Hey, The Holidays Are Here!: Views From Above
Hey, The Holidays Are Here!: Views From Above
Hey, The Holidays Are Here!: Views From Above
Green students one of the latest schools Kaplan on Facebook! find out about upcoming parties
Students and schools around to join this green ini- Don’t miss the chance to join and events, or to check out
the country are hoping to make tiative. The bottled Kaplan Aspect’s group on Face- party pics and pick up gossip.
a difference to the environment water industry and book.
by switching to a water filtra- the transportation of bot- There you will get the latest
tion system from cooled bottled tles causes a severe strain on news and special offers from
water. New York University is the environment. the school. It’s also the place to
The winner of the essay contest
Ongoing events
during the break
New York Botanical Gar-
den: Holiday Train Show
Hey, and welcome to my place!
Ends Jan 11/09
This annual family favorite I’m New York City, your new best friend. You have
returns with model trains
traveling a magical land- probably heard a lot about me. And, probably all
scape featuring 140 repli- of it is true. I’m the coolest, hottest, most exciting
cas of NY landmarks made
from plant parts.
and most wonderful city on Earth.