CSIRO House Style (Feb 2010)
CSIRO House Style (Feb 2010)
CSIRO House Style (Feb 2010)
Equation citations within the text should be formatted as follows: start of sentence,
Eqn 1 shows; middle of sentence, as can be seen in Eqns 2 and 3 or Eqn 1.
Note that citations to equations within another paper should use an initial lowercase,
e.g. as in their eqn 3 (Kent et al. 2004).
Appendix 1. Standard and preferred spellings
Spelling and hyphenation should be consistent within a paper. The examples below
are preferred and should serve as a general guide to aid in the consistency of spelling
across papers and journals. Exceptions may be made in instances where there is just
ageing (determining the age of)
aging (growing older)
all right
bv. (not in italics)
Chi-square test (but _
= )
chlorophyll a
circa (c.) (applies only to time)
cows milk
cv. (not in italics)
cvv. (not in italics)
cytochrome c
data set, dataset (both are
dimethyl sulfoxide
disulfide bond (not
disulphide bond)
female (adj. and n. OK)
firefighter (not fireman)
freeze dryer
freshwater (adj.)
guinea-pig (not guinea pig)
make up (e.g. genetic make
male (adj. and n. OK)
northern blot
oestrus (n.), oestrous (adj.)
oviducal (not oviductal)
programme(both are
real-time PCR (not RT-
reverse transcription
polymerase chain
reaction (but RT-PCR)
s.e.m. (standard error of the
SEM (scanning electron
sex (not gender)
short-term (adj.), short
term (n.)
side chain
sodium dodecyl
polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (but
Southern blot
southern hemisphere
sp. (not in italics)
spp. (not in italics)
Students t-test
subspecies (not sub-species)
sulfate (not sulphate)
subterranean clover (not
sub clover)
under way (not underway)
western blot
In addition, the following should be used as a guide:
- Prefixes should not be hyphenated, unless the next letter is the same as the
preceding letter (e.g. post-translational) or the unhyphenated word means
something else (re-form instead of reform).
- Since and while are best used to indicate time, not as substitutes for because,
as, although or whereas; however, it is not essential to change these during
- During copyediting, it is OK to leave impact as a verb.
- During copyediting, it is OK to leave this study unless the meaning is
- If post means after, change to after.
- En dashes are used to show two words of equal value, when the first
word in the compound does not modify the meaning of the second
word (e.g. wildlandurban interface), for chemicals that are closely
bonded but have not become a new compound (e.g. HRPantibody),
when two peoples names are given to a process (e.g. HardyWeinberg
equilibrium) or to express a range of values (e.g. 710 cows); however,
they should not be used in sentence constructions such as from xy
and between xy (use from x to y and between x and y instead).
- However: in middle of sentence when it precedes a new idea, use
semicolon before and comma after (e.g. The cat sat on the mat;
however, it did not stay there for long. At the start of the sentence it
should be followed by a comma (e.g. However, the cat sat on the
mat) or surrounded by commas (e.g. The cat, however, sat on the
Appendix 2. Format of reference list
List 1: Punctuated reference lists
Journal examples
Example 1: Typical journal citation
Kefford, B. J., Papas, P. J., and Nugegoda, D. (2003). Relative salinity tolerance of macroinvertebrates
from the Barwon River, Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 54, 755765.
Example 2: A journal citation including an issue number or a supplement
Bull, P., Smith, E., and Lane, J. (1997). Chromosomal evolution in lizards. Bioinformatics 34(2), 233
Conrad, B., and Strange, W. (2005). Physiological functions of methylated genes. Human
Reproduction 15(Suppl. 1), 315319.
Example 3: Abstract noted at end
Nabulsi, A., Folsom, A., Szklo, M., White, A., Higgins, M., and Heiss, G. (1992). Is menopausal status
or hormone replacement therapy associated with carotid intimalmedial wall thickness? American
Journal of Epidemiology 136, 10031004. [Abstract]
Example 4: Other language noted at end
Nabulsi, A., Folsom, A., Szklo, M., White, A., Higgins, M., and Heiss, G. (1992). Is menopausal status
or hormone replacement therapy associated with carotid intimalmedial wall thickness? American
Journal of Epidemiology 136, 10031004. [In Chinese]
Example 5: Paper in press
Hayden, M. J., Stephenson, P., Logojan, A. M., Khatkar, D., Rogers, C., Elsden, J., Koebner, R. M. D.,
Snape, J. W., and Sharp, P. J. (2006). Development and genetic mapping of sequence tagged
microsatellites in bread wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 21, in press.
Potter, M. (in press). Genotype and environment interact to control dormancy and differential
expression of the SC2 homologue in Triticum aestivum. Plant Cell Biology.
Monograph examples
Example 1: Typical monograph citation
Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual.
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, NY.)
Example 2: A monograph citation including a volume number and without a publisher location
Chaudhuri, P. (1997). Additive Cellular Automata Theory and Applications. Vol. 1. (IEEE Press.)
[The author would be asked for details of publisher location.] [or allow publisher location details to be
Example 3: A monograph citation including a book series in addition to the book title
Codd, E. (1968). Cellular Automata. ACM Monograph Series. (Academic Press: New York.)
Example 4: A monograph citation including an edition number
Dixon, M., and Webb, E. C. (1979). Enzymes. 3rd edn. (Longman: London.)
Example 5: A monograph citation indicating the editor(s)
Judson, H. F. (Ed.) (1996). The Eighth Day of Creation. Expanded edn. (Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press: New York.)
Attiwill, P. M., and Adams, M. A. (Eds) (1996). Nutrition of Eucalypts. (CSIRO Publishing:
Example 6: A monograph citation including a page count for the book
Grant, V. (1981). Plant Speciation. 2nd edn. (Columbia University Press: New York.) 552 pp.
Example 7: A monograph citation including a chapter number, name and page range
Larsson, L.-I. (1988). Fixation and tissue pretreatment. In Immunocytochemistry: Theory and
Practice. Chapter 2. pp. 41170. (CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.)
[with a request to the author to check that there are no editors of this book]
Example 8: A translated monograph with the translator name, but not the author name
Tredennick, H. (Trans.) (1969). The Apology of Plato. (Penguin Books: New York.)
Example 9: A translated monograph with the translator and author names
Paton, H. J. (Transl.) (1964). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant. (Harper
& Row: New York.)
Example 10: Forward to a book by another author
Harris, M. (1965). Introduction. In With the Procession by Henry Fuller. (University of Chicago
Press: Chicago.)
Example 11: Organisation as an author
SAS Institute (1989a). SAS/STAT Users Guide. Version 6. Vol. 1. 4th edn. (SAS Institute: Cary,
Book chapter examples
Example 1: Typical book chapter citation.
Carr, J. D., Fibiger, H. C., and Phillips, A. G. (1989). Conditioned place preference as a measure of
drug reward. In Neuropharmacological Basis of Reward. (Eds J. M. Liebman and S. J. T. Cooper.)
pp. 265320. (Oxford University Press: Oxford.)
Example 2: Typical book citation including a volume number
Esposito, R. E., and Klapholz, S. (1981). Meiosis and ascospore development. In The Molecular
Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces. Vol. 1. (Eds J. N. Strathern, E. W. Jones and J. R. Broach.) pp.
211287. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Cold Spring Harbor, NY.)
Example 3: Typical book citation including an edition number
Mahley, R. W., and Rall, S. C., Jr (1995). Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (dysbetalipoproteinemia): the
role of apolipoprotein E in normal and abnormal lipoprotein metabolism. In The Metabolic and
Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. 7th edn. (Eds C. R. Scriver, A. L. Beaudet, W. S. Sly and D.
Valle.) pp. 19531980. (McGraw-Hill: New York.)
Example 4: Typical book citation of an item in a series, which includes a series title and a volume
Rinchik, E. M., and Russell, L. B. (1990). Germ-line deletion mutations in the mouse: tools for
intensive functional and physical mapping of regions of the mammalian genome. In Genome Analysis.
Vol. 1: Genetic and Physical Mapping. (Eds K. Davies and S. Tilghman.) pp. 121158. (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, NY.)
Example 5: A book citation translated from the original language
Chartier, R. (Ed.) (1989). A History of Private Life: Passions of the Renaissance. (Transl. A.
Goldhammer.) (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA.)
Example 6: A book citation with authors but without editors
Petes, T. D., Malone, R. E., and Symington, L. S. (1991). Recombination in yeast. In The Molecular
and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces. pp. 407521. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory:
Cold Spring Harbor, NY.)
[with a request to the author for the missing editor details] [or allow editor details to be optional]
Example 7: A book citation without a chapter page range
Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. In Organisation and Memory. (Eds E. Tulving
and W. Donaldson.) (Academic Press: New York.)
[with a request to the author for the missing page range] [or allow page details to be optional]
Example 8: A book citation without a publisher location
Kano, M., and Konnerth, A. (1992). Cerebellar slices for patch clamp recording. In Practical
Electrophysiological Methods. (Eds H. Kettenmann and R. Grantyn.) pp. 5457. (Wiley-Liss.)
[with a request to the author for the missing publisher location] [or allow publisher details to be
Example 9: A book with editors, but without chapter authors
Ausubel, F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. D., Seidman, J. G., Smith, J. A., and Struhl, K.
(Eds) (1994). Phenol/SDS method for plant RNA preparation. In Current Protocols in Molecular
Biology. Vol. 1. pp. (Wiley Interscience: New York.)
Example 10: Citation including a section number and/or part number.
Valtin, H. (1992). Genetic models of diabetes insipidus. In Handbook of Physiology. Section 8. Renal
Physiology. (Ed. E. E. Windhager.) pp. 12811316. (Oxford: New York.)
Nicoll, C. S. (1974). Physiological actions of prolactin. In Handbook of Physiology. Section 7, Vol.
IV. (Eds R. Greep, E. B. Astwood, E. Knobil, W. H. Sawyer and S. R. Geiger.) pp. 253292.
(American Physiological Society: Washington, DC.)
Wiersma, C. A. G., and Roach, J. L. M. (1977). Principles in the organisation of invertebrate sensory
systems. In Handbook of Physiology. Section 1: The Nervous System. Vol. I, Part 2. (Eds J. M.
Brookhart and V. B. Mountcastle.) pp. 10891135. (American Physiological Society: Bethesda, MD.)
Encyclopedia examples
Example 1: An encyclopedia citation without an author
Cleveland, W. A. (Ed.) (1993). Comparative national statistics. Language. In Britannica World Data.
pp. 778782. (Encyclopedia Britannica: Chicago.)
Example 2: An encyclopedia citation without an editor
Rolls, B. J., and Drewnowski, A. (1977). Nutrition and aging. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology. pp.
429440. (Academic: New York.)
Wallis, C. G. (Transl.) (1952). Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 16. p. 481. (Encyclopaedia
Britannica, Inc.)
[with a query to the author for place of publication] [or allow place of publication details to be
Thesis examples
Example 1: University name includes city
Smith, J. A. (2003). New Harpacticoida from south-east Australia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Kennedy, S. J. (1998). Foraging ecology of the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) in the boxironbark
region of Victoria. B.Sc.(Honours) Thesis, University of Ballarat, Australia.
Example 2: University name does not include city.
Winter, J. W. (1976). The behaviour and social organisation of the brush-tail possum (Trichosurus
vulpecula Kerr). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Conference proceedings examples
Hayman, P. T., and Collett, I. J. (1996). Estimating soil water: to kick, to stick, to core or computer? In
Proceedings of the 8th Australian Agronomy Conference, Toowoomba. (Ed. M. Asghar.) p. 664.
(Australian Society of Agronomy: Toowoomba.)
Report/bulletin examples
Bloggs, T. H. (1990). Effects of soil type on seed rate for wheat. NSW Agriculture Bulletin No. 232.
Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Chippendale, G. M., and Wolf, L. (1981). The natural distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. Special
Publication No. 6, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra.
Electronic versions of books
Chessells, J. M (2000). Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Version 1. In Encyclopaedia of Life
Sciences. (Nature Publishing Group: London.) Available at http://www.els.net [Verified 6 September
Wilkes, B. J., and Peterson, B. M. (2000). Active galaxies: observations. Version 1.0. In Encyclopedia
of Astronomy and Astrophysics. (Nature Publishing Group: London & Institute of Physics Publishing:
Bristol.) Available at http://www.ency-astro.com [Verified 6 September 2004].
CD-ROM example
Fehmi, J. F. (2002). A crop sequence calculator for designing dynamic cropping systems. In
Proceedings of the 10th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference. (CD-ROM) (Australian Society
of Agronomy: Hobart.)
List 2: Reference lists with minimal punctuation
Journal examples
Example 1: Typical journal citation
Kefford BJ, Papas PJ, Nugegoda D (2003) Relative salinity tolerance of macroinvertebrates from the
Barwon River, Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 54, 755765.
Example 2: A journal citation including an issue number or a supplement
Bull P, Smith E, Lane J (1997) Chromosomal evolution in lizards. Bioinformatics 34(2), 233237.
Conrad B, Strange W (2005) Physiological functions of methylated genes. Human Reproduction
15(Suppl. 1), 315319.
Example 3: Abstract noted at end
Nabulsi A, Folsom A, Szklo M, White A, Higgins M, Heiss G (1992) Is menopausal status or hormone
replacement therapy associated with carotid intimalmedial wall thickness? American Journal of
Epidemiology 136, 10031004. [Abstract]
Example 4: Other language noted at end
Nabulsi A, Folsom A, Szklo M, White A, Higgins M, Heiss G (1992) Is menopausal status or hormone
replacement therapy associated with carotid intimalmedial wall thickness? American Journal of
Epidemiology 136, 10031004. [In Chinese]
Example 5: Paper in press
Hayden MJ, Stephenson P, Logojan AM, Khatkar D, Rogers C, Elsden J, Koebner RMD, Snape JW,
Sharp PJ (2006) Development and genetic mapping of sequence tagged microsatellites in bread wheat.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 21, in press.
Potter M (in press) Genotype and environment interact to control dormancy and differential expression
of the SC2 homologue in Triticum aestivum. Plant Cell Biology.
Monograph examples
Example 1: Typical monograph citation
Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T (1989) Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, NY)
Example 2: A monograph citation including a volume number and without a publisher location
Chaudhuri P (1997). Additive cellular automata theory and applications. Vol. 1. (IEEE Press)
Example 3: A monograph citation including a book series in addition to the book title
Codd E (1968) Cellular automata. ACM Monograph Series. (Academic Press: New York)
Example 4: A monograph citation including an edition number
Dixon M, Webb EC (1979) Enzymes. 3rd edn. (Longman: London)
Example 5: A monograph citation indicating the editor(s)
Judson HF (Ed.) (1996) The eighth day of creation. Expanded edn. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press: New York)
Attiwill PM, Adams MA (Eds) (1996) Nutrition of eucalypts. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne)
Example 6: A monograph citation including a page count for the book
Grant V (1981) Plant speciation. 2nd edn. (Columbia University Press: New York) 552 pp.
Example 7: A monograph citation including a chapter number, name and page range
Larsson L-I (1988) Fixation and tissue pretreatment. In Immunocytochemistry: theory and practice.
pp. 41170. (CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL)
[Query author about Ed(s) of book, or just one author.]
Example 8: A translated monograph with the translator name, but not the author name
Tredennick H (Transl) (1969) The apology of Plato. (Penguin Books: New York)
Example 9: A translated monograph with the translator and author names
Paton HJ (Transl) (1964) Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals by Immanuel Kant. (Harper &
Row: New York)
Example 10: Forward to a book by another author
Harris M (1965) Introduction. In With the procession by Henry Fuller. (University of Chicago Press:
Example 11: Organisation as an author
SAS Institute (1989a) SAS/STAT users guide. Version 6. Vol. 1. 4th edn. (SAS Institute: Cary, NC)
Book chapter examples
Example 1: Typical book chapter citation.
Carr JD, Fibiger HC, Phillips AG (1989) Conditioned place preference as a measure of drug reward. In
Neuropharmacological basis of reward. (Eds JM Liebman, SJT Cooper) pp. 265320. (Oxford
University Press: Oxford)
Example 2: Typical book citation including a volume number
Esposito RE, Klapholz S (1981) Meiosis and ascospore development. In The molecular biology of the
yeast Saccharomyces. Vol. 1. (Eds JN Strathern, EW Jones, JR Broach) pp. 211287. (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory: Cold Spring Harbor, NY)
Example 3: Typical book citation including an edition number
Mahley RW, Rall SC Jr (1995) Type III hyperlipoproteinemia (dysbetalipoproteinemia): the role of
apolipoprotein E in normal and abnormal lipoprotein metabolism. In The metabolic and molecular
bases of inherited disease. 7th edn. (Eds CR Scriver, AL Beaudet, WS Sly, D Valle) pp. 19531980.
(McGraw-Hill: New York)
Example 4: Typical book citation of an item in a series, which includes a series title and a volume
Rinchik EM, Russell LB (1990) Germ-line deletion mutations in the mouse: tools for intensive
functional and physical mapping of regions of the mammalian genome. In Genome analysis. Vol. 1:
Genetic and physical mapping. (Eds K Davies, S Tilghman) pp. 121158. (Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, NY)
Example 5: A book citation translated from the original language
Chartier R (Ed.) (1989) A history of private life: passions of the Renaissance. (Transl. A
Goldhammer) (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA)
Example 6: A book citation with authors but without editors
Petes TD, Malone RE, Symington LS (1991) Recombination in yeast. In The molecular and cellular
biology of the yeast Saccharomyces. pp. 407521. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Cold Spring
Harbor, NY)
[with a request to the author for the missing editor details] [or allow editor details to be optional]
Example 7: A book citation without a chapter page range
Tulving E (1972) Episodic and semantic memory. In Organisation and memory. (Eds E Tulving, W
Donaldson) (Academic Press: New York)
[with a request to the author for the missing page range] [or allow page details to be optional]
Example 8: A book citation without a publisher location
Kano M, Konnerth, A (1992) Cerebellar slices for patch clamp recording. In Practical
electrophysiological methods. (Eds H Kettenmann, R Grantyn) pp. 5457. (Wiley-Liss)
[with a request to the author for the missing publisher location] [or allow publisher details to be
Example 9: A book with editors, but without chapter authors
Ausubel FM, Brent R, Kingston RE, Moore DD, Seidman JG, Smith JA, Struhl K (Eds) (1994)
Phenol/SDS method for plant RNA preparation. In Current protocols in molecular biology. Vol. 1.
pp. (Wiley Interscience: New York)
Example 10: Citation including a section number and/or part number.
Valtin H (1992) Genetic models of diabetes insipidus. In Handbook of physiology. Section 8. Renal
physiology. (Ed. EE Windhager) pp. 12811316. (Oxford: New York)
Nicoll CS (1974) Physiological actions of prolactin. In Handbook of physiology. Section 7. Vol. IV.
(Eds R Greep, EB Astwood, E Knobil, WH Sawyer, SR Geiger) pp. 253292. (American Physiological
Society: Washington, DC)
Wiersma CAG, Roach JLM (1977) Principles in the organisation of invertebrate sensory systems. In
Handbook of physiology. Section 1: The nervous system. Vol. I, Part 2. (Eds JM Brookhart, VB
Mountcastle) pp. 10891135. (American Physiological Society: Bethesda, MD)
Encyclopedia examples
Example 1: An encyclopedia citation without an author
Cleveland WA (Ed) (1993) Comparative national statistics. Language. In Britannica world data. pp.
778782. (Encyclopedia Britannica: Chicago)
Example 2: An encyclopedia citation without an editor
Rolls BJ, Drewnowski A (1977) Nutrition and aging. In Encyclopedia of gerontology. pp. 429440.
(Academic: New York)
Wallis CG (Transl.) (1952) Great books of the western world. Vol. 16. p. 481. (Encyclopaedia
Britannica, Inc)*
[with a query to the author for place of publication] [or allow place of publication details to be
Thesis examples
Example 1: University name includes city
Smith JA (2003) New Harpacticoida from south-east Australia. PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne.
Kennedy S J (1998) Foraging ecology of the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) in the boxironbark
region of Victoria. BSc(Hons) thesis, University of Ballarat, Australia.
Example 2: University name does not include city.
Winter JW (1976) The behaviour and social organisation of the brush-tail possum (Trichosurus
vulpecula Kerr). PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Conference proceedings examples
Hayman PT, Collett IJ (1996) Estimating soil water: to kick, to stick, to core or computer? In
Proceedings of the 8th Australian agronomy conference, Toowoomba. (Ed. M Asghar) p. 664.
(Australian Society of Agronomy: Toowoomba)
Ful PZ, McHugh C, Heinlein TA, Covington WW (2001) Potential fire behavior is reduced following
forest restoration treatments. In Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems Restoration and Conservation: Steps
toward Stewardship Proceedings, 2527 April 2000, Flagstaff, AZ. (Eds RK Vance, WW Covington,
CB Edminster, JA Blake) USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, RMRS-P-22, pp.
2835. (Ogden, UT)
Report/bulletin examples
Bloggs TH (1990) Effects of soil type on seed rate for wheat. NSW Agriculture Bulletin No. 232.
Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Chippendale GM, Wolf L (1981) The natural distribution of Eucalyptus in Australia. Special
Publication No. 6, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra.
Sandberg DV, Ottmar RD, Peterson JL, Core J (2002) Wildland fire on ecosystems: effects of fire on
air. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Report RMRS-GTR-42. (Ogden, UT)
IJWF (2):
Robichaud PR, MacDonald LH, Freeouf J, Neary D, Martin D (2003) Post-fire rehabilitation of the
Hayman Fire. In Hayman fire case study analysis. (Ed. RT Graham) USDA Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Research Station, RMRS-GTR-114, pp. 293313. (Fort Collins CO)
Electronic versions of books
Chessells JM (2000) Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Version 1. In Encyclopaedia of life sciences.
(Nature Publishing Group: London) Available at http://www.els.net [Verified 6 September 2004]
Wilkes BJ, Peterson BM (2000) Active galaxies: observations. Version 1.0. In Encyclopedia of
astronomy and astrophysics. (Nature Publishing Group: London & Institute of Physics Publishing:
Bristol) Available at http://www.ency-astro.com [Verified 6 September 2004]
CD-ROM example
Fehmi JF (2002) A crop sequence calculator for designing dynamic cropping systems. In Proceedings
of the 10th Australian Society of Agronomy conference. (CD-ROM) (Australian Society of
Agronomy: Hobart)
List 3: Other Harvard reference styles
Exploration Geophysics
Journal examples
Benhama, A., Cliet, C. and Dubesset, M., 1988, Study and application of spatial directional
filtering in three-component recordings: Geophysical Prospecting 36, 591613.
Castagna, J. P., 1993, Petrophysical imaging using AVO: The Leading Edge, 12, 172179.
Book examples
Davis, P.J., and Rabinowitz, P., 1975, Methods of Numerical Integration: Academic Press
Sloan, E. D., 1990, Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Marcel Dekker.
Edited book example
Baker, D. W., and Carter, N.L., 1972, Seismic velocity anisotropy calculated for ultramafic
minerals and aggregates: in Heard, H.C., Borg, I.V., Carter, N.L., and Raleigh, C.B. (eds.),
Flow and Fracture of Rocks: Am. Geophys. Union, Geophys. Mono 16, 157166.
Conference paper example
Gist, G. A., 1994, Seismic attenuation from 3-D heterogeneities: A possible resolution of the
VSP attenuation paradox: 64th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration
Geophysicists, 10421045.
Stone, P.M., and Simsky, A., 2001, Constructing high resolution DEMs from airborne laser
scanner data: 15
Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Australian Society of Exploration
Geophysicists, Extended Abstracts, 123124.
Thesis example
Luo Mu, 1996, Seismic Applications of Multi-Component Wavefield Separation Techniques:
M.Sc. thesis (unpublished), University of Queensland.
Journal example
Martn, E.
L., Rebolo, R., &
Zapatero Osorio, M. R.
1996, ApJ, 469, 706
Author [Last name, First-name initials], Author, & Author. Year, Journal abbreviated title,
Volume number, First page of article
Book example
W., III, & Boksenberg,
A. J. 1993, The
Astronomical Almanac for the
Year 1994, Vol.
(2d ed.; Washington, DC:
Author [Last name, First-name initials], & Author. Year, Title, Volume if a multivolume work
(Edition, if any; City of publication: Publisher)
In the case of
a book, note space
between initials, comma and
ampersand (&) between authors,
no comma before parentheses
for place of publication,
and no page number.
Where specific
pages are
cited, these should be
given at the text
Article or chapter in an edited collection
Huchra, J. P. 1986,
in Inner Space/Outer Space,
ed. E. W. Kolb
et al. (Chicago: Univ.
Press), 65
Author(s) [Last name, First-name initials]. Year, in Collection Title, ed. Editors by first-name
initials followed by last name (City of publication: Publisher), first page of article
Conference proceedings
Salpeter, E.
E., & Wasserman, I.
M. 1993, in ASP
Conf. Ser. 36, Planets
around Pulsars, ed. J.
A. Phillips, S. E.
Thorsett, & S. R.
Kulkarni (San Francisco: ASP),
Author(s) [Last name, First-name initials]. Year, in Conference series title [ASP Conf. Ser.,
AIP Conf. Proc., IAU Colloq., IAU Symp., etc.] and number, Volume title, ed. Editors by first-
name initials follwed by last name (City of publication: Publisher), first page of article
Star catalogs
Hoffleit, D. 1982, The
Bright Star Catalogue (New
Haven: Yale Univ. Obs.)
Author(s) [Last name, First-name initials]. Year, Catalog title (City of publication:
Electronic newsletter
(published only on-line)
In reference list: Hermoso, D. 1996,
ESA IUE Electron. Newsl.
Footnote to text at point of citation:
EAS IUE Electronic
Newsletter (Imhoff 1997) is
available at: http://www.vilspa.esa.es/iue/nl/newsl_46.html.
Instrument documentation
Gussenhoven, M.
S., Mullen, E. G.,
& Sagalyn, R. C.
1985, CRRES/SPACERAD Instrument
Document AFGL-TR-85-0017, Air Force
Geophysics Laboratory
Author(s) [Last name, First-name initials]. Year, Title, Document number, Issuing agency
Smith, A. B.
1999, preprint (astro-ph/9812345)
Lockwood, G.
W., & Skiff, B.
A. 1988, Air Force
Geophys. Lab. preprint (AFGL-TR-88-
Author(s) [Last name, First-name initials]. Year, preprint (preprint series and number)
to preprints are acceptable
only for papers not
yet in print. For
papers that have
accepted but are not
yet in print, preprint
number may be given
at the end of
a reference
submitted or
in press [i.e., Smith,
A. B. 1999, ApJ,
in press (astro-ph/9912345)].
Papers submitted or in press
Wolk, S.
J., & Walter, F.
M. 1999, ApJ, submitted
S. J., & Walter,
F. M. 1999, ApJ,
in press
Papers submitted but
not yet accepted for
publication should be listed
with the journal and
"submitted." Papers accepted for
publication should be listed
as "in press."
Journal examples
Blackburn, G. J., 1981, Seismic static corrections in irregular or steeply dipping water-bottom
environments: Expl. Geophys., 12, 93100.
Book example
Davis, P. J., and P. Rabinowitz, 1975, Methods of numerical integration: Academic Press Inc.
Edited book example
Baker, D. W., and N. L. Carter, 1972, Seismic velocity anisotropy calculated for ultramafic
minerals and aggregates, in H. C. Heard, I. V. Borg, N. L. Carter, and C. B. Raleigh, eds.,
Flow and fracture of rocks: American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monographs 16, 157
Conference proceedings example
Constable, S. C., 1986, Offshore electromagnetic surveying techniques: 56th Annual
International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 8182.
Thesis example
Lodha, G. S., 1974, Quantitative interpretation of airborne electromagnetic response for a
spherical model: M.S. thesis, University of Toronto.
Electronic reference example
Roemmich, D., 1990, Sea-level change, http://www.nap.edu/books/0309040396/html,
accessed July 14, 2003.
Patent example
Anstey, N., 1976, Seismic delineation of oil and gas reservoirs using borehole geophones:
Canadian Patents 1 106 957 and 1114 937.
List 4: Vancouver style references
Australian Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Journal examples
[1] J. V. Cizdziel, T. A. Hinners, C. Cross, J. Pollard, J. Environ. Monit. 2003, 5, 802.
[2] J. K. King, J. E. Kostka, M. E. Frischer, F. M. Saunders, R. A. Jahnke, Environmental factors
influencing marine environments: a review. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2001, 35, 2491.
doi:10.1021/ES001813Q [Article title is optional]
[5] (a) V. R. Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1962, 77, 345. (b) M. C. Bloggs, P. C. Builder, J. Org. Chem.
1999, 79, 101.
Book example
[4] K. Latjha, R. H. Michener, Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Science 1994
(Blackwell: New York, NY).
Edited book example
[3] J. G. Wiener, D. J. Spry, in Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue
Concentrations (Eds W. N. Beyer, G. H. Heinz, A. W. Redmond) 1996, pp. 208297 (Lewis: Boca
Raton, FL).
[4] A. B. Bloggs, C. D. Smith, in Pigments in Nature (Ed. M. E. Brown) 1996, Vol. 6, Ch. 8, p. 98
(Permagon: Chicago, IL).
[3] F. W. McLafferty, D. B. Staffer (Eds), Wiley Atlas of Mass Spectral Data 1989, Vol. 1 (John
Wiley: New York, NY).
[5] W. Stumm, J. J. Morgan, in Aquatic Chemistry, 2nd edn 1981, pp. 3689 (Wiley-Interscience:
New York, NY). [Query for editors]
Report example
[6] Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled
PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectrometry, EPA/600/4-91/010 1991, p. 31 (US EPA: Washington, DC).
Electronic reference example
[7] T. Ressler, WinXAS Manual Ver. 3.1 2004 (Fritz Haber Institut: Berlin). www.winxas.de (verified
December 2005)
[7] T. Ressler, WinXAS Manual Ver. 3.1 2004 (Fritz Haber Institut: Berlin). Available at
www.winxas.de [Verified December 2005]
Conference examples
[8] I. C. Agarwal, R. K. Srivastava, A. Agaewal, in Proc. 4th Int. Congr. Environmental Geotechnics
2002, (Eds G. Carlile, C. Richardson) pp. 141144 (ISSMGE: London).
[9] H. B. Xue, L. Sigg, in Abstracts, 213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, 1317 April 1997,
(ACS: Washington, DC). [Query for page numbers, editors]
Thesis example (ENV)
[10] K. Parnell, Hydrodynamics of fringing reef bays of the GBR Marine Park with emphasis on
management 1987, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia.
[46] B. Lovell, Phosphorus sources, forms and mobility in the Latrobe River catchment 2 006,
B.Sc.(Hons) thesis, University of Melbourne, Vic.
Australian Infection Control
Journal example
Weber JM, Sheridan RL, Pasternack MS and Tompkins RG. Nosocomial infections in
paediatric patients with burns. Am J Infect Control 1997;25:195201.
Book example
Reese RE and Betts RF (eds). A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases (4th ed). Boston:
Little, Brown and Co., 1996.
Chapters in books
Lynch P. Epidemiology and surveillance. In: Axnick KJ and Yarbrough M (eds). Infection
Control, An Integrated Approach. St Louis: CV Mosby, 1984: pp 83118.
New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Journal examples
1. Everett RB, Jimerson GK. The rape victim: a review of 117 consecutive cases. Obstet Gynecol 1977;
50: 8890
2. Boyd RL. The development of murine T lymphocytes. Immunol Today 1995 (in press.)
More than six authors:
3. Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov
E, et al. Childhood leukaemia in
Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer 1996; 73: 1006-12.
Organisation as author
4. The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise
stress testing. Safety and
performance guidelines. Med J Aust
1996; 164: 2824.
No author given
5. Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J 1994; 84: 15.
Report example
6. Silver MD, Young A, Briones C. Assessment of the information and education needs of people with
HIV from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Sydney: Federation of AIDS
Organisations/National Association of People with AIDS, 1998.
Book example
7. Brown D. Criminal laws. Sydney: Federation Press, 2001.
Chapter in book
8. Kantola J, Squires J. Prostitution policies in Britain. In: Outshoorn J, editor. The politics of
prostitution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. pp. 6281.
Chapter in book (no editors)
9. Smith PQ. The price of fish in China. In: Worldwide fish prices. Sydney: Australian FishFacts
Register, 2005.
Conference proceedings example
10. Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical
neurophysiology. Proceedings of the
10th International Congress
of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto,
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996.
Conference paper example
11. Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy
and security in medical
informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P,
Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of
7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 September 610; Geneva,
Amsterdam: Foundation for Medical Informatics, 1992. p. 15615.
Online material example
12. Parker R, Aggleton P, Attawell K, Pulerwitz J, Brown L. HIV/AIDS-related stigma and
discrimination: a conceptual framework and an agenda for action. New York: Population Council,
2004. Available at www.popcouncil.org/hivaids/stigma.html. Accessed January 2005.
Sexual Health
Journal examples
1. Everett RB, Jimerson GK. The rape victim: a review of 117 consecutive cases. Obstet Gynecol 1977;
50: 8890
2. Boyd RL. The development of murine T lymphocytes. Immunol Today 1995 (in press.)
More than six authors:
3. Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov
E, et al. Childhood leukaemia in
Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer 1996; 73: 1006-12.
Organisation as author
4. The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise
stress testing. Safety and
performance guidelines. Med J Aust
1996; 164: 2824.
No author given
5. Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J 1994; 84: 15.
Report example
6. Silver MD, Young A, Briones C. Assessment of the information and education needs of people with
HIV from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Sydney: Federation of AIDS
Organisations/National Association of People with AIDS; 1998.
Book example
7. Brown D. Criminal laws. Sydney: Federation Press; 2001.
Chapter in book
8. Kantola J, Squires J. Prostitution policies in Britain. In: Outshoorn J, editor. The politics of
prostitution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. pp. 6281.
Chapter in book (no editors)
9. Smith PQ. The price of fish in China. In: Worldwide fish prices. Sydney: Australian FishFacts
Register; 2005.
Conference proceedings example
10. Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical
neurophysiology. Proceedings of the
10th International Congress
of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto,
Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Conference paper example
11. Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy
and security in medical
informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P,
Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of
7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 September 610; Geneva,
Amsterdam: Foundation for Medical Informatics; 1992. p. 15615.
Online material example
12. Parker R, Aggleton P, Attawell K, Pulerwitz J, Brown L. HIV/AIDS-related stigma and
discrimination: a conceptual framework and an agenda for action. New York: Population Council;
2004. Available online at: www.popcouncil.org/hivaids/stigma.html [verified January 2005].