angela Lynn-Miccioli, NC Madeline Murphy, daughter of Mike & Susan Murphy June Stewart, mother of Margie Quin CONGRATULATIONS TO: Greg & Yvonne Hobby on the birth of their son, Ethan Chang Hobby, on Saturday, February 23, in Roswell, GA. Proud grandparents are John & Martha Hobby and proud big sisters are Caitlyn & Alexa. MILITARY PRAYER LIST: Dave Albritton, nephew of Dave & Pat Malone Graham Heilig, brother of Kirsten Lowe Cody Bender, husband of Ashley Wilson Bender; son-in-law of Steve & Judy Wilson Clay Perry, son of Tim & Diane Perry Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of Stephen Daniel King THOSE SERVING ABROAD: Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia

*Please Note: Continuing Care Concerns will now only be listed for up to one month. If you wish to have a continuing concern remain on the list after one month, please renew your request each month by calling the church office.*

Let Us Know:
Have information about someone in the hospital or with another ministry need? Please notify the church office during the week (297-8563) and Let Us Know.

6:30 p.m. Young Adults (Off-Campus)


Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 615.297.8563 woodmontchristian.org
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Date February 10 February 17 February 24 March 3 Sunday School 317 357 332 308 Total Atd. 790 824 856 814 Operating $ 28,727 $ 44,812 $ 15,908 $ 46,274

March 10, 2013
Communion Prep: Service Coordinator: Video Camera: Kristen Malone 9:30 - Jay Hollomon 11:00 - Rich Sanderson 9:30 - Paul Hardin 11:00 - Kristen Malone 5:45 p.m. Rich Sanderson Scott Holley Liz Holley


March 10, 2013

WORSHIP SERVICES: March 10, 2013

9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m Rev. Clay Stauffer, preaching Lenten Sermon Series: "Parables of Jesus" from the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "The Pharisee and Tax Collector - Pride Versus Humility" Scripture: Luke 18:9-14

9:30 a.m. Billy Crawford David Reynolds 5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Rev. Justin Gung, preaching Grant Smothers Lenten Sermon Series: "Lead Me On" Katherine Hartle Sermon Title: "A Theological Survey of the Topography of Life" Tom Dovan Scripture: Psalm 23 Laura Dovan Milly Moore Weekly Prayer Partner Anne-Marie Farmer Saving Station Christian Church, Memphis, TN

11:00 a.m. Bob Garrard Stuart Lackey Don Mitchell Steven McGinty Pam Hardin Jeremiah Pyron Jean Ramsey

9:30 a.m. Alan Sowell and Fran Stewart 11:00 a.m. David Conrad and Chip Phinizy

5:45 p.m.
Richmond Williams


Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Church Life Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Families & Young Adults Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Children & "The Bridge" Thom Schuyler, Youth Director Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, TNFP Director & Outreach Min. Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Sarah Huffman, Accompanist Stasia Spivy, Receptionist Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for "The Bridge" Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Linda Whitson, Staff Administrator Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping Ginny Tharp, Director of Preschool Kim Adair, Administrative Assistant Steven Austin, Housekeeping Sam Marsh, Property Manager - Housekeeping Supv.

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