Summary of Optcl Arr 2013-14

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Summary of ARR & Transmission Tariff Filings Submitted by


For FY 2013-14

Summary of OPTCLs ARR & Transmission Tariff filing For FY 2013-14 1. In exercise of powers conferred under Sections 39,131,133 and 134 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Sections 23 & 24 of the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995, the State Government published the Orissa Electricity Reform (Transfer of Transmission and Related Activities) Scheme, 2005 (Transfer Scheme) in the Gazette dated 09.06.2005 which was effective retrospectively from 01.04.2005 wherein the Transmission Undertaking (the Undertaking related to the activities of Transmission, State Transmission Utility and State Load Dispatch Centre and acts incidental and ancillary thereto) of the Grid Corporation of Odisha Limited (Transferor), (now renamed GRIDCO Ltd.- GRIDCO) has been transferred and vested in Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL). As per Clause 10 of the Transfer Scheme, OPTCL is a deemed Transmission Licensee under Section 14 of the Electricity Act 2003 for undertaking the business to transmit electricity in the State of Odisha. OPTCL has also been notified as the State Transmission Utility and accordingly, shall discharge the State Load dispatch functions from the date of transfer till further orders of the State Government. As provided under Regulation 53 (1) at Chapter VIII of OERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2004 and under Clause 19.3 of License Conditions of OPTCL approved by Honble OERC vide order Dated 27.10.2006 in Case No. 22 of 2006, OPTCL is required to submit its Annual Revenue Requirement Application for the ensuing year before Commission for approval. Accordingly, OPTCL has filed an application before the Commission for approval of its Annual Revenue Requirement & Transmission Tariff for FY 2013-14. Categorization of Open Access Customers 4. All the customers seeking open access to OPTCL Transmission System are classified under two categories: (a) Long Term Open Access Customers (LTOA Customers) A Long Term Open Access Customer means a person availing or intending to avail access to the Inter-State/Intra-State Transmission System for a period of 25 years or more. Based on such premise, four DISCOMs & Captive Generating Plants (CGPs) happen to be the long term customers of OPTCL. (b) Short Term Open Access Customers (STOA Customers) Open access customers other than Long Term Customer(s) are classified as Short Term Customer(s). The maximum duration that a Short Term Customer can avail open access to the Inter-State / IntraState Transmission is one year with condition to reapply after expiry of the term.



Details of Transmission Charge 5. Currently, OPTCL owns 100 nos. grid sub-stations of different voltage classes and EHT transmission line of 11344.196 ckt. km. as shown in the table below. Table-1 Sub-Station and Line Details 400/220 kV SS 220/132/33 kV SS 220/132 kV SS 220/33 kV SS 132 kV Sw.S 132/33 kV SS 132/33/25 kV SS 132/33/11 kV SS 132/11 kV SS Total No. of Sub-Stations Voltage Level 400 kV 220 kV 132 kV 33 kV 25 kV 11 kV Total 6. 3 14 1 4 16 58 1 1 2 100 Lines (ckt. km.) 518.234 5520.214 5305.748 Bays 32 229 663 730 2 18 1674


In a significant departure from the past, the Tariff Policy, 2006 framed under the Electricity Act 2003, has embodied the National Tariff Framework which provides that the transmission tariff is to be sensitive to distance, direction and related to quantum of power flow in a transmission service network. Para 7(1) (3) of the Tariff Policy provides for transmission charges, to be determined on MW per circuit kilometer basis, zonal Postage Stamp basis, or on the basis of some other pragmatic variant, the ultimate objective being to get the transmission system users to share the total transmission cost in proportion to their respective utilization of the transmission system. The overall tariff framework should be such as not to inhibit planned development/augmentation of the transmission system, but should discourage non-optimal transmission investment. Till date, OPTCL has been following the Postage Stamp Method for determination of its Transmission Charges. Honble OERC has not yet framed any separate regulations for determination of Intra-State Transmission Tariff to be charged by a Transmission Licensee. In such a situation, OPTCL, the deemed Transmission Licensee is guided by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms & Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 applicable for Transmission Tariff. In view of the above, OPTCL has proposed its ARR & Transmission Tariff Application for FY 2013-14 as per the related provisions pertaining to the conduct of Business and Tariff determination as

provided under OERC Regulations, 2004 dated 09.06.2004 and as per the CERC (Terms and Condition of Tariff) Regulation, 2009 respectively. The costs of the deemed transmission licensee OPTCL for the FY 2013-14 for the purpose of determining the ARR and Transmission Tariff have been categorized under the following heads: (A) Fixed Charges: (B) 7. Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Expenses Interest on Loan Capital Depreciation Special appropriation Return on Equity Interest on Working Capital Contingency Reserve Grid Co-ordination Committee (GCC) Expenses Incentive for System Availability

Additional Expenses

Details of Fixed Charges OPTCL proposes fixed charges for FY 2013-14 as Rs.847.67 crore including O & M Expenses of Rs.473.21 crore, Interest on Loan Capital of Rs.121.11 crore, Depreciation of Rs.172.85 crore, Return on Equity of Rs.49.04 crore and Interest of Working Capital of Rs.31.46 crore. O&M Expenses Employee Cost including Terminal Benefits 8. The Employees expenses for FY 2013-14 has been projected by OPTCL at Rs.341.20 crore including terminal benefits of Rs.144.13 crore on the basis of (i) employee cost, (ii) terminal benefit liability of employees and existing pensioners and (iii) payment of differential pension and pensionary benefit liability. The employee cost details include salaries, dearness allowance, other allowances, reimbursement of medical expenses and house rent, leave travel concession, honorarium, payment under workmen compensation Act, Ex-gratia and misc. expenses, staff welfare expenses, provision towards 6th Pay Commission & wage revision arrear etc. Administrative & General Expenses 10. 11. The A&G expenses for FY 2013-14 has been projected at Rs.23.09 rore. Repairs & Maintenance Expenses OPTCL proposes Repairs and Maintenance (R&M) expenses for FY 2013-14 at Rs.108.91 crore. The details are given in the table below.


Table 2 Repairs and Maintenance Expenses for FY 2013-14 (Rs. crore) OERC OERC OPTCL Approval for Proposal for FY Particulars Approval for FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 2013-14 a) O&M 83.08 b) Telecom c) Civil Works d) Information Technology Total R&M Expenses (a+b+c+d+e) Interest on Loan Capital 12. Interest on Loan for FY 2013-14 has been projected at Rs.121.11 crore by OPTCL. New Projects 13. OPTCL proposes to spend Rs.639.79 crore during FY 2013-14 as capital expenditure on new projects towards O&M, telecom, information technology (IT), transmission project & construction (TP & Con.) and civil works. The details of Capital Expenditure for FY 2013-14 are given in the table below. 14.59 6.00 5.24 75.00 95.02 108.91

Table - 3 Projected Capital Expenditure for FY 2013-14 Particulars Amount (Rs. crore) a) Telecom 48.05 b) O&M 67.96 c) Information Technology (IT) 14.51 d) Transmission Project & Construction (Excluding Deposit Works) 485.11 e) Civil Works 24.16 Total Capital Expenditure (a+b+c+d+e) 639.79 (a) CAPEX FOR TELECOM RELATED PROJECTS: In order to have a dependable, safe and effective communication system, OPTCL has implemented its own Telecommunication Network through PLCC between each Grid Sub-station and generating stations and Microwave & Optic Fibre communication between Sub-LDC to SLDC, Bhubaneswar. The PLCC systems adopted in OPTCL are generally considered to be very much economic, reliable and dependable for voice, data and carrier back-up protection facility. Due to limitation of frequency band for PLCC equipment and because of gradual complex grid system, action is also under progress to provide SCADA interface points at all the 220kV Grid S/S of OPTCL through OPGW connectivity as per the provisions made under amended OGC Regulations, 2006 dated 29th August 2008.The CAPEX requirement for Telecom Project in FY 2013-14 is Rs.48.05 crore, the abstract of which is given in the table below. 5

Table 4 CAPEX requirement for Telecommunication works in 2013-14 Particulars Amount (Rs. crore) (i) Integration of 35 nos RTU 14.80 (ii) Provision of SCADA inter face at 33.25 220KV and above S/S Total 48.05 (b) CAPEX FOR O & M RELATED PROJECTS: An amount of Rs.67.96 crore has been proposed for the FY 2013-14 under capital expenditure to meet the future load growth basically by way of transformer capacity augmentation / substation capacity enhancement by installing third transformers in the existing grid-substations of OPTCL, conductor upgradation with HTLS, conversion of S/C lines in D/C towers to D/C lines. The details of item wise capital expenditure for O&M related project are shown in the table below. Table 5 CAPEX for O&M Projects in FY 2013-14 Unit Rate Total Line/Equipment details (Rs. Quantity Cost Lakh) (Rs. Cr) PROCUREMENT OF TRANSFORMERS WITH COST OF ERECTION Procurement of 160 MVA, 220/132kV 715.00 1 7.15 transformers Procurement of 20 MVA, 132/33kV 185.90 16 29.74 transformers Erection cost of available transformers LS 2.20 CONDUCTOR UP-GRADATION WITH HTLS 132kV Chandaka - Mancheswar Ckt. - II (5.88 LS 2.34 Rkm) 132kV Chandaka - Mancheswar Ckt. - I (5.5 LS 2.19 Rkm) 132kV Chandaka - Ranasinghpur (24.25 Rkm) LS 9.65 CONVERSION OF S/C LINES IN D/C TOWERS TO D/C LINES 132kV Akhusingh - Paralakhemundi (76.9 LS 5.39 Rkm) 132kV Jajpur Road - Anandpur (30 Rkm) LS 2.19 132kV New Bolangir - Patnagarh (40.2 Rkm) LS 3.12 132kV New Bolangir - Sonepur (53.845 Rkm) LS 4.00 TOTAL 67.96

Sl. No. 1 (i) (ii) (iii) 2 (i) (ii) (iii) 3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)






Provision for an amount of Rs.14.51 crore is made for FY 2013-14 towards capital expenditure for infrastructure development of IT and automation related fields etc. as given in the table below. Table-6 Capex for IT Projects during FY 2013-14 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CAPEX Item Description AC Furnitures Data Center PC Laptop Workstations Tablets Printers Scanners LCD Projectors GIS UPS ERP DR Center DLLD DW & BI OGS-WAN - III New S/s PH & CGP OPTCL HQ LAN TOTAL Rs. Crore 0.050 0.354 0.000 0.924 0.195 0.088 0.010 0.697 0.049 0.015 1.000 0.770 1.980 5.382 0.300 2.100 0.039 0.433 0.125 14.512


CAPEX FOR TRANSMISSION PROJECT & CONSTRUCTION WING: It has been planned to spend an amount of Rs.522.73 crore on transmission related infrastructure during FY 2013-14 to increase the overall system capacity and to strengthen the transmission system network of the state, the details of which are shown in the table below.

Sl. No Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 0.35 0.37 3.23 2.31 2.56 1.91 1.89 3.10 1.12 1.41 1.27 1.49 1.14 0.50 0.10 2.77 3.69 2.44 3.09 1.50 6.00 3.27 2.91 3.47 4.00 9.22 0.85 0.47 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 3.39 9.10 4.39 4.32 4.74 5.49 10.36 Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 17.16 11.11 14.55 5.80 24.43 5.50 5.21

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19

2 (A) ONGOING SCHEMES 400/220kV S/S at New Duburi 132/33kV S/S at Anandpur with associated line (New) 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Nuapada with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Dabugaon with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Padampur with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Kuchinda with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Bhawanipatna with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Boudh with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Purushottampur with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Chandpur with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Banki with associated line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Kalunga with associated line 2x40 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Gopinathpur (Keonjhar) with associated line 2x100 MVA, 220/132/33 kV S/S at Kuanrmunda with LILO arrangement from existing 220 kV BudhipadarTarkera D/C line 2x160MVA and 2x20MVA 220/132/33 kV S/S at Lapanga with associated line 2x40 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Bonai with associated line 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Barbil with associated line 400kV Ib-Meramundali D/C line 400kV Meramundali-Duburi D/C line

3.60 5.97

15.00 5.17 5.50

18.60 11.14 5.50 3.00 0.05 0.50

0.16 15.88 10.65 -

3.00 0.05 0.50

Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30




34 35 36

2 220 kV Padmanvpur-Balasore line 220kV Mendhasal-Bidanasi line 220kV Duburi old-Duburi new D/C line 220kV Bidanasi-Cuttack D/C line 220kV Bolangir-Kesinga D/C line 132kV Jagatsinghpur-Paradeep line 2nd Ckt. from Loc. No. 116 of 132 kV Chandaka- Nimapada S/C line to Nimapada grid with one no 132 kV bay extn. Conversion of 132/11 kV Grid S/S to 2*40 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Sarasamal (Jharsuguda) 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Udala with LILO arrangement of Balasore Baripada line 132 kV Salipur - Kendrapara S/C line 2x100 MVA, 220/132 kV grid S/S at Cuttack with 2 nos. 220 kV feeder bay extn. at Bidanasi grid with linking arrangement at both ends 2x100MVA, 220/132 kV S/S at Kesinga with 220kV D/C line from Bolangir to Kesinga and one no. 220kV Bay extension at Bolangir 2x40MVA, 132/33kV S/S at Khajuriakata near Hindol Road with associated line 132kV LILO arrangement of 132kV S/C line from Meramundali to Arati Steel to 132/33kV S/S Nuapatna along with one no. of feeder bay extension at Nuapatna 2x20 MVA ,132/33 kV S/S at Konark with associated lines & 132kV feeder bay extension at Nimapara Renovaion of existing 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Ganjam 2x160MVA, 220/132kV S/S at existing 400 kV S/S Mendhasal

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 0.03 0.03 0.65 0.65 0.35 2.23 2.02 0.08 2.75 6.00 2.50 0.30 0.35 4.98 6.00 4.52 0.38

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 8.07 51.26 4.47 -


2.00 4.00 7.90 14.57

2.00 4.00 7.90 16.52

6.00 12.00 4.36 12.75










1.91 -

13.65 2.90 9.47

15.56 2.90 9.47

3.92 3.88

Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

1 37

(B) 1

3 4

5 6

2 2nos. 220 kV feeders from 220/132/33 kV S/S of OPTCL at Jayanagar to 400/220 kV S/S of PGCIL at Jayanagar with 2 nos. of 220kV bay extension at each end TOTAL ( A ) PROPOSED SCHEMES 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Olaver and 2 nos. 132 kV feeder bay extn. at Pattamundai with 132 kV DC line from Pattamkundai to Olaver 2x40 MVA 132/33 kV S/S at Marshaghai ( Luna) by making LILO arrangement from one ckt. of existing 132 kV Kendrapara -Paradeep D/C line 2x100 MVA, 220/132/33 kV S/S at Dhamara with connectivity from Bhadrak S/S 2x160MVA ,220/132 kV and 2x20MVA 132/33 kV S/S at Karadagadia with associated line 2x315MVA, 400kV S/S at Lapanga with LILO of one circuit of 400kV Bisra-Raipur line and both ckts of IB Meramundali 400kV line at Lapanga 2x100MVA & 2x40MVA , 220/132/33 kV S/S at Puri with associated line 2x100MVA , 220/132/33 kV S/S at Pratapsasan near Balakati with associated 220 kV D/C LILO of proposed 220 kV Cuttack-Jatani line.132 kV D/C line from Pratap Sasan to Phulnakhara with 2 nos. bay at Phulnakhara 132kV D/C line from Baripada PGCIL (Kuchei ) S/S to Jaleswar S/S with 2 nos. 132kV bay extension each at Baripada PGCIL (Kuchei) & Jaleswar 220/132/33 kV S/S at Lahanda near Joda with 132 kV D/C line from Lahanda to Barbil and two nos. 132kV feeder bay extension at Barbil

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 42.61 4.00 161.05 4.00 203.66

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 10.29 242.46







15.00 20.00

6.50 -

6.50 -

25.00 12.00





Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

1 10



13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23

2 2x40MVA ,132/33 kV S/S at Baliguda with 132 kV S/C line from Phulbani to Baliguda and one no. 132kV feeder bay extension at Phulbani 2x20 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Narsinghpur with LILO arrangement of 1 ckt. of existing 220 kV BhanjanagarMeramundali D/C line one no. 220kV feeder from proposed 220/132kV S/S of OPTCL at Cuttack to proposed 400/220 kV S/S at Uttara ( Jatni) with two nos. 220kV feeder bay extension at each end 132kV S/C line to 132kV D/C line from PGCIL S/S Kuchei to 132/33 kV S/S Baripada 2X315MVA, 400/220/33 kV , 2x40MVA , 220/33 kV S/S at Khuntini with associated line 1x315MVA , 400/220kV , 1X20MVA , 220/33 kV S/S at Nisa near Angul with 400kV D/C line by LILO of 400kV IBMeramundali line 400 kV S/S at Paradeep 400 kV S/S at Kuarnmunda 400 kV S/S at Joda 400 kV D/C line from Paradeep to Utara 2x40MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Chhendipada with 220 kV D/C line on Multi Circuit tower from proposed NISA S/S to Chhendipada 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Bangiriposi with LILO of 1 ckt of Kuchei-Rairangpur line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Potangi with S/C line on D/C tower for Sunabeda 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Podagada with LILO of RayagadaJeypore line

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 -

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 8.00




1.50 0.15

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 -

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 -

0.25 -

0.50 0.40 0.20

0.75 0.40 0.20

6.00 6.00 10.00


Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



33 34


2 2x20 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Malkanagiri with LILO of BalimelaJayanagar line 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Umarkote with S/C line on D/C tower from Dabugaon to Umarkote 2x12.5 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Kasipur with LILO of one ckt. of Indravati-Therubali 220 kV D/C line 2x20 MVA, 220/33 kV S/S at Jaypatna with associated line 132 kV D/C line from Junagarh to Umerkote 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Kantabanji with S/C line on D/C tower from Khariar to Kantabanji 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Champua with LILO arrangement of existing Palaspanga- Rairangpur to Champua 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Ghatagaon in Keonjhar distrct with associated 132 kV S/C line on D/C tower from 132/33 kV S/S Anandpur to proposed S/S at Ghatagaon and one no. 132 kV bay extention at Anandapur S/S 132 kV D/C line from proposed 220/132/33 kV S/S at Dhamara to proposed 132/33 kV S/S at Olavar & rearrangement with proposed 132 kV D/C line from Pattamundai to Olavar to make 132 kV S/C line from Dhamara to Pattamundai & 132 kV S/C line from Olavar to Pattamundai 2X40 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at CDA Cuttack with associated LILO line 2X20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at R.Udayagiri with 132 kV line from Mohana with 132kV bay extension at Mohana 2X20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Muniguda with 132kV line from Vedanta Lanjigarh an 132 kV bay extension at Lanjigarh

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 0.50 0.60 0.05 0.15 2.50 0.20 0.50 0.60 0.05 0.15 2.50 0.20

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 10.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 10.00 5.00







0.15 0.15

0.15 0.15

4.00 5.00





Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

2 2X20 MVA,132/33kV S/S at Nandapur 36 with 132kV line from Patangi with 132 kV bay extension at Patangi 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Satasankha in Puri district with 37 associated 132 kV D/C line from proposed 220/132 kV Puri S/S to proposed 132/33 kV S/S at Satasankha 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S at Bhograin in Balasore district with associated 132 38 kV LILO line from one ckt. of proposed 132 kV Kuchei (PGCIL) - Jaleswar D/C line 220/33 kV, 2x20 MVA S/S at Deogarh with associated LILO line from LOC 39 No. 330 of 220 kV Rengali-Tarekera D/C line 132/33 kV, 2x20 MVA S/S at Maneswar with associated LILO line 40 from 132 kV Sambalpur - Rairakhol S/C line Conversion of 132 kV switching station 41 at Somanthpur (Balasore) to 2x20 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S Conversion of existing 132 kV S/C line from Balasore to Somathpur D/C line 42 by stringing 2nd ckt. with one no. 132 kV bay extension at both ends Renovation of existing 132/33 kV S/S at 43 Ganjam (construction of 2x12.5 MVA, 132/33 kV S/S) TOTAL: ( B )= TOTAL: ( A+B ) = ( C ) DEPOSIT WORKS 220 kV D/C line from Budhipadar to 1 Basundhara MCL Rly. traction line from Jagatsingpur to 2 Gorakhnath 3 Chandaka-Nimapara cabling (IDCO) Tomka Railway line from B.C. 4 Mohanty & Sons Ltd.

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 -

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 -



















0.54 43.15 0.82 0.14 1.26 0.51

0.30 18.05 179.10 0.10 6.5 -

0.30 18.59 222.25 0.92 0.14 7.76 0.51

2.60 242.65 485.11 5.95 -


Sl. No

Loan/ Scheme/ Contract-wise Capital Works

1 5 6 7 8 9


2 132 kV LILO from Khurda-Puri for power supply to Samuka Beach near Puri S/S 132kV S/S at IIT, Argul One no.220 kV bay at Paradeep S/S for IOCL along with 220 kV transmission line from Paradeep to IOCL Diversion of Paradeep-Haridaspur line 132/33 kV S/S at Mania (Tangi) for IDCO and associated 132 kV LILO line from 132 kV ICCL-Salipur LILO at OCL to proposed 132/33 kV S/S at Mania (Tangi) 2x40 MVA, 220/33 kV Gas Insulated S/S at infocity-II and associated 220 kV LILO line from one ckt. of 220 kV Narendrapur -Mendhasal D/C line TOTAL: (C)= GRAND TOTAL: (A+B)+C=

Expenditure During FY 2012-13 Actuals Projection for 1st for balance Total Six Six Months Months 3 4 5=3+4 0.64 1.76 2.23 0.05 5.01 5.23 10.10 0.02 5.65 6.99 12.33 0.05 0.02

Projected Expenditure during FY 2013-14 6 6.84 1.83 8.00




7.41 50.56

27.01 206.11

34.42 256.67

37.62 522.73


CAPEX FOR CIVIL WORKS: OPTCL proposes capital expenditure of Rs.24.16 crore relating to civil works during FY 2013-14 for on-going and new projects in its two Divisions i.e. Bhubaneswar and Burla.

Depreciation 14. OPTCL has projected depreciation for FY 2013-14 considering the rate of depreciation prescribed by CERC on the book value of the assets and additions thereto as per Regulation 17 (Chapter-III) of CERC Regulations, 2009. Accordingly, the transmission licensee has projected depreciation at Rs.172.85 crore based on the estimated book value of assets for FY 2013-14 (gross block as on 01-04-2012 plus projected addition during FY 2012-13). Special Appropriation 15. The Commission had allowed Special Appropriation of Rs.52.04 crore to meet Debt Service Obligation for FY 2012-13 as the depreciation was allowed based on the pre-92 rate. For FY 2013-14, OPTCL has projected Rs. 172.85 crore towards depreciation considering CERC Regulations, 2009 which will take care of principal repayment obligation.


Return on Equity 16. At the time of de-merger of GRIDCO effective from 1.4.2005, the equity share capital of OPTCL was stated at Rs.60.07 crore. Further, OPTCL has received Rs 143 crore (Rs.23.05 crore during FY 2008-09 + Rs. 5.00 crore during FY 2009-10 + Rs. 71.95 crore during FY 2010-11 + Rs 43 crore during FY 2011-12) from State Govt. as equity contribution for setting up transmission projects in remote areas. Therefore, the licensee has projected ROE @19.38% post-tax basis on the equity share capital of Rs.253.07 crore which amounts to Rs.49.04 crore for FY 2013-14. Interest on Working Capital 17. Based on CERC norms, OPTCL has calculated its working capital needs at Rs.251.69 crore for the FY 2013-14. Taking 12.5% as the rate of interest, interest on working capital amounts to Rs.31.46 crore for 2013-14. For the purpose of determination of working capital, OPTCL has taken into consideration the O&M expenses for one month, maintenance of spares at the rate of 15% of O & M expenses and receivables equivalent to two months of fixed cost. Additional Expenses Contingency Reserve 18. A sum of Rs.16.73 crore has been projected for Contingency Reserve for the FY 2013-14. Grid Co-ordination Committee Expenses 19. As per provisions in Orissa Grid Code (Chapter- 11), OPTCL formed Grid Coordination Committee (GCC) under it. Annual GCC expenses have been estimated at Rs.0.30 crore for the FY 2013-14. Incentive for System Availability 20. The Regulation 25 to 29 under Chapter- 4 of CERC Regulations, 2009 specify the Norms of Operation applicable for generating stations (thermal and hydro) and transmission system for recovery of capacity charge, energy charge, transmission charge and incentive. OPTCL has proposed incentive for being able to make available the Transmission System more than 98% for the year 2011-12. The system availability of transmission network of OPTCL for FY 2011-12 has been worked out as 99.84%. OPTCL has proposed the incentive of Rs.10.05 crore for FY 2011-12 to be allowed in the ARR of FY 2013-14. Other Income and Cost/ Miscellaneous Receipts: 21. OPTCL estimates that it will earn Miscellaneous Receipts of Rs.12 crore during FY 2013-14 in line with the trend of revenue earning during FY 2012-13. The same has been deducted from the gross revenue of OPTCL to arrive at the ARR for FY 2013-14, to be recovered from LTOA customers.


Transmission Loss 22. OPTCL proposes Transmission Loss at 3.80% for FY 2013-14. The actual transmission loss in April 2012 September 2012 period was 3.93% against Honble Commissions approval of 3.8% for FY 2012-13. The summary of the proposed Annual Revenue Requirement against different heads for FY 2013-14 is tabulated below.


Table - 8 Summary of Annual Revenue Requirement of OPTCL for FY 2013-14 (Rs. crore) Proposal for OPTCL for ITEMS FY 2013-14 A. FIXED COST 1) O&M Expenses 473.21 (i) Employees Cost including Terminal Benefits 341.20 (ii) R&M Cost 108.91 (iii) A&G Cost 23.09 2) Interest on Loan Capital 121.11 3) Depreciation 172.85 4) Special Appropriation 0 5) Return on Equity 49.04 6) Interest on Working Capital 31.46 Sub-Total (A) 847.67 B. Additional Expenses 27.08 1) Contingency Reserve 16.73 2) GCC Expense 0.30 3) Incentive for system availability 10.05 Total Trans. Cost (A+B) 874.75 C. Less Misc. Receipts 12.00 D. ARR to be recovered from LTOA Customers i.e. 862.75 OPTCL's Annual Revenue Requirement Expected Revenue from Transmission Charges 24. OPTCL proposes to earn revenue from the LTOA Customers in the following manner: (i) (ii) By charging the rate applicable on DISCOMs for wheeling of 25125 MU from Generating Stations to the supply points of DISCOMs. By charging the rate applicable on CGPs like IMFA & NALCO for supply of 100 MU Emergency Power & Back-up Power to their CGPs and load centres located elsewhere in Odisha. By charging the rate applicable on CGPs like IMFA & NALCO for wheeling of their surplus power of 300 MU (excluding Transmission Loss) from their CGPs to load centres located elsewhere in Odisha. 16



The revenue receipts from various transmission charges at the existing transmission tariff of 25 P/U shall be Rs.638.43 crore. Revenue to be earned by OPTCL from wheeling of 25525 MU to DISCOMs and other long term open access customers for FY 2013-14 at the existing rate is shown in the table below. Table 9 Revenue at existing transmission tariff

Sl. No 1 2 3 4


Commissions Approval for FY 2012-13 8236 5306 6496 3047 23085 100 300 23485

CESU NESCO WESCO SOUTHCO Total DISCOMs 5 Emergency Sale to CGPs Wheeling to industries 6 from CGPs Total 26.

Energy MU to be Amount Rate Transmission handled handled in (in Rs. (P/U) Loss (%) including FY 13-14 crore) Loss 8854 25 0 8854 221.35 6100 25 0 6100 152.50 6821 25 0 6821 170.53 3350 25 0 3350 83.75 25125 25125 628.13 100 25 0 100 2.50 300 25525 25 3.8 312 25537 7.80 638.43

Excess or (Deficit) in the ARR: OPTCL has submitted that with its present Transmission Tariff structure consisting of Transmission Charge @25 P/U, it would not be able to meet its current costs and it may result in a deficit of Rs.224.32 crore as shown in table below. Table - 10 Excess / Deficit of Revenue Requirement for FY 2013-14 (Rs. crore) 862.75 Total Annual Revenue Requirement Less : Revenue earned from Long Term Open Access Customers 638.43 Deficit of Revenue Requirement for FY 2013-14 at the existing -224.32 Wheeling Rate @ 25 P/U 27. The licensee, therefore, submits this application before the Commission with a request to approve its proposed ARR and the Transmission Tariff and Transmission Loss for FY 2013-14. Proposed Tariff to Meet the Revenue Requirement for FY 2013-14 28. 29. OPTCL has proposed Transmission tariff recovery in Rs./unit Approach. In Rs. per unit approach the Transmission Tariff is determined by dividing the total ARR with the total energy handled / wheeled in the system in MU. For FY 2013-14 Transmission Tariff is computed as 33.80 P/U as worked out in the table below. 17

Table 11 Computation of Transmission Tariff (a) Total Annual Revenue Requirement in Rs. Crore (b) Total Million Units proposed for Wheeling in MU Proposed Transmission Tariff (P/U) = (a/b) Existing transmission tariff (P/U) Rise over existing transmission tariff Open Access Charges 30.

862.75 25525 33.80 25.00 35.2%

The Honble Commission has notified the Open Access Regulation under section 42 (2) of the Electricity Act, 2003. Consumers availing open access shall be required to pay the transmission charges for use of the transmission lines and substations of OPTCL. The Long Term Transmission Charge on the basis of MW flow is calculated by the formula as provided in the OERC (Determination of Open Access Charges) Regulations 2006 dated 06.06.2006. The revenue from Short Term Open Access Charges earned from Short Term Open Access Customers is uncertain and therefore, OPTCL has not factored the same in to the Miscellaneous Receipts proposed in this application. It is submitted that the Short Term Open Access Charges is proposed and that the same will be adjusted in the revenue as year-end-adjustments at the end of the year on actual basis. Therefore, OPTCL considers Short Term Access Charges as Nil in this Application. Based on the above, OPTCL proposes the LTOA charges and STOA charges as given in the table below. Besides these Charges, the Open Access customers are also required to pay any other charges as determined by the Commission as per provisions under Chapter-II (CHARGES FOR OPEN ACCESS) of the Regulations 2006.



Table - 12 Abstract of OA Charges proposed by OPTCL for FY 2013-14 DETAILS In Rs./unit approach Net Annual Revenue Requirement (Rs. crore) 862.75 Proposed Energy to be transmitted in OPTCL Network (MU) 25525 Proposed Transmission Tariff (P/U) 33.80 Power flow (equivalent of 25525 MU) in MW 2914 Long term Open Access Charges in terms of Rs./MW/Day 8112 Short term Open Access Charges in terms of Rs./MW/Day 2028 Reactive Energy Charges: 33. As per Regulation 4 (5) (i) under Chapter-II (CHARGES FOR OPEN ACCESS) of the Regulations 2006, the Honble Commission shall separately determine charges for KVArh consumption from the grid in terms of paise/unit and the Open Access Customers shall pay the same. 18

Grid Support Charges 34. OPTCL has filed an application (Case No. 46/2012) before Honble Commission seeking Commissions approval for levy of Grid Support Charges (GSC) for FY 2012-13 from the CGPs running in parallel with OPTCL network. The application is pending for disposal. Based on the outcome of this case, OPTCL may be allowed to file application for levy of GSC from the CGPs for FY 2013-14. Rebate: 35. On payment of monthly bill, the Open Access Customer shall be entitled to a rebate of Two percent (2%) of the amount of the monthly bill (excluding arrears), if full payment is made within two working days (excluding holidays under N.I. Act) of the presentation of the bill and one percent (1%) of the amount if paid within 30 days of the presentation of the bill. Delayed Payment Surcharge: 36. The monthly charges as calculated above together with other charges and surcharge on account of delayed payments, if any, shall be payable within 30 days from the date of bill. If payment is not made within the said period of 30 days, delayed payment surcharge at the rate of 2% (two percent) per month shall be levied pro-rata for the period of delay from the due date, i.e. from the 31st day of the bill, on the amount remaining unpaid (excluding arrears on account of delayed payment surcharge). Duties and Taxes: 37. The Electricity Duty levied by the Government of Odisha and any other statutory levy/ duty/ tax/ cess/ toll imposed under any law from time to time shall be charged over and above the tariff. Summary of Transmission Tariff Proposal: OPTCLs proposal for FY 2013-14 are: (i) (ii) (iii) Annual Revenue Requirement at Rs.862.75 crore. Recovery of Transmission Charge @ 33.80 P/U. Transmission Loss for wheeling as 3.80% on energy drawal.



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