IDC Factors

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Introduction to IDC Factors

TDF Transfer Distribution Factor GSF Generation Shift Factor LSF Load Shift Factor GLDF Generation-to-Load Distribution Factor LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor PTDF & OTDF Flowgates
IDC Basics

Transfer Distribution Factors

Transfer Distribution Factors (TDFs) represent the impact of an Interchange Transaction on a given flowgate. TDF is the measure of responsiveness or change in electrical loading on system facilities due to a change in electric power transfer from one area to another expressed in per cent (up to 100%) of the change in power transfer. TDFs address the question, What portion of a power transfer shows up on flowgate X?
IDC Basics

How is TDF Used in the IDC?

TDFs are used to determine which Interchange Transactions are eligible for TLR curtailment in the IDC. Only those Interchange Transactions with a TDF of 5% or greater are subject to TLR Curtailments. If a tag indicates a TDF of 8.3% on flowgate X, this means that 8.3% of the transfer amount on that tag flows on flowgate X. Use the following formula to calculate the MW impact on a flowgate for a particular Interchange Transaction:

MW impact = (Interchange transaction MW) x (TDF)

IDC Basics

Generation Shift Factors

Generation Shift Factors (GSF) describe a generators impact on a flowgate The Generation Shift Factors (GSF) represent the change in flow on a flowgate due to an incremental injection at a generator bus, and a corresponding withdrawal at the swing bus IDC disregards losses the principles of superposition applies.

GSF between any two generators is the difference between the generators GSF to the swing bus GSFkm = GSFkswing GSFmswing
IDC Basics

How is GSF Used in the IDC?

GSFs are the most basic IDC calculation used in TDF calculations (all TLR levels) and GLDF calculations (TLR level 5) GSFs on the Flowgate GSF display in the IDC indicate which generators contribute to or relieve congestion on a selected flowgate. If a generator indicates a GSF of 15.2% on flowgate X, this means that 15.2% of the generators output flows on flowgate X, provided the injection is withdrawn at the swing bus Use the following formula to calculate the MW impact on a flowgate for a particular generator:

MW impact = (Gen MW) x (GSF)

IDC Basics

Load Shift Factors

Load Shift Factors (LSF) describe how changes in system loading impacts a flowgate.

IDC Basics

How is LSF Used in the IDC?

LSFs are used to calculate GLDFs, which are used to determine NNL obligations under a TLR Level 5. LSFs are shown along with GSFs on the GLDF displays in the the IDC. The LSFs alone are not used by the IDC the LSF is a component of the Generation-to-Load Distribution

Factor (GLDF)

IDC Basics

Generation-to-Load Distribution Factors

Generation-to-Load Distribution Factors (GLDF) describe a generators impact on a flowgate while serving load in that generators Balancing Authority Area A GLDF is the difference between GSF and an LSF and determines the total impact of a generator serving its native Balancing Authority load on an identified transmission facility or monitored flowgate.
IDC Basics

How is GLDF Used in the IDC?

GLDFs are used to determine NNL obligations under a TLR Level 5. Only those generators with a GLDF of 5% or greater are subject to NNL redispatch obligations. GLDFs are shown in the Flowgate GLDF display and the CA GLDF display in the IDC. In the Flowgate GLDF display the user selects a flowgate and is shown a list of generators that contribute to flow as a byproduct of serving their own Balancing Authority Area load (i.e., the NNL impact). In the CA GLDF display, the user is shown a listing of flowgates that are impacted by generators serving their own Balancing Authority Area load. From this list, the user can drill down and view the generator contribution to flow.

IDC Basics

How is GLDF Used in the IDC? (continued)

Use the following formula to calculate the NNL MW impact on a flowgate for a particular generator:

NNL MW impact = (Scaled MW) x (GLDF) x (% ownership)

Scaled MW is calculated according to the following formula:

Scaled MW = (Load / Available Assigned Generation) x (Pmax)

If a generator indicates a GLDF of 9.7% on flowgate X, this means that 9.7% of the generators output flows on flowgate X as a byproduct of serving Balancing Authority Area native load. The GLDF is calculated according to the following formula:


IDC Basics

Line Outage Distribution Factor (LODF)

Line Outage Distribution Factor (LODF) represents the percentage of flow on a contingent facility that will flow on the monitored elements, if the contingent facility is outaged Contingency Analysis Post-Contingency Flow on Monitored Element = PreContingency Flow on Monitored Element + (PreContingency Flow on Contingent Element)*LODF LODFs are not used in IDC TLR calculations they are only used in assisting the RCs in filling the TLR NERC Report.

IDC Basics

PTDF & OTDF Flowgates

PTDF Power Transfer Distribution Factor. PTDF Flowgates are Flowgates that do not consider contingencies during curtailment evaluation. With PTDF Flowgates the monitored branches alone are considered during curtailment evaluation. OTDF Outage Transfer Distribution Factor. OTDF Flowgates are Flowgates that take into account a predefined contingency during curtailment evaluation. With OTDF Flowgates the monitored branches are considered with a specific facility removed from service during curtailment evaluation. A Flowgate can exist as a PTDF Flowgate or an OTDF Flowgate. A Flowgate defaults to a PTDF Flowgate unless OTDF branch data is specified in the Flowgate creation process.

IDC Basics

How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
All factors (GSF, TDF, LSF) are calculated from a master shift factor matrix of each bus and each flowgate. This matrix is calculated by simulating an incremental injection in every bus (individually, one at a time) and a corresponding withdrawal at the swing bus. The term is loosely called GSF even though it is calculated for every bus, regardless of being attached to a generator. The Balancing Authoritys TDFs are calculated as the weighted sum of the GSFs in a Balancing Authority Area for every in-service generator the weighting factors are the generators MBASE in the PSSE base case model, adjusted for de-ration as provided via the SDX TDF = ( GSF x MBASE x DE-RATION ) / ( MBASE x DE-RATION ) The Balancing Authoritys LSFs are calculated as the weighted sum of the GSFs in a Balancing Authority Area for every connected load bus as defined in the PSSE base case the weighting factors are the load MW amount on the buses. LSF = SUM( GSF x LOAD ) / SUM( LOAD )

IDC Basics

How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
The TDF between two Balancing Authority Areas is the difference between the TDFs of the Balancing Authority Areas (principle of superposition): TDFBA1 BA2 = TDFBA1 TDFBA2 The TDF of a tag is the TDF between the source and sink Control Areas TDFTag = TDFSourceBA SinkBA = TDFSourceBA TDFSinkBA Tag path: Every tag has a defined path: Source BA TP1 TP2 TPn Sink BA The TDF of a tag is the sum of the TDFs of every segment on a tag which is equivalent to the TDF between the source and sink BA: Segment 1: TDFSourceBA TP1 = TDFSourceBA TDFTP1 Segment 2: TDFTP1 TP2 = TDFTP1 TDFTP2 Last Segment:TDFTPn SinkBA = TDFTPn TDFSinkBA TDFTag = TDFSourceBA TDFTP1 + TDFTP1 TDFTP2 + TDFTP2 TDFTP3 + + TDFTPn TDFSinkBA = TDFSourceBA TDFSinkBA

IDC Basics

How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
Tag path (continued): Special case segmented tag, or tags through controlled devices (phase shifters and DC ties): 100% of the tag scheduled MW flows through the controlled device TDF of tag is the sum of the TDF between the Source BA and the entry point to the controlled device, and the TDF between the exit point of the controlled device and the sink BA. Example: Tag 1 segmented through DC/phase shifter: TDFTag1 = TDFBA1 P1 + TDFP2 TDFBA2 Tag 2 AC tag between BA-1 and BA-2: TDFTag2 = TDFBA1 TDFBA2 TDFTag1 TDFTag2

See diagram on the following slide

IDC Basics

How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
Special case diagram segmented tag, or tags through controlled devices (phase shifters and DC ties):


DC / Phase Shifter
P1 Tag 1


Tag 2

IDC Basics


Two ways of using GLDF for analysis Flowgate GLDF CA GLDF

IDC Basics

Flowgate GLDF
Use the Flowgate GLDF tool if this is your question Which generators are contributing flow on flowgate X as a byproduct of serving that generators native load? and what level of MW impact do these generators contribute?
IDC Basics

IDC Basics

Use the CA GLDF tool if this is your question Which flowgates are my generators impacting as a byproduct of serving native load? and what level of MW impact do my generators contribute?
IDC Basics

IDC Basics

IDC Basics

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