ALICE in Wonderland

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TRACK 01_01_00 ALL in the golden afternoon Full leisurely we glide; For both our oars, with little skill, By little arms are plied, While little hands make vain pretence Our wanderings to guide Ah, cruel !hree" #n such an hour Beneath such dreamy weather, !o beg a tale of breath too weak !o stir the tiniest feather" $et what can one poor voice avail Against three tongues together% #mperious &rima flashes forth 'er edict (to begin it() #n gentler tones *ecunda hopes (!here will be nonsense in it"( While !ertia interrupts the tale +ot more than once a minute Anon, to sudden silence won, #n fancy they pursue !he dream,child moving through a land Of wonders wild and new, #n friendly chat with bird or beastAnd half believe it true And ever, as the story drained !he wells of fancy dry, And faintly strove that weary one !o put the sub.ect by, (!he rest ne/t time-( (#t is ne/t time"( !he happy voices cry !hus grew the tale of Wonderland) !hus slowly, one by one, #ts 0uaint events were hammered outAnd now the tale is done, And home we steer, a merry crew, Beneath the setting sun Alice" A childish story take, And with a gentle hand, Lay it where 1hildhood2s dreams are twined #n 3emory2s mystic band, Like pilgrim2s wither2d wreath of flowers &lucked in a far off land

TRACK 01_01_01

Down the Rabbit Hole

Ali"e was be#innin# to #et $ery tire% o& sittin# by her sister on the ban'( an% o& ha$in# nothin# to %o) on"e or twi"e she ha% *ee*e% into the boo' her sister was rea%in#( b+t it ha% no *i"t+res or "on$ersations in it( ,an% what is the +se o& a boo'(' tho+#ht Ali"e ,witho+t *i"t+res or "on$ersation-' So she was "onsi%erin# in her own .in% /as well as she "o+l%( &or the hot %ay .a%e her &eel $ery slee*y an% st+*i%0( whether the *leas+re o& .a'in# a %aisy "hain wo+l% be worth the tro+ble o& #ettin# +* an% *i"'in# the %aisies( when s+%%enly a White Rabbit with *in' eyes ran "lose by her1 There was nothin# so VER2'able in that3 nor %i% Ali"e thin' it so VER2 .+"h o+t o& the way to hear the Rabbit say to itsel&( ,Oh %ear4 Oh %ear4 I shall be late4' /when she tho+#ht it o$er a&terwar%s( it o""+rre% to her that she o+#ht to ha$e won%ere% at this( b+t at the ti.e it all see.e% 5+ite nat+ral03 b+t when the Rabbit a"t+ally TOO6 A WATCH OUT O7 ITS WAISTCOAT POC6ET( an% loo'e% at it( an% then h+rrie% on( Ali"e starte% to her &eet( &or it &lashe% a"ross her .in% that she ha% ne$er be&ore seen a rabbit with either a waist"oat *o"'et( or a wat"h to ta'e o+t o& it( an% b+rnin# with "+riosity( she ran a"ross the &iel% a&ter it( an% &ort+nately was 8+st in ti.e to see it *o* %own a lar#e rabbit hole +n%er the he%#e1 In another .o.ent %own went Ali"e a&ter it( ne$er on"e "onsi%erin# how in the worl% she was to #et o+t a#ain1 The rabbit hole went strai#ht on li'e a t+nnel &or so.e way( an% then %i**e% s+%%enly %own( so s+%%enly that Ali"e ha% not a .o.ent to thin' abo+t sto**in# hersel& be&ore she &o+n% hersel& &allin# %own a $ery %ee* well1 Either the well was $ery %ee*( or she &ell $ery slowly( &or she ha% *lenty o& ti.e as she went %own to loo' abo+t her an% to won%er what was #oin# to ha**en ne9t1 7irst( she trie% to loo' %own an% .a'e o+t what she was " to( b+t it was too %ar' to see anythin#3 then she loo'e% at the si%es o& the well( an% noti"e% that they were &ille% with "+*boar%s an% boo' shel$es3 here an% there she saw .a*s an% *i"t+res h+n# +*on *e#s1 She too' %own a 8ar &ro. one o& the shel$es as she *asse%3 it was labelle% ,ORAN:E ;AR;ALADE'( b+t to her #reat %isa**oint.ent it was e.*ty) she %i% not li'e to %ro* the 8ar &or &ear o& 'illin# so.ebo%y( so .ana#e% to *+t it into one o& the "+*boar%s as she &ell *ast it1 ,Well4' tho+#ht Ali"e to hersel&( ,a&ter s+"h a &all as this( I shall thin' nothin# o& t+.blin# %own stairs4 How bra$e they'll all thin' .e at ho.e4 Why( I wo+l%n't say anythin# abo+t it( e$en i& I &ell o&& the to* o& the ho+se4' /Whi"h was $ery li'ely tr+e10 Down( %own( %own1 Wo+l% the &all NEVER "o.e to an en%4 ,I won%er how .any .iles I'$e &allen by this ti.e-' she sai% alo+%1 ,I .+st be #ettin# so.ewhere near the "entre o& the earth1 Let .e see) that wo+l% be &o+r tho+san% .iles %own( I thin' ' /&or( yo+ see( Ali"e ha% learnt se$eral thin#s o& this sort in her lessons in the s"hoolroo.( an% tho+#h this was not a VER2 #oo% o**ort+nity &or showin# o&& her 'nowle%#e( as there was no one to listen to her( still it was #oo% *ra"ti"e to say it o$er0 , yes( that's abo+t the ri#ht %istan"e b+t then I won%er what Latit+%e or Lon#it+%e I'$e #ot to-' /Ali"e ha% no i%ea what Latit+%e was( or Lon#it+%e either( b+t tho+#ht they were ni"e #ran% wor%s to say10 Presently she be#an a#ain1 ,I won%er i& I shall &all ri#ht THROU:H the earth4 How &+nny it'll see. to "o.e o+t a.on# the *eo*le that wal' with their hea%s %ownwar%4 The Anti*athies( I thin' ' /she was rather #la% there WAS no one listenin#( this ti.e( as it %i%n't so+n% at all the ri#ht wor%0 , b+t I shall ha$e to as' the. what the na.e o& the "o+ntry is( yo+ 'now1 Please( ;a'a.( is this New <ealan% or A+stralia-' /an% she trie% to "+rtsey as she s*o'e &an"y CURTSE2IN: as yo+'re &allin# thro+#h the air4 Do yo+ thin' yo+ "o+l% .ana#e it-0 ,An% what an i#norant little #irl she'll thin' .e &or as'in#4 No( it'll ne$er %o to as') *erha*s I shall see it written +* so.ewhere1' TRACK 01_01_02 Down( %own( %own1 There was nothin# else to %o( so Ali"e soon be#an tal'in# a#ain1 ,Dinah'll .iss .e $ery .+"h to ni#ht( I sho+l% thin'4' /Dinah was the "at10 ,I ho*e they'll re.e.ber her sa+"er o& .il' at tea ti.e1 Dinah .y %ear4 I wish yo+ were %own here with .e4 There are no .i"e in the air( I'. a&rai%( b+t yo+ .i#ht "at"h a bat( an% that's $ery li'e a .o+se( yo+ 'now1 =+t %o "ats eat bats( I won%er-' An% here Ali"e be#an to #et rather slee*y( an% went on sayin# to hersel&( in a %rea.y sort o& way( ,Do "ats eat bats- Do "ats eat bats-' an% >

,Do bats eat "ats-' &or( yo+ see( as she "o+l%n't answer either 5+estion( it %i%n't .+"h .atter whi"h way she *+t it1 She &elt that she was %o?in# o&&( an% ha% 8+st be#+n to %rea. that she was wal'in# han% in han% with Dinah( an% sayin# to her $ery earnestly( ,Now( Dinah( tell .e the tr+th) %i% yo+ e$er eat a bat-' when s+%%enly( th+.*4 th+.*4 %own she "a.e +*on a hea* o& sti"'s an% %ry lea$es( an% the &all was o$er1 Ali"e was not a bit h+rt( an% she 8+.*e% +* on to her &eet in a .o.ent) she loo'e% +*( b+t it was all %ar' o$erhea%3 be&ore her was another lon# *assa#e( an% the White Rabbit was still in si#ht( h+rryin# %own it1 There was not a .o.ent to be lost) away went Ali"e li'e the win%( an% was 8+st in ti.e to hear it say( as it t+rne% a "orner( ,Oh .y ears an% whis'ers( how late it's #ettin#4' She was "lose behin% it when she t+rne% the "orner( b+t the Rabbit was no lon#er to be seen) she &o+n% hersel& in a lon#( low hall( whi"h was lit +* by a row o& la.*s han#in# &ro. the roo&1 There were %oors all ro+n% the hall( b+t they were all lo"'e%3 an% when Ali"e ha% been all the way %own one si%e an% +* the other( tryin# e$ery %oor( she wal'e% sa%ly %own the .i%%le( won%erin# how she was e$er to #et o+t a#ain1 S+%%enly she "a.e +*on a little three le##e% table( all .a%e o& soli% #lass3 there was nothin# on it e9"e*t a tiny #ol%en 'ey( an% Ali"e's &irst tho+#ht was that it .i#ht belon# to one o& the %oors o& the hall3 b+t( alas4 either the lo"'s were too lar#e( or the 'ey was too s.all( b+t at any rate it wo+l% not o*en any o& the.1 Howe$er( on the se"on% ti.e ro+n%( she "a.e +*on a low "+rtain she ha% not noti"e% be&ore( an% behin% it was a little %oor abo+t &i&teen in"hes hi#h) she trie% the little #ol%en 'ey in the lo"'( an% to her #reat %eli#ht it &itte%4 Ali"e o*ene% the %oor an% &o+n% that it le% into a s.all *assa#e( not .+"h lar#er than a rat hole) she 'nelt %own an% loo'e% alon# the *assa#e into the lo$eliest #ar%en yo+ e$er saw1 How she lon#e% to #et o+t o& that %ar' hall( an% wan%er abo+t a.on# those be%s o& bri#ht &lowers an% those "ool &o+ntains( b+t she "o+l% not e$en #et her hea% tho+#h the %oorway3 ,an% e$en i& .y hea% wo+l% #o thro+#h(' tho+#ht *oor Ali"e( ,it wo+l% be o& $ery little +se witho+t .y sho+l%ers1 Oh( how I wish I "o+l% sh+t +* li'e a teles"o*e4 I thin' I "o+l%( i& I only 'now how to be#in1' 7or( yo+ see( so .any o+t o& the way thin#s ha% ha**ene% lately( that Ali"e ha% be#+n to thin' that $ery &ew thin#s in%ee% were really i.*ossible1 TRACK 01_01_03 There see.e% to be no +se in waitin# by the little %oor( so she went ba"' to the table( hal& ho*in# she .i#ht &in% another 'ey on it( or at any rate a boo' o& r+les &or sh+ttin# *eo*le +* li'e teles"o*es) this ti.e she &o+n% a little bottle on it( /,whi"h "ertainly was not here be&ore(' sai% Ali"e(0 an% ro+n% the ne"' o& the bottle was a *a*er label( with the wor%s ,DRIN6 ;E' bea+ti&+lly *rinte% on it in lar#e letters1 It was all $ery well to say ,Drin' .e(' b+t the wise little Ali"e was not #oin# to %o THAT in a h+rry1 ,No( I'll loo' &irst(' she sai%( ,an% see whether it's .ar'e% @*oison@ or not'3 &or she ha% rea% se$eral ni"e little histories abo+t "hil%ren who ha% #ot b+rnt( an% eaten +* by wil% beasts an% other +n*leasant thin#s( all be"a+se they WOULD not re.e.ber the si.*le r+les their &rien%s ha% ta+#ht the.) s+"h as( that a re% hot *o'er will b+rn yo+ i& yo+ hol% it too lon#3 an% that i& yo+ "+t yo+r &in#er VER2 %ee*ly with a 'ni&e( it +s+ally blee%s3 an% she ha% ne$er &or#otten that( i& yo+ %rin' .+"h &ro. a bottle .ar'e% ,*oison(' it is al.ost "ertain to %isa#ree with yo+( sooner or later1 Howe$er( this bottle was NOT .ar'e% ,*oison(' so Ali"e $ent+re% to taste it( an% &in%in# it $ery ni"e( /it ha%( in &a"t( a sort o& .i9e% &la$o+r o& "herry tart( "+star%( *ine a**le( roast t+r'ey( to&&ee( an% hot b+ttere% toast(0 she $ery soon &inishe% it o&&1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

,What a "+rio+s &eelin#4' sai% Ali"e3 ,I .+st be sh+ttin# +* li'e a teles"o*e1' An% so it was in%ee%) she was now only ten in"hes hi#h( an% her &a"e bri#htene% +* at the tho+#ht that she was now the ri#ht si?e &or #oin# thro+#h the little %oor into that lo$ely #ar%en1 7irst( howe$er( she waite% &or a &ew .in+tes to see i& she was #oin# to shrin' any &+rther) she &elt a little ner$o+s abo+t this3 ,&or it .i#ht en%( yo+ 'now(' sai% Ali"e to hersel&( ,in .y #oin# o+t alto#ether( li'e a "an%le1 I won%er what I sho+l% be li'e then-' An% she trie% to &an"y what the &la.e o& a "an%le is li'e a&ter the "an%le is blown o+t( &or she "o+l% not re.e.ber e$er ha$in# seen s+"h a thin#1 A&ter a while( &in%in# that nothin# .ore ha**ene%( she %e"i%e% on #oin# into the #ar%en at on"e3 b+t( alas &or *oor Ali"e4 when she #ot to the %oor( she &o+n% she ha% &or#otten the little #ol%en 'ey( an% when she went ba"' to the table &or it( she &o+n% she "o+l% not *ossibly rea"h it) she "o+l% see it 5+ite *lainly thro+#h the #lass( an% she trie% her best to "li.b +* one o& the le#s o& the table( b+t it was too sli**ery3 an% when she ha% tire% hersel& o+t with tryin#( the *oor little thin# sat %own an% "rie%1 ,Co.e( there's no +se in "ryin# li'e that4' sai% Ali"e to hersel&( rather shar*ly3 ,I a%$ise yo+ to lea$e o&& this .in+te4' She #enerally #a$e hersel& $ery #oo% a%$i"e( /tho+#h she $ery sel%o. &ollowe% it0( an% she s"ol%e% hersel& so se$erely as to brin# tears into her eyes3 an% on"e she re.e.bere% tryin# to bo9 her own ears &or ha$in# "heate% hersel& in a #a.e o& "ro5+et she was *layin# a#ainst hersel&( &or this "+rio+s "hil% was $ery &on% o& *reten%in# to be two *eo*le1 ,=+t it's no +se now(' tho+#ht *oor Ali"e( ,to *reten% to be two *eo*le4 Why( there's har%ly eno+#h o& .e le&t to .a'e ONE res*e"table *erson4' Soon her eye &ell on a little #lass bo9 that was lyin# +n%er the table) she o*ene% it( an% &o+n% in it a $ery s.all "a'e( on whi"h the wor%s ,EAT ;E' were bea+ti&+lly .ar'e% in "+rrants1 ,Well( I'll eat it(' sai% Ali"e( ,an% i& it .a'es .e #row lar#er( I "an rea"h the 'ey3 an% i& it .a'es .e #row s.aller( I "an "ree* +n%er the %oor3 so either way I'll #et into the #ar%en( an% I %on't "are whi"h ha**ens4' She ate a little bit( an% sai% an9io+sly to hersel&( ,Whi"h way- Whi"h way-'( hol%in# her han% on the to* o& her hea% to &eel whi"h way it was #rowin#( an% she was 5+ite s+r*rise% to &in% that she re.aine% the sa.e si?e) to be s+re( this #enerally ha**ens when one eats "a'e( b+t Ali"e ha% #ot so .+"h into the way o& e9*e"tin# nothin# b+t o+t o& the way thin#s to ha**en( that it see.e% 5+ite %+ll an% st+*i% &or li&e to #o on in the "o..on way1 So she set to wor'( an% $ery soon &inishe% o&& the "a'e1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CHAPTER II The Pool o& Tears A

TRACK 01_02_01

,C+rio+ser an% "+rio+ser4' "rie% Ali"e /she was so .+"h s+r*rise%( that &or the .o.ent she 5+ite &or#ot how to s*ea' #oo% En#lish03 ,now I'. o*enin# o+t li'e the lar#est teles"o*e that e$er was4 :oo% bye( &eet4' /&or when she loo'e% %own at her &eet( they see.e% to be al.ost o+t o& si#ht( they were #ettin# so &ar o&&01 ,Oh( .y *oor little &eet( I won%er who will *+t on yo+r shoes an% sto"'in#s &or yo+ now( %ears- I'. s+re CIC shan't be able4 I shall be a #reat %eal too &ar o&& to tro+ble .ysel& abo+t yo+) yo+ .+st .ana#e the best way yo+ "an3 b+t I .+st be 'in% to the.(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,or *erha*s they won't wal' the way I want to #o4 Let .e see) I'll #i$e the. a new *air o& boots e$ery Christ.as1' D

An% she went on *lannin# to hersel& how she wo+l% .ana#e it1 ,They .+st #o by the "arrier(' she tho+#ht3 ,an% how &+nny it'll see.( sen%in# *resents to one's own &eet4 An% how o%% the %ire"tions will loo'4 ALICE'S RI:HT 7OOT( ESE1 HEARTHRU:( NEAR THE 7ENDER( /WITH ALICE'S LOVE01 Oh %ear( what nonsense I'. tal'in#4' F+st then her hea% str+"' a#ainst the roo& o& the hall) in &a"t she was now .ore than nine &eet hi#h( an% she at on"e too' +* the little #ol%en 'ey an% h+rrie% o&& to the #ar%en %oor1 Poor Ali"e4 It was as .+"h as she "o+l% %o( lyin# %own on one si%e( to loo' thro+#h into the #ar%en with one eye3 b+t to #et thro+#h was .ore ho*eless than e$er) she sat %own an% be#an to "ry a#ain1 ,2o+ o+#ht to be asha.e% o& yo+rsel&(' sai% Ali"e( ,a #reat #irl li'e yo+(' /she .i#ht well say this0( ,to #o on "ryin# in this way4 Sto* this .o.ent( I tell yo+4' =+t she went on all the sa.e( she%%in# #allons o& tears( +ntil there was a lar#e *ool all ro+n% her( abo+t &o+r in"hes %ee* an% rea"hin# hal& %own the hall1 A&ter a ti.e she hear% a little *atterin# o& &eet in the %istan"e( an% she hastily %rie% her eyes to see what was " It was the White Rabbit ret+rnin#( s*len%i%ly %resse%( with a *air o& white 'i% #lo$es in one han% an% a lar#e &an in the other) he "a.e trottin# alon# in a #reat h+rry( .+tterin# to hi.sel& as he "a.e( ,Oh4 the D+"hess( the D+"hess4 Oh4 won't she be sa$a#e i& I'$e 'e*t her waitin#4' Ali"e &elt so %es*erate that she was rea%y to as' hel* o& any one3 so( when the Rabbit "a.e near her( she be#an( in a low( ti.i% $oi"e( ,I& yo+ *lease( sir ' The Rabbit starte% $iolently( %ro**e% the white 'i% #lo$es an% the &an( an% s'+rrie% away into the %ar'ness as har% as he "o+l% #o1 TRACK 01_02_02 Ali"e too' +* the &an an% #lo$es( an%( as the hall was $ery hot( she 'e*t &annin# hersel& all the ti.e she went on tal'in#) ,Dear( %ear4 How 5+eer e$erythin# is to %ay4 An% yester%ay thin#s went on 8+st as +s+al1 I won%er i& I'$e been "han#e% in the ni#ht- Let .e thin') was I the sa.e when I #ot +* this .ornin#- I al.ost thin' I "an re.e.ber &eelin# a little %i&&erent1 =+t i& I'. not the sa.e( the ne9t 5+estion is( Who in the worl% a. I- Ah( THAT'S the #reat *+??le4' An% she be#an thin'in# o$er all the "hil%ren she 'new that were o& the sa.e a#e as hersel&( to see i& she "o+l% ha$e been "han#e% &or any o& the.1 ,I'. s+re I'. not A%a(' she sai%( ,&or her hair #oes in s+"h lon# rin#lets( an% .ine %oesn't #o in rin#lets at all3 an% I'. s+re I "an't be ;abel( &or I 'now all sorts o& thin#s( an% she( oh4 she 'nows s+"h a $ery little4 =esi%es( SHE'S she( an% I'. I( an% oh %ear( how *+??lin# it all is4 I'll try i& I 'now all the thin#s I +se% to 'now1 Let .e see) &o+r &i$e is twel$e( an% &o+r si9 is thirteen( an% &o+r se$en is oh %ear4 I shall ne$er #et to twenty at that rate4 Howe$er( the ;+lti*li"ation Table %oesn't si#ni&y) let's try :eo#ra*hy1 Lon%on is the "a*ital o& Paris( an% Paris is the "a*ital o& Ro.e( an% Ro.e no( THAT'S all wron#( I'. "ertain4 I .+st ha$e been "han#e% &or ;abel4 I'll try an% say @How %oth the little @' an% she "rosse% her han%s on her la* as i& she were sayin# lessons( an% be#an to re*eat it( b+t her $oi"e so+n%e% hoarse an% stran#e( an% the wor%s %i% not "o.e the sa.e as they +se% to %o) `How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale! G

`How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly spread his claws, And welcome little fishes in With gently smiling jaws! ,I'. s+re those are not the ri#ht wor%s(' sai% *oor Ali"e( an% her eyes &ille% with tears a#ain as she went on( ,I .+st be ;abel a&ter all( an% I shall ha$e to #o an% li$e in that *o'y little ho+se( an% ha$e ne9t to no toys to *lay with( an% oh4 e$er so .any lessons to learn4 No( I'$e .a%e +* .y .in% abo+t it3 i& I'. ;abel( I'll stay %own here4 It'll be no +se their *+ttin# their hea%s %own an% sayin# @Co.e +* a#ain( %ear4@ I shall only loo' +* an% say @Who a. I then- Tell .e that &irst( an% then( i& I li'e bein# that *erson( I'll "o.e +*) i& not( I'll stay %own here till I'. so.ebo%y else@ b+t( oh %ear4' "rie% Ali"e( with a s+%%en b+rst o& tears( ,I %o wish they WOULD *+t their hea%s %own4 I a. so VER2 tire% o& bein# all alone here4' As she sai% this she loo'e% %own at her han%s( an% was s+r*rise% to see that she ha% *+t on one o& the Rabbit's little white 'i% #lo$es while she was tal'in#1 ,How CAN I ha$e %one that-' she tho+#ht1 ,I .+st be #rowin# s.all a#ain1' She #ot +* an% went to the table to .eas+re hersel& by it( an% &o+n% that( as nearly as she "o+l% #+ess( she was now abo+t two &eet hi#h( an% was #oin# on shrin'in# ra*i%ly) she soon &o+n% o+t that the "a+se o& this was the &an she was hol%in#( an% she %ro**e% it hastily( 8+st in ti.e to a$oi% shrin'in# away alto#ether1 ,That WAS a narrow es"a*e4' sai% Ali"e( a #oo% %eal &ri#htene% at the s+%%en "han#e( b+t $ery #la% to &in% hersel& still in e9isten"e3 ,an% now &or the #ar%en4' an% she ran with all s*ee% ba"' to the little %oor) b+t( alas4 the little %oor was sh+t a#ain( an% the little #ol%en 'ey was lyin# on the #lass table as be&ore( ,an% thin#s are worse than e$er(' tho+#ht the *oor "hil%( ,&or I ne$er was so s.all as this be&ore( ne$er4 An% I %e"lare it's too ba%( that it is4' As she sai% these wor%s her &oot sli**e%( an% in another .o.ent( s*lash4 she was +* to her "hin in salt water1 Her &irst i%ea was that she ha% so.ehow &allen into the sea( ,an% in that "ase I "an #o ba"' by railway(' she sai% to hersel&1 TRACK 01_02_03 /Ali"e ha% been to the seasi%e on"e in her li&e( an% ha% "o.e to the #eneral "on"l+sion( that where$er yo+ #o to on the En#lish "oast yo+ &in% a n+.ber o& bathin# .a"hines in the sea( so.e "hil%ren %i##in# in the san% with woo%en s*a%es( then a row o& lo%#in# ho+ses( an% behin% the. a railway station10 Howe$er( she soon .a%e o+t that she was in the *ool o& tears whi"h she ha% we*t when she was nine &eet hi#h1 ,I wish I ha%n't "rie% so .+"h4' sai% Ali"e( as she swa. abo+t( tryin# to &in% her way o+t1 ,I shall be *+nishe% &or it now( I s+**ose( by bein# %rowne% in .y own tears4 That WILL be a 5+eer thin#( to be s+re4 Howe$er( e$erythin# is 5+eer to %ay1' F+st then she hear% so.ethin# s*lashin# abo+t in the *ool a little way o&&( an% she swa. nearer to .a'e o+t what it was) at &irst she tho+#ht it .+st be a walr+s or hi**o*ota.+s( b+t then she re.e.bere% how s.all she was now( an% she soon .a%e o+t that it was only a .o+se that ha% sli**e% in li'e hersel&1 ,Wo+l% it be o& any +se( now(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,to s*ea' to this .o+se- E$erythin# is so o+t o& the way %own here( that I sho+l% thin' $ery li'ely it "an tal') at any rate( there's no har. in tryin#1' So she be#an) ,O ;o+se( %o yo+ 'now the way o+t o& this *ool- I a. $ery tire% o& abo+t here( O ;o+se4' /Ali"e tho+#ht this .+st be the ri#ht way o& s*ea'in# to a .o+se) she ha% ne$er %one s+"h a thin# be&ore( b+t she re.e.bere% ha$in# seen in her brother's Latin ,A .o+se o& a .o+se to a .o+se a .o+se O .o+se4' The ;o+se loo'e% at her rather in5+isiti$ely( an% see.e% to her to win' with one o& its little eyes( b+t it sai% nothin#1 ,Perha*s it %oesn't +n%erstan% En#lish(' tho+#ht Ali"e3 ,I %aresay it's a 7ren"h .o+se( "o.e o$er with Willia. the Con5+eror1' /7or( with all her 'nowle%#e o& history( Ali"e ha% no $ery "lear notion how lon# a#o anythin# ha% ha**ene%10 So she be#an a#ain) ,O+ est .a "hatte-' whi"h was the &irst senten"e in her 7ren"h lesson boo'1 The ;o+se #a$e a s+%%en lea* o+t o& the water( an% see.e% to 5+i$er all o$er with &ri#ht1 ,Oh( I be# yo+r *ar%on4' "rie% Ali"e hastily( a&rai% that she ha% h+rt the *oor's &eelin#s1 ,I 5+ite &or#ot yo+ %i%n't li'e "ats1' ,Not li'e "ats4' "rie% the ;o+se( in a shrill( *assionate $oi"e1 ,Wo+l% 2OU li'e "ats i& yo+ were .e-' H

,Well( *erha*s not(' sai% Ali"e in a soothin# tone) ,%on't be an#ry abo+t it1 An% yet I wish I "o+l% show yo+ o+r "at Dinah) I thin' yo+'% ta'e a &an"y to "ats i& yo+ "o+l% only see her1 She is s+"h a %ear 5+iet thin#(' Ali"e went on( hal& to hersel&( as she swa. la?ily abo+t in the *ool( ,an% she sits *+rrin# so ni"ely by the &ire( li"'in# her *aws an% washin# her &a"eIan% she is s+"h a ni"e so&t thin# to n+rse an% she's s+"h a "a*ital one &or "at"hin# .i"e oh( I be# yo+r *ar%on4' "rie% Ali"e a#ain( &or this ti.e the ;o+se was bristlin# all o$er( an% she &elt "ertain it .+st be really o&&en%e%1 ,We won't tal' abo+t her any .ore i& yo+'% rather not1' ,We in%ee%4' "rie% the ;o+se( who was tre.blin# %own to the en% o& his tail1 ,As i& I wo+l% tal' on s+"h a s+b8e"t4 O+r &a.ily always HATED "ats) nasty( low( $+l#ar thin#s4 Don't let .e hear the na.e a#ain4' ,I won't in%ee%4' sai% Ali"e( in a #reat h+rry to "han#e the s+b8e"t o& "on$ersation1 ,Are yo+ are yo+ &on% o& o& %o#s-' The ;o+se %i% not answer( so Ali"e went on ea#erly) ,There is s+"h a ni"e little %o# near o+r ho+se I sho+l% li'e to show yo+4 A little bri#ht eye% terrier( yo+ 'now( with oh( s+"h lon# "+rly brown hair4 An% it'll &et"h thin#s when yo+ throw the.( an% it'll sit +* an% be# &or its %inner( an% all sorts o& thin#sII "an't re.e.ber hal& o& the. an% it belon#s to a & yo+ 'now( an% he says it's so +se&+l( it's worth a h+n%re% *o+n%s4 He says it 'ills all the rats an% oh %ear4' "rie% Ali"e in a sorrow&+l tone( ,I'. a&rai% I'$e o&&en%e% it a#ain4' 7or the ;o+se was away &ro. her as har% as it "o+l% #o( an% .a'in# 5+ite a "o..otion in the *ool as it went1 So she "alle% so&tly a&ter it( ,;o+se %ear4 Do "o.e ba"' a#ain( an% we won't tal' abo+t "ats or %o#s either( i& yo+ %on't li'e the.4' When the ;o+se hear% this( it t+rne% ro+n% an% swa. slowly ba"' to her) its &a"e was 5+ite *ale /with *assion( Ali"e tho+#ht0( an% it sai% in a low tre.blin# $oi"e( ,Let +s #et to the shore( an% then I'll tell yo+ .y history( an% yo+'ll +n%erstan% why it is I hate "ats an% %o#s1' It was hi#h ti.e to #o( &or the *ool was #ettin# 5+ite "row%e% with the bir%s an% ani.als that ha% &allen into it) there were a D+"' an% a Do%o( a Lory an% an Ea#let( an% se$eral other "+rio+s "reat+res1 Ali"e le% the way( an% the whole *arty swa. to the shore1 TRACK 01_03_01 CHAPTER III A Ca+"+s Ra"e an% a Lon# Tale They were in%ee% a 5+eer loo'in# *arty that asse.ble% on the ban' the bir%s with %ra##le% &eathers( the ani.als with their &+r "lin#in# "lose to the.( an% all %ri**in# wet( "ross( an% +n"o.&ortable1 The &irst 5+estion o& "o+rse was( how to #et %ry a#ain) they ha% a "ons+ltation abo+t this( an% a&ter a &ew .in+tes it see.e% 5+ite nat+ral to Ali"e to &in% hersel& tal'in# &a.iliarly with the.( as i& she ha% 'nown the. all her li&e1 In%ee%( she ha% 5+ite a lon# ar#+.ent with the Lory( who at last t+rne% s+l'y( an% wo+l% only say( ,I a. ol%er than yo+( an% .+st 'now better'3 an% this Ali"e wo+l% not allow witho+t 'nowin# how ol% it was( an%( as the Lory *ositi$ely re&+se% to tell its a#e( there was no .ore to be sai%1 At last the ;o+se( who see.e% to be a *erson o& a+thority a.on# the.( "alle% o+t( ,Sit %own( all o& yo+( an% listen to .e4 I'LL soon .a'e yo+ %ry eno+#h4' They all sat %own at on"e( in a lar#e rin#( with the ;o+se in the .i%%le1 Ali"e 'e*t her eyes an9io+sly &i9e% on it( &or she &elt s+re she wo+l% "at"h a ba% "ol% i& she %i% not #et %ry $ery soon1 ,Ahe.4' sai% the ;o+se with an i.*ortant air( ,are yo+ all rea%y- This is the %riest thin# I 'now1 Silen"e all ro+n%( i& yo+ *lease4 @Willia. the Con5+eror( whose "a+se was &a$o+re% by the *o*e( was soon s+b.itte% to by the En#lish( who wante% lea%ers( an% ha% been o& late .+"h a""+sto.e% to +s+r*ation an% "on5+est1 E%win an% ;or"ar( the earls o& ;er"ia an% North+.bria @'

,U#h4' sai% the Lory( with a shi$er1 ,I be# yo+r *ar%on4' sai% the ;o+se( &rownin#( b+t $ery *olitely) ,Di% yo+ s*ea'-' ,Not I4' sai% the Lory hastily1 ,I tho+#ht yo+ %i%(' sai% the ;o+se1 , I *ro"ee%1 @E%win an% ;or"ar( the earls o& ;er"ia an% North+.bria( %e"lare% &or hi.) an% e$en Sti#an%( the *atrioti" ar"hbisho* o& Canterb+ry( &o+n% it a%$isable @' ,7o+n% WHAT-' sai% the D+"'1 ,7o+n% IT(' the ;o+se re*lie% rather "rossly) ,o& "o+rse yo+ 'now what @it@ .eans1' ,I 'now what @it@ .eans well eno+#h( when I &in% a thin#(' sai% the D+"') ,it's #enerally a &ro# or a wor.1 The 5+estion is( what %i% the ar"hbisho* &in%-' TRACK 01_03_02 The ;o+se %i% not noti"e this 5+estion( b+t h+rrie%ly went on( ,@ &o+n% it a%$isable to #o with E%#ar Athelin# to .eet Willia. an% o&&er hi. the "rown1 Willia.'s "on%+"t at &irst was .o%erate1 =+t the insolen"e o& his Nor.ans @ How are yo+ #ettin# on now( .y %ear-' it "ontin+e%( t+rnin# to Ali"e as it s*o'e1 ,As wet as e$er(' sai% Ali"e in a .elan"holy tone) ,it %oesn't see. to %ry .e at all1' ,In that "ase(' sai% the Do%o sole.nly( risin# to its &eet( ,I .o$e that the .eetin# a%8o+rn( &or the i..e%iate a%o*tion o& .ore ener#eti" re.e%ies ' ,S*ea' En#lish4' sai% the Ea#let1 ,I %on't 'now the .eanin# o& hal& those lon# wor%s( an%( what's .ore( I %on't belie$e yo+ %o either4' An% the Ea#let bent %own its hea% to hi%e a s.ile) so.e o& the other bir%s tittere% a+%ibly1 ,What I was #oin# to say(' sai% the Do%o in an o&&en%e% tone( ,was( that the best thin# to #et +s %ry wo+l% be a Ca+"+s ra"e1' ,What IS a Ca+"+s ra"e-' sai% Ali"e3 not that she wante% .+"h to 'now( b+t the Do%o ha% *a+se% as i& it tho+#ht that SO;E=OD2 o+#ht to s*ea'( an% no one else see.e% in"line% to say anythin#1 ,Why(' sai% the Do%o( ,the best way to e9*lain it is to %o it1' /An%( as yo+ .i#ht li'e to try the thin# yo+rsel&( so.e winter %ay( I will tell yo+ how the Do%o .ana#e% it10 7irst it .ar'e% o+t a ra"e "o+rse( in a sort o& "ir"le( /,the e9a"t sha*e %oesn't .atter(' it sai%(0 an% then all the *arty were *la"e% alon# the "o+rse( here an% there1 There was no ,One( two( three( an% away(' b+t they be#an r+nnin# when they li'e%( an% le&t o&& when they li'e%( so that it was not easy to 'now when the ra"e was o$er1 Howe$er( when they ha% been r+nnin# hal& an ho+r or so( an% were 5+ite %ry a#ain( the Do%o s+%%enly "alle% o+t ,The ra"e is o$er4' an% they all "row%e% ro+n% it( *antin#( an% as'in#( ,=+t who has won-' This 5+estion the Do%o "o+l% not answer witho+t a #reat %eal o& tho+#ht( an% it sat &or a lon# ti.e with one &in#er *resse% +*on its &orehea% /the *osition in whi"h yo+ +s+ally see Sha'es*eare( in the *i"t+res o& hi.0( while the rest waite% in silen"e1 At last the Do%o sai%( ,EVER2=OD2 has won( an% all .+st ha$e *ri?es1' K

,=+t who is to #i$e the *ri?es-' 5+ite a "hor+s o& $oi"es as'e%1 ,Why( SHE( o& "o+rse(' sai% the Do%o( *ointin# to Ali"e with one &in#er3 an% the whole *arty at on"e "row%e% ro+n% her( "allin# o+t in a "on&+se% way( ,Pri?es4 Pri?es4' Ali"e ha% no i%ea what to %o( an% in %es*air she *+t her han% in her *o"'et( an% *+lle% o+t a bo9 o& "o.&its( /l+"'ily the salt water ha% not #ot into it0( an% han%e% the. ro+n% as *ri?es1 There was e9a"tly one a *ie"e all ro+n%1 ,=+t she .+st ha$e a *ri?e hersel&( yo+ 'now(' sai% the ;o+se1 ,O& "o+rse(' the Do%o re*lie% $ery #ra$ely1 ,What else ha$e yo+ #ot in yo+r *o"'et-' he went on( t+rnin# to Ali"e1 ,Only a thi.ble(' sai% Ali"e sa%ly1 ,Han% it o$er here(' sai% the Do%o1 Then they all "row%e% ro+n% her on"e .ore( while the Do%o sole.nly *resente% the thi.ble( sayin# ,We be# yo+r a""e*tan"e o& this ele#ant thi.ble'3 an%( when it ha% &inishe% this short s*ee"h( they all "heere%1 Ali"e tho+#ht the whole thin# $ery abs+r%( b+t they all loo'e% so #ra$e that she %i% not %are to la+#h3 an%( as she "o+l% not thin' o& anythin# to say( she si.*ly bowe%( an% too' the thi.ble( loo'in# as sole.n as she "o+l%1 The ne9t thin# was to eat the "o.&its) this "a+se% so.e noise an% "on&+sion( as the lar#e bir%s "o.*laine% that they "o+l% not taste theirs( an% the s.all ones "ho'e% an% ha% to be *atte% on the ba"'1 Howe$er( it was o$er at last( an% they sat %own a#ain in a rin#( an% be##e% the ;o+se to tell the. so.ethin# .ore1 ,2o+ *ro.ise% to tell .e yo+r history( yo+ 'now(' sai% Ali"e( ,an% why it is yo+ hate C an% D(' she a%%e% in a whis*er( hal& a&rai% that it wo+l% be o&&en%e% a#ain1 ,;ine is a lon# an% a sa% tale4' sai% the ;o+se( t+rnin# to Ali"e( an% si#hin#1 ,It IS a lon# tail( "ertainly(' sai% Ali"e( loo'in# %own with won%er at the ;o+se's tail3 ,b+t why %o yo+ "all it sa%-' TRACK 01_03_03 An% she 'e*t on *+??lin# abo+t it while the ;o+se was s*ea'in#( so that her i%ea o& the tale was so.ethin# li'e this) `!ury said to a mouse, "hat he met in the house, #$et us %oth go to law& I will prosecute 'O() **+ome, I ll ta,e no L

denial- We must have a trial& !or really this morning I ve nothing to do)# .aid the mouse to the cur, #.uch a trial, dear .ir, With no jury or judge, would %e wasting our %reath)# #I ll %e judge, I ll %e jury,# .aid cunning old !ury& #I ll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death)# ,2o+ are not atten%in#4' sai% the ;o+se to Ali"e se$erely1 ,What are yo+ thin'in# o&-' ,I be# yo+r *ar%on(' sai% Ali"e $ery h+.bly) ,yo+ ha% #ot to the &i&th ben%( I thin'-' ,I ha% NOT4' "rie% the ;o+se( shar*ly an% $ery an#rily1 ,A 'not4' sai% Ali"e( always rea%y to .a'e hersel& +se&+l( an% loo'in# an9io+sly abo+t her1 ,Oh( %o let .e hel* to +n%o it4' ,I shall %o nothin# o& the sort(' sai% the ;o+se( #ettin# +* an% wal'in# away1 ,2o+ ins+lt .e by tal'in# s+"h nonsense4' !M

,I %i%n't .ean it4' *lea%e% *oor Ali"e1 ,=+t yo+'re so easily o&&en%e%( yo+ 'now4' The ;o+se only #rowle% in re*ly1 ,Please "o.e ba"' an% &inish yo+r story4' Ali"e "alle% a&ter it3 an% the others all 8oine% in "hor+s( ,2es( *lease %o4' b+t the ;o+se only shoo' its hea% i.*atiently( an% wal'e% a little 5+i"'er1 ,What a *ity it wo+l%n't stay4' si#he% the Lory( as soon as it was 5+ite o+t o& si#ht3 an% an ol% Crab too' the o**ort+nity o& sayin# to her %a+#hter ,Ah( .y %ear4 Let this be a lesson to yo+ ne$er to lose 2OUR te.*er4' ,Hol% yo+r ton#+e( ;a4' sai% the yo+n# Crab( a little sna**ishly1 ,2o+'re eno+#h to try the *atien"e o& an oyster4' ,I wish I ha% o+r Dinah here( I 'now I %o4' sai% Ali"e alo+%( a%%ressin# nobo%y in *arti"+lar1 ,She'% soon &et"h it ba"'4' ,An% who is Dinah( i& I .i#ht $ent+re to as' the 5+estion-' sai% the Lory1 Ali"e re*lie% ea#erly( &or she was always rea%y to tal' abo+t her *et) ,Dinah's o+r "at1 An% she's s+"h a "a*ital one &or "at"hin# .i"e yo+ "an't thin'4 An% oh( I wish yo+ "o+l% see her a&ter the bir%s4 Why( she'll eat a little bir% as soon as loo' at it4' This s*ee"h "a+se% a'able sensation a.on# the *arty1 So.e o& the bir%s h+rrie% o&& at on"e) one ol% ;a#*ie be#an wra**in# itsel& +* $ery "are&+lly('in#( ,I really .+st be #ettin# ho.e3 the ni#ht air %oesn't s+it .y throat4' an% a Canary "alle% o+t in a tre.blin# $oi"e to its "hil%ren( ,Co.e away( .y %ears4 It's hi#h ti.e yo+ were all in be%4' On $ario+s *rete9ts they all .o$e% o&&( an% Ali"e was soon le&t alone1 ,I wish I ha%n't .entione% Dinah4' she sai% to hersel& in a .elan"holy tone1 ,Nobo%y see.s to li'e her( %own here( an% I'. s+re she's the best "at in the worl%4 Oh( .y %ear Dinah4 I won%er i& I shall e$er see yo+ any .ore4' An% here *oor Ali"e be#an to "ry a#ain( &or she &elt $ery lonely an% low s*irite%1 In a little while( howe$er( she a#ain hear% a little *atterin# o& &ootste*s in the %istan"e( an% she loo'e% +* ea#erly( hal& ho*in# that the ;o+se ha% "han#e% his .in%( an% was " ba"' to &inish his story1

TRACK 01_04_01

CHAPTER IV The Rabbit Sen%s in a Little =ill It was the White Rabbit( trottin# slowly ba"' a#ain( an% loo'in# an9io+sly abo+t as it went( as i& it ha% lost so.ethin#3 an% she hear% it .+tterin# to itsel& ,The D+"hess4 The D+"hess4 Oh .y %ear *aws4 Oh .y &+r an% whis'ers4 She'll #et .e e9e"+te%( as s+re as &errets are &errets4 Where CAN I ha$e %ro**e% the.( I won%er-' Ali"e #+esse% in a .o.ent that it was loo'in# &or the &an an% the *air o& white 'i% #lo$es( an% she $ery #oo% nat+re%ly be#an h+ntin# abo+t &or the.( b+t they were nowhere to be seen e$erythin# see.e% to ha$e "han#e% sin"e her swi. in the *ool( an% the #reat hall( with the #lass table an% the little %oor( ha% $anishe% "o.*letely1 Very soon the Rabbit noti"e% Ali"e( as she went h+ntin# abo+t( an% "alle% o+t to her in an an#ry tone( ,Why( ;ary Ann( what ARE yo+ %oin# o+t here- R+n ho.e this .o.ent( an% &et"h .e a *air o& #lo$es an% a &an4 E+i"'( now4' An% Ali"e was so .+"h &ri#htene% that she ran o&& at on"e in the %ire"tion it *ointe% to( witho+t tryin# to e9*lain the .ista'e it ha% .a%e1


,He too' .e &or his' she sai% to hersel& as she ran1 ,How s+r*rise% he'll be when he &in%s o+t who I a.4 =+t I'% better ta'e hi. his &an an% #lo$es that is( i& I "an &in% the.1' As she sai% this( she "a.e +*on a neat little ho+se( on the %oor o& whi"h was a bri#ht brass *late with the na.e ,W1 RA==IT' en#ra$e% +*on it1 She went in witho+t 'no"'in#( an% h+rrie% +*stairs( in #reat &ear lest she sho+l% .eet the real ;ary Ann( an% be t+rne% o+t o& the ho+se be&ore she ha% &o+n% the &an an% #lo$es1 ,How 5+eer it see.s(' Ali"e sai% to hersel&( ,to be #oin# .essa#es &or a rabbit4 I s+**ose Dinah'll be sen%in# .e on .essa#es ne9t4' An% she be#an &an"yin# the sort o& thin# that wo+l% ha**en) ,@;iss Ali"e4 Co.e here %ire"tly( an% #et rea%y &or yo+r wal'4@ in a .in+te( n+rse4 =+t I'$e #ot to see that the .o+se %oesn't #et o+t1@ Only I %on't thin'(' Ali"e went on( ,that they'% let Dinah sto* in the ho+se i& it be#an or%erin# *eo*le abo+t li'e that4' =y this ti.e she ha% &o+n% her way into a ti%y little roo. with a table in the win%ow( an% on it /as she ha% ho*e%0 a &an an% two or three *airs o& tiny white 'i% #lo$es) she too' +* the &an an% a *air o& the #lo$es( an% was 8+st #oin# to lea$e the roo.( when her eye &ell +*on a little bottle that stoo% near the loo'in# #lass1 There was no label this ti.e with the wor%s ,DRIN6 ;E(' b+t ne$ertheless she +n"or'e% it an% *+t it to her li*s1 ,I 'now SO;ETHIN: interestin# is s+re to ha**en(' she sai% to hersel&( ,whene$er I eat or %rin' anythin#3 so I'll 8+st see what this bottle %oes1 I %o ho*e it'll .a'e .e #row lar#e a#ain( &or really I'. 5+ite tire% o& bein# s+"h a tiny little thin#4' It %i% so in%ee%( an% .+"h sooner than she ha% e9*e"te%) be&ore she ha% %r+n' hal& the bottle( she &o+n% her hea% *ressin# a#ainst the "eilin#( an% ha% to stoo* to sa$e her ne"' &ro. bein# bro'en1 She hastily *+t %own the bottle( sayin# to hersel& ,That's 5+ite eno+#h I ho*e I shan't #row any .ore As it is( I "an't #et o+t at the %oor I %o wish I ha%n't %r+n' 5+ite so .+"h4' Alas4 it was too late to wish that4 She went on #rowin#( an% #rowin#( an% $ery soon ha% to 'neel %own on the &loor) in another .in+te there was not e$en roo. &or this( an% she trie% the e&&e"t o& lyin# %own with one elbow a#ainst the %oor( an% the other ar. "+rle% ro+n% her hea%1 Still she went on #rowin#( an%( as a last reso+r"e( she *+t one ar. o+t o& the win%ow( an% one &oot +* the "hi.ney( an% sai% to hersel& ,Now I "an %o no .ore( whate$er ha**ens1 What WILL be"o.e o& .e-' TRACK 01_04_02 L+"'ily &or Ali"e( the little .a#i" bottle ha% now ha% its &+ll e&&e"t( an% she #rew no lar#er) still it was $ery +n"o.&ortable( an%( as there see.e% to be no sort o& "han"e o& her e$er #ettin# o+t o& the roo. a#ain( no won%er she &elt +nha**y1 ,It was .+"h *leasanter at ho.e(' tho+#ht *oor Ali"e( ,when one wasn't always #rowin# lar#er an% s.aller( an% bein# or%ere% abo+t by .i"e an% rabbits1 I al.ost wish I ha%n't #one %own that rabbit hole an% yet an% yet it's rather "+rio+s( yo+ 'now( this sort o& li&e4 I %o won%er what CAN ha$e ha**ene% to .e4 When I +se% to rea% &airy tales( I &an"ie% that 'in% o& thin# ne$er ha**ene%( an% now here I a. in the .i%%le o& one4 There o+#ht to be a boo' written abo+t .e( that there o+#ht4 An% when I #row +*( I'll write one b+t I'. #rown +* now(' she a%%e% in a sorrow&+l tone3 ,at least there's no roo. to #row +* any .ore HERE1' ,=+t then(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,shall I NEVER #et any ol%er than I a. now- That'll be a "o.&ort( one way ne$er to be an ol% b+t then always to ha$e lessons to learn4 Oh( I sho+l%n't li'e THAT4' ,Oh( yo+ &oolish Ali"e4' she answere% hersel&1 ,How "an yo+ learn lessons in here- Why( there's har%ly roo. &or 2OU( an% no roo. at all &or any lesson boo's4' An% so she went on( ta'in# &irst one si%e an% then the other( an% .a'in# 5+ite a "on$ersation o& it alto#ether3 b+t a&ter a &ew .in+tes she hear% a $oi"e o+tsi%e( an% sto**e% to listen1


,;ary Ann4 ;ary Ann4' sai% the $oi"e1 ,7et"h .e .y #lo$es this .o.ent4' Then "a.e a little *atterin# o& &eet on the stairs1 Ali"e 'new it was the Rabbit " to loo' &or her( an% she tre.ble% till she shoo' the ho+se( 5+ite &or#ettin# that she was now abo+t a tho+san% as lar#e as the Rabbit( an% ha% no reason to be a&rai% o& it1 Presently the Rabbit "a.e +* to the %oor( an% trie% to o*en it3 b+t( as the %oor o*ene% inwar%s( an% Ali"e's elbow was *resse% har% a#ainst it( that atte.*t *ro$e% a &ail+re1 Ali"e hear% it say to itsel& ,Then I'll #o ro+n% an% #et in at the win%ow1' ,THAT yo+ won't' tho+#ht Ali"e( an%( a&ter waitin# till she &an"ie% she hear% the Rabbit 8+st +n%er the win%ow( she s+%%enly s*rea% o+t her han%( an% .a%e a snat"h in the air1 She %i% not #et hol% o& anythin#( b+t she hear% a little shrie' an% a &all( an% a "rash o& bro'en #lass( &ro. whi"h she "on"l+%e% that it was 8+st *ossible it ha% &allen into a "+"+.ber &ra.e( or so.ethin# o& the sort1 Ne9t "a.e an an#ry $oi"e the Rabbit's ,Pat4 Pat4 Where are yo+-' An% then a $oi"e she ha% ne$er hear% be&ore( ,S+re then I'. here4 Di##in# &or a**les( yer hono+r4' ,Di##in# &or a**les( in%ee%4' sai% the Rabbit an#rily1 ,Here4 Co.e an% hel* .e o+t o& THIS4' /So+n%s o& .ore bro'en #lass10 ,Now tell .e( Pat( what's that in the win%ow-' ,S+re( it's an ar.( yer hono+r4' /He *rono+n"e% it ,arr+.1'0 ,An ar.( yo+ #oose4 Who e$er saw one that si?e- Why( it &ills the whole win%ow4' ,S+re( it %oes( yer hono+r) b+t it's an ar. &or all that1' ,Well( it's #ot no b+siness there( at any rate) #o an% ta'e it away4' TRACK 01_04_03 There was a lon# silen"e a&ter this( an% Ali"e "o+l% only hear whis*ers now an% then3 s+"h as( ,S+re( I %on't li'e it( yer hono+r( at all( at all4' ,Do as I tell yo+( yo+ "owar%4' an% at last she s*rea% o+t her han% a#ain( an% .a%e another snat"h in the air1 This ti.e there were TWO little shrie's( an% .ore so+n%s o& bro'en #lass1 ,What a n+.ber o& "+"+.ber & there .+st be4' tho+#ht Ali"e1 ,I won%er what they'll %o ne9t4 As &or *+llin# .e o+t o& the win%ow( I only wish they COULD4 I'. s+re I %on't want to stay in here any lon#er4' She waite% &or so.e ti.e witho+t hearin# anythin# .ore) at last "a.e a r+.blin# o& little "artwheels( an% the so+n% o& a #oo% .any $oi"es all tal'in# to#ether) she .a%e o+t the wor%s) ,Where's the other la%%er- Why( I ha%n't to brin# b+t one3 =ill's #ot the other =ill4 &et"h it here( la%4 Here( *+t 'e. +* at this "orner No( tie 'e. to#ether &irst they %on't rea"h hal& hi#h eno+#h yet Oh4 they'll %o well eno+#h3 %on't be *arti"+lar Here( =ill4 "at"h hol% o& this ro*e Will the roo& bear-I;in% that loose slate Oh( it's " %own4 Hea%s below4' /a lo+% "rash0 ,Now( who %i% that- It was =ill( I &an"y Who's to #o %own the "hi.ney- Nay( I shan't4 2OU %o it4 That I won't( then4 =ill's to #o %own Here( =ill4 the .aster says yo+'re to #o %own the "hi.ney4' ,Oh4 So =ill's #ot to "o.e %own the "hi.ney( has he-' sai% Ali"e to hersel&1 ,Shy( they see. to *+t e$erythin# +*on =ill4 I wo+l%n't be in =ill's *la"e &or a #oo% %eal) this &ire*la"e is narrow( to be s+re3 b+t I THIN6 I "an 'i"' a little4'


She %rew her &oot as &ar %own the "hi.ney as she "o+l%( an% waite% till she hear% a little /she "o+l%n't #+ess o& what sort it was0 s"rat"hin# an% s"ra.blin# abo+t in the "hi.ney "lose abo$e her) then( sayin# to hersel& ,This is =ill(' she #a$e one shar* 'i"'( an% waite% to see what wo+l% ha**en ne9t1 The &irst thin# she hear% was a #eneral "hor+s o& ,There #oes =ill4' then the Rabbit's $oi"e alon# ,Cat"h hi.( yo+ by the he%#e4' then silen"e( an% then another "on&+sion o& $oi"es ,Hol% +* his hea% =ran%y now Don't "ho'e hi. How was it( ol% &ellow- What ha**ene% to yo+- Tell +s all abo+t it4' Last "a.e a little &eeble( s5+ea'in# $oi"e( /,That's =ill(' tho+#ht Ali"e(0 ,Well( I har%ly 'now No .ore( than' ye3 I'. better now b+t I'. a %eal too &l+stere% to tell yo+ all I 'now is( so.ethin# " at .e li'e a Fa"' in the bo9( an% +* I #oes li'e a s'y ro"'et4' ,So yo+ %i%( ol% &ellow4' sai% the others1 ,We .+st b+rn the ho+se %own4' sai% the Rabbit's $oi"e3 an% Ali"e "alle% o+t as lo+% as she "o+l%( ,I& yo+ %o1 I'll set Dinah at yo+4' There was a %ea% silen"e instantly( an% Ali"e tho+#ht to hersel&( ,I won%er what they WILL %o ne9t4 I& they ha% any sense( they'% ta'e the roo& o&&1' A&ter a .in+te or two( they be#an .o$in# abo+t a#ain( an% Ali"e hear% the Rabbit say( ,A barrow&+l will %o( to be#in with1' ,A barrow&+l o& WHAT-' tho+#ht Ali"e3 b+t she ha% not lon# to %o+bt( &or the ne9t .o.ent a shower o& little *ebbles "a.e rattlin# in at the win%ow( an% so.e o& the. hit her in the &a"e1 ,I'll *+t a sto* to this(' she sai% to hersel&( an% sho+te% o+t( ,2o+'% better not %o that a#ain4' whi"h *ro%+"e% another %ea% silen"e1 Ali"e noti"e% with so.e s+r*rise that the *ebbles were all t+rnin# into little "a'es as they lay on the &loor( an% a bri#ht i%ea "a.e into her hea%1 ,I& I eat one o& these "a'es(' she tho+#ht( ,it's s+re to .a'e SO;E "han#e in .y si?e3 an% as it "an't *ossibly .a'e .e lar#er( it .+st .a'e .e s.aller( I s+**ose1' So she swallowe% one o& the "a'es( an% was %eli#hte% to &in% that she be#an shrin'in# %ire"tly1 As soon as she was s.all eno+#h to #et thro+#h the %oor( she ran o+t o& the ho+se( an% &o+n% 5+ite a "row% o& little ani.als an% bir%s waitin# o+tsi%e1 The *oor little Li?ar%( =ill( was in the .i%%le( bein# hel% +* by two #+inea *i#s( who were #i$in# it so.ethin# o+t o& a bottle1 TRACK 01_04_04 They all .a%e a r+sh at Ali"e the .o.ent she a**eare%3 b+t she ran o&& as har% as she "o+l%( an% soon &o+n% hersel& sa&e in a thi"' woo%1 ,The &irst thin# I'$e #ot to %o(' sai% Ali"e to hersel&( as she wan%ere% abo+t in the woo%( ,is to #row to .y ri#ht si?e a#ain3 an% the se"on% thin# is to &in% .y way into that lo$ely #ar%en1 I thin' that will be the best *lan1' It so+n%e% an e9"ellent *lan( no %o+bt( an% $ery neatly an% si.*ly arran#e%3 the only %i&&i"+lty was( that she ha% not the s.allest i%ea how to set abo+t it3 an% while she was *eerin# abo+t an9io+sly a.on# the trees( a little shar* bar' 8+st o$er her hea% .a%e her loo' +* in a #reat h+rry1 An enor.o+s *+**y was loo'in# %own at her with lar#e ro+n% eyes( an% &eebly stret"hin# o+t one *aw( tryin# to to+"h her1 ,Poor little thin#4' sai% Ali"e( in a "oa9in# tone( an% she trie% har% to whistle to it3 b+t she was terribly &ri#htene% all the ti.e at the tho+#ht that it .i#ht be h+n#ry( in whi"h "ase it wo+l% be $ery li'ely to eat her +* in s*ite o& all her "oa9in#1 Har%ly 'nowin# what she %i%( she *i"'e% +* a little bit o& sti"'( an% hel% it o+t to the *+**y3 where+*on the *+**y 8+.*e% into the air o&& all its &eet at on"e( with a yel* o& %eli#ht( an% r+she% at the sti"'( an% .a%e belie$e to worry it3 then Ali"e %o%#e% behin% a #reat thistle( to 'ee* hersel& &ro. bein# r+n o$er3 an% the .o.ent she a**eare% on the other si%e( the *+**y .a%e another r+sh at the sti"'( an% t+.ble% hea% o$er heels in its h+rry to #et hol% o& it3 then Ali"e( thin'in# it was $ery li'e ha$in# a #a.e o& *lay with a "art horse( an% e9*e"tin# e$ery .o.ent to be tra.*le% +n%er its &eet( ran ro+n% the thistle a#ain3 then the *+**y be#an a series o& short "har#es at !D

the sti"'( r+nnin# a $ery little way &orwar%s ea"h ti.e an% a lon# way ba"'( an% bar'in# hoarsely all the while( till at last it sat %own a #oo% way o&&( *antin#( with its ton#+e han#in# o+t o& its .o+th( an% its #reat eyes hal& sh+t1 This see.e% to Ali"e a #oo% o**ort+nity &or .a'in# her es"a*e3 so she set o&& at on"e( an% ran till she was 5+ite tire% an% o+t o& breath( an% till the *+**y's bar' so+n%e% 5+ite &aint in the %istan"e1 ,An% yet what a %ear little *+**y it was4' sai% Ali"e( as she leant a#ainst a b+tter"+* to rest hersel&( an% &anne% hersel& with one o& the lea$es) ,I sho+l% ha$e li'e% tea"hin# it tri"'s $ery .+"h( i& i& I'% only been the ri#ht si?e to %o it4 Oh %ear4 I'% nearly &or#otten that I'$e #ot to #row +* a#ain4 Let .e see how IS it to be .ana#e%- I s+**ose I o+#ht to eat or %rin' so.ethin# or other3 b+t the #reat 5+estion is( what-' The #reat 5+estion "ertainly was( what- Ali"e loo'e% all ro+n% her at the &lowers an% the bla%es o& #rass( b+t she %i% not see anythin# that loo'e% li'e the ri#ht thin# to eat or %rin' +n%er the "ir"+.stan"es1 There was a lar#e .+shroo. #rowin# near her( abo+t the sa.e hei#ht as hersel&3 an% when she ha% loo'e% +n%er it( an% on both si%es o& it( an% behin% it( it o""+rre% to her that she .i#ht as well loo' an% see what was on the to* o& it1 She stret"he% hersel& +* on ti*toe( an% *ee*e% o$er the e%#e o& the .+shroo.( an% her eyes i..e%iately .et those o& a lar#e "ater*illar( that was sittin# on the to* with its ar.s &ol%e%( 5+ietly s.o'in# a lon# hoo'ah( an% ta'in# not the s.allest noti"e o& her or o& anythin# else1 TRACK 01_05_01 CHAPTER V A%$i"e &ro. a Cater*illar The Cater*illar an% Ali"e loo'e% at ea"h other &or so.e ti.e in silen"e) at last the Cater*illar too' the hoo'ah o+t o& its .o+th( an% a%%resse% her in a lan#+i%( slee*y $oi"e1 ,Who are 2OU-' sai% the Cater*illar1 This was not an en"o+ra#in# o*enin# &or a "on$ersation1 Ali"e re*lie%( rather shyly( ,I I har%ly 'now( sir( 8+st at *resent at least I 'now who I WAS when I #ot +* this .ornin#( b+t I thin' I .+st ha$e been "han#e% se$eral sin"e then1' ,What %o yo+ .ean by that-' sai% the Cater*illar sternly1 ,E9*lain yo+rsel&4' ,I "an't e9*lain ;2SEL7( I'. a&rai%( sir' sai% Ali"e( ,be"a+se I'. not .ysel&( yo+ see1' ,I %on't see(' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,I'. a&rai% I "an't *+t it .ore "learly(' Ali"e re*lie% $ery *olitely( ,&or I "an't +n%erstan% it .ysel& to be#in with3 an% bein# so .any %i&&erent si?es in a %ay is $ery "on&+sin#1' ,It isn't(' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,Well( *erha*s yo+ ha$en't &o+n% it so yet(' sai% Ali"e3 ,b+t when yo+ ha$e to t+rn into a "hrysalis yo+ will so.e %ay( yo+ 'now an% then a&ter that into a b+tter&ly( I sho+l% thin' yo+'ll &eel it a little 5+eer( won't yo+-' ,Not a bit(' sai% the Cater*illar1 !G

,Well( *erha*s yo+r &eelin#s .ay be %i&&erent(' sai% Ali"e3 ,all I 'now is( it wo+l% &eel $ery 5+eer to ;E1' ,2o+4' sai% the Cater*illar "onte.*t+o+sly1 ,Who are 2OU-' Whi"h bro+#ht the. ba"' a#ain to the be#innin# o& the "on$ersation1 Ali"e &elt a little irritate% at the Cater*illar's .a'in# s+"h VER2 short's( an% she %rew hersel& +* an% sai%( $ery #ra$ely( ,I thin'( yo+ o+#ht to tell .e who 2OU are( &irst1' ,Why-' sai% the Cater*illar1 Here was another *+??lin# 5+estion3 an% as Ali"e "o+l% not thin' o& any #oo% reason( an% as the Cater*illar see.e% to be in a VER2 +n*leasant state o& .in%( she t+rne% away1 ,Co.e ba"'4' the Cater*illar "alle% a&ter her1 ,I'$e so.ethin# i.*ortant to say4' This so+n%e% *ro.isin#( "ertainly) Ali"e t+rne% an% "a.e ba"' a#ain1 ,6ee* yo+r te.*er(' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,Is that all-' sai% Ali"e( swallowin# %own her an#er as well as she "o+l%1 ,No(' sai% the Cater*illar1 Ali"e tho+#ht she .i#ht as well wait( as she ha% nothin# else to %o( an% *erha*s a&ter all it .i#ht tell her so.ethin# worth hearin#1 7or so.e .in+tes it *+&&e% away witho+t s*ea'in#( b+t at last it +n&ol%e% its ar.s( too' the hoo'ah o+t o& its .o+th a#ain( an% sai%( ,So yo+ thin' yo+'re "han#e%( %o yo+-' ,I'. a&rai% I a.( sir(' sai% Ali"e3 ,I "an't re.e.ber thin#s as I +se% an% I %on't 'ee* the sa.e si?e &or ten .in+tes to#ether4' ,Can't re.e.ber WHAT thin#s-' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,Well( I'$e trie% to say @HOW DOTH THE LITTLE =US2 =EE(@ b+t it all "a.e %i&&erent4' Ali"e re*lie% in a $ery .elan"holy $oi"e1 ,Re*eat( @2OU ARE OLD( 7ATHER WILLIA;(@' sai% the Cater*illar1 TRACK 01_05_02 Ali"e &ol%e% her han%s( an% be#an) `'ou are old, !ather William, the young man said, `And your hair has %ecome very whiteAnd yet you incessantly stand on your head** /o you thin,, at your age, it is right0 !H

`In my youth, !ather William replied to his son, `I feared it might injure the %rain1ut, now that I m perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again) `'ou are old, said the youth, `as I mentioned %efore, And have grown most uncommonly fat'et you turned a %ac,*somersault in at the door** 2ray, what is the reason of that0 `In my youth, said the sage, as he shoo, his grey loc,s, `I ,ept all my lim%s very supple 1y the use of this ointment**one shilling the %o3** Allow me to sell you a couple0 `'ou are old, said the youth, `and your jaws are too wea, !or anything tougher than suet'et you finished the goose, with the %ones and the %ea,** 2ray how did you manage to do it0 `In my youth, said his father, `I too, to the law, And argued each case with my wifeAnd the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life) `'ou are old, said the youth, `one would hardly suppose "hat your eye was as steady as ever'et you %alanced an eel on the end of your nose** What made you so awfully clever0 `I have answered three 4uestions, and that is enough, .aid his father- `don t give yourself airs! /o you thin, I can listen all day to such stuff0 1e off, or I ll ,ic, you down stairs! ,That is not sai% ri#ht(' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,Not EUITE ri#ht( I'. a&rai%(' sai% Ali"e( ti.i%ly3 ,so.e o& the wor%s ha$e #ot altere%1' ,It is wron# &ro. be#innin# to en%(' sai% the Cater*illar %e"i%e%ly( an% there was silen"e &or so.e .in+tes1 The Cater*illar was the &irst to s*ea'1 ,What si?e %o yo+ want to be-' it as'e%1 !J

,Oh( I'. not *arti"+lar as to si?e(' Ali"e hastily re*lie%3 ,only one %oesn't li'e "han#in# so o&ten( yo+ 'now1' ,I DON'T 'now(' sai% the Cater*illar1 Ali"e sai% nothin#) she ha% ne$er been so .+"h "ontra%i"te% in her li&e be&ore( an% she &elt that she was losin# her te.*er1 ,Are yo+ "ontent now-' sai% the Cater*illar1 ,Well( I sho+l% li'e to be a LITTLE lar#er( sir( i& yo+ wo+l%n't .in%(' sai% Ali"e) ,three in"hes is s+"h a wret"he% hei#ht to be1' ,It is a $ery #oo% hei#ht in%ee%4' sai% the Cater*illar an#rily( rearin# itsel& +*ri#ht as it s*o'e /it was e9a"tly three in"hes hi#h01 ,=+t I'. not +se% to it4' *lea%e% *oor Ali"e in a *iteo+s tone1 An% she tho+#ht o& hersel&( ,I wish the "reat+res wo+l%n't be so easily o&&en%e%4' ,2o+'ll #et +se% to it in ti.e(' sai% the Cater*illar3 an% it *+t the hoo'ah into its .o+th an% be#an s.o'in# a#ain1 This ti.e Ali"e waite% *atiently +ntil it "hose to s*ea' a#ain1 In a .in+te or two the Cater*illar too' the hoo'ah o+t o& its .o+th an% yawne% on"e or twi"e( an% shoo' itsel&1 Then it #ot %own o&& the .+shroo.( an% "rawle% away in the #rass( .erely'in# as it went( ,One si%e will .a'e yo+ #row taller( an% the other si%e will .a'e yo+ #row shorter1' ,One si%e o& WHAT- The other si%e o& WHAT-' tho+#ht Ali"e to hersel&1 ,O& the .+shroo.(' sai% the Cater*illar( 8+st as i& she ha% as'e% it alo+%3 an% in another .o.ent it was o+t o& si#ht1 TRACK 01_05_03 Ali"e re.aine% loo'in# tho+#ht&+lly at the .+shroo. &or a .in+te( tryin# to .a'e o+t whi"h were the two si%es o& it3 an% as it was *er&e"tly ro+n%( she &o+n% this a $ery %i&&i"+lt 5+estion1 Howe$er( at last she stret"he% her ar.s ro+n% it as &ar as they wo+l% #o( an% bro'e o&& a bit o& the e%#e with ea"h han%1 ,An% now whi"h is whi"h-' she sai% to hersel&( an% nibble% a little o& the ri#ht han% bit to try the e&&e"t) the ne9t .o.ent she &elt a $iolent blow +n%erneath her "hin) it ha% str+"' her &oot4 She was a #oo% %eal &ri#htene% by this $ery s+%%en "han#e( b+t she &elt that there was no ti.e to be lost( as she was shrin'in# ra*i%ly3 so she set to wor' at on"e to eat so.e o& the other bit1 Her "hin was *resse% so "losely a#ainst her &oot( that there was har%ly roo. to o*en her .o+th3 b+t she %i% it at last( an% .ana#e% to swallow a .orsel o& the le&than% bit1 A A A A A A A A A A A A !K A

,Co.e( .y hea%'s &ree at last4' sai% Ali"e in a tone o& %eli#ht( whi"h "han#e% into alar. in another .o.ent( when she &o+n% that her sho+l%ers were nowhere to be &o+n%) all she "o+l% see( when she loo'e% %own( was an i..ense len#th o& ne"'( whi"h see.e% to rise li'e a stal' o+t o& a sea o& #reen lea$es that lay &ar below her1 ,What CAN all that #reen st+&& be-' sai% Ali"e1 ,An% where HAVE .y sho+l%ers #ot to- An% oh( .y *oor han%s( how is it I "an't see yo+-' She was .o$in# the. abo+t as she s*o'e( b+t no res+lt see.e% to &ollow( e9"e*t a little sha'in# a.on# the %istant #reen lea$es1 As there see.e% to be no "han"e o& #ettin# her han%s +* to her hea%( she trie% to #et her hea% %own to the.( an% was %eli#hte% to &in% that her ne"' wo+l% ben% abo+t easily in any %ire"tion( li'e a ser*ent1 She ha% 8+st s+""ee%e% in "+r$in# it %own into a #ra"e&+l ?i#?a#( an% was #oin# to %i$e in a.on# the lea$es( whi"h she &o+n% to be nothin# b+t the to*s o& the trees +n%er whi"h she ha% been wan%erin#( when a shar* hiss .a%e her %raw ba"' in a h+rry) a lar#e *i#eon ha% &lown into her &a"e( an% was beatin# her $iolently with its win#s1 ,Ser*ent4' s"rea.e% the Pi#eon1 ,I'. NOT a ser*ent4' sai% Ali"e in%i#nantly1 ,Let .e alone4' ,Ser*ent( I say a#ain4' re*eate% the Pi#eon( b+t in a .ore s+b%+e% tone( an% a%%e% with a 'in% o& sob( ,I'$e trie% e$ery way( an% nothin# see.s to s+it the.4' ,I ha$en't the least i%ea what yo+'re tal'in# abo+t(' sai% Ali"e1 ,I'$e trie% the roots o& trees( an% I'$e trie% ban's( an% I'$e trie% he%#es(' the Pi#eon went on( witho+t atten%in# to her3 ,b+t those ser*ents4 There's no *leasin# the.4' Ali"e was .ore an% .ore *+??le%( b+t she tho+#ht there was no +se in sayin# anythin# .ore till the Pi#eon ha% &inishe%1 ,As i& it wasn't tro+ble eno+#h hat"hin# the e##s(' sai% the Pi#eon3 ,b+t I .+st be on the loo' o+t &or ser*ents ni#ht an% %ay4 Why( I ha$en't ha% a win' o& slee* these three wee's4' ,I'. $ery sorry yo+'$e been annoye%(' sai% Ali"e( who was be#innin# to see its .eanin#1 ,An% 8+st as I'% ta'en the hi#hest tree in the woo%(' "ontin+e% the Pi#eon( raisin# its $oi"e to a shrie'( ,an% 8+st as I was thin'in# I sho+l% be &ree o& the. at last( they .+st nee%s "o.e wri##lin# %own &ro. the s'y4 U#h( Ser*ent4' ,=+t I'. NOT a ser*ent( I tell yo+4' sai% Ali"e1 ,I'. a I'. a ' ,Well4 WHAT are yo+-' sai% the Pi#eon1 ,I "an see yo+'re tryin# to in$ent so.ethin#4' ,I I'. a little #irl(' sai% Ali"e( rather %o+bt&+lly( as she re.e.bere% the n+.ber o& "han#es she ha% #one thro+#h that %ay1


,A li'ely story in%ee%4' sai% the Pi#eon in a tone o& the %ee*est "onte.*t1 ,I'$e seen a #oo% .any little #irls in .y ti.e( b+t ne$er ONE with s+"h a ne"' as that4 No( no4 2o+'re a ser*ent3 an% there's no +se %enyin# it1 I s+**ose yo+'ll be tellin# .e ne9t that yo+ ne$er taste% an e##4' ,I HAVE taste% e##s( "ertainly(' sai% Ali"e( who was a $ery tr+th&+l "hil%3 ,b+t little #irls eat e##s 5+ite as .+"h as ser*ents %o( yo+ 'now1' ,I %on't belie$e it(' sai% the Pi#eon3 ,b+t i& they %o( why then they're a 'in% o& ser*ent( that's all I "an say1' This was s+"h a new i%ea to Ali"e( that she was 5+ite silent &or a .in+te or two( whi"h #a$e the Pi#eon the o**ort+nity o& a%%in#( ,2o+'re loo'in# &or e##s( I 'now THAT well eno+#h3 an% what %oes it .atter to .e whether yo+'re a little #irl or a ser*ent-' ,It .atters a #oo% %eal to ;E(' sai% Ali"e hastily3 ,b+t I'. not loo'in# &or e##s( as it ha**ens3 an% i& I was( I sho+l%n't want 2OURS) I %on't li'e the. raw1' ,Well( be o&&( then4' sai% the Pi#eon in a s+l'y tone( as it settle% %own a#ain into its nest1 Ali"e "ro+"he% %own a.on# the trees as well as she "o+l%( &or her ne"' 'e*t #ettin# entan#le% a.on# the bran"hes( an% e$ery now an% then she ha% to sto* an% +ntwist it1 A&ter a while she re.e.bere% that she still hel% the *ie"es o& .+shroo. in her han%s( an% she set to wor' $ery "are&+lly( nibblin# &irst at one an% then at the other( an% #rowin# taller an% shorter( +ntil she ha% s+""ee%e% in brin#in# hersel& %own to her +s+al hei#ht1 It was so lon# sin"e she ha% been anythin# near the ri#ht si?e( that it &elt 5+ite stran#e at &irst3 b+t she #ot +se% to it in a &ew .in+tes( an% be#an tal'in# to hersel&( as +s+al1 ,Co.e( there's hal& .y *lan %one now4 How *+??lin# all these "han#es are4 I'. ne$er s+re what I'. #oin# to be( &ro. one .in+te to another4 Howe$er( I'$e #ot ba"' to .y ri#ht si?e) the ne9t thin# is( to #et into that bea+ti&+l #ar%en how IS that to be %one( I won%er-' As she sai% this( she "a.e s+%%enly +*on an o*en *la"e( with a little ho+se in it abo+t &o+r &eet hi#h1 ,Whoe$er li$es there(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,it'll ne$er %o to "o.e +*on the. THIS si?e) why( I sho+l% &ri#hten the. o+t o& their wits4' So she be#an nibblin# at the ri#hthan% bit a#ain( an% %i% not $ent+re to #o near the ho+se till she ha% bro+#ht hersel& %own to nine in"hes hi#h1 TRACK 01_06_01 CHAPTER VI Pi# an% Pe**er 7or a .in+te or two she stoo% loo'in# at the ho+se( an% won%erin# what to %o ne9t( when s+%%enly a & in li$ery "a.e r+nnin# o+t o& the woo% /she "onsi%ere% hi. to be a & be"a+se he was in li$ery) otherwise( 8+%#in# by his &a"e only( she wo+l% ha$e "alle% hi. a &ish0 an% ra**e% lo+%ly at the %oor with his 'n+"'les1 It was o*ene% by another & in li$ery( with a ro+n% &a"e( an% lar#e eyes li'e a &ro#3 an% both &oot.en( Ali"e noti"e%( ha% *ow%ere% hair that "+rle% all o$er their hea%s1 She &elt $ery "+rio+s to 'now what it was all abo+t( an% "re*t a little way o+t o& the woo% to listen1 The 7ish be#an by *ro%+"in# &ro. +n%er his ar. a #reat letter( nearly as lar#e as hi.sel&( an% this he han%e% o$er to the other( sayin#( in a sole.n tone( ,7or the D+"hess1 An in$itation &ro. the E+een to *lay "ro5+et1' The 7ro# re*eate%( in the sa.e sole.n tone( only "han#in# the or%er o& the wor%s a little( ,7ro. the E+een1 An in$itation &or the D+"hess to *lay "ro5+et1' Then they both bowe% low( an% their "+rls #ot entan#le% to#ether1


Ali"e la+#he% so .+"h at this( that she ha% to r+n ba"' into the woo% &or &ear o& their hearin# her3 an% when she ne9t *ee*e% o+t the 7ish was #one( an% the other was sittin# on the #ro+n% near the %oor( starin# st+*i%ly +* into the s'y1 Ali"e went ti.i%ly +* to the %oor( an% 'no"'e%1 ,There's no sort o& +se in 'no"'in#(' sai% the ,an% that &or two reasons1 7irst( be"a+se I'. on the sa.e si%e o& the %oor as yo+ are3 se"on%ly( be"a+se they're .a'in# s+"h a noise insi%e( no one "o+l% *ossibly hear yo+1' An% "ertainly there was a .ost e9traor%inary noise #oin# on within a "onstant howlin# an% snee?in#( an% e$ery now an% then a #reat "rash( as i& a %ish or 'ettle ha% been bro'en to *ie"es1 ,Please( then(' sai% Ali"e( ,how a. I to #et in-' TRACK 01_06_02 ,There .i#ht be so.e sense in yo+r 'no"'in#(' the went on witho+t atten%in# to her( ,i& we ha% the %oor between +s1 7or instan"e( i& yo+ were INSIDE( yo+ .i#ht 'no"'( an% I "o+l% let yo+ o+t( yo+ 'now1' He was loo'in# +* into the s'y all the ti.e he was s*ea'in#( an% this Ali"e tho+#ht %e"i%e%ly +n"i$il1 ,=+t *erha*s he "an't hel* it(' she sai% to hersel&3 ,his eyes are so VER2 nearly at the to* o& his hea%1 =+t at any rate he .i#ht answer 5+estions1 How a. I to #et in-' she re*eate%( alo+%1 ,I shall sit here(' the'e%( ,till to.orrow ' At this .o.ent the %oor o& the ho+se o*ene%( an% a lar#e *late "a.e s' o+t( strai#ht at the's hea%) it 8+st #ra?e% his nose( an% bro'e to *ie"es a#ainst one o& the trees behin% hi.1 , or ne9t %ay( .aybe(' the "ontin+e% in the sa.e tone( e9a"tly as i& nothin# ha% ha**ene%1 ,How a. I to #et in-' as'e% Ali"e a#ain( in a lo+%er tone1 ,ARE yo+ to #et in at all-' sai% the 7oot.an1 ,That's the &irst 5+estion( yo+ 'now1' It was( no %o+bt) only Ali"e %i% not li'e to be tol% so1 ,It's really %rea%&+l(' she .+ttere% to hersel&( ,the way all the "reat+res ar#+e1 It's eno+#h to %ri$e one "ra?y4' The see.e% to thin' this a #oo% o**ort+nity &or re*eatin# his'( with $ariations1 ,I shall sit here(' he sai%( ,on an% o&&( &or %ays an% %ays1' ,=+t what a. I to %o-' sai% Ali"e1 ,Anythin# yo+ li'e(' sai% the an% be#an whistlin#1 ,Oh( there's no +se in tal'in# to hi.(' sai% Ali"e %es*erately) ,he's *er&e"tly i%ioti"4' An% she o*ene% the %oor an% went in1 The %oor le% ri#ht into a lar#e 'it"hen( whi"h was &+ll o& s.o'e &ro. one en% to the other) the D+"hess was sittin# on a three le##e% stool in the .i%%le( n+rsin# a baby3 the "oo' was leanin# o$er the &ire( stirrin# a lar#e "a+l%ron whi"h see.e% to be &+ll o& so+*1 ,There's "ertainly too .+"h *e**er in that so+*4' Ali"e sai% to hersel&( as well as she "o+l% &or snee?in#1 >!

There was "ertainly too .+"h o& it in the air1 E$en the D+"hess snee?e% o""asionally3 an% as &or the baby( it was snee?in# an% howlin# alternately witho+t a .o.ent's *a+se1 The only thin#s in the 'it"hen that %i% not snee?e( were the "oo'( an% a lar#e "at whi"h was sittin# on the hearth an% #rinnin# &ro. ear to ear1 ,Please wo+l% yo+ tell .e(' sai% Ali"e( a little ti.i%ly( &or she was not 5+ite s+re whether it was #oo% .anners &or her to s*ea' &irst( ,why yo+r "at #rins li'e that-' ,It's a Cheshire "at(' sai% the D+"hess( ,an% that's why1 Pi#4' She sai% the last wor% with s+"h s+%%en $iolen"e that Ali"e 5+ite 8+.*e%3 b+t she saw in another .o.ent that it was a%%resse% to the baby( an% not to her( so she too' "o+ra#e( an% went on a#ain) TRACK 01_06_03 ,I %i%n't 'now that Cheshire "ats always #rinne%3 in &a"t( I %i%n't 'now that "ats COULD #rin1' ,They all "an(' sai% the D+"hess3 ,an% .ost o& 'e. %o1' ,I %on't 'now o& any that %o(' Ali"e sai% $ery *olitely( &eelin# 5+ite *lease% to ha$e #ot into a "on$ersation1 ,2o+ %on't 'now .+"h(' sai% the D+"hess3 ,an% that's a &a"t1' Ali"e %i% not at all li'e the tone o& this'( an% tho+#ht it wo+l% be as well to intro%+"e so.e other s+b8e"t o& "on$ersation1 While she was tryin# to &i9 on one( the "oo' too' the "a+l%ron o& so+* o&& the &ire( an% at on"e set to wor' throwin# e$erythin# within her rea"h at the D+"hess an% the baby the &ire irons "a.e &irst3 then &ollowe% a shower o& sa+"e*ans( *lates( an% %ishes1 The D+"hess too' no noti"e o& the. e$en when they hit her3 an% the baby was howlin# so .+"h alrea%y( that it was 5+ite i.*ossible to say whether the blows h+rt it or not1 ,Oh( PLEASE .in% what yo+'re %oin#4' "rie% Ali"e( 8+.*in# +* an% %own in an a#ony o& terror1 ,Oh( there #oes his PRECIOUS nose'3 as an +n+s+ally lar#e sa+"e*an &lew "lose by it( an% $ery nearly "arrie% it o&&1 ,I& e$erybo%y .in%e% their own b+siness(' the D+"hess sai% in a hoarse #rowl( ,the worl% wo+l% #o ro+n% a %eal &aster than it %oes1' ,Whi"h wo+l% NOT be an a%$anta#e(' sai% Ali"e( who &elt $ery #la% to #et an o**ort+nity o& showin# o&& a little o& her 'nowle%#e1 ,F+st thin' o& what wor' it wo+l% .a'e with the %ay an% ni#ht4 2o+ see the earth ta'es twenty &o+r ho+rs to t+rn ro+n% on its a9is ' ,Tal'in# o& a9es(' sai% the D+"hess( ,"ho* o&& her hea%4' Ali"e #lan"e% rather an9io+sly at the "oo'( to see i& she .eant to ta'e the hint3 b+t the "oo' was b+sily stirrin# the so+*( an% see.e% not to be listenin#( so she went on a#ain) ,Twenty &o+r ho+rs( I THIN63 or is it twel$e- I ' ,Oh( %on't bother ;E(' sai% the D+"hess3 ,I ne$er "o+l% abi%e &i#+res4' An% with that she be#an n+rsin# her "hil% a#ain( sin#in# a sort o& l+llaby to it as she %i% so( an% #i$in# it a $iolent sha'e at the en% o& e$ery line) `.pea, roughly to your little %oy, And %eat him when he snee5es& >>

He only does it to annoy, 1ecause he ,nows it teases) CHORUS1 /In whi"h the "oo' an% the baby 8oine%0) `Wow! wow! wow! While the D+"hess san# the se"on% $erse o& the son#( she 'e*t tossin# the baby $iolently +* an% %own( an% the *oor little thin# howle% so( that Ali"e "o+l% har%ly hear the wor%s) `I spea, severely to my %oy, I %eat him when he snee5es!or he can thoroughly enjoy "he pepper when he pleases! CHORUS1 `Wow! wow! wow! ,Here4 yo+ .ay n+rse it a bit( i& yo+ li'e4' the D+"hess sai% to Ali"e( &lin#in# the baby at her as she s*o'e1 ,I .+st #o an% #et rea%y to *lay "ro5+et with the E+een(' an% she h+rrie% o+t o& the roo.1 The "oo' threw a &ryin# *an a&ter her as she went o+t( b+t it 8+st .isse% her1 Ali"e "a+#ht the baby with so.e %i&&i"+lty( as it was a 5+eer sha*e% little "reat+re( an% hel% o+t its ar.s an% le#s in all %ire"tions( ,8+st li'e a star &ish(' tho+#ht Ali"e1 The *oor little thin# was snortin# li'e a stea. en#ine when she "a+#ht it( an% 'e*t %o+blin# itsel& +* an% strai#htenin# itsel& o+t a#ain( so that alto#ether( &or the &irst .in+te or two( it was as .+"h as she "o+l% %o to hol% it1 As soon as she ha% .a%e o+t the *ro*er way o& n+rsin# it( /whi"h was to twist it +* into a sort o& 'not( an% then 'ee* ti#ht hol% o& its ri#ht ear an% le&t &oot( so as to *re$ent its +n%oin# itsel&(0 she "arrie% it o+t into the o*en air1 ,I7 I %on't ta'e this "hil% away with .e(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,they're s+re to 'ill it in a %ay or two) wo+l%n't it be .+r%er to lea$e it behin%-' She sai% the last wor%s o+t lo+%( an% the little thin# #r+nte% in re*ly /it ha% le&t o&& snee?in# by this ti.e01 ,Don't #r+nt(' sai% Ali"e3 ,that's not at all a *ro*er way o& e9*ressin# yo+rsel&1' The baby #r+nte% a#ain( an% Ali"e loo'e% $ery an9io+sly into its &a"e to see what was the .atter with it1 There "o+l% be no %o+bt that it ha% a VER2 t+rn +* nose( .+"h .ore li'e a sno+t than a real nose3 also its eyes were #ettin# e9tre.ely s.all &or a baby) alto#ether Ali"e %i% not li'e the loo' o& the thin# at all1 ,=+t *erha*s it was only sobbin#(' she tho+#ht( an% loo'e% into its eyes a#ain( to see i& there were any tears1 No( there were no tears1 ,I& yo+'re #oin# to t+rn into a *i#( .y %ear(' sai% Ali"e( serio+sly( ,I'll ha$e nothin# .ore to %o with yo+1 ;in% now4' The *oor little thin# sobbe% a#ain /or #r+nte%( it was i.*ossible to say whi"h0( an% they went on &or so.e while in silen"e1 Ali"e was 8+st be#innin# to thin' to hersel&( ,Now( what a. I to %o with this "reat+re when I #et it ho.e-' when it #r+nte% a#ain( so $iolently( that she loo'e% %own into its &a"e in so.e alar.1 This ti.e there "o+l% be NO .ista'e abo+t it) it was neither .ore nor less than a *i#( an% she &elt that it wo+l% be 5+ite abs+r% &or her to "arry it &+rther1


So she set the little "reat+re %own( an% &elt 5+ite relie$e% to see it trot away 5+ietly into the woo%1 ,I& it ha% #rown +*(' she sai% to hersel&( ,it wo+l% ha$e .a%e a %rea%&+lly +#ly "hil%) b+t it .a'es rather a han%so.e *i#( I thin'1' An% she be#an thin'in# o$er other "hil%ren she 'new( who .i#ht %o $ery well as *i#s( an% was 8+st sayin# to hersel&( ,i& one only 'new the ri#ht way to "han#e the. ' when she was a little startle% by seein# the Cheshire Cat sittin# on a bo+#h o& a tree a &ew yar%s o&&1 The Cat only #rinne% when it saw Ali"e1 It loo'e% #oo% nat+re%( she tho+#ht) still it ha% VER2 lon# "laws an% a #reat .any teeth( so she &elt that it o+#ht to be treate% with res*e"t1 TRACK 01_06_04 ,Cheshire P+ss(' she be#an( rather ti.i%ly( as she %i% not at all 'now whether it wo+l% li'e the na.e) howe$er( it only #rinne% a little wi%er1 ,Co.e( it's *lease% so &ar(' tho+#ht Ali"e( an% she went on1 ,Wo+l% yo+ tell .e( *lease( whi"h way I o+#ht to #o &ro. here-' ,That %e*en%s a #oo% %eal on where yo+ want to #et to(' sai% the Cat1 ,I %on't .+"h "are where ' sai% Ali"e1 ,Then it %oesn't .atter whi"h way yo+ #o(' sai% the Cat1 , so lon# as I #et SO;EWHERE(' Ali"e a%%e% as an e9*lanation1 ,Oh( yo+'re s+re to %o that(' sai% the Cat( ,i& yo+ only wal' lon# eno+#h1' Ali"e &elt that this "o+l% not be %enie%( so she trie% another 5+estion1 ,What sort o& *eo*le li$e abo+t here-' ,In THAT %ire"tion(' the Cat sai%( wa$in# its ri#ht *aw ro+n%( ,li$es a Hatter) an% in THAT %ire"tion(' wa$in# the other *aw( ,li$es a ;ar"h Hare1 Visit either yo+ li'e) they're both .a%1' ,=+t I %on't want to #o a.on# .a% *eo*le(' Ali"e'e%1 ,Oh( yo+ "an't hel* that(' sai% the Cat) ,we're all .a% here1 I'. .a%1 2o+'re .a%1' ,How %o yo+ 'now I'. .a%-' sai% Ali"e1 ,2o+ .+st be(' sai% the Cat( ,or yo+ wo+l%n't ha$e "o.e here1' Ali"e %i%n't thin' that *ro$e% it at all3 howe$er( she went on ,An% how %o yo+ 'now that yo+'re .a%-' ,To be#in with(' sai% the Cat( ,a %o#'s not .a%1 2o+ #rant that-' ,I s+**ose so(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Well( then(' the Cat went on( ,yo+ see( a %o# #rowls when it's an#ry( an% wa#s its tail when it's *lease%1 Now I #rowl when I'. *lease%( an% wa# .y tail when I'. an#ry1 There&ore I'. .a%1'


,I "all it *+rrin#( not #rowlin#(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Call it what yo+ li'e(' sai% the Cat1 ,Do yo+ *lay "ro5+et with the E+een to %ay-' ,I sho+l% li'e it $ery .+"h(' sai% Ali"e( ,b+t I ha$en't been in$ite% yet1' ,2o+'ll see .e there(' sai% the Cat( an% $anishe%1 Ali"e was not .+"h s+r*rise% at this( she was #ettin# so +se% to 5+eer thin#s ha**enin#1 While she was loo'in# at the *la"e where it ha% been( it s+%%enly a**eare% a#ain1 ,=y the bye( what be"a.e o& the baby-' sai% the Cat1 ,I'% nearly &or#otten to as'1' ,It t+rne% into a *i#(' Ali"e 5+ietly sai%( 8+st as i& it ha% "o.e ba"' in a nat+ral way1 ,I tho+#ht it wo+l%(' sai% the Cat( an% $anishe% a#ain1 Ali"e waite% a little( hal& e9*e"tin# to see it a#ain( b+t it %i% not a**ear( an% a&ter a .in+te or two she wal'e% on in the %ire"tion in whi"h the ;ar"h Hare was sai% to li$e1 ,I'$e seen hatters be&ore(' she sai% to hersel&3 ,the ;ar"h Hare will be .+"h the .ost interestin#( an% *erha*s as this is ;ay it won't be ra$in# .a% at least not so .a% as it was in ;ar"h1' As she sai% this( she loo'e% +*( an% there was the Cat a#ain( sittin# on a bran"h o& a tree1 ,Di% yo+ say *i#( or &i#-' sai% the Cat1 ,I sai% *i#(' re*lie% Ali"e3 ,an% I wish yo+ wo+l%n't 'ee* a**earin# an% $anishin# so s+%%enly) yo+ .a'e one 5+ite #i%%y1' ,All ri#ht(' sai% the Cat3 an% this ti.e it $anishe% 5+ite slowly( be#innin# with the en% o& the tail( an% en%in# with the #rin( whi"h re.aine% so.e ti.e a&ter the rest o& it ha% #one1 ,Well4 I'$e o&ten seen a "at witho+t a #rin(' tho+#ht Ali"e3 ,b+t a #rin witho+t a "at4 It's the .ost "+rio+s thin# I e$er saw in .y li&e4' She ha% not #one .+"h &arther be&ore she "a.e in si#ht o& the ho+se o& the ;ar"h Hare) she tho+#ht it .+st be the ri#ht ho+se( be"a+se the "hi.neys were sha*e% li'e ears an% the roo& was that"he% with &+r1 It was so lar#e a ho+se( that she %i% not li'e to #o nearer till she ha% nibble% so.e .ore o& the le&than% bit o& .+shroo.( an% raise% hersel& to abo+t two &eet hi#h) e$en then she wal'e% +* towar%s it rather ti.i%ly( sayin# to hersel& ,S+**ose it sho+l% be ra$in# .a% a&ter all4 I al.ost wish I'% #one to see the Hatter instea%4' TRACK 01_07_01 CHAPTER VII A ;a% Tea Party There was a table set o+t +n%er a tree in &ront o& the ho+se( an% the ;ar"h Hare an% the Hatter were ha$in# tea at it) a Dor.o+se was sittin# between the.( &ast aslee*( an% the other two were +sin# it as a "+shion( restin# their elbows on it( an% tal'in# o$er its hea%1 ,Very +n"o.&ortable &or the Dor.o+se(' tho+#ht Ali"e3 ,only( as it's aslee*( I s+**ose it %oesn't .in%1' >G

The table was a lar#e one( b+t the three were all "row%e% to#ether at one "orner o& it) ,No roo.4 No roo.4' they "rie% o+t when they saw Ali"e " ,There's PLENT2 o& roo.4' sai% Ali"e in%i#nantly( an% she sat %own in a lar#e ar. "hair at one en% o& the table1 ,Ha$e so.e wine(' the ;ar"h Hare sai% in an en"o+ra#in# tone1 Ali"e loo'e% all ro+n% the table( b+t there was nothin# on it b+t tea1 ,I %on't see any wine(' she'e%1 ,There isn't any(' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,Then it wasn't $ery "i$il o& yo+ to o&&er it(' sai% Ali"e an#rily1 ,It wasn't $ery "i$il o& yo+ to sit %own witho+t bein# in$ite%(' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,I %i%n't 'now it was 2OUR table(' sai% Ali"e3 ,it's lai% &or a #reat .any .ore than three1' ,2o+r hair wants "+ttin#(' sai% the Hatter1 He ha% been loo'in# at Ali"e &or so.e ti.e with #reat "+riosity( an% this was his &irst s*ee"h1 ,2o+ sho+l% learn not to .a'e *ersonal's(' Ali"e sai% with so.e se$erity3 ,it's $ery r+%e1' The Hatter o*ene% his eyes $ery wi%e on hearin# this3 b+t all he SAID was( ,Why is a ra$en li'e a writin# %es'-' ,Co.e( we shall ha$e so.e &+n now4' tho+#ht Ali"e1 ,I'. #la% they'$e be#+n as'in# ri%%les1 I belie$e I "an #+ess that(' she a%%e% alo+%1 ,Do yo+ .ean that yo+ thin' yo+ "an &in% o+t the answer to it-' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,E9a"tly so(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Then yo+ sho+l% say what yo+ .ean(' the ;ar"h Hare went on1 ,I %o(' Ali"e hastily re*lie%3 ,at least at least I .ean what I say that's the sa.e thin#( yo+ 'now1' ,Not the sa.e thin# a bit4' sai% the Hatter1 ,2o+ .i#ht 8+st as well say that @I see what I eat@ is the sa.e thin# as @I eat what I see@4' ,2o+ .i#ht 8+st as well say(' a%%e% the ;ar"h Hare( ,that @I li'e what I #et@ is the sa.e thin# as @I #et what I li'e@4' ,2o+ .i#ht 8+st as well say(' a%%e% the Dor.o+se( who see.e% to be tal'in# in his slee*( ,that @I breathe when I slee*@ is the sa.e thin# as @I slee* when I breathe@4' ,It IS the sa.e thin# with yo+(' sai% the Hatter( an% here the "on$ersation %ro**e%( an% the *arty sat silent &or a .in+te( while Ali"e tho+#ht o$er all she "o+l% re.e.ber abo+t ra$ens an% writin# %es's( whi"h wasn't .+"h1 >H

The Hatter was the &irst to brea' the silen"e1 ,What %ay o& the .onth is it-' he sai%( t+rnin# to Ali"e) he ha% ta'en his wat"h o+t o& his *o"'et( an% was loo'in# at it +neasily( sha'in# it e$ery now an% then( an% hol%in# it to his ear1 Ali"e "onsi%ere% a little( an% then sai% ,The &o+rth1' ,Two %ays wron#4' si#he% the Hatter1 ,I tol% yo+ b+tter wo+l%n't s+it the wor's4' he a%%e% loo'in# an#rily at the ;ar"h Hare1 ,It was the =EST b+tter(' the ;ar"h Hare .ee'ly re*lie%1 ,2es( b+t so.e " .+st ha$e #ot in as well(' the Hatter #r+.ble%) ,yo+ sho+l%n't ha$e *+t it in with the brea% 'ni&e1' The ;ar"h Hare too' the wat"h an% loo'e% at it #loo.ily) then he %i**e% it into his "+* o& tea( an% loo'e% at it a#ain) b+t he "o+l% thin' o& nothin# better to say than his &irst'( ,It was the =EST b+tter( yo+ 'now1' Ali"e ha% been loo'in# o$er his sho+l%er with so.e "+riosity1 ,What a &+nny wat"h4' she'e%1 ,It tells the %ay o& the .onth( an% %oesn't tell what o'"lo"' it is4' ,Why sho+l% it-' .+ttere% the Hatter1 ,Does 2OUR wat"h tell yo+ what year it is-' ,O& "o+rse not(' Ali"e re*lie% $ery rea%ily) ,b+t that's be"a+se it stays the sa.e year &or s+"h a lon# ti.e to#ether1' ,Whi"h is 8+st the "ase with ;INE(' sai% the Hatter1 Ali"e &elt %rea%&+lly *+??le%1 The Hatter's' see.e% to ha$e no sort o& .eanin# in it( an% yet it was "ertainly En#lish1 ,I %on't 5+ite +n%erstan% yo+(' she sai%( as *olitely as she "o+l%1 ,The Dor.o+se is aslee* a#ain(' sai% the Hatter( an% he *o+re% a little hot tea +*on its nose1 The Dor.o+se shoo' its hea% i.*atiently( an% sai%( witho+t o*enin# its eyes( ,O& "o+rse( o& "o+rse3 8+st what I was #oin# to' .ysel&1' ,Ha$e yo+ #+esse% the ri%%le yet-' the Hatter sai%( t+rnin# to Ali"e a#ain1 ,No( I #i$e it +*(' Ali"e re*lie%) ,what's the answer-' ,I ha$en't the sli#htest i%ea(' sai% the Hatter1 ,Nor I(' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 TRACK 01_07_02 Ali"e si#he% wearily1 ,I thin' yo+ .i#ht %o so.ethin# better with the ti.e(' she sai%( ,than waste it in as'in# ri%%les that ha$e no answers1'


,I& yo+ 'new Ti.e as well as I %o(' sai% the Hatter( ,yo+ wo+l%n't tal' abo+t wastin# IT1 It's HI;1' ,I %on't 'now what yo+ .ean(' sai% Ali"e1 ,O& "o+rse yo+ %on't4' the Hatter sai%( tossin# his hea% "onte.*t+o+sly1 ,I %are say yo+ ne$er e$en s*o'e to Ti.e4' ,Perha*s not(' Ali"e "a+tio+sly re*lie%) ,b+t I 'now I ha$e to beat ti.e when I learn .+si"1' ,Ah4 that a""o+nts &or it(' sai% the Hatter1 ,He won't stan% beatin#1 Now( i& yo+ only 'e*t on #oo% ter.s with hi.( he'% %o al.ost anythin# yo+ li'e% with the "lo"'1 7or instan"e( s+**ose it were nine o'"lo"' in the .ornin#( 8+st ti.e to be#in lessons) yo+'% only ha$e to whis*er a hint to Ti.e( an% ro+n% #oes the "lo"' in a twin'lin#4 Hal& *ast one( ti.e &or %inner4' /,I only wish it was(' the ;ar"h Hare sai% to itsel& in a whis*er10 ,That wo+l% be #ran%( "ertainly(' sai% Ali"e tho+#ht&+lly) ,b+t then I sho+l%n't be h+n#ry &or it( yo+ 'now1' ,Not at &irst( *erha*s(' sai% the Hatter) ,b+t yo+ "o+l% 'ee* it to hal& *ast one as lon# as yo+ li'e%1' ,Is that the way 2OU .ana#e-' Ali"e as'e%1 The Hatter shoo' his hea% .o+rn&+lly1 ,Not I4' he re*lie%1 ,We 5+arrelle% last ;ar"h 8+st be&ore HE went .a%( yo+ 'now '/*ointin# with his tea s*oon at the ;ar"h Hare(0 , it was at the #reat "on"ert #i$en by the E+een o& Hearts( an% I ha% to sin# #"win,le, twin,le, little %at! How I wonder what you re at!# 2o+ 'now the son#( *erha*s-' ,I'$e hear% so.ethin# li'e it(' sai% Ali"e1 ,It #oes on( yo+ 'now(' the Hatter "ontin+e%( ,in this way) #(p a%ove the world you fly, $i,e a tea*tray in the s,y) "win,le, twin,le**# Here the Dor.o+se shoo' itsel&( an% be#an sin#in# in its slee* ,Twin'le( twin'le( twin'le( twin'le ' an% went on so lon# that they ha% to *in"h it to .a'e it sto*1 ,Well( I'% har%ly &inishe% the &irst $erse(' sai% the Hatter( ,when the E+een 8+.*e% +* an% bawle% o+t( @He's .+r%erin# the ti.e4 O&& with his hea%4@' ,How %rea%&+lly sa$a#e4' e9"lai.e% Ali"e1 >K

,An% e$er sin"e that(' the Hatter went on in a .o+rn&+l tone( ,he won't %o a thin# I as'4 It's always si9 o'"lo"' now1' A bri#ht i%ea "a.e into Ali"e's hea%1 ,Is that the reason so .any tea thin#s are *+t o+t here-' she as'e%1 ,2es( that's it(' sai% the Hatter with a si#h) ,it's always tea ti.e( an% we'$e no ti.e to wash the thin#s between whiles1' ,Then yo+ 'ee* .o$in# ro+n%( I s+**ose-' sai% Ali"e1 ,E9a"tly so(' sai% the Hatter) ,as the thin#s #et +se% +*1' ,=+t what ha**ens when yo+ "o.e to the be#innin# a#ain-' Ali"e $ent+re% to as'1 ,S+**ose we "han#e the s+b8e"t(' the ;ar"h Hare interr+*te%( yawnin#1 ,I'. #ettin# tire% o& this1 I $ote the yo+n# la%y tells +s a story1' ,I'. a&rai% I %on't 'now one(' sai% Ali"e( rather alar.e% at the *ro*osal1 ,Then the Dor.o+se shall4' they both "rie%1 ,Wa'e +*( Dor.o+se4' An% they *in"he% it on both si%es at on"e1 The Dor.o+se slowly o*ene% his eyes1 ,I wasn't aslee*(' he sai% in a hoarse( &eeble $oi"e) ,I hear% e$ery wor% yo+ &ellows were sayin#1' ,Tell +s a story4' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,2es( *lease %o4' *lea%e% Ali"e1 ,An% be 5+i"' abo+t it(' a%%e% the Hatter( ,or yo+'ll be aslee* a#ain be&ore it's %one1' ,On"e +*on a ti.e there were three little sisters(' the Dor.o+se be#an in a #reat h+rry3 ,an% their were Elsie( La"ie( an% Tillie3 an% they li$e% at the botto. o& a well ' ,What %i% they li$e on-' sai% Ali"e( who always too' a #reat interest in 5+estions o& eatin# an% %rin'in#1 ,They li$e% on trea"le(' sai% the Dor.o+se( a&ter thin'in# a .in+te or two1 ,They "o+l%n't ha$e %one that( yo+ 'now(' Ali"e #ently'e%3 ,they'% ha$e been ill1' ,So they were(' sai% the Dor.o+se3 ,VER2 ill1' TRACK 01_07_03 Ali"e trie% to &an"y to hersel& what s+"h an e9traor%inary ways o& li$in# wo+l% be li'e( b+t it *+??le% her too .+"h( so she went on) ,=+t why %i% they li$e at the botto. o& a well-' >L

,Ta'e so.e .ore tea(' the ;ar"h Hare sai% to Ali"e( $ery earnestly1 ,I'$e ha% nothin# yet(' Ali"e re*lie% in an o&&en%e% tone( ,so I "an't ta'e .ore1' ,2o+ .ean yo+ "an't ta'e LESS(' sai% the Hatter) ,it's $ery easy to ta'e ;ORE than nothin#1' ,Nobo%y as'e% 2OUR o*inion(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Who's .a'in# *ersonal's now-' the Hatter as'e% tri+.*hantly1 Ali"e %i% not 5+ite 'now what to say to this) so she hel*e% hersel& to so.e tea an% brea% an% b+tter( an% then t+rne% to the Dor.o+se( an% re*eate% her 5+estion1 ,Why %i% they li$e at the botto. o& a well-' The Dor.o+se a#ain too' a .in+te or two to thin' abo+t it( an% then sai%( ,It was a trea"le well1' ,There's no s+"h thin#4' Ali"e was be#innin# $ery an#rily( b+t the Hatter an% the ;ar"h Hare went ,Sh4 sh4' an% the Dor.o+se s+l'ily'e%( ,I& yo+ "an't be "i$il( yo+'% better &inish the story &or yo+rsel&1' ,No( *lease #o on4' Ali"e sai% $ery h+.bly3 ,I won't interr+*t a#ain1 I %are say there .ay be ONE1' ,One( in%ee%4' sai% the Dor.o+se in%i#nantly1 Howe$er( he "onsente% to #o on1 ,An% so these three little sisters Ithey were learnin# to %raw( yo+ 'now ' ,What %i% they %raw-' sai% Ali"e( 5+ite &or#ettin# her *ro.ise1 ,Trea"le(' sai% the Dor.o+se( witho+t "onsi%erin# at all this ti.e1 ,I want a "lean "+*(' interr+*te% the Hatter) ,let's all .o$e one *la"e on1' He .o$e% on as he s*o'e( an% the Dor.o+se &ollowe% hi.) the ;ar"h Hare .o$e% into the Dor.o+se's *la"e( an% Ali"e rather +nwillin#ly too' the *la"e o& the ;ar"h Hare1 The Hatter was the only one who #ot any a%$anta#e &ro. the "han#e) an% Ali"e was a #oo% %eal worse o&& than be&ore( as the ;ar"h Hare ha% 8+st +*set the .il' 8+# into his *late1 Ali"e %i% not wish to o&&en% the Dor.o+se a#ain( so she be#an $ery "a+tio+sly) ,=+t I %on't +n%erstan%1 Where %i% they %raw the trea"le &ro.-' ,2o+ "an %raw water o+t o& a water well(' sai% the Hatter3 ,so I sho+l% thin' yo+ "o+l% %raw trea"le o+t o& a trea"le well eh( st+*i%-' ,=+t they were IN the well(' Ali"e sai% to the Dor.o+se( not "hoosin# to noti"e this last'1 ,O& "o+rse they were'( sai% the Dor.o+se3 , well in1' This answer so "on&+se% *oor Ali"e( that she let the Dor.o+se #o on &or so.e ti.e witho+t interr+*tin# it1 BM

,They were learnin# to %raw(' the Dor.o+se went on( yawnin# an% r+bbin# its eyes( &or it was #ettin# $ery slee*y3 ,an% they %rew all .anner o& thin#s e$erythin# that be#ins with an ; ' ,Why with an ;-' sai% Ali"e1 ,Why not-' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 Ali"e was silent1 The Dor.o+se ha% "lose% its eyes by this ti.e( an% was #oin# o&& into a %o?e3 b+t( on bein# *in"he% by the Hatter( it wo'e +* a#ain with a little shrie'( an% went on) , that be#ins with an ;( s+"h as .o+se tra*s( an% the .oon( an% .e.ory( an% .+"hness yo+ 'now yo+ say thin#s are @.+"h o& a .+"hness@ %i% yo+ e$er see s+"h a thin# as a %rawin# o& a .+"hness-' ,Really( now yo+ as' .e(' sai% Ali"e( $ery .+"h "on&+se%( ,I %on't thin' ' ,Then yo+ sho+l%n't tal'(' sai% the Hatter1 This *ie"e o& r+%eness was .ore than Ali"e "o+l% bear) she #ot +* in #reat %is#+st( an% wal'e% o&&3 the Dor.o+se &ell aslee* instantly( an% neither o& the others too' the least noti"e o& her #oin#( tho+#h she loo'e% ba"' on"e or twi"e( hal& ho*in# that they wo+l% "all a&ter her) the last ti.e she saw the.( they were tryin# to *+t the Dor.o+se into the tea*ot1 ,At any rate I'll ne$er #o THERE a#ain4' sai% Ali"e as she *i"'e% her way thro+#h the woo%1 ,It's the st+*i%est tea *arty I e$er was at in all .y li&e4' F+st as she sai% this( she noti"e% that one o& the trees ha% a %oor lea%in# ri#ht into it1 ,That's $ery "+rio+s4' she tho+#ht1 ,=+t e$erythin#'s "+rio+s to%ay1 I thin' I .ay as well #o in at on"e1' An% in she went1 On"e .ore she &o+n% hersel& in the lon# hall( an% "lose to the little #lass table1 ,Now( I'll .ana#e better this ti.e(' she sai% to hersel&( an% be#an by ta'in# the little #ol%en 'ey( an% +nlo"'in# the %oor that le% into the #ar%en1 Then she went to wor' nibblin# at the .+shroo. /she ha% 'e*t a *ie"e o& it in her *o"'et0 till she was abo+t a &oot hi#h) then she wal'e% %own the little *assa#e) an% THEN she &o+n% hersel& at last in the bea+ti&+l #ar%en( a.on# the bri#ht &lower be%s an% the "ool &o+ntains1 TRACK 01_08_01 CHAPTER VIII The E+een's Cro5+et :ro+n% A lar#e rose tree stoo% near the entran"e o& the #ar%en) the roses #rowin# on it were white( b+t there were three #ar%eners at it( b+sily *aintin# the. re%1 Ali"e tho+#ht this a $ery "+rio+s thin#( an% she went nearer to wat"h the.( an% 8+st as she "a.e +* to the. she hear% one o& the. say( ,Loo' o+t now( 7i$e4 Don't #o s*lashin# *aint o$er .e li'e that4' ,I "o+l%n't hel* it(' sai% 7i$e( in a s+l'y tone3 ,Se$en 8o##e% .y elbow1' On whi"h Se$en loo'e% +* an% sai%( ,That's ri#ht( 7i$e4 Always lay the bla.e on others4' B!

,2OU'D better not tal'4' sai% 7i$e1 ,I hear% the E+een say only yester%ay yo+ %eser$e% to be behea%e%4' ,What &or-' sai% the one who ha% s*o'en &irst1 ,That's none o& 2OUR b+siness( Two4' sai% Se$en1 ,2es( it IS his b+siness4' sai% 7i$e( ,an% I'll tell hi.Iit was &or brin#in# the "oo' t+li* roots instea% o& onions1' Se$en &l+n# %own his br+sh( an% ha% 8+st be#+n ,Well( o& all the +n8+st thin#s ' when his eye "han"e% to &all +*on Ali"e( as she stoo% wat"hin# the.( an% he "he"'e% hi.sel& s+%%enly) the others loo'e% ro+n% also( an% all o& the. bowe% low1 ,Wo+l% yo+ tell .e(' sai% Ali"e( a little ti.i%ly( ,why yo+ are *aintin# those roses-' 7i$e an% Se$en sai% nothin#( b+t loo'e% at Two1 Two be#an in a low $oi"e( ,Why the &a"t is( yo+ see( ;iss( this here o+#ht to ha$e been a RED rose tree( an% we *+t a white one in by .ista'e3 an% i& the E+een was to &in% it o+t( we sho+l% all ha$e o+r hea%s "+t o&&( yo+ 'now1 So yo+ see( ;iss( we're %oin# o+r best( a&ore she " to ' At this .o.ent 7i$e( who ha% been an9io+sly loo'in# a"ross the #ar%en( "alle% o+t ,The E+een4 The E+een4' an% the three #ar%eners instantly threw the.sel$es &lat +*on their &a"es1 There was a so+n% o& .any &ootste*s( an% Ali"e loo'e% ro+n%( ea#er to see the E+een1 7irst "a.e ten sol%iers "arryin# "l+bs3 these were all sha*e% li'e the three #ar%eners( oblon# an% &lat( with their han%s an% &eet at the "orners) ne9t the ten "o+rtiers3 these were orna.ente% all o$er with %ia.on%s( an% wal'e% two an% two( as the sol%iers %i%1 A&ter these "a.e the royal "hil%ren3 there were ten o& the.( an% the little %ears "a.e 8+.*in# .errily alon# han% in han%( in "o+*les) they were all orna.ente% with hearts1 Ne9t "a.e the #+ests( .ostly 6in#s an% E+eens( an% a.on# the. Ali"e re"o#nise% the White Rabbit) it was tal'in# in a h+rrie% ner$o+s .anner( s.ilin# at e$erythin# that was sai%( an% went by witho+t noti"in# her1 Then &ollowe% the 6na$e o& Hearts( "arryin# the 6in#'s "rown on a "ri.son $el$et "+shion3 an%( last o& all this #ran% *ro"ession( "a.e THE 6IN: AND EUEEN O7 HEARTS1 TRACK 01_08_02 Ali"e was rather %o+bt&+l whether she o+#ht not to lie %own on her &a"e li'e the three #ar%eners( b+t she "o+l% not re.e.ber e$er ha$in# hear% o& s+"h a r+le at *ro"essions3 ,an% besi%es( what wo+l% be the +se o& a *ro"ession(' tho+#ht she( ,i& *eo*le ha% all to lie %own +*on their &a"es( so that they "o+l%n't see it-' So she stoo% still where she was( an% waite%1 When the *ro"ession "a.e o**osite to Ali"e( they all sto**e% an% loo'e% at her( an% the E+een sai% se$erely ,Who is this-' She sai% it to the 6na$e o& Hearts( who only bowe% an% s.ile% in re*ly1 ,I%iot4' sai% the E+een( tossin# her hea% i.*atiently3 an%( t+rnin# to Ali"e( she went on( ,What's yo+r na.e( "hil%-' ,;y na.e is Ali"e( so *lease yo+r ;a8esty(' sai% Ali"e $ery *olitely3 b+t she a%%e%( to hersel&( ,Why( they're only a *a"' o& "ar%s( a&ter all1 I nee%n't be a&rai% o& the.4' ,An% who are THESE-' sai% the E+een( *ointin# to the three #ar%eners who were lyin# ro+n% the rosetree3 &or( yo+ see( as they were lyin# on their &a"es( an% the *attern on their ba"'s was the sa.e as the rest o& the *a"'( she "o+l% not tell whether they were #ar%eners( or sol%iers( or "o+rtiers( or three o& her own "hil%ren1 ,How sho+l% I 'now-' sai% Ali"e( s+r*rise% at her own "o+ra#e1 ,It's no b+siness o& ;INE1' B>

The E+een t+rne% "ri.son with &+ry( an%( a&ter #larin# at her &or a .o.ent li'e a wil% beast( s"rea.e% ,O&& with her hea%4 O&& ' ,Nonsense4' sai% Ali"e( $ery lo+%ly an% %e"i%e%ly( an% the E+een was silent1 The 6in# lai% his han% +*on her ar.( an% ti.i%ly sai% ,Consi%er( .y %ear) she is only a "hil%4' The E+een t+rne% an#rily away &ro. hi.( an% sai% to the 6na$e ,T+rn the. o$er4' The 6na$e %i% so( $ery "are&+lly( with one &oot1 ,:et +*4' sai% the E+een( in a shrill( lo+% $oi"e( an% the three #ar%eners instantly 8+.*e% +*( an% be#an bowin# to the 6in#( the E+een( the royal "hil%ren( an% e$erybo%y else1 ,Lea$e o&& that4' s"rea.e% the E+een1 ,2o+ .a'e .e #i%%y1' An% then( t+rnin# to the rose tree( she went on( ,What HAVE yo+ been %oin# here-' ,;ay it *lease yo+r ;a8esty(' sai% Two( in a $ery h+.ble tone( #oin# %own on one 'nee as he s*o'e( ,we were tryin# ' ,I see4' sai% the E+een( who ha% .eanwhile been e9a.inin# the roses1 ,O&& with their hea%s4' an% the *ro"ession .o$e% on( three o& the sol%iers re.ainin# behin% to e9e"+te the +n&ort+nate #ar%eners( who ran to Ali"e &or *rote"tion1 ,2o+ shan't be behea%e%4' sai% Ali"e( an% she *+t the. into a lar#e &lower *ot that stoo% near1 The three sol%iers wan%ere% abo+t &or a .in+te or two( loo'in# &or the.( an% then 5+ietly .ar"he% o&& a&ter the others1 ,Are their hea%s o&&-' sho+te% the E+een1 ,Their hea%s are #one( i& it *lease yo+r ;a8esty4' the sol%iers sho+te% in re*ly1 ,That's ri#ht4' sho+te% the E+een1 ,Can yo+ *lay "ro5+et-' The sol%iers were silent( an% loo'e% at Ali"e( as the 5+estion was e$i%ently .eant &or her1 ,2es4' sho+te% Ali"e1 ,Co.e on( then4' roare% the E+een( an% Ali"e 8oine% the *ro"ession( won%erin# $ery .+"h what wo+l% ha**en ne9t1 ,It's it's a $ery &ine %ay4' sai% a ti.i% $oi"e at her si%e1 She was wal'in# by the White Rabbit( who was *ee*in# an9io+sly into her &a"e1 ,Very(' sai% Ali"e) , where's the D+"hess-'


,H+sh4 H+sh4' sai% the Rabbit in a low( h+rrie% tone1 He loo'e% an9io+sly o$er his sho+l%er as he s*o'e( an% then raise% hi.sel& +*on ti*toe( *+t his .o+th "lose to her ear( an% whis*ere% ,She's +n%er senten"e o& e9e"+tion1' ,What &or-' sai% Ali"e1 ,Di% yo+ say @What a *ity4@-' the Rabbit as'e%1 ,No( I %i%n't(' sai% Ali"e) ,I %on't thin' it's at all a *ity1 I sai% @What &or-@' ,She bo9e% the E+een's ears ' the Rabbit be#an1 Ali"e #a$e a little s"rea. o& la+#hter1 ,Oh( h+sh4' the Rabbit whis*ere% in a &ri#htene% tone1 ,The E+een will hear yo+4 2o+ see( she "a.e rather late( an% the E+een sai% ' ,:et to yo+r *la"es4' sho+te% the E+een in a $oi"e o& th+n%er( an% *eo*le be#an r+nnin# abo+t in all %ire"tions( t+.blin# +* a#ainst ea"h other3 howe$er( they #ot settle% %own in a .in+te or two( an% the #a.e be#an1 TRACK 01_08_03 Ali"e tho+#ht she ha% ne$er seen s+"h a "+rio+s "ro5+et #ro+n% in her li&e3 it was all ri%#es an% &+rrows3 the balls were li$e he%#eho#s( the .allets li$e & an% the sol%iers ha% to %o+ble the.sel$es +* an% to stan% on their han%s an% &eet( to .a'e the ar"hes1 The "hie& %i&&i"+lty Ali"e &o+n% at &irst was in .ana#in# her & she s+""ee%e% in #ettin# its bo%y t+"'e% away( "o.&ortably eno+#h( +n%er her ar.( with its le#s han#in# %own( b+t #enerally( 8+st as she ha% #ot its ne"' ni"ely strai#htene% o+t( an% was #oin# to #i$e the he%#eho# a blow with its hea%( it WOULD twist itsel& ro+n% an% loo' +* in her &a"e( with s+"h a *+??le% e9*ression that she "o+l% not hel* b+rstin# o+t la+#hin#) an% when she ha% #ot its hea% %own( an% was #oin# to be#in a#ain( it was $ery *ro$o'in# to &in% that the he%#eho# ha% +nrolle% itsel&( an% was in the a"t o& "rawlin# away) besi%es all this( there was #enerally a ri%#e or &+rrow in the way where$er she wante% to sen% the he%#eho# to( an%( as the %o+ble% +* sol%iers were always #ettin# +* an% wal'in# o&& to other *arts o& the #ro+n%( Ali"e soon "a.e to the "on"l+sion that it was a $ery %i&&i"+lt #a.e in%ee%1 The *layers all *laye% at on"e witho+t waitin# &or t+rns( 5+arrellin# all the while( an% &i#htin# &or the he%#eho#s3 an% in a $ery short ti.e the E+een was in a &+rio+s *assion( an% went sta.*in# abo+t( an% sho+tin# ,O&& with his hea%4' or ,O&& with her hea%4' abo+t on"e in a .in+te1 Ali"e be#an to &eel $ery +neasy) to be s+re( she ha% not as yet ha% any %is*+te with the E+een( b+t she 'new that it .i#ht ha**en any .in+te( ,an% then(' tho+#ht she( ,what wo+l% be"o.e o& .e- They're %rea%&+lly &on% o& behea%in# *eo*le here3 the #reat won%er is( that there's any one le&t ali$e4' She was loo'in# abo+t &or so.e way o& es"a*e( an% won%erin# whether she "o+l% #et away witho+t bein# seen( when she noti"e% a "+rio+s a**earan"e in the air) it *+??le% her $ery .+"h at &irst( b+t( a&ter wat"hin# it a .in+te or two( she .a%e it o+t to be a #rin( an% she sai% to hersel& ,It's the Cheshire Cat) now I shall ha$e so.ebo%y to tal' to1' ,How are yo+ #ettin# on-' sai% the Cat( as soon as there was .o+th eno+#h &or it to s*ea' with1 Ali"e waite% till the eyes a**eare%( an% then no%%e%1 ,It's no +se s*ea'in# to it(' she tho+#ht( ,till its ears ha$e "o.e( or at least one o& the.1' In another .in+te the whole hea% a**eare%( an% then Ali"e *+t %own her & an% be#an an a""o+nt o& the #a.e( &eelin# $ery #la% she ha% so.eone to listen to her1 The Cat see.e% to thin' that there was eno+#h o& it now in si#ht( an% no .ore o& it a**eare%1 ,I %on't thin' they *lay at all &airly(' Ali"e be#an( in rather a "o.*lainin# tone( ,an% they all 5+arrel so %rea%&+lly one "an't hear onesel& s*ea' an% they %on't see. to ha$e any r+les in *arti"+lar3 at least( i& there are( nobo%y atten%s to the.Ian% yo+'$e no i%ea how "on&+sin# it is all the thin#s bein# ali$e3 &or instan"e( there's the ar"h I'$e BD

#ot to #o thro+#h ne9t wal'in# abo+t at the other en% o& the #ro+n% an% I sho+l% ha$e "ro5+ete% the E+een's he%#eho# 8+st now( only it ran away when it saw .ine "' ,How %o yo+ li'e the E+een-' sai% the Cat in a low $oi"e1 ,Not at all(' sai% Ali"e) ,she's so e9tre.ely ' F+st then she noti"e% that the E+een was "lose behin% her( listenin#) so she went on( , li'ely to win( that it's har%ly worth while &inishin# the #a.e1' The E+een s.ile% an% *asse% on1 ,Who ARE yo+ tal'in# to-' sai% the 6in#( #oin# +* to Ali"e( an% loo'in# at the Cat's hea% with #reat "+riosity1 ,It's a &rien% o& .ine a Cheshire Cat(' sai% Ali"e) ,allow .e to intro%+"e it1' ,I %on't li'e the loo' o& it at all(' sai% the 6in#) ,howe$er( it .ay 'iss .y han% i& it li'es1' ,I'% rather not(' the Cat'e%1 ,Don't be i.*ertinent(' sai% the 6in#( ,an% %on't loo' at .e li'e that4' He #ot behin% Ali"e as he s*o'e1 ,A "at .ay loo' at a 'in#(' sai% Ali"e1 ,I'$e rea% that in so.e boo'( b+t I %on't re.e.ber where1' ,Well( it .+st be re.o$e%(' sai% the 6in# $ery %e"i%e%ly( an% he "alle% the E+een( who was *assin# at the .o.ent( ,;y %ear4 I wish yo+ wo+l% ha$e this "at re.o$e%4' The E+een ha% only one way o& settlin# all %i&&i"+lties( #reat or s.all1 ,O&& with his hea%4' she sai%( witho+t e$en loo'in# ro+n%1 ,I'll &et"h the e9e"+tioner .ysel&(' sai% the 6in# ea#erly( an% he h+rrie% o&&1 TRACK 01_08_04 Ali"e tho+#ht she .i#ht as well #o ba"'( an% see how the #a.e was #oin# on( as she hear% the E+een's $oi"e in the %istan"e( s" with *assion1 She ha% alrea%y hear% her senten"e three o& the *layers to be e9e"+te% &or ha$in# .isse% their t+rns( an% she %i% not li'e the loo' o& thin#s at all( as the #a.e was in s+"h "on&+sion that she ne$er 'new whether it was her t+rn or not1 So she went in sear"h o& her he%#eho#1 The he%#eho# was en#a#e% in a &i#ht with another he%#eho#( whi"h see.e% to Ali"e an e9"ellent o**ort+nity &or "ro5+etin# one o& the. with the other) the only %i&&i"+lty was( that her & was #one a"ross to the other si%e o& the #ar%en( where Ali"e "o+l% see it tryin# in a hel*less sort o& way to &ly +* into a tree1 =y the ti.e she ha% "a+#ht the & an% bro+#ht it ba"'( the &i#ht was o$er( an% both the he%#eho#s were o+t o& si#ht) ,b+t it %oesn't .atter .+"h(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,as all the ar"hes are #one &ro. this si%e o& the #ro+n%1' So she t+"'e% it away +n%er her ar.( that it .i#ht not es"a*e a#ain( an% went ba"' &or a little .ore "on$ersation with her &rien%1 When she #ot ba"' to the Cheshire Cat( she was s+r*rise% to &in% 5+ite a lar#e "row% "olle"te% ro+n% it) there was a %is*+te #oin# on between the e9e"+tioner( the 6in#( an% the E+een( who were all tal'in# at on"e( while all the rest were 5+ite silent( an% loo'e% $ery +n"o.&ortable1 BG

The .o.ent Ali"e a**eare%( she was a**eale% to by all three to settle the 5+estion( an% they re*eate% their ar#+.ents to her( tho+#h( as they all s*o'e at on"e( she &o+n% it $ery har% in%ee% to .a'e o+t e9a"tly what they sai%1 The e9e"+tioner's ar#+.ent was( that yo+ "o+l%n't "+t o&& a hea% +nless there was a bo%y to "+t it o&& &ro.) that he ha% ne$er ha% to %o s+"h a thin# be&ore( an% he wasn't #oin# to be#in at HIS ti.e o& li&e1 The 6in#'s ar#+.ent was( that anythin# that ha% a hea% "o+l% be behea%e%( an% that yo+ weren't to tal' nonsense1 The E+een's ar#+.ent was( that i& so.ethin# wasn't %one abo+t it in less than no ti.e she'% ha$e e$erybo%y e9e"+te%( all ro+n%1 /It was this last' that ha% .a%e the whole *arty loo' so #ra$e an% an9io+s10 Ali"e "o+l% thin' o& nothin# else to say b+t ,It belon#s to the D+"hess) yo+'% better as' HER abo+t it1' ,She's in *rison(' the E+een sai% to the e9e"+tioner) ,&et"h her here1' An% the e9e"+tioner went o&& li'e an arrow1 The Cat's hea% be#an &a%in# away the .o.ent he was #one( an%( by the ti.e he ha% "o.e ba"' with the D+t"hess( it ha% entirely %isa**eare%3 so the 6in# an% the e9e"+tioner ran wil%ly +* an% %own loo'in# &or it( while the rest o& the *arty went ba"' to the #a.e1 TRACK 01_09_01 CHAPTER IN The ;o"' T+rtle's Story ,2o+ "an't thin' how #la% I a. to see yo+ a#ain( yo+ %ear ol% thin#4' sai% the D+"hess( as she t+"'e% her ar. a&&e"tionately into Ali"e's( an% they wal'e% o&& to#ether1 Ali"e was $ery #la% to &in% her in s+"h a *leasant te.*er( an% tho+#ht to hersel& that *erha*s it was only the *e**er that ha% .a%e her so sa$a#e when they .et in the 'it"hen1 ,When I'; a D+"hess(' she sai% to hersel&( /not in a $ery ho*e&+l tone tho+#h0( ,I won't ha$e any *e**er in .y 'it"hen AT ALL1 So+* %oes $ery well witho+t ;aybe it's always *e**er that .a'es *eo*le hot te.*ere%(' she went on( $ery .+"h *lease% at ha$in# &o+n% o+t a new 'in% o& r+le( ,an% $ine#ar that .a'es the. so+r an% "a.o.ile that .a'es the. bitter an% an% barley s+#ar an% s+"h thin#s that .a'e "hil%ren sweet te.*ere%1 I only wish *eo*le 'new that) then they wo+l%n't be so stin#y abo+t it( yo+ 'now ' She ha% 5+ite &or#otten the D+"hess by this ti.e( an% was a little startle% when she hear% her $oi"e "lose to her ear1 ,2o+'re thin'in# abo+t so.ethin#( .y %ear( an% that .a'es yo+ &or#et to tal'1 I "an't tell yo+ 8+st now what the .oral o& that is( b+t I shall re.e.ber it in a bit1' ,Perha*s it hasn't one(' Ali"e $ent+re% to'1 ,T+t( t+t( "hil%4' sai% the D+"hess1 ,E$erythin#'s #ot a .oral( i& only yo+ "an &in% it1' An% she s5+ee?e% hersel& +* "loser to Ali"e's si%e as she s*o'e1


Ali"e %i% not .+"h li'e 'ee*in# so "lose to her) &irst( be"a+se the D+"hess was VER2 +#ly3 an% se"on%ly( be"a+se she was e9a"tly the ri#ht hei#ht to rest her "hin +*on Ali"e's sho+l%er( an% it was an +n"o.&ortably shar* "hin1 Howe$er( she %i% not li'e to be r+%e( so she bore it as well as she "o+l%1 ,The #a.e's #oin# on rather better now(' she sai%( by way o& 'ee*in# +* the "on$ersation a little1 ,'Tis so(' sai% the D+"hess) ,an% the .oral o& that is @Oh( 'tis lo$e( 'tis lo$e( that .a'es the worl% #o ro+n%4@' ,So.ebo%y sai%(' Ali"e whis*ere%( ,that it's %one by e$erybo%y .in%in# their own b+siness4' ,Ah( well4 It .eans .+"h the sa.e thin#(' sai% the D+"hess( %i##in# her shar* little "hin into Ali"e's sho+l%er as she a%%e%( ,an% the .oral o& THAT is @Ta'e "are o& the sense( an% the so+n%s will ta'e "are o& the.sel$es1@' TRACK 01_09_02 ,How &on% she is o& &in%in# .orals in thin#s4' Ali"e tho+#ht to hersel&1 ,I %are say yo+'re won%erin# why I %on't *+t .y ar. ro+n% yo+r waist(' the D+"hess sai% a&ter a *a+se) ,the reason is( that I'. %o+bt&+l abo+t the te.*er o& yo+r & Shall I try the e9*eri.ent-' ,HE .i#ht bite(' Ali"e "a+tio+sly re*lie%( not &eelin# at all an9io+s to ha$e the e9*eri.ent trie%1 ,Very tr+e(' sai% the D+"hess) ,& an% .+star% both bite1 An% the .oral o& that is @=ir%s o& a &eather &lo"' to#ether1@' ,Only .+star% isn't a bir%(' Ali"e'e%1 ,Ri#ht( as +s+al(' sai% the D+"hess) ,what a "lear way yo+ ha$e o& *+ttin# thin#s4' ,It's a .ineral( I THIN6(' sai% Ali"e1 ,O& "o+rse it is(' sai% the D+"hess( who see.e% rea%y to a#ree to e$erythin# that Ali"e sai%3 ,there's a lar#e .+star% .ine near here1 An% the .oral o& that is @The .ore there is o& .ine( the less there is o& yo+rs1@' ,Oh( I 'now4' e9"lai.e% Ali"e( who ha% not atten%e% to this last'( ,it's a $e#etable1 It %oesn't loo' li'e one( b+t it is1' ,I 5+ite a#ree with yo+(' sai% the D+"hess3 ,an% the .oral o& that is @=e what yo+ wo+l% see. to be@ or i& yo+'% li'e it *+t .ore si.*ly @Ne$er i.a#ine yo+rsel& not to be otherwise than what it .i#ht a**ear to others that what yo+ were or .i#ht ha$e been was not otherwise than what yo+ ha% been wo+l% ha$e a**eare% to the. to be otherwise1@' ,I thin' I sho+l% +n%erstan% that better(' Ali"e sai% $ery *olitely( ,i& I ha% it written %own) b+t I "an't 5+ite &ollow it as yo+ say it1' ,That's nothin# to what I "o+l% say i& I "hose(' the D+"hess re*lie%( in a *lease% tone1 ,Pray %on't tro+ble yo+rsel& to say it any lon#er than that(' sai% Ali"e1 BJ

,Oh( %on't tal' abo+t tro+ble4' sai% the D+"hess1 ,I .a'e yo+ a *resent o& e$erythin# I'$e sai% as yet1' ,A "hea* sort o& *resent4' tho+#ht Ali"e1 ,I'. #la% they %on't #i$e birth%ay *resents li'e that4' =+t she %i% not $ent+re to say it o+t lo+%1 ,Thin'in# a#ain-' the D+"hess as'e%( with another %i# o& her shar* little "hin1 ,I'$e a ri#ht to thin'(' sai% Ali"e shar*ly( &or she was be#innin# to &eel a little worrie%1 ,F+st abo+t as .+"h ri#ht(' sai% the D+"hess( ,as *i#s ha$e to &ly3 an% the . ' =+t here( to Ali"e's #reat s+r*rise( the D+"hess's $oi"e %ie% away( e$en in the .i%%le o& her &a$o+rite wor% ,.oral(' an% the ar. that was lin'e% into hers be#an to tre.ble1 Ali"e loo'e% +*( an% there stoo% the E+een in &ront o& the.( with her ar.s &ol%e%( &rownin# li'e a th+n%erstor.1 ,A &ine %ay( yo+r ;a8esty4' the D+"hess be#an in a low( wea' $oi"e1 ,Now( I #i$e yo+ &air warnin#(' sho+te% the E+een( sta.*in# on the #ro+n% as she s*o'e3 ,either yo+ or yo+r hea% .+st be o&&( an% that in abo+t hal& no ti.e4 Ta'e yo+r "hoi"e4' The D+"hess too' her "hoi"e( an% was #one in a .o.ent1 ,Let's #o on with the #a.e(' the E+een sai% to Ali"e3 an% Ali"e was too .+"h &ri#htene% to say a wor%( b+t slowly &ollowe% her ba"' to the "ro5+et #ro+n%1 The other #+ests ha% ta'en a%$anta#e o& the E+een's absen"e( an% were restin# in the sha%e) howe$er( the .o.ent they saw her( they h+rrie% ba"' to the #a.e( the E+een .erely'in# that a .o.ent's %elay wo+l% "ost the. their li$es1 All the ti.e they were *layin# the E+een ne$er le&t o&& 5+arrellin# with the other *layers( an% sho+tin# ,O&& with his hea%4' or ,O&& with her hea%4' Those who. she senten"e% were ta'en into "+sto%y by the sol%iers( who o& "o+rse ha% to lea$e o&& bein# ar"hes to %o this( so that by the en% o& hal& an ho+r or so there were no ar"hes le&t( an% all the *layers( e9"e*t the 6in#( the E+een( an% Ali"e( were in "+sto%y an% +n%er senten"e o& e9e"+tion1 Then the E+een le&t o&&( 5+ite o+t o& breath( an% sai% to Ali"e( ,Ha$e yo+ seen the ;o"' T+rtle yet-' ,No(' sai% Ali"e1 ,I %on't e$en 'now what a ;o"' T+rtle is1' ,It's the thin# ;o"' T+rtle So+* is .a%e &ro.(' sai% the E+een1 ,I ne$er saw one( or hear% o& one(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Co.e on( then(' sai% the E+een( ,an% he shall tell yo+ his history(' TRACK 01_09_03


As they wal'e% o&& to#ether( Ali"e hear% the 6in# say in a low $oi"e( to the "o.*any #enerally( ,2o+ are all *ar%one%1' ,Co.e( THAT'S a #oo% thin#4' she sai% to hersel&( &or she ha% &elt 5+ite +nha**y at the n+.ber o& e9e"+tions the E+een ha% or%ere%1 They $ery soon "a.e +*on a :ry*hon( lyin# &ast aslee* in the s+n1 /I7 yo+ %on't 'now what a :ry*hon is( loo' at the *i"t+re10 ,U*( la?y thin#4' sai% the E+een( ,an% ta'e this yo+n# la%y to see the ;o"' T+rtle( an% to hear his history1 I .+st #o ba"' an% see a&ter so.e e9e"+tions I ha$e or%ere%'3 an% she wal'e% o&&( lea$in# Ali"e alone with the :ry*hon1 Ali"e %i% not 5+ite li'e the loo' o& the "reat+re( b+t on the whole she tho+#ht it wo+l% be 5+ite as sa&e to stay with it as to #o a&ter that sa$a#e E+een) so she waite%1 The :ry*hon sat +* an% r+bbe% its eyes) then it wat"he% the E+een till she was o+t o& si#ht) then it "h+"'le%1 ,What &+n4' sai% the :ry*hon( hal& to itsel&( hal& to Ali"e1 ,What IS the &+n-' sai% Ali"e1 ,Why( SHE(' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,It's all her &an"y( that) they ne$er e9e"+tes nobo%y( yo+ 'now1 Co.e on4' ,E$erybo%y says @"o.e on4@ here(' tho+#ht Ali"e( as she went slowly a&ter it) ,I ne$er was so or%ere% abo+t in all .y li&e( ne$er4' They ha% not #one &ar be&ore they saw the ;o"' T+rtle in the %istan"e( sittin# sa% an% lonely on a little le%#e o& ro"'( an%( as they "a.e nearer( Ali"e "o+l% hear hi. si#hin# as i& his heart wo+l% brea'1 She *itie% hi. %ee*ly1 ,What is his sorrow-' she as'e% the :ry*hon( an% the :ry*hon answere%( $ery nearly in the sa.e wor%s as be&ore( ,It's all his &an"y( that) he hasn't #ot no sorrow( yo+ 'now1 Co.e on4' So they went +* to the ;o"' T+rtle( who loo'e% at the. with lar#e eyes &+ll o& tears( b+t sai% nothin#1 ,This here yo+n# la%y(' sai% the :ry*hon( ,she wants &or to 'now yo+r history( she %o1' ,I'll tell it her(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle in a %ee*( hollow tone) ,sit %own( both o& yo+( an% %on't s*ea' a wor% till I'$e &inishe%1' So they sat %own( an% nobo%y s*o'e &or so.e .in+tes1 Ali"e tho+#ht to hersel&( ,I %on't see how he "an EVEN &inish( i& he %oesn't be#in1' =+t she waite% *atiently1 ,On"e(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle at last( with a %ee* si#h( ,I was a real T+rtle1' These wor%s were &ollowe% by a $ery lon# silen"e( bro'en only by an o""asional e9"la.ation o& ,H8"'rrh4' &ro. the :ry*hon( an% the "onstant hea$y sobbin# o& the ;o"' T+rtle1 Ali"e was $ery nearly #ettin# +* an% sayin#( ,Than' yo+( sir( &or yo+r interestin# story(' b+t she "o+l% not hel* thin'in# there ;UST be .ore to "o.e( so she sat still an% sai% nothin#1 ,When we were little(' the ;o"' T+rtle went on at last( .ore " tho+#h still sobbin# a little now an% then( ,we went to s"hool in the sea1 The .aster was an ol% T+rtle we +se% to "all hi. Tortoise ' ,Why %i% yo+ "all hi. Tortoise( i& he wasn't one-' Ali"e as'e%1 ,We "alle% hi. Tortoise be"a+se he ta+#ht +s(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle an#rily) ,really yo+ are $ery %+ll4'


,2o+ o+#ht to be asha.e% o& yo+rsel& &or as'in# s+"h a si.*le 5+estion(' a%%e% the :ry*hon3 an% then they both sat silent an% loo'e% at *oor Ali"e( who &elt rea%y to sin' into the earth1 At last the :ry*hon sai% to the ;o"' T+rtle( ,Dri$e on( ol% &ellow4 Don't be all %ay abo+t it4' an% he went on in these wor%s) ,2es( we went to s"hool in the sea( tho+#h yo+ .ayn't belie$e it ' ,I ne$er sai% I %i%n't4' interr+*te% Ali"e1 ,2o+ %i%(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,Hol% yo+r ton#+e4' a%%e% the :ry*hon( be&ore Ali"e "o+l% s*ea' a#ain1 The ;o"' T+rtle went on1 ,We ha% the best o& e%+"ations in &a"t( we went to s"hool e$ery %ay ' ,I'VE been to a %ay s"hool( too(' sai% Ali"e3 ,yo+ nee%n't be so *ro+% as all that1' ,With e9tras-' as'e% the ;o"' T+rtle a little an9io+sly1 ,2es(' sai% Ali"e( ,we learne% 7ren"h an% .+si"1' ,An% washin#-' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,Certainly not4' sai% Ali"e in%i#nantly1 ,Ah4 then yo+rs wasn't a really #oo% s"hool(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle in a tone o& #reat relie&1 ,Now at OURS they ha% at the en% o& the bill( @7ren"h( .+si"( AND WASHIN: e9tra1@' ,2o+ "o+l%n't ha$e wante% it .+"h(' sai% Ali"e3 ,li$in# at the botto. o& the sea1' ,I "o+l%n't a&&or% to learn it1' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle with a si#h1 ,I only too' the re#+lar "o+rse1' ,What was that-' in5+ire% Ali"e1 ,Reelin# an% Writhin#( o& "o+rse( to be#in with(' the ;o"' T+rtle re*lie%3 ,an% then the %i&&erent bran"hes o& Arith.eti" A.bition( Distra"tion( U#li&i"ation( an% Derision1' ,I ne$er hear% o& @U#li&i"ation(@' Ali"e $ent+re% to say1 ,What is it-' The :ry*hon li&te% +* both its *aws in s+r*rise1 ,What4 Ne$er hear% o& +#li&yin#4' it e9"lai.e%1 ,2o+ 'now what to bea+ti&y is( I s+**ose-' ,2es(' sai% Ali"e %o+bt&+lly) ,it .eans to .a'e anythin# *rettier1' ,Well( then(' the :ry*hon went on( ,i& yo+ %on't 'now what to +#li&y is( yo+ ARE a si.*leton1'


Ali"e %i% not &eel en"o+ra#e% to as' any .ore 5+estions abo+t it( so she t+rne% to the ;o"' T+rtle( an% sai% ,What else ha% yo+ to learn-' ,Well( there was ;ystery(' the ;o"' T+rtle re*lie%( "o+ntin# o&& the s+b8e"ts on his &la**ers( , ;ystery( an"ient an% .o%ern( with Seao#ra*hy) then Drawlin# the Drawlin# .aster was an ol% "on#er eel( that +se% to "o.e on"e a wee') HE ta+#ht +s Drawlin#( Stret"hin#( an% 7aintin# in Coils1' ,What was THAT li'e-' sai% Ali"e1 ,Well( I "an't show it yo+ .ysel&(' the ;o"' T+rtle sai%) ,I'. too sti&&1 An% the :ry*hon ne$er learnt it1' ,Ha%n't ti.e(' sai% the :ry*hon) ,I went to the Classi"s .aster( tho+#h1 He was an ol% "rab( HE was1' ,I ne$er went to hi.(' the ;o"' T+rtle sai% with a si#h) ,he ta+#ht La+#hin# an% :rie&( they +se% to say1' ,So he %i%( so he %i%(' sai% the :ry*hon( si#hin# in his t+rn3 an% both "reat+res hi% their &a"es in their *aws1 ,An% how .any ho+rs a %ay %i% yo+ %o lessons-' sai% Ali"e( in a h+rry to "han#e the s+b8e"t1 ,Ten ho+rs the &irst %ay(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle) ,nine the ne9t( an% so on1' ,What a "+rio+s *lan4' e9"lai.e% Ali"e1 ,That's the reason they're "alle% lessons(' the :ry*hon'e%) ,be"a+se they lessen &ro. %ay to %ay1' This was 5+ite a new i%ea to Ali"e( an% she tho+#ht it o$er a little be&ore she .a%e her ne9t'1 ,Then the ele$enth %ay .+st ha$e been a holi%ay-' ,O& "o+rse it was(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,An% how %i% yo+ .ana#e on the twel&th-' Ali"e went on ea#erly1 ,That's eno+#h abo+t lessons(' the :ry*hon interr+*te% in a $ery %e"i%e% tone) ,tell her so.ethin# abo+t the now1' TRACK 01_10_01 CHAPTER N The Lobster E+a%rille The ;o"' T+rtle si#he% %ee*ly( an% %rew the ba"' o& one &la**er a"ross his eyes1 He loo'e% at Ali"e( an% trie% to s*ea'( b+t &or a .in+te or two sobs "ho'e% his $oi"e1 ,Sa.e as i& he ha% a bone in his throat(' sai% the :ry*hon) an% it set to wor' sha'in# hi. an% *+n"hin# hi. in the ba"'1 At last the ;o"' T+rtle re"o$ere% his $oi"e( an%( with tears r+nnin# %own his "hee's( he went on a#ain)


,2o+ .ay not ha$e li$e% .+"h +n%er the sea ' /,I ha$en't(' sai% Ali"e0 ,an% *erha*s yo+ were ne$er e$en intro%+"e% to a lobster ' /Ali"e be#an to say ,I on"e taste% ' b+t "he"'e% hersel& hastily( an% sai% ,No( ne$er'0 , so yo+ "an ha$e no i%ea what a %eli#ht&+l thin# a Lobster E+a%rille is4' ,No( in%ee%(' sai% Ali"e1 ,What sort o& a %an"e is it-' ,Why(' sai% the :ry*hon( ,yo+ &irst &or. into a line alon# the sea shore ' ,Two lines4' "rie% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,Seals( t+rtles( sal.on( an% so on3 then( when yo+'$e "leare% all the 8elly &ish o+t o& the way ' ,THAT #enerally ta'es so.e ti.e(' interr+*te% the :ry*hon1 , yo+ a%$an"e twi"e ' ,Ea"h with a lobster as a *artner4' "rie% the :ry*hon1 ,O& "o+rse(' the ;o"' T+rtle sai%) ,a%$an"e twi"e( set to *artners ' , "han#e lobsters( an% retire in sa.e or%er(' "ontin+e% the :ry*hon1 ,Then( yo+ 'now(' the ;o"' T+rtle went on( ,yo+ throw the ' ,The lobsters4' sho+te% the :ry*hon( with a bo+n% into the air1 , as &ar o+t to sea as yo+ "an ' ,Swi. a&ter the.4' s"rea.e% the :ry*hon1 ,T+rn a so.ersa+lt in the sea4' "rie% the ;o"' T+rtle( "a*erin# wil%ly abo+t1 ,Chan#e lobster's a#ain4' yelle% the :ry*hon at the to* o& its $oi"e1 ,=a"' to lan% a#ain( an% that's all the &irst &i#+re(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle( s+%%enly %ro**in# his $oi"e3 an% the two "reat+res( who ha% been 8+.*in# abo+t li'e .a% thin#s all this ti.e( sat %own a#ain $ery sa%ly an% 5+ietly( an% loo'e% at Ali"e1 ,It .+st be a $ery *retty %an"e(' sai% Ali"e ti.i%ly1 ,Wo+l% yo+ li'e to see a little o& it-' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,Very .+"h in%ee%(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Co.e( let's try the &irst &i#+re4' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle to the :ry*hon1 ,We "an %o witho+t lobsters( yo+ 'now1 Whi"h shall sin#-' D>

,Oh( 2OU sin#(' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,I'$e &or#otten the wor%s1' TRACK 01_10_02 So they be#an sole.nly %an"in# ro+n% an% ro+n% Ali"e( e$ery now an% then trea%in# on her toes when they *asse% too "lose( an% wa$in# their &ore*aws to .ar' the ti.e( while the ;o"' T+rtle san# this( $ery slowly an% sa%ly)

`#Will you wal, a little faster0# said a whiting to a snail) #"here s a porpoise close %ehind us, and he s treading on my tail) .ee how eagerly the lo%sters and the turtles all advance! "hey are waiting on the shingle**will you come and join the dance0 Will you, won t you, will you, won t you, will you join the dance0 Will you, won t you, will you, won t you, won t you join the dance0

#'ou can really have no notion how delightful it will %e When they ta,e us up and throw us, with the lo%sters, out to sea!# 1ut the snail replied #"oo far, too far!# and gave a loo, as,ance** .aid he than,ed the whiting ,indly, %ut he would not join the dance) Would not, could not, would not, could not, would not join the dance) Would not, could not, would not, could not, could not join the dance) `#What matters it how far we go0# his scaly friend replied) #"here is another shore, you ,now, upon the other side) "he further off from 6ngland the nearer is to !rance** "hen turn not pale, %eloved snail, %ut come and join the dance) Will you, won t you, will you, won t you, will you join the dance0 Will you, won t you, will you, won t you, won t you join the dance0#

,Than' yo+( it's a $ery interestin# %an"e to wat"h(' sai% Ali"e( &eelin# $ery #la% that it was o$er at last) ,an% I %o so li'e that "+rio+s son# abo+t the whitin#4' ,Oh( as to the whitin#(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle( ,they yo+'$e seen the.( o& "o+rse-' ,2es(' sai% Ali"e( ,I'$e o&ten seen the. at %inn ' she "he"'e% hersel& hastily1 ,I %on't 'now where Dinn .ay be(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle( ,b+t i& yo+'$e seen the. so o&ten( o& "o+rse yo+ 'now what they're li'e1' ,I belie$e so(' Ali"e re*lie% tho+#ht&+lly1 ,They ha$e their tails in their .o+ths an% they're all o$er "r+.bs1' DB

,2o+'re wron# abo+t the "' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle) ," wo+l% all wash o&& in the sea1 =+t they HAVE their tails in their .o+ths3 an% the reason is ' here the ;o"' T+rtle yawne% an% sh+t his eyes1 ,Tell her abo+t the reason an% all that(' he sai% to the :ry*hon1 ,The reason is(' sai% the :ry*hon( ,that they WOULD #o with the lobsters to the %an"e1 So they #ot thrown o+t to sea1 So they ha% to &all a lon# way1 So they #ot their tails &ast in their .o+ths1 So they "o+l%n't #et the. o+t a#ain1 That's all1' ,Than' yo+(' sai% Ali"e( ,it's $ery interestin#1 I ne$er 'new so .+"h abo+t a whitin# be&ore1' ,I "an tell yo+ .ore than that( i& yo+ li'e(' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,Do yo+ 'now why it's "alle% a whitin#-' ,I ne$er tho+#ht abo+t it(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Why-' ,IT DOES THE =OOTS AND SHOES1' the :ry*hon re*lie% $ery sole.nly1 Ali"e was thoro+#hly *+??le%1 ,Does the boots an% shoes4' she re*eate% in a won%erin# tone1 ,Why( what are 2OUR shoes %one with-' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,I .ean( what .a'es the. so shiny-' Ali"e loo'e% %own at the.( an% "onsi%ere% a little be&ore she #a$e her answer1 ,They're %one with bla"'in#( I belie$e1' ,=oots an% shoes +n%er the sea(' the :ry*hon went on in a %ee* $oi"e( ,are %one with a whitin#1 Now yo+ 'now1' ,An% what are they .a%e o&-' Ali"e as'e% in a tone o& #reat "+riosity1 ,Soles an% eels( o& "o+rse(' the :ry*hon re*lie% rather i.*atiently) ,any shri.* "o+l% ha$e tol% yo+ that1' ,I& I'% been the whitin#(' sai% Ali"e( whose tho+#hts were still r+nnin# on the son#( ,I'% ha$e sai% to the *or*oise( @6ee* ba"'( *lease) we %on't want 2OU with +s4@' ,They were obli#e% to ha$e hi. with the.(' the ;o"' T+rtle sai%) ,no wise &ish wo+l% #o anywhere witho+t a *or*oise1' ,Wo+l%n't it really-' sai% Ali"e in a tone o& #reat s+r*rise1 ,O& "o+rse not(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle) ,why( i& a &ish "a.e to ;E( an% tol% .e he was #oin# a 8o+rney( I sho+l% say @With what *or*oise-@' ,Don't yo+ .ean @*+r*ose@-' sai% Ali"e1 ,I .ean what I say(' the ;o"' T+rtle re*lie% in an o&&en%e% tone1 An% the :ry*hon a%%e% ,Co.e( let's hear so.e o& 2OUR a%$ent+res1'


,I "o+l% tell yo+ .y a%$ent+res be#innin# &ro. this .ornin#(' sai% Ali"e a little ti.i%ly) ,b+t it's no +se #oin# ba"' to yester%ay( be"a+se I was a %i&&erent *erson then1' ,E9*lain all that(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,No( no4 The a%$ent+res &irst(' sai% the :ry*hon in an i.*atient tone) ,e9*lanations ta'e s+"h a %rea%&+l ti.e1' TRACK 01_10_03 So Ali"e be#an tellin# the. her a%$ent+res &ro. the ti.e when she &irst saw the White Rabbit1 She was a little ner$o+s abo+t it 8+st at &irst( the two "reat+res #ot so "lose to her( one on ea"h si%e( an% o*ene% their eyes an% .o+ths so VER2 wi%e( b+t she #aine% "o+ra#e as she went on1 Her listeners were *er&e"tly 5+iet till she #ot to the *art abo+t her re*eatin# ,2OU ARE OLD( 7ATHER WILLIA;(' to the Cater*illar( an% the wor%s all " %i&&erent( an% then the ;o"' T+rtle %rew a lon# breath( an% sai% ,That's $ery "+rio+s1' ,It's all abo+t as "+rio+s as it "an be(' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,It all "a.e %i&&erent4' the ;o"' T+rtle re*eate% tho+#ht&+lly1 ,I sho+l% li'e to hear her try an% re*eat so.ethin# now1 Tell her to be#in1' He loo'e% at the :ry*hon as i& he tho+#ht it ha% so.e 'in% o& a+thority o$er Ali"e1 ,Stan% +* an% re*eat @'TIS THE VOICE O7 THE SLU::ARD(@' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,How the "reat+res or%er one abo+t( an% .a'e one re*eat lessons4' tho+#ht Ali"e3 ,I .i#ht as well be at s"hool at on"e1' Howe$er( she #ot +*( an% be#an to re*eat it( b+t her hea% was so &+ll o& the Lobster E+a%rille( that she har%ly 'new what she was sayin#( an% the wor%s "a.e $ery 5+eer in%ee%) ` "is the voice of the $o%ster- I heard him declare, #'ou have %a,ed me too %rown, I must sugar my hair)# As a duc, with its eyelids, so he with his nose "rims his %elt and his %uttons, and turns out his toes) Olater e%itions "ontin+e% as &ollows When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lar,, And will tal, in contemptuous tones of the .har,, 1ut, when the tide rises and shar,s are around, His voice has a timid and tremulous sound)7 ,That's %i&&erent &ro. what I +se% to say when I was a "hil%(' sai% the :ry*hon1 ,Well( I ne$er hear% it be&ore(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle3 ,b+t it so+n%s +n"o..on nonsense1' Ali"e sai% nothin#3 she ha% sat %own with her &a"e in her han%s( won%erin# i& anythin# wo+l% EVER ha**en in a nat+ral way a#ain1 ,I sho+l% li'e to ha$e it e9*laine%(' sai% the ;o"' T+rtle1 ,She "an't e9*lain it(' sai% the :ry*hon hastily1 ,:o on with the ne9t $erse1'


,=+t abo+t his toes-' the ;o"' T+rtle *ersiste%1 ,How COULD he t+rn the. o+t with his nose( yo+ 'now-' ,It's the &irst *osition in %an"in#1' Ali"e sai%3 b+t was %rea%&+lly *+??le% by the whole thin#( an% lon#e% to "han#e the s+b8e"t1 ,:o on with the ne9t $erse(' the :ry*hon re*eate% i.*atiently) ,it be#ins @I *asse% by his #ar%en1@' Ali"e %i% not %are to %isobey( tho+#h she &elt s+re it wo+l% all "o.e wron#( an% she went on in a tre.blin# $oi"e) `I passed %y his garden, and mar,ed, with one eye, How the Owl and the 2anther were sharing a pie** Olater e%itions "ontin+e% as &ollows "he 2anther too, pie*crust, and gravy, and meat, While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat) When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a %oon, Was ,indly permitted to poc,et the spoon& While the 2anther received ,nife and for, with a growl, And concluded the %an4uet**7 ,What IS the +se o& re*eatin# all that st+&&(' the ;o"' T+rtle interr+*te%( ,i& yo+ %on't e9*lain it as yo+ #o on- It's by &ar the .ost "on&+sin# thin# I e$er hear%4' ,2es( I thin' yo+'% better lea$e o&&(' sai% the :ry*hon) an% Ali"e was only too #la% to %o so1 ,Shall we try another &i#+re o& the Lobster E+a%rille-' the :ry*hon went on1 ,Or wo+l% yo+ li'e the ;o"' T+rtle to sin# yo+ a son#-' ,Oh( a son#( *lease( i& the ;o"' T+rtle wo+l% be so 'in%(' Ali"e re*lie%( so ea#erly that the :ry*hon sai%( in a rather o&&en%e% tone( ,H.4 No a""o+ntin# &or tastes4 Sin# her @T+rtle So+*(@ will yo+( ol% &ellow-' The ;o"' T+rtle si#he% %ee*ly( an% be#an( in a $oi"e "ho'e% with sobs( to sin# this) `1eautiful .oup, so rich and green, Waiting in a hot tureen! Who for such dainties would not stoop0 .oup of the evening, %eautiful .oup! .oup of the evening, %eautiful .oup! 1eau**ootiful .oo**oop! 1eau**ootiful .oo**oop! .oo**oop of the e**e**evening, 1eautiful, %eautiful .oup! `1eautiful .oup! Who cares for fish, 8ame, or any other dish0 DH

Who would not give all else for two p ennyworth only of %eautiful .oup0 2ennyworth only of %eautiful .oup0 1eau**ootiful .oo**oop! 1eau**ootiful .oo**oop! .oo**oop of the e**e**evening, 1eautiful, %eauti**!($ .O(2! ,Chor+s a#ain4' "rie% the :ry*hon( an% the ;o"' T+rtle ha% 8+st be#+n to re*eat it( when a "ry o& ,The trial's be#innin#4' was hear% in the %istan"e1 ,Co.e on4' "rie% the :ry*hon( an%( ta'in# Ali"e by the han%( it h+rrie% o&&( witho+t waitin# &or the en% o& the son#1 ,What trial is it-' Ali"e *ante% as she ran3 b+t the :ry*hon only answere% ,Co.e on4' an% ran the &aster( while .ore an% .ore &aintly "a.e( "arrie% on the bree?e that &ollowe% the.( the .elan"holy wor%s) `.oo**oop of the e**e**evening, 1eautiful, %eautiful .oup! TRACK 01_11_01 CHAPTER NI Who Stole the TartsThe 6in# an% E+een o& Hearts were seate% on their throne when they arri$e%( with a #reat "row% asse.ble% abo+t the. all sorts o& little bir%s an% beasts( as well as the whole *a"' o& "ar%s) the 6na$e was stan%in# be&ore the.( in "hains( with a sol%ier on ea"h si%e to #+ar% hi.3 an% near the 6in# was the White Rabbit( with a tr+.*et in one han%( an% a s"roll o& *ar"h.ent in the other1 In the $ery .i%%le o& the "o+rt was a table( with a lar#e %ish o& tarts +*on it) they loo'e% so #oo%( that it .a%e Ali"e 5+ite h+n#ry to loo' at the. ,I wish they'% #et the trial %one(' she tho+#ht( ,an% han% ro+n% the re&resh.ents4' =+t there see.e% to be no "han"e o& this( so she be#an loo'in# at e$erythin# abo+t her( to *ass away the ti.e1 Ali"e ha% ne$er been in a "o+rt o& 8+sti"e be&ore( b+t she ha% rea% abo+t the. in boo's( an% she was 5+ite *lease% to &in% that she 'new the na.e o& nearly e$erythin# there1 ,That's the 8+%#e(' she sai% to hersel&( ,be"a+se o& his #reat wi#1' The 8+%#e( by the way( was the 6in#3 an% as he wore his "rown o$er the wi#( /loo' at the &rontis*ie"e i& yo+ want to see how he %i% it(0 he %i% not loo' at all "o.&ortable( an% it was "ertainly not be" ,An% that's the 8+ry bo9(' tho+#ht Ali"e( ,an% those twel$e "reat+res(' /she was obli#e% to say ,"reat+res(' yo+ see( be"a+se so.e o& the. were ani.als( an% so.e were bir%s(0 ,I s+**ose they are the 8+rors1' She sai% this last wor% two or three o$er to hersel&( bein# rather *ro+% o& it) &or she tho+#ht( an% ri#htly too( that $ery &ew little #irls o& her a#e 'new the .eanin# o& it at all1 Howe$er( ,8+ry .en' wo+l% ha$e %one 8+st as well1 The twel$e 8+rors were all writin# $ery b+sily on slates1 ,What are they %oin#-' Ali"e whis*ere% to the :ry*hon1 ,They "an't ha$e anythin# to *+t %own yet( be&ore the trial's be#+n1' ,They're *+ttin# %own their' the :ry*hon whis*ere% in re*ly( ,&or &ear they sho+l% &or#et the. be&ore the en% o& the trial1' DJ

,St+*i% thin#s4' Ali"e be#an in a lo+%( in%i#nant $oi"e( b+t she sto**e% hastily( &or the White Rabbit "rie% o+t( ,Silen"e in the "o+rt4' an% the 6in# *+t on his s*e"ta"les an% loo'e% an9io+sly ro+n%( to .a'e o+t who was tal'in#1 Ali"e "o+l% see( as well as i& she were loo'in# o$er their sho+l%ers( that all the 8+rors were writin# %own ,st+*i% thin#s4' on their slates( an% she "o+l% e$en .a'e o+t that one o& the. %i%n't 'now how to s*ell ,st+*i%(' an% that he ha% to as' his nei#hbo+r to tell hi.1 ,A ni"e .+%%le their slates'll be in be&ore the trial's o$er4' tho+#ht Ali"e1 One o& the 8+rors ha% a *en"il that s5+ea'e%1 This o& "o+rse( Ali"e "o+l% not stan%( an% she went ro+n% the "o+rt an% #ot behin% hi.( an% $ery soon &o+n% an o**ort+nity o& ta'in# it away1 She %i% it so 5+i"'ly that the *oor little 8+ror /it was =ill( the Li?ar%0 "o+l% not .a'e o+t at all what ha% be"o.e o& it3 so( a&ter h+ntin# all abo+t &or it( he was obli#e% to write with one &in#er &or the rest o& the %ay3 an% this was o& $ery little +se( as it le&t no .ar' on the slate1 ,Heral%( rea% the a""+sation4' sai% the 6in#1 On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the tr+.*et( an% then +nrolle% the *ar"h.ent s"roll( an% rea% as &ollows) `"he 9ueen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day& "he :nave of Hearts, he stole those tarts, And too, them 4uite away! ,Consi%er yo+r $er%i"t(' the 6in# sai% to the 8+ry1 ,Not yet( not yet4' the Rabbit hastily interr+*te%1 ,There's a #reat %eal to "o.e be&ore that4' ,Call the &irst witness(' sai% the 6in#3 an% the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the tr+.*et( an% "alle% o+t( ,7irst witness4' The &irst witness was the Hatter1 He "a.e in with a tea"+* in one han% an% a *ie"e o& brea% an% b+tter in the other1 ,I be# *ar%on( yo+r ;a8esty(' he be#an( ,&or brin#in# these in) b+t I ha%n't 5+ite &inishe% .y tea when I was sent &or1' ,2o+ o+#ht to ha$e &inishe%(' sai% the 6in#1 ,When %i% yo+ be#in-' The Hatter loo'e% at the ;ar"h Hare( who ha% &ollowe% hi. into the "o+rt( ar. in ar. with the Dor.o+se1 ,7o+rteenth o& ;ar"h( I thin' it was(' he sai%1 ,7i&teenth(' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,Si9teenth(' a%%e% the Dor.o+se1 ,Write that %own(' the 6in# sai% to the 8+ry( an% the 8+ry ea#erly wrote %own all three %ates on their slates( an% then a%%e% the. +*( an% re%+"e% the answer to shillin#s an% *en"e1 ,Ta'e o&& yo+r hat(' the 6in# sai% to the Hatter1 DK

,It isn't .ine(' sai% the Hatter1 ,Stolen4' the 6in# e9"lai.e%( t+rnin# to the 8+ry( who instantly .a%e a .e.oran%+. o& the &a"t1 ,I 'ee* the. to sell(' the Hatter a%%e% as an e9*lanation3 ,I'$e none o& .y own1 I'. a hatter1' Here the E+een *+t on her s*e"ta"les( an% be#an starin# at the Hatter( who t+rne% *ale an% &i%#ete%1 ,:i$e yo+r e$i%en"e(' sai% the 6in#3 ,an% %on't be ner$o+s( or I'll ha$e yo+ e9e"+te% on the s*ot1' This %i% not see. to en"o+ra#e the witness at all) he 'e*t shi&tin# &ro. one &oot to the other( loo'in# +neasily at the E+een( an% in his "on&+sion he bit a lar#e *ie"e o+t o& his tea"+* instea% o& the brea% an% b+tter1 TRACK 01_11_02 F+st at this .o.ent Ali"e &elt a $ery "+rio+s sensation( whi"h *+??le% her a #oo% %eal +ntil she .a%e o+t what it was) she was be#innin# to #row lar#er a#ain( an% she tho+#ht at &irst she wo+l% #et +* an% lea$e the "o+rt3 b+t on se"on% tho+#hts she %e"i%e% to re.ain where she was as lon# as there was roo. &or her1 ,I wish yo+ wo+l%n't s5+ee?e so1' sai% the Dor.o+se( who was sittin# ne9t to her1 ,I "an har%ly breathe1' ,I "an't hel* it(' sai% Ali"e $ery .ee'ly) ,I'. #rowin#1' ,2o+'$e no ri#ht to #row here(' sai% the Dor.o+se1 ,Don't tal' nonsense(' sai% Ali"e .ore bol%ly) ,yo+ 'now yo+'re #rowin# too1' ,2es( b+t I #row at a reasonable *a"e(' sai% the Dor.o+se) ,not in that ri%i"+lo+s &ashion1' An% he #ot +* $ery s+l'ily an% "rosse% o$er to the other si%e o& the "o+rt1 All this ti.e the E+een ha% ne$er le&t o&& starin# at the Hatter( an%( 8+st as the Dor.o+se "rosse% the "o+rt( she sai% to one o& the o&&i"ers o& the "o+rt( ,=rin# .e the list o& the sin#ers in the last "on"ert4' on whi"h the wret"he% Hatter tre.ble% so( that he shoo' both his shoes o&&1 ,:i$e yo+r e$i%en"e(' the 6in# re*eate% an#rily( ,or I'll ha$e yo+ e9e"+te%( whether yo+'re ner$o+s or not1' ,I'. a *oor .an( yo+r ;a8esty(' the Hatter be#an( in a tre.blin# $oi"e( , an% I ha%n't be#+n .y tea not abo$e a wee' or so an% what with the brea% an% b+tter #ettin# so thinIan% the twin'lin# o& the tea ' ,The twin'lin# o& the what-' sai% the 6in#1 ,It be#an with the tea(' the Hatter re*lie%1 ,O& "o+rse twin'lin# be#ins with a T4' sai% the 6in# shar*ly1 ,Do yo+ ta'e .e &or a %+n"e- :o on4' ,I'. a *oor .an(' the Hatter went on( ,an% .ost thin#s twin'le% a&ter that only the ;ar"h Hare sai% ' DL

,I %i%n't4' the ;ar"h Hare interr+*te% in a #reat h+rry1 ,2o+ %i%4' sai% the Hatter1 ,I %eny it4' sai% the ;ar"h Hare1 ,He %enies it(' sai% the 6in#) ,lea$e o+t that *art1' ,Well( at any rate( the Dor.o+se sai% ' the Hatter went on( loo'in# an9io+sly ro+n% to see i& he wo+l% %eny it too) b+t the Dor.o+se %enie% nothin#( bein# &ast aslee*1 ,A&ter that(' "ontin+e% the Hatter( ,I "+t so.e .ore brea% an% b+tter ' ,=+t what %i% the Dor.o+se say-' one o& the 8+ry as'e%1 ,That I "an't re.e.ber(' sai% the Hatter1 ,2o+ ;UST re.e.ber(''e% the 6in#( ,or I'll ha$e yo+ e9e"+te%1' The .iserable Hatter %ro**e% his tea"+* an% brea% an% b+tter( an% went %own on one 'nee1 ,I'. a *oor .an( yo+r ;a8esty(' he be#an1 ,2o+'re a $ery *oor s*ea'er(' sai% the 6in#1 Here one o& the #+inea *i#s "heere%( an% was i..e%iately s+**resse% by the o&&i"ers o& the "o+rt1 /As that is rather a har% wor%( I will 8+st e9*lain to yo+ how it was %one1 They ha% a lar#e "an$as ba#( whi"h tie% +* at the .o+th with strin#s) into this they sli**e% the #+inea *i#( hea% &irst( an% then sat +*on it10 ,I'. #la% I'$e seen that %one(' tho+#ht Ali"e1 ,I'$e so o&ten rea% in the news*a*ers( at the en% o& trials( @There was so.e atte.*ts at a**la+se( whi"h was i..e%iately s+**resse% by the o&&i"ers o& the "o+rt(@ an% I ne$er +n%erstoo% what it .eant till now1' ,I& that's all yo+ 'now abo+t it( yo+ .ay stan% %own(' "ontin+e% the 6in#1 ,I "an't #o no lower(' sai% the Hatter) ,I'. on the &loor( as it is1' ,Then yo+ .ay SIT %own(' the 6in# re*lie%1 Here the other #+inea *i# "heere%( an% was s+**resse%1 ,Co.e( that &inishe% the #+inea *i#s4' tho+#ht Ali"e1 ,Now we shall #et on better1' ,I'% rather &inish .y tea(' sai% the Hatter( with an an9io+s loo' at the E+een( who was rea%in# the list o& sin#ers1


,2o+ .ay #o(' sai% the 6in#( an% the Hatter h+rrie%ly le&t the "o+rt( witho+t e$en waitin# to *+t his shoes on1 , an% 8+st ta'e his hea% o&& o+tsi%e(' the E+een a%%e% to one o& the o&&i"ers) b+t the Hatter was o+t o& si#ht be&ore the o&&i"er "o+l% #et to the %oor1 ,Call the ne9t witness4' sai% the 6in#1 The ne9t witness was the D+"hess's "oo'1 She "arrie% the *e**er bo9 in her han%( an% Ali"e #+esse% who it was( e$en be&ore she #ot into the "o+rt( by the way the *eo*le near the %oor be#an snee?in# all at on"e1 ,:i$e yo+r e$i%en"e(' sai% the 6in#1 ,Shan't(' sai% the "oo'1 The 6in# loo'e% an9io+sly at the White Rabbit( who sai% in a low $oi"e( ,2o+r ;a8esty .+st "ross e9a.ine THIS witness1' ,Well( i& I .+st( I .+st(' the 6in# sai%( with a .elan"holy air( an%( a&ter &ol%in# his ar.s an% &rownin# at the "oo' till his eyes were nearly o+t o& si#ht( he sai% in a %ee* $oi"e( ,What are tarts .a%e o&-' ,Pe**er( .ostly(' sai% the "oo'1 ,Trea"le(' sai% a slee*y $oi"e behin% her1 ,Collar that Dor.o+se(' the E+een shrie'e% o+t1 ,=ehea% that Dor.o+se4 T+rn that Dor.o+se o+t o& "o+rt4 S+**ress hi.4 Pin"h hi.4 O&& with his whis'ers4' 7or so.e .in+tes the whole "o+rt was in "on&+sion( #ettin# the Dor.o+se t+rne% o+t( an%( by the ti.e they ha% settle% %own a#ain( the "oo' ha% %isa**eare%1 ,Ne$er .in%4' sai% the 6in#( with an air o& #reat relie&1 ,Call the ne9t witness1' An% he a%%e% in an +n%ertone to the E+een( ,Really( .y %ear( 2OU .+st "ross e9a.ine the ne9t witness1 It 5+ite .a'es .y &orehea% a"he4' Ali"e wat"he% the White Rabbit as he &+.ble% o$er the list( &eelin# $ery "+rio+s to see what the ne9t witness wo+l% be li'e(, &or they ha$en't #ot .+"h e$i%en"e 2ET(' she sai% to hersel&1 I.a#ine her s+r*rise( when the White Rabbit rea% o+t( at the to* o& his shrill little $oi"e( the na.e ,Ali"e4' TRACK 01_12_01 CHAPTER NII Ali"e's E$i%en"e ,Here4' "rie% Ali"e( 5+ite &or#ettin# in the &l+rry o& the .o.ent how lar#e she ha% #rown in the last &ew .in+tes( an% she 8+.*e% +* in s+"h a h+rry that she ti**e% o$er the 8+ry bo9 with the e%#e o& her s'irt( +*settin# all the 8+ry.en on to the hea%s o& the "row% below( an% there they lay s*rawlin# abo+t( her $ery .+"h o& a #lobe o& #ol%&ish she ha% a""i%entally +*set the wee' be&ore1


,Oh( I =E: yo+r *ar%on4' she e9"lai.e% in a tone o& #reat %is.ay( an% be#an *i"'in# the. +* a#ain as 5+i"'ly as she "o+l%( &or the a""i%ent o& the #ol%&ish 'e*t r+nnin# in her hea%( an% she ha% a $a#+e sort o& i%ea that they .+st be "olle"te% at on"e an% *+t ba"' into the 8+ry bo9( or they wo+l% %ie1 ,The trial "annot *ro"ee%(' sai% the 6in# in a $ery #ra$e $oi"e( ,+ntil all the 8+ry.en are ba"' in their *ro*er *la"es ALL(' he re*eate% with #reat e.*hasis( loo'in# har% at Ali"e as he sai% %o1 Ali"e loo'e% at the 8+ry bo9( an% saw that( in her haste( she ha% *+t the Li?ar% in hea% %ownwar%s( an% the *oor little thin# was wa$in# its tail abo+t in a .elan"holy way( bein# 5+ite +nable to .o$e1 She soon #ot it o+t a#ain( an% *+t it ri#ht3 ,not that it si#ni&ies .+"h(' she sai% to hersel&3 ,I sho+l% thin' it wo+l% be EUITE as .+"h +se in the trial one way +* as the other1' As soon as the 8+ry ha% a little re"o$ere% &ro. the sho"' o& bein# +*set( an% their slates an% *en"ils ha% been &o+n% an% han%e% ba"' to the.( they set to wor' $ery %ili#ently to write o+t a history o& the a""i%ent( all e9"e*t the Li?ar%( who see.e% too .+"h o$er"o.e to %o anythin# b+t sit with its .o+th o*en( #a?in# +* into the roo& o& the "o+rt1 ,What %o yo+ 'now abo+t this b+siness-' the 6in# sai% to Ali"e1 ,Nothin#(' sai% Ali"e1 ,Nothin# WHATEVER-' *ersiste% the 6in#1 ,Nothin# whate$er(' sai% Ali"e1 ,That's $ery i.*ortant(' the 6in# sai%( t+rnin# to the 8+ry1 They were 8+st be#innin# to write this %own on their slates( when the White Rabbit interr+*te%) ,UNi.*ortant( yo+r ;a8esty .eans( o& "o+rse(' he sai% in a $ery res*e"t&+l tone( b+t &rownin# an% .a'in# &a"es at hi. as he s*o'e1 ,UNi.*ortant( o& "o+rse( I .eant(' the 6in# hastily sai%( an% went on to hi.sel& in an +n%ertone( ,i.*ortant +ni.*ortant +ni.*ortant i.*ortant ' as i& he were tryin# whi"h wor% so+n%e% best1 So.e o& the 8+ry wrote it %own ,i.*ortant(' an% so.e ,+ni.*ortant1' Ali"e "o+l% see this( as she was near eno+#h to loo' o$er their slates3 ,b+t it %oesn't .atter a bit(' she tho+#ht to hersel&1 At this .o.ent the 6in#( who ha% been &or so.e ti.e b+sily writin# in his note boo'( "a"'le% o+t ,Silen"e4' an% rea% o+t &ro. his boo'( ,R+le 7orty two1 ALL PERSONS ;ORE THAN A ;ILE HI:H TO LEAVE THE COURT1' E$erybo%y loo'e% at Ali"e1 ,I'; not a .ile hi#h(' sai% Ali"e1 ,2o+ are(' sai% the 6in#1 ,Nearly two .iles hi#h(' a%%e% the E+een1 ,Well( I shan't #o( at any rate(' sai% Ali"e) ,besi%es( that's not a re#+lar r+le) yo+ in$ente% it 8+st now1' G>

,It's the ol%est r+le in the boo'(' sai% the 6in#1 ,Then it o+#ht to be N+.ber One(' sai% Ali"e1 The 6in# t+rne% *ale( an% sh+t his note boo' hastily1 ,Consi%er yo+r $er%i"t(' he sai% to the 8+ry( in a low( tre.blin# $oi"e1 ,There's .ore e$i%en"e to "o.e yet( *lease yo+r ;a8esty(' sai% the White Rabbit( 8+.*in# +* in a #reat h+rry3 ,this *a*er has 8+st been *i"'e% +*1' ,What's in it-' sai% the E+een1 ,I ha$en't o*ene% it yet(' sai% the White Rabbit( ,b+t it see.s to be a letter( written by the *risoner to to so.ebo%y1' ,It .+st ha$e been that(' sai% the 6in#( ,+nless it was written to nobo%y( whi"h isn't +s+al( yo+ 'now1' ,Who is it %ire"te% to-' sai% one o& the 8+ry.en1 ,It isn't %ire"te% at all(' sai% the White Rabbit3 ,in &a"t( there's nothin# written on the OUTSIDE1' He +n&ol%e% the *a*er as he s*o'e( an% a%%e% ,It isn't a letter( a&ter all) it's a set o& $erses1' ,Are they in the *risoner's han%writin#-' as'e% another o& they 8+ry.en1 ,No( they're not(' sai% the White Rabbit( ,an% that's the 5+eerest thin# abo+t it1' /The 8+ry all loo'e% *+??le%10 ,He .+st ha$e i.itate% so.ebo%y else's han%(' sai% the 6in#1 /The 8+ry all bri#htene% +* a#ain10 ,Please yo+r ;a8esty(' sai% the 6na$e( ,I %i%n't write it( an% they "an't *ro$e I %i%) there's no na.e si#ne% at the en%1' ,I& yo+ %i%n't si#n it(' sai% the 6in#( ,that only .a'es the .atter worse1 2o+ ;UST ha$e .eant so.e .is"hie&( or else yo+'% ha$e si#ne% yo+r na.e li'e an honest .an1' There was a #eneral "la**in# o& han%s at this) it was the &irst really "le$er thin# the 6in# ha% sai% that %ay1 ,That PROVES his #+ilt(' sai% the E+een1 ,It *ro$es nothin# o& the sort4' sai% Ali"e1 ,Why( yo+ %on't e$en 'now what they're abo+t4' ,Rea% the.(' sai% the 6in#1 The White Rabbit *+t on his s*e"ta"les1 ,Where shall I be#in( *lease yo+r ;a8esty-' he as'e%1


,=e#in at the be#innin#(' the 6in# sai% #ra$ely( ,an% #o on till yo+ "o.e to the en%) then sto*1' TRACK 01_12_02 These were the $erses the White Rabbit rea%) `"hey told me you had %een to her, And mentioned me to him& .he gave me a good character, 1ut said I could not swim) He sent them word I had not gone ;We ,now it to %e true<& If she should push the matter on, What would %ecome of you0 I gave her one, they gave him two, 'ou gave us three or more"hey all returned from him to you, "hough they were mine %efore) If I or she should chance to %e Involved in this affair, He trusts to you to set them free, 63actly as we were) =y notion was that you had %een ;1efore she had this fit< An o%stacle that came %etween Him, and ourselves, and it) /on t let him ,now she li,ed them %est, !or this must ever %e A secret, ,ept from all the rest, 1etween yourself and me) ,That's the .ost i.*ortant *ie"e o& e$i%en"e we'$e hear% yet(' sai% the 6in#( r+bbin# his han%s3 ,so now let the 8+ry ' ,I& any one o& the. "an e9*lain it(' sai% Ali"e( /she ha% #rown so lar#e in the last &ew .in+tes that she wasn't a bit a&rai% o& interr+*tin# hi.(0 ,I'll #i$e hi. si9*en"e1 CIC %on't belie$e there's an ato. o& .eanin# in it1' The 8+ry all wrote %own on their slates( ,SHE %oesn't belie$e there's an ato. o& .eanin# in it(' b+t none o& the. atte.*te% to e9*lain the *a*er1 ,I& there's no .eanin# in it(' sai% the 6in#( ,that sa$es a worl% o& tro+ble( yo+ 'now( as we nee%n't try to &in% any1 An% yet I %on't 'now(' he went on( s*rea%in# o+t the $erses on his 'nee( an% loo'in# at the. with one eye3 ,I see. GD

to see so.e .eanin# in the.( a&ter all1 @ SAID I COULD NOT SWI; @ yo+ "an't swi.( "an yo+-' he a%%e%( t+rnin# to the 6na$e1 The 6na$e shoo' his hea% sa%ly1 ,Do I loo' li'e it-' he sai%1 /Whi"h he "ertainly %i% NOT( bein# .a%e entirely o& "ar%boar%10 ,All ri#ht( so &ar(' sai% the 6in#( an% he went on .+tterin# o$er the $erses to hi.sel&) ,@WE 6NOW IT TO =E TRUE @ that's the 8+ry( o& "o+rse @I :AVE HER ONE( THE2 :AVE HI; TWO @ why( that .+st be what he %i% with the tarts( yo+ 'now ' ,=+t( it #oes on @THE2 ALL RETURNED 7RO; HI; TO 2OU(@' sai% Ali"e1 ,Why( there they are4' sai% the 6in# tri+.*hantly( *ointin# to the tarts on the table1 ,Nothin# "an be "learer than THAT1 Then a#ain @=E7ORE SHE HAD THIS 7IT @ yo+ ne$er ha% &its( .y %ear( I thin'-' he sai% to the E+een1 ,Ne$er4' sai% the E+een &+rio+sly( throwin# an in'stan% at the Li?ar% as she s*o'e1 /The +n&ort+nate little =ill ha% le&t o&& writin# on his slate with one &in#er( as he &o+n% it .a%e no .ar'3 b+t he now hastily be#an a#ain( +sin# the in'( that was tri"'lin# %own his &a"e( as lon# as it laste%10 ,Then the wor%s %on't 7IT yo+(' sai% the 6in#( loo'in# ro+n% the "o+rt with a s.ile1 There was a %ea% silen"e1 ,It's a *+n4' the 6in# a%%e% in an o&&en%e% tone( an% e$erybo%y la+#he%( ,Let the 8+ry "onsi%er their $er%i"t(' the 6in# sai%( &or abo+t the twentieth ti.e that %ay1 ,No( no4' sai% the E+een1 ,Senten"e &irst $er%i"t a&terwar%s1' ,St+&& an% nonsense4' sai% Ali"e lo+%ly1 ,The i%ea o& ha$in# the senten"e &irst4' ,Hol% yo+r ton#+e4' sai% the E+een( t+rnin# *+r*le1 ,I won't4' sai% Ali"e1 ,O&& with her hea%4' the E+een sho+te% at the to* o& her $oi"e1 Nobo%y .o$e%1 ,Who "ares &or yo+-' sai% Ali"e( /she ha% #rown to her &+ll si?e by this ti.e10 ,2o+'re nothin# b+t a *a"' o& "ar%s4' At this the whole *a"' rose +* into the air( an% "a.e &lyin# %own +*on her) she #a$e a little s"rea.( hal& o& &ri#ht an% hal& o& an#er( an% trie% to beat the. o&&( an% &o+n% hersel& lyin# on the ban'( with her hea% in the la* o& her sister( who was #ently br+shin# away so.e %ea% lea$es that ha% &l+ttere% %own &ro. the trees +*on her &a"e1 TRACK 01_12_03 ,Wa'e +*( Ali"e %ear4' sai% her sister3 ,Why( what a lon# slee* yo+'$e ha%4' ,Oh( I'$e ha% s+"h a "+rio+s %rea.4' sai% Ali"e( an% she tol% her sister( as well as she "o+l% re.e.ber the.( all these stran#e A%$ent+res o& hers that yo+ ha$e 8+st been rea%in# abo+t3 an% when she ha% &inishe%( her sister 'isse% her( an% sai%( ,It WAS a "+rio+s %rea.( %ear( "ertainly) b+t now r+n in to yo+r tea3 it's #ettin# late1' So Ali"e #ot +* an% ran o&&( thin'in# while she ran( as well she .i#ht( what a won%er&+l %rea. it ha% been1 GG

=+t her sister sat still 8+st as she le&t her( leanin# her hea% on her han%( wat"hin# the settin# s+n( an% thin'in# o& little Ali"e an% all her won%er&+l A%$ent+res( till she too be#an a&ter a &ashion( an% this was her %rea.) 7irst( she %rea.e% o& little Ali"e hersel&( an% on"e a#ain the tiny han%s were "las*e% +*on her 'nee( an% the bri#ht ea#er eyes were loo'in# +* into hers she "o+l% hear the $ery tones o& her $oi"e( an% see that 5+eer little toss o& her hea% to 'ee* ba"' the wan%erin# hair that WOULD always #et into her eyesIan% still as she listene%( or see.e% to listen( the whole *la"e aro+n% her be"a.e ali$e the stran#e "reat+res o& her little sister's %rea.1 The lon# #rass r+stle% at her &eet as the White Rabbit h+rrie% by the &ri#htene% ;o+se s*lashe% his way thro+#h the nei#hbo+rin# *ool she "o+l% hear the rattle o& the tea"+*s as the ;ar"h Hare an% his &rien%s share% their ne$er en%in# .eal( an% the shrill $oi"e o& the E+een or%erin# o&& her +n&ort+nate #+ests to e9e"+tion on"e .ore the *i# baby was snee?in# on the D+"hess's 'nee( while *lates an% %ishes "rashe% aro+n% itIon"e .ore the shrie' o& the :ry*hon( the s5+ea'in# o& the Li?ar%'s slate *en"il( an% the "ho'in# o& the s+**resse% #+inea *i#s( &ille% the air( .i9e% +* with the %istant sobs o& the .iserable ;o"' T+rtle1 So she sat on( with "lose% eyes( an% hal& belie$e% hersel& in Won%erlan%( tho+#h she 'new she ha% b+t to o*en the. a#ain( an% all wo+l% "han#e to %+ll reality the #rass wo+l% be only r+stlin# in the win%( an% the *ool ri**lin# to the wa$in# o& the ree%s the rattlin# tea"+*s wo+l% "han#e to tin'lin# shee* bells( an% the E+een's shrill "ries to the $oi"e o& the she*her% boy an% the snee?e o& the baby( the shrie' o& the :ry*hon( an% all thy other 5+eer noises( wo+l% "han#e /she 'new0 to the "on&+se% "la.o+r o& the b+sy &ar. yar% while the lowin# o& the "attle in the %istan"e wo+l% ta'e the *la"e o& the ;o"' T+rtle's hea$y sobs1 Lastly( she *i"t+re% to hersel& how this sa.e little sister o& hers wo+l%( in the a&ter ti.e( be hersel& a #rown wo.an3 an% how she wo+l% 'ee*( thro+#h all her ri*er years( the si.*le an% lo$in# heart o& her "hil%hoo%) an% how she wo+l% #ather abo+t her other little "hil%ren( an% .a'e THEIR eyes bri#ht an% ea#er with .any a stran#e tale( *erha*s e$en with the %rea. o& Won%erlan% o& lon# a#o) an% how she wo+l% &eel with all their si.*le sorrows( an% &in% a *leas+re in all their si.*le 8oys( re.e.berin# her own "hil% li&e( an% the ha**y %ays1

The En%


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