IDC Factors
IDC Factors
IDC Factors
TDF Transfer Distribution Factor GSF Generation Shift Factor LSF Load Shift Factor GLDF Generation-to-Load Distribution Factor LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor PTDF & OTDF Flowgates
IDC Basics
GSF between any two generators is the difference between the generators GSF to the swing bus GSFkm = GSFkswing GSFmswing
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
Factor (GLDF)
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
All factors (GSF, TDF, LSF) are calculated from a master shift factor matrix of each bus and each flowgate. This matrix is calculated by simulating an incremental injection in every bus (individually, one at a time) and a corresponding withdrawal at the swing bus. The term is loosely called GSF even though it is calculated for every bus, regardless of being attached to a generator. The Balancing Authoritys TDFs are calculated as the weighted sum of the GSFs in a Balancing Authority Area for every in-service generator the weighting factors are the generators MBASE in the PSSE base case model, adjusted for de-ration as provided via the SDX TDF = ( GSF x MBASE x DE-RATION ) / ( MBASE x DE-RATION ) The Balancing Authoritys LSFs are calculated as the weighted sum of the GSFs in a Balancing Authority Area for every connected load bus as defined in the PSSE base case the weighting factors are the load MW amount on the buses. LSF = SUM( GSF x LOAD ) / SUM( LOAD )
IDC Basics
How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
The TDF between two Balancing Authority Areas is the difference between the TDFs of the Balancing Authority Areas (principle of superposition): TDFBA1 BA2 = TDFBA1 TDFBA2 The TDF of a tag is the TDF between the source and sink Control Areas TDFTag = TDFSourceBA SinkBA = TDFSourceBA TDFSinkBA Tag path: Every tag has a defined path: Source BA TP1 TP2 TPn Sink BA The TDF of a tag is the sum of the TDFs of every segment on a tag which is equivalent to the TDF between the source and sink BA: Segment 1: TDFSourceBA TP1 = TDFSourceBA TDFTP1 Segment 2: TDFTP1 TP2 = TDFTP1 TDFTP2 Last Segment:TDFTPn SinkBA = TDFTPn TDFSinkBA TDFTag = TDFSourceBA TDFTP1 + TDFTP1 TDFTP2 + TDFTP2 TDFTP3 + + TDFTPn TDFSinkBA = TDFSourceBA TDFSinkBA
IDC Basics
How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
Tag path (continued): Special case segmented tag, or tags through controlled devices (phase shifters and DC ties): 100% of the tag scheduled MW flows through the controlled device TDF of tag is the sum of the TDF between the Source BA and the entry point to the controlled device, and the TDF between the exit point of the controlled device and the sink BA. Example: Tag 1 segmented through DC/phase shifter: TDFTag1 = TDFBA1 P1 + TDFP2 TDFBA2 Tag 2 AC tag between BA-1 and BA-2: TDFTag2 = TDFBA1 TDFBA2 TDFTag1 TDFTag2
IDC Basics
How are GSF, TDF, LSF and GLDF Calculated in the IDC?
Special case diagram segmented tag, or tags through controlled devices (phase shifters and DC ties):
DC / Phase Shifter
P1 Tag 1
Tag 2
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
Flowgate GLDF
Use the Flowgate GLDF tool if this is your question Which generators are contributing flow on flowgate X as a byproduct of serving that generators native load? and what level of MW impact do these generators contribute?
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
Use the CA GLDF tool if this is your question Which flowgates are my generators impacting as a byproduct of serving native load? and what level of MW impact do my generators contribute?
IDC Basics
IDC Basics
IDC Basics