Draft: Michael J. Stenzel Col, GS, Nyg Chief of Staff

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DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325




Brigadier General, New York Guard

Chief of Staff

1. Purpose. This publication sets forth the procedures for discharging a member of the New
York Guard for misconduct.

2. Application.

a. Format and procedures established in this publication apply to all members of the New
York Guard.

b. This publication is a mandatory directive.

3. Scope. This publication describes the procedure for dealing with misconduct in the New
York Guard.

4. Basis. This directive is in compliance with New York State Military Law Article VII,
Sections 130 through 131.12 and Division of Military and Naval Affairs Regulation 27-2. Part
of this directive has been tailored from U.S. Army Regulations: AR 135-178 Enlisted
Administrative Separations (3 Dec 2001) and AR 135-175 Separation of Officers (28 Feb 1987).

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002




I POLICY…………………………………………………………………………. I-1
1. Good Order and Discipline…………………………………………….. I-1
2. Misconduct…………………………………………………………….. I-1


1. Reports of Misconduct………………………………………………… II-1
2. Commanders…………………………………………………………… II-1
3. Respondents……..……………………………………………………... II-2
4. Convening Authority…………………………………………………… II-2
5. Board of Officers………….…………………………………………… II-2

Appendix A………………………………………………………………………… A-1

New York State Military Law Part X Punitive Articles,
Sec. 130.73 to 131.115

Appendix B…………………………………………………………………………. B-1

Appointment of Investigative Officer

Appendix C………………………………………………………………………….. C-1

Report of Investigative Officer

Appendix D………………………………………………………………………….. D-1

Notification of Separation Proceedings

Appendix E………………………………………………………………………….. E-1

Acknowledgement of Notification of Separation Proceedings

Appendix F………………………………………………………………………….. F-1

Conditional Waiver of Board

Appendix G…………………………………………………………………………. G-1

Affidavit of Service by Mail

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1. Good Order and Discipline. In order to maintain good order and discipline in the New
York Guard, members of the New York Guard who commit misconduct, may be processed for
separation from the New York Guard or may be placed on the Reserve List or the Retired List in
lieu of or in addition to the provisions for courts-martial and/or non-judicial punishment
provided for in the New York State Military Law.

2. Misconduct. Misconduct shall include, but is not limited to, all of the offenses contained
with the punitive articles of the New York State Military Law Article VII, Sections 130.73 to
131.115 and such other offenses to include:

a. A pattern of minor disciplinary infractions;

b. A pattern of misconduct consisting of:

(1) Discreditable involvement with civil or military authorities; or

(2) Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline within the New York Guard; or

(3) Conduct unbecoming an officer; or

(4) Conduct which violates the accepted standards of personal conduct found in the
punitive articles of the New York State Military Law Sections 130.73 to 131.115 (attached
as Appendix A); or

(5) Conduct which violates the regulations of the Division of Military and Naval
Affairs; or

(6) Conduct which violates the directives of the New York Guard; or

(7) Conduct which violates the civil law; or

(8) Conduct which violates the time-honored customs and traditions of the Armed
Forces of the United States and/or the Militia of the State of New York;

c. Commission of a serious military offense found in the punitive articles of the New York
State Military Law Sections 130.73 to 131.115 (attached as Appendix A);

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

d. Commission of a serious civilian offense to include a felony charge or any other

misdemeanor charges or offenses for which the potential penalty may exceed three months of

e. Abuse of illegal drugs is serious misconduct. Members of the New York Guard who are
charged with abuse of illegal drugs will be processed for separation;

f. Civil conviction. All members who have been convicted of a felony or any other offense
for which the potential penalty exceeds three months of imprisonment shall be immediately
processed for separation. Convictions of offenses where the potential penalty is up to three
months of imprisonment may be processed for separation.

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325



1. Reports of Misconduct. Any person may report the misconduct of any member of the New
York Guard to a Commander of a unit of the New York Guard. Upon receipt of an allegation of
misconduct, the unit Commander shall immediately advise the next highest Commander in the
chain of command.

2. Investigating Officer. Upon the receipt of a report of misconduct, a Commander of a

Regiment or higher unit shall preliminarily investigate such alleged misconduct personally or
may designate a commissioned officer or warrant officer of suitable experience and discretion to
investigate the matter (Appendix B). The investigating officer shall report back to the
Commander in writing whether there is reason to believe that a member of the New York Guard
may have committed misconduct and the nature and extent of it (Appendix C).

3. Commanders.
a. Serious Misconduct. A unit Commander who reasonably believes, after a preliminary
review of the allegation, that serious misconduct may have occurred, shall forward a report of
such alleged misconduct up the chain of command through the Commanders of their respective
Regiment, Brigade and ultimately through to the Commander of the respective Army Division,
Air Division or Civil Affairs Brigade with a request for corrective action. Corrective action for
misconduct shall consist of:

(1) Separation from the active New York Guard with a discharge characterized as

(a) Honorable; or
(b) General-Under Honorable Conditions; or
(c) Other Than Honorable (applies only to enlisted persons)

Note: The Commander of the New York Guard may at his/her or her discretion place a
member of the New York Guard on the Reserve List or Retired List as appropriate, in
lieu of a final discharge;

(2) Courts-martial is a criminal proceeding which is governed pursuant to the

provisions of the New York State Military Law.

Note: Only The Adjutant General (TAG), or the Commander of the New York Guard
or the Commander of the Army or Air Division or the Civil Affairs Brigade may
convene a Board of Officers for potential separation action or a courts-martial.

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

b. Minor Misconduct. A unit Commander who reasonably believes after a preliminary

review of the allegation that minor misconduct may have occurred may recommend that the
Commander of a Regiment or higher unit:

(1) Administer Non-Judicial Punishment to an enlisted member; or

(2) Recommend to the Commander of the Air Division, Army Division or Civil Affairs
Brigade that Non-Judicial Punishment be administered to an officer or warrant officer
pursuant to NYS Mil Law §130.15(a)(1)(C); or that
(3) The member be separated from the New York Guard or placed on the Reserve List.

c. Commanders of Regimental/Brigade/Group size units or higher may initiate a Request

for Separation of a member of their unit for misconduct (Appendix B) up the chain of command
through their intermediate Brigade Commander to the respective Commander of the Army
Division, or the Air Division or the Civil Affairs Brigade.

d. A Notification of Separation, together with the Acknowledgement of the Notice of

Separation and a Conditional Waiver shall be served upon the Respondent service member in
accordance with Appendices D, E and F. An Affidavit of Service of the foregoing documents
(Appendix G) shall be completed and remain with the file. A completed file should be
forwarded up the chain of command to the Commanders of the Army Division, Air Division or
Civil Affairs Brigade.

4. Respondent. The Respondent is the person charged with misconduct. The Respondent shall
complete and return by endorsement to the Commander the Acknowledgement of the
Notification of Separation (Appendix E). The Respondent may also execute and return to the
Commander which issued the Notification of Separation, a Conditional Waiver of Board
(Appendix F), wherein the service member may conditionally waive his/her or her right to a
Board of Officers and offer to resign with discharge characterized as either Honorable or General
Under Honorable Conditions. Note, the Commander may or may not in his/her or her discretion
accept such offer of a conditional discharge at which time the service member will be processed
for separation without further proceedings.

5. Convening Authority. Only The Adjutant General (TAG), or the Commander of the New
York Guard or the Commander of the Army Division, or the Air Division or the Civil Affairs
Brigade may act as a Convening Authority to convene a Board of Officers or a courts-martial.
This duty may not be delegated. The Convening Authority may either approve, approve in part
or reject the recommendations of the Board of Officers. However, in no event may the
Convening Authority impose a disposition more severe than that recommended by the Board of

6. Board of Officers. A Board of Officers is a civil/administrative proceeding governed by

NYGD 1325.1 – “Board of Officers.” The Board will hear the evidence of misconduct and will
make findings and recommendations to the Convening Authority.
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Section 130.73. Principals.
Section 130.74. Accessory after the fact.
Section 130.75. Conviction of lesser included offense.
Section 130.76. Attempts.
Section 130.77. Conspiracy.
Section 130.78. Solicitation.
Section 130.79. Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
Section 130.80. Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
Section 130.81. Desertion.
Section 130.82. Absence without leave.
Section 130.83. Missing movement.
Section 130.84. Contempt towards officials.
Section 130.85. Disrespect towards superior officer.
Section 130.86. Assaulting or willfully disobeying officer.
Section 130.87. Insubordinate conduct towards noncommissioned officer or warrant officer.
Section 130.88. Failure to obey order or regulations.
Section 130.89. Cruelty and maltreatment.
Section 130.90. Mutiny or sedition.
Section 130.91. Arrest and confinement.
Section 130.92. Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
Section 130.93. Unlawful detention of another.
Section 130.94. Noncompliance with procedural rules.
Section 130.95. Misbehavior before the enemy.
Section 130.96. Subordinate compelling surrender.
Section 130.97. Improper use of countersign.
Section 130.98. Forcing a safeguard.
Section 130.99. Captured or abandoned property.
Section 130.100. Aiding the enemy.
Section 130.101. Misconduct as a prisoner.
Section 130.102. False official statements.
Section 130.103. Military property--loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
Section 130.104. Property other than military property--waste, spoil, or destruction.
Section 130.105. Improper hazarding of vessel.
Section 130.106. Drunken or reckless driving.
Section 130.107. Drunk on duty--misbehavior.
Section 130.108. Dueling.
Section 130.109. Malingering.
Section 130.110. Riot or breach of peace.
Section 130.111. Provoking speeches or gestures.
Section 130.112. Perjury.
Section 130.113. Frauds against the government.
Section 130.114. Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.
Section 130.115. General section.

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

Section 130.73. Principals. Any person subject to this code who-

(1) Commits an offense punishable by this code, or aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its
commission; or
(2) Causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him/her would be punishable by this
code; is a principal.

Section 130.74. Accessory after the fact. Any person subject to this code who, knowing that an offense
punishable by this code has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to inder or
prevent his/her apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.75. Conviction of lesser-included offense. An accused may be found guilty of an offense
necessarily included in the offense charged or of an attempt to commit either the offense charged or of an
offense necessarily included therein.

Section 130.76. Attempts.

(a) An act, done with specific intent to commit an offense under this code, amounting to more than
mere preparation and tending but failing to effect its commission, is an attempt to commit that offense.
(b) Any person subject to this code who attempts to commit any offense punishable by this code
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, unless otherwise specifically prescribed.
(c) Any person subject to this code may be convicted of an attempt to commit an offense although it
appears on the trial that the offense was consummated.

Section 130.77. Conspiracy. Any person subject to this code who conspires with any other person or
persons to commit an offense under this code shall, if one or more of the conspirators does an act to effect
the object of the conspiracy, be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.78. Solicitation.

(a) Any person subject to this code who solicits or advises another or others to desert in violation of
section 130.81 or mutiny in violation of section 130.90 shall, if the offense solicited or advised is
attempted or committed, be punished with the punishment provided for the commission of the offense,
but if the offense solicited or advised is not committed or attempted, he/she shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.
(b) Any person subject to this code who solicits or advises another or others to commit an act of
misbehavior before the enemy in violation of section 130.95 or sedition in violation of section 130.90
shall, if the offense solicited or advised is committed, be punished with the punishment provided for the
commission of the offense, but if the offense solicited or advised is not committed, he/she shall be
punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.79. Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation. Any person who—

(a) Procures his/her/her own enlistment or appointment in the organized militia by means of
knowingly false representations or deliberate concealment as to his/her/her qualifications for such
enlistment or appointment and receives pay or allowances thereunder; or
(b) Procures his/her/her own separation from the organized militia by means of knowingly false
representations or deliberate concealment as to his/her/her eligibility for such separation; shall be
punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.80. Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation. Any person subject to this code
who effects an enlistment or appointment in or a separation from the organized militia of any person who
DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

is known to him/her to be ineligible for such enlistment, appointment, or separation because it is

prohibited by law, regulation, or order shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.81. Desertion.

(a) Any member of the organized militia who-
(1) Without proper authority goes or remains absent from his/her place of service, organization,
or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently; or
(2) Quits his/her unit or organization or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to
shirk important service; or
(3) Without being regularly separated from one of the forces of the organized militia enlists or
accepts an appointment in the same or another one of the forces of the organized militia without fully
disclosing the fact he/she has not been so regularly separated; is guilty of desertion.
(b) Any officer of the organized militia who, having tendered his/her resignation and prior to due
notice of the acceptance of the same, quits his/her post or proper duties without leave and with intent to
remain away therefrom permanently is guilty of desertion.
(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempted desertion shall be punished as a court-martial
may direct.

Section 130.82. Absence without leave. Any person subject to this code who, without proper authority--
(1) Fails to go to his/her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed; or
(2) Goes from that place; or
(3) Absents himself/herself or remains absent from his/her unit, organization, or other place of duty
at which he/she is required to be at the time prescribed; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.83. Missing movement. Any person subject to this code who through neglect or design
misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit with which he/she is required in the course of duty to
move shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.84. Contempt towards officials. Any person subject to this code who uses contemptuous
words against the president, the governor or the legislature shall be punished as a court-martial may

Section 130.85. Disrespect towards superior officer. Any person subject to this code who behaves
with disrespect towards his/her superior officer shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.86. Assaulting or willfully disobeying officer. Any person subject to this code who--
(1) Strikes his/her superior officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers any violence against
him/her while he/she is in the execution of his/her office; or
(2) Willfully disobeys a lawful command of his/her superior officer; shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.

Section 130.87. Insubordinate conduct toward noncommissioned officer or warrant officer. Any
warrant officer or enlisted person whom--
(1) Strikes or assaults a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while such officer
is in the execution of his/her office; or
(2) Willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty
officer; or

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

(3) Treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer,
noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while such officer is in the execution of his/her office; shall be
punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.88. Failure to obey order or regulations. Any person subject to this code who-
(1) Violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; or
(2) Having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the armed forces, which it is
his/her duty to obey, fails to obey the same; or
(3) Is derelict in the performance of his/her duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.89. Cruelty and maltreatment. Any person subject to this code who is guilty of cruelty
toward, or oppression or maltreatment of, any person subject to his/her order shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.

Section 130.90. Mutiny or sedition.

(a) Any person subject to this code--
(1) Who with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority refuses, in concert with any
other person or persons, to obey orders or otherwise do his/her duty or creates any violence or
disturbance is guilty of mutiny;
(2) Who with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in
concert with any other person or persons, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against such authority
is guilty of sedition;
(3) Who fails to do his/her utmost to prevent and suppress an offense of mutiny or sedition
being committed in his/her presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his/her superior
or commanding officer of an offense of mutiny or sedition which he/she knows or has reason to
believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a
mutiny or sedition shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.91. Arrest and confinement. Any person subject to this code who resists apprehension or
breaks arrest or who escapes from custody or confinement shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.92. Releasing prisoner without proper authority. Any person subject to this code who,
without proper authority, releases any prisoner duly committed to his/her charge, or who through neglect
or design suffers any such prisoner to escape, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.93. Unlawful detention of another. Any person subject to this code who, except as
provided by law or regulations, apprehends, arrests, or confines any person shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.
Section 130.94. Noncompliance with procedural rules. Any person subject to this code who--
(1) Is responsible for unnecessary delay in the disposition of any case of a person accused of an
offense under this code; or
(2) Knowingly and intentionally fails to enforce or comply with any provision of this code regulating
the proceedings before, during, or after trial of an accused; shall be punished as a court-martial may
Section 130.95. Misbehavior before the enemy. Any person subject to this code who before or in the
presence of the enemy--

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

(1) Runs away; or

(2) Shamefully abandons, surrenders, or delivers up any command, unit, place, or military property
which it is his/her duty to defend; or
(3) Through disobedience, neglect, or intentional misconduct endangers the safety of any such
command, unit, place, or military property; or
(4) Casts away his/her arms or ammunition; or
(5) Is guilty of cowardly conduct; or
(6) Quits his/her place of duty to plunder or pillage; or
(7) Causes false alarms in any command, unit, or place under control of the armed forces of the
United States or the organized militia; or
(8) Willfully fails to do his/her utmost to encounter, engage, capture, or destroy any enemy troops,
combatants, vessels, aircraft, or any other thing, which it is his/her duty so to encounter, engage, capture,
or destroy; or
(9) Does not afford all practicable relief and assistance to any troops, combatants, vessels, or aircraft
of the armed forces belonging to the United States or their allies, or to any other state or to the organized
militia when engaged in battle; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.96. Subordinate compelling surrender. Any person subject to this code who compels or
attempts to compel a commander of any place, vessel, aircraft, or other military property, or of any body
of members of the armed forces of the United States or of any other state, or of the organized militia to
give it up to an enemy or to abandon it, or who strikes the colors or flag to an enemy without proper
authority, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.97. Improper use of countersign. Any person subject to this code who in time of war
discloses the parole or countersign to any person not entitled to receive it, or who gives to another who is
entitled to receive and use the parole or countersign a different parole or countersign from that which, to
his/her knowledge, he/she was authorized and required to give, shall be punished as a court-martial may

Section 130.98. Forcing a safeguard. Any person subject to this code who forces a safeguard shall be
punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.99. Captured or abandoned property.

(a) All persons subject to this code shall secure all public property taken from the enemy for the
service of the United States, and shall give notice and turn over to the proper authority without delay all
captured or abandoned property in their possession, custody, or control.
(b) Any person subject to this code who--
(1) Fails to carry out the duties prescribed in subdivision (a) of this section; or
(2) Buys, sells, trades, or in any way deals in or disposes of captured or abandoned property,
whereby he/she shall receive or expect any profit, benefit, or advantage to himself/herself or another
directly or indirectly connected with himself/herself; or
(3) Engages in looting or pillaging; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.100. Aiding the enemy. Any person subject to this code who--
(1) Aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other thing; or
(2) Without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to, or
communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly;
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

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Section 130.101. Misconduct as a prisoner. Any person subject to this code who, while in the hands of
the enemy in time of war--
(1) For the purpose of securing favorable treatment by his/her captors acts without proper authority
in a manner contrary to law, custom, or regulation, to the detriment of others of whatever nationality held
by the enemy as civilian or military prisoners; or
(2) While in a position of authority over such persons maltreats them without justifiable cause; shall
be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.102. False official statements. Any person subject to this code who, with intent to deceive,
signs any false record, return, regulation, order, or other official document, knowing the same to be false,
or makes any other false official statement knowing the same to be false, shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.

Section 130.103. Military property--- loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition. Any person
subject to this code who, without proper authority--
(1) Sells or otherwise disposes of; or
(2) Willfully or through neglect damages, destroys, or loses; or
(3) Willfully or through neglect suffers to be lost, damaged, destroyed, sold or wrongfully disposed
of; any military property of the United States or of the state, shall be punished as a court-martial may

Section 130.104. Property other than military property--- waste, spoil, or destruction. Any person
subject to this code who, while on active state duty or in a duty status other than active state duty,
willfully or recklessly wastes, spoils, or otherwise willfully and wrongfully destroys or damages any
property other than military property of the United States or of the state shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.

Section 130.105. Improper hazarding of vessel.

(a) Any person subject to this code who willfully and wrongfully hazards or suffers to be hazarded
any vessel of the armed forces of the United States or of the organized militia shall be punished as a
court-martial may direct.
(b) Any person subject to this code who negligently hazards or suffers to be hazarded any vessel of
the armed forces of the United States or of the organized militia shall be punished as a court-martial may

Section 130.106. Drunken or reckless driving. Any person subject to this code who, while on active
state duty or in a duty status other than active state duty, operates any vehicle while drunk, or in a reckless
or wanton manner, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.107. Drunk on duty misbehavior. Any person subject to this code who is found drunk on
duty or drunk or sleeping upon his/her post, or who leaves his/her post before he/she is regularly relieved,
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Section 130.108. Dueling. Any person subject to this code who, while on active state duty or in a duty
status other than active state duty, fights or promotes, or is concerned in or connives at fighting a duel, or
who, having knowledge of a challenge sent or about to be sent, fails to report the fact promptly or the
proper authority, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Section 130.109. Malingering. Any person subject to this code who for the purpose of avoiding work,
duty, or service in the militia--
(1) Feigns illness, physical disablement, mental lapse or derangement; or
(2) Intentionally inflicts self-injury; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.110. Riot or breach of peace. Any person subject to this code who, while on active state
duty or in a duty status other than active state duty, causes or participates in any riot or breach of the
peace shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.111. Provoking speeches or gestures. Any person subject to this code who, while on active
state duty or in a duty status other than active state duty, uses provoking or reproachful words or gestures
towards any other person subject to this code shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.112. Perjury. Any person subject to this code who, in a judicial proceeding or course of
justice conducted pursuant to this code, willfully and corruptly
(1) Gives, upon a lawful oath or in any form allowed by law to be substituted for an oath, any false
testimony material to the issue or matter of inquiry; or,
(2) In any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury serves any false
statement material to the issue or matter of inquiry is guilty of perjury and shall be punished as a court-
martial may direct.
Section 130.113. Frauds against the government. Any person subject to this code---
(1) Who, knowing it to be false or fraudulent--
(a) Makes any claim against the United States, the state or any officer thereof; or
(b) Presents to any person in the civil or military service thereof, for approval or payment, any
claim against the United States, the state or any officer thereof; or
(2) Who, for the purpose of obtaining the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim against the
United States, the state or any officer thereof--
(a) Makes or uses any writing or other paper knowing the same to contain any false or
fraudulent statements; or
(b) Makes any oath to any fact or to any writing or other paper knowing such oath to be false; or
(c) Forges or counterfeits any signature upon any writing or other paper, or uses any such
signature knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited; or
(3) Who, having charge, possession, custody, or control of any money or other property of the
United States, or the state, furnished or intended for the armed forces of the United States or the organized
militia or any force thereof, knowingly delivers to any person having authority to receive the same, any
amount thereof less than that for which he/she receives a certificate or receipt; or
(4) Who, being authorized to make or deliver any paper certifying the receipt of any property of the
United States or the state, furnished or intended for the armed forces of the United States or the organized
militia or any force thereof, makes or delivers to any person such writing without having full knowledge
of the truth of the statements therein contained and with intent to defraud the United States or the state;
shall, upon conviction, be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.114. Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. Any officer who is convicted of
conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Section 130.115. General section. Though not specifically mentioned in this code, all disorders and
neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the organized militia and all conduct of a nature
to bring discredit upon the organized militia or a force thereof, of which persons subject to this code may
be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general or special or summary court-martial, according to the
nature and degree of the offense, and punished at the discretion of such court.

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002


DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

(Appropriate Letterhead)


MEMORANDUM FOR: (Officer concerned)

SUBJECT: Appointment of Investigating Officer

1. You are hereby appointed an investigating officer to conduct an informal investigation into
complaints of alleged misconduct involving (state subject matter).

2. In your investigation, all witness statements will be sworn. From the evidence, you will make
findings whether any misconduct has been committed and by whom. Negative findings shall
also be reported in writing. You will make a recommendation as to your findings.

3. Submit your findings and recommendations in three copies to this headquarters within five (5)
days of the completion of the investigation.


(Signature block)

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002


DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Report of Investigating Officer


I, (rank, name, unit) having been appointed by (appointing authority) on (date) (attach inclosure
1: Letter of Appointment) make the following report:


The (investigation) commenced at (place) at (time) on (date). The following persons were
interviewed: (After each rank, name, indicate SSN and unit)

Sworn statements of those individuals are attached as separately numbered exhibits.

The (investigating officer) finished gathering and hearing evidence at (time) on (date) and
completed findings and recommendations at (time) on (date).


The (investigating officer) having carefully considered the evidence, finds:

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002


In view of the above findings, the (investigating officer) recommends:



(Investigating Officer)

Action by Appointing Authority

The findings and recommendations of the (investigating officer) are (approved) (disapproved)
(approved with following exceptions/substitutions). (if appointing authority returns the
proceedings to the investigating officer or board for further proceedings or corrective action,
attach that correspondence [or a summary, if oral] as a number inclosure.)


DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Notification of Separation Proceedings


S: (Enter date of suspense)

(Office Symbol) (1325) (Date)

MEMORANDUM FOR: (Soldier’s name, NYG ID#, grade, and organization of assignment)

SUBJECT: Notification of Separation Proceedings Under New York Guard Directive 1325.

1. Under the provisions of New York Guard Directive 1325 (indicate specific subsection), I am initiating
action to separate you from the New York Guard for (indicate narrative reason). The reasons for my
proposed action are: (state specific, factual details which constitute the basis for the proposed action).

2. I am recommending that upon separation you receive a(n) (indicate one of the following): Honorable
Discharge or a General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions or an Under Other Than Honorable
Discharge. (Note that commissioned officers and warrant officers may not be issued an Other Than
Honorable Discharge.) My recommendation and your reply will be submitted through intermediate
commanders (if any) to (enter name, rank and organization of the Convening Authority/Separation
Authority, i.e., Cdr Army Division, Cdr Air Division, Cdr CMA Brigade), who will make the final
decision in your case.
3. The intermediate commander(s) and the separation authority are not bound by my recommendation as
to characterization of service. The separation authority may direct that your service be characterized as
Honorable, General Under Honorable Conditions or Under Other Than Honorable Conditions, or you
may receive an uncharacterized description of service if you are in an entry level status, i.e., less than one
year of service. However, the separation authority may not direct the issuance of a type of discharge or
characterization of service less favorable than that recommended by an administrative separation board
should you request a hearing before an administrative separation Board of Officers.
4. If my recommendation is approved, the proposed separation could result in your discharge from the
New York Guard.
5. I am suspending any favorable personnel actions at this time to include promotions, attendance at drills
or state active duty. I am suspending separation action for 45 days to give you an opportunity to exercise
the following rights:
a. You have the right to consult with an appointed counsel; military counsel of your choice, if he/she
or she is reasonably available, or civilian counsel at your own expense.
(1) If you desire an appointed counsel for consultation, notify this command before completing
the response by endorsement and the name and phone number of the appointed counsel will be
(2) If you desire a military counsel of your choice, provide this command with the officer’s
name and grade before completing the response by endorsement and if the officer is reasonably
available, he/she or she will be appointed counsel for consultation.

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

(3) If you retain civilian counsel at no expense to the state, it is recommended that such private
counsel be retained before completing the response by endorsement.

b. You have the right to obtain copies of documents that will be sent to the separation authority
supporting the basis for the proposed separation. (Classified documents may be summarized.)

c. You have the right to request a hearing before an administrative Board of Officers in accordance
with NYG Directive 1325.

d. You have the right to representation at the administrative board by military counsel that will be
designated (see para 6 below). A military counsel of choice is not authorized.

e. You have the right to representation at the administrative board by civilian counsel at your own
expense and at no expense to the State of New York.

f. You have the right to present written statements on your behalf instead of appearing at the
administrative Board of Officers proceeding.

g. You have the right to waive the rights listed above in paragraphs a through f in writing, and you
may withdraw any such waiver at any time before the date the separation authority orders, directs, or
approves your separation.

h. You may submit a conditional waiver of your right to an administrative Board of Officers proceeding
contingent upon receiving a characterization of service higher than the least favorable characterization of
service authorized for the basis of your proposed separation.

6. You must complete the attached endorsement acknowledging receipt of this memorandum and indicate
the election of your rights. A copy of this memorandum with the completed endorsement attached must
be delivered to the address shown on the endorsement within 30 days from the date of your receipt of this
memorandum of notification. Any statement or documents you desire to submit in your behalf must be
received by me within 30 calendar days after you receive this memorandum, unless you request and
receive an extension for good cause shown. Unless an extension is granted, failure to deliver the
completed endorsement within 30 days of the date of your receipt of this memorandum will constitute a
waiver of your rights in paragraphs 4a through 4h above.

Enc. (Commander’s signature)

(Typed name, grade, branch)

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Acknowledgement of Notification of Separation Proceedings

(NOTE: The commander issuing the notification memorandum will prepare and partially complete the following
endorsement and enclose it with the notification memorandum. The soldier will complete the endorsement by
making the appropriate entries where indicated and return the endorsement attached to a copy of the notification

(Insert soldier’s last name) (Insert Memo Office Symbol/Date) 1st End
(Insert preparer’s name and telephone number)
SUBJECT: Notification of Separation Proceedings Under New York Guard Directive 1325

(Insert the soldier’s full name, NYG ID#, address and organization of assignment)
(Soldier will enter date of response here)

FOR COMMANDER (Insert the complete organization address shown on memorandum)

1. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Notification of Separation Proceedings Under New York Guard Directive
1325, dated (insert the date of memorandum). I understand I may expect to encounter substantial prejudice in
civilian life if my service is characterized as General (under honorable conditions), or under Other Than Honorable
conditions (delete reference to Other Than Honorable if the Respondent is a commissioned officer or warrant

2. Before completing this response, I understand that I have the right to consult with an appointed counsel for
consultation; or military counsel of my own choice, if he/she or she is reasonably available, or civilian counsel at my
own expense. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. _____ (initial) I have exercised my right and I have consulted with counsel in preparation of this response
to the notification memorandum. I have been advised by my consulting counsel of the basis for the contemplated
action to separate me for (enter the reason) under New York Guard Directive 1325 and the effect of the rights
available to me; and the effect of any action taken by me in waiving my rights. The counsel has confirmed this by
entering and signing the statement at the end of this endorsement; or
b. _____ (initial) I hereby waive my right to consult with an appointed counsel for consultation; or military
counsel of my own choice, or civilian counsel at my own expense.

3. I understand I have the right to obtain copies of documents that will be sent to the separation authority supporting
the basis of my proposed separation. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following

a. _____ (initial) I hereby request copies of the documents.

b. _____ (initial) I hereby waive my right to obtain copies of the documents

4. I understand that if I am an officer, warrant officer or enlisted member with at least six years of active service in
the active or reserve components or the New York Guard, I have the right to a hearing before an administrative
Board of Officers. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. _____(initial) I hereby exercise my right to a hearing before an administrative separation Board of Officers.
I understand that after having requested appearance before the board, my willful failure to appear before the board
will constitute a waiver of my rights to personal appearance before the board, unless I am in civil confinement.
(When requesting a board hearing the member must also initial one of the following subparagraphs:)

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

(1) _____ (initial) I request a counsel for representation at the hearing be designated.
(2) _____ (initial) I waive my right to a counsel for representation at the board hearing (see para 9 below).

b. _____ (initial) I hereby waive my right to a hearing before an administrative separation board (see para 9

5. I have the right to representation at the administrative board by civilian counsel at my own expense and at no
expense to the State. (The member will exercise this right by initialing the following paragraph:)

_____ (initial) I have retained, or will retain, civilian counsel.

6. I understand I have the right to present written statements in my behalf instead of the administrative board
proceedings. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. _____ (initial) Statements in my own behalf are submitted herewith and attached as enclosures.
b. _____ (initial) I hereby waive my right to submit written statements.

7. _____ (initial) I understand that if I do not meet the foregoing prerequisites for a hearing, I acknowledge that I
may submit a written statement and documents in extenuation or mitigation which are attached.

8. I understand that I may submit a waiver of my right to an administrative board, on the condition that I receive a
characterization of service higher than the least favorable characterization of service authorized in my separation
action. I understand that the separation authority may decline to accept my conditional waiver. A request for a
conditional waiver may be enclosed with this response, or in addition to but separate from this response, but in either
case I understand it must be received by the commander by the suspense date shown on the Notification
Memorandum. I understand that my request may be disapproved.

9. Except as explained in paragraph 9 below, I understand that I have the right, up until the date the separation
authority orders, directs, or approves my separation, to withdraw any waiver of my rights that I may have granted
above. If I had a right to a board hearing and waived that right, I can withdraw the waiver and request a hearing
before an administrative Board of Officers.

10. I understand that I have been ordered to undergo a medical or mental status evaluation and refuse to comply
with the order, or willfully fail to undergo such examination or evaluation, separation action will be taken without an
examination or evaluation.

(Insert the following as paragraph 10 if the member is considered for separation based on fraudulent entry.
Renumber later paragraphs if this paragraph is used.)
alt 10. I understand that if I am being considered fro separation for fraudulent entry my enlistment may be voided
under certain circumstances and that all pay and allowances will be suspended immediately upon verification of the
fraudulent entry.

11. I understand that there is no automatic upgrading or review by any state agency of any characterization of
service that is less than honorable.

12. I have retained a copy of the Notification Memorandum and a copy of this completed endorsement and I submit
the following statement of understanding:

UNDERSTANDING: I have read and understand each of the statements above and understand that they are
intended to constitute all promises whatsoever concerning my waiver options. Any other promise, representation, or
commitment made to me in connection with my separation is written below in my own handwriting or is hereby
waived (if none, write “NONE”).

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Encl (Signature of individual)

(Typed name, SSN, grade)

(Entries will be made in the following statement, where indicated, by the counsel for consultation if the member
elects to consult with consulting counsel.) Having been advised by me of the basis for (his/her, her) contemplated
separation and its effects, the rights available to (him/her, her), and the effect of a waiver of (his/her, her) rights,
(member’s name)___________________________ personally made the choices indicated in the foregoing

(Signature of counsel)
(Typed name, SSN, grade, branch)
(Date counsel signed statement)

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002


DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Conditional Waiver of Board


(Office Symbol)(1325) (Date)

FOR: (Appropriate Commander in Basic Memorandum)

SUBJECT: Request for Conditional Waiver

Separation Under NY Guard Directive 1325

1. I hereby submit this request for conditional waiver and voluntarily waive my right to a hearing before
an administrative separation board on the condition that upon separation my service will be characterized
as (The member will make known an election by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. ___ (initial)______ Honorable.

b. ___ (initial)______ General (under honorable conditions).

2. Before submitting this request, I understand that I have the right to consult with an appointed counsel
for consultation; or military counsel of my own choice, if reasonably available, or civilian counsel at my
own expense. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. ___(initial)_________ I have exercised my right and I have consulted with counsel preparation of
this request for a conditional waiver of my right to a hearing before an administrative board. I have been
advised by my consulting counsel of the basis for the contemplated action to separate me for (enter the
reason) under NY Guard Directive 1325 and its effects; of the rights available to me; and the effect of any
action taken by me in waiving my rights. The counsel has confirmed this by entering and signing the
statement at the end of this endorsement; or
b. ___(initial)__________ I hereby waive my right to consult with an appointed counsel for
consultation; or military counsel of my own choice, or civilian counsel at my own expense.

3. I understand I have the right to present written statement in my behalf instead of the administrative
board proceedings. (The member will exercise this right by initialing one of the following paragraphs:)

a. ___(initial)________ Statements in my own behalf are submitted herewith and attached as

b. ___(initial)________ I hereby waive my right to submit written statements.

4. I understand that I may, up until the date the separation authority orders, directs, or approves my
separation, withdraw this waiver and request that an administrative board hear my case.

5. I understand that if the separation authority refuses to grant my request for a conditional waiver of a
hearing before an administrative board, my case will be referred to an administrative board and a military
counsel will be designated as my counsel for representation at the board hearings.

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002

6. I understand I may expect to encounter substantial prejudice in civilian life if my service is

characterized by a General Under Honorable Conditions discharge or Under Other Than Honorable
conditions discharge.

7. I have retained a copy of this statement.

UNDERSTANDING: I have read and understand each of the statements above and understand that they
are intended to constitute all promises whatsoever concerning my conditional waiver. Any other promise,
representation, or commitment made to me in connection with my separation is written below in my own
handwriting or is hereby waived (if none, write “NONE”).

Encl (Signature of individual)

(Typed name, SSN, grade)

Having been advised by me of the basis for (his/her, her) contemplated separation and its effects, the
rights available to (him/her, her) and the effect of a waiver of (his/her, her) rights, (soldier’s name)
personally made the choices indicated in the foregoing statement.

(Signature of counsel)
(Typed name, SSN, grade, branch)
(Date counsel signed statement)

DRAFT October 2002 NYGD 1325

Affidavit of Service by Mail

State of New York

County of ___________

(Name of individual who mailed notification), being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the
(job, title, e.g., personnel officer) of (organization) and on (day, month and year) I mailed a
notification dated (date), (for subject, select and enter one or more of the following, as

a. Subj: Separation Under New York Guard Directive 1325;

b. Subj: Medical evaluation;

c. Subj: Discharge orders.

A true copy of which is attached hereto, via certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt
requested, to (name of subject) at (most recent address of soldier) that being the last known
address given to the (soldier’s organization of assignment) as the one at which official mail
would be received by or forwarded to (him/her, her), by depositing the same in an official
depository of the U.S. Postal Service at (location of postal facility) in a securely wrapped and
sealed U.S. postage-and-fees-prepaid envelope addressed to (him/her, her) at said address.

(Signature and rank of affiant)

Sworn and subscribed before me this (day, month and year).

(Signature and rank of officer administering oath)

Copy of notification

The affidavit together with the receipt showing the certified mail receipt number will be
forwarded to the commander for insertion in the member’s personnel file as an action pending

NYGD 1325 DRAFT October 2002



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