Ansoft Maxwell 3D v11 Userguide
Ansoft Maxwell 3D v11 Userguide
Ansoft Maxwell 3D v11 Userguide
Maxwell 3D
Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Analysis
This document discusses some basic concepts and terminology used throughout
the Ansoft Maxwell application. It provides an overview of the following topics:
0. Fundamentals
Ansoft Maxwell Desktop
Opening a Design
Setting Model Type
1. Parametric Model Creation
1.1 Boundary Conditions
1.2 Excitations
5. Examples
What is Maxwell?
Maxwell is a high-performance interactive software package that uses finite
element analysis (FEA) to solve three-dimensional (3D) electric, magnetostatic,
eddy current, and transient problems.
Use it to compute:
Static electric fields, forces, torques, and capacitances caused by voltage
distributions and charges.
Static magnetic fields, forces, torques, and inductances caused by DC
currents, static external magnetic fields, and permanent magnets.
Time-varying magnetic fields, forces, torques, and impedances caused by
AC currents and oscillating external magnetic fields.
Transient magnetic fields caused by electrical sources and permanent
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows XP(32/64), Windows 2000, or Windows 2003 Server. For up-
to-date information, refer to the Maxwell Release Notes.
Pentium –based computer
128MB RAM minimum
8MB Video Card minimum
Mouse or other pointing device
CD-ROM drive
NOTE: You should make backup copies of all Maxwell projects created with
a previous version of the software before opening them in Maxwell v11
2. Open dialog
Getting Help
If you have any questions while you are using Ansoft Maxwell you can find
answers in several ways:
Ansoft Maxwell Online Help provides assistance while you are working.
To get help about a specific, active dialog box, click the Help button
in the dialog box or press the F1 key.
Select the menu item Help > Contents to access the online help
Tooltips are available to provide information about tools on the
toolbars or dialog boxes. When you hold the pointer over a tool for a
brief time, a tooltip appears to display the name of the tool.
As you move the pointer over a tool or click a menu item, the Status
Bar at the bottom of the Ansoft Maxwell window provides a brief
description of the function of the tool or menu item.
The Ansoft Maxwell Getting Started guide provides detailed
information about using Maxwell to create and solve 3D EM projects.
Ansoft Technical Support
To contact Ansoft technical support staff in your geographical area,
please log on to the Ansoft corporate website, and
select Contact.
Your Ansoft sales engineer may also be contacted in order to
obtain this information.
Burlington, MA
(781) 229-8900 x0 – Ask for Technical Support
9-4 PST:
San Jose, CA
(408) 261-9095 x0 – Ask for Technical Support
Portland, OR
(503) 906-7944 or (503) 906-7947
El Segundo, CA
(310) 426-2287 – Ask for Technical Support
This new feature allows you to update any existing Ansoft software from the
WebUpdate window. This feature automatically scans your system to find any
Ansoft software, and then allows you to download any updates if they are
Ansoft Terms
The Ansoft Maxwell window has several optional panels:
A Project Manager which contains a design tree which lists the structure of
the project.
A Message Manager that allows you to view any errors or warnings that
occur before you begin a simulation.
A Property Window that displays and allows you to change model
parameters or attributes.
A Progress Window that displays solution progress.
A 3D Modeler Window which contains the model and model tree for the
active design. For more information about the3D Modeler Window, see
chapter 1.
3D Modeler
with project
bar Property Window
Coordinate Entry Fields
Project Manager
Design Setup
Design Automation
•Sensitivity Design Results
Property Window
Property Window
Property Property
table buttons
Property tabs
Ansoft 3D Modeler
3D Modeler Window
Graphics Model
3D Modeler
design tree
Context menu
Grouped by Material
Object View
Design Windows
In the Ansoft Maxwell Desktop, each project can have multiple designs and each
design is displayed in a separate window.
You can have multiple projects and design windows open at the same time.
Also, you can have multiple views of the same design visible at the same time.
To arrange the windows, you can drag them by the title bar, and resize them by
dragging a corner or border. Also, you can select one of the following menu
options: Window >Cascade, Window >Tile Vertically, or Window > Tile
To organize your Ansoft Maxwell window, you can iconize open designs. Click
the Iconize ** symbol in the upper right corner of the document border. An icon
appears in the lower part of the Ansoft Maxwell window. If the icon is not visible,
it may be behind another open document. Resize any open documents as
necessary. Select the menu item Window > Arrange Icons to arrange them at
the bottom of the Ansoft Maxwell window.
Select the menu item Window > Close All to close all open design. You are
prompted to Save unsaved designs.
Design icons
The toolbar buttons are shortcuts for frequently used commands. Most of the
available toolbars are displayed in this illustration of the Ansoft Maxwell initial
screen, but your Ansoft Maxwell window probably will not be arranged this way.
You can customize your toolbar display in a way that is convenient for you.
Some toolbars are always displayed; other toolbars display automatically when
you select a document of the related type. For example, when you select a 2D
report from the project tree, the 2D report toolbar displays.
Solution Type
1.1. Boundaries
1. Parametric Model
1.2. Excitations
4.1 Mesh
2. Analysis
Solution Setup
Frequency Sweep
Analyze Solve
3. Results
2D Reports NO
4. Solve Loop
Update Finished
1. Magneto static -
2. Eddy Current -
3. Transient –
4. Electric –
1. Magnetostatic
2. Eddy Current
3. Transient
4. Electric
Graphics Model
3D Modeler
design tree
Context menu
Property Property
table buttons
Property tabs
Grid Plane
To simplify the creation of structural primitives, a grid or drawing plane is used.
The drawing plane does not in any way limit the user to two dimensional
coordinates but instead is used as a guide to simplify the creation of structural
primitives. The drawing plane is represented by the active grid plane (The grid
does not have to be visible). To demonstrate how drawing planes are used,
review the following section: Creating and Viewing Simple Structures.
Active Cursor
The active cursor refers to the cursor that is available during object creation. The
cursor allows you to graphically change the current position. The position is
displayed on the status bar of the Ansoft Maxwell Desktop Window.
When objects are not being constructed, the cursor remains passive and is set
for dynamic selection. See the Overview of Selecting Objects for more details.
Create a Box
We will investigate creating a box to demonstrate these steps. These steps
assume that project and a Maxwell design have already been created.
Three points are required to create the box. The first two form the base
rectangle and the third sets the height.
Point 1: Defines the start point of the base rectangle
Point 2: Defines the size of the base rectangle
Point 3: Defines the height of the Box
Point 1
Grid Plane
Point 3
Base Rectangle
Point 2
1. Set the start point by positioning the active cursor and click the left
mouse button.
2. Position the active cursor and click the left mouse button to set the
second point that forms the base rectangle
3. Set the Height by positioning the active cursor and clicking left mouse
Specifying Points
From the example, we saw that the simplest way to set a point is by
clicking its position on the grid plane. To set the precision of the grid plane,
select the menu item View > Grid Settings. From here you may specify the
Grid Type, Style, Visibility, and Precision. By pressing the Save As Default
button, you can set the default behavior for future Maxwell Designs.
Coordinate Entry
Another way to specify a coordinate is to use the Coordinate Entry fields
which are located on the status bar of the Ansoft Maxwell Desktop. The
position may be specified in Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Spherical
coordinates. Once the first point is set, the Coordinate Entry will default to
Relative coordinates. In Relative mode the coordinates are no longer
absolute (measured from the origin of the working coordinate system), but
relative to the last point entered.
The Coordinate Entry fields allow equations to be entered for
position values. Examples: 2*5, 2+6+8, 2*cos(10*(pi/180)).
Variables are not allowed in the Coordinate Entry Field
Note: Trig functions are in radians
Relative mode
Ansoft Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v11 User’s Guide 1-25
Parametric Model Creation
Overview of Draw
In solid modeling, the basic element or object is often called a primitive.
Examples of primitives are boxes, cylinders, rectangles, circles, etc. There
are two types of primitives: 3D primitives or solids, and 2D primitives or
surfaces. By placing a collection of primitives in the correct location and of
the correct size we can create a represent complex structural objects.
To create complex objects, primitives can be used as “tools” to cut holes,
carve away, or join. The operations that are performed with these “tools”
are often referred to as Boolean operations.
2D primitives can be swept to create arbitrarily shaped solid primitives
2D Draw Objects
The following 2D Draw objects are available:
Rectangle, Circle, Line, Point, Spline, Ellipse, Regular Polygon (v10
3D Draw Objects
The following 3D Draw objects are available:
Box, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus, Helix, Bond Wire, Cone, Regular
Polyhedron (v10 cylinder)
True Surfaces
Circles, Cylinders, Spheres, etc are represented as true surfaces. In
versions prior to release 11, these primitives would be represented as
faceted objects. If you wish to use the faceted primitives (Cylinders or
Circles), select the Regular Polyhedron or Regular Polygon.
To control the mesh generation of true surfaces objects, see the section on
Mesh Control.
Snap Mode
As an aid for graphical selection, the
modeler provides Snap options. The
default is to snaps are shown here. The
shape of the active cursor will dynamically
change as the cursor is moved over the
snap positions.
By default all active cursor movement is in three dimensions. The modeler
can also be set to allow the active cursor to only move in a plane or out of
plane. These are set from the menu item 3D Modeler > Movement Mode.
In addition, the movement can be limited to a specific direction (x, y, or z)
by holding down the x, y, or z key. This prevents movement in the other
Pressing the CTRL+Enter key sets a local reference point. This can be
useful for creating geometry graphically that is based on an existing
objects. This is outlined on the next page:
Moving (Continued)
Step 1: Start Point Step 2: Hold X key and select vertex point
Step 3: CTRL+Enter Keys set a local reference Step 4: Hold Z key and set height
Overview of Draw
In 3D modeler you can import a drawing file from outside.
Choose option 3D Modeler -> Import . Here is the list of import files that we
support. For some of these import option you will need an add-on translator
feature in your license file.
Automated healing for imported solid models
Post-translation user controlled healing
3D Model Analysis – 3D Modeler/Analyze
Face, Object , Area analysis based on user inputs
List of problems (faces, edges, vertices)
Auto Zoom In into region where problem exists
Remove Face
Remove Edge
Remove Sliver
Remove Vertices
Object Attributes
An objects attributes set the following user defined properties:
Name – User defined name. Default names start with the primitive type
followed by an increasing number: Box1, Box2, etc.
Material – User defined material property. The default property is vacuum.
This can be changed by using the material toolbar
Solve Inside – By default Maxwell only solves for fields inside
dielectrics. To force Maxwell to solve inside conductors, check
solve inside.
Model Object – Controls if the object is included in the solve
Display Wireframe – Forces the object to always be displayed as wireframe
Color – Set object color
Transparency – Set the transparency of an object. 0–Solid, 1- Wireframe
Note: Visibility is not an object property.
By clicking on the property button for the material name, the material definition
window will appear. You can select from the existing database or define a
custom project material.
Materials (Continued)
User Defined Project Material
To define a custom material click the Add Material button from the material
definition window. The following dialog will appear. Enter the material
definitions and click the OK button.
Context Menu
Right click in the graphics area and select the menu item View and choose
from the options outlined in the Toolbar section. The context menu also offers
the following:
Fit All – This will zoom the defined structure to a point where it fits in the
drawing area
Fit Selection – This fits only the selected objects into the drawing area.
Spin – Drag the mouse and release the mouse button to start the object
spinning. The speed of the dragging prior to releasing the mouse
controls the speed of the spin.
Animate – Create or display the animation of parametric geometry
Since changing the view is a frequently used operation, some useful shortcut
keys exist. Press the appropriate keys and drag the mouse with the left button
ALT + Drag – Rotate
In addition, there are 9 pre-defined view angles that can be
selected by holding the ALT key and double clicking on the
locations shown on the next page.
Shift + Drag - Pan
ALT + Shift + Drag – Dynamic Zoom
Predefined View Angles
Left Right
Hide Selection
The visibility of selected objects can be set hidden by selecting the
object(s) and choosing the menu View > Hide Selection > All Views.
To change the rendering select the menu item View > Render > Wireframe
or View > Render > Smooth Shaded
Coordinate System
To control the view of the coordinate system, select the menu item:
Toggle the menu item View > Coordinate System > Hide
Toggle the menu item View > Coordinate System > Small
Background Color
To set the background color, select the menu item View > Modify Attributes
> Background Color
Select Connected Vertices
Select Connected Faces
Select Connected Edges
Select Edge Chain
Select Face Chain
Select Uncovered Loops
Purge History – makes an object appear as an
imported entity so that healing can be
performed on it
Remove Faces
Remove Edges
Remove Vertices
Align Faces
Hide selected objects in Active View
Hide selected objects in All Views
Show selected objects in Active View
Show selected objects in All Views
3D Modeler Options
Visualize history of objects
Global CS
The default fixed coordinate system
Relative CS
User defined local coordinate system.
Face CS
User defined local coordinate system. It is tied to the location of the object
face it was created on. If the size of the base object changes, all objects
created relative to the face CS will be updated automatically.
Continued on Next Page
New Working CS
Step 3: Set X-Axis
Parametric Geometry
The parametric modeler capability allows us to define variables in replace of a
fixed position or size. Once this has been defined the variable can be changed
by the user or by Optimetrics. Optimetrics can then be used to perform
automatic Optimization, Parametric Sweeps, Statistical, or Sensitivity Analysis.
Defining Parameters
Select the command to parameterized
Choose the value to change
Enter a variable in replace of the fixed value
Define the variable using any combination of math functions or design
The model will automatically be updated
When defining variables they must contain units. The default units
for variables is meters.
The variables can contain complex equations. See the Online Help
for a complete list of math functions
Equation based Curves and Surfaces
Any curve/surface that can be described
by an equation in three dimensions
can be drawn.
Right-Click in the 3D Model Window & Choose Animate to preview
the parameterization
Note: depending on the quality of your graphics card you have the
option of exporting ether AVI or GIF animation files.
Boundary Conditions
This chapter describes the basics for applying boundary conditions. Boundary
conditions enable you to control the characteristics of planes, faces, or interfaces
between objects. Boundary conditions are important to understand and are
fundamental to solution of Maxwell’s equations.
Symmetry Planes
Perfect Electric or Magnetic Surfaces
Radiation Surfaces
Background or Outer Surface
3. Material Properties
The background can affect how you make material assignments. For example, if
you are modeling a simple air-filled rectangular waveguide, you can create a
single object in the shape of the waveguide and define it to have the
characteristics of air. The surface of the waveguide is automatically assumed to
be a perfect conductor and given the boundary condition outer, or you can
change it to a lossy conductor.
Master / Slave - Master and slave boundaries enable you to model planes of
periodicity where the E-field on one surface matches the E-field on another to
within a phase difference. They force the E-field at each point on the slave
boundary match the E-field to within a phase difference at each corresponding
point on the master boundary. They are useful for simulating devices such as
infinite arrays. Some considerations for Master/Slave boundaries:
They can only be assigned to planar surfaces.
The geometry of the surface on one boundary must match the geometry
on the surface of the other boundary.
Boundary Conditions
This chapter describes the basics for applying boundary conditions. Boundary
conditions enable you to control the characteristics of planes, faces, or interfaces
between objects. Boundary conditions are important to understand and are
fundamental to solution of Maxwell’s equations.
Symmetry Planes
Perfect Electric or Magnetic Surfaces
Radiation Surfaces
Background or Outer Surface
3. Material Properties
The background can affect how you make material assignments. For example, if
you are modeling a simple air-filled rectangular waveguide, you can create a
single object in the shape of the waveguide and define it to have the
characteristics of air. The surface of the waveguide is automatically assumed to
be a perfect conductor and given the boundary condition outer, or you can
change it to a lossy conductor.
Master / Slave - Master and slave boundaries enable you to model planes of
periodicity where the E-field on one surface matches the E-field on another to
within a phase difference. They force the E-field at each point on the slave
boundary match the E-field to within a phase difference at each corresponding
point on the master boundary. They are useful for simulating devices such as
infinite arrays. Some considerations for Master/Slave boundaries:
They can only be assigned to planar surfaces.
The geometry of the surface on one boundary must match the geometry
on the surface of the other boundary.
Magnetic Force
This example is intended to show you how to create and analyze a
magnetostatic problem with a permanent magnet to determine the force
exerted on a steel bar using the Magnetostatic solver in the Ansoft Maxwell
3D Design Environment.
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
1. Select Units: mm
Create Core
To create a box:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 10.0, dY: -30.0, dZ: 10.0, Press the Enter key
To fit the view:
1. Select the menu item View > Fit All > Active View.
Duplicate Box:
1. Select the menu item Edit > Duplicate Along Line
dX: 30.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 10.0, Press the Enter key
4. Duplicate Along Line Window
1. Total Number: 2
dX: 50.0, dY: -10.0, dZ: 10.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
dX: 0.0, dY: 1.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
To fit the view:
1. Select the menu item View > Fit All > Active View.
Create Bar
To create the bar:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 10.0, dY: 80.0, dZ: 10.0, Press the Enter key
To parameterize the object:
1. Select the Command tab from the Properties window
2. For Position, type: 50mm+mx, -40,0, -5,0, Click the Tab key to accept
Create Coil
To create the coil:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: -20.0, dY: -60.0, dZ: -20.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
2. Subtract Window
Insulate Coil
To assign a boundary
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Boundaries > Assign > Insulating
2. Insulating Boundary
1. Name: Insulating1
Create Excitation
Section Object
1. Select the menu item Edit > Surface > Section
1. Section Plane: XY
Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Boolean > Separate Bodies
Assign Excitation
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Excitations > Assign > Current
1. Name: Current1
2. Value: c1
3. Type: Stranded
1. Value: 100A
Calculate Force
To select the object
Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
Select Object Dialog,
Select the objects named: Bar
Click the OK button
Calculate Force
Select the menu item Maxwell > Parameters > Assign > Force
Click the OK button
Create Magnet
To create the magnet:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 10.0, dY: 20.0, dZ: 10.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
2. Subtract Window
Orient Magnet
Note: By default all of the magentic material in the material libaray are oriented in
the x-direction. Using a local coordinate system (CS) we can correct the orientation
of the geometry to align with the material definition.
To create rotated CS:
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > Faces
2. Using the mouse, graphically select the top face of the Magnet
3. Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Coordinate System > Create > Face CS
dX: 0.0, dY: -20.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
Change Properties
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > List
3. Properties Window
1. Orientation: FaceCS1
Define a Region
To define a Region:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Region
2. Padding Percentage: 50
Analysis Setup
Save Project
To save the project:
1. In an Ansoft Maxwell window, select the menu item File > Save As.
Model Validation
To validate the model:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Validation Check
To start the solution process:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze All
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Results > Solution Data
1. Select Variable: c1
3. Start: 0A
4. Stop: 500A
5. Step: 100
Optimetrics Results
To view the Optimetrics Results:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell> Optimetrics Analysis > Optimetrics Results
2. Select the Profile Tab to view the solution progress for each setup.
3. Click the Close button when you are finished viewing the results
3. Traces Window:
1. Category: Force
2. Quantity: Force_x
3. Function: <none>
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
4. Ok
4. Ok
The problem won’t solve unless each object has a check mark.
Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze, or click on the icon
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data, select the menu item Maxwell > Results > Solution
Here you can view the Profile and the Convergence. Note: The default view is for
convergence is Table. Select the Plot radio button to view a graphical
representations of the convergence data.
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
4. Ok
4. Ok
The problem won’t solve unless each object has a check mark.
Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze, or click on the icon
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data, select the menu item Maxwell > Results > Solution
Here you can view the Profile and the Convergence. Note: The default view is for
convergence is Table. Select the Plot radio button to view a graphical
representations of the convergence data.
3. The solver does not know how many turns are represented by the coil, thus
the value of current that is being applied represents the total ampere-turns.
For this example, the value 3570 could represent any of the following:
1. 25 amps at 150 turns
The path of the current is determined by the conduction path. Select the menu
item Maxwell > Excitations > Conduction Paths to view the conduction path, and
verify that the conduction path is correct. In this example, if any of the coils
touched the stator, then this would constitute a separate conduction path since
the material properties of the stator has a conductivity value 2e6 siemens/meter;
to solve this problem an insulation boundary will need to be applied to the coils or
stator; please refer to the overview section for details on insulation boundaries.
Although the Magnetostatic solver uses the current density vector J as the initial
condition, it does not solve for J directly as part of the output solution matrix. The
quantity that the Magnetostatic solver directly calculates is the magnetic field
intensity H. From H, the current density J in any conductor is derived by:
J =∇× H
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
1. Select Units: mm
Create Rotor
To create the rotor:
1. Select the menu item Draw > User Defined Primitive > Syslib > Rmxprt >
2. From the Create User Defined Primitive dialog
1. For the value of DiaGap, type: 70, Click the Tab key to accept
2. For the value of DiaYoke, type: 30, Click the Tab key to accept
3. For the value of Length, type: 65, Click the Tab key to accept
4. For the value of Poles, type: 6, Click the Tab key to accept
5. For the value of ThkYoke, type: 9, Click the Tab key to accept
6. For the value of Embrace, type: 0.5, Click the Tab key to accept
7. For the value of EndExt, type: 0, Click the Tab key to accept
8. For the value of InfoCore, type: 0, Click the Tab key to accept
Create Terminals
Section Coils
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
2. Select Object Dialog,
1. Select the objects named: Stator_1
2. Click the OK button
Section Object
1. Select the menu item Edit > Surface > Section
1. Section Plane: XY
2. Click the OK button
Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Boolean > Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Delete
Section Coils
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
2. Select Object Dialog,
1. Select the objects named: Section1
2. Click the OK button
Assign Excitation
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Excitations > Assign > Current
2. Current Excitation : General
1. Name: Current1
2. Value: 3750 A
3. Type: Stranded
3. Click the OK button
Change Properties
Change Properties
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > List
3. Properties Window
1. Name: Coil
2. Material: copper
6. Properties Window
1. Name: Terminal
1. Axis: Z
2. Angle: 45deg
3. Total Number: 8
Create Region
To create the region:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Regular Polyhedron
dX: 150.0 dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 200.0, Press the Enter key
Segment Number Window
Number of Segments: 12
Click the OK button
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
Analysis Setup
Percent Error: 10
2. Click the Convergence tab:
Save Project
To save the project:
1. In an Ansoft Maxwell window, select the menu item File > Save As.
Model Validation
To validate the model:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Validation Check
To start the solution process:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze All
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Results > Solution Data
Field Overlays
2. Press and hold the CTRL key and click on stator and rotor
2. Select the menu item Maxwell > Fields > Fields > B > Mag_B
2. Quantity: Mag_B
3. In Volume: All
Calculate Current
To use the field calculator
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Fields > Calculator
2. Select Quantity: J
5. Geometry Window
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
Setting Tool Options
Opening a new project
Set Solution Type
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
Note: To create the box with the GUI, use the mouse to draw the box.
Note: To create the cylinder graphically, use the mouse to draw the
Select the objects Armature and Cylinder1 from the objects tree (maintain
the Ctrl key to select both objects).
Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Boolean > Subtract or click on the
Make sure to have Armature in the box Blank Parts and Cylinder1 in the
box Tool Parts. Use the arrows to exchange the objects if necessary.
Change the Material from vacuum to steel_1010.
Change the color to purple.
Leave the Draft angle to 0 deg and change Draft type to Natural.
Change the name of the object to stator. Change the Material from vacuum to
steel_1010 and change the color to dark orange.
10. Using the coordinate entry field, enter the last point of the line
X: 0.5025, Y: 0.168, Z:-0.803, Press the Enter key twice
Change the name of the polyline from Polyline1 to path and leave the other
default parameters.
Select the objects Basecoil and path from the objects tree.
Select the menu item Draw > Sweep > Along Path. Leave Twist Angle and Draft
Angle to 0. Make sure Draft type is selected to Natural.
Rename the object to Coil and assign Copper as material. Change the color in
Change the name of the object to Band. Also, change the Transparency from 0 to
1; this will keep the Region object displayed as a wire frame. Keep the material
as vacuum.
Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Boolean > Separate Bodies
There are now 2 separate terminals. Delete the second terminal and rename the
remaining object to Terminal.
The Padding determines how far will the limits of the region be from the objects.
In this case, select 100 as Padding Percentage to have plenty of room around the
Select Virtual and leave the default name. Make sure the Reference is set to
Note: with Maxwell 11, The Virtual and the Lorentz force are available. The
virtual force, based on the Virtual Work Principle is more general and more
accurate. The force computation is very mesh dependent, so a fine mesh is
advisable whenever the Force is needed.
The inductance computation leads to an Inductance Matrix (size NxN, with N the
number of selected conductors), where the M(i,i) entry corresponds to the self
inductance of the ith conductor and the M(i,j) = M(j,i) entries correspond to the
mutual inductance terms. In our case, we only have one conductor, therefore we
will only obtain the self inductance of the Coil (in a 1 by 1 matrix).
The problem will not solve unless each object has a check mark.
Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze, or click on the icon.
The progress bar shows the different stages of the ongoing computation.
Select the Convergence tab: the log of the different adaptive passes is
displayed with the successive sizes of the mesh.
Select the Profile tab: you can find information about the CPU time, the size
of the generated data.
Select the Mesh Statistics: all the details about the final mesh are
presented for each of the problem’s region.
Note: you can calculate any quantity using the calculator of Maxwell. Select the
Menu item Maxwell > Results > Calculator or click on the icon.
A window pops up asking for the value of amp_turns. Leave it to 576 Amps.
Set the value of armature_ini as .006in + gap. Set gap as 0.0in for the time being.
At any time you can access at the list of the problem parameters. Select the
menu item Maxwell > Design Properties. The window should look like:
3- We do not need
to apply any function to
the Quantity
Finally, you should have 5 output variables declared: Fm, Fx, Fy, Fz and Lcc.
From the Add/Edit Sweep window, select gap in the pull down menu. The air gap
will linearly vary from 0.0in to 0.006in with a 0.001in Step. Enter these values in
the corresponding boxes. Click Add to proceed.
5 output variables are to be included. Click 5 times to the Add button. On the first
line, from the pull down menu on the left, select Setup: Matrix1, then from the pull
down menu on the right, select Lcc. On the second line select Setup: Force1 ,
then select Fm. Repeat the procedure for the other force variables: Fx, Fy, Fz.
In the ‘Options’ tab, leave everything unchecked.
The parametric sweep is set up .
Note: the number of adaptive passes, the target error and all the analysis
parameters of the nominal problem will be used. If you happen to have several
analysis setups, select the setup to use in the ‘General’ tab.
Maxwell will start an separated analysis for every row of the table.
If you have a Distributive Analysis license, you can run the parametric sweep on
up to 10 machines per Distributive Analysis license. Use the Distributive
Analysis button in this case.
Note: If you cannot click on the Distributive Analysis button, it means that the list
of machines you want to use is not correctly set. Select the menu item Tool >
Options > General Options. Go to the Distributed Analysis Options tab. Make
sure you have at least two machines in the Machine for Distributed Analysis box.
The local machine (the machine where Maxwell has been running) is not included
by default. Also, for a two processor machine, you can enter the machine’s name
Make sure to select the correct optimetrics setup from the pull down menu, then
select the Table radio button to view the results table.
Maxwell has defined the correct values for the Terminals. Click on Finish.
Maxwell creates the SML file containing the model of the component to be used
in Simplorer. SML stands for Simplorer Modeling Language, the internal
language of Simplorer. This script file will be imported into Simplorer.
To improve visibility of the component in Simplorer, it is advised to capture the
image of the Maxwell 3D design. Select the menu item Edit > Copy To Clipboard.
You can paste this image in any software (like Paint, …)and save it under a bmp
Right click after having selecting the ECE link component. Choose properties. In
the window, select the General tab and give the component name ECE Solenoid.
Leave the other parameters to their default values and Select OK.
Right click and select Edit Symbol. From this window, you can draw your own
symbol or import it from a bmp image (Select the menu item Draw > Insert
Browse your disk to recover the output file generated by Maxwell. This file has
the extension SML.
As additional input (non conservative node), you can specify the number of turns
in the Coil (in Maxwell, we just gave the overall value of the current) as well as
give an additional resistance corresponding to the coil in the Solenoid.
The component is ready to be used in a Simplorer project.
A resistance
Ansoft Maxwell 3D Field Simulator R1,
v11 User’s Guide with R= 215 mΩ 5.4-177
Topic – ECE: Linear movement
Select the yellow button to add the the current of the ECE component.
Coil Curren
ECELink1.ICurrent [A]
0 2.00m 5.00m
Actuator Force
-252.00ECELink1.Fz_OUT [V]
0 2.00m 4.00m 5.00m
39.79 * MASS.S [m]
0 2.00m 5.00m
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
Click OK to finish it. Change the name from Box1 to Region by editing the Attribute panal on
the left hand side of the interface. Keep the material as vacuum.
Click SlotCore1 with right of mouse in History Tree Edit >Arrange >Rotate >Y >90
Click on the just created object in the drawing window and in the panel on the left change its
name from SlotCore1 to FieldCore
Select OK in Select Definition window, Then change SlotCore1 as FieldCore, make sure the
Material is Press and the Orientation is Global.
Draw > RegularPolyhedron then using the coordinate entry field, enter the center position
X: -14.5, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key
Then enter the height and the radio
dZ: 22.8 for radius, Press the Enter key
dX: 30.8 for height, Press the Enter key
Number of segments = 72, OK
Change the name from RegularPolyhedron1
to Housing1
Pick Housing and Housing1 in History Tree, Use right mouse Edit > Boolean > Subtract to
create new Housing
Draw > RegularPolyhedron then using the coordinate entry field, enter the center position
X: -15.3, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key
Then enter the height and the radio
dZ: 3.25 for radius, Press the Enter key
dX: -1.7 for height, Press the Enter key
Number of segments = 16, OK
Change the name from RegularPolyhedron1
to Housing2
Pick Housing and Housing2 in History Tree, Use right mouse Edit > Boolean > Unit to
create new Housing
Draw > RegularPolyhedron then using the coordinate entry field, enter the center position
X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key
Then enter the height and the radio
dZ: 2.45 for radius, Press the Enter key
dX: -20 for height, Press the Enter key
Number of segments = 16, OK
Change the name from RegularPolyhedron1
to Housing3
Pick Housing and Housing3 in History Tree, Use right mouse Edit > Boolean > Substract to
create final Housing
Draw > RegularPolyhedron then using the coordinate entry field, enter the center position
X: -10, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key
Then enter the height and the radio
dZ: 18.8 for radius, Press the Enter key
dX: 20 for height, Press the Enter key
Number of segments = 72, OK
Change the name from RegularPolyhedron1
to Mag1
Pick Mag and Mag1 in History Tree, Use right mouse Edit > Boolean > Substract to create
final Mag
Create material Mag_aniso of non-linear anisotropic one for Mag
Click Mag in History Tree, then pick Material vacuum in it’s Attribute to get in the Material
Select Definition window, Pick Add Material…
Change name Material1 to mag_aniso, and Material Coord. System Cartesian to Cylindrical
Pick Type of Relative Permeability and change it from Simple to Anisotropic
Change Type of T(1,1) from Simple to Nonlinear, Click BH curve in the right of it, then click
Import from file…, select for it with OK to finish it.
Change Value of T(2,2) from 0 to 20
Change Type of T(3,3) from Simple to Nonlinear, Click BH curve in the right of it, then click
Import from file…, select for it with OK to finish it.
Click Validate Material to get green Tick Mark. OK to exit. mag_aniso will be appeared in
Material Name Listing
Click OK to exit Select Definition. Make sure mag_aniso will be the Material of Ma
Draw >Box then using the coordinate entry field, enter the box position
X: 11.2, Y: 6.2, Z: -4.8, Press the Enter key
Then enter the length, width and height of the box
dX: -22.4; dY: 6.5; dZ: 9.6, Press the Enter key
Box2 will be created.
Pick Box1 & Box2, Using right mouse
Edit > Boolean > Substract to create final Box1
Change the name of Box1 to Coli_1 and set
material Cupper for it
Select Coli_1 in History Tree, Using right mouse Edit > Arrange > Rotate
select X as rotating Axis with 45 degree, OK to finish it.
View > Active View Visibility to erase the tick marks for all except Coil_1 as below:
Housing Coils
⎪ z
⎪ H e = (k zx H x ) + (k zy H y ) + (k μ z H z )
2 2 2
where is introduced to consider lamination effects and kxy is determined
by magnetic energy density w in x and y principle directions, kxy = wx /wy,
and similarly to other k’s.
The permeability for each principle direction is obtained in terms of the
equivalent magnitude He in that direction. For example, for axis x:
[1] D. Lin, P. Zhou, Z. Badics, W. N. Fu, Q. M. Chen and Z. J. Cendes, “A New Nonlinear
Anisotropic Model for Soft Magnetic Materials” , CSY0084 of COMPUMAG’2005
The problem won’t solve unless each object has a check mark.
Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze, or click on the icon
The Analysis will be start as below:
Solution Data
To view the Solution Data, select the menu item Maxwell > Results >
Solution Data
Here you can view the Profile and the Convergence. Note: The
default view is for convergence is Table. Select the Plot radio button
to view a graphical representations of the convergence data.
The plot of the flux density on YZ cut plane of the Mag will be as below:
Note: Please note that if the Mag is not set up as anisotropic one (i.e. uniform
Nonlinear one) the B field between two magnetic poles will be very large in the
theta directions, which will be not as good as user wanted.
Select the Global YZ of Planes in History Tree and move the mouse to 3d
Modeler Window then right mouse click and select Fields > B > Mag_B, pick
Objectlist1 in “In Volume” then press Done
The plot of the mag_B on YZ cut plane of the Mag, FieldCore & Housing will be
as below:
User may double click on the legend and change Scale to see the detail field
Pick Add and type the Name as B_radial , pick Ok to finish it.
Coil (Copper)
Stock (Aluminum)
Getting Started
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
1. Select Units: mm
Create Stock
To create the stock:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 294.0, dY: 294.0, dZ: 19.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
dX: 126.0, dY: 126.0, dZ: 19.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
2. Subtract Window
dX: 150.0, dY: 150.0, dZ: 100.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
2. Using the mouse graphically select the 4 z-directed edges. Hold down the
CTRL key to make multiple selections.
3. Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Fillet
4. Fillet Properties
Select 4 Edges
Create Coil
To create coil:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Box
dX: 200.0, dY: 200.0, dZ: 100.0, Press the Enter key
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
2. Using the mouse graphically select the 4 z-directed edges. Hold down the
CTRL key to make multiple selections.
3. Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Fillet
4. Fillet Properties
2. Subtract Window
Create Excitation
Object Selection
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
Section Object
1. Select the menu item Edit > Surface > Section
1. Section Plane: XZ
Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Boolean > Separate Bodies
Assign Excitation
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Excitations > Assign > Current
1. Name: Current1
2. Value: 2742 A
3. Type: Stranded
Define a Region
To define a Region:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Region
Analysis Setup
Percent Error: 2
2. Click the Convergence tab:
Save Project
To save the project:
1. In an Ansoft Maxwell window, select the menu item File > Save As.
Model Validation
To validate the model:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Validation Check
To start the solution process:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze All
Create Reports
3. When the dialog appears asking to create a non-model object, click the Yes
4. Select the menu item Draw > Line
To calculate real part of the z-component of B-field (use the fields calculator)
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Fields > Calculator
2. Select Quantity: B
1. Type: Scalar
2. Value: 10000
9. Named Expression
1. Name: Bz_real
Create Report
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Results > Create Report
2. Create Report Window:
1. Report Type: Fields
3. Traces Window:
1. Solution: Setup1: LastAdaptive
2. Domain: FieldLine
2. Quantity: Bz_real
3. Function: <none>
Field Overlays
2. Quantity: Mag_J
3. In Volume: All
2. Quantity: Vector_J
3. In Volume: All
1. Select: J
3. J Window:
1. Plot: Vector_J1
2. Vector Plot
1. Arrow Options
Stranded Conductors
This example is intended to show you how to create and analyze a transient
problem on a Switched Reluctance Motor geometry using the Transient
solver in the Ansoft Maxwell 3D Design Environment.
Within the Maxwell 3D Design Environment, solid coils can be modeled as
Stranded Conductors. There are many advantages to using Stranded
Conductors when modeling coils that have multiple turns. The first obvious
advantage is that a coil with multiple wires, say 2500, can be modeled as a
single object as opposed to modeling each wire which would be
impracticable. Defining a Stranded Conductor means that the current
density will be uniform throughout the cross section of the conductor.
The example that will be used to demonstrate how Stranded Conductors are
implemented is a switched Reluctance Motor. This switched reluctance
motor will have four phases and two coils per phase, thus we can show how
independent coils can be grouped to create windings.
Magnetorstatic: See Example 5.3 for setup instructions for this design.
Getting Started
Launching Maxwell
1. To access Maxwell, click the Microsoft Start button, select Programs, and select
Ansoft and then Maxwell 11.
3. Select the menu item Tools > Options > 3D Modeler Options.
1. Select Units: mm
Create Rotor
To create the rotor:
1. Select the menu item Draw > User Defined Primitive > Syslib > Rmxprt >
2. From the Create User Defined Primitive dialog
1. For the value of DiaGap, type: 70, Click the Tab key to accept
2. For the value of DiaYoke, type: 30, Click the Tab key to accept
3. For the value of Length, type: 65, Click the Tab key to accept
4. For the value of Poles, type: 6, Click the Tab key to accept
5. For the value of ThkYoke, type: 9, Click the Tab key to accept
6. For the value of Embrace, type: 0.5, Click the Tab key to accept
7. For the value of EndExt, type: 0, Click the Tab key to accept
8. For the value of InfoCore, type: 0, Click the Tab key to accept
Create Terminals
Section Coils
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
2. Select Object Dialog,
1. Select the objects named: Stator_1
2. Click the OK button
Section Object
1. Select the menu item Edit > Surface > Section
1. Section Plane: XY
2. Click the OK button
Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Boolean > Separate Bodies
1. Select the menu item Edit > Delete
Section Coils
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
2. Select Object Dialog,
1. Select the objects named: Section1
2. Click the OK button
Assign Excitation
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Excitations > Assign > Coil Terminals
2. Coil Terminal Excitation : General
1. Name: CoilTerminal1
2. Number of Conductors: 150
3. Click the OK button
Change Properties
Change Properties
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > List
3. Properties Window
1. Name: Coil
2. Material: copper
6. Properties Window
1. Name: Terminal
1. Axis: Z
2. Angle: 45deg
3. Total Number: 8
Add Windings
To add windings
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Excitations > Add Winding
2. Winding Window
1. Name: Winding1
2. Type: Voltage
3. Stranded
5. Voltage: 120 V
Create Region
To create the region:
1. Select the menu item Draw > Regular Polyhedron
dX: 150.0 dY: 0.0, dZ: 0.0, Press the Enter key
4. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the height:
dX: 0.0, dY: 0.0, dZ: 200.0, Press the Enter key
Segment Number Window
Number of Segments: 12
Click the OK button
To set the name:
1. Select the Attribute tab from the Properties window.
Create Mesh
Note: The transient solver does not use automatic adaptive meshing.
Select Coils
1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > By Name
To create a mesh:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Mesh Operations > Assign > On Selection
> Length Based
2. Element Length Based Assignment Window
1. Name: Coils
To create a mesh:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Mesh Operations > Assign > On Selection
> Length Based
2. Element Length Based Assignment Window
1. Name: Rotor_Stator
Analysis Setup
Save Project
To save the project:
1. In an Ansoft Maxwell window, select the menu item File > Save As.
Model Validation
To validate the model:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Validation Check
To start the solution process:
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Analyze All
1. Select: Current
Calculate Current
To use the field calculator
1. Select the menu item Maxwell > Fields > Calculator
2. Select Quantity: J
5. Geometry Window
1. Type: Scalar