My New Moving Vehicle DB2MOVE "With More POWER and Less Gas"

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My new moving vehicle DB2MOVE With more POWER and less gas

Db2udb LUW version 10.x onwards DB2s got Talent Finals


DB2's Got Talent Finals

By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc

When to use db2move

OS independent backup Duplicate the schema Database size is small DBAs are too busy to take backup for me Shop has not got online backup Data of single schema is required Application deployment had to be done yesterday Restoring earlier backup image will take time Moving Bulk Data without intervention and without creating individual export and import/load scripts


DB2's Got Talent Finals

By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc

What is db2move and Its Authorizations

Bulk data movement tool Mode 1. Export , Import or Load 2. Copy Mode Format 1. PC/IXF Same authorization as these APIs 1. Export 2. Import 3. Load
3/19/2013 DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 3

db2move Command Syntax

db2move dbname --action Export Import Load Copy options
-tc--table-definers -tn--table-names -sn--schema-names -ts--tablespace-names -io--import-option -lo--load-option -co--copy-option -l--lobpaths -u--userid -p--password --aw




DB2's Got Talent Finals

By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc

db2move Actions
1. Exports data depending on filteration criteria 2. No options means - exports all the tables 3. Internal information is stored in db2move.lst file

1. 2. 3. Imports/Loads all tables of db2move.lst Uses -io option for IMPORT Uses -lo option for Load

1. Duplicates the schema 2. SYSTOOLSPACE table space has to exist
3/19/2013 DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 5

Db2move with copy options -co

1. 2. 3. 1.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

DDL_AND_LOAD : Default DDL_ONLY LOAD_ONLY Target database has to be local

SCHEMA_MAP : Maps source schema to target schema NONRECOVERABLE : Tablespace will not put in backup pending state TABLESPACE_MAP : Maps source tablespace to target tablespace PARALLEL : Load spreads over number of threads OWNER : Change owner at target database

Mandatory Options Optional Options


DB2's Got Talent Finals

By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc

db2move Trick or Treat oh no its db2move Tips and Tricks

Delete or comment the files in db2move.lst if you dont want to load all tables Create individual load scripts for GENERATED ALWAYS identity columns Use Parallel parameter from 0 -16 Threads Timings of db2move with Parallel 16 threads Load without Parallel Load With 16 Threads real 403m6.468s real 369m58.965s user 0m0.315s user 0m0.303s sys 0m0.144s sys 0m0.077s Almost 10 % load time improvement with parallel option
3/19/2013 DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 7

Restarting db2move with copy option

Error Types :
1. DDL : Recreate Objects 2. Load : Reload data

Error Type Files :

1. 2. 3. 4. COPYSCHEMA_timestamp.ERR COPYSCHEMA_timestamp.MSG LOADTABLE.timestamp.MSG LOADTABLE.timestamp.ERR

Check Load Error States, e.g., Load Pending :

Use Load Query table tablename or List utilities show details

Restart LOAD
Run load from /dev/null of ixf into table name or run load Terminate
Remove the error files and restart Load
3/19/2013 DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 8

Restrictions and Performance Parameters For db2move

Tables having GENERATED ALWAYS identity column cannot be imported /loaded LOAD command has to be run locally where the database and the data file resides Loading data into tables containing XML columns is only supported for the LOAD , Import but not for the COPY action

db2move performance parameters

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

sortheap util_heap_sz logfilsiz logprimary parameters Adding pages to bufferpool sizes

DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 9

Links and Resources

The db2move command now supports parallel processing 2.luw.wn.doc%2Fdoc%2Fc0059711.html db2move - Database movement tool command 2.luw.wn.doc%2Fdoc%2Fc0059711.html Restarting a failed copy schema operation 2.luw.wn.doc%2Fdoc%2Fc0059711.html My contact and my blog info Renu Sharma ACE DBA Consulting Inc, 732-342-7630, 732-995-9963,732-374-3601
3/19/2013 DB2's Got Talent Finals By Renu Sharma of ACE DBA CONSULTING Inc 10

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