Mcluhan - Handout

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The Myth of Narcissus: the Gadget-Lover Media as Extensions of Man Numbness The Medium is the Message Media as Altering Consciousness Hot and Cold Media The Global Village Media as Metaphors

THE MYTH OF NARCISSUS: THE GADGET-LOVER The Greek myth of Narcissus is directly concerned with a fact of human experience, as the word Narcissus indicates. It is from the Greek word narcosis or numbness. The youth Narcissus mistook his own reflection in the water for another person. This extension of himself by mirror numbed his perceptions until he became the servomechanism of his own extended or repeated image. The nymph Echo tried to win his love with fragments of his own speech, but in vain. He was numb. He had adapted to the extensions of himself and had become a closed system. Now the point of this myth is the fact that men at once become fascinated by any extension of themselves in any material other than themselves (43-44). Index Point: Narcissism is a pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition. Itis important to keep in mind McLuhan was the first person to force, into popular culture, the issue of relationship between the physicality of media, as opposed to media content, and the physicality of the human nervous system is a 'message' with it's own set of consequences. The power of media rests in their effects, not in their content or message. This point is crucial for anyone who hopes to avert the numbing symptoms of media use, which McLuhan calls Narcissus-narcosis The principle of numbness comes into play with electric technology, as with any other. We have to numb our central nervous system when it is extended and exposed, or we will die. thus the age of anxiety and of electronic media is also the age of the unconscious and of apathy (47). THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE The content of any medium is always another medium. The content of writing is speech, just as the written word is the content of print. The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. The content or uses of such media are as diverse as they are ineffectual in shaping the form of human associations. Indeed, it is only too typical that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium (9). Index

McLuhan understood "medium" in a broad sense. He identified the light bulb as a clear demonstration of the concept of the medium is the message. A light bulb does not have content in the way that a newspaper has articles or a television has programs, yet it is a medium that has a social effect; that is, a light bulb enables people to create spaces during nighttime that would otherwise be enveloped by darkness. He describes the light bulb as a medium without any content. McLuhan states that "a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence."[2] Likewise, the message of a newscast about a heinous crime may be less about the individual news story itself the content and more about the change in public attitude towards crime that the newscast engenders by the fact that such crimes are in effect being brought into the home to watch over dinner.[3] HOT AND COLD MEDIA There is a basic principle that distinguishes a hot medium like radio from a cool one like the telephone or a hot medium like the movie from a cool one like TV. A hot medium is one that extends one single sense in 'high definition.' High definition is the state of being well filled with data. A photograph is, visually, 'high definition.' A cartoon is 'low definition,' simply because very little visual information is provided. Telephone is a cool medium, or one of low definition, because the ear is given a meager amount of information.. And speech is a cool medium of low definition, because so little is given and so much has to be filled in by the listener. On the other hand, hot media do not leave so much to be filled in or completed by the audience. Hot media are, therefore, low in participation and cool media are high in participation or completion by the audience....A lecture makes for less participation than a seminar, and a book for less than dialogue....The hot form excludes, and the cool one includes (23). Index

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