Bank On Yourself
Bank On Yourself
Bank On Yourself
How to Pocket the Interest You Now Pay to Banks, Credit Card and Finance Companies... and Get Back the Entire Purchase Price of Your Cars, Vacations and Other Big-Ticket Items
By Pamela G. Yellen, President Bank On Yourself
I wish to acknowledge my financial advisor client who first brought this Concept to my attention, Nelson Nash, my mentor and author of the book, Becoming Your Own Banker, who has made it his life's mission to explore and expand on this Concept, and the late John Savage, the internationally respected financial planner who taught thousands of clients and colleagues a better way to leverage money and finance purchases.
Important Notice
While a great deal of care has been taken to provide accurate and current information, the ideas, suggestions, general principles and conclusions presented here are subject to local, state and federal laws and regulations and revisions of same, and are intended for informational purposes only. The author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services and accepts no liability or responsibility with respect to any reader's decisions or actions that may be based on information or interpretation of information contained in this Report. Always consult with qualified accounting, financial, legal or tax counsel regarding current laws and regulations and how they apply to your situation. All figures and examples shown here are based on 2003 rates and assumptions, which, of course, are subject to change. Individual results may vary based on a number of factors unique to each person's situation.
Copyright Notice
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Pamela G. Yellen. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information and retrieval system, without express permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to: Pamela Yellen, 39 Vista Estrella South, Lamy, NM 87540 USA. Email: NOTE: Distribution, duplication or transmission of this Report by any financial advisor who does not have written authorization to do so, and has not undertaken the rigorous, advanced training required to become a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor, and whose certification is not current, is in violation of copyright and subject to fines and penalties. To verify if your financial advisor is a current Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor, please email:, and include their name and state.
Congratulations! You're about to change your lifefor the better! The information in this Guide will revolutionize the way you think about money. You're going to learn how to stop the flow of money AWAY from you and turn the tide so that the revenue stream comes TO youin a tidal wave. It's not magic. It's not voodoo. And more than 100,000 smart Americans have already put the information in this Report to work for them. So what IS it? It's a littleknown, but time-tested strategy that's been proven to... Recapture the Interest You've Been Paying to Banks, Credit Card and Finance Companies... and Get Back the Entire Purchase Price of Your Cars and Other Big-Ticket Items! Pretty exciting, isn't it? Instead of wondering if your investments will pay off, if you'll achieve the income you're hoping for, if you'll have the money you need to do the things you want, you can have an income stream you can count on. You won't be victimized by a rocky stock market or real estate market, low interest rates on savings and money market accounts, or any of the other uncontrollable "ifs, ands, or buts" that can change your financial forecast from sunny to gloomy. Instead, you'll be in charge, directing the course of your financial future. Win the Money Game! I'll also show you how to eliminate banks and finance companies from your life and gain control over your money! Soon, all the money you've been sending to those "wolves in lenders' clothing" will stay in your pocket at least until you use it to make your dreams come true with...
A new car, SUV or truck Your dream home or a second home A college educationfor your kids, grandkidsor you The vacation of a lifetime A zero balance on all your credit cards A state-of-the-art home theatre A boat or an RV A computer That home improvement or addition you've been thinking about Business equipment or machinery
And if you usually pay cash for major purchases, here's some great news: You can still benefit from this powerful wealth-building strategy! Plus, regardless of whether you usually finance large purchases or pay cash, here's yet another benefit: We live in an increasingly uncertain world. Imagine what a relief it will be to know you can use this information to... Increase Your Wealth Each and Every Year With Absolutely No Risk!
How much of a difference can the strategy I'm about to reveal to you make in your financial picture? Let me whet your appetite a little... If you buy and pay for just one of your family's cars the way I'm going to show you, and you buy a brand new $25,000 car every 4 years for 40 years... You Could Have $751,059.00 More Wealth than You Would Have if You Financed those Cars through a Bank or Car Finance Company! And if you normally pay cash for your cars, you could have at least $711,139.00 more wealth paying for those same cars the way Im about to describe, instead! I realize this may sound too good to be true. How could changing the way you pay for a car possibly make that big of a difference? However, I will prove it to you in this Report. So, I urge you to find a quiet spot, hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door and read this Report today. Because, if you're like most folks I've shared this with, your only regret will be... "I Wish I'd Known About this Years Ago!" By now, you're probably wondering who I am... and what makes me qualified to teach you how to build wealth? I don't blame you one bit for being skeptical. There are plenty of "self-appointed" financial experts out there. So... Who the Heck am I... and Why Should You Let Me Be Your Guide? I'm Pamela Yellen and for the last 17 years, I've been a successful consultant to financial advisors. It was one of my clientsa professional in the "money game"who introduced me to the revolutionary approach to money that I'm about to share with you. 2
I was so blown away by what a consistent, risk-free technique I had stumbled upon to grow wealth and achieve financial security and independence, that I was compelled to make it my life's mission to educate as many people about this strategy as possible. Although it may seem newand it was certainly new to me when I first heard about itI was astonished to find that this strategy is more than a century old. For more than 100 years (and that's in people years, not dog years!), there has been a gold mine waiting to be tapped. And not just any old gold minethe mother lode!
As I continued "prospecting" this gold mine, and analyzing this concept in greater depth, I realized how it could benefit almost anyone Harvard MBAs and graduates of the "School of Hard Knocks," emptynesters and families, captains of industry and single moms, small and large business owners, experienced investors and financial novices.
It was a way to enable people to grow wealthy on the interest and finance charges that would otherwise go to line the pockets of banks, credit card companies and finance companies... and to make major purchases withOUT robbing their nesteggs. And I soon realized that this safe and proven strategy does MUCH more than that, as I reveal in this Report. I Can Tell You from Personal Experience this System WORKS! I know this System is effective because I've used it successfully myself. And so have more than 100,000 others. The strategy I'll teach you is the same one that I use to finance both of my family's cars myself. Not only am I able to put all the interest that I used to pay to banks and leasing companies to finance my cars into my own pocket, but also, over a reasonably short period of time, I am getting back the entire cost the finance charges and the principal of both of our cars! I will never again pay a penny of interest to a bank or financial institution to buy our cars! And, since both of our cars happen to be owned by my corporation, I am also able to take tax write-offs for the interest expense and depreciation. A few years ago, I bought three timeshare weeks at luxury resorts around the country the same way. Not only are the interest payments that I would normally have made
to a bank going into my own pocket instead, over time, I will get back the entire cost of these part-time vacation homes... and then some (this is in addition to what I can resell the timeshares for)! Recently we put in the home theatre that my husband had been dreaming about for years, and financed it the same way. We're not paying one single penny of interest to a bank or credit card company for it, and we're getting back the entire cost of it, too. What Works for Me Can Work for You, Too! Are you thinking: "Oh, she's not talking about me or my situation"? Oh, but I am! I've watched this strategy help men and women of all ages and incomes do things they had only dreamed about, never believing that they could achieve the financial freedom and security they needed to turn their dreams into reality. I've seen people from all walks of life with faces lit up like the Fourth of July when they realized they could afford to buy a shiny new car every four years, a boat or an RV, send their kids to the best colleges, or finally purchase that little house in the country with a picket fence, rose garden, and rocking chairs on the wrap-around porch. I've seen the looks of relief on their faces when they discover how easy it is to ensure a worry-free, comfortable retirement and a predictable, reliable income stream that will last as long as they do (no matter what happens in the stock or real estate markets). I'd like to see that same smile and look of relief on your face, too.
The Four Wealth Destroyers that Can Threaten Your Financial Future...
When it comes to finances, the best-laid plans of mice and men (and women) are frequently derailed by the four biggest wealth destroyers we face todayzappers that take a tremendous bite out of the money you've worked so hard to earn. Being aware of these wealth destroyers is the first step towards taking control of your financial future. Conquering them can mean the difference between being able to enjoy the good life on a daily basis or having to deny yourself life's luxuries. It can also spell the difference between a comfortable, worry-free retirement and having to give up things you once considered essential.
Many retirees are watching their golden years tarnish as they are forced to put off vacation travel, limit their social activities, and eat out less. Some have had to sell their dream homes. Many are postponing retirement or are being forced to come out of retirement and go back to work. (And, according to the March 2007 AARP Magazine, 77% of workers today expect to hold a job after "retiring"!) And tragically, AARP says most retirees have had to put off filling prescriptions, take smaller doses than prescribed to make costly medicines last longer, and see doctors or dentists only when absolutely necessary, because their interest and investment income has disappeared. Most Investors Don't Come Close to Equaling or Beating the MarketHere's Why... This sobering fact was reported in the January 2004 issue of Bottom Line Tomorrow: Even though a broad index of the market returned an annualized 12.2% from 1984 through 2002, according to a study done by Dalbar, Inc., a leading market research firm:
"The average investor earned only 2.6% annually, even less than the inflation rate of 3.1%. Main reason: Investors "chase performance" by buying the best-performing investments of the past few monthsafter their hot run is over. Then when they find themselves in a low performing investment, they do it again. And with each switch, they incur extra expenses." In other words, when you factor in inflation, the average investor actually lost money during the longest-running bull market in history! Most people make lousy "market-timers"research shows even most professional market-timers can't do it successfully on a consistent basis. You Can Do Things Differently! Even if you are making money in the stock market, are you able to do it without worrying or losing sleep? Can you accurately predict how much money youll have when you need it? There is a different way... one that makes your money grow each and every year, in bull markets and bear markets, so you can sleep well at night! True financial diversification isn't just about putting your money in a mix of equities. To have stability, you need to diversify beyond the stock market.
Many Pensioners Are Now Looking at Losing Up to 70% of Their Promised Benefits, According to the AARP Bulletin
Can you imagine what it would be like to have to retire on only 30 or 40% of what you thought you had coming?
That's pretty scary when you consider that the majority of people over 65 rely on Social Security for at least half of their income. And Social Security contributes 90% or more of income for almost one-third of the beneficiaries and is the only source for 20% of them. Medicare will be exhausted even sooner2019!and healthcare costs are still skyrocketing out of control. Will you be able to count on the government to provide your financial security? In the words of the Magic 8 Ball: "My sources say no." According to a 2006 study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, "many retirees will have inadequate income to fund a basic lifestyle." They may not be able to afford a car. They won't be able to use air conditioning, to save on electric bills. They'll have to give up their cell phones and skip doses of life-saving medicines. The question is: How likely is it that you will be able to retire comfortably? Will you have the money you'll need to live where you desire, to do all the things you've planned for your whole life, to ensure you won't end up being a burden to your family in your later years, or end up in a poorly staffed federally underfunded nursing home? Will you be able to provide educational assistance to your children and grandchildren? Don't worry. You may not realize it yet, but... You Have Everything You Need to Succeed YOU are the Key to a Secure Financial Future
If your plan is to eliminate your debt, you'll discover how to put those interest payments into your own pocket instead and leverage them to create personal wealth and financial security. And, if you have relatively little debt or typically pay cash for major purchases, "Bravo!" You're well ahead of most people and are already half way to making this Program work for you.
Financial security is a powerful thing and may mean more than you realize. Financial security means that you can... Spend with Confidence, Stop Worrying about Money, and Know your Money Will Last as Long as You Do Instead of lining the pockets of banks and finance companies, you could turn interest payments into tax-free income that will buy you more of what you're living for: security, comfort, joy, and peace of mind.
How to Pocket the Interest You Now Pay to Banks, Credit Card and Finance Companies, Turn it into a Tax-Free Income Stream... and Get Back the Entire Purchase Price of Things You Buy...
Now that we've looked at the four biggest Wealth Destroyers and potential threats to your best-laid plans for a secure financial future, you might think things look pretty bleak. What can you count on? Is there any way to ensure financial security that will let you sleep well at night? The answer is a resounding "YES!"
Don't let the start-up phase derail your plans! Capitalization is just a phase an initial phase. It's a one-time requirement that provides a lifetime of benefits. You're in this for the long run, right? Because it really IS possible to finance your own car purchase in just a few short years. And once you do that, you'll never have to go back to doing it the old way the old, financially draining way. Instead... You'll Never Have to Throw Your Money Away Leasing or Financing Your Car Again! And, if You Normally Pay Cash for your Cars, Keep Reading You're in for a Very Pleasant Surprise, Too... In fact, as strange as this may sound, with the strategy Im going to show you now, youll actually look forward to making payments on your cars and other purchases since they're all going into the "You Finance Yourself Company" instead!
Most people approach their car purchase with one of three financing strategies in mind. Naturally, a variety of factors can affect the purchase price, so we're going to keep this illustration as simple as possible and "level out the playing field." In order to do that... I am not factoring in a down-payment, trade-in value, or inflation I'm going to assume you will buy a new $25,000 car every 4 years, from ages 40-80 I assumed a conservative historical interest rate on your car loan or lease of 7.5%. (For some perspective, in 1997, the average car loan interest rate was 7.99%, in 1994, it was 8.5%, and in 1991, it was 11%.)
Of course, you may spend more on your car, or less, than in the example here. And you may be older or younger than 40. Just keep in mind that this example gives you a starting place to understand the power and consequence of financing your own purchases, instead of giving away your money to finance institutions...
And now let's fast-forward to the future and look at the dollars and cents of the matter as Rob celebrates his 80th birthday after four decades of income-killing lease agreements. It isn't pretty, so get out your handkerchiefs, because Rob's Total Cash Outlay was $199,680. Now what if you financed the cars through a bank or dealer instead? Let's take a look
-300000 Loss
With "friends" like Mr. Anthony, who needs enemies? When it comes to car financing, Miss Melanie needs to be her own best friend and trusted advisor and to bank on herself, too! So maybe you don't like either of these first two options (leasing and bank financing), and figure paying cash for the cars is the solution. Turn the page and let's take a look
If Slater was disciplined enough to make monthly payments into a savings account to accumulate $25,000 over 4 years to pay cash for each car he bought, he wouldn't lose as much interest. However, he'll pay income taxes on the growth of that money in a taxable savings account or money market fund, at a rate equal to his combined Federal and State income tax bracket. Which means he'd be losing 35% or 40% or more of that growth right out of the gate!
Slater was on the right track, but he'd missed one very significant concept: Whether You "Buy on Time" or Pay Cash, You Finance Everything You Buy! That's because you either pay interest to a bank or finance company OR you give up the interest you could have earned on your money had you invested it, instead of paying cash. In economics, it's called the "Lost Opportunity Cost."
Option #4: Cut Out the Middle Man (Become Your Own Financing Source and Bank On Yourself)
All those "interest dollars" flying around. Instead of watching them touch down at the finance company or bank, why not wave them in for "happy landings" closer to homeinto your pocket. Reality Check: This is serious stuff. We're talking about transforming your money from "cash out" to "cash in," and then some. We're talking about letting you reap the rewards of holding on to thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars that would otherwise slip through your fingers into the hands of creditors. So how do you do it? Remember, there's no such thing as a "magic bullet." But there is this: A strategy for practical people (like you, I hope!) willing to make a change in how they manage their finances, so they can grow wealthy on the interest and finance charges they used to pay to banking institutions... and create a lifetime of financial securityno matter what happens in the stock or real estate markets. As I wrote earlier, when you start a finance company or any other kind of business, there's always a "capitalization" phase. So, since the "You Finance Yourself Company" is brand spanking new, a "start-up phase" is the first step to success. Remember, it's a onetime requirement that provides a lifetime of benefits. Here's How It Works... Using the same variables as in the car purchase example I just went through, the capitalization phase will take 5 years. So, for the first 5 years, you're going to make the same $604 a month payment to your Bank On Yourself Account (the "You Finance Yourself Company") as you would if you had taken out a bank loan instead. Keep in mind this is for a $25,000 car, with no trade-in value factored in. If the car you plan to buy costs more, or less, your monthly payment will be more, or less, of course.
And, if you have a car to trade in, your monthly payment will be less... or you'll be able to shorten the "start-up phase," so you can start "Banking On Yourself sooner. In fact, if you factor in the average trade-in value of a 4-year-old $25,000, you could have enough in your Bank On Yourself Plan to become your own financing source for your next car in the fourth year instead of at the end of the fifth year! Now hang in there with me for a minute, because I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out what kind of financial vehicle, account or plan enables you to accomplish this. I'll tell you soon enough. Okay, let's get back to our example. After the fifth year (start-up phase)and every 4 years after thatthere's enough in your "account" to take out $25,000 and pay cash for your next car. Now here's where things get interesting... To Make this Work, You Must Make a Commitment to Yourself to Make the Same Payment Directly to the "You Finance Yourself Company," that You Would Have Been Required to Make to an Outside Banker or Lender
This is the key to making this strategy work. This is how you use it to get all the benefits I've been telling you about. (And think about it: If you had a choice of making payments to your own finance company, instead of someone else's, who would you rather make them to?)
Key Concept: Once you've gone through the one-time "start-up" phase, you'll be able to pull out enough money every four years (in this example), to pay cash for your next carand all the cars you buy for the rest of your life, if you want! And, in the process, you'll be recapturing the interest payments you would have otherwise paid to an outside finance company (and never see again). Plus, you'll get back the entire purchase price of your cars, as I'm about to demonstrate.
Here's What Happens When You Bank On Yourself to Finance Your Car...
Your Total Cash Outlay for 10 cars over 40 years is $289,920 (the same as if you financed your car through a bank loan or dealer). But instead of paying more than a quarter of a million dollars to a banker or loan financer... The Money is all Going into Your Bank On Yourself "Account" Since the money stays with youan assetit's shown as a "positive" in this diagram. But that's just the beginning. Your little $289,920 "nest egg" will... Grow to a Total Value of $461,139 in 40 years (in this example) and... You win three ways...
100000 500000
Growth Over 40 Y ears
Triple Play When you Bank On Yourself, your money grows three ways: First, you get growth on the principal you pay in to your Bank On Yourself Account. Second, you're earning money on the interest you would have otherwise paid to a finance institution. And third, you're earning interest on that interest! It's A Win-Win-WIN Situation!
Key Concept: How much did all those cars really cost you? They really cost you nothingyou recaptured every penny by Banking on Yourself... and then some! You turned what would have been a $289,920 loss into a $461,139 gain!
($ 200,000.00) ($ 300,000.00) ($ 400,000.00)
Finance the cars using a bank or loan company (as in Option #2) and it will cost you $289,920, as we saw earlier. Finance the cars yourself by "Banking On Yourself" (Option #4) and you'll have a gain of +$461,139. When you add those two numbers together ($289,920 + $461,139), you can see that...
The "Swing" or Difference Between Financing Just One Car Every Four Years through a Bank and Financing it Yourself is $751,059 over 40 Years! Imagine What Happens if You Do this with Two Cars Instead!
Key Concept: You have a choice: You can have the cars and the money... OR just the cars. Which would you rather have?
Now, if you still think paying cash is the solution, consider this: Even if you don't factor in any "Lost Opportunity Cost" (what you could have earned on your money had you invested it instead of paying cash), ten $25,000 cars are still going to take $250,000 out of your pocket (not factoring in a trade-in). That means the difference between paying cash for the cars and the gain you'd get ($461,139) by financing them yourself by Banking On Yourself is still a whopping $711,139! ($250,000 + $461,139 = $711,139.)
Key Concept: After the "start-up" phase, the monthly payments you used to send to an outside finance company will all go to the "You Finance Yourself Company" instead. From then on, you can use the money that accumulates in your Bank On Yourself "Account" to pay cash for your cars. And, by paying your own Bank On Yourself plan back, instead of an outside finance company, you'll continuously recapture the full cost of your cars, so you can turn around and use those funds for your next car, and your next car after that, and for all the cars you buy for the rest of your life!
It's like getting free cars for the rest of your life! And this is all because your monthly payment is now going to your Bank On Yourself "Account," instead of to an outside finance company. But this is only part of the story: The principal and interest you're now recapturing in your Bank On Yourself "Account" will grow continuously for you, risk-free (even though you're using it to buy cars). You'll be able to use these funds how and when you want, taxfree, if you do it right. The more you use the Bank On Yourself strategy to finance purchases yourself, and the longer you do it, the more wealth you will have. Do you understand now how you can get your cars and other "stuff" for FREE, when you build up your Bank On Yourself "account," borrow from it to pay cash for things, and then pay your account back with interest, just as an outside lender would have required?
If not, let me quickly summarize it again, since this piece is critical to understanding this strategy. It doesn't matter whether you normally lease, finance or pay cash for a car. Based on our example of ten $25,000 cars, it's going to cost you anywhere from $199,680 to $289,920 to get those ten cars, right? But when you buy the cars through your Bank On Yourself plan, instead of being $199,680 to $289,920 in the hole, you're up $461,139! So you not only got those ten cars for FREE, you actually made money on the deal! And it Doesn't Matter if the Dealership Offers You a Low Interest RateYou Can't Get a Better Deal than "Free"!
I know you're dying to find out what type of financial vehicle or plan gives you this seemingly magical way of turning ordinary purchases into a bigger nest-egg for you and your family. And I promise I'll tell you in a minute. But if you aren't 100% sure you understand how Banking On Yourself enables you to get stuff for free, please review the last four pages again. And if you do understand this part, then let me answer a question I know some readers will have at this point Are You Wondering Where You'll Get the Money for the Start-Up Phase? Don't get discouraged! There are 7 places you can look to find the "seed money" to fund this strategy to get you started... and many involve restructuring your finances to free up cash flow at no additional out-of-pocket expense to you. Many people have been able to get started with this who always felt like they had "more month than money." I'll explain more about this later in this Report, so stick with me. But let me ask you this: If you knew that if you put aside something each month for a few years, you could have free cars for the rest of your life (and/or free vacations, boats, home theatres, home remodels, etc.), would you be willing to make a few changes in your spending habits, if necessary, to make it happen? 21
Immediate Gratification...
Unlike the money you put into a taxable savings account or retirement fund, you have access to the equity in your Bank On Yourself Plan anytime you wanttax-free, if you do it right!
Toni's Tale
Toni, a former competitive ice skater and now a successful skating instructor, spent most of her life on the ice. She longed to go to some place sunny and warm. When she was surfing the Internet one day, Toni saw an incredible deal on an irresistible trip to Tahiti offered by an online travel company. The trip was expensive and had to be paid for immediatelythe special "deal" expired at midnight the next day. No problem for Toni! She and her husband, John, had been acting as their own "finance company" and financing their car purchases themselves for a while. When Toni had a need for cash, she was able to transfer funds quickly and easily from their Bank On Yourself "Account." Toni and John's dream trip turned into reality, thanks to a little bit of planning, a little bit of discipline, and a lot of money that would have otherwise gone into the pockets of a finance company or bank. Before Toni learned how to "Bank On Herself," she would have paid for the trip on a credit card, and it would have taken her two or three years to pay it back. Maybe longer. But since Toni and John had been financing both of their cars for years by "Banking On Themselves" and putting every penny of interest (and principal!) they would have lost to finance companies into their own pockets, they had an extra cushion of cash they could use when the opportunity came up. Toni and John Made the "Bank On Yourself Commitment" to Themselves They would pay their Bank On Yourself "Account" back each monthwith interestuntil it was paid off. Just as the credit card company would have required. That would ensure they'd have the money available whenever it came time to trade in their cars, or for when the next "incredible deal" came up. Toni didn't have to wait until retirement to get her hands on her money. Why should you? She and John financed all their cars themselves... not to mention being able to pounce on a chance-of-a-lifetime vacation opportunity! And because of this, when they turn 80, they'll still have close to $1 million in their Bank On Yourself planthat they can get their hands on whenever and however they want, NOT just tax-deferredtax-free!
All the things you used to think of as expenses slowly eating away at your hardearned cash, will suddenly become income-builders, working for younot the other way around. The heart of the matter is simple: The interest (and over time the principal as well) you would normally pay to some greedy corporate money machine will go into your own pocket instead.
Close the Door Now, Stop All that Money (Principal, Interest and Growth) from Flying Away, Get Back the Entire Purchase Price of Big-Ticket Items... and Grow Your Nest-Egg Each and Every YearGuaranteed!
This is the choice that may spell the difference between jeopardizing your health because you can't afford needed prescriptions or medical care, having to pass on vacations you've been planning on for years, being forced to go back to work just to make ends meet... OR having the money to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and having freedom from financial pressures and control over your money.
And Now, for the $64,000 Question (Drum Roll, Please!): How in the World Do We Accomplish This?
Now you understand how important it is to Bank On Yourself and be your own source of financing, and how much you'll benefit from recapturing the interest dollars that used to go flying out of your home into the hands of the money people. But what you still don't knowand are probably getting impatient to hear aboutis what financial vehicle or strategy we use to make this happen. Hang on to your hats here it comes: We Use a Specially-Designed, Dividend-Paying Whole Life Insurance Policy Stop! Wait! Please don't tune me out now! You probably think you know about life insurance, but I'm NOT talking about the kind of life insurance policies most people are familiar with (including most insurance agents, CPA's and financial advisors)! Keep reading! Don't let the words "life insurance" get in your way. If the words "life insurance" turn you off, you can call it anything you like, if it makes you feel better"The Snickerdoodle Savings Account" or "Our Piggy Bank" or "The Johnston Family Financial Freedom Fund." Key Concept: It really doesn't matter what you call it. What matters is that this special kind of life insurance policy is the only vehicle I've found that enables you to grow wealthy on the interest and profits you would otherwise be paying to banks and finance companies! And it is the only strategy I know of that enables you to get back the entire purchase price of things you buy, while growing your wealth in the process, withOUT risk or worry! To accomplish this, you must use a special, little-known type of life insurance policy sometimes referred to as a "substantially over-funded policy." Furthermore, it must be a policy issued by certain dividend-paying whole life insurance companies that has been specifically designed to turn a traditional life insurance policy upside down by going for maximum cash accumulation, while minimizing the death benefit. Added Bonus: The strategy we use to help you become your own financing source also happens to come with a death benefit... on top of all the other benefits I just discussed. If for some reason you don't want or need the death benefit, you can always give it to your favorite charity, church or temple.
With this Kind of Specially-Designed Policy, You Don't Have to Die to Win!
Most life insurance is really sold as "death" insurance, meaning that people buy it for the death benefit. Usually, the conversation with the insurance agent goes something like this: "Well, Joe and Sally, you need to have $500,000 of life insurance coverage or death benefit, in case something happens to you." Joe and Sally then want to know what's the least they can pay to get that amount of insurance coverage. Like most people, they want to pay the minimum premium possible and get the largest death benefit possible. That's fine if the main reason you're buying the policy is for the death benefit. But what most people don't realize is that buying a policy this way causes your equity in the policy to grow at the slowest possible rate. It's interesting to note that the insurance company sets the minimum amount you can pay per dollar of death benefit coverage. Howeverand most people aren't aware of thisthere's also a maximum amount of premium per death benefit dollar you can pay into an insurance policy. And that's set by the IRS. After all, the IRS knows this is a good deal, and if there were no limits, wealthy people would be stuffing every dollar they possibly could into these policies and never paying a penny of tax. The Question You Should be Asking When You Buy a Life Insurance Policy for the Purpose of Banking On Yourself Is... "What is the maximum amount of premium the IRS will let me pay for a given amount of death benefit coverage?" When the policy is designed this way, your equity in the policy grows at the fastest possible rate! Of course, this is the total opposite of how most people buy life insurance. And, the faster your equity grows, the more ways (and the sooner) you can use it to Bank On Yourself, so you can transform interest payments into personal wealth and start getting back the full cost of things you buy. You control the policy and the equity in your policy. You don't have to wait 'til you die to benefit from it. And you don't have to wait 'til you reach a certain age to get your hands on it. The important thing to remember is that when you buy life insurance for the purpose of Banking On Yourself, you don't have to die to win!
In Order to Understand the Power of this Financial Vehicle and Strategy, it Helps to Know a Little about How a Life Insurance Policy Works...
Now stick with me, because I promise to keep this simple. If you read a life insurance contract, you'll discover that... You are the owner of the contract, not the life insurance companythey are simply the administrator The insurance company must put the money in your policy to work by lending it out or investing it, in order to produce the benefits they promised policyholders You (as the owner of the contract) outrank every potential borrower in access to the money that must be lent or invested! You get "first right of refusal"! The insurance company can lend the money to other places only if youthe policy ownerdo not exercise your option to use the money instead. And, unlike borrowing from a bank or finance company... You Can NOT Be Turned Down for a Loan and NO Credit Application is Ever Required!
This amounts to absolute control over the investment and loaning function. You're the driving force... you call the shots! You can borrow 100% of your equity in the contract to do what's important to youbuy a car, make some much-needed home improvements, send your child to college, pay off your mortgage...
And You Have Access to Your Money Exactly When You Need It
Key Concept: When you build a "financing system" using this specially designed kind of life insurance, make loans to yourself to finance purchases, and pay the same amount back to your policy that you would have had to pay to an outside finance company, then you keep what the banking institution would have made off you. In other words... YOU Get What the Bankers GetRich as Midas!
And now I'm going to reveal how you can increase your wealth even more, by cashing in on the kind of tax breaks that are usually available only to the wealthy... At Last! A Tax Break Anyone Can Benefit from... Not Just the Wealthy... I'm going to let you in on a little secret now, so I hope you're paying close attention. A lot of folks think only the very wealthy get the great tax breaks. But the kind of littleknown and specially-designed life insurance policies I've been talking about here enjoy some unique tax advantages... and you don't have to be rich to qualify for them. According to Judge Learned Hand (US Tax Court of Appeals)... "There are Two Systems of Taxation in Our Country One for the Informed and One for the Uninformed" The IRS isn't going to go out of their way to "inform" you about this, of course. So, I'm going to "spill the beans!" Again, I promise to keep this simple... 1. According to current tax law, dividends you receive that you leave in your policy to buy additional insurance are not taxable. As an added benefit, dividends that are left in your policy and used to buy what's called "fully paid-up" insurance (which is life insurance you'll never have to pay another premium on), will increase your cash value in the most efficient way possible, because it's buying the lowest death benefit possible. 2. Dividends you take out of your policy are not taxed until they exceed the amount you paid into the policy (your cost basis), at which point you can simply switch to borrowing your cash values, which you can do tax-free.
3. If you pass on with a policy loan outstanding, it gets paid off by reducing your death benefit by the amount of the loan. Rememberyou are buying this policy for the cash accumulation feature, not the death benefit. What this means is that it is possible to get your hands on the equity in your policy without paying a penny in taxes, if you do it right. This is one important reason I recommend you do this with the guidance and coaching of an advisor who has received at least one year of advanced training in the Bank On Yourself strategy. Because if your policy is designed improperly, or you access your equity the wrong way, you could end up losing some or all the wonderful tax benefits I've described. In addition, if your policy is designed improperly for this strategy, or if the wrong company or product is used for it, the cash value of the policy won't grow nearly as fast. It could even lose value, if the wrong product is used. At the end of this Report, I'll explain how you can get a referral, to a qualified Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor who's had advanced training, and how you can receive a FREE, no-obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis that will show you how you could benefit from a Bank On Yourself program tailored to your unique financial situation, goals and dreams. What If the Tax Laws Change? Of course, tax laws can change. But the beauty of Banking On Yourself is that this Strategy stands on its own. Even if the tax laws did change and the tax advantages I just told you about disappeared, this Strategy still would enable you to pocket the interest you now pay to financial institutions. And, it would still allow you to get back the entire purchase price of bigticket items over time! Plus it would still allow you to grow wealthier each and every year without risk or worry! "I love Banking On Myself! We just used the money in our plan to remodel our home. By paying our Bank On Yourself policy back, instead of a credit card company, we'll have enough to remodel our home every few years from now on without ever having to put aside another penny to do it! It feels great to be able to buy things we want now, but know that we're still putting money away for our future. If I could turn the clock back, I would have put as much money into my policy as I possibly could and I would have started a lot sooner!" - Joni Schultz, Hospital Department Director, Arizona
And What about the Talk Show Experts Who Say Whole Life Insurance is a "Lousy Investment"?
On top of that, you've got Mary Moneypants and other financial "gurus" saying, "Don't buy whole life insurance! It's a lousy investment! You should only buy term insurance." Here's the part these financial "gurus" don't tell you about term insurance...
Term insurance is simply "renting" a policy. Much like renting a home, you'll never see the money again that you pay to "rent" a term insurance policy.
Why Life Insurance Companies Love It When You Buy Term Insurance Instead of Whole Life The premium for a term insurance policy is set to increase periodically (some increase every 5, 10 or 20 years, and some as often as every year), until eventually it becomes so expensive that most policyholders are forced to drop it. (It has to become more expensive with timethe company knows you are that much closer to the point where deathand a payoutis certain, unless you're Elvis!) The life insurance companies know this. They know that very few people who buy a term policy have it in force when they die. In fact, a survey by the Life Insurance Management and Research Associates (LIMRA), found that less than 1% of all term life policies remained in force for 20 years. Another survey from Joseph Belth at Indiana University found that less than 1% of all term life policies paid a claim!
Reality Check: So, term insurance has a 99% chance of being money down the drain, with no real financial benefit to you or your family!
And, if you decide you still want insurance after you're forced to drop your evermore-expensive term policy, you may have become uninsurable and can no longer qualify for life insurance coverage of any kind. (By the way, being uninsurable or in poor health does not necessarily prevent you from Banking On Yourself, as I'll explain in a bit.)
Plus, term insurance does not enable you to pocket the interest you'd otherwise pay to financial institutions or get back the purchase price of things you buy. Term insurance is designed to terminate before you do. Cash value whole life insurance, on the other hand, is an asset, not an expense. I'm Willing to Bet that the Media Financial "Gurus"... Have never heard of this little-known way for people to put in their own pocket the interest they'd otherwise fork over to banks, credit card and finance companies (and never see again) AND get back the full cost of major purchases Have never heard of the strategy I've discussed here that enables you to transform financing costs into personal wealth and a tax-free stream of income for life Have never heard of "Paid-Up Additions Riders" that maximize cash values and minimize the death benefit Do not know that you receive the same dividend, whether you've borrowed your equity in your policy or not (if you buy a policy from a certain kind of life insurance company)more about this amazing benefit in a bit Do not know that most, if not all, dividend-paying life insurance companies have paid dividends to policy-holders every single year, even during the Great Depression... ON TOP OF a guaranteed annual increase in cash value! Can not name any other vehicle or way to warehouse cash, turn it into tax-free wealth you can access how and when you want, and guarantee there will be no downs, only ups... and that your money will grow risk-free each and every year! "The problem in America isn't so much what people don't know; the problem is what they think they know that just ain't so." Will Rogers Some People May Think that They Can Get a Better Rate of Return Perhaps. But at what expense? Higher returns mean greater risk... and usually no guarantees. How much is it worth to you to be able to sleep well at night, knowing you're guaranteed to grow wealthier every single yeareven in a bear market?
Isn't the return of your money at least as important as the return you get on your money? Because the last thing you want is to get to the time you need the money... only to find out "the sack had a hole in it," right? And, if you carry debt, then "rate of return" is really the wrong concern. Changing the direction of even a portion of the money now leaving your home to finance debt from "cash out" to "cash in" is going to have a far greater impact on your financial future than bumping up the return you get on your savings a couple percent.
Besides, I Challenge You to Show Me Where Else You Can Consistently Get a Better Rate of Return, Plus All these Benefits... and Still Sleep Well at Night:
Ability to get back the entire purchase price of big-ticket items You get back every penny of capital you put intax-free Ability to recapture the interest and profits you now lose to finance institutions Your money grows every year and you can never go backwardseven in a bear market Ability to get your hands on the equity in your policytax-free, if you do it rightwhen you want itwith no government restrictions on how much or when you can do it Ability to borrow the equity in your policy to buy things or invest in anything you want while you continue to earn dividends on your policy as though you never borrowed a penny!
How to Make your Money Literally Work Twice as Hard for You... Let's say you save $25,000 in a CD, money market, investment or savings account and decide to withdraw it to buy a car. Do you continue earning interest on that $25,000? Of course not. Even if you start putting money back into that account every month, so that
in 4 or 5 years you'll have enough saved up to pay cash for your next car, you'll only start earning interest again incrementally.
Key Concept: Are you sitting down? Because this is going to blow your mind! Perhaps one of the most exciting and unique benefits of Banking On Yourself is this: If you have $25,000 in your policy available for you to borrow, and you pull it out to pay cash for a car, or to invest in something, you'll continue to earn dividends as though you had never borrowed a single penny!* Please tell me what other financial vehicle gives you this amazing benefit? (And, unlike a brokerage margin account, they can't call your loan or liquidate your investments for any reason.)
*Applies to policies from "non-direct recognition" life insurance companies onlymany insurance agents and advisors do not work with these types of companies, so be sure to consult an advisor who specializes in the Bank On Yourself strategy and is a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor. (At the end of this Report I explain how to get a referral to a qualified advisor with access to the right companies.)
How is this Possible!?! Hey, I know... we've all heard that old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." So I don't blame you for being skeptical about this. But there's a simple explanation for it... Life insurance dividends are paid on the face amount (death benefit) of your policy, not the cash value. When you borrow your cash value, it comes out of the insurance company's reservesyou are simply pledging any remaining cash value in the policy, or your death benefit, as collateral. If you pass on with a loan outstanding, it gets paid off by reducing the death benefit by the amount of the loan.
Key Concept: This means you can borrow your equity out of your policy, put it in the highest paying investment you can find, or use it to buy things, and your policy will continue earning dividends as though you never borrowed any money out! This is the ultimate money leverage! Your money literally does double-duty for you! (Again, this applies to policies from "non-direct recognition" companies only.)
Sure, you'll pay interest to the company on the cash value you borrow. But, in a dividend-paying whole life policy, that interest ultimately goes to increase the value of your policy, just like the interest earnings from other investments the insurance company makes on behalf of all of its policy owners! And, as I've just discussed, if you buy a policy from certain life insurance companies, called "non-direct recognition," there is no penalty or deduction at all for taking loans. (I recommend you avoid "direct-recognition" companies, which do credit you a different dividend on any outstanding policy loans you have.) The Life Insurance Policy that Couldn't Stop Growing (While I was Losing My Shirt in the Stock Market)... The guaranteed cash value increases and dividends paid by many life insurance companies often exceed what you can earn in a CD, money-market or savings account. My husband and I now own 15 policies between us. I bought the first one in 1992. In 2002, that policy paid me an 8.2% dividend, riskfree. While I sweated over the money I (and everyone else) was losing in 2002 in the stock market (that was the year 90% of all equities lost an average of 19.22%), I made money in my insurance policy, while I slept. That was also a year you were lucky to get % to 2% on your money markets, CD's and savings accounts. I've already discussed the tax advantages of growing wealth in life insurance policies. But, it gets even better: My equity in that same policy increased by 2 times the premium I paid that year (2002)! And that increase cannot be taken away from me, even if the bottom falls out of the stock or real estate markets. Also, I bought that policy before I discovered the Bank On Yourself strategy and it had not been structured to maximize the cash accumulation! The numbers would have been far better, if it had been designed for that purpose. And the rate of growth on this policy keeps increasing every year. Eventually the policy will increase every year by 10 times my premium, then by 12 times my premium, and more. That's because this kind of policy is engineered to become more efficient every year and there's nothin' you can do about that! Ill give you one guess what thought ran through my mind when it really hit me just how quickly (and risk-free) the growth in a policy like this accelerates over time. Its the same thought youre likely to have when you implement this strategy
Why the Heck Didnt I Buy More of this Stuff and Why Didnt I Start Sooner?
I know that what I'm talking about here requires a shift in thinking. It's different from "how we've always done it." So, you may still be wondering why some of the traditional ways we've been taught to save and invest money can't be used to accomplish the same thing as Banking On Yourself. For example, you may be wondering... "Why Can't I Invest in the Stock Market, and Use that Money to Buy a Car, Home or Other Large Purchase? Wouldn't that Work as Well or Better?" After all, we've all been taught that, over the long haul, staying invested in the market gives you a good rate of return, right? The answer is simple. Over the long haul, the market can produce a nice rate of return for you (assuming you avoid the trap the "average" investor falls in of chasing performance, as we discussed earlier). However, the very nature of what I've been talking about in this Report requires reliability in the shortterm. I'd like to be able to buy a shiny new car every 4 years. Wouldn't you? Especially if you know that doing so will grow your wealth more efficiently over the long haul and that you'll be getting back the entire purchase price over time, if you finance the car by Banking On Yourself, rather than through an outside finance company or by paying cash. There's no reason to deny ourselves these pleasures!
Key Concept: That means the money needs to be there when you're ready to buy a new car, every 4 years. You don't want to get to the time you had planned to buy your next car, and find out that a pullback or correction in the market wiped out part or all of the money you were going to use, do you?
You need to be able to 100% count on it and know the money will always be there when you need it! Banking On Yourself allows you to do that. Remember that if you had money in the stock market in 1929, and then went into the stock market crash, it took 12 years to get back to where you were. Not much help to you if you wanted to finance your own car in 1930 or 1934, or 1938... or 1987, or 2001 or 2002... well, you get the idea. (And, as of January 1, 2007, most investors still hadn't recouped their losses from when the bull market screeched to a halt 7 years earlier, because most were invested in tech stocks and funds, which were still more than 50% below their March 10, 2000 highs.) Not only do you lose the predictability you need for Banking On Yourself when you invest in the stock market, there are tax consequences as well. You'll pay long-term capital gains taxes or ordinary income taxes when you sell them (depending on how long you held them). Plus, you must pay income taxes each year on the dividends or interest earned on stocks, bonds and mutual funds, if they're not held in a tax-deferred account.
When Compounded Growth Equals Compounded Taxes... And, if you're investing in the market within a tax-deferred retirement account, 401(k) or IRA, if your money grows as planned, you'll pay taxes on a much larger number when you start taking distributions. The "experts" always seem to forget to warn you about that, when they tout the advantages of tax-deferred plans! When You Bank On Yourself, You Can Create a Tax-Free Stream of Income for Your Retirement... and You Dont Even Have to Wait til You Retire to Get It... When you Bank On Yourself through the special kind of life insurance policies I've been talking about, you avoid these taxes. There are no taxes due on the dividends you receive and leave in your policy to buy additional insurance, and no taxes due on dividends you take out of your policy, until you exceed the amount you paid for the policy, at which point you can switch to borrowing the cash value in your policy tax-freehowever and whenever you want, according to current tax law. Unlike traditional retirement plans, there are no government penalties for withdrawing funds before you turn 59, no penalties for not taking distributions after you turn 70, and no government limitations on how much you can take each year. (Note: Please don't confuse borrowing the equity in your policy with "surrendering" the policy, which terminates it and does trigger taxes. There should be no reason for you to terminate a well-designed Bank On Yourself policy.) Equally important to consider is this: If your predictions of how fast your money will grow in the stock market are wrong, you'll have to work longer before you can retire, or you'll have to live on less during your retirement, or you'll be forced to go back to work. "Okay, Why Can't I Bank On Myself using CD's, Money Market or Savings Accounts which are Guaranteed?" There are several key benefits of using dividend-paying whole life insurance to Bank On Yourself over using CD's, money market or savings accounts: 1. If you want to get access to your money in a CD, you can only do it without penalty when your CD's mature. However, you have total flexibility, control over, and access to, the equity in your whole life policies.
2. With CD's, money-markets and savings accounts, you pay income taxes on the interest earned in your account. That instantly slashes your return. If you're in the 32% tax bracket, for example, that means almost $1 out of every $3 you earn is going to taxes! As I just explained, you can avoid these taxes by Banking On Yourself and withdrawing or borrowing your equity in your policy the way I've described. "What About Using My 401(k) or Retirement Plan to Accomplish This?" Okay, so maybe you have money in a 401(k) or other retirement account that allows you to borrow from it. And, in spite of everything I've just explained, you're still wonderingwhy not just use your retirement account to Bank On Yourself? Forget about the fact that you're going to pay taxes on your money in retirement accounts when you take distributions (other than a ROTH IRA). And since the money hopefully will grow to a substantial sum, your tax bill is gonna be a whopper! Forget about the fact that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has been warning Congress that they may have to cut off benefit payments for retirees. And forget about the fact that you won't earn interest on any funds you borrow. There are Four Additional Problems with Attempting to Use Your Retirement Plan this Way: 1. Most 401(k) retirement and pension plans have strict and fairly low limits on how much you can contribute each year. However, most people are allowed to sock away a much larger amount into Bank On Yourself life insurance policies each year. Each company sets a limit on how much death benefit coverage they will let you buy, based on your income and other factors. But remember, when you buy a policy for the purpose of Banking On Yourself, you want to keep the death benefit low, so you can maximize the cash accumulation feature. This enables you to put a lot more money into the policy, before you hit the maximum death benefit the companies will allow. Once you hit that limit, you can switch to buying policies on people you have an "insurable interest" in. 2. Many retirement plans severely limit the amount you can borrow (some dont allow you to borrow at all), and what you can borrow it for. And all plans specify that you
must pay that money back within 5 years, or it becomes taxable. The IRS doesn't allow you to borrow from IRA's at all. Trap: Whatever the amount youre allowed to borrow from your 401(k), you must pay it back within 5 years, or it is considered taxable income and is also subject to penalties. Trap: If you leave the company, you only have 60 days to pay the entire loan balance back, or it's taxed and you'll have to pay penalties on it! Trap: You are required to make minimum monthly payments on your loan... and if they stop for any reason, the IRS gives you only 60 days from the time you made your last payment to pay the entire loan back, or you'll have to pay taxes and penalties! Trap: What if you become too sick or hurt to work for a while and can't make your loan payments? As if that's not enough of a challenge to deal with, you'll have the IRS knocking on your door, requiring you to pay taxes and penalties! Trap: If you borrow money from your retirement plan when the market is low and the market goes up while you're paying the loan back, you've just broken "Rule #1 of Investing" by buying high and selling low. 3. You can't start taking distributions until you turn 59, without paying penalties. (There is one way to take early distributions and not pay penalties, but it involves jumping through a lot of hoops and a loss of control over how much you take each year.) And, you must start taking distributions by the time you reach 70, whether you want or need to, or not. There are no such restrictions when you Bank On Yourself. Key Concept: You have none of these limitations and a whole lot of flexibilitybecause you are in control when using your life insurance policies to Bank On Yourself! 4. When you pass on, the beneficiary of your retirement plan will have to pay income taxes on the money they receive (exception: "Stretch" IRA's). However, the death benefit on your life insurance policy will pass on to your loved ones income tax-free.
It all goes back to what I talked about at the beginning of this Report. I'm not suggesting you stop investing in the market, real estate or other things. I'm not telling you to get rid of your retirement plan. What I'm saying is... It's About Diversification Although I own a lot of this special kind of life insuranceand plan to buy a lot moreI also have a pension plan, invest in the stock market, real estate and more. Adding Banking On Yourself to a financial plan that may include stocks, real estate and a pension plan just makes sound financial sense. Its what real diversification is all about. That said, I will tell you thisof all of the financial vehicles I've used, over time, my Bank On Yourself life insurance policies have given me the most consistent, worryfree growth on my money. My only regret is that I did not buy moresooner. And, as I mentioned, if you're like most people I know who've discovered the power of the Bank On Yourself strategy for growing wealth and creating financial security, that will be your only regret, too.
"After working for 25 years, I feel for the very first time that my retirement is properly squared away. I no longer have to worry about where to put my savings to chase a higher return. Bank On Yourself takes all the gut-feeling worry of, Am I doing the right thing away, and allows me to focus on other, more fun things in my life. Yes, I do wish Id started earlier, but I suppose it just took this long for me to make enough of the financial mistakes Ive made to allow this strategy to reveal itself to me as the gem it really is. Thank you so much for bringing Bank On Yourself to my attention. This is the best financial lesson Ive ever been taught. I feel completely at peace with my decision to move forward with this. - Mike LaPlante, FL So maybe what I've been saying makes sense, but you're thinking there's not much point in Banking On Yourself because... You're Going to Rely on the Equity in Your Home for Your Retirement Many people like the feeling of security that comes with building up equity in their home, or owning it free and clear. Some people make extra mortgage payments, or refinance to a 15-year mortgage, even if it makes them feel financially pinched.
But lets take a look at the bigger picture, and then Ill show you how, by Banking On Yourself, you can achieve the same end result and the same sense of security far more efficiently. The Four Dangers of Having "Too Much" Equity in Your Home... Now you're probably thinking I've lost it. After all, how can having equity in your home be a bad thing? So let's look at four things most people don't consider, when building equity in their home... 1. Payments of principal you make into your home do not make money for you. How can that be!? Let me explain... Your home is going to appreciate at the exact same rate whether you own it free and clear... or you're mortgaged to the hilt. Your home won't be worth more when you go to sell it, just because you've paid your mortgage down, or paid it off. Which means... the money you sink into your home isn't working for you at all! Your equity is earning you a 0% rate of return! All of those bucks that you're sending to your mortgage company (that the mortgage company is investing to make money for itself) could be making money for you in your Bank On Yourself policy, instead. Important: The money in your Bank On Yourself policy grows continuously and you can spend that money on anything you want and still have it working for you, as I've explained in this Report! In fact, you could use the equity in your policy to pay off your mortgage, and your policy will continue earning dividends as though you never borrowed a dime! 2. The equity in your home is not liquid. This is a key consideration. Have you thought about how you'll get your hands on the equity in your home, if you need or want it? Of course, you could borrow your equity, by refinancing or taking out a home equity loan. However, if you lose your job, or become disabled, you probably wont be able to qualify for a loanand your money will be locked up in your home! What do you think your mortgage banker's going to say if you become disabled or lose your job, and you beg him to give you a break because you made all those extra payments, or because you demonstrated how responsible you are by paying your mortgage over 15 years instead of 30? All that begging and a quarter won't even buy you a cup of coffee. Your next payment is still going to be duein full in 30 days. And if you can't make your payments for 90 days, the bank will foreclose on you and you'll most likely lose all the equity you sweated so hard to build up in your home!
The other way to get at the equity in your home is to sell your house. However, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise, because... 3. The equity in your home is not guaranteed. Real estate markets go up, but they also go down, as many people have been finding out. And, if interest rates go sky high, the value of your property may go down and wipe out your equity. It's happened in the past. Real estate markets are cyclical, so it could happen again in the future. 4. There is no tax benefit to having equity in your home. You get a tax break for the interest that you pay, but not for the principal that you pay. The faster you pay your mortgage down, the less interest you pay, and the lower your tax benefit. Given that this is the only real tax break consumers get for paying interest, why give it up if there's a better alternative? In addition, you have no guarantee that the market will be up when youre ready to sell, and you have no way of knowing how long it will take to sell. Given these four considerations, if I told you I had a great investment for you that has no growth, no guarantees, no tax break, and no liquidity How Much Would You Want? It doesnt sound like such a good deal, when you think about it. But thats the problempeople dont really think it through. And it breaks my heart to see it, because these are well-intended people, trying to pay off their mortgage faster, often while struggling to pay bills each month and carrying credit card balances and other debt. On the other hand, your Bank On Yourself policy is guaranteed to grow every single year, your equity is liquid (you can get your hands on it whenever you want or need it and no credit app is ever required), and it comes with phenomenal tax advantages... Plus, in Many Cases, You Can use the Equity in Your Bank On Yourself Policy to Pay Off your Mortgage in Full in an Average of 7-18 Years, if You Choose, and Still Have the Use of (and Control Over)Your Money to Spend or Invest in Other Things! As I mentioned, I bought my first policy in 1992 and I've bought 14 more policies since then. Even though Ive used the equity in my policies to purchase and finance 44
several big-ticket items, including our cars, a home theatre and our luxury timeshares, I still have enough equity in my policies to pay off our mortgage in full, today, if I choose! Added Bonus: If I did borrow from my policies to pay off my mortgage, I'd continue receiving dividends on my policies as though I never borrowed a dime! Before I really understood all the advantages that building equity in my Bank On Myself policies has over building it in my home, I was very seriously considering refinancing to a 15-year mortgage. But, instead, I chose to refinance my home and take out the largest mortgage I possibly could, for the longest term I could get, that would increase the equity in my home at the slowest rate. This maximized my tax deduction, and gives me flexibility and peace of mind. I put the equity I was able to pull out of our home into a Bank On Yourself policy. Plus, I'm putting the difference between what my monthly payment would have been if I'd gone the route of a 15-year mortgage, and the lower payment I ended up with, into the policy. And, over time, I will end up with far more wealth than if I had plowed that money into my home. Plus, knowing I have the ability to pay off my home any time I want, using the equity in my Bank On Myself policy, makes me feel much more secure and in control than having my money locked up inside my home. Does this make sense? Many people find that by restructuring their mortgage, and other aspects of their finances, they can free up more "seed money" to help fund their Bank On Themselves policies and really make their money work hard for them. Okay, maybe you're convinced Banking On Yourself makes sense. But you're not sure you'll be able to do it because... You're Uninsurable or "Too Old" to Buy Whole Life Insurance That's not a problem, for two reasons: 1. A good insurance agent knows which companies will insure you, even if you have health problems, and may be able to find a company that will insure you, even if you've been told you're "uninsurable." If it turns out you really are uninsurable, you can usually still Bank On Yourself, because it doesn't matter who the "insured" is (person whose life is insured) on your policy. All that matters is that you own the policyand control the money in your policy.
So, you can always have the "insured" be anyone you have an "insurable interest" in, typically a family member or business associate. 2. Regarding being "too old" to buy life insurancegenerally, up until around age 65, it works fine for you to be the insured on your policy. After that, you'd want to have a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor "run the numbers" to make a determination who should be the insured on your policy. Key Concept: If it doesn't make sense for you to be the insured, you can simply designate someone you have that "insurable interest" in as the insured. Important: You will still ownand controlthe policy and the equity in your policy! Why Folks from Age 65-90 Love Banking On Themselves... Thousands of folks (even those who've been around almost a century!) are starting life insurance policies so they can Bank On Themselves. (And keep in mind the current statistics: If both members of a couple are age 65 and in good health, there's a 50% chance one will live to be at least 90!) Here are the main reasons people over 65 start Bank On Yourself policies: 1. To recapture the interest they'd otherwise pay to financial institutions for cars and other major purchases... and so they can pay cash for large purchases without robbing their nest egg 2. To be able to get back the entire purchase price of big-ticket items 3. To increase their tax-free retirement income 4. To help their children or grandchildren get a college education. By Banking On Themselves, they keep the interest that would otherwise be lost to finance an education, and they get back the entire cost of that college education! Too many people make the mistake of paying for college with funds that could have been used to enrich their current lifestyle or retirement instead. When you Bank On Yourself to fund a college education, you stay in control of the money and you can use it to finance other things, like your cars, vacations and more. By consistently Banking On Yourself, it will liberate you from banks and finance companies and produce a legacy of financial independence you can pass on to your children and your children's children for generations to come. 46
For example, are you addicted to your daily Double Moccachino at the local high-end coffee bar? Between the price of the coffee and a tip for the "barista," you probably spend close to $4 a day on your caffeine fix. Do you realize that $4 a day adds up to $120 a month $1440 a year In ten years, you'll spend close to $15,000 on coffee! You could buy a car with your coffee money alone! 47
Try this Little Experiment to Determine How You Could Benefit From Banking On Yourself and Changing the Flow of Money in Your Life from "Cash Out" to "Cash In"...
The best way to illustrate how you can benefit from this incredible way to grow wealthy on the interest you're now giving to banks and finance companies, is to plug in some numbersYOUR numbers. (If you usually pay cash for major purchases, you can skip ahead a few pages. But rememberpeople who pay cash still benefit from Banking On Themselves, because when you start "playing banker," you'll be able to pay cash for things and still get growth on your money, plus you'll be able to get back the entire purchase price of big-ticket items and turn taxable wealth into tax-free money.) Grab your handy, dandy calculator (or abacus, if you prefer) and let's figure out approximately how much money you're spending on interest each yearmoney that's gone forever. You'll also find out how much you stand to lose in the next 10 years if you don't "mend your ways."
That's the Amount of Money That's Leaving Your Home Each Year, Never to Be Seen or Heard from Again! 48
Painful, isn't it? Perhaps I should have told you to grab a bottle of Pepto-Bismol along with the calculator! Well, get ready to take another swig: Add a zero to your Total Approximate Annual Interest Payments and enter it in the box below:
New Total:
That's the amount of money that's going to leave your home over the next ten years... if you continue to do things the way you've been doing them! It's not going into your pocket, it's not going into the hands of your loved ones. The graphic below illustrates exactly where it's going...
One Thing Ought to Be Loud and ClearYou are NEVER Going to Get out of Financial Prison or Win the Money Game if you Keep Doing Things the Way You've Been Doing Them!
And rememberpaying cash is not the answer. There are just two options available to you, if you don't Bank On Yourself: 1. You're either going to pay interest on the money you borrow to purchase things (and never see it again) --OR 2. You're going to lose the interest and investment income that you would have gotten on your money, if you had invested it, instead of paying cash 49
Now Let's Try Another Quick Experiment and Look at Your Retirement and Savings Accounts...
You didn't put away your calculator yet, did you? Good. Let's use it again to get some valuable information about your Retirement and Savings Accounts. Remember when I told you towards the beginning of this Report that studies show that the average investor earned only 2.6% a year from 1984 through 2002 in the stock market, because they tried to "chase performance" and incur extra expenses when switching investments? And, even though the interest rates on savings and money market accounts today are still pretty low, let's assume that, long term, you're getting a 5% rate of growth on your investments and savings. Let's figure out how much your savings are growing, on average, each year...
Total Value:
Multiply amount on Total Value line by 5% to get the average annual amount your savings and investments are growing each year
Now, compare this figure with the final number you got when you calculated how much you are losing each year in financing and interest expenses. Even if you consider yourself an investment genius and average a 10% return on your savings and investments, for many people, more is going out your door in interest expenses than is coming in the door as growth on your savings. Even if that's not true for you, I'll bet the amount of money leaving your home each year is still a pretty big eye-opener! So, let me ask you...
Have You Been Focusing on Chasing After Better Returns on Your Savings and Retirement Accounts?
Isn't that What All the Financial Advisors, Stock Brokers, Magazines and TV Tell You to Focus On?
But how many percentage points can you really hope to "bump up"? Will it really make all that much of a difference in the long run? And do you have the emotional "constitution" to stomach the increased risk that comes with greater returns? And think about the tax liability: The bigger your tax-deferred accounts grow, the bigger the tax bite. Key Concept: When you consider how much money is leaving your home to pay finance charges every year, doesn't it make sense to focus at least as much time, energy and money on... Recapturing and Leveraging Dollars that Would Otherwise be Lost Forever?
Instead of doing what's always been done, instead of playing follow the leader BE the leader...
equity in the policy to buy things, or to invest it, and your policy will continue growing as though you never borrowed a penny. This way, your money works TWICE as hard. Many advisors work exclusively with "direct-recognition" companies, which do credit you a different dividend when you have outstanding policy loans. For the purpose of Banking On Yourself, you should avoid buying policies from these companies. 5. I highly recommend you work ONLY with an advisor who has at least one year of advanced training in the Bank On Yourself strategy. That's how long I've discovered it takes most advisors to really master all the tax and technical aspects of this strategy. Furthermore, the advisor you work with must be prepared to advise you not only today, but also well into the future, about such critical issues as tax consequences, whether (and when) to borrow or withdraw cash values vs. dividends vs. PUA's, how and when to pay them back, how to make sure you take out your equity so you owe no tax... and when it's time to start a new Bank On Yourself policy. Sometimes people take this Report to someone they already know and trust, who may be either an advisor, an insurance agent, or their brother-in-law, to see if that person can help them implement this strategy. Please understand I wrote this Report for "regular folks," not for financial advisors. All those critical technical details would take over 1,000 pages to explain and would bore you silly! As I mentioned, it takes at least a year for most advisors to master these details. So, if your current advisor tells you he or she can help you with this, proceed at your own risk, for the five reasons I've just mentioned. I get emails and calls every day from financial advisors who want to know how they can become a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor. But get this: Less than 1% of them are even willing to take the basic 10-hour training for advisors in the fundamentals of this strategy, let alone the rigorous advanced training required to become a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor! If you're crazy enough to entrust your finances to someone like that, please don't come crying to me when they screw it up. (And, judging from the emails I get from people who didn't heed this advice, 99% of the time an advisor without this advanced training and certification does botch it. If you want to verify if an advisor who gave you this Report, or who you've worked with, is a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor, please email and include their name and state.) And, if it turns out your current advisor really does understand all the important technical details necessary to help you fully implement and benefit from Banking On Yourself, you might want to ask them, "If you could have, why didn't you?"
So How Do You Avoid These Pitfalls? Do you remember that I told you that for 17 years I've been a consultant working with insurance agents, CPA's and financial advisors? And that that's how I found out about this strategy in the first place? As I started telling friends, relatives and others about this exciting strategy, they'd often ask me if I could refer one of my financial advisor clients to them to work withone who understood all the "ins and outs" of the Bank On Yourself strategy and could act as their guide, helping them get maximum benefit from this strategy. In response to this demand, I have trained a network of 157 highly specialized Bank On Yourself Certified Advisors across the U.S. and Canada. They work with the kind of life insurance companies I've described (dividend-paying, nondirect recognition whole life companies that offer flexible PUA Riders), and know how to design policies that will maximize the growth of your cash value and make sure you don't lose the tax-free benefits. They are happy to structure a policy for you with a Paid-Up Additions Rider, even though they receive almost no commission on it. (After all, they know that once you experience the enormous power of Banking On Yourself, you'll probably want to build a system of policies in the future, so you can Bank On Yourself for all of your family's cars, your home, to eliminate credit card debt, for that media room or home improvement project you've been thinking about...) Another advantage of working with a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor is that they are also trained in how to act as your Bank On Yourself Coach... to help you sort out things like cash value, dividends, PUA's... and how and when to borrow or withdraw money most efficiently (and most tax-efficiently) from your policy. They'll remind you of why you need to make the same commitment to yourself that you'd make to an outside finance company to pay your loans back to your own policy, so your wealth will grow even faster! However, I must tell you that the response to this Report has been tremendous, and most of these Bank On Yourself Certified Advisors have been busier than the proverbial one-armed paperhanger. It Can Take Months to Get in to See Some of Them So, what I've done is this: Knowing that I was planning to offer this Special Report nationwide this month, I arranged in advance for these Bank On Yourself Certified Advisors across the country to hold open a few slots in their schedules over the next two weeks to meet with folks who read this Report, to conduct a No-Risk, No-Obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis. 56
In less than an hour (okay, 59 minutes), this Analysis will show you how much you could improve your financial picture by Banking On Yourself. These Consultants are informed, caring and committed to getting to know you and your personal goals and dreams.
If you're concerned about where you're going to find the cash flow to start your Bank On Yourself Plan, they'll often be able to show you several ways to restructure your finances to free up seed money to start your Plan. In a surprising number of cases, this can be at little or even no additional out-of-pocket cost to you. There will be no high-pressure and your Bank On Yourself Advisor will not ask you to buy anything at this meeting. You would typically pay $500 or more for this kind of comprehensive analysis, but I've arranged for readers of this Report to receive it for FREE. To receive your FREE, No-Risk, No-Obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis, simply fill out and fax or mail back the Analysis Request Form that follows (I've attached 2 copiesone for you and one for a family member or friend). Or, you can request your FREE Analysis online, if you prefer, by visiting: (if typing it in, you must use all lower-case letters) A trained and qualified Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor will contact you soon. Please do it today, while it's fresh on your mind. Otherwise, it could be months before one of these Certified Advisors can squeeze you in. "With so many 'get rich schemes' out there today, I must admit I was very skeptical. But, how wrong I was! You guided me to a Bank On Yourself Certified Advisor who took up with exceptional service right where you left off! Thanks for helping me see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and opening up an opportunity I really believed no longer existed for me." - D. DeJoode, Iowa
Perhaps You're Wondering How Much Will It Cost to Start a Bank On Yourself Plan? There is no cost for a no-obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis that will show you all the bottom-line results you will get by Banking On Yourself. Should you then choose to start a Bank On Yourself program, the Bank On Yourself Certified Advisors do not charge fees to design and implement your Plan. They receive a commission from the insurance company, which has already been taken into account in the bottom-line numbers you'll see. Much like buying a TV or a couch, the costs of manufacturing and sales are already included in the price, or in the premium, in the case of a Bank On Yourself Plan. However, Bank On Yourself is NOT a one-size-fits-all plan. There's no pre-set amount a person would put into a plan, because the plan will be customized to your unique situation, goals and dreams. That's why the next step is to request a free, no-obligation Bank On Yourself Analysis that will show you exactly how you will benefit. Simply fill out and return the Request Form on the next page, or request it online at: Today is the day to start taking control of your financial future! The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll change the direction of the flow of money in your life from "cash out" to "cash in." The sooner you begin Banking On Yourself, the faster you can start recapturing not only the interest expense, but also the entire purchase price of the things you buy. Worrying and wondering, thinking and considering, and dreaming of wealth and security, won't get you there. And the time that you spend spinning your wheels is time that could be spent building a lifetime of financial security, independence and peace of mind. Sincerely,
Pamela G. Yellen, President Bank On Yourself P.S. Napoleon Hill, author of the phenomenal best-seller Think And Grow Rich writes that one of the main characteristics shared by wealthy people is that they are decisive. When there is an opportunity, they act. So why not start today by filling out and returning the Analysis Request Form on the next page? Or fill it out on-line, if you prefer, by visiting: (if typing it in, use all lower-case letters). You have nothing to lose... and everything to gain. 58
Please tell us a little bit more about yourself so your Advisor can be better prepared. This information will be kept in strictest confidence: What is your approximate total household income: Under $50,000 $50,000-$100,000 $101,000-$250,000 $251,000-$500,000 $501,000-$1,000,000 over $1,000,000 Occupation _____________________________ Spouse or Significant Other's Occupation ______________________________ Marital Status __________ How old are you? 20-26 27-34 35-42 43-50 51-60 61-74 75+
What are the ages of any children living at home: ___________________________________________________ Do you own your own home? ___Yes ___ No What is your approximate mortgage balance? _______________
What interest rate(s) are you paying on your mortgage(s)? ________How many years remaining on your mortgage? _______ What is your approximate total credit card debt? _________ At what interest rate(s)? What is your total monthly payment for your cars? Do you own a business? _____ Yes _____ No
Here's How To Arrange For Your Bank On Yourself Analysis: 1. Fax this form to 505-466-2167 anytime (no cover sheet necessary) 2. Return this form by mail to: PMI, Inc., 39 Vista Estrella South, Lamy, NM 87540 3. Or request your Analysis online at (you must use all lower-case letters) (if you're reading this while you're online, simply click on the link) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Pamela Yellen
Please tell us a little bit more about yourself so your Advisor can be better prepared. This information will be kept in strictest confidence: What is your approximate total household income: Under $50,000 $50,000-$100,000 $101,000-$250,000 $251,000-$500,000 $501,000-$1,000,000 over $1,000,000 Occupation _____________________________ Spouse or Significant Other's Occupation ______________________________ Marital Status __________ How old are you? 20-26 27-34 35-42 43-50 51-60 61-74 75+
What are the ages of any children living at home: ___________________________________________________ Do you own your own home? ___Yes ___ No What is your approximate mortgage balance? _______________
What interest rate(s) are you paying on your mortgage(s)? ________How many years remaining on your mortgage? _______ What is your approximate total credit card debt? _________ At what interest rate(s)? What is your total monthly payment for your cars? Do you own a business? _____ Yes _____ No
Here's How To Arrange For Your Bank On Yourself Analysis: 1. Fax this form to 505-466-2167 anytime (no cover sheet necessary) 2. Return this form by mail to: PMI, Inc., 39 Vista Estrella South, Lamy, NM 87540 3. Or request your Analysis online at (you must use all lower-case letters) (if you're reading this while you're online, simply click on the link) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Pamela Yellen