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Me Subjects
GURU NANAK Engineering College I B.Tech Hand Book Page - 1
Engineering Chemistry
Chapters No of
Unit Topic Classes
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8
I 1 2 1 17 6 1 14 18 6
II 1 2 1 17 6 1 14 18 6
Science of
III Corrosion 7 8 4 16 17 - 11 6 5
IV Coatings and 8 8,9 4 21 - - - 7 5
their applications
Polymer Science
V 3 9 9 11 1 5 12 16 8
and Technology
Refractories &
VI 11 10,1 16 15 8,14 - - 11 5
VII Lubricants 10 7 5 20 7 - - 13 5
Fuels &
VIII 2 3,4 2 12 5 3 13 14 7
Classes for above curriculum topics 03
Descriptive tests 06
On – line tests 03
Revisions 03
Total no of classes 62
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i. What is the hardness of water sample in ppm? ii. What is the amount of lime
and soda required for the treatment of the water sample?
3. Explain the Ion-exchange method for the removal of dissolved impurities
and its
Advantages over lime soda process. [16]
1) a) What is the chemical composition of Zeolite? How are they classified? Explain the
mechanism of the treatment of hard water by Zeolites.
b) A Zeolite softener was exhausted and regenerated by passing 100 liters of NaCl solution
containing 585 gms per liter. Calculate the total hardness of the water sample in ppm, if the
Zeolite softener can soften 1000 liters of water before regeneration.
2) Write a comparative statement on lime soda & Zeolite process.
3) Calculate the lime and soda needed for softening 50,000 litres of water containing the
following salts: CaSO4 = 136 mg/lit; MgCl2 = 95 mg/lit; Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg/lit; Ca(HCO3)2=
162 mg/lit. Given that the molar mass of Ca(HCO3)2 is 162 and that of MgCl2 is 95
4) Determine the amount of soda and lime required in Kg’s to soften 5000 lit of water containing
the following salts MgCl2 = 15.5 ppm, Ca(Hco3)2 = 32.5 ppm, Ca(No3)2 = 22.4 ppm, NaCl = 50
ppm, KCl = 22.5 ppm.
1) Explain the process of wet corrosion by evolution of hydrogen and absorption
of oxygen (or) Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion.
2) Differentiate the following with suitable examples. a) Galvanic series and electrochemical
series. b) Pitting corrosion ad stress corrosion.
3)(a) What is meant by differential aeration corrosion? Illustrate with
suitable examples. (b) How is rate of corrosion influenced by i. Nature
of corrosion product ii. Relative anodic to cathodic areas iii.
Temperature and moisture.
4) (a) What is oxidation corrosion and how does it take place?
Describe the mechanism of oxidation corrosion. (b) Describe the
Week-8 various factors influencing the rate of chemical corrosion.
5) Write down the equation for the hydrogen evolution in an electro chemical corrosion
1. What are the factors effecting corrosion?
2. a) Explain the following factors influencing the rate of corrosion. i.
Nature of corrosion product ii. Position in electrochemical series iii.
Week-9 pH. (b) Differentiate between dry corrosion and wet corrosion
3. Define corrosion? Explain any 4 factors that affect the rate of corrosion
& explain any 4 corrosion control methods.
1. Explain how corrosion control can be brought about by the following methods.
Week-10 a) Modifying the environment b) Cathodic protection.
2. Write a short note on Inhibitors & Cathode protection.
Explain the protective coatings you would choose for steel; cast iron and concrete pipe.
Give reasons for your answer.
Week-12 1.(a) Describe the mechanism of drying of conjugated oils. (b) Name any four important
drying oils. (c) Define the following:i. Acid value of an oil ii. Saponification Value iii.
Iodine Value.
2. Write notes on Surface preparation.
3. (a) Discuss how the surface of a metal is prepared prior to the application of a
protective coating.
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(b) Write the important applications of protective coating.
(c) Why is moderate current density employed during electroplating?
1. What is metallic coating? Name the metallic coating methods.
2. (a) Describe the process of sheradizing? Mention its applications?
(b) Distinguish between anodizing and electroplating. (c) Define
1. (a) What are organic paints? Name their important constituents
and their re-spective functions with an example? (b) Mention the
functions of pigment and vechicle in a paint
2. write a short note on Chemical conversion Coatings
1. Write the differences between a) compression-Injection moulding b) additional
Week-15 polymerization-condensation polymerization c) thermoset-thermoplasts.
2. Explain any one of the mechanism of additional polymerization, using suitable example. .
1. Write a note on thermo setting plastics? Write a note on properties and uses of Teflon.
2.Describe the manufacture , properties ,uses of a)polyethylene
Week-16 b) Teflon c) Thiokol d) PVC
3.(a) How is HDPE is prepared? Give its properties and uses? (b) Explain the injection
moulding process with a neat diagram? Mention its advantages.
1.What is moulding of plastics? Explain compression moulding technique in detail.
2.How is Bakelite manufactured? Discuss its important uses and properties.
Week-17 3. Identify the thermosets & thermoplasts among the following: PVC,
polyethylene, silicon, polyester fiber, bakelite. What is Bakelite? How is it
manufactured and mention its uses.
1.Describe the preparation, properties and engineering uses of Polythylene.
Week-18 2. (a) Explain the preparation, properties and uses of Bakelite.
(b) Describe with a neat sketch, the process of compression moulding
1. (a) What are elastomers? Give the preparation, properties and uses of Buna S. (b)
Describe a method for moulding of thermoplastic resin
2. Write a short note on rubber and vulcanization. Write a brief account of
elastomers, silicons.
3 Write preparation, properties and uses of nylon, polyester, and polyurethanes.
(a) Why are Silicones called inorganic polymers? Discuss the synthesis of linear chain
Silicones. (b) Why Bakelite can’t be remoulded and write its repeating unit? (c) Describe
condensation polymerization with an example
1. Discuss any FOUR essential properties of a good refractory in detail.
Week-20 2. What are electrical insulators? Discuss their characteristics & engineering applications.
3. What are thermal insulators? Discuss their engineering applications and characteristics
1. (a) What are refractories? How important are the properties - refractoriness under load
and thermal conductivity for industrial applications? (b) Compare acidic and basic
Week-21 refractories with examples
2.What do you understand by ‘refractoriness’. Explain its measurement.Write a note on
‘refractoriness-under-load (RUL)’.
Week-22 1. What are refractories? Explain thermal spalling, strength and porosity of the
2. (a) What is pyrometric cone equivalent? How it is determined for a refractory? What is
its significance?(b) Write a short note on: i. porosity ii. Thermal Conductivity iii.
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Dimensional Stability. iv. Strength
1. Write a short note on principle and function of Lubricants
2. (a) Give the functions of lubricants. (b) Describe the mechanism of extreme pressure
Week-23 lubrication. c) How a viscous lubricant is converted into grease?
3. Write a note on lubricants with special reference to their classification, mode of
action, examples and uses.
1. Explain the various mechanisms of lubrication in detail.
2.Explain the following two theories for the mechanism of the lubricants.
a) Boundary lubrication b) Extreme pressure lubrication
3. (a) Give the functions of lubricants. (b) Describe the mechanism of
extreme pressure lubrication. c) How a viscous lubricant is converted
into grease?
Week-25 1. Define lubricant. Discuss the Classification and important properties of the lubricats.
UNIT-VIII Fuels & Combustion
What is coal? How it is formed? Discuss the qualities of a good coal.
2. What is metallurgical coke? Describe any one method of manufacturing metallurgical coke.
3. a) Differentiate between proximate and ultimate analysis. b) Calculate in
calorific value of a fuel coal sample having composition? C-80%, H-3.5%, N-
1.5%, Ash-7.2% a) What is knocking? What are its adverse effects? How it is prevented? b)
Define Octane and cetane Number. Explain how it can be improved.
Explain how fuels are classified with suitable examples. (b) Explain the significance of the
following constituents present in coal. i. Moisture ii. Volatile matter iii. Ash and iv. Fixed carbon.
Week-27 (a) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
(b) Explain the significance of the following constituents present in coal. i. Total carbon
ii. Hydrogen iii. Nitrogen iv. Sulphur and v. Oxygen.
1) Write a short note on Refining. b What is meant by knocking in I.C engine? Explain the
mechanism of knocking in chemical terms.
2.(a) What do you understand by the term knocking in IC engines? Explain its
relationship with chemical constituents of fuels. (b) A sample of coal contains 60%
carbon, 33% Oxygen, 6.0% Hydrogen, 0.5%
Sulphur, 0.2% Nitrogen and 0.3% Ash. Calculate GCV and NCV of coal
1Describe the experiment with a neat diagram . (b) Calculate gross and net calorific value of a
gaseous fuel from the following data. Vol of gaseous fuel burnt at STP- 0.09m3, wt of water used
for cooling 25.0 kg, Temp of inlet water 250C, temp of out let water 30.00C wt of water produced
Week-29 by steam condensation 0.02 kg latent heat of steam 587 Kcal/kg
2. With a neat diagram describe the Orsat’s gas analysis method. What are the special precautions
to be taken in the measurement? (a) How calorific value of a gaseous fuel is determined by
Junker’s gas calorimeter.
Calculate gross and net calorific value of a gaseous fuel from the following data. Volume of
gaseous fuel burnt at STP – 0.09m3, weight of water used for cooling 25.0kg, temperature of inlet
water 250C, temperature of outlet water 30.00C, weight of water produced by steam condensation
0.02kg, latent heat of steam 587 kcal/kg.
2. (a) Explain Higher Calorific Value and Lower Calorific Value and distinguish the both.
(b) What are the characteristics of a good fuel?
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