Arch Research

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Palevino, Marinet O. BS Architecture 4A Architectural Research 1. How do you define reasearch?

Research is an intellectual study and method acquiring all the necessary,technical and good process to produce useful result. (Palevino,MO) 2. Why is research important to humankind? Research is important to humankind because it serves as the foundation of new knowledge, inventions , and other significant studies. 3. What are the purposes and goals of research? The purposes of research is to give mans necessities and its goal is for the beterment of every living thngs life. 4. How do you characterize a good research? A good research is characterized to be a credible source of fact, with technical characteristics that could be understood by a simple citizen, equiped with well organized data, following the standard form of research method and always have an emphasy of being an inspiration to other researchers. 5. How are research and problem-solving differentiated? A research produces its own question to be answered, more rigorous and broader in scope, not defined specifically, have a deeper reason why a certain problem must be solved and concise. Problem-solving on the other hand,is about solving a given specific problem with a defined answer,certain steps on how to solve it and only aims to solve the problem and become the termination of the problem. 6. How is reasearch classified according to the following? a. Purpose- There are three identified kinds of research according to its purpose, predictive or prognostic research,derective research, and illuminative reasearch. b. Goal- Research can be classified according to goal as basic or pure research and applied research. c. Levels of Investigation- Kinds of research according to the levels of investigations are exploratory, descriptive, and experimental.

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d. Types of analysis- There are two classifications of research according to analysis which are analytic research and holistic research. e. Scope- Action research is a type of research that is done on a very limited scope to solve a particular problem which is not so big. f. Choice of answer to problems- There are two types of research according to choice of answers to problems, evaluation research and developmental research.

g. Statistical content- According to statistical content, quantitative and non-quantitative research can be classified. h. Time element- Historical research, Descriptive research, and experimental research are the classifications of research according to time element,

7. What are the hindrance to research? Why are they called hindrances? The hindrances of research are tradition, authority, inaccurate observation, overgeneralization,selective observation, made-up information, illogical reasoning, egoinvolvement in understanding, mystification, to err is human,dogmatism and others. They are called hindrances becausethey do not satisfy the qualities of a good research. 8. Why should the scientific method of research be followed? What are the steps in the scientific method? Explain. Scientific method should be followed because it is the basis for an effective research. It gives vulnerable methods that are already been tested and approved by the practices done in different professions. The methods in the scientific method are as follows: a. Determining the problem- this is the prime method wherein you formulate a problem based from secured biases and declarative goal. b. Forming a hypothesis- this is the step of making a wild and possible guess to answer the problem.

c. Doing the library search- this step is by finding related researches or ideas about the problem.

d. Designing the study- this is the method of making a framework in having a visualization about the study being done.

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e. Developing the instruments for collecting data- this is the formulation of various ways on how to gather facts that are needed in your study, basically original informations needed,example is for statistical researches,questionaires are prepared for the collection of data.


Collecting data the needed informations to solve the problem are being gathered,example,the questionaires are given to various respondents for answering.

g. Analyzing the data- the collected data are being analyzed and being recognized wether it satisfies an appropriate answer for the problem or not.

h. Determining implications and conclusions from the findings- this is the stage of summarizing what has been found during the duration of the study.


Making recommendations for further research- this is making some reccomendations for other aspirant researchers who will make similar study, this will imply other things that the researchers wanted their studies to be like and produce more effective results.

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