Grimoire of Body Magick: Poems and Translations
Grimoire of Body Magick: Poems and Translations
Grimoire of Body Magick: Poems and Translations
Grimoire of Body Magick The mind cannot be f !!y a"ake "itho t the a##i#tance of the body A# be!o" #o abo$e % #ometime# "hat i# be!o" i# more im&ortant than "hat i# abo$e'
Baboons *id!ing back"ard# on hand and knee #e- a f!ag eno gh to make Ar. na change hi# gender !ike baboon# "e t mb!e biting na&e/# of neck cock #"o!!en !ike fire yo r #e- red b ttock# bea tif ! ne#t!e #ed cti$e!y in groin/# crook #mooth #kin #troke# fine hair "here !eg and abdomen meet "rigg!ing0 my ti&%t & find# a g!ide "et "ith moi#t re "et too "ith "anting teat# that hand !ike d m&!ing# !ifted back ni&&!e ne#t!ing gent!y tick!ing the &a!m# of hand# my hand #troking yo #toking yo "ith my #emo$ing thro gh the groo$e tick!ed by mo nd# of hair I am dra"n in#ide t"i#t and rich #a!i$a f!o"# from mo th to mo th dee&er "e go reaching for the #ecret key fond!ing it !o$ing!y yo gra#& me "ithin my centre i# in yo bodie# f!oating e$ery"here de#ire mo nting
&"ard# from "ithin #omething b r#ting forth & !#ation# coming f!e#h "ith f!e#h f! id# merging f!e#h "itho t f!e#h f! id# merging moment# of &!ea# re and "e are again Baboon#
A Blow-job According to the Tantrik Tradition First Stage Come before me g r remo$e yo r $ei!# a!ong "ith the !a#t $e#tige# of yo r c!othing' ,et me #ee yo 0 #tanding a# I #it before yo on the edge of the #eat of &!ea# re I & !! yo % to me Yo r &ha!! # ne#t!ed bet"een me I b!o" hot on yo r be!!y my hand# crad!e and #mooth yo r firm b tt I #troke more of yo nti! the thr #t of yo r &e!$i# i# for"ard and the red ti& of yo r e-&ectant cock n dge# me gent!e nder the chin a# if reminding me of the thing in hand I fee! yo r knee# they are tremb!ing I r b the 3 i$ering m #c!e# fo!!o"ing their direction0 #troking &"ard#0 to ching inner and o ter nti! coming c!o#e I r n my finger# do"n tho#e c!eft# at the to& of yo r thigh# Cock i# there0 !onging a!#o be to ched b!o" him a !itt!e ki## yo r hand# c & f rry ba!!# yo r finger# dra" do"n the tiny egg f!oating there gent!y0 gent!y yo dra" them do"n' Do thi# a!! !ot# and !ot# and again *econd *tage +o" yo are rea!!y e-cited "aiting no !onger gri& the throbbing #haft of hi# cock bet"een yo r fi#t
and do nothing more0 for moment by moment0 fee!ing the heart & !#e #en#ing the #er&ent "ithin a# it ri#e# and fa!!#0 yo r o"n brea#t# aching0 yo r yoni "et0 The .e"e! of yo r yoni a!#o hard and & !#ing "ith hi# heart no" #!ide that #kin firm!y do"n it# #haft e-&o#ing a!! c!o#e yo r eye# and fee! yo r#e!f into hi# body0 greeting the godde## k nda!ini there% *he !ift# her head and oo#e# the "arm0 the c!ear0 and the #!i&&ery !ick thi# from the gate"ay of hi# cock more "i!! come0 a tiny ri$er!et making hi# member g!i#ten take thi# e!i-ior on the finger of yo r !eft hand and tea#e him0 re#ting yo r "et finger at the door to m !adhara % 5i# ar#e ga&e# and o&en# and yo can ea#e yo r finger in0 "ithdra"ing and rein#erting nti! yo are in#ide The god mo$e# and 3 ake# !ike an earth ) #h yo r finger a!! the "ay and find hi# root0 the .e"e! of him0 a tiny b d b!ooming in the my#tica! diagram anoint him and #troke him in a c nning "ay and more e!i-ior f!o"# from hi# #training cock ret rn to hi# &ha!!i#0 and no !onger tea#ing take the great "et head into yo r #oft mo th no" yo r mo th !ike a firm yoni eng !f# him and # ck#0 a!! the "hi!e yo r hand #tretching hi# &eni# #kin Do thi# fi$e time#0 fi$e more nti! hi# #eem# on the brink of b!i## yo "i!! kno" "hen #en#e it
Then #to&0 take yo r mo th from hi# cock and after a &a #e that #eem# !ike year# "ank him0 in nfami!ar #troke#0 #tarting "ith yo r o"n rhythme' Make the #troke# fa#ter and then # dden!y #!o"er 7hen it #eem# right again take hi# cock into yo r mo th # ck him0 eng !f0 fi$e time#0 fi$e more time# again yo read hi# body0 #ee him a&&roach the #eat of b!i##0 no" #to&0 #3 ee8ing the root of hi# cock "i!!ing the #er&ent "ithin to "ait And again yo r "ank him in hi# fa$o rite #troke0 hi# thigh# ten#e and hi# hi&# trying to thr #t re#train him0 re#train him +o" mi- it &0 b!ending together 9nti! he cro##e# o$er0 and yo "ith him to a &!ace of b!i## hi# arched &ha!! # making a "inged e!i-ior yo r mo th "e!come# it "ith ho!y "ord# of &!ea# re o t#ide it i# a fo ntain0 #& rting in "hite in#ide a fiery f!o" hidden in the dark # cking fo!d# of yo r mo th :From a medie$a! +ath te-t a#cribed to Kri#na M r gan rendered into Eng!i#h by Mogg Morgan' Thi# te-t form# an intere#ting addend m to a book entit!ed Treatise on the Arrow of Lust a &oem of "hich entit!ed ;C nni!ing # according to the Tami! *iddha#< i# & b!i#hed in Kami! = >$e!ebi! The Siddha Quest For Immortality' ? The a thor Kri#na M r gan i# an intere#ting character0 an a!chemi#t0 #orceror and accom&!i#hed bard' 5i# biogra&hy (KrisnaCarita % !iterary ;,ife @o rney<?0 i# f !! of di#c ##ion#0 #ometime# arg ment# "ith rea! and a#tra! #hakti#' The#e di#c ##ion# are $ery !i$e!y and radica!0 for e-am&!e at one #tage the #hakti #ay# that0 contrary to "hat it #ay#
in the ce!ebrated erotic te-t# # ch a# the Ananga Ranga and Kama Sutra0 ora! #e- i# often more # cce##f ! if the man i# less "e!! endo"ed' On a #afety note0 modern e-&erimentor# might !ike to be # re that they c!ean#e their !eft hand thoro gh!y before mo$ing onto to other #e- a! &ractice#' Thi# may be the rationa! for the common &ractice in *hri Ra.nee#he<# a#hram0 "here condom# and r bber g!o$e# "ere #tandard tantrik e3 i&ment' *afe #e- d ring any ana! &ractice ha#0 e$en &re%AID*0 a!"ay# in$o!$ed "a#hing the &eni# fair!y #oon after #e- and before &roceeding f rther' It can be nhea!thy to mi- ana! and $agina interco r#e "itho t # ch a &reca tion' That other &ractice# fo!!o" tho#e gi$en be!o"0 i# c!ear from the fir#t !ine ;come before me< "hereby the ma!e &artici&ant ha# an orga#m before the main tantrik #e- a! rite0 th # making hi# de#ire for orga#m !e## rgent in the more com&!icated rite# to fo!!o"' The #hakta may e$en be !eft to trance o t for a "hi!e in order to obtain #ymbo!ic information for the main rite' It i# ob$io #!y &o##ib!e that thi# act of ora! #ei# the "ho!e rite com&!ete in it#e!f' The fir#t &art of the a thor<# name #ho"# him to ha$e been a tantrik "ith an a##ociation "ith the *aha.i$an #ect' M r gan i# the name of an ancient triba! deity of Tami! area % M r gan % the #&ear bearer' The abo$e rendering i# from a *ank#rit $er#ion of The Treatise' I ha$e taken the !iberty of #ing a modern idiom for #ome of the #e- a! termino!ogy % a f !! "ord !i#t i# a$ai!ab!e on re3 e#t'?
Ode to the Cock and Fanny I really like my cock I like what it does I like the way that each day it surprises me with its moods Sometimes calm and thoughtful other swollen, straining against my trousers. At a word you're ready for anything In the presence of the yoni you are always willing to offer your all You are a religious icon worshipped in thousands of temples throughout the world. To see you gives me good luck You always comfort me if I am alone I like to stroke you until the clear elixir egins to flow and I can run my fingers easily over your head and neat shaft. If in the past I ever expressed regret at your shape or dimension I take it all ack now you are in every way perfect. You give me such pleasure willingly and unreservedly I love the feel of you and the way you fit so neatly in my lover's organ Stay with me always lead me into the ways of pleasure for thine is the comedom the stimulator and the messy one for ever and ever a man The yoni replies I really like my fanny I like what it does I like the way that each day it surprises me with its moods Sometimes calm and thoughtful other hot and wet dying to e touched. Sometimes a mere word gets me going or the sight and feel of a hard cock sliding near my legs, touching my clitoris with its wet tip All offerings are accepta le to me, large or small
I am also a religious icon worshipped everywhere To see me dispels all evil influences !hen you stroke me with a finger or tongue I "uiver with excitement Soon the clear love #uice flows from me, from my lover, mouth and cock $outh, nipples and clitoris, these three are apiece I love the feel of you, finger inside, tongue in me. If when loodied and owed I think on you you are in every way perfect. Thrust hard into me, or let me gentle slide over your cock I don't mind, I love it all ways Stay in me and I will lead you in the ways of pleasure with or without a condom for ever and ever yes %$ogg &''()
Bez Your altar shall e a ridge across across the chasm of faith The chasm of faith, that opens on all sides I stand alone, o one tiny pinacle of rock like a penis, reaching up penis, like a pen auhtoring the world you sag, then tendon loosened y age no longer do you pen creation to your chest you fall forward, inviting the hand, to caress you. *e+ was there also dancing his eternal dance arms outstretched and supporting something, I don't know what legs ent at the knees feet splayed like a dog transparent, miniature *e+ swim in the air efore tum ling, confusing more certainty That is how *e+ protects, y his very strangeness ,e makes demons laugh and they forget their purpose and "uietly fade away efore anyone notices them and asks them their usiness.
The God Arrival -Spell for a vision of .siris/!epwawet -the wolf0 in his astral form .rion. Adapted from 1raeco23gyptian $agical 4apyri y 5aton Shual, 4riest of Seth. &&th 6e ruary &''7ev. $ake a talisman -a phoenix0 written with myrrh water and #uniper water. As your recite the words, stretch out your hand with the talisman in it, offering it to the moon and stars. Arrange your candles in the shape of the constellation .rion0 The 8.9 is a word of power in ancient texts, and could e transferred into a chant of ar arous wolf chant) . Isis . :ephthys, . :o le soul of .siris !epwawet, ancient wolf god come to me; I am your eloved son/daughter ,orus/Sothis . 1ods who are in the sky . gods who are in the earth, . gods who are in the primeval waters . gods who are in the south . gods who are in the north . gods who are in the west . gods who are in the east <ome to me tonight; Teach me all that I need to know Teach me all that I ask =o it now and do it "uickly
The God
I shall speak to you in ar arous names 2 -understand them0 Saffaior *aelkota 5ikatoutara 3kennk >ix I am the great spirit who is inexora le
Itien2tankhou2kheokh =oou ?amai Ara ennak Antrafeu *ale Siten#i Arten *enten Akra 3nth .uanth *ala ?oupla Srahenne =ehenne 5ala#ou 5hatemmok *a#ne *ala ?amai The day of @eus -Thursday0 is my special day 6rom the first hour until the fifth hour I am a cat and on the eight hour I am again a cat -so shall you e0 Atter these words to me ,ail to you .siris lord of the netherworld $aster of urial2rites !hose home is south of the Thinite nome You who are worshipped in A ydos You who sit in Africa Ander the shade of the tree of Thoth whose glory is in 4a2shalom 4raise to you Aleph2 eth *ring to me the >ord of ,osts 4raise to you Adonai 1reat IA. *ring to me the archangel $ichael The mighty hand of god 4raise to you Anu is 8=weller in the house of the son of Isis9 shall e your secret name you who dwell upon the sacred mountain ,ail to you Thoth twice great lord of wisdom 4raise to all gods 4raise to all goddesses !ho are with you Akhnoui Akham 6our fold lord of ,osts The sky is your name Sa2 a2sha is your name .rion the valient is your name
So let .siris who is in the underworld #oin him who is in the sky let them oth arise and come in and answer that which I ask of them The answer may come in the form of a dream or oracular vision. The a ove is freely adapted from 4=$ suppl &BC2BD and 41$ IE &2DF 3dition and translation pu lished in , = *et+ 'The 1reek $agical 4apyi in Translation'G And T =uHuesne '<aduceus' 4re endal &'DD
Amba "hakti sweet smelling, Am a, perfume of immortality I urn for you again, on your altar. >ord of confusion 4apa, Seth, - e merciful0 send a storm to cool me I drew you down and you sent such ecstasy and pain Self choosing Am a, how I cry for you gone to another I remem er A moon, my mind is reflecting on you The sun within me rises, strong and steady $elanchole, Am a I am wounded at irth ut strong is my sex warm and fiery The #ourney that we start together must e finished alone as an arrow goddess you take on new flesh and from the heart let fly
#lo$d Messenger Are there clouds where you areI There are clouds here now, many clouds perhaps as the winds change they will move to the east and y some o scure and tortuous route these same clouds will pass over your head such was the thought of the ancient poet precipitatng the misery of all separated lovers 4erhaps those same trade winds that rought your ancestors will draw my cloud messenger down, down toward the hot e"uator where men, fearing the power of women cover them As the cool evening comes, I look down on secret meetings, where, hair loosed women sweat, and convulsing their odies call demon lover9s their great lack tresses hang down, I low them a kiss and reveal myself for an instant, a patch of moist emotion, in their dryness :ow a long #ourney over nameless oceans where old ones rule guided y instinct =arkness elow me, unfamilar stars a ove me I am a feint trace of consciouness trying to touch something in all this darkness <all me and guide me in >et me come lying over you
your ody strong eneath me like the earth reveal yourself to a gentle reea+e that lows from me caressing your skin open, as I open efore you and cooling drops of rain will fall upon you -for Am ashakti0 ,ave a mind to try to capture some of the essence of Tagore9s $eghaduta/<loud $essenger - it of a task this following in stream from 5alidasa and ?ayadeva; *ut lets try.
%nvocation of &$ndalini by Kri#na M r gan Bea tif ! !ike a chain of !ightning fine !ike a :!ot #? fibre0 #hining in the mind# of the #age# * bt!e are yo F the a"akener of & re kno"!edge the embodiment of a!! b!i##0 "ho#e nat re i# & re con#cio #ne## G ardian of the "ay the door"ay to the creator it #hine# in yo r mo th entrance to the region of b!i## #&rink!ed by the e!i-or of immorta!ity 9ntie thi# Knot #er&ent0 r !er of knot# nhinge yo r .a" and o&en yo r mo th the "ay of * #h mna Yo are godde## of earth too # rro nded by eight #hining mo ntain# Indra &rotect# yo "ith hi# mighty arm# and hi# great0 e!e&hant mo nt !ike a $a#t mo ntain of #moke #tand# by *e$en too are the mo ntain# #ecret k !a name of yo r &!ace# )ar$ati of the tribe ye!!o" are yo ,am0 yo r mantra Yo "ho maintain a!! being# by in#&iration and e-&iration Yo #!ee& o$er the body !inga K nda!ini The "or!d be"i!derer gent!y yo co$er the door "ith yo r o"n mo th ,ike the #&ira! of the conch #he!!
Yo r #hining #nake !ike form goe# three and ha!f time# aro nd *hi$a yo r m rm r i# of !o$e #ick bee# yo in#&ire &oetry yo make #igi!# :bandha? yo r #nake form f!o"# thro gh a!! !ang age I meditate &on K nda!ini #e!f cho#en godde## of manife#t and nmanife#t #o nd A yo ng gir! are yo in the f !! b!oom of yo th "ith fine brea#t# adorned "ith a!! adornment# !ike the f !! moon0 red in co!o r "ith re#t!e## eye# !ike a #nake Yo r #eat i# a !ion I "or#hi& yo in a triang!e I offer "ater to yo r "ater b!ood to yo r b!ood #emen to yo r #emen acce&t "hat I offer the "hite and the red f! id# mi-ed together tran#form them0 find the ra#a in them enter again the root of me Bh .angi0 k nda!ini Tri& ra # ndari godde##
Gate# in the De#ert : nfini#hed?G On the ne" moon Taking the &ath of the # n to the cro##road# "ith the Mi!ky 7ay !ook to the "e#t acro## the de#ert "here a #&irit .o rney# from o t#ide to the nder"or!d e$en a# O#iri# .o rneyed from the in#ide to the #ky' dre##ed in be#t c!othe#0 "earing a good hat' 5ear Ra #ayG The de#ert i# bright0 I gi$e !ight "ith "hat i# in me' Oh tho "ho de#troye#t men0 "ho are fi!!ed "ith the cho#en one of the God#F breath be gi$en to yo 0 among#t "hom I am' !et there be ray# for yo 0 d"e!!er# of the region# of offering#' My g!ori # right eye :the # n? i# for yo '' I ha$e ordered de#tr ction0 the de#tr ction of my enemie#' The God# re&!yG Thi# neck :re&re#ent#? "ord# of command fo the Great God' 5e "ho !ift# & hi# memner#' Come to #0 to # "ho ha$e come o t of him' 5ai! to the One in hi# di#k0 the Great God "ith n mbero d form#mH The gift# are bread0 tehir beer i# D.e#ert0 their refre#hment i# "ater' Ra #ay#G My eye i# &on yo ' My ray# are yo r again0 for yo and for the one IO#iri#J "ho i# at re#t among yo ' KO&en the Door# of the 7e#tL D' =ie"ing the Bar3 e of Ra *ee the night boat of the # n *teered by magick0
"i#dom at the &ro" Cheered by the b!e##ed dead "ho #&oke and !i$e on tr th and remain a# God# of the "e#t' ,ike a King I go "ith Ra &on a ce!e#tia! ri$er Bet"een the commanding &i!!ar# re"ard and & ni#hment The midd!e "ay take not bo nd to good or chained by tho ght# of #in' (' The midnight ho r of the # n the mid&oint of my .o rney my Ba #&irit0 re nite "ith my f!e#h "hich i# in$i#ib!e0 a# are the &art# of them that bear it & b t e$en #o0 !et it be knon" byt it# #hado"# There i# a . dgment #cene b t on!y if yo "ant it here in the door"ay . #t before yo come in a f!eeting image of O#iri#0 on hi# throne yo r heart in the ba!ance Thi# i# a &!ace "here demon# are tran#fi-ed ,ion headed God# c t# & the coi!ed0 fire #&itting #er&ent0 7here the #on# of 5or # ho!d it# body "ith there b!ade#' The neme#i# of enemie# bo nd to the &o#t# of the earth God Geb'
1' Behind the 5ori8on "ith the #o!ar di#c contained in a #carab' 2' The decea#ed knee!# before the enthroned Ram' There are t"o a!tar#0 one "hich are ,i!!ie#0 t"o $a#e# and a ba#ket' Offering# to Am nHRam 4' ,ed to an o&en door by a Cat%headed God0 ho!ding a "hi&' Thi# door i# the K)orta! of the )!ace of Tr thL' 5ere KI am . #tified and enter the 5o!y ,andL
6' Rebirth of O#iri#HRa' A h ge #er&ent in "ho#e coi!# #tand the fo r #on# of 5or #' Thi# i# to do "ith the my#terie# of m mmification'The fore&art# of the #er&ent &a## nder a triang !ar mo nd of har$e#ted grain' It# head ri#e# o$er that of the re$i$ied O#iri#' 5i# #kin b!ack0 hi# beard b! e' O&en door# of the Ea#tern 5ori8on % a#cent to ,ife or Immorta!ity