Auto PO Download Message

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The key takeaways are that an interface is proposed to automatically generate IDOCs whenever a purchase order is created, changed, or deleted in SAP. This allows purchase order data to be sent to a third party warehouse management system (WMS).

The proposed interface is based on a standard SAP interface that uses message control type ORDRS to generate an IDOC directly whenever a purchase order is approved. This technique can be used to send purchase order data to a 3rd party WMS.

The purpose of the middleware hub is to receive messages (IDOCs), transform them if needed, and send them to the appropriate receiving server or application.

SDN Contribution


Summary The interface proposed is based on a standard SAP interface for Purchase Orders via ALE/IDoc and Message Control type ORDRS (function module: IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDERS), which is used to generate an IDOC (IDoc type " ORDERS01") directly whenever Purchase Orders are approved. This technique (message control) can be used to send purchase order data to a 3rd Party WMS. The condition technique is used to determine in which cases (e.g. only for specific purchase order types) and to which partners the data is to be sent. When the message is processed, an intermediate document (IDoc) is generated that contains the purchase order data. The IDoc is forwarded to the EDI layer, which takes care of sending the message to the outbound port and, if necessary, triggers immediate further processing. This type of interface is suitable for both batch and online communication. There has been a requirement to generate idocs whenever the Purchase Order is created, changed or deleted. The deletion of the purchase order is at the line item level and the idocs are created at the line item level and not in the header part. The user need not enter the data in the message control in order to generate the idocs.
Created on: 15 Sep 2005

Author Bio Aveek has more than 11 years experience in software analysis and design and custom development both in India and abroad. He has handled software projects U.S., Holland, UK, Switzerland and India. He has during his association with IBM, PWC & Consultancy firms in the U.S. gathered wide experience in developing leading edge technological solutions. He has been heavily involved in developing Materials Management System, Manufacturing & Material Handlings applications, Process Control System Interfaces, Warehouse Control applications and Financial
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applications in almost all the software projects he has undertaken. For the past 6 years, Aveek has been associated with a number of SAP projects in India and abroad.. Aveek has been involved in handling Process Control Interfaces in the Manufacturing area.

2006 SAP AG

Table of Contents

2006 SAP AG

Data Flow Diagram

Schematic Diagram of Outbound Interfaces (Sample IDOC to message with file contents)

SAP Instance
Function module for outbound message processing

IDOC Outbound Processing


Send IDOC Outbound Server of SapLink for R/3 Send Message Populate Wrapper

MQ Series Input Queue Map Transformation Engine Map Map MQ Series Output Queue

Middleware Hub

MQ Series Input Queue Process Message Remove Wrapper Trigger

Receiving Server
The initial processing of the message is always triggered by middleware


Write File Load/Process File The loading of the file can be triggered by middleware on receipt or scheduled by the application

Application Scheduler

2006 SAP AG

Customizing Overview Our goal is to send purchase order data to an output port. The easiest way to do it is to use the IDOC output processing that is already defined in standard. Then, rather than sending the data to the vendor, we send it to our interfaced system. A new message type Z005 has to be created, for which a processing routine using medium type a (ALE) and the program RSNASTED with subroutine ALE_PROCESSING is to be set up. As a partner function, an entry for the medium ALE and partner function RP (Receiving Plant, see below) has to be created. Regarding its fine-tuned control, this message should be defined for operation 1 (creation) and operation 2 (change). This message type can be linked to the existing access sequence Z001. Since the application EF (Purchase Order), from which the message control originates, generates only messages having as a partner type either VN or CU, dummy vendors will have to be created to represent the receiving plants. This is necessary because on entering a partner number in a condition record, a check for a corresponding vendor master record is carried out by the system. For this purpose, a new partner function RP (Receiving Plant) with partner type LI is to be created. It is possible, though, to map this partner function with partner type LI to partner type LS using the above mentioned medium ALE and subroutine ALE_PROCESSING in the output type. An ALE distribution model is to be maintained with all the receiving plants as receiving logical systems and message type ORDERS. In the filter setting, the vendor number of the dummy vendors, identical with the receiving logical systems, are to be entered. The output of the idoc message will have to be conditioned to the keyfields purchasing document type and plant, possibly purchasing organization. To facilitate this, a new condition table 923 with these key fields will be created. This condition table has to be integrated into the access sequence as a new access. Since the message is only to be sent on release of the purchase order, an additional requirement needs to be specified for this access. For the set up of the partner profiles, an outbound partner profile of the message type ORDERS is to be created for every plant that needs to receive the message. Both the partner type and the partner function will be that of LS (logical system). The idoc format will be an enhancement of the standard idoc type ORDERS05. In the Message Control options, an entry for the application EF (Purchase Order), the newly created message output type Z005 and the process code ME10 has to be made.

2006 SAP AG

Interface Overview SAP Release Purchase Order (note that each Purchase Order change has to be approved) IDoc Created with Header and Detail Information tRFC Initiates IDoc Pass through ALE Adapter to Mercator/translator Mercator/Translator IDoc Information Mapped to Format for Purchase Orders in the 3rd Party WMS One message created for each Line-Delivery Point in Purchase Order Mercator Output delivered to Correct WMS Instance (SAP Plant) WMS Import File from SAP (through Mercator /Translator) Add to Current List of Purchase Orders

2006 SAP AG

EDI Message Structure

EANCOM - ORDERS Message D 96A Purchase order message Segment ID UNH BGM DTM FTX SG1 RFF SG2 NAD SG3 RFF SG5 CTA COM SG25 LIN PIA QTY DTM FTX SG29 RFF UNS CNT UNT Page N Seg.N Status Max. Use o 1 M 1 2 M 1 3 M 35 4 C 10 5 M 1 99 6 M 1 10 7 M 1 5 8 M 1 9 C 200000 12 M 1 13 C 14 C 3 M 35 15 C 10 17 M 1 18 M 1 19 C 20 M 1 Segment Name MESSAGE HEADER Beginning of message Date/time/period Free text Order Notes RFF Reference NAD-SG3-SG5 Name and address RFF Reference CTA-COM Contact information Communication contact LIN-PIA-QTY-DTM-FTX-SG29 Line item Additional product id Quantity Date/time/period Free text Line Notes Only as required RFF Reference SECTION CONTROL Control total MESSAGE TRAILER


EDI Message Example Purchase Order from Nestl to Vendor for delivery to a 3rd. Party Warehouse Example of proposed message UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOB:3+9301235852671:14+9300605123458:14+020525:1058+00000000453847'

2006 SAP AG

UNH+00000000453847+ ORDERS :D:96A:EN:EAN008 BGM+241+453847+9 DTM+137:200205251059:203 A "Delivery schedule" IDOC N, Original message This Message Date & Time Order Note (Delivery) Instructions as

FTX+ORI+1++PLEASE DELIVER ON CHEP PALLETS' required RFF+ON:4500000493 NAD+BY+20005::92' CTA+PD' COM+021 9876543:TE' NAD+SE+5001000668943::9 RFF+IA:0100000100' CTA+SD' COM+021 9246354:TE' NAD+ST+9300605123458::9 LIN+10++9300605345676:EN GTIN If available Material Code = 30532 Purchasing Plant code

Customer Purchase Order N = 4500000493 Purchasing Contact Telephone N 021 9876543 Vendor's GLN Account number for the Vendor Shipping Contact Telephone N 021 9246354 Delivery Site's GLN Third Party Warehouse First line of this Purchase Order (Line 10), Material

PIA+1+02:PV+30532:IN+30532:SA GTIN Variant = 02, and Vendor's Material Code QTY+21:48:CS DTM+2:200205260830:203 Quantity Ordered = 48 Cases Requested Delivery date (time) only available at line level.

FTX+MKS+1++PLEASE DELIVER ON ONE PALLET' Shipping marks/ Instructions (free text) if required at line-level LIN+20 Material PIA+41643:IN+ QTY+21:5000:MTR DTM+2:200205280700:203 RFF+ZSS:K' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' UNT+143+00000000453847 UNZ+1+00000000453847 Second line of this Purchase Order, No GTIN for this Only have Material Code = 41643 Quantity Ordered = 5 000 Metres Requested Delivery date (time) only available at line level. It is "Consignment " Material Detail/summary section separation Two LIN segment(s) in this message

2006 SAP AG

Routing lookup table

Seq 1 2 3 4 5

Field name GLN code Logical system Delivery_GID Delivery_ID Mapping format

Description EANCOM value Idoc header value Middleware Hub

Format char(13) char(10) char(2)

Pad fixed fixed yes, with space fixed no

Mandatory yes yes yes yes yes

Middleware value for the char(6) destination describe which message format will have to be produced

Routing rule A lookup table is used Read the Idoc field EDIDC-RCVPRN Read the MW lookup table where Idoc field EDIDC-RCVPRN = Logical system If Mapping field = EANCOM, map the Idoc to an EANCOM message and send it to the Delivery GID / Delivery ID of the lookup table The corresponding GLN code will be populated in the EANCOM message.

2006 SAP AG

Customizing for Automated PO Download

Condition Tables

SPRO-> MM->Purchasing->Messages->Output control

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The condition table used in the config is 925 which is by Purchasing document type and plant.

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Access Sequence
Access Sequence used is Z002.

Maintain Message Types

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The output type we need to consider is Z005. General Tab when displaying the details of the output

The access sequence in the config for message type should be Z002.

Default values Tab:

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Processing Routine for the output type: for EDI

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Processing Routine for the output type: for ALE:

Partner Roles option for the output type Z005:

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Maintain Message types for message Control

The Routine relevant for the Purchase Order download is 911 which is linked to the application EF. Routine 911 source Code:
FORM KOBED_911. *{ INSERT G10K916219 1

* Remove duplicate entries for output conditioning by DocTyp/Plant * in xnast data: l_objkey_from like nast-objky, l_objkey_to like nast-objky, l_parnr like nast-PARNR, l_parvw like nast-PARVW, l_knumh like nach-knumh, l_lines type i, l_sysubrc like sy-subrc, i_objky like table of nast-objky with header line.

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local: l_objkey_from, l_objkey_to, l_parnr, l_parvw, l_knumh, l_lines, l_sysubrc, i_objky. refresh i_objky. * Check for the name of the condition table. If changed in customizing, * it has to be maintained! check T682I-KOTABNR = '925'. * KNUMH: number of valid condition record select single KNUMH from B925 into l_knumh where KAPPL = KOMT1-KAPPL and KSCHL = KOMT1-KSCHL and BSART = KOMKBEA-BSART and WERKS = KOMPBEA-WERKS. * sy-subrc = 0 has to be returned to calling program, otherwise no * further access to conditions is executed! l_sysubrc = sy-subrc. clear sy-subrc. * >>> INS HOTFIX * Check if failed Idocs exist already loop at xnast where kappl = komt1-kappl and kschl = komt1-kschl and vstat = '2'. xnast-vstat = '0'. modify xnast. endloop. * <<< INS HOTFIX. check l_sysubrc = 0. * Get partner information to condition record select single PARVW PARNR from nach into (l_parvw, l_parnr) where KNUMH = l_knumh.

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l_sysubrc = sy-subrc. clear sy-subrc. check l_sysubrc = 0. * Exist other xnast records with identical partner? loop at xnast where KAPPL = KOMT1-KAPPL and KSCHL = KOMT1-KSCHL and SPRAS = sy-langu and PARNR = l_parnr and PARVW = l_parvw and ERDAT = sy-datum and VSTAT = '0'. i_objky = xnast-objky. append i_objky. clear i_objky. endloop. l_sysubrc = sy-subrc. clear sy-subrc. check l_sysubrc = 0. sort i_objky. describe table i_objky lines l_lines. read table i_objky index 1 into l_objkey_from. read table i_objky index l_lines into l_objkey_to. * Delete duplicate xnast records for partner currently processed CALL FUNCTION 'RV_MESSAGES_DELETE_PARTNER' EXPORTING msg_objky MSG_OBJKY_TO msg_parnr msg_parvw *} INSERT ENDFORM. FORM KOBEV_911. *{ INSERT G10K916219 1 = l_objkey_from = l_objkey_to = l_parnr = l_parvw.

perform KOBED_911. *} INSERT


2006 SAP AG


Message Determination Schema

Click on RMBEF1 and double click the control data. This brings you to the following screen.

Make sure that the Z005 output type is configured to the 911 routine.

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Config in VK01

Enter the usage as B and the application as EF. This brings you to the following screen

Choose Condition Types and press execute button Choose Z005 and press the magnifying glass:

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This displays the following screen:

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Note the partner function is maintained as LS instead of VN. Press on the Partner definition and enter the following details: There should be 2 entries for each EDI and ALE ie 6 and A.

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For the processing program details enter the following:

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ALE Config
Partner Profile set up ( WE20). Outbound Options

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Message Control

Note there are 2 entries in the message control one for create and one for change.

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Distribution Model

Setting up the automation in the master data

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The transactions we are interested in are MN04/MN05.

Enter output type Z005. In the following screen enter the PO type as Z002 or Z008 depending on the PUR teams requirement. Add the entries in the screen for each plant GBEPCS1080 for ex and maintain the entries as follows:

2006 SAP AG


When a purchase order is deleted or changed at the item level an idoc will be created but you will not be able to see the message in message control. This will be visible in the older transaction me22 instead of me22n. Enter the PO number then in the next screen click on the item- on the menu click on items ->> more functions messages. This should display the message details.

2006 SAP AG


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2006 SAP AG


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