The Law of Abundance

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The Law of Abundance

by John Randolph Price In this article we will look at the Laws commandments, move into harmony and dance with that rhythm, and see what it means to take on a consciousness of abundance. It is time to realize that nothing is too good to be true. THE COSMIC MANDATES Ageless Wisdom is emphatic in stating that the reason we do not enjoy the fullness of abundant life is because we do not personally identify with the third aspect of our divinity, the creative feminine medium, the Law of all manifestation. The Law is a Presence, a Creative Mind possessing the absolute certainties of universal decrees. Taking it one step at a time, lets look at the whole process of Law as it reveals that which is good, true, and beautiful in life. 1. Recognize the Divine Feminine within as the Law, Force, and Power of all manifest form and experience. This aspect of the Whole spirit known as the Divine Mother is the source and cause of all visible effects. She is creative energy, substance, light, the agent of Divine Will. She is universal and individual, eternally flowing through the state of consciousness that we are holding before her. However, through our use of free will, we are able to break her laws, be arrested (seized in consciousness), and through the self-pronouncement of guilt, go through a punishment state appropriate for the offense. But now were going to take control of our lives and live as the Masters of our Destiny. 2. The Laws Commandments: "You must be" These are absolute Cosmic Pronouncements of Truth. In my book, Angel Energy, I wrote: "Spiritual Law is the way the universe works. It is energy in action according to a predetermined objective, as in the Law of Abundance, the Law of Love. It is the Power of God in operation as Cause, as Principle, as Truth. It is the sum total of the Omniscience Energy of the universe saying, This is the way it is, and nothing can change my mind. You are forever whole and flawless, abundantly supplied with every good thing, experiencing love in

every encounter, enjoying success and fulfillment in every activity of life, and remaining eternally in a state of gladness, joy, and contentment. "But when we dont know the Law, or are not consciously aware of the way things really are, we make up our own laws, and then we have to live with them until they are repealed through an understanding that these self-imposed ordinances are in violation of our own inner Supreme Court. Isnt it time to get out of the law-making business and rely only on the Constitution of Being, the Original Statutes of God?" The basic idea in this second step is that in the workings of the Law, there are Divine Imperatives, Commandments that say, in effect, thats the way it is regardless of your beliefs, arguments, or resistance. You need only to agree and accept. Nothing else is necessary. To explain further, look at wealth, abundance, prosperity, and riches from the standpoint of the material plane. This state of affairs is a mandate, and order, an edict, a decree: "You must, by law, be rich." There is no way around it from the divine view because the Creative Principle has absolutely no limitations, fills all space so there is no lack anywhere, and never measures out just a few riches into manifestation. Her energy-in-expression flows unending in full force with equal and total distribution for all. Emerson knew this when he wrote, "Man is born to be rich." Women too, I might add. Why is abundance "written on the heart" as a law? Why is money a divine idea and a spiritual asset? Because Infinite Wisdom knows there is a need on the physical plane for a medium of exchange, an instrument of goodwill. Without the proper funds to live a life of all-sufficiency, consciousness depresses, fear enters, and we resort to manipulating, begging borrowing, or stealing. Not helpful activities in the reawakening process of realizing Who and What we are. Therefore, we are provided with all that we could possibly need or want in a particular lifetime. The Law has already given us a lavish abundance which is appearing as money. "Where is it?" you might ask, "it certainly isnt in my bank account." The money may not be in your bank account yet, but its certainly out there in manifest form, touched by Creative Mind with your coded imprint. And theres more than you could possibly need in this incarnation, once you understand the Law. I realize that not everyone wants to be really rich. They dont want the responsibilities, the so-called pressures of wealth. So they find what they

consider the appropriate level of comfort/contentment in the mental-emotional nature, and perhaps unconsciously, turn the supply valve to off. We are our own experience based on the decisions we make in life. 3. Agree with the Law and accept the truth that you have been given everything. When we do this, our consciousness becomes the Law of Abundance. We take on the energy, power, and force of the Creative Feminine Principle and become an open channel for the radiation through us. Are we suddenly rich in the phenomenal world? What takes place with only a partial or limited agreement and acceptance is similar to a light being turned on in consciousness, and ideas begin to fly to the light like moths. These ideas are in the form of helpful solutions, actions to take to bring about relief in the situation. Then once the fear has been quieted through purposeful activity, Creative Mind takes the next step and begins to connect you, through streams of her light, with the people, places, situations, and conditions to bring more of the already-present abundance into your life. From there you continue your upward climb until the gifts of the Law are fully recognized. A complete agreement and acceptance, however, would indeed produce seeming miracles without the limitation of time. The persons life would be dramatically different, with Cause moving directly into effect, Mind into manifestation. When we begin to work with the idea that I must be rich, the first thing we will notice is that we are no longer concerned about anything. Worry and feelings of unfulfilled desires will fade away, and once this takes place, we will begin to see things differently. The imaging faculty will open wide and we will see not only the possibilities-to-come, but the realities of have, now, which will strengthen the faith vibration. Then, on one particular day, well know that we have moved into a new dimension. The first evidence of this may be a tremendous feeling of joy and gratitude. And in the days that follow well have money from unexpected sources, new avenues of success opening up, and a wonderful outpouring of love from people. Audio DANCE WITH LIFE TO FULFILL THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE

Dance: Rhythmical steps and motions. Life: Livingness, living fully with vitality, spirit, zest. Put them together, add music (harmony), and you have the Dance of Life. You may love to danceto swing, sway, twirl, and shake for the joy of it. But the key is to carry the feeling and flow into life itself. When you dance, the focus is narrowed to let your body, mind, and spirit become one with the cadence, time, and rhythm of the music. Now lets see how this works with the abundance aspect of life. You cant get money. Its the other way around. Money is constantly striving to get you, to give of itself. But you put up a barrier by worrying about it. And money asks, "Why do you worry about me? You treat me like a lost little kid, but Im just fine. Quit being anxious. Open your arms and receive me. Come on, lets dance together." Money is happy, always smiling. It loves what it does, what it buys, and the pleasures it gives. After all, money is the energy of love in visible form. Its energy is feminine; its root is eternal goodness. In The Abundance Book I wrote: "By working with the rhythmic Energy of Self, whatever form that was needed for exchange (the legal tender at the time) was brought forth as an instrument of goodwill. As such, money was simply a token of appreciation of ones service, a symbol of love and integrity." We know that the source of energy-to-be-form is Mother-Substance, the energy that appears as money. Bring that feminine energy into your heart, into your feeling nature, and listen to her music. Its a love song. Dance with her as she sings to you, knowing that the energy flowing through your oneness will open every door to let money in. And as it does, you begin to feel richer and richer. Dance with that feeling. Now think on these thoughts: There is always an abundance of money, and I now let it come to me. I am open to receive. I cannot be limited, for I am the Shining Sun of Supply, and Gods wealth fills my world. Catch the vibration. Hear the music of abundance. Move in step with it, and youll understand why Louise Hay says that money is the easiest thing to demonstrate. It is, when you dance with abundance. When you move in

oneness with that energy, beliefs in lack and limitation, the only thing that is limiting you, are transformed. DEVELOPING A GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS OF ABUNDANCE Consciousness can be defined as awareness, understanding, and knowledge about any particular aspect of life. We know that we cannot have wealth without a consciousness of abundance. It is said that every thought is a prayer, that thoughts are things and things are thoughts. We are continually creating our world by our states of consciousness, and Ive had people tell me that thats a real downer for them. Reason: when theres scarcity, it is difficult to see the reality of abundance. Its hard to see the mountaintop when walking through quicksand. So whats the answer? First of all, we must be aware of the Truth of abundance. "Aware" means to be conscious, mindful. Of what? Of the fact that our Spirit sees us as rich, with unlimited finances for use on the material plane. We were literally financed by God when we came into this incarnation, and more wealth cannot be given, for it is eternally flowing without restriction. Pause for a moment and think about this. Next we shift our focus to the omnipresent Mother-Substance, the creative energy of the universe that fills all space, including our energy fields. As I said earlier, this is the Law of Wealth, the Principle of Abundance. While this energy continually flows through our consciousness to provide everything we could ever need, the Intelligence of that Creative Mind remains within us, listening to our every word (belief). And the word is made flesh (form). Contemplate this. As we become aware of this one Mind in different vibrations, we have taken the first step in developing a consciousness of abundance. Now we must move into understanding. We can be aware of the multiplication table, but unless we understand what it means, it will be of little use to us. To understand means to grasp the meaning of, comprehend, realizeand this is where meditation is so important. We contemplate with ease the truth that our Whole Self wants to express through us as lavish abundance. Meditate on the idea that it is the Divine Will that you be financed in all your endeavors, always with plenty to spare and share. Now think of this universe being filled with Divine Substance. It is everywhere present; it is impossible for scarcity to exist. You literally live, move, and have

your being in the Creative Energy of the Universe. It is everywhere at once in, around, and through youa sea of infinite plenty, throbbing, pulsating, alive. Meditate on the idea of Substance until it becomes real to you. This is the World Mother, the working side of God as Law. Feel her currents as she radiates through your consciousness to manifest and attract visible supply into your life and affairs. Through these meditative exercises, understanding will lead to knowledge. You will know that there is always plenty, plenty, plentythat Gods Will is being done through you, and that lack and limitation have been nothing but an illusion. At this point you relax and let the Law prove to you the truth of your abundance. You do not outline how it is to come forth. You simply let God do the work. Think on these thoughts: My conscious awareness of the Divine Presence as my supply is my supply. I am now consciously aware of the indwelling fountain of overflowing abundance. Therefore, I AM abundant supply. My consciousness is the very energy of money. I AM the Spirit of Infinite Plenty. I am boundless abundance, and with love in my heart, I let the universal riches stream forth into perfect manifestation. What is expressed in love must be returned in full measure. Therefore, wave after wave of visible money supply flows to me now. I am wonderfully rich in consciousness, and I am bountifully supplied with money. I now realize my plan for abundant living.
Copyright John Randolph Price. Excerpted from Johns book, Nothing Is Too Good To Be True, published by Hay House in 2003.

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God's Will Is Mine!

by John Randolph Price The phrase "thy will be done" in the Lord's Prayer is a statement of resignation for many, the calling down of a power to do something that may not be what we had in mind. It's as though we're saying, "Since I can't have what I want in life, I guess I'll have to settle for what God wants." And in some cases, there's a little tinge of fear there. After all, we were brought up to believe that God punishes us for our sins, and that the will of God must contain some form of suffering and sacrifice for us. No wonder so many people live in a state of apprehension, futility, and fatalism. And there's the opposite side of the coin. We've been told to be careful what we pray for because we might get it. In other words, "My will be done." A Course In Miracles states it this way: The very fact that the Will of God, which is what you are, is perceived as fearful, demonstrates that you are afraid of what you are. It is not, then, the Will of God of which you are afraid, but yours.... You do not ask only for what you want. This is because you are afraid you might receive it, and you would. But now we see that there is only one will, and how could it be otherwise? The whole universe of Cosmic Being individualized its consciousness as the Selfhood of each one of us, and nothing was left out of the individualizing process. We are the will of God. "I and God are one; all that God is, I am."

This lesson helped me understand that the burning desires of my heart born of love represented the one common will pushing on my consciousness to express. God's will is peace and joy, radiant wholeness and well-being, creative success and abundant prosperity, right relations and harmony. Is that not our will, too? There is only one will. As I was writing my interpretation of this lesson, I received the Quarterly Letter written for subscribers by my good friend, author and spiritual teacher Walter Starcke. Here is an excerpted portion from a section titled "On Demand Prayer": There comes a time when after days of struggling to turn things over to our Higher Consciousness, after releasing all judgment, after forgiving everyone and everything involved, if the roadblock has not been removed, the time has come for us to demand that it be. If we really believe we are one with God, then always waiting on God, always being patient, always turning it over to God, as though we have no say in the matter, has to eventually come to an end. Passivity can be a form of doubt. Demand affirms oneness. There comes a time when petitionary prayer is a denial of our claim to be One with God. Petitionary prayer always has an intimation of fear, always remains an acknowledgment of duality. At one point, petitionary payer can be like programming the computer, but to get results the computer has to be turned on by demand. Certainly, if you are operating out of ego, and if you have not exhausted all other means, the condition has not been met for your will to be on demand. But there comes a time when you must affirm your union by demanding that a situation break, a healing take place, or clarification become present. Love, and then, demand. Love God by affirming that God is the only power, and then demand that that power, that omnipotence, be done because of your joint partnership, because you are taking responsibility for being a co-creator with God. Your prayer should not be "thy will be done," as though there is a question or doubt, as though something apart from yourself has to be called upon. It should be, "Thy will is done, because I affirm, because I demand it." Let's realize the importance of the Code in this particular step. I am as Jesus. He said in John 11:41-42, just before the raising of Lazarus, "Father, I thank thee that thou has heard me. And I know that thou hearest me always. . . ." This

was the recognition of the oneness of Spirit and soul, the one Mind and the single will, knowing that even before the call was made, the answer, the power, was given. Thy will is done because I call it forth. And the call here was that Lazarus be raised from the dead. While we may not have accomplished such miracles yet, I'm sure that we can look back on our lives at those times when we spoke the word, that divine order be established or that a road block be removed. We were not asking God to do something that wasn't already being done. No, we were taking an action that caused a shift in our consciousness, which put us back into alignment with the one will. I recall a time back in the 1970s when everything seemed to be in a tangled mess, and I sent forth the call to be freed from it. This demand broke the egogrip, and the answer came quickly as an opportunity presented itself to move to another city and take an executive position with a new firm, which in time led to the forming of The Quartus Foundation and the writing of my first book, The Superbeings. The one will-in-action brought harmony out of chaos. "Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways." (Job 22:28 ) Jesus asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" (Mk. 10:51) In the interplay between him and the blind man, can we see the same thing happening between our consciousness and the Divine Self within? What do you will?' Decree that all blocks in consciousness be removed, and then go forth as the will of God to heal, multiply provisions, and bring everything in life up to the divine standard. Be as Jesus! "When the light comes and you have said, 'God's will is mine,' you will see such beauty that you will know it is not of you. Out of your joy you will create beauty in His name, for your joy could no more be contained than His."'

A Spiritual Treatment Using the Power of Will


It is my will that every obstacle to a whole and complete life be removed.


If there is a false belief in scarcity, I decree that it be dissolved now.


It is my will that every obstacle to a whole and complete life be removed.


If there is a lie made manifest as a physical malady, let Truth replace it now.

If an error pattern exists from judging others and is outpicturing as strained relationships, I demand that it be eliminated now.

If wrong thinking has resulted in failure, it is my will that all such thoughts be corrected now.

I am ready and willing to live a rich, whole, loving, and successful life, which is my divine birthright.

God's will is mine!

This article was excerpted from the book "The Jesus Code" 2000, by John Randolph Price.

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Tracing the Principle of All-Sufficiency

by John Randolph Price

One diminutive volume could not possibly cover all the teachings on abundance that have flowed through the channels of Ageless Wisdom -and which have been adapted by western culture and reinterpreted as spiritual metaphysics. The concept of all-sufficiency was a building block of essentially all philosophical and religious systems (in their original form) until the second century A.D. when the war against selfknowledge and self-reliance began. The Ancients taught that to understand one's self was to understand God, and through the process of meditation, one could release the divine energy from within and transmute discord into harmony, ignorance into wisdom, fear into love, and lack into abundance. The initiate was trained to conceive the highest and noblest ideas as the vision for manifestation, and then to identify the symbols of the vision with the Master Spirit within - the Source of all. Students of the Mysteries were also instructed in the use of the innate radiatory and magnetic powers in exercising dominion. By working with the rhythmic Energy of Self, whatever from that was needed for exchange (the legal tender of that time) was brought forth as an instrument of goodwill. As such, "money" was simply a token of appreciation of one's service, a symbol of love and integrity. Regardless of the level of instruction, one particular teaching remained constant throughout the initiation process: Mind and emotions embodying love, gentleness, and peace eliminated limitation -- that such a consciousness of harmlessness freed an individual from the bonds and restrictions of the race thought. The Mystery Schools of Asia, Egypt, Persia and Greece provided an invaluable service to human-kind by reawakening the spiritual powers in a core group dedicated men and women. And this knowledge of harmony and fulfillment continued in sacred books and secret teachings... in the Hebrew Qabbalah, by Hindu and Buddhist Mystics, in the Gnostic writings of early Christianity, and in certain passages not removed from the Bible. Through the inspiration and teachings of Jesus, the Gnostics (from the Greek word gnosis meaning "knowledge") continued the esoteric tradition. Their writings emphasized the Oneness of God and man, the divinity of the individual, and the creative power of each soul to rise

above limitation. In the Nag Hammadi texts discovered in Egypt in 1945 -- considered older than the New Testament gospels -- we have a literal library of gnostic writings. In the Gospel of Thomas, one of 52 books found, Jesus makes it clear that when you know your true identity, you will realize that you are one with the Living Father. And then to emphasize the Truth that man's consciousness of the Presence within constitutes his supply, Jesus says: "But if you will not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty." From the Gospel of Philip, we are reminded of the esoteric practice of transforming vision into manifest from: "...what you see you shall become." The Gnostics worshipped the pure spiritual Light of the indwelling Christ, and through their knowledge of thought-form energy and the principles of manifestation, they were able to cooperate with Spirit in the releasing of the creative powers -- at least for nearly 300 years following Jesus' time on Earth. In A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, attacked independent thinking and all teachings relating to the Oneness of God and man. Believing that a spiritual consciousness and a personal union with God would undermine the authority of the priests, he directed his wrath upon Gnosticism. First he issued his Five Books Against Heresies, followed by a list of acceptable writings -- choosing only those words which supported his demand for a fixed dogma. The shift in mind- direction from within to without had begun, and the innate power of the individual was gradually given to an outer structure and a lower authority. When emperor Theodosius made Christianity the sole and official religion of the state in 395, the Institution assumed complete control over individual minds and humanity entered the thousand year period referred to as the Dark Ages. In fact, the first 400 years of this period is considered the Barren Age in Europe, as few advances in literature, science, and education were contributed for the future of the race. What is known today as a "prosperity consciousness" -- the realization of God as the Source of all good -- was almost non-existent. The feudal system controlled secular life and the keys to spiritual enlightenment were held by the church leaders. Too free subjective interpretation of the doctrine or lack of faith in the state religion resulted in extreme penalties. And with the constant struggle between the church and the individual, the mastery techniques dealing with freedom from need and the science of forces and forms were temporarily lost. The western mind

was kept "in the dark" until the institutional structure began to crack in the 1500's and the eternal principles of Oneness and Unity began to resurface. The Rosicrucians -- "The Fraternity of the Red Cross" -- began to exert influence to counteract religious intolerance, remaining essentially underground until the publication of the Order's manifesto in 1614. Following the traditions of the ancient Egyptians and the Christian Gnostics, members of the secret society were known to transcend the limitations of the physical world through their spiritual awakening -- an overcoming of lack through Knowledge (realization) of the Presence and Will of God. Freemasonry -- "more ancient than any of the world's living religions" according to Albert Pike -- continued the chain of the sacred Mysteries. Through an understanding of spiritual Reality and a dedication to Wisdom, Love and Service, the Master Masons attained "supernatural" powers, with the ability to bring an all-sufficiency of visible supply out of the invisible substance. The race mind was beginning to feel the effect of this new Light of Understanding. By the 1800's esoteric philosophy and practical mysticism were moving across Europe and America like a tidal wave. The Transcendental Movement led by Ralph Waldo Emerson began in New England; the Metaphysical Movement was ushered in by Phineas Quimby; H. P. Blavatsky and Henry Olcott founded the Theosophical Society; Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science; the New Thought Movement blossomed through the work and teachings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore (Unity), Malinda Cramer and Nona Brooks (Divine Science), and Ernest Holmes (Religious Science); Alice Bailey established the Arcane School; Rudolph Steiner formed the Anthroposophical Society; Paramahansa Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship; and out of the wealth of material in the Edgar Cayce files grew the Association for Research and Enlightenment -- to name but a few contributors to the New Age of spiritual unfoldment. It is now estimated that at least 25 percent of the population America is involved in some measure with what is considered Esoteric Philosophy or New Thought Religion. And right in the mainstream of this consciousness is the Truth that God is boundless wealth, and as expressions of the Infinite we have an abundant inheritance.


This Message of Prosperity could not be concealed -- not even in the Bible. With more than 2000 years of censoring, editing and translating, the Golden Light of the Father's Assurance remains. For example: - Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper. - Prove me now herewith, said the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. - The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it. - They shall prosper that love Thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. - God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all-sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work. - ...thou shall remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth the power to get wealth. - The Lord shall open unto thee His good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. - Let the Lord be magnified which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. - All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them and ye shall have them. And the Message continues... "Man was born to be rich, or grows rich by the use of his faculties, by the union of thought with nature." -- Emerson "The world, with all its beauty, its happiness and suffering, its joys and pains, is planned with the utmost ingenuity, in order that the powers of


the Self may be shown forth in manifestation." -- Annie Besant, who followed H. P. B. as head of the Theosophical Society. "What we need to realize above all else is that God has provided for the most minute needs of our daily life and that if we lack anything it is because we have not used our mind in making the right contact with the supermind and the cosmic ray that automatically flows from it." -Charles Fillmore in Prosperity, a Unity Book. "Worldly riches have been feared, despised, condemned, and even hated by spiritual aspirants, because of ignorance of how to be in them and yet not of them, how to possess them and not be possessed by them. Doubtless this attitude of repudiating and ignoring wealth is less deceiving than the other error; greed and the worship of money and the fear of losing riches. But the really wise avoid both attitudes through knowing worldly wealth to be but a reflection of the real, the spiritual riches that must be sought first, last and always. Having found the riches of heaven, you cannot escape the riches of earth unless you purposely repudiate them." -- Annie Rix Militz in Both Riches and Honor, a Unity Book. "Prosperity is the out-picturing of substance in our affairs. Everything in the Universe is for us. Nothing is against us. Life is ever giving of Itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people, but not necessarily used by all people." -- Ernest Holmes in The Science of Mind. "God is the giver and the gift; man is the receiver. God dwells in man, and this means that the treasure house of infinite riches is within you and all around you. By learning the laws of mind, you can extract from that infinite storehouse within you everything you need in order to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly." -- Joseph Murphy in Your Infinite Power To Be Rich. "Refuse to tolerate anything less than harmony. You can have prosperity no matter what your present circumstances may be. Man has dominion over all things when he knows the Law of Being, and obeys it. The Law gives you power to attain prosperity and position without infringing the rights and opportunities of anyone else in the world." -Emmet Fox in Alter Your Life.


"Let us learn to think of dollars, as we do of leaves on trees or oranges, as the natural and inevitable result of the law active within. There is truly no need to be concerned even when the trees appear to be bare, as long as we are conscious of the truth that the law is even now operating within to bring forth fruit after its own kind. Regardless of the state of our finances at any given moment, let us not be concerned or worried because we now know that the law acting in, through, and as our consciousness is at work within us, when we are asleep as well as when we are awake, to provide all those added things." -- Joel Goldsmith in The Infinite Way. "Remember that money is the consolidation of the loving, living energy of divinity, and that the greater the realization and expression of love, the freer will be the inflow of that which is needed to carry forward the work." - The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, through the writings of Alice Bailey in The Externalization of the Hierarchy. "... it is the fear of the material conditions that wrecks the material body. It is the fear of this or that, that prevents a channel from making for the greater supply." -- Edgar Cayce. And the Message continues... and will continue until it is registered in the consciousness of every soul. The thoughts of lack and limitation must be eradicated from the race mind. The Truth and the Law 1. Your outer world of form and experience is a reflection of your inner world of thoughts and feelings. As above, so below. As within, so without. That is the Law. 2. The greater your awareness of the Presence of God within you, the more that Presence fills your consciousness. That is the Law. 3. The deeper your understanding of Spirit as the Source, Substance and Activity of your supply, the more permanently that Truth will be etched in your consciousness. That is the Law. 4. It is your spiritual consciousness -- your Knowledge of the Presence of God within you as total and complete fulfillment -- that interprets itself as every form or experience in your world. That is the Law.


Your True Worth

by John Randolph Price The Universe does not compensate individuals based on the activity of work, but on the activity of consciousness. Accordingly, if you feel that your life is empty and useless-that your work is insignificant-and that the things that are yours to do are really meaningless, then you will be pressing out of universal Substance an income directly related to that consciousness: insignificant, trivial, useless, and valueless. On the other hand, once you see yourself as you are in truth, and embody that vision in your feeling nature, you will move above lack and limitation. You are an heir to all that the Father has, and all you have to do to receive your inheritance is to die to your old ways of thinking. Rising in place will be the Truth of you - a strong, vibrant, useful, significant, valuable, worthwhile, meaningful, loving, and fulfilled individual. Begin now to love those empty places in your life FULLY. Get to really know yourself, and love that rediscovered you with everything you've got. Then look at every detail of your home and work life and let the love flow. Nothing is too insignificant for the Energy of Love, so be a radiating Center of Love wherever you are. A Meditation I came into this world with a very specific purpose. I came to fulfill a mission. I came to love life and realize the truth about me. I came to contribute to the salvation of this world. I am part of God and the fullness of the Godhead dwells in me. In the Mind of God, no one, or no thing is useless or meaningless. Everyone and everything is of critical importance to the balance and order of the universe. Without me, God would not be complete. Without me, the universe would lose its equilibrium. All that is before me to, I do with happy enthusiasm. For nothing is too insignificant. And never again will there be a sense of futility in my life. I am overflowing with gratitude to the Father for the opportunity to be in physical form at this time. I am so thankful to be right where I am, right

now, serving all who come my way with love, joy, understanding, and forgiveness. Recognizing my true worth, I now go forth with uplifted vision. I see with the inner eye the loving and prospering activity of the Christ within. I see with my physical eyes lavish abundance everywhere. I am peaceful, powerful, and poised, for I know who I am.
By John Randolph Price from the book "The Success Book". 1998 John Randolph Price. All rights reserved.


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