Boosternews 1007
Boosternews 1007
Boosternews 1007
6:45 pm 7:00 pm Social Business Meeting Introductions / Welcome to New Members Police Report Supervisor Sophie Maxwell Q & A
Last month, I wrote up a list of our neighborhoods accomplishments at Plan Potrero Hill this year: Weve built a growing consensus around a new land use map, showing the centers of our new neighborhoods, and locations for open space. Weve contained bioscience uses and large offices in one large portion of the Central Waterfront. Weve combined the Showplace Square and Central Waterfront neighborhoods, and added the Port, Mission Bay, UCSF, and public housing land to our planning area. Weve added the Department of Public Healths ENCHIA standards to our public benefits discussion. Weve demanded that transit improvements have to be part of new developments in our neighborhoods. We helped develop one of the best Planning Dept. proposals in years for getting sites for affordable housing. Weve revived discussion about legalizing in-law units. Weve influenced the Planning Department staff consensus,
A successful year for the Boosters and Potrero Hill changing their proposed zoning map and getting us closer than we have ever been to good planning for our new neighborhoods.
7:30 pm
Presidents Message
Interim Controls, one last time MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1:00 pm, City Hall room 263
As you may have read in last months newsletter, the citys Planning Commissionvoted on August 30 to larly stupid vote (some commissioners were falling asleep as they were voting!), with potentially huge implications. At this point, many years into a long planning process, there are dozens and dozens of projects, with thousands of housing units, in the Showplace Square/Central Waterfront pipeline. Any decision on
those pipeline projects could affect more than half of the entire future development of our new neighborhoods; so exempting those projects from contributing to public benefits could destroy our planning before its even completed. exempt all Eastern Neighborhoods pipeline projects from making any significant contributions to public improvements if they are approved in the next few months. That was a spectacu-
As we finish working on Plan Potrero Hill, with a draft workbook due out this month, our success in moving the Planning Department closer to our goals bears repeating, along with our other successes in neighborhood advocacy this year. We built a rare City-wide consensus about our energy future, with the able assistance and leadership of the Potrero Power Plant Task Force. With approvals on the way for the Transbay Cable and the (smaller, cleaner, more efficient) peaker plants, Mirant has announced the closure of the Potrero Power Plant in the near future and is actively planning for a new use of that land that doesnt pollute our neighborhood. We discovered (and stopped) a secret City plan to dump an public safety at such events. We discovered (and stopped) an overlooked City deal to trade away Channel Street, one of our last potential Cityowned sites for open space, to the garbage company; and in so doing forced the City to get to work finding new open space opportunities in our neighborhoods. We built a better working relationship with local concert promoters; Live Nations Rock the Bells concert in August was noticeably easier on the neighborhood than past concerts at the Port, and we hope that it set a standard for such events in the future. Most important of all, weve built a large and vocal community that is aware of neighborhood and City issues. Our crime meetings have had a clear impact on public safety and community policing; our two (or more!) helipad advocacy groups have definitely affected, if not stopped, plans for helipads on top of our local hospitals. If you add up all the neighborhood associations, block groups, homeowners associations, the Merchants and Parents associations and other volunteer groups, youll find that
nearly 2,000 Hill residents belong to at least one neighborhood advocacy group. With a total Hill population of about unplanned and unsafe Halloween celebration in our neighborhood, forcing the City to concentrate on maintaining
Fortunately for us, we continue to have a Board of Supervisors that is willing to protect our neighborhoods during this critical final stretch of the community planning process. In early September, Supervisor Tom Ammiano introduced a strong set of interim controls designed to limit approvals of 'pipeline' projects in the Eastern Neighborhoods while plans for those neighboroods are being completed in the next few months. At the moment, interim controls are our best hope to ensure that everyone contributes their fair share to our future neighborhoods, and Potrero Hill must show up to support the
Board when the time comes to consider the controls: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, at 1:00 pm at City Hall, room 263.
For more background and info, email or call me (my contact info is on the other side of this newsletter).
Or, come to Tuesdays Boosters meeting Supervisor Sophie Maxwell will be joining us for her annual Q&A session, and we can discuss what is happening at the Land Use & Economic Development committee of the Board of Supervisors (shes the chair) or any other neighborhood issue that concerns you.
10,000, that is just an amazing statistic; other City neighborhoods envy our awareness and activity.
So where do we go from here? We are clearly on the verge of a lot of major successes, but we must continue
(continued on back)
to organize and share our volunteer efforts. And yes, this is now a pitch to renew your Boosters membership, and bring your neighbors into the organization as well. (The form is just below this column!
City Hall Web site: Mayor Gavin Newsom 1 Goodlett Place Rm 200 SF Ca 94102 ph: 554-6141 fax 554-6160
Weve heard from a number of neighbors this year that its so hard to keep up with what the City throws at us, or with the various efforts to improve the Hill. They ask, isnt there a way to combine all of these various volunteer groups? On one level, there really isnt, Hill groups value their independence; but we at the Boosters will certainly work in the next year to build stronger connections between the various active communities of Potrero Hill. Well upgrade our online resources and work actively to bring new and existing groups together on shared missions. Now more than ever, join us, and work with us! .C I T Y P L A N N I N G
Supervisor Sophie Maxwell / District 10 (which includes Potrero Hill): ph: 554-7670 fax 554-7674 Bayview Police Station SFPD Web site: Capt. Albert Pardini Anonymous Tips Abandoned autos Encampments Potrero Terrace/Annex 201 Williams St, SF 94124 ph: 671-2300 fax 671-2345 822-8147 254-7185 (Officer Maurice Edwards) 254-7120 (Officer Sue Lavin) 509-1408 (Ofc. Kevin Sanders, Alex Rodatos) 987-6369 (Ofc. Tim Fowlie, George Ferraez)
BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2007.06184271: 1161 RHODE ISLAND/22nd Sts: Propose 70 wide by 20-01st floor addition to an existing single family home in an RH-2, 40-X zone. No front, rear or height increases. Contact: Ben Fu, Planner, ph: 558-6613.. BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2007.09122411: 625 Arkansas/Madera Sts: Propose to add an additional 3rd story (existing attic) over the central part of existing single family house to a height of 31-9 in an RH-2, 40-X zone. 3rd floor is set back 15 feet. Contact: Diego Sanchez , Planner, ph: 575-9082. BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2007.06012741: 1721 20th/Wisconsin Sts: Propose to add a 240 sq.ft. addition to a height of 46-6 in an RH-2, 40 ft. zone. Contact: Corey Teague, Planner; ph: 575-9081.
Renew Your Boosters Membership! The Potrero Boosters now have annual membership, meaning that now is the time to pay your dues and renew your membership through 2008, if you havent done so already! Just fill out the form below and send it in . . .
Potrero Boosters Executive Committee Tony Kelly 341-8040 President First Vice President Dick Millet 861-0345 Second Vice President Audrey Cole 648-1926 Recording Secretary Hilary Cohen 341-8441 Corresponding Sec. Joe Boss 826-2515 Treasurer Robin Talmadge 863-8925 Sergeant-at-Arms Ellen Kernaghan 824-5065 Auditors Jean Neblett 550-2613 Kuzuri Jackson 826-8080 Webmaster:
Potrero Hill. Our goals are to act as a forum for concerned Potrero residents and to participate in policy and development decisions that affect the quality of life here on the Hill. Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month (7:00 p.m. at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House) and are open to everyone, members and non-members. Dues: Individual $25, Household (couple) $30, Senior $20. (Make checks out to: Potrero Boosters.) Mail check to Potrero Boosters, 1459 18th St., #133, San Francisco, CA 94107, or sign up online (coming soon). Enclosed is $______ for ___ membership(s). New __ Renewal __ Prefer e-mail newsltr (Y/N)? ____
The Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association is devoted to issues of importance to the communities of
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone, Daytime Phone _____________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Interests/Concerns _____________________________________________________________________________
The Potrero Community Voice Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 1459 18th St. PMB 133 San Francisco, CA 94107
Does your mailing label say DEC 06? Renew your membership now!! Fill out the form above and send it in!
First Class