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R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer Scanner for drive tests and I/Q streaming


Data Sheet | 05.00

R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer At a glance

The R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer is a high-end platform for optimizing all conventional wireless communications networks. Two highly sensitive 20MHz frontends for any input frequency from 30MHz to 6GHz, a dual-channel preselection and an FPGA-based software-defined architecture offer unsurpassed performance while providing maximum flexibility and operational readiness. In addition to functioning as a scanner for wireless communications networks, the R&STSMW is also an ideal digital I/Q baseband receiver for customer-specific applications.

Owing to its hardware platform, the R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer offers maximum flexibility. For example, the R&STSMW comes in handy as an LTE scanner, and it can be utilized together with the R&SROMES4 drive test software to roll out and optimize 3GPP EUTRA networks (R&STSMW-K29 LTE option). In addition to LTE, further wireless communications technologies such as GSM, WCDMA, CDMA2000 1xEVDO, TETRA and WiMAX are supported simultaneously. Moreover, the R&STSMW can be used as a realtime scanner for I/Q baseband data. The R&STSMW-K1 option offers a MATLAB and a C++ interface via which I/Q measurement data can be transmitted and evaluated.

Key facts
User-definable input frequency range from 30MHz to 6GHz Two independent RF and signal processing paths, each with a bandwidth of 20MHz Integrated preselection for high intermodulation suppression while dynamic range is high Support of LTE FDDandTD-LTE measurements together with the R&SROMES4 drive test software Parallel measurements in GSM, WCDMA, LTE CDMA2000 1xEVDO, TETRA and WiMAX networks I/Q baseband streaming with Gigabit LAN interface Integrated GPS with PPS

R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer Benefits and key features

LTE network rollout and network o ptimization

Automatic detection and measurement of P-SCH and SSCH channels Easy detection of interference Cyclic prefix analysis with channel impulse response measurement Support of LTE-FDD and TD-LTE page 4

Parallel support of multiple wireless communications technologies

Simultaneous measurements in GSM, LTE, WCDMA, CDMA2000 1xEVDO, TETRA and WiMAX Simple scanner setup Flexible assignment of the two receivers for m aximum measurement speed Everything in one instrument page 5

All-in-one drive test solution with R&SROMES4

Network optimization with scanner and test terminal Improvement of QoS Identification of interference page 6

Maximum flexibility when evaluating I/Q data with MATLAB and C++ interface
Seamless streaming of I/Q data in realtime Data access via MATLAB or C++ interface Fast integration due to included example application based on MATLAB page 7

Unsurpassed h ardware platform p erformance and flexibility

Broadband with 20MHz bandwidth and m aximum frequency range from 30MHz to 6GHz Parallel scanning of multiple technologies and frequency bands with outstanding measurement speed Top dynamic range and measurement accuracy owing to adaptive preselection Software defined radio architecture (SDR), updates from PC only Integration of SuperSense GPS with PPS page 8

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Rohde&Schwarz R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer 3

LTE network rollout and network optimization

Using the R&STSMW together with the R&SROMES4 drive test software opens the door to numerous measurement and analysis capabilities for LTE field tests.
Automatic detection and measurement of P-SCH and SSCH channels
All that the R&SROMES4 software needs to "know" is the center frequency of an LTE signal. The R&STSMW can find all further information that is required, e.g. the bandwidth used, the physical cell ID, the cyclic prefix length used, or the synchronization channels (PSCH and S-SCH). This is particularly relevant when a wireless communications network is growing both in size and complexity. The user does not require any detailed knowledge about the LTE network and its structure when carrying out measurements. Immediately after the measurement is started, the power values of the physical cell IDs are displayed in a Top N chart. In addition to these values, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is output. This value indicates whether interference is present on a signal. Both measurement results can be output at a maximum rate of 200measurements per second.

Easy detection of interference

The R&SROMES4 drive test software and the R&STSMW can be used especially for detecting and reducing interference. Various interference scenarios for example, reflections, co-channel interference or adjacent-channel interference can impair a connection to a terminal and negatively affect the SINR. Owing to its design, a terminal cannot determine why the SINR is too low. A data connection accompanied by a deteriorating SINR would result in lower-order modulation. To achieve the highest data rates possible, 64QAM modulation should be used. However, this modulation mode absolutely requires a high SINR. Featuring a C/I of 20dB to +40dB and a sensitivity of up to 127dBm, the R&STSMW finds co-channel interference without any problem. Signals can overlap each other and originate from different base stations the R&STSMW detects and identifies the interferers. The user thus knows exactly which base stations are causing the problem, and which ones must be evaluated in greater detail in order to improve the SINR and, subsequently, to enhance the data throughput at this point.

Cyclic prefix analysis with channel impulse response measurement

By means of the channel impulse response measurement, the R&STSMW can measure multipath propagation and reflections and then display the results by using the R&SROMES4 software. Reflections can be measured in a time frame of 6s to +34s. This means that the eightfold length of a normal cyclic prefix can be measured. As a result, the user can detect violations of the guard interval (intersymbol interference, ISI). A further interference factor may be an excessively high phase noise of the basis station. The R&STSMW's low inherent phase noise allows users to detect problems also in the base station.

Typical configuration of an LTE drive test system consisting of an R&STSMW and the R&SROMES4 software.

Equipment required for LTE drive tests R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer R&STSMW-K29 LTE scanner option R&STSMW-Z1 power supply R&SROMES4 drive test software R&SROMES4T1W R&STSMW all-technology driver for R&SROMES4

Parallel support of multiple wireless communications technologies

The R&STSMW can be adapted to the customer's application by using various options. Together with the R&SROMES4 software, up to seven different technologies can be measured and displayed at the same time, while the hardware resources can be scaled as needed.
Simultaneous measurements in GSM, LTE, WCDMA, CDMA2000 1xEVDO, TETRA and WiMAX
Multiple wireless communications technologies are often used simultaneously. Particularly during the rollout of new technologies such as 3GPP LTE or WiMAX IEEE802.16e, wireless communications networks such as GSM/WCDMA, CDMA2000, 1xEVDO or TETRA are already present. To keep the T&M effort and the related costs low, an all-in-one solution should be used. Rohde&Schwarz offers the perfect solution with its R&STSMW and the R&SROMES4 software.

Flexible assignment of the two receivers for maximum measurement speed

Technologies to be measured can flexibly be distributed to two RF and signal paths. Measuring two technologies in parallel does not cause any reduction in measurement speed. If further technologies are added, they are timedistributed to the hardware resources. This feature enables the R&STSMW to offer maximum performance in multiple-technology measurements. Up to six wireless communications technologies can be measured at the same time.

Everything in one instrument

Wireless communications scanners such as the R&STSMW are primarily used when measurements must be performed independently of a test terminal. The R&SROMES4 software offers a Top N evaluation of all available signals for each technology. The user receives an overview of the strongest signals and can sort them by provider. Especially in CDMA2000 and WCDMA networks, this evaluation plays a crucial role in reducing pilot pollution. Furthermore, neighbor cells that may not be found by a test terminal can be detected. Missing neigbor cells can be detected independently of the technology. This enables the user to identify coverage gaps or interference. The capability to demodulate the broadcast information of the broadcast channel (BCH) offers insight into the network configuration. Applications such as automatic neighborhood analysis or automatic interference detection can easily be carried out by applying this functionality. The R&STSMW can also be used for benchmark purposes. Multiple technologies and multiple providers can be scanned simultaneously. Even when a new technology is being rolled out, networks already present can be monitored as well.

Simple scanner setup

The user generally does not require expert knowledge about the wireless communications network to be tested. The R&STSMW detects all important information automatically. For example, the user only has to enter the following parameters: the UARFCN number in a WCDMA network, the band in a GSM network, the center frequency in a WiMAX or LTE network, and the channel number in a CDMA2000 1xEVDO network. The R&STSMW then automatically detects and measures all detectable scrambling codes, channels, preamble indices and physical cell IDs. The measurement speed is not affected by the quantity of measured signals. Similar for TETRA, where all a ctive channels within a 10-MHz-downlink band are detected and decoded automatically.

Rohde&Schwarz R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer 5

All-in-one drive test solution with R&SROMES4

When used together with the R&STSMW, the R&SROMES4 drive test software also supports test terminals. The R&STSMW can be used to detect and eliminate errors caused by a terminal.

Network optimization with scanner and test terminal

The R&SROMES4 drive test software not only evaluates measurement data from Rohde&Schwarz scanners. It also covers test terminals. These terminals establish either a voice or a data link. For example, a voice connection enables the user to measure speech quality or to generate a statistical evaluation about dropped calls. In the case of data links, the maximum possible transmission rate must be achieved. This is verified by means of data services such as an FTP download.

Improvement of QoS
Example: HSDPA and HSUPA During an FTP download, a test terminal displays the maximum current data transmission rate. If this rate is too slow with regard to the wireless communications technology being used, the channel quality indicator (CQI) measured by the test terminal can be implemented to trace the cause of the problem. If the CQI is too low, either the received signal may be too weak or the measured Ec/I0 may be very low. In this case, pilot pollution may be the source of the problem. This means that the test terminal is receiving too many signals of equal strength. The R&STSMW can quickly determine the unwanted signals. If the received signals are too weak, this may indicate that the test terminal did not find a neighbor cell. The R&STSMW is network-independent because it does not rely on neighbor lists. Unknown neighbor cells can therefore be detected without any problem.

When combined with R&SROMES4, the R&STSMW can be used with the technologies listed in the following table.



Typical drive test configuration

Test terminal

R&SROMES software

Maximum flexibility when evaluating I/Q data

Seamless streaming of I/Q data in realtime
A special asset of the R&STSMW is its R&STSMW-K1 digital I/Q data interface. Users of this option can, for example, perform technology-independent channel mea surements. These measurements can be used to simulate realistic fading scenarios in a lab environment. To do this, I/Q data recorded by the R&STSMW can, for example, be replayed directly on a signal generator from Rohde&Schwarz. This data, which has been recorded under real-world conditions, can therefore be replayed again and again in the lab environment. The seamless streaming of I/Q data can be carried out with a maximum bandwidth of 20MHz. The duration of an I/Q recording is determined solely by the size of the hard disk.

domains. Likewise, the demo application may be utilized as a skeletal structure for customized applications in order to quickly obtain the measurement results needed. The demo application makes it possible to define the center frequency, the sampling rate and the measurement filter. In this context, the measurement filter is used primarily to define the bandwidth to be measured. In addition to I/Q streaming, single measurements or continuous measurements are possible. Users can define whether one or both of the receivers are to be used. For professional applications, it is also possible to set the attenuation values, the activation of the preamplifier, and the data format of the digital I/Q data. To reduce the amount of data accumulated, the application offers bit resolutions of 8bit, 12bit, 16bit and 20bit. Users can therefore reduce the transmission rate on the LAN interface.

Materials included with the R&STSMW-K1 option In addition to the demo application, the materials supplied together with the R&STSMW-K1 option include an operating and a programming manual. The programming manual supplies all information regarding the required MATLAB functions and data structures. To enable users to immediately start operating the R&STSMW together with the demo application, a MATLAB runtime license is included. Equipment required for performing I/Q streaming R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer R&STSMW-K1 digital I/Q interface R&STSMW-Z1 AC power supply Hardware requirements PC with Gigabit LAN interface Hard disk with SATA interface and min. data write rate of 75Mbyte/s

Data access via MATLAB or C++ interface

Both a flexible MATLAB interface and an equivalent C++ interface are available. They make it possible to perform measurements on the R&STSMW and to process results on the PC. Users can thus, for example, not only design and analyze receiver algorithms in MATLAB, but also port them to C++ as a realtime version.

Fast integration due to included example application based on MATLAB

The demo application included in the R&STSMW-K1 option is based on MATLAB code and may be used for initial reference measurements in the frequency and time

The left-hand side of this screenshot shows the demo application for configuring the settings. The right-hand side shows the measurement result in the frequency domain (blue) and time domain (red/blue) for each receiver. Rohde&Schwarz R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer 7

Unsurpassed hardware platform performance and flexibility

Broadband with 20MHz bandwidth and maximum frequency range from 30MHz to 6GHz
The R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer from Rohde&Schwarz offers a hardware platform with maximum flexibility. The two integrated broadband receivers (30MHz to 6GHz) with a bandwidth of 20MHz each and a separate preselection open the door to a variety of applications.

Featuring a high measurement bandwidth of 20MHz, the R&STSMW is optimally suited particularly for new wireless communications standards such as LTE or WiMAX. Using the MATLAB-based solution, even measurements during development can be performed on standards that have not yet been fully specified (LTE, for example). By virtue of the promising and widely used Gigabit Ethernet LAN interface, operation even at high measurement rates is no problem.

Top dynamic range and measurement accuracy owing to adaptive preselection

To achieve top measurement accuracy and dynamic range, the R&STSMW has an integrated preselection. Thus, multiple adjustable filters reduce intermodulation in advance. The analyzer can therefore detect signals with a sensitivity that is considerably below the noise level (noise figure 7dB at 3.5GHz).

Update of hardware platform via software

The hardware platform can be updated and its functionality enhanced by means of software. This allows the R&STSMW to be expanded in the field to handle additional technologies without having to be sent in for an upgrade. Only the specific options required are added, for example when the user wants to convert an I/Q scanner to an LTE scanner.

Parallel scanning of multiple technologies and frequency bands with outstanding measurement speed
The two receivers can be operated independently or in combination with one another. Depending on the application, the measurement speed can be increased in this manner, and the measurement bandwidth can be expanded.

Integration of SuperSense GPS with PPS

An integrated SuperSense GPS receiver with 16channels and a refresh rate of 4Hz allows the analyzer to be used also in areas with weak GPS signals.

Architecture of the dual-channel R&STSMW universal radio network analyzer

Frontend I

Signal processing unit Processor board

Preselection and antenna switch



Frontend II

Signal processing unit


Power board


Base unit data
RF characteristics Frequency range Reference frequency Level measurement uncertainty Maximum permissible input level Noise figure Intermodulation-free dynamic range RF receive paths VSWR Preselection channels LTE characteristics Frequency bands supported Measurement modes Measurement speed Physical decoding accuracy Sensitivity for initial physical cell ID decoding Sensitivity after successful physical cell ID decoding SINR dynamic range WiMAX characteristics Frequency bands supported Measurement speed Preamble decoding accuracy Sensitivity for initial preamble decoding Sensitivity after successful preamble decoding SINR dynamic range GSM characteristics Frequency bands supported Measurement modes no restrictions SCH code power, TCH total in-bandpower, timeslot power, BCH demodulation for all system information types 350 channels/s with SCH demodulation 500 channels/s without SCH demodulation 118dBm typ. 1dB 98% for C/I > +2dB C/I > 18 dB C/I > 29 dB C/I > 0dB no restrictions max. 12 high speed/high dynamic range automatic detection of all 512 scrambling codes high speed/high dynamic range high speed/high dynamic range 100 Hz/12 Hz, with BCH demodulation automatic detection of all 114 preamble indices frame duration 5 ms; FFT size 1024; bandwidth 10MHz; 2.5GHz no restrictions 5 measurements/s 1dB (30dBm to 109dBm) < 97dBm (RSSI) < 112dBm (RSSI) 20dB to +40dB 123dBm 127dBm max. 42dB automatic detection of all 504 physical cell IDs no restrictions LTE-FDD and TD-LTE max. 200 measurements/s preamplification ON preamplification OFF preamplification ON: level 2 45dBm preamplification OFF: level 2 35dBm independent 30MHz f 2.5GHz 2.5GHz f 6GHz internal S/N > 16dB 30MHz to 6GHz 1 106 aging per year < 1dB at 30MHz to 2500MHz < 1.5dB at 2.5GHz to 6GHz 5dBm/0 V DC typ. 7dB at 3.5GHz typ. 19dB at 3.5GHz typ. 65dBc (12.5dBm TOI) at 3.5GHz typ. 70dBc (0dBm TOI) at 3.5GHz 2 typ. 1.5 typ. 1.7 5 per RF path, 3 used as tracking filters

Measurement speed Sensitivity Measurement accuracy BSIC decoding accuracy BSIC decoding dynamic range Sensitivity for initial BSIC detection Sensitivity after successful BSIC detection BCCH decoding dynamic range WCDMA characteristics Frequency bands supported Number of RF carrier frequencies Measurement speed Scrambling code detection sensitivity Sensitivity for initial SC detection Sensitivity after successful SC detection

112 dBm/121 dBm 118 dBm/123 dBm

Rohde&Schwarz R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer 9

Base unit data

Scrambling code detection accuracy Scrambling code false detection (ghost code) Dynamic range Ec/I0 Min. BCH demodulation threshold Ec/I0 CDMA2000 characteristics Supported frequency bands Number of RF carrier frequencies Measurement speed PN detection sensitivity Dynamic range 1xEVDO characteristics Frequency bands supported Number of RF carrier frequencies Measurement speed PN detection sensitivity Dynamic range TETRA characteristics Supported TETRA bands Number of RF carrier frequencies Channel resolution Measurement speed Sensitivity no restrictions max. 400 within a 10 MHz downlink band 25 kHz (QPSK) max. 8000 channels/s, 20/s for a 10MHz block 120 dBm for RSSI measurements 115 dBm TETRA BSCH decoding BSCH decoding for channels with an SNR > 9.5dB 800 kHz to 20MHz hardware requirements: Gbit LAN link, jumbo frames 8k, transfer rate hard disk 75Mbyte/s max. 22 Msample/s 1 Msample/s to 21.94 Msample/s 20MHz 14 bit ADC resolution 8 bit, 12 bit, 16 bit or 20 bit 200 Mbyte SNAP N connector RJ-45 BNC female BNC female SMA female/active GPS antenna 50 10/100/1000BaseT 50 5 V, TTL 50 /3 V, max. 100 mA type B USB connector +5C to +40C 0C to +50C EN60068-2-1 and EN60068-2-2 EN60068-2-30 25C to +85C +50C at 95% rel. humidity EN 61326-1: 2006 EN 61326-2-1: 2006 EN 55011: 2007 + A2:2007 in line with IEC 610101: 2001 (Ed. 2), EN 610101: 2001 (second edition), UL 61010-1 (second edition), CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-1 sinusoidal random Shock EN60068-2-6 EN60068-2-64 40 g shock spectrum, in line with MIL-STD-810F, method 516.4, procedure 1 Ec/I0 no restrictions max. 18 10 Hz 120dBm 33dB Ec/I0 automatic detection of all 512 PN no restrictions max. 18 10 Hz 119dBm 29dB RSCP Ec/I0 > 12dB typ. < 1dB typ. < 1.5dB < 109 22 dB/30 dB > 17dB

I/Q characteristics Digital filter bandwidth, burst Digital filter bandwidth, streaming Resampling rate Demodulation bandwidth Data format I/Q buffer size Physical characteristics RF inputs Data interface External reference input External trigger input/output GPS antenna connector GPS USB interface (standalone) Operating temperature range Permissible temperature range Storage temperature range Humidity EMC


Mechanical resistance Vibration


Base unit data

Dimensions (W H D) Weight Power consumption Input voltage Input current GPS receiver Sensitivity Acquisition Tracking Channels Time to first fix (TTFF) Cold/warm/hot start System requirements at 125dBm

180 mm 130 mm 270 mm (7.09 in 5.12 in 10.63 in) 5.1 kg (11.24 lb) typ. 65 W, max. 10 A DC at 9 V 9 V to 18 V DC max. 10 A DC

148dBm 158dBm 16 41 s/33 s/< 3.5 s

R&SROMES4 drive test software ; controller (Pentium IV, 2 Gbyte RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 1.0, USB required only if GPS is used as standalone application)


If the R&STSMW-K1 Gigabit digital I/Q interface is used, the R&SROMES4 drive test software is not required. Instead, MATLAB or custom-specific software must be installed.

Ordering information
Base unit Universal Radio Network Analyzer Hardware options LTE Scanner Option (for R&SROMES4) WiMAX Scanner Option (for R&SROMES4) GSM/WCDMA Scanner Option (for R&SROMES4) CDMA2000 1xEVDO Rev. A TETRA Digital I/Q Interface Software options R&S TSMW Scanner Driver for R&SROMES4 Drive Test Software Additional software Drive Test Software System components Power Supply Soft Carrying Bag Rack Adapter Antenna Magnet Mount without GPS Antenna Magnet Mount with GPS Antenna 800MHz to 960MHz and 1700MHz to 2500MHz Antenna 400MHz to 440MHz Antenna 360MHz to 410MHz R&STSMW-Z1 R&SFSH-Z25 R&STSMW-Z2 R&STSMW-ZA1 R&STSMW-ZA3 R&STSMW-ZE1 R&STSMW-ZE2 R&STSMW-ZE3 1503.4608.02 1145.5896.02 1503.3901.02 1145.6705.00 1145.6728.00 1145.6740.00 1117.8165.00 1117.8159.00 R&SROMES4 1117.6885.04 R&SROMES4T1W 1117.6885.02 R&STSMW-K29 R&STSMW-K28 R&STSMW-K21 R&STSMW-K22 R&STSMW-K26 R&STSMW-K1 1503.4550.02 1503.4543.02 1503.4514.02 1503.4520.02 1510.8792.02 1503.3960.02 R&STSMW 1503.3001.02


Order No.

Your local Rohde&Schwarz expert will help you determine the optimum solution for your requirements and will be glad to provide you with a customized quotation. To find your nearest Rohde&Schwarz representative, visit www.sales.rohde-schwarz.com
Rohde&Schwarz R&STSMW Universal Radio Network Analyzer 11

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About Rohde&Schwarz Rohde&Schwarz is an independent group of companies specializing in electronics. It is a leading supplier of solutions in the fields of test and measurement, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and radiolocation, as well as secure communications. Established 75 years ago, Rohde&Schwarz has a global presence and a dedicated service network in over 70 countries. Company headquarters are in Munich, Germany. Environmental commitment Energy-efficient products Continuous improvement in environmental sustainability ISO14001-certified environmental management system

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R&S is a registered trademark of Rohde&Schwarz GmbH&Co. KG Trade names are trademarks of the owners | Printed in Germany (as) PD 5213.9934.32 | Version 05.00 | January 2010 | R&STSMW Data without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change 2009 - 2010 Rohde&Schwarz GmbHCo.KG | 81671 Mnchen, Germany

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