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Alunite IMR

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Alunite, KA1, (SO,) ,(OH) , , was used from the 15th century until early in the present century as a source of potash alum and aluminum sulfate. Since early in this century its use for this purpose has declined to virtually nil with acid treatment of bauxite or clay replacing alunite as a source of alum. During the First World War alunite served as an emergency source of potassium sulfate fertilizer in the United States and Australia. More recently, alunite has been investigated as a nonbauxite ore of aluminum, with potassium sulfate and sulfuric acid as recoverable byproducts. The Soviet Union established a commercial-scale plant in the mid-1960s producing cell-grade alumina from alunitic ore and recovering byproduct potassium sulfate and sulfuric acid. Interest in nonbauxite ores, including alunite, is expected to continue in countries that presently are dependent on imports of bauxite or alumina to support their aluminum industries. The US has the largest aluminum producing and fabricating industry in the world but imports more than 90% of its aluminum-bearing raw materials. This chapter reviews the status of alunite as a potential source of aluminum with byproduct fertilizer, and the resources available to support this industry, whenever this becomes economically feasible.

Historical Background
Alunite has received little attention until recently, yet for centuries it held a higher place than many of the industrial minerals considered essential today. The deposits of alunite at Tolfa, northwest of Rome, were mined

* Geologist, Branch of Central Mineral Resources, US Geological Survey, Denver, CO. t Senior Project Manager-Geologist, Earth Sciences, Inc., Golden, CO.

almost continuously from 1462 until about the middle of the present century (DeLaunay, 1907; Lombardi, 1977). The potash alum made from the alunite, called Roman alum, was a valued commodity in international trade, being used in the making of paper, in tanning leather, and as a mordant in textile dyeing. The industry at Tolfa is said to have been controlled by the Vatican and was a source of revenue for the Papal State until fairly recent times (Lombardi et al., 1977). Since early in the present century, the preferred method for making alum has been by acid treatment of bauxite, clay, or other aluminous material, so that alunite has fallen into near-total disuse as a source of alum chemicals. Appreciable quantities of mixed alunite-kaolin rock still are quarried in the Tolfa district for use by the Italian cement industry (Lombardi and Mattias, 1979), but the role of this material in the making of Italian cement is not clear. A large deposit of alunite-bearing rock in Chekiang province, mainland China, is said to have yielded a "great quantity" of alum over a period of several centuries (Yih, 1931). During the 19th century, alunite deposits in France, Spain, Australia, and other countries were exploited as raw material for making potash alum and aluminum sulfate. Interest in alunite was revived during the First World War, not for alum, but as an emergency source of potassium sulfate fertilizer. Large veins of nearly pure alunite had just been discovered on Alunite Ridge, 11 km southwest of Marysvale in Piute County, Utah (Butler and Gale, 1912), and these were quickly brought into production for making potash fertilizer to replace supplies cut off from the famous deposits at Stassfurt, Germany. An estimated 225 kt of Marysvale alunite was mined and processed at that time (Callaghan, 1973). Similarly, Australian alunite deposits were mined as a source of potash fertilizer during both world wars (Hall, 1978).


Industrial Minerals and Rocks

not been scheduled as of 1982, but may proceed if technological breakthroughs are achieved or if costs of imported bauxite and alumina rise to levels at which use of alunitic rock becomes more attractive economically. Obsolescence and aging of conventional Bayer plants designed to operate on imported bauxite also may become a factor contributing to development of nonbauxite ores. Costs of new greenfield plants fed by domestic alunite may compare favorably with new Bayer plants fed by imported bauxite, when all factors are considered. Alunite one day may be regarded by the aluminum industry in much the same way that taconite now is regarded by the steel industry.

Shortly before entry of the US into World War 11, a comprehensive review of the US alunite resources was made by the US Bureau of Mines (USBM) (Thoenen, 1941) . Thoenen recognized the deposits at Marysvale as the most promising then available to American industry and, after the entry of the US into the war, efforts were accelerated to explore the deposits and to develop a method for economically processing the ore to produce aluminum (Fleischer, 1944; Hild, 1946; Callaghan, 1973). Japan also experimented with alunite as a wartime aluminum ore (Allen, 1947). With the end of the wartime emergency, alunite was relegated to the status of an unpromising, noneconomic resource (Anon., 1970) and was all but forgotten. The Soviet Union, as a matter of national policy aimed at raw material self-sufficiency, established a 200 kt/ a aluminafrom-alunite plant in the state of Azerbaijan in the mid 1960s. The Soviet Union, like the United States, is deficient in bauxite resources (Shabad, 1976). US interest in alunite was revived in 1970 when large resources of alunitic rock were discovered 140 km west of Marysvale by personnel of Earth Sciences, Inc., ~ b l d e n , CO. The deposits, located in the southern Wah Wah Mountains of Beaver County, Utah, 87 km northwest of Cedar City, were explored by trenching and drilling. A proven-plus-probable' reserve of 136 Mt of rock containing about 38% alunite, with an additional inferred reserve of 500 Mt of similar grade, was announced (Anon., 1976). Pilot-plant testing was conducted at Golden, C O from November 1973 until the end of 1976 by the Alumet consortium comprising Earth sciences, Inc., National Steel Co. of Pittsburgh, PA, and the Southwire Co. of Carrollton, GA. The preferred process is generally similar to that used by the Soviet Union (Thompson, 1976). The Alumet partnership announced intent to establish an alumina-from-alunite industry in southwest Utah with a capacity to produce 454 kt/a of cell-grade alumina with 227 kt/a of fertilizer-grade potassium sulfate and 408 kt/a of industrial-grade sulfuric acid as byproducts. The plan called for calcined phosphate rock to be shipped by rail to the Utah plant site from deposits in southeastern Idaho and to be treated with the acid to produce phosphate fertilizer. Sale of two fertilizer byproducts would considerably enhance the economics of alumina production from low-grade alunite-bearing rock (Walker and Stevens, 1974; Parkinson, 1974; Thompson, 1976). Construction of the Alumet project still had

Alunite occurs in a variety of deposits ranging in size from mere nodules and lenticles a few centimeters across to huge masses comprising several hundreds of millions of tons of altered rock containing 30 to 40% alunite. Nearly pure alunite occurs in hypogene veins.
Classification of Deposits

Three main classes of alunite deposits are commonly recognized (Hall, 1978, 1980) : Veins: The veins at Alunite Ridge, Marysvale, U T are steeply dipping fissure fillings with sin~~ou trend s enclosed in strongly altered volcanic lava flows, mud flows, and ash-flow tuffs (Butler and Gale, 1912; Callaghan, 1973). DeLaunay (1907) described veins at the classic deposits at Tolfa, Italy that are similar to those at Marysvale. Veins several meters wide and several hundred meters long provided the bulk of the alunite production at Tolfa (DeLaunay, 1907). Lombardi (1977) reports an estimated total production at Tolfa of 18 Mt during a span of five centuries. Callaghan (1973) reports an estimated production of 225 kt from veins at Marysvale during the First World War. Veins smaller than those at Marysvale occur in Lincoln, Mineral, and Humboldt counties, Nevada, and Yuma County, Arizona, with tenor ranging from 75 to nearly 100% alunite. Alunite veins may be white to yellow cryptocrystalline, or may contain coarse pink crystals 10 to 20 mrn long. Although the high-grade alunite in veins almost certainly would be an acceptable substitute for bauxite, the total resource available in veins is too small to constitute a raw material base for industry. Nodules and seams in argillaceous sedimentary rocks: Nodules and thin discontinuous

layers and seams of alunite or natroalunite are surprisingly common and widespread geographically (Hall, 1978), occurring in shales, micaceous schists, or clayey beds. They appear to have been formed supergenically or diagenetically by the action of sulfate-rich acid ground water on illitic or mica-rich argillic sediments. Oxidation of pyrite disseminated in adjacent or superjacent rock provides the necessary acid; potassium is derived from illite or muscovite mica in the alunitized host sediment. The purity of alunite nodules may approach that of veins, but these sedimentary occurrences are, for the most part, confined to thin discontinuous layers commonly intermixed with kaolin, and do not form bodies large enough to serve as an aluminum resource. An unusual sedimentary deposit at Lake Campion, near Chandler, Western Australia, was mined during World War I1 as a source of potassium sulfate fertilizer. The lake sediment contains 60% alunite. The balance is mostly detrital quartz, mica, and iron oxide. Reserve was estimated at 12 Mt (Fitzgerald, 1945). The origin of this deposit is not clear, but it may have been formed by a diagenetic mechanism similar to that postulated by King (1953) to explain alunite-rich lake sediment at Pidinga, South Australia. The Australian lake deposits, although much larger than most sedimentary alunite deposits, do not constitute a long-term aluminum-resource base. Replacement bodies in solfatarically and hydrothermally altered volcanic, subvolcanic, and hypabyssal intrusive rocks: This class of deposit constitutes the bulk of alunite resources, both in the United States and elsewhere in the world, and would serve as the resource base for any new aluminum industries designed to use alunite as a raw material. Although these deposits are lower in grade than veins or sedimentary depositd, the alunitized rock occurs in huge bodies amenable to open-pit mining. The tonnages are sufficient to feed an economicscale alumina plant for 20 years or more, which is long enough at least to amortize the plant. The characteristics and origin of replacement deposits are discussed more fully in the following section.


Mineral and Chemical Composition and Other Characteristics

Pure alunite (KAI,(SO,) , (OH) ,) theoretically contains 11.37% K,O, 36.92% A1,0,, 38.66% SO,, and 13.05% H,O. Analyses of

some crystals may approach this composition, but most natural alunites contain some sodium substituting for potassium. If the atomic ratio Na:K is equal to or greater than 1, the mineral is called natroalunite. If the Na:K ratio is greater than 1 :3, the material may be called sodian alunite, although this name is sometimes misinterpreted as a synonym for natroalunite, and no consistent rule seems to have been followed in the literature. The K-rich variety is more common in nature, and is preferred because relatively soda-free K,SO, fertilizer is a more valuable byproduct than salt cake, Na,SO,. The replacement-type alunite ore bears little resemblance to the museum specimens of alunite described in mineralogy texts and journals. Typically, the alunite occurs in fine-grained altered volcanic or subvolcanic rock, or coarser hypabyssal intrusive porphyries. The altered rock is composed principally of microcrystalline quartz and alunite with minor amounts of hematite and rutile or anatase. Clays and other caustic-soluble silica minerals are common alteration constituents and may be troublesome in the Alumet process-or any caustic-leach process if present in more than small amounts. Identification of alunite-bearing rocks in the field is not easy because altered volcanics look very much alike whether rich in alunite or in kaolinite, sericite, or other alteration minerals. Alunite has a specific gravity of 2.82, slightly higher than quartz and clays, and so a greater heft commonly is a good clue to presence of high alunite content in the rock. Vein alunite commonly is flesh-pink, but color is a poor criterion in identifying alunitized rocks, which may be off-white, gray, yellowish, brownish, or pinkish, usually mottled or variegated, and iron-stained. A yellowish-orange tint generally is a clue to presence of jarosite. Microcrystalline quartz is a major constituent in typical ore-grade rock, which is tenacious, hard, and abrasive, with dull luster and an uneven to subconchoidal fracture; deceptively crumbly or powdery material may be encountered occasionally, but is comparatively rare. Cristobalitebearing alunitic rock commonly has a subvitreous waxy luster and good conchoidal fracture. Most alunitized rocks are so fine-grained that their composition is best determined by powder X-ray diffractometry supplemented by thinsection examination and whole-rock chemical analysis. Table 1 shows the composition of theoretically pure KAl, (SO,) ,(OH) , , one sample of high-grade vein from Marysvale, UT, and representative silicified and alunitized vol-

Industrial Minerals and Rocks

TABLE 1-Analyses of Alunite and Alunitabaaring Rocks Sample Type* SiO, A12 0 3 Fe,03 FeO MgO CaO Na,O K?O T102 PzOs MnO 1 2* 3*


H,O+ H,OTOTAL 100.00 Inc.' Inc.' Inc.' Inc.' Inc.' Inc.' 100.55 100.28

Sample Type and Source 1. Theoretical KA1, (SO,), (OH),. 2. Vein alunite, Alunite Ridge, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah. 3. Alunite ore, Alumet lease exploration pit, southern Wah Wah Mtns., Beaver County, Utah. Approximately 60% alunite. 4. Alunite ore, Red Mountain, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Approximately 39% alunite. 5. Alunite ore. Red Mountain. Hinsdale Countv. Colorado. Annroximatelv 34% alunite. 6. Alunite ore, Saddleback ~ o u n t a i n Grant , county, New ~ e x i c o~ . ~~r&xima 40% t e lalunite. ~ 7. Alunitic rock, The Elbow, Lyon County, Nevada; ridge crest 3 km north of Mineral County boundary. Approximately 50% alunite, 5% jarosite, 4% hematite. Silica dominantly cristobalite. 8. Alunitic rock, ore-grade, from Allumiere near Tolfa, Italy (Lombardi, 1977). 9. Average of 63 analyses of alunitized volcanic rock at Dashkesan (Zaglik), Azerbaijan, USSR (Kashkai, 1961). *SiO,, A1,03, Fe,03, CaO, K , O , TiO,, MnO, SO, analyzed by X-ray fluorescence, US Geological Survey laboratories, Denver. Determinations approximate; only first two digits are significant. tNa20, MgO determined by atomic absorption, US Geological Survey laboratories, Denver. 'lnc., incomplete analysis, total not given.

canic rocks from various localities, rich enough in alunite to qualify as alunite ore. Chemical analyses of alunite-bearing rocks can be misleading if not interpreted carefully. Chemical data should be supplemented with X-ray identification of mineral constituents to insure a reasonably accurate assessment of mineral composition. For example, the presence of kaolinite (Al,Si,O,(OH),) will contribute a certain amount of A1,0, over that attributable to alunite, and of SiO, over that attributable to quartz. In this case, the calculation of alunite content based on A1203, and of quartz content based on SiO,, will be erroneously high. The presence of jarosite (KFe,(SO,),(OH),) will increase SO, and K 2 0 in the analysis so that calculation of alunite content based on SO, or K,O will yield an erroneously high figure. Fortunately, a good powder X-ray diffraction pattern, properly interpreted, reveals minerals present in amounts great

enough to significantly affect chemical analyses. Our experience has shown that X-ray patterns, when compared to sets of patterns of materials of known composition, can be used to estimate alunite content to within 5% of true value. Properly standardized computer-controlled automatic-loading X-ray diffractometers could be used to control ore grade and quality in a large-scale alunite ore mining and processing plant.
Zoning of Replacement Deposits

Mineralogical zoning is characteristic of large replacement-type alunite deposits in the western United States. Identical or very similar zoning also has been reported in the geological literature of other countries. Four principal zones generally are recognized: siliceous core or cap; quartz-alunite; argillic; and propylitic.

The siliceous core or cap (Zone 1) is central and uppermost, succeeded outward and downward by the quartz-alunite zone (Zone 2), the argillic zone (Zone 3), and finally the propylitic zone (Zone 4 ) . These four zones may be recognized laterally on the surface and also vertically, although deep drilling generally is necessary to reveal an in-depth zoning relationship. The following description represents an ideal case, seldom realized in nature. Most natural deposits are irregular and inhomogeneous with enclaves of one zoning assemblage enclosed in another. The alteration may be telescoped so that one or several zones are very narrow or not apparent to casual observation. Moreover, zonal boundaries are subtle, difficult to map visually, and are drawn arbitrarily based on X-ray powder diffraction determinations. Siliceous Core or Cap Zone: Rock here is highly siliceous and may resemble chert or opalite, and if formed at or very near the surface it may be porous like siliceous sinter. Native sulfur commonly is present in pores and cavities. Quartz typically is the dominant silica phase, but cristobalite is not uncommon, and amorphous silica and tridymite have been identified in some areas. This zone is thought to mark the main vent for, and final stage of alteration caused by, strongly acid volcanogenic hydrothermal fluids and gases that leached alkalis, alkaline earths, alumina, and other elements from the volcanic rocks leaving a silica residue. Some of the silica is introduced from the underlying zone of alunitic alteration and the rock may contain 90% or more of silica. Quartz-Alunite Zone: The siliceous zone grades outward to a zone of highly altered rock composed mainly of microcrystalline quartz and alunite. This constitutes the ore zone of a commercial alunite deposit. Tenor of alunite may be 30% or higher. Other minerals normally present in small amounts include hematite, rutile, and anatase. Kaolinite (or its polimorph, dickite) and other phyllosilicate minerals, as well as opaline cristobalite, are common, but if these-siliceous minerals are present in more than very minor amounts they have a deleterious effect on ore quality as explained under discussion of the Alpmet process (p. 428). Pyrite may be found in quartz-alunite rock, particularly at depth. Jarosite, the ironbearing sulfate analog of alunite, may be present as either a hypogene or a supergene constituent. Alum minerals occur as incidental weathering efflorescences, but rarely are found at depth.

42 1

containing appreciable amounts of kaolin clay minerals (hence argillic) , usually kaolinite, but occasionally dickite. Halloysite, both hydrated and nonhydrated, is reported to be common in some Italian alunite-bearing districts (Lombardi and Mattias, 1979) ; however, halloysite does not seem to be as common as kaolinite in the western US deposits. Microcrystalline quartz still is dominant, and alunite may be subequal in amount to kaolin. Material in this zone is not as desirable for processing by the Alumet process as the quartz-alunite material because clays and other phyllosilicate minerals are deleterious. -(This is not necessarily true for acidleach processes.) Minerals other than the kaolin group also occurring in the argillic zone include sericite, diaspore, pyrophyllite, and more rarely, zunyite. Hematite and rutile or anatase are ubiquitous in this as in all of the other zones. Jarosite commonly is associated with alunite but may be supergene rather than hypogene. Jarosite and iron oxide minerals impart yellowish and reddish hues to the altered rocks. The argillic alteration assemblage of Zone 3 changes gradually, progressing outward from the alunite-rich zone (Zone 2) toward the propylitic zone (Zone 4 ) . Kaolin-group minerals become less abundant, with sericite commonly subequal to quartz. Where sericite becomes the dominant alteration mineral in the outer or central part of Zone 3, this part may merit the informal designation, phyllic zone, but this is not so common as to justify formal designation as part of the zoning pattern described here. Smectite clays and chlorite become prominent in the more distal part of the argillic zone, and alunite is sparse or absent. Propylilic Zone: The argillic zone grades imperceptibly into the propylitic zone, characterized by dull grayish-green color and usually well-preserved primary rock texture. Quartz is less prominent than in the preceding zones and is likely to be primary rather than a secondary alteration mlneral. Characteristic members of the alteration suite in this zone include epidote, chlorite, zeolites, pyrite, and calcite-minerals which are unstable and could not exist in the more strongly acid environment of the quartzalunite zone. Primary plagioclase may be saussuritized and the mafic minerals uralitized, indicating effects of a milder less acidic alteration than that prevailing toward the center.
Genesis of Replacement Alunite Deposits

The replacement deposits are believed to have been formed by sulfuric acid-charged hydro-

Industrial Minerals and Rocks

markably well (Fig. 2 ) . These silica-rich rocks have been called secondary quartzites by Soviet geologists (Kirova, 1959; Naboko, 1963; Kashkai, 1970). Alteration is controlled by texture and composition of the rock, porosity and permeability of the rock, chemistry of the fluids, temperature and pressure, rate and the fluids, duration of the episode, and structures such as beds, faults, and joints. The fluids may rise along a localized vent, in which case the alteration zoning will be rudely concentric or target-like in plan, grading from highly silicified rock at the h~llseyithrough alunitic and argillic rings to propylitic at the perimeter. In many cases, the vent seems to have been a large

of lithic ash tuff FIG. 2-Photomicrograph metaromatically altered to high-grade alunite rock, Marble Mountain, Rio Grande County, Colorado, 10 k m east of Summitville. Plane light. Circle 0.1 m m across. Lithic ash fragments (gray) composed of extremely fine-grained microquartz and alunite; matrix (light gray), very fine-grained ite icroquartz. Original texture is well preserved in spite of profound change in chemical and mineral composition by hydrothermal-solfataric alteration.

fracture or fault, so that the alteration pattern is elongated with strongly silicified rock along a

FIG. 1-Photomicrograph o f high-grade alunite rock f r o m the east slope o f Red Mountain, Hinsdale County, Colorado, 5 k m SSW of Lake City. Square 0.1 m m across. Crossed polarizers. Elongate shreddy flakes are alunite; dark matrix (low birefringence) is microcrystalline quartz. Curious runic arrangement of elongated alunite crystallites is characteristic o f metasomatically altered alunite-rich rock.

Hemley (1974) at Steamboat Springs, NV, but multimillion-ton bodies of alunitic rock are formed by an essentially hypogenic processthat is, by uprising, boiling hydrothermal solutions. The sulfuric acid of the system is derived from volcanogenic H2S rising from the lower part of the volcanic system, oxidizing near the surface where boiling occurs and exposure to atmospheric oxygen takes place above the water table. A small amount of the water in the

hydrothermal system may be primarily magmatic, or in some cases perhaps connate water also, but numerous isotopic studies made since the late 1960s suggest that by far the greater part of the water in these systems is deeply circulating meteoric water in the upsurging part of a convection cell, driven by heat from underlying magma or a still-hot intrusive body (Taylor, 1974; White, Muffler, and Truesdell, 1971) . Multimillion-ton deposits of quartz-alunite rock probably were formed by descent of the water table from higher to lower levels with passage of time, thus forming successively deeper alunitized rock beneath earlier-formed alunitized rock. Alunitic rock is found at considerable depth in pervasively altered districts; for example, a drillhole at a deposit in Beaver County, Utah, penetrated 300 m of alunite-bearing rock (Parkinson, 1974). Hypogene alunite was formed to a depth of several hundred meters at El Salvador porphyry copper deposit in northern Chile and at the Mi Vida porphyry copper deposit in northwestern Argentina (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Khoukharsky and MirrC, 1976). The role of bacteria in forming sulfuric acid by oxidation of elemental sulfur in volcanic hot-spring environments has been pointed out by some investigators (Ivanov et al., 1968; Brock and Mosser, 1975; Zinder and Brock, 1977). It is doubtful, however, that microbial processes were dominant in forming huge masses of alunitic rock. From the foregoing, it is apparent that volcanic terrains are the natural habitat of large replacement-type alunite bodies, which constitute the principal resource of alunite worldwide. Calderas are especially favorable because they provide the elements essential for formation of alunite-rich rock: volcanic rock cover susceptible to alunitization; an underlying magma chamber, heat from which can drive a hydrothermal convection cell; ring fractures or faults that provide vents for uprising hydrothermal fluids: and a source of sulfur. microcrystalline quartz. Soluble silica in the form of clay, mica, or opaline cristobalite are undesirable cdntaminants in the Alumet caustic leach process, and are intolerable if present in more than a minor amount. Iron and titanium oxides are tolerable in the metallurgical process, if not excessive. A deposit, even one meeting the 30% alunite criterion, cannot be classed as an ore body unless it contains sufficient oregrade rock to feed a plant of economic size long enough to fully amortize it, generally about 20 years. A deposit containing 90 Mt of oregrade (30% alunite) rock is considered to be potentially exploitable. Principal domestic and foreign resources are summarized briefly here. &fore comprehensive discussions are given in Hall ( 1978) and Bauer ( 1980).
US Alunite Resources

The alumina-from-alunite plant in Azerbaijan, USSR has shown that alunitic rock can be used as an ore of aluminum with fertilizer byproducts. Future establishment of similar plants in the United States and elsewhere in the world depends on the demonstration of economic feasibility. In general, for alunitized rock to be a suitable ore, it should contain at least 30% of alunite with the remainder mostly

Large alunite deposits have been identified in some western states during the last decade. The best explored deposits are in southwestern Utah, but deposits in Arizona and Colorado also have been tested. Other prospects having large-tonnage potential are known in Nevada and New Mexico. Fig. 3 shows location of major alunite districts in the United States. Utah: A group of four closely spaced deposits in the southern Wah Wah Mountains of Beaver County, Utah, has been mentioned already. This discovery was made by Earth Sciences, Inc. in 1970 (Walker and Stevens, 1974; Parkinson, 1974). Drilling at one deposit identified a reser : e of 135 Mt of material containing at least 30% alunite. Additional potential resources of 500 Mt of the same grade have been estimated in three adjoining deposits. Several other deposits lie within a few kilometers of the group of four (Anon., 1976). The deposits have been formed in Tertiary age volcanic rocks of andesitic to rhyolitic composition. The individual deposits are elongated in plan, and at least one is known to extend to a depth of 300 m, although bottoms of alunitized ground have not been completely delimited. The elongated form suggests local control by faults or major fractures. The Marysvale district, Piute and Sevier counties, was fairly well explored during World War I and World War I1 and is the only district in the United States to have produced more than token amounts of alunite (Callaghan, 1973). However, the resource potential at Marysvale, estimated to be on the order of 43 Mt, clearly appears to be well below that of

Industrial Minerals and Rocks

- EXPLANATION Major oluniis rssourcr

0 Poirnilal

major alunltr rsrourcs

Othrr 81gnificant olunlie resource

FIG. 3-Map o f principal and potential alunite resources in the southwestern United Etates. Beaver County, based on present knowledge (Hall, 1978). Nevada: Alunite occurrences are numerous and widespread in southern Nevada, many of them known since early in the 20th century (Hall, 1978). Sporadic attempts were made to develop vein-type deposits in Lincoln (Hewett et al., 1936) and Humboldt counties (Clark, 1918; Vanderburg, 1938). Reconnaissance sampling by Earth Sciences, Inc. during the mid1970s revealed several large deposits; however, based on preliminary data, the Nevada deposits are generally lower grade and less homogeneous than the deposits in Utah. Exploration has not progressed sufficiently to allow presentation of reserve-resource estimates for Nevada. Deposits in Esmeralda County, south and west of Gold-

field, and deposits near the East Walker River on both sides of the boundary between Mineral and Lyon counties, appear to be among the more promising. Arizona: Alunite in Arizona was reported first in the Patagonia district, Santa Cruz County, south of Tucson (Schrader, 1913, 1915). An attempt to mine alunite veins at Sugarloaf Peak, Yuma County, was described by Heineman (1 935). One deposit with commercial potential has been recognized at Red Mountain, 5 km southeast of Patagonia. The deposit is a complex assemblage of rhyolitic latitic to andesitic flows, tuffs, breccias, and porphyries that have been pervasively alunitized. Exploratory drilling over the summit was carried out in 1975. A resource estimate of

200 Mt is conservative, but the Red Mountain deposit presently is considered to be less promising than deposits in Utah because of questionable ore quality (Hall, 1978). Low-grade copper mineralization was discovered by deep drilling (Corn, 1975) prior to drilling for alunite. This interesting association of alunite with another kind of ore has been observed in many places (see Relation of Alunite to Hypogene Ore Deposits). New Mexico: The earliest reported occurrence of alunite in New Mexico is at Alum Mountain, Grant County, on the south side of the Gila River (Hayes, 1907). Additional occurrences are in Sandoval, Sierra, and Luna counties. An interesting deposit at Saddleback Mountain, western Grant County, has a potential resource tentatively estimated at 60 Mt of alunitized rhyodacitic tuffs and breccias of Tertiary age, containing about 30% alunite (Hall, 1978). Further exploration is needed to estimate tonnage and grade more precisely at this and other deposits. Colorado: Alunite was reported in the Rosita Hills, Custer County, and at Calico Peak, Dolores County, in the late 19th century (Cross, 1891, 1896; Cross and Spencer, 1900). Additional occurrences were noted later in Hinsdale County (Larsen, 1913), and in Rio Grande County (Gardner, 1943; Steven and Rattb, 1960). Some of these deposits attracted interest during the First and Second World Wars but no significant development ensued. The most promising deposit of alunite recognized in Colorado so far is that at Red Mountain, 5 km south of Lake City in Hinsdale County (not to be confused with the previously mentioned Red Mountain in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, nor with other Red Mountains in Colorado). The Red Mountain deposit was explored by two drillholes in 1976, one to a depth of 210 m, the other to 99 rn. A third hole to a depth of 93 m was drilled in 1978. Estimates by Earth Sciences Inc. show demonstrated reserve of 55 Mt with grade at or near 40% alunite. Potential resources may be as great as 1.5 Gt, making the Red Mountain deposit one of the largest in the world. Metallurgical testing of ore compares favorably with tests made on ore from the Beaver County, Utah, deposits which have been proposed for commercial development. However, there are considerable environmental and operational obstacles to developing Red Mountain; accordingly, development of this deposit does not appear likely until feasibility of an alumina-from-alunite industry is proven elsewhere.


Other States: Additional alunite deposits occur in California, Washington and Texas, but none appear to have a potential for commercial development comparable to those mentioned above. A comprehensive review of domestic alunite deposits in other states, including many of only mineralogical or scientific interest, has been published (Hall, 1978).
Summary of US Alunite Resource Position A demonstrated reserve base of 650 Mt of alunite-bearing rock in 23 deposits has been suggested for the United States, with an additional inferred reserve base of 2.5 Gt and an additional potential resource * of nearly 5 Gt (Bauer, 1980). In contrast, an earlier estimate published by the US Geological Survey (USGS) suggests a reserve base of 252 Mt of alunitebearing rock and an additional 1.4 G t of potential resources (Hall, 1978). The latter more conservative estimates were made without access to extensive surface sampling and drilling data available to Bauer in 1980. The most thoroughly explored deposits are those in the southern Wah Wah Mountains of Utah, where tonnages and grades are fairly well established. In spite of uncertainty and difficulty in assigning an absolute number to the reserve base and to potential resources at the present time, it is clear that the volume of domestic alunite resources is adequate to support an alumina-from-alunite industry (with fertilizer and acid byproducts), granted the proviso that rock containing 30% or more of alunite can be mined and processed profitably. This invalidates the conclusion reached by the National Materials Advisory Board (Anon., 1970) that "alunite has little potential for being a raw material of aluminum in this country because all known deposits are either small and

* Demonstrated reserve base and inferred reserve base as used here conform generally to definitions of these terms as given in US Geological Survey Circular 831 (Anon, 1980). The term potential resource as used here includes resource as defined in USGS Circular 831, p. 1, not otherwise included in demonstrated or inferred reserve base. It includes hypothetical but not speculative resources as defined in USGS Circular 831. The Soviet Union uses alunite-bearing rock as an ore of aluminum with potassium sulfate and sulfuric acid byproducts, but we designate the material as alunite-bearing rock rather than as ore because it has not yet been demonstrated on a commercial scale that this material can be mined and processed at a profit in an open-market economy.


Industrial Minerals and Rocks

the Sikhote Alin cordillera, and elsewhere. It is unlikely that all of these deposits are of a size and grade that would encourage development. Asia: The People's Republic of China has a very large deposit of alunite-rich rock in the Pinyang-Fanshan district in Chekiang province (Yih, 1931) and other deposits aggregating hundreds of millions of tons in Fukien and adjoining provinces (Ikonnikov, 1975). Japan experimented with alunitic rock as a source of aluminum and potash during the Second World War (Allen, 1947), using material from deposits in Japan and South Korea, which was under control of Japan at that time. Apparently the Japanese deposits in Shizuoka and Hyogo prefectures (Iwao, 1949, 1953) and the Korean deposits in South Cholla province (Cho and Moon, 1978) are comparatively small, not especially promising for commercial development. Europe: The long-exploited deposits at Tolfa, north of Rome, have been mentioned previously. A short review of alunite as a potential nonbauxite ore of aluminum with fertilizer byproducts was published recently by the Commission of the European Communities with headquarters in Brussels (Landi, 1978). The geology of Italian deposits has been described in detail by Lombardi and Mattias (1979). Although historically important, the Italian resources do not appear to be large enough to support an alumina-from-alunite industry of economic scale; moreover, except for certain localized areas, the alunitic rock generally is contaminated with inordinately high amounts of clay, mica, and other forms of soluble silica, including amorphous silica and cristobalite (Lombardi and Mattias, 1979). Alunite deposits in the Puy-de-Dame region of central France were mined during the 19th century for making alum (Charrin, 1940, 1948; Gautier, 1940; Lacroix, 1962). It is not clear whether resources there could support an alumina industry. France is the only country in western Europe to have appreciable bauxite resources, so that alunite has received little attention there as a potential ore of aluminum. Spain is modestly endowed with alunite resources (Caballero et al., 1974), and a deposit near Segovia was proposed for development during the mid-1970s (Kiihnel et al., 1975; Galan and Lopez-Aguayo, 1977). A deposit of volcanogenic origin on the island of Milos, Greece, has been considered for development, however, details are unavailable. Quartz-alunite zones in hydrothermally altered andesitic volcanic rocks of Upper Cretaceous age in Bul-

scattered or have the mineral disseminated through volcanic rock."

Foreign Alunite Resources

Alunite occurs in many countries and can truly be said to have global distribution, although deposits large and rich enough to be potentially exploitable as sources of aluminum and potassium fertilizer are comparatively rare. If a successful alumina-from-alunite industry eventually is established in the US or in another industrialized nation operating under a free-market economy, it is virtually certain that further investigation will prove the existence of additional alunite resources in other parts of the world. So far, the alunite industry operating since 1966 in the USSR has not stimulated the establishment of similar operations outside of the Soviet Union. Reports concerning the Soviet alunite operation have been sparse and vague, but apparently it has had operational and economic difficulties that have clouded prospects for its expansion (Shabad, 1976). The worldwide subeconomic resources of alunitic rock in a number of countries are known to be large. A summary of worldwide alunite resources more comprehensive than that given here may be found in Hall (1978). USSR: The excellent treatise on alunite by Kashkai (1970), which unfortunately is not available in English translation, contains the most comprehensive summary known to us of alunite resources in the Soviet Union. Although the author does not give specific data on reserves and resources, he presents details of mineralogy, geologic setting, and genesis for a large number of deposits. From Kashkai's work, one may conclude that the Soviet Union probably is better endowed with alunite resources than any other nation in the world. This is true both because of its vast size and because it encompasses large regions of volcanism where hydrothermal-solfataric processes have profoundly altered feldspathic rocks of various kinds to produce large bodies of silicified and alunitized rock. The alumina-fromalunite plant at Kirovabad in Azerbaijan is fed by alunitized tuffs of Late Jurassic age in deposits located near Zaglik, a few kilometers northwest of Dashkesan. Alunite content of the rock apparently is about 40%. There are more than 80 other deposits and occurrences in the Soviet Union, including those in Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, the Ural Mountains, Altai, Uzbek, Tadzhik, Kirgiz,

garia are thought to be potentially exploitable (Velinov, 1973). Mexico and South America: Alunite was recognized as a common constituent in hydrothermal kaolin deposits in Mexico during the 1940s, according to Kniiek and Fetter ( 1950). During the 1950s, a nationwide investigation of alunite deposits in Mexico was undertaken, and a comprehensive report has been published (Yris Rovirosa, 1964). Experiments were conducted at the University of Guanajuato, and several processes were developed on a laboratory scale for extraction of potassium fertilizers and alumina from Mexican alunitic rock (Lopez, 1977). In the 1970s an alunite-processing plant was projected for construction at Salamanca, Guanajuato, to be fed by material from deposits in the Juventino Rosas district northwest of Celaya, Guanajuato, but the project was suspended. Probably the most promising alunite resources recognized in Mexico so far are in Guanajuato, but occurrences are numerous in other states (Keller and Hanson, 1968; Hanson, 1975; Yris Rovirosa, 1964), although no single deposit has yet been proven to be of a size and grade that would support a plant of economic scale. On the South American continent, deposits of an unusual character have been proposed for commercial development in Chubut Province, southern Argentina. Alunite occurs there in bochones (large nodules or round boulderlike masses) 100 mm to 1.5 m long in bentonitic tuffs of Paleocene age (Angelelli, Schalamuk, and Arrospide, 1976). Originally investigated as a potential source of alum chemicals for domestic water-supply treatment (Catalan0 and Fernandez Segura, 1953; Bertello, 1957), the Chubut deposits were considered during the 1970s as a possible nonbauxite ore of aluminum. However, the available reserve was determined to be insufficient for this purpose (Macchiaverna, 1977). Moreover, the bochones, although consisting mainly of alunite and microcrystalline quartz, also contain appreciable opaline cristobalite, an undesirable contaminant. Alunite is associated with dickite in a zoned deposit of hydrothermal origin at Cerro Bayo in the Argentine Andes (Angelelli, Schalamuk, and Arrospide, 1976), and as a hypogene alteration mineral in an altered rhyolite breccia pipe above the Mi Vida copper orebody in Catamarca Province, northwestern Argentina (Koukharsky and MirrC, 1976). Alunite is part of the alteration assemblage in porphyry wallrock of the silver-tin veins at the Potosi and Oruro mining districts, southwest Bolivia


(Turneaure, 1960), and also at the sulfide veins of Cerro de Pasco, Peru (Graton and Bowditch, 1936). Alunite-bearing altered volcanics cap the El Salvador porphyry copper deposit in the Andes of northern Chile (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975). Hydrothermally altered terrains of Mexico and the Andean cordillera are good exploration targets for ~otentially exploitable deposits of alunite.

Australia: Alunite deposits in Australia were mined as a source of alum in the 1890s and the pre-World War I1 period, and during both world wars as a source of potassium sulfate fertilizer (Pittman, 1901; Anon., 1917; Fitzgerald, 1945). The deposit at Alum Mountain near Bullahdellah, New South Wales consists of hydrothermally altered alunitized rhyolite interlayered with sedimentary rocks of Carboniferous and Permian age. Deposits in South Australia consist of nodules of alunite in decomposed slate (Anon., 1917). Bedded lacustrine deposits of an unusual type, the origin of which is enigmatic, occur at Pidinga on the Nullarbor Plain, South Australia (Armstrong, 1950; King, 1953) and at Lake Campion near Chandler, Western Australia (Fitzgerald, 1945). Mining of alunite for potassium sulfate fertilizer was suspended at Lake Campion at the end of World War 11; however, experiments were continued in an attempt to develop a feasible method of extracting alumina from the alunite-rich sediment (Bayliss, Ewers, and Miles, 1951). Interest in alunite as a nonbauxite ore of aluminum waned with development, in the 1950s, of Australia's enormous bauxite resources. Other Countries: A project to develop a billion-ton deposit of alunite near Takestan, 150 km west of Tehran, Iran, was proposed (Anon., 1977) but seems unlikely to materialize in the foreseeable future. Several deposits in Turkey have been suggested as a possible source of potash fertilizer raw material (Tolun, 1974). Alunite is reported in northwest Pakistan (Ahmad, 1953; Schmidt, Clark, and Bernstein, 1975), but the potential for commercial exploitation is not known. Other occurrences, most of which apparently are of scientific but not commercial interest, are reported in Israel (Bentor, 1966; Goldbery, 1978, 1980), Egypt (Gad and Barrett, 1949), Morocco (Destombes and Lucas, 1956; Martin Vivaldi, 1963; Dietrich, 1965), Tanzania (Bassett, 19541, Niger (Faure, Greigert, and Martinet, 1959), New Zealand (Hutton, 1947; Steiner, 1953), Sumatra (Leinz, 1933), and the Philippines (Comsti, 1969).

428 Technology

Industrial Minerals and Rocks

Guanajuato, Mexico (Lopez, 1977). The three methods differ only in detail. The basic UG process commences with dehydroxylation of crushed alunite ore at temperatures below 700C, followed by reaction with ammonia gas in a boiling aqueous suspension. The filtrate from this treatment is a solution of potassium and ammonium sulfates; the filter cake is said to be boehmite, an aluminum monohydrate (Lopez, 1977). The synthetic boehmite (Al,O,. H,O) is reacted with SO, in an aqueous suspension at temperatures below 7SC, forming soluble aluminum sulfite (A1,O,(SO,),(H,SO,),, n 2 1. Treatment of unreacted sludge with added H,S04 makes a solution of aluminum sulfate (Al,(S04),), which is reacted with the previously obtained aluminum sulfite solution, precipitating a mixture of nearly pure aluminum hydrate and aluminum sulfate; SO, offgas is recycled in the process. The mixed aluminum sulfate-hydrate precipitate then is calcined, driving off SO,, SO,, and O,, leaving a Bayergrade alumina residue. The offgases are recycled to make the H,SO, used in the previous steps (Lopez, 1977). Valuable byproducts are potassium and ammonium sulfate fertilizers. The second UG process is reported to be a simplification of the first (Lopez, 1977) intended for use on higher-grade ores, where several reaction and filtration steps can be bypassed. The third UG process entails treatment of the impure synthetic boehmite (A1,0,H,O), produced as filter cake in the first or basic UG process, by a Bayer-type alkaline (NaOH) leach instead of with sulfur dioxide gas. The resulting sodium aluminate solution is seeded to precipitate synthetic gibbsite (A1,0,. 3H,O) as in the Bayer process. The alumina trihydrate is washed and calcined to produce Bayer-grade alumina sand. Alumet Process: The process developed by the Alumet partnership (which comprises Earth Sciences Inc. of Golden, CO, National Steel Corp. of Pittsburgh, PA, and the Southwire Co. of Carrollton, GA) was tested in a pilot plant at Golden, Colorado, from 1973 until the end of 1976 (Thompson, 1976) and is generally similar to the process employed at the Soviet aluminafrom-alunite plant in Azerbaijan. Principal steps in the process are: crush and grind quartz-alunite ore to minus 20 mesh (0.841 m m ) ; dehydrate in a fluidized-bed reactor at 500 to 600C; roast dehydrated ore in reducing atmosphere in fluidized bed reactor, driving off SO,, which is passed to a sulfuric acid plant for conversion to H,SO,; leach roasted product in an aqueous solution to remove K,S04; filter,

The technique for making potash alum (Roman alum) and aluminum sulfate from alunite was developed at Tolfa, Italy, during the 15th century and was used with little change into the 20th century. Presently, the acid treatment of bauxite or clay is preferred for making alum, and alunite no longer is used for this purpose. Summary descriptions of the Tolfa method for making alum from alunite and of generally similar methods used in France during the 19th century and in England and Australia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries are given by Butler and Gale ( 1912). The importance of alunite today lies not in its historical use as a raw material for making alum, but in its potential for becoming a nonbauxite ore of aluminum with fertilizer byproducts.
Alumina-From-Alunite Processes Kalunite Process: During the Second World War a pilot plant for testing methods of extraction of alumina and byproduct potash fertilizer from Marysvale alunite was erected at Salt Lake City, a project sponsored by the Defense Plant Corp. (Fleischer, 1944). The Kalunite process involves reaction of dehydrated alunite (metalunite) with a solution of sulfuric acid and potassium sulfate to produce potassium alum (K,S04 A1, (SO,), .24H,O) . The potassium alum is heated under pressure to make waterinsoluble basic alum (K,SO,. 3A1,0, -4S0,. 9H,O), with liberation of K,SO, and H,SO, in solution. Calcination of the basic alum in a multiple muffled-hearth furnace produces a mixture of K,SO, and A1,0,. The sulfate is precipitated from solution as potash fertilizer; the insoluble aluminous residue is calcined to Bayergrade alumina. Details of the process and difficulties associated with it were described by Fleischer ( 1944). The Kalunite process represented a significant technological development in the utilization of alunite as an ore of aluminum, but was plagued with problems of materials handling, high costs, high energy use, and impurities in the alumina. It has not been used by alunite-processing experimenters since closure of the Salt Lake Lake City pilot plant at the end of the Second World War. UG Processes: Three methods for extracting alumina from alunitic rock with simultaneous production of fertilizer byproducts have been developed on a laboratory and small pilot-plant scale at the University of Guanajuato, state of

pass K,S04 liquor to crystallizer-compactordryer unit for production of fertilizer-grade potassium sulfate; pass filter cake, which consists mainly of fine quartz sand and amorphous alumina to Bayer-type caustic (NaOH) leach (alumina goes into solution as sodium aluminate); filter and pass silica sand residue to tailing; desilicate and filter sodium aluminate solution; seed and precipitate aluminum trihydrate; and calcine precipitate to Bayer-grade alumina. Fig. 4 is a generalized flowsheet of the Alumet process. The Alumet project plan would react the sulfuric acid, produced by roasting the dehydrated ore, with calcined phosphate rock hauled by rail from southeast Idaho to the proposed Utah plantsite, to produce phosphoric acid for phosphate fertilizer. Credits for phosphoric acid and potassium sulfate fertilizer byproducts would offset in great part the disadvantage of low-alumina alunitic rock. The modified Bayer process to treat the aluminasilica residue following removal of K,S04 has two significant advantages over conventional Bayer processing: alumina is dissolved in a caustic leach at about 95C at atmospheric pressure; and alunitic rock contains much less iron oxide than most bauxites and so produces very few "red mud" tailings. In contrast, most conventional Bayer processes require temperatures of 130" to 200C and pressures on the order of 1.4 MPa (200 psi) ; disposal of caustic red-mud tailings constitutes a significant cost at conventional Bayer plants. Possible disadvantages of the Alumet process include: fluidized bed roast must be carried out under narrow and complex restraints on both temperature and velocity of feed-flow (Thompson, 1976) ; 30% alunite ore contains only 11% alumina in the alunite as contrasted with most bauxites containing 45 to 50% A1,0,; fully two-thirds of the raw feed is useless gangue, adding greatly to materials handling costs; and ore quality must be carefully monitored. If the principal gangue is microcrystalline quartz, there is little difficulty because quartz resists attack under the relatively mild conditions of the Alumet modified-Bayer caustic leach. However, clays, micas, opaline cristobalite, and other silica-bearing minerals present in more than very small amounts can be deleterious because they are attacked by caustic; an inordinately high amount of silica may be dissolved in the sodium aluminate solution. Loss of alumina and soda during the desilication step can make such material uneconomical to use, even if the tenor of alunite is 30% or more in the original feed. Clays, micas, and cristobalite













FIG. 6 A l u m e t process.


Industrial Minerals and Rocks Relation t o Alunite to Hypogene Ore D e ~ o s i t s

Apart from consideration of alunitic rock as a possible ore of aluminum is the association of alunite with hypogene deposits of metals other than aluminum. Following F. L. Ransome's observation (1907, 1909) of alunite associated with gold at Goldfield, NV, many other examples have been reported of alunite associated with metalliferous deposits. We shall not discuss theoretical concepts or offer models to explain these associations, but merely list some examples to emphasize the point. Alunite occurs with auriferous veins at Rodalquilar in southeastern Spain (Lodder, 1966) and at the old Rattlesnake Jack prospect near Lead, SD (Grout and Schwartz, 1927). The huge Red Mountain alunite deposit near Lake City in Hinsdale County, Colorado, is flanked on the north and east by numerous base- and precious-metal deposits, especially along Henson Creek (Slack and Lipman, 1979). Extensive alunitization in the volcanic complex of the Marysvale district, Piute and Sevier counties, Utah, appears to be related genetically to base- and precious-metal deposits (Steven et al., 1978). Also in Utah, alunite is prominent in the alteration assemblages associated with polymetallic deposits of the East Tintic district in Juab County (Lovering et al., 1949), and at the old Horn Silver mine in the Frisco mining district, Beaver County (Stringham, 1967). Alunite occurs with lead-silver ore at the Flathead Mine, northwestern Montana (Shenon, 1935), with opalite mercury (cinnabar) deposits in Nevada (Bailey and Phoenix, 1944; Knopf, 1916), and also with mercury deposits in the Cordero-McDermitt district at the Oregon-Nevada state line (Rytuba and Glanzman, 1979). Pervasive alunitization in the upper parts of porphyry copper systems has been reported by Corn (1975), Gustafson and Hunt (1975), and Koukharsky and MirrC (1976). Sillitoe ( 1973) mentions the common occurrence of alunite in altered volcanic caprock above porphyry copper systems in the Andean Cordillera, and also alunite associated with lead-silver deposits in northwest Argentina (Sillitoe, 1975). Kashkai (1970) cites numerous examples of the association of alunite with metal sulfides. Many additional examples could be cited. The presence of alunite, especially in a large pervasively altered area of volcanic rock, may be interpreted as a red flag marking a favorable target for further exploration for possible metalliferous deposits, nearby or at

are common in hydrothermally and soIfataricaIly altered terrains where alunite is formed. This limitation must be evaluated carefully when applying the Alumet process (or any other caustic-leach process) to alunite ore (Hall, 1978, 1980). Other Processes: Details are lacking, but apparently the process used at the Soviet plant-the onIy operating alumina-from-alunite plant in the world-is similar to the Alumet process. A number of processes besides those already mentioned have been proposed and dozens of patent applications have been submitted over the years. Most of these involve a variation of either an acid or an alkali leach to extract alumina from the residue, after K2S0, has been removed from the alunite molecule. Various techniques of heat treatment and materials handling also have been proposed. Several processes designed to produce only potassium sulfate fertilizer, without regard to recovery of alumina or acid, were employed at two small commercial plants at Marysvale, U T during the First World War. However, no process for extraction of alumina, other than that presently used in the Soviet Union, has been taken beyond laboratory or pilot-plant scale.


Alunite veins at Marysvale, U T were mined by underground drifts and adits and also bv small open pits and trenches during the First World War, when the high-grade vein matter was used to provide potassium sulfate fertilizer (Callaghan, 1973). Alunite at Tolfa, Italy, was mined for nearly five centuries by large open trenches and quarries (Butler and Gale, 1912; Lombardi and Mattias, 1979). During World War 11, several disseminated replacement deposits at Marysvale, including the White Horse (Willard and Proctor, 1946), were quarried to obtain ore for the Kalunite plant at Salt Lake City. Although alunite is not presently mined in the United States, open pits on a scale comparable to the porphyry copper mines in America's Southwest would appear to be the only economically feasible mining method at the + l o 0 Mt low-grade alunite deposits. There is little barren overburden at these deposits, but savings here could be offset by the need to selectively remove subore-grade material to waste.

depth. Wallace (1979) has cited such altered areas in western Nevada as possible signatures of hidden porphyry copper deposits. Allen, G.L., 1947, "Aluminum Metallurgy in the Japanese Empire," U S Bureau of Mines, Mineral Trade Notes, Special Supplement No. 19 to Vol. 25. No. 4. Oct. 1947. 76 DD. ~ n ~ e l e l lv., i , ~ c h a l a h u k-, f ~ . and , Arrospide, A., 1976, "Los Yacimientos No Metaliferos y Rocas de Aplicacion de la Region Patagonia-Comahue," Ministerio de Economia, Secretaria de Estado de Mineria, Republica Argentina, pp. 17-19. Anon., 1917, "The Alunite Deposits of Australia and Their Utilization," Bulletin 3, Australia Advisory Council of Science and Industry, 38 pp. Anon., 1970, Processes for Extraciing Alumina from Nonbauxite Ores, National Research Council. National Materials Advisory Board NMAB278, 88 pp. Anon., 1976, "Annual Report for 1975," Earth Sciences, Inc., Golden, CO, 24 pp. Anon., 1977, "Soviet Union and Iran Agree to Build Large Alumina-from-Alunite Plant," World Mining, Vol. 30, No. 1, Jan., p. 57. Anon., 1980, "Principles of a Resource/Reserve Classification for Minerals," Circular 831, US Bureau of Mines and US Geological Survey, 5 PP. Armstrong, A.T., 1950, "Pidinga Alunite Deposit," South Australia Department of Mines Mining Review No. 89 (1948), pp. 126-136. Bailey, E.H., and Phoenix, D.A., 1944, "Quicksilver Deposits in Nevada," Nevada University Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 5, 206 pp. Bassett. H.. 1954. "New and Old Minerals in ~anganyika," ~ a n ~ a n y i k Geological a Survey Records, Vol. 1 (1951), pp. 60-67. Bauer, C.W., 1980, "Alumina from Alunite-Domestic Resources." P r e ~ r i n tNo. 80-119. SMEAIME Annual ~ e e t i n g ;Las Vegas, Feb.'24-28, 3 PP. Bayliss, N.S., Ewers, W.E., and Miles, G.L., 1951, "The Production of Alumina from Alunite," Australian Journal o . f Aoolied .. Science. Vol. 2. No. 2, pp. 267-275. Bentor, Y.K., 1966, "The Clays of Israel," Guidebook to the Excrrrsions. International Clay Conference, Jerusalem, Israel Program of SC-ientific Translations, 12 1 pp. Bertello, L.F., 1957, "Utilizaci6n de Alunita Nacional Para la Fabricacibn de Sulfato de Alumm~o,"Industria y Quimica, Vol. 18, pp. 25-30, 35-36. Brock, T.D., and Mosser, J.L., 1975, "Rate of Sulfuric-Acid Production in Yellowstone National Park," Geological Society o f America Bulletin, Vol. 86, pp. 194-198. Butler, B.S., and Gale, H.S., 1912, "Alunite, a Newly Discovered Deposit near Marysvale, Utah." Bulletin 511. US Geological Survey. 64 PP. Caballero. M.A., Menendez del Valle, F., and Martin Vivaldi, J.L., 1974, "Yacimientos Espaiioles de Bauxitas y Alunitas," Boletin de Geologia y Mineralogia, Vol. 85, pp. 3 2 4 2 . Callaghan, E., 1973, "Mineral Resource Potential of Piute County, Utah, and Adjoining Area," Bulletin 102, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey, 135 pp. Catalano. E., and Fernandez Segura, A., 1953, "Alunita Silicificada de Camarones," Revista de Administracibn General de Obras Sanitarias, Buenos Aires. Vol. 17, No. 152, pp. 137-151.

Prospecting for Alunite Deposits

Any pervasively altered and bleached ironstained area in a volcanic setting may contain alunite. Whitish bleached zones normally grade outward into characteristically dull greenishgray propylitized rock. It is difficult to identify alunite-bearing rock by visual examination alone, but slightly greater heaviness o r heft compared to similar appearing rock can be a clue. A simple test using p H paper t o measure acidity of condensed water inside a test-tube in which a powdered sample has been strongly heated detects alunitic rock, but should be used with caution (Cunningham and Hall, 1976). Powder X-ray diffractometry is the most reliable identification method. Geologists of Earth Sciences, Inc. have been very successful in identifying large potentially alunitized bodies from aircraft flying over rugged volcanic terrains. An entire region can be reconnoitered in a few hours compared to days o r weeks needed for ground reconnaissance. Favorable targets can be quickly identified for follow-up ground examination and sampling. Bleached and iron-stained zones (color anomalies) are recognized more easily from the air than from ground level. However, it should be emphasized that areas showing high albedo (high reflectivity) do not always contain alunite. Recent research intended to improve and refine remote-sensing techniques using the visible and near-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum offers hope that alunitebearing ground eventually can be detected directly by satellites o r high-flying aircraft equipped with infrared remote-sensing instruments (Hunt and Ashley, 1979; H u n t and Hall, 1981).

The authors acknowledge with helpful suggestions of ~~h~ G. Charles G . Cunningham of the U S Survey and Douglas N. Stevens of ences, Inc. thanks the wells and Geological Earth Sci-

Bibliography and References

Ahmad, M.I., 1953, "Volcanoes and Sulphur of Western Baluchistan," Records, Geological Survey of Pakistan, Vol. 4, Part 3, pp. 1-16.


Industrial Minerals and Rocks

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