A Demand Model With Departure Time Choice For Within-Day Dynamic Traffic Assignment
A Demand Model With Departure Time Choice For Within-Day Dynamic Traffic Assignment
A Demand Model With Departure Time Choice For Within-Day Dynamic Traffic Assignment
keywords: within-day dynamic traffic assignment, elastic demand, departure time choice
The dynamic analysis of transportation networks gathered increasing attention through the
past years. The static models, traditionally used in this field, are in fact unable to represent
relevant phenomena, such as demand variations over time and temporary over saturation of
network elements. On the other hand, dynamic models are more complex than static ones: on
the supply side, they require to ensure temporal consistency, besides spatial consistency,
among system variables (for instance, see Cascetta, 2001); on the demand side, choice of the
time when to travel has to be modelled explicitly in order to achieve a correct representation
of users’ travel behaviour (Mahmassani and Chang, 1986; Van Vuren et al., 1998;
Mahmassani and Liu, 1999).
Different approaches to the latter problem can be found in the literature. One of them is to
regard departure time choice as a discrete choice among temporal intervals and use static
assignment to characterize the utility of each interval, as in Daly et al. (1990); models based
on this approach yield a rough representation of travel demand during day time as a sequence
of static equilibriums.
An alternative approach, relying on a more realistic representation of dynamic travel times,
can be found in De Palma et al. (1983) and Ben-Akiva et al. (1986) where a within day
dynamic stochastic equilibrium model and a doubly dynamic stochastic model, respectively,
are presented. Travel, departure time and path choices are addressed through a mixed
discrete/continuous nested Logit model and travel times are determined by means of a
deterministic queuing model; however, both models are applied only to single origin
destination pair idealized networks.
Another approach is based on the hypothesis that departure time and path choices are made
jointly, so that, for each origin-destination pair, a discrete choice set is defined whose finite
number of alternatives is equal to the number of departure intervals multiplied by the number
of paths (Arnott et al., 1990; Cascetta et al., 1992); models based on this approach require
explicit path enumeration and the introduction of a diachronic graph, as in Van der Zijpp and
Lindveld (2000), so they can be hardly applied to congested urban networks.
An extensive analysis of departure time choice for shopping trips is presented in Bhat (1998)
and Bhat and Steed (2002). In the first paper, a discrete choice model is proposed, able to
represent correlation among adjacent departure time periods. In the second paper, a
continuous-time model of departure time is proposed, accommodating time-varying
coefficients. Both papers however doesn’t investigate path choice, since travel times and cost
are assumed exogenously.
In a recent paper by Bellei, Gentile, Papola (2003) the within-day road Dynamic Traffic
Assignment (DTA) was regarded as a stochastic dynamic user equilibrium. A new fixed point
formulation of the problem in terms of time-continuous real valued temporal profiles of arc
flows and arc performances (travel times and generalized costs) was presented, where the
concept of network loading map, yielding arc flows for given demand flows consistently with
certain arc performances, was extended to the dynamic case, thus avoiding the introduction of
both the dynamic network loading as a sub-problem, and the explicit path enumeration. OD
flows temporal profiles were taken as given. An implicit path enumeration algorithm was thus
proposed for the Logit case.
Based on the above modelling framework, two more papers, namely Gentile, Meschini,
Papola (2002) and Gentile, Meschini, Papola (2003), focused on a new dynamic transit supply
model relying on a frequency based approach; the introduction of a diachronic graph is thus
avoided and implicit path enumeration is allowed. This model is able to represent both intra
and inter modal congestion effects (i.e. interaction among cars and bus flows). In order to
define a multimodal within-day DTA, a dynamic mode choice model was introduced in these
papers, while demand flows were assumed to be rigid with respect to any other choice
In this paper a mixed discrete/continuous nested Logit dynamic demand model with five
choice levels is presented, where, besides the usual to travel or not to travel (generation),
destination, mode and path choices, the departure time choice is introduced. The model is
conceived to extend previous work to the most general case of elastic demand multimodal
within-day DTA. With reference to departure time choice, the proposed demand model adopts
a continuous approach, thus not requiring to enumerate explicitly the desired departure time
intervals. The resulting within-day DTA model is then capable of representing both supply
and demand dynamic phenomena concerning congested multimodal urban networks, and
leads to a fixed point formulation that can be solved by an efficient implicit path MSA
algorithm applicable to real networks.
In modelling travel demand we follow the behavioural approach based on random utility
theory, where it is assumed that each user is a rational decision-maker who, when making his
travel choice: a) considers a positive, finite number of mutually exclusive travel alternatives
constituting his choice set J; b) associates to each travel alternative j of his choice set a
perceived utility, not known with certainty, and thus regarded by the analyst as a random
variable Uj; and c) selects the travel alternative that maximises his utility. With these
hypotheses the probability of alternative j is formally expressed as:
apart from the departure time choice, the Oppenheim (1995) approach to travel demand
modelling. Such an approach is extended to a dynamic equilibrium framework as follows:
i) the demand model takes as input the time rate N o(σ΄) ≥ 0, σ΄∈[0, Θ], of potential users
having σ΄ as their desired departure time, for each origin o;
ii) the travel behaviour, with regard to the choices of travelling, of destination d and of
mode m, is represented by models having, for each desired departure time, the same
functional form and parameters;
iii) the departure time choice is represented by a model supplying actual departure time
probabilities in the interval B(σ΄) = [max{σ΄ -ADV, 0} , min{σ΄ + DEL, Θ}], in the
form of a probability density function of actual departure time τ΄ for each o, d, m
and σ΄, where ADV and DEL are respectively the maximum delay and advance time
admitted by users;
iv) the travel behaviour, with regard to path choice, is represented by mode specific models
having, for each o, d, and τ΄, the same functional form and parameters.
It is worth noting that the departure time choice model is defined over an infinite number of
alternatives belonging to a continuous choice set in ℜ 1, while the overall structure of the
choice model is that of a discrete choice model. We will deal with this issue in section 2.3.
Assumptions ii) and iii), are consistent with model specification, but could be easily relaxed if
needed, for example allowing time varying parameters to better fit experimental data as
suggested in Bhat (2002). On the contrary, dealing with path choice model, we need
hypothesis iv) in order to adopt an implicit path enumeration approach where path
probabilities must be consistent with the arc conditional probabilities of leaving a node x =
TL(a) through arc a. This is because on a same arc, at a given instant, we can have users
coming from different origins and departing at different instants.
The choice model is of the type depicted in Figure 1. The hierarchical order proposed here
keeps a widely accepted structure and it is consistent, with reference to the position of
departure time choice, with previous experimental analysis both in De Palma et al. (1983) and
in Bhat (1998).
[Figure 1 here]
The following part of this section is organized as follows. In subsection 2.1 further definitions
and notations needed to place the demand model in a dynamic framework will be introduced.
Then the choice models related to each level will be examined in ascending order, since lower
level satisfactions are needed when an upper level model is defined. Subsection 2.2 and 2.3
will be specifically devoted respectively to implicit path choice and departure time choice,
while we will deal with mode, destination and travelling choice together in subsection 2.4.
The formal definition of the corresponding demand models, determining demand temporal
profiles, will follow in the inverse order, since upper level profiles are input to lower level
models. As for choice models, in subsection 2.5 we will deal with desired demand profiles
together, defined for each desired departure time and determined by generation, distribution
and modal split models; sections 2.6 and 2.7 will be specifically devoted to actual demand
model and to network flow propagation model, supplying actual demand profiles, defined for
each actual departure time, at mode - od pair level and at arc level, respectively. The arc flow
obtained are consistent with the dynamic loading to the network of implicit path flows, taking
the arc performances as given.
We will denote by g(σ) or g(τ) the generic temporal profile referred to desired or actual
departure time, respectively; then, g(σ΄) or g(τ΄) denote the value of the temporal profile at
given instants. When compact form is utilized, vectors of temporal profiles, having the
appropriate dimension, are identified by the use of bold symbols.
At any time τ΄, each mode m is characterized by mode - specific arc entering flows and
fam(τ΄) mode m users flows entering at τ΄ into arc a,
ca (τ΄)
mode m generalized costs on arc a, for users entering at τ΄.
tam(τ΄) mode m exit time from arc a, when entering at τ΄.
If function tam(τ΄) is monotone increasing, its inverse, which also results to be monotone
increasing, can be defined as:
tam (τ΄) entering time into arc a when exiting at τ΄.
The generalized arc cost for users entering at time τ is thus simply assumed to be:
cam(τ΄) = η⋅(tam (τ΄) -τ΄) +mcam(τ΄), (3)
where mca is the temporal profile of the monetary cost, while η is the Value of Time.
These variables, as all the arc and node variables defined in the following, are defined on a
time horizon [0, Θ + ∆Θ], ∆Θ being the time needed to complete all trips started at Θ.
Path performances are defined as a function of time consistently with arc performances by
utilizing the following arc set notation:
Akxdm set of the arcs constituting path k∈Kmxd;
Akxdma set of the arcs constituting the sub-path of path k∈Kmxd between node x and the tail
of arc a∈Akxdm;
together with the following path notation:
Ckxdm(τ΄) generalized cost of path k∈Kmxd for users leaving node x at time τ΄;
Tkxdm(τ΄) time when users following path k∈Kmxd and leaving node x at time τ΄ reach
destination d;
Tkxdma (τ΄) time when users following path k∈Kmxd and leaving node x at time τ΄ enter arc
For each path k∈Kmxd and arc a∈Akxdm, the travel time of the sub-path between node x and
node TL(a) at time τ΄ is the sum of the travel times of its arcs b∈Akxdma , each of them referred
to the time Tkxdmb(τ΄) when users leaving x at τ΄ reach TL(b); that is:
Assuming additive costs, the generalized cost of path k∈Kmxd at time τ΄ is the sum of the costs
of its arcs a∈Akxdm, each of them referred to the time Tkxdma(τ΄) when users leaving node x at τ
reach node TL(a); that is:
Pkodm(τ΄) = ∏ a∈Akodm padm(Tkodma(τ΄)) (6)
With reference to the Logit case, node satisfaction can be expressed in a recursive form and
used to calculate arc conditional probabilities:
wdmd(τ΄) = 0
Ckmod (τ ' )
exp −
Pk (τ ' ) =
. (11)
C mod (τ ' )
∑ exp − j
θ R
j∈K od
V (τ ', σ ' ) + w (τ ')
θ DT
p (τ '/ σ ' ) ⋅ dτ = σ ' + DEL ⋅ dτ , (12)
V ( x, σ ' ) + w ( x )
∫ exp
σ ' − ADV
θ DT
⋅ dx
where, clearly, the summation is replaced by an integration. On the analogy of the discrete
case, the denominator in equation (12) is directly related to the departure time satisfaction:
an explicit expression of the actual departure time τ΄ probability density function, conditional
to desired departure time σ΄ and dependent on path choice satisfaction at τ΄:
Vmod (σ ') + W od
m (σ ' )
Pm (σ ') =
, (18)
Vm ' (σ ') + W m ' (σ ')
od od
∑ exp
m '∈M
in compact form: PM(σ) = P(VM(σ), WDT(σ))
and the resulting mode choice satisfaction is:
V od (σ ') + W od
m (σ ' )
W od (σ ') = θ M ⋅ ln ∑ exp m (19)
m∈M θM
in compact form: WM(σ) = W(VM(σ), WDT(σ))
We assume Vmod(σ΄) = βM T⋅Xmod(σ΄), where Xmod(σ΄) is a vector of time-dependent mode m
attributes for users travelling from o to d and βM is the corresponding vector of coefficients.
Referring to users departing from origin o and to a desired departure time σ΄, let’s define:
Pd o(σ΄) choice probability of destination alternative d;
V (σ΄)
specific utility of destination alternative d,
while the mode choice satisfaction Wod(σ΄) is given by (19).
In the Logit case, the destination choice probabilities are::
V od (σ ') + W od (σ ')
Pd (σ ') =
, (20)
V (σ ' ) + W (σ ' )
od ' od
∑ exp
d '∈C
in compact form: PD(σ) = P(VD(σ), WM(σ))
and the resulting destination choice satisfaction is:
V o (τ ') + W od (τ ')
W o (τ ') = θ D ⋅ ln ∑ exp d (21)
d∈C θD
in compact form: WD(σ) = W(VD(σ), WM(σ))
We assume: Vod(σ΄) = βDT⋅Xod(σ΄), where Xod(σ΄) is a vector of time-dependent destination d
attributes for users travelling from o and βD is the corresponding vector of coefficients.
Referring to users potentially departing from origin o and to a desired departure time σ΄, let’s
P o(σ΄) choice probability of travelling
V (σ΄)
specific utility of travelling
while the destination choice satisfaction Wo(σ΄) is given by (21).
In the Logit case, the travelling choice probabilities are:
V o (σ ' ) + W o (σ ' )
θE ,
P (σ ' ) =
V ( σ ' ) + W (σ ' )
o o
1 + exp
in compact form: PE(σ) = P(VE(σ),WD(σ)),
where utility of not travelling is set to 0 because the model is additive and the resulting
travelling choice satisfaction, which is the perceived utility of potential users is:
V o ( σ ' ) + W o (σ ' )
S o (σ ') = θ E ⋅ ln 1 + exp , (23)
θ E
in compact form: S(σ) = S(VE(σ), WD(σ)).
We assume Vo(σ΄) = βET⋅Xo(σ΄), where Xo(σ΄) is a vector of time-dependent choice of
travelling attributes for potential users in o and βE is the corresponding vector of coefficients.
τ ′+ ADV
d (τ ′) ⋅ dτ = ∫ q (σ ) ⋅ dσ ⋅ p (τ ′ / σ ) ⋅ dτ (28)
τ ′− DEL
On the basis of (15) and (28) the actual demand profile may be expressed as:
In analogy with the static case, the within-day DTA, regarded as a dynamic user equilibrium,
can be consistently formalized through a fixed point problem expressed in terms of the
temporal profiles of arc flows and transit frequencies, by combining the arc performance
function with the Network Loading Map (NLM) and thus avoiding to introduce the DNL. To
this purpose, the NLM is here extended to the case of elastic demand with departure time
choice, as depicted in Figure 2.
[Figure 2 here]
In the following subsections, the arc performance function and the equilibrium model will be
briefly described only in a qualitative manner, providing references where this matters are
widely investigated and discussed.
[Figure 3 here]
The line arc represents both the dwelling time at the stop corresponding to its tail, and the
running time between two successive stops. The dwelling time is dependent on the flows that
are boarding, alighting, and on board the line at the corresponding stop; the running time is
dependent on the congestion level along the road arcs employed by the line.
The waiting arc represents the average waiting time for the transit vehicle at the stop, and it is
assumed to be proportional to the inverse of the line frequency.
The queue arc, modelled through a bottleneck with variable outgoing capacity, represents the
additional travel time due to an over saturation of the line, which occurs whenever boarding
and onboard flows overwhelm the line capacity.
The stop and waiting arcs, both with no travel time and cost allow expressing the non
separable dynamic stop model as a function of arc entering flow temporal profiles only.
The stop access arc allows distinguishing between different stop nodes corresponding to the
same walking node.
The alighting and walking arcs are assumed uncongested.
On the basis of the above outlined models, congestion phenomena are represented assuming
that, in general, the temporal profiles of exit times depend on the temporal profiles of both the
arc equivalent flows and the line frequencies:
[Figure 4 here]
reaches TL(a); Tal -1(τ) is the inverse of the temporal profile just defined, and express the
departure time from the terminal for a vehicle running line l and reaching TL(a). Expressing
profile Tal(τ) as a function of arc exit time profiles through equation (4), we have in compact
[Figure 5 here]
To be notice that, from the point of view of fixed point definition, σ is an auxiliary variable,
since it just serves to take into account the effects on the demand of the difference between
actual and desired departure times.
In order to implement the proposed DTA model, the period of analysis is divided into I time
intervals identified by the sequence of instants (τ 0, … , τ i, … ,τ I ). In the following we
assume to approximate the generic temporal profile x through either a piece-wise constant or a
piece-wise linear function defined by the values taken at such instants, so that for the two
cases we have respectively:
rigid demand DTA with regard to the inclusion of generation, distribution and modal split
models. Since taking into account the choice of departure time is somewhat more demanding,
the corresponding procedures for the calculation of choice probabilities and of actual demand
are illustrated in more detail in the second section.
Steps 3), 4), 11) and 12) present algorithmic procedures quite specific for the dynamic
context, and are detailed in Bellei, Gentile, Papola (2003) and in Gentile, Meschini, Papola
w (τ ) − max {bADV ⋅ (σ ′ − τ ) , bDEL ⋅ (τ − σ ′)}
τ i
( )
P (τ i −1 ,τ i σ ' = ∫ ′+
i −1
w ( x ) − max {b ⋅ (
σ ′ − x ) , b ⋅ ( x − σ ′ )}
⋅ dτ (41)
exp ⋅ dx
′− DT
Since profile w(τ) is expressed through relation (40b), the arguments of the integrals in
equation (41) are piece-wise linear. The points Pi j = P((τ i-1, τ i]/σ j) and W j, i = 1, …, I,
j = 1, …, I, which respectively define, coherently with the relation (40b), profiles P((τ i-1, τ
]/σ) and W(σ), can be calculated through the following procedure:
Function departure_time_choice
A = 0; D = 0
For j = 1 To I
1) For i = 1 To I
pi j = 0
Next i
2) Do While τ A ≤ σ j – ADV And A < I
3) Do While τ D < σ j + DEL And D < I
wi − wi −1
4) α = wi −1 − τ i −1 ⋅ − σ A ⋅ bADV θ DT
τ −τ
i i −1
wi − wi −1
β = i i −1 + bADV θ DT
τ −τ
PA j = exp (α ) β ⋅ exp (τ A ⋅ β ) − exp (σ j − ADV ) ⋅ β
j j
W = pADV(j)
5) For i = A + 1 To j
wi − wi −1
α = wi −1 − τ i −1 ⋅ − σ j ⋅ bADV θ DT
τ −τ
i i −1
Pi j = exp (α ) β ⋅ exp (τ i ⋅ β ) − exp (τ i −1 ⋅ β )
W j = W j + pi j
Next i
6) For i = j + 1 To D – 1
wi − wi −1
β = i i −1 − bDEL θ DT
τ −τ
Pi j = exp (α ) β ⋅ exp (τ i ⋅ β ) − exp (τ i −1 ⋅ β )
W j = W j + pi j
Next i
wi − wi −1
7) α = wi −1 − τ i −1 ⋅ + σ D ⋅ bDEL θ DT
τ −τ
i i −1
( )
PD j = exp (α ) β ⋅ exp (σ j + DEL ) ⋅ β − exp (τ D −1 ⋅ β )
j j i
W = W + pD
For each desired departure time σ j, step 1) resets the choice probabilities; steps 2) and 3) find
τ A andτ D, which are, respectively, the first predefined instants after σ j–ADV and σ j+DEL;
steps 4) through 7) evaluate the numerator of equation (41) for each interval (τ i-1, τ i], i = A,
…, D; steps 8) finally calculate the probability for each interval (τ i-1, τ i], i = A, …, D.
The number D i of users actually departed during the generic interval (τ i-1,τ i] is then given by
the integral, for each instant σ΄ such that σ΄∈[τ i-1–DEL, τ i+ADV], of the desired demand flow
q(σ΄) multiplied by the related probability P((τ i-1, τ i]/σ΄):
τ i + ADV
D = i
i −1
∫ ( )
q (σ ) ⋅ P (τ i −1 ,τ i σ ⋅ dσ (42)
τ − DEL
Then, coherently with the relation (40a), profile d(τ) is simply given by:
Function actual_demand
A = 0; D = 0
For i = 1 To I
1) Do While σ D ≤ τ j – DEL And D < I
2) Do While σ A < τ j + ADV And A < I
3) (
d i = q D ⋅ 0,5 ⋅ Pi D ⋅ τ D − (τ i − DEL ) ) (τ i
− τ i −1 )
4) For j = D + 1 To A – 1
d i = d i + q j ⋅ 0,5 ⋅ ( Pi j + Pi j −1 ) ⋅ (σ j − σ j −1
) (τ i
− τ i −1 )
Next j
5) (
d i = d i + q A ⋅ 0,5 ⋅ PjA−1 ⋅ (τ i + ADV ) − τ A−1 ) (τ i
− τ i −1 )
Next i
For each actual departure interval (τ i-1, τ i], steps 1) and 2) find σ D and σ A, which are
respectively the first periodization instant after τ i-1–DEL and τ i+ADV; steps 3) to 5) evaluate
equation (42) for each interval (σ j-1, σ j], j = D, …, A.
The network of Sioux Falls, consisting of 76 directed arcs and 24 centroids, has been
considered for a numerical application. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the
proposed departure time choice model and algorithm, we compare the results of two DTA on
this network, performed considering both rigid and elastic departure time choice.
The period of analysis, 6 hours long, was subdivided in 36 time intervals 10 minutes long; the
known daily demand has been distributed consistently with an arbitrary temporal profile
simulating a morning peak; suitable values were assigned arbitrarily to all the input
parameters previously discussed throughout the paper.
Results obtained appear to be plausible. Figure 6, referring to one of the most congested arc of
the network, shows flow spreading from congested time intervals toward uncongested ones;
local increase of flow in congested time intervals, although counterintuitive, does not clash
with the effectiveness of the model, since travel times (and thus travel costs) are non-
increasing both locally (Figure 7), and globally (Figure 9), when the elasticity with respect to
the departure time is considered. These results confirm that the departure time elasticity yields
a more satisfactory flow pattern on the network, thus allowing higher loads on the most
attractive arcs ( Figure 8). Finally, Figure 10 shows a comparison in terms of the calculation
time and number of iterations needed to obtain equilibrium, with and without departure time
choice, on a PC with a 1.9 Ghz CPU. The same convergence criterion, defined above, was
adopted in both cases:
∑ ∑ f i
a , NLM − f ai, EQ ⋅ (τ i − τ i −1 ) ⋅ cai , EQ
a∈ A i∈I
≤ ε = 0.01
∑ ∑ a∈ A i∈I
f ai, EQ ⋅ (τ i − τ i −1 ) ⋅ cai , EQ
As expected, the case with departure time choice is more resource demanding, although
calculation times remains quite acceptable for real applications.
[Figure 6 here]
[Figure 7 here]
[ Figure 8 here]
[Figure 9 here]
[Figure 10 here]
The purpose of this paper was to provide a modelling framework for the simulation of elastic
demand in the context of within-day dynamic traffic assignment. To this end, a multimodal
within-day dynamic traffic assignment model is presented with a Nested Logit demand model
considering combined travel, destination, mode, departure time, and route choices. With
specific reference to departure time choice, a continuous version of the logit model is adopted,
so that enumerating explicitly the desired departure time intervals is not needed.
The resulting dynamic traffic assignment model, which allows us to represent demand and
supply dynamic phenomena concerning multimodal urban networks under congested
conditions, is formulated through a fixed-point problem, which can be solved through an
efficient implicit path MSA algorithm capable of dealing with real networks.
Both, the model and the devised algorithm, can be easily extended to the multi-class case, so
overcoming the restrictions due to the hypotheses we assume of constancy over time of the
functional form as well as of the parameters of the choice models.
Any question concerning existence and uniqueness of solutions has not been tackled in this
paper. Yet, we can say that the devised algorithm, applied to a test network, converges to
plausible solutions.
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Generation (choice of travelling) Model
1 d D
Mode choice Model
1 m M
Actual departure time
choice Model
σ'-ADV σ'+DEL
Implicit path
choice Model
1 k Kmod
Figure 1 – Choice Tree for potential users from origin o with desired departure time τ'
network loading map
potential demand
actual demand
node satisfactions
arc performance
line node
previous arc stop arc line arc
boarding arc
waiting arc
alighting arc
queue arc
stop node
stop access arc
Tal(τ΄) Tal(τ΄΄)
φFA(l)(τ) time
τ΄ τ΄΄
network loading map
N(σ) S(σ)
q(N(σ), PG(σ),
PD(σ) P(VD(σ),WM(σ)) VD(σ) W(VD(σ), WM(σ))
PD(σ), PM(σ))
q(σ) WDT(σ)
d(q(σ), pDT(σ /τ)) pDT(σ /τ) p(VDT(σ,τ), w(τ)) VDT(σ,τ) W(VDT(σ,τ), w(τ))
d(τ) w(τ)
Arc 52 - Entering flow [us/h]
5000 No
4000 DTC
3000 DTC
1000 Arc
600 4200 7800 11400 15000 18600
Figure 6 – Inflow temporal profile for a congested arc with and without departure time choice
Arc 52 - Travel time [sec]
250 DTC
150 DTC
0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600
Figure 7 – Travel time temporal profile for a congested arc with and without departure time choice
Arc 52 - Total flow [us]
Figure 8 – Total flow for a congested arc with and without departure time choice
Network Total cost
Figure 9 – Total travel cost on the network with and without departure time choice
300 246 40
175 30
150 20 15
100 DTC
0 0
iterations calculation time [sec] ε = 0.01