I 1, 2, - . - , N) of Spanning Subgraphs of K Pages, Satisfying The Following Two Properties
I 1, 2, - . - , N) of Spanning Subgraphs of K Pages, Satisfying The Following Two Properties
I 1, 2, - . - , N) of Spanning Subgraphs of K Pages, Satisfying The Following Two Properties
Dalibor Froncek
April 2005
1. Introduction
An orthogonal double cover (ODC) of the complete graph Kn is a
collection G = {Gi |i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of spanning subgraphs of Kn , called
pages, satisfying the following two properties:
(1) Double cover property: Every edge of Kn belongs to exactly two pages
of G.
(2) Orthogonality property: Any two distinct pages of G share exactly one
The definition immediately implies that every page of G must have
exactly n − 1 edges. If all pages of G are isomorphic to the same graph G,
then G is called an ODC of Kn by G.
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ODCs have been investigated for more than 25 years, and there is
an extensive literature on the subject. For motivation and an overview of
results and problems in the area we refer to the survey paper [2].
As the condition on the number of edges of G is necessary for the
existence of an ODC by G, it is natural to ask whether there exist ODCs
for some classes of trees. It can be easily verified that there is no ODC
of K4 by P4 , the path of length three. For all other non-trivial trees on
at most 14 vertices ODCs of the corresponding complete graphs exist [2],
which supports the following conjecture by Gronau, Mullin, and Rosa [3].
Conjecture. (Gronau, Mullin, and Rosa) If T 6= P4 is a tree on n ≥ 2
vertices, then there is an ODC of Kn by T .
The conjecture trivially holds for stars, and it was shown to be true
for all trees of diameter three [3] (see also [4]). On the other hand, even for
paths a complete solution is not known. Therefore, we do not expect the
conjecture to be completely solved soon.
It was also proved for all caterpillars of diameter four [5]. A caterpillar
is a tree that is obtained by attaching pendant vertices of degree one to a
path. By R(p1 , p2 , . . . , pt ) we denote a caterpillar with t spine vertices and
pi pendant vertices attached to the i-th spine vertex (in natural order). We
of course assume that p1 , pt ≥ 1.
The only other class of trees of diameter four and five is the class of
lobsters. In general, a lobster is a tree that is obtained by attaching pendant
vertices of degree one to a caterpillar. Leck and Leck [5] proved that for a
fixed r, almost all lobsters of diameter four with the central vertex (i.e., the
only vertex of eccentricity 2) of degree r admit an ODC of the appropriate
Kn . The author strengthened their result by proving that for a fixed r, all
but possibly finitely many lobsters of diameter four with the central vertex
of degree r admit an ODC [1]. In this paper, we prove analogical result for
lobsters of diameter five. A lobster L of diameter five arises from a double
star R(p, q) by attaching pendant vertices to the leaves of the double star.
We say that R(p, q) is the base caterpillar or just base of the lobster L.
The following lemma will be also useful. The proof is an easy applica-
tion of Lemma 1 and can be found in [1].
3. The result
We noticed above that a lobster of diameter five is a tree arising from
a double star by attaching any number of pendant vertices to each of its
vertices of degree one. We will call the only two vertices of eccentricity 3
the primary vertices, and their neighbors (of eccentricity 4) the secondary
vertices. The vertices of degree one and eccentricity 5 are called leaves.
Recall that R(p1 , p2 , p3 ) is the caterpillar of diameter 5 with p1 and p3
leaves adjacent to the endvertices of the path P3 , respectively, and p2 leaves
attached to the central vertex of P3 .
We will use the following result by Leck and Leck [5].
Theorem 4. (Leck and Leck [5]) The caterpillar R(p1 , p2 , p3 ) admits a
CODC if p2 ≤ |p1 − p3 |.
Now we can prove our main result.
Theorem 5. Let L = L(p, q; 5) be a lobster of diameter 5 with the base
double star R(p, q) and n ≥ 4(p + q)(p + q + 1) vertices. Then there is an
ODC of Kn by L.
Proof. First we show that at least one secondary vertex has p + q or more
neighboring leaves. Suppose it is not the case. Then the number of leaves is
at most (p+q)(p+q −1) = (p+q)2 −(p+q) and the number of vertices of L
is at most (p+q)2 +2, which is a contradiction. Therefore, L contains either
R(p + q, p − 1, q) or R(p, q − 1, p + q). Each of them satisfies assumptions
of Theorem 4. Therefore, we can suppose WLOG it is the former. By
Theorem 4 it admits a CODC of K2(p+q)+2 , all of its vertices are surjective,
and we can choose it for G0 of Lemma 3. Similarly, R(p + q − 1, p − 1, q)
satisfies assumptions of Theorem 4. Hence it admits a CODC of K2(p+q)+1 ,
and we can choose it for G∗ of Lemma 3. Note that then k = 2(p + q) + 1.
Now we need to show that L has enough leaves to satisfy assumptions
(2) and (4) of Lemma 3. We again proceed by contradiction. The number
of secondary vertices of the base double star is p + q and the maximum
number of leaves that do not induce a star K1,k+1 is 2p + 2q + 1 at each
secondary vertex. Therefore, we have at most (p + q)(2p + 2q + 1) leaves not
included in the stars. These leaves fill at most p+q of the sets Vi . It remains
to show that the number of stars K1,k+1 and/or K1,k that fill all remaining
sets Vi is at least p + q. If this is so, then the number of sets Vi filled with
stars satisfies assumptions of Lemma 3. Hence, we suppose it is not the
case. Then we have at most p + q − 1 stars, and we can suppose they are
all the bigger ones, K1,2p+2q+2 . This gives at most (p + q − 1)(2p + 2q + 2)
vertices in the stars. The total number of vertices is then at most
(2p+2q+2)+(p+q)(2p+2q+1)+(p+q−1)(2p+2q+2) = (p+q)(4p+4q+3).
1. D. Froncek, Orthogonal double covers of complete graphs by lobsters of diameter 4,
Congr. Numer. 177 (2005), 25–32.
2. H.-D.O.F. Gronau, M. Grüttmüller, S. Hartmann, U. Leck, and V. Leck, On orthog-
onal double covers of graphs, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 27 (2002), 49–91.
3. H.-D.O.F. Gronau, R.C. Mullin, and A. Rosa, Orthogonal double covers of complete
graphs by trees, Graphs Combin. 13 (1997), 251–262.
4. U. Leck and V. Leck, On orthogonal double covers by trees, J. Combin. Des. 5 (1997),
5. U. Leck and V. Leck, Orthogonal double covers of complete graphs by trees of small
diameter, Discrete Appl. Math. 95 (1999), 377–388.