Ann RPT 2010 v5
Ann RPT 2010 v5
Ann RPT 2010 v5
IPC Annual Report 2010
Pastor's Report Session Report 3 5
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Sisters in Service TRI CITY VOLUNTEERS Our world mission / outreach projects locations below:
Personnel Committee Stewardship Team Homework Club Congregational Life Team Boy Scout Troop 102 Building and Grounds Committee Chinese Ministry Tri City Free Breakfast Program Finance Committee
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Pastor's Report
Looking ahead to 2011
IPC is where friends and families from all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on Lifes journey.
God did great things at IPC in the year 2010. He has positioned us to advance strongly in 2011 to glorify God as we fulfill our mission statement. In January the California Parents and Teachers Association awarded the Golden Oak, their highest possible honor, to the Irvington Presbyterian Homework Club Angels for our work raising the grades and test scores of Hirsch students. The staff there deeply appreciate our help. Hirsch also saw the second year of the Kids Club, staffed by volunteers from IPC and Harbor Light Assembly of God, to provide Bible teaching and good news of Jesus to students at Hirsch. The Kids Club runs about 70 students and is going very well. The year 2011 will see God bless more and more students at Hirsch through our presence on that campus. We have seen a carry-over to ministries on our own campus and can expect that to keep on in 2011. The Tri-Cities Free Breakfast Program continued to grow. One Friday in 2010 saw our cheerful volunteers serve a record 247 guests a hot, nutritious, free, sit-down breakfast with endless refills on orange juice and everything else, plus live music. Here again, we anticipate growth in this excellent and unusual offering to many needy people. Our Youth and Childrens Ministries Director, Nancy Angulo, left us in the middle of the year because her husband Victor was called to pastor a church in Illinois. God provided the funds, through the generosity of our people, to add to our staff Anh Truong, part-time Youth Leader, and Jeanette Beland, part-time Childrens Ministries Director. God has given us
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church very strong staff and volunteers to move ahead in 2011 reaching young people for Jesus Christ with programs on our campus. In 2011 we sent five IPC members to Brazil to help and learn from Hope Unlimited, a ministry to rehabilitate street children. Missions giving in 2010 was around 16% of general fund budget, and missions pledges for 2011 are strong. The missions team expects to expand our world-wide impact for Jesus Christ in the year 2011. The year 2010 saw great financial blessing for IPC thanks to some unusual one-time gifts, a higher level of regular giving and our rentals. With these added resources we can expand our ministries in 2011 to keep on riding the wave that God has given us. For the year 2011 we welcome a new crop of Deacons and Elders in leadership to keep us on track in serving our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These church officers bring new energy and vision to pick up on what God would have us do in 2011. God has given us, as you can see, dynamic ministries with school students. We hope to see growth in these in the year 2011, especially getting kids into music and drama. Our mutual love, caring and joy is a great witness to Gods presence among us, shining out into 2011. Yours in the love of Jesus Christ, Pastor Michael Boyland
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Session Report
The Session is responsible for the mission government of a particular church. This comprehensive responsibility includes the receiving of members, providing for worship, supervising the educational program, establishing the annual budget, providing for the management of the physical property ( building, grounds, equipment and furnishings), general administration, staff supervision, working with the deacons, keeping accurate rolls of the members, maintaining relationship with the higher governing bodies of the church, and leading the congregation outward in evangelism and mission. (From the Presbyterian Church Book of Order). The Session of Irvington Presbyterian Church met in 2010 for 11 stated regular meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month. There was no regularly scheduled meeting for the month of July because of Pastor leave. The Session also held 14 special meetings (six were online) for receiving new members, setting the budget, approving rental agreements for Tree Frog Driving School and Clearwire Communications, electing commissioners to Presbytery, approving church use for election polling station, authorizing carpet for youth room, and meeting with deacons.. Three congregational meetings were held in 2010. One in January and February and the last in December. On January 31, a congregational meeting elected Dan Kingman as elder for Buildings and Grounds. The February 25 congregational meeting was for the purpose of conducting the annual business meeting of the church: (1) receiving the annual report; (2) electing the Corporation officers President Carole Ann Kinslow, Secretary Dave Wegener, and Treasurer Don Carson; (3) reaffirming the call of the Rev. Dr. Michael Maurice Boyland as pastor per the terms in the budget; (4) calling of members-at-large to serve on the nominating committee for 2010. The two At-Large members are Shirley Murray and Murry Hughes. A third At-Large position was unfilled. The December 19 congregational meeting was for the purpose of electing new Deacons and Elders who would start serving in 2011.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Session placed 10 more members on the inactive rolls increasing the tally to 17. Members on the inactive rolls for more than two years can be officially removed them from the membership rolls. Session encourages inactive members to be active Christians through renewed participation either here or at another church. Session takes this action to encourage inactive members to actively associate with a church wherever they may have gone onto; and to minimize paying per capita taxes. The official church active membership revisions are: January l, 2010 ............................................................... 124 members Katherine Fletcher Kamroon Baksh Jean Landrum Youth baptism Kayla Doyle New members +9 Youth Baptism Tesliana Young 2010 Michael Flenniken, Cecil Litherland, Tim & Jean Stachowiak Membership Transfers to other churches - None Dan & Holly Chaikin Nancy Eddy Herman Rabe Maggie Newkirk Andrew Latrielle Florentino & Sylvia Ramirez David Wilson Ashton Simpson Previous Inactive Roster : Eugene
Aguilar, James Blizel, Bradley Cartier, Steve Dang, Rebecca Latreille, Maisha Ollison, Jack Shaw
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Our special thanks to every one who served on the 2010 session and all the people before them and after. Serving on Session in 2010 were: Worship - Ken Ariathurai,- Class of 2011 Christian Equipping - Peter Bade. Class of 2010 Moderator - Michael Boyland Ex Officio Finance - Don Carson. Class of 2011 Clerk of Session - Ron Fong, Class of 2010 Stewardship Jeff Jaycox, Class of 2012 Building and Grounds, - Dan Kingman, Class of 2012 Missions Carole Ann Kinslow, Class of 2010 Church Alive - Jenni Pellot, Class of 2010 Personnel/Nominating ,-Dave Wegener, Class of 2011
Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church
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Church Irvington Address 4181 Irvington Ave City/State Fremont , CA 94538 Church Phone 510 657-3133 Fax 510 657-7040 Email Address Internet Web Site Membership Prior Active Members: 124 Gains Losses 17 & Under: 2 Certified: 18 & Over: 7 DeathsCertified: 0 Other: Other: 0 Total Gains: 9 Total Losses: Total Active Members: 120 Inactive: 17 Total Adherents: 137 Female Members: 72 Average Attendance: 99 Baptisms Child Baptisms: 2 Adult Baptisms: 0 Age Distributions of Active Members 25 & Under 4 26 - 45: 14 46 - 55: 10 56 - 65: 30 Over 65: 62 Total: 120
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People with Disabilities Hearing 2 Sight 1 Mobility 3 Other 0 _____________________________________________________________ Christian Education Birth 3: 4 Grade 7: 3 Age 4: 3 Grade 8: 1 Kindergarten: 12 Grade 9: 3 Grade 1: 4 Grade 10: 2 Grade 2: 7 Grade 11: 5 Grade 3: 15 Grade 12: 8 Grade 4: 4 Young Adults: 6 Grade 5: 2 Over 25: 35 Grade 6: 3 Teacher/Officer: 12 Total: 129 _____________________________________________________________ Racial Ethnic Membership Elders Deacons Breakdown Asian 11 3 0 Black 2 0 0 Hispanic 0 0 0 Native American 1 0 0 White 106 6 11 Other 0 0 0 Totals 120 9 11
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church The first focal point was the policy of "Graceful Separation". "Graceful Separation" means that when a church has schism with the denomination over an theological issue of polity, and wishes to secede from the denomination and move to another reformed denomination, then the church will be allowed to take its lands and property with it. The church lands and property currently do not belong to a local church. All title is held in the name of the Presbytery. Previous to 2009, the Presbytery would keep the land and buildings on a church property while the people would have to leave and find new facilities. This has been a source of much tension in Sacramento Presbytery and elsewhere. The San Francisco Presbytery, wishing to avoid such conflict, preemptively adopted a policy in 2009 that would provide a peaceful and orderly process that would allow seceding churches to leave PCUSA with their land and facilities without conflict or rancor.
Danville Presbyterian exercised this policy in late 2010 to leave PCUSA. Presbytery voted in 2010 to allow Danville to "gracefully separate" with certain financial negotiatied conditions, but then also voted to a moratorium on any further use of this policy pending review. A review was warranted to better define a more decent and orderly transitional process for the exit of churches and their impact on the ministry of the San Francisco Presbytery. Concerns to be reviewed include what is a a fair contribution of the departing church to Presbytery miniistries and finances as well as what is the ministry impact of losing PCUSA presence in a community. The second manifestation of this tension was the church trial of Lisa Larges, an avowed homosexual, and whether or not she could be a
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church candidate for ministry, the first step towards ordaination as a pastor in the PCUSA. Current PCUSA policy, as spelled out in the Book of Order and as has been argued over the past several General Assemblies, does not allow practicing homosexuals to be officers of the church. A contentious church lawsuit ensued over the issue mirroring the divide across the nation over the homosexual issue. The Presbytery Judicial committee ruled in 2009 Larges would have to be considered eligible to a candidate without ruling on the larger issue of her homosexuality. Allowing Larges to be a candidate for ministry would be a first for the PCUSA; and if Larges is ordained as a pastor, it would jeopardize our denomination's foundation of polity based on the Book of Order. The decision was appealed to Synod. The Synod Judical Committee in 2010 ruled 5-4 upholding the Presbytery J-Comm decision allowing Larges to be a candidate for ministry. The Evangelical Caucus is appealing the ruling. The issue is now proceeding to the General Assembly Judicial Committee for resolution. Continue to watch and pray for a decently and orderly resolution in 2011. Synod addresses the western region of the country and meets three times a year. Synod of the Pacific is governed by 52 Commissioners elected by the 11 Presbyteries within its boundaries covering northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. One of the benefits of synod is their investment and loan services. They provide interest checking to the church at 3.25% and 6 month certificates of deposit to churches at 3.75%. General Assembly (GA) is the Biennial convention of the national church government and meets once every two years. The GA consists of commissioners elected by presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ordained ministers. The other half will be elders. The GA reviews the work of synods, resolves controversies in the church, is responsible for matters of common concern for the whole church, and serves as a symbol of unity for the church which has 2.3 million members, more than 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ordained and active ministers.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church The 218th GA in June 2008 was in San Jose at the HP Pavilion ( The Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow of San Francisco was elected as the Moderator of GA, It is the highest elected position in the PCUSA. Chow is the 1st Asian-American to be moderator. His term ended with the 219th GA July 3-10, 2010 was in Minneapolis, Minnesota ( The next GA will be the 220th GA to be held in Pittsburg Pennsylvania on June 30-July7, 2012. Elder Joan Fong served on the Denominational National Mission Development Resource Committee in charge of loans and grants; and the Synod Judical Commission in 2010; and on the Presbytery Graceful Separation Review Committee. Pastor Michael Boyland served on the Presbyterian Committee on Ministry. Please provide for wisdom and strength for Boyland and Fong as they serve in leadership and help our denomination wrestle with these issues. We are blessed at IPC to have so many caring and loving and praying people. God really has spread his grace on this church in the midst of all the financial turmoil of 2010. We have seen much activity in the youth arena and the financial area for which we praise God for. IPC is positioned in a very unique location and place in these times. We look forward towards what new and amazing things God has in store for us in 2011 as we continue down this fantastic life journey God has given us. Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church
IPC is where friends and families From all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on lifes journey
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Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons for the year 2010 consisted of nine members. They were:
Moderator June Dawson Vice Moderator Lynnette Ariathurai Secretary Alexis Di Maggio Treasurer Deloris Anderson
We wish to thank Dan Kingman for monitoring and giving out the medical supplies during 2010. Because there were only nine of us, we were unable to provide this service. It was a very busy year for the group. Parishes: Members of the congregation and regular attendees are divided into parishes. Each Deacon is assigned a parish. The Deacon is to care for the needs of those in their parish, pray for them and help them in any way they can when called upon to do so. Prayer Chain: One of the most important services of the Deacons is the Prayer Chain. Any member of the church may call the church office, the Prayer Chain Chairperson, the Deacon Moderator, the Pastor or any Deacon to be put on the prayer chain. The prayer chain consists of the
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church current deacons, a few retired deacons, and the elders on Session. In 2009, the Prayer Chain Chairperson found that using email to disseminate the majority of prayer requests was much more efficient. Telephone calls are still made to those who do not have access to the Internet. In 2010, the prayer chain carried 176 prayer requests to our Lord asking for His help in many varied situations. Deacons have arranged transportation, provided meals for those who are ill, made hospital visits and care home visits, as well as sending birthday, sympathy and anniversary cards. Deacons also notify members of their parish of special activities, such as the church picnic. Four memorial service receptions were held for those called home by the Lord in 2010 (Don Jorgensen, Fred Conwell, Clara Mae Ridley and Marie Mullen - Jenni Pellot's mother) . The Deacons provided and served food for the receptions after the memorial services giving solace to the families as well. For Easter and Christmas, the Deacons provided and sold flowers to the congregation. The Sacristy looked so beautiful and after each holiday, the plants were taken home by the buyers. For Mother's Day, the Deacons made corsages for the ladies of the congregation. The deacons also keep the flower calendar and see that flowers are provided in the sanctuary each Sunday for worship. For Father's Day, strawberry shortcake was served after the Sunday Service. In October, after the Sunday service, we honored Pastor Michael with "Pastor Appreciation Day". We served fruit and desserts and everyone enjoyed it. In 2010, six high school graduates were given inspirational books to aid them in becoming closer to the Lord as they transition into adulthood. In October, the Deacons hosted a baby shower for Anh Truong, our new Director of Youth Ministries for his lovely wife Eachan and beautiful daughter Charis Bella Truong born August 10.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Additionally, the Deacons also: Serve coffee, tea, and juice after services each Sunday. Prepare the elements and help serve Communion on the first Sunday of each month and for special communions approved by Session. Prepare Communion for the Pastor to take to shut-ins. Deacons also wash the serving trays and chalice after the service and all Deacons pick up empty Communion cups from the pews. Attends each monthly Session meeting to give a report from the Deacons and to bring a report back from Session to the next Deacons meeting. Keep an inventory of medical supplies and loan to members as needed. In 2010, $3,499 was given to needy recipents. This was 75% of our benevolence donations. The Deacons have voted to limit the amount given to the need to $500 per person at any one time. The 2011 budget will increase the amount of benevolence being given since church service expenses (less flowers) will be carried by the general fund. Although it was a very busy year, the Deacons felt privileged to serve the congregation of Irvington Presbyterian Church. Moderator June Dawson 2010 Board of Deacons
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Deacons Treasurers Report 2010 Beginning Balance 2010 Deacons Fund $2,719.11 Income Expenses Collections and Donations $4,630.50 Flowers 1,397.75 Pastor Gift 865.00 Total Income Deacons $6,893.25 Charity / Benevolence Benevolent Gifts / Family Assist Pastor Discretionary Church Service Deacon Supplies Coffee & Supplies Juice Flowers Receptions Special Events Pass Thru Pastor Gift Total Expenses Deacons $ 3,269.00 $ 200.00 $ 321.86 $ 458.90 $ 125.25 $1,280.94 $ 831.96 $ 222.71 2010 $ 865.00 $7,575.62
$2,036.74 Closing Balance 2009 Deacons Fund *** Preliminary Figures unaudited. *** Does not include cost or receipts of 2010 Christmas Poinsettas Note: This is the Deacon Treasurers report only. All Deacons Funds are administered directly by the Deacons and not part of the Churchs General Fund or Missions Fund. A policy change was adopted in 2010 that nonbenevolence church service expenses will be paid from the church general fund instead of the deacons fund. Note: Benevolence total of $3469 is 75% of benevolence donations $4630.
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Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee began meeting in September to fill the positions of Deacons and Elders needed and called to service in our church ministry beginning in 2011. The committee consisted of Chair Dave Wegener, Session representative Ron Fong, Deacon Representative Lynnette Ariathurai, and At Large members Murray Hughes, Shirley Murray and Pastor Michael Boyland. The Irvington Presbyterian Church by-laws call for 12 Elders and 15 Deacons. At this time our church officers consists of 9 Elders and 11 Deacons. Four Elders and 7 Deacons were nominated and elected into office. Currently the church officers are as follows: Deacons: Class of 2011 June Dawson Dawn Lunn Shirley Murray Mary Wolfe Jeanette Olison Thea Pex Karen Jaycox Kathy Flenniken Geraldine Hoyt Peggy Handano Helen Jorgensen
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Class of 2011 Ken Ariathurai Don Carson Dave Wegener Jeff Jaycox (Worship) (Finance) (Nominating/Personnel) (Stewardship) (Clerk of Session) (Building and Grounds) (Church Alive) (Christian Equipping) (Missions)
Ron Fong Pat Hughes Bob Reavis Lynnette Ariathurai Tim Stachowiak
To the outgoing Deacon, Alexis DiMaggio, and the outgoing Elders Peter Bade, Jenni Pellot, Carole Kinslow and Dan Kingman ,we thank you for your ministry and service. Respectfully Submitted, Dave Wegener Committee Chair Nominating Committee
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Worship Committee
Worship Committee is responsible for pulpit supply, worship assistants, ushers, greeters, sound system volunteers, wedding hostesses, wedding policies, and inviting Elders and Deacons to serve communion. The committee provides sanctuary banners and works with the Pastor and Music Director in the design and flow of worship services. We celebrated the Lords Supper on the first Sunday of Each month and on Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. We were very fortunate to have Daniel Khuc continue with us as Organist/Pianist. We are blessed to have Jonathan Fadner, a graduate in music from UC Berkeley, continue to direct our Kenaniah Choir and the Irvingtones band as they lead us in worship. The Worship Committee met with Pastor Michael and the Music Director. A special thank you to Carroll Kinslow and the Blizels for organizing the greeters & ushers for each Sunday; for Shirley Murray for her work as wedding coordinator; and the sound system volunteers. Thanks to Dave King for hanging the banners every Sunday. Thanks also to Darlene Neesham for coordinating the Deacons for Communion service and to for coordinating the Communion Stewards overall. IPC Celebrated Good Friday and Christmas Eve with special services. The program Christmas Program included adults, youth and children singing and narrating, and IPC Deacons provided a nice reception afterward. CityServe, the ministerial association of Fremont, Newark and Union City, presented a prayer gathering every three months.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Children's Time in worship service was continued in 2010.
Id like to thank all the people who participated in the Worship Service during 2010. Ken Ariathurai, Chair IPC Worship Committee
4000 2010 Cumulative Attendance 3000 2009 Cumulative Attendence 2007 & 2008 Cumulative Attendence 2000
2010 Cumulative Attendance up 0.4% over 2009 2010 Weekly Attendance Average 99- per week above the same as 2009
0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
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The 2010 year was very challenging for the CE team. With the poor economy and the church budget being in the red, Session was looking at all church committees on ways to get our church budget in line including reducing the youth director hours. Then, before the hours were reduced, we had Nancy Angulo, our youth director leaving us in the middle of the year since her husband got a job elsewhere. Then we had a family that had 4 children that participated in the youth programs but had to move to another state. Vacation Bible School was not held. The Hawaiian Ministries Conference here in Fremont was cancelled since they could no longer afford traveling to the mainland. And we decided to do a search of 2 youth workers instead of one so we could find someone to work with the younger children and someone else to work with the older children. Challenging Times indeed! But through all this the Lord had answered our prayers. We interviewed and hired 2 part time youth directors. Jeanette Beland who covers the lower age children, and Anh Truong who is directing the Jr. High to College kids. Anh has redone the youth room with new carpet,paint, a video monitor and furnishings with most of the work being done on his own time. Jeanette has transformed the weekly evening Wefil (WeFIL is an acronymn standing for Weaving Faith Into Life) program into iKidz. The Tuesday evening iKidz Club is attracting new kids and parents from nearby Hirsh elementary school. The local homework club has been a blessing and attracting a lot of kids - as much as 70 students. Our church volunteers who attend the program are teaching them Bible songs and are helping kids who had
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church disciplinary issues be better socially. The kids look forward to the homework club and God is helping us reach our local children. In 2011 the CE team is looking into a youth music program and with this, we would need to allocate more funding for Jeanette Beland to work with our Music Director. Our wish would be to have the youth participate in music programs to enrich their lives since our public schools have been cutting back on their programs. Our nursery has grown with new children from our church membership with Mrs. Fausia doing wonderful job at watching the children. Our Sunday school program is continuous on with Jeanette Bealand and Anh Truong instructing along with teachers Joan Fong, Carol Lynn, Dave Wegener, Lynnette Ariathurai, Jean Stachowiak and Jeanette Ollison. Group Worship in Sunday School was also continued this year before the kids break off into their age group Sunday Schools. BASS, the annual Bay Area Sunday School Conference for Christian workers in early March. continues to be a resource and renewal opportunity for the whole church. I want to thank all the volunteers for their time and efforts for helping with the CE programs. Dave Wagener, Carol Lynn, Joan Fong, Jeanette Ollison, Darlene Neesham, Nick McClure, Lynnette Arianthurai. For those not mentioned but have given the time and efforts and donations, thanks you. God Bless to all, In the name of Jesus, Thank you, Peter Bade 2010 CE chair.
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Its a pleasure to be a part of what God is doing at IPC. Since my arrival here in August, weve been busy reviewing our goals and purpose for touching the lives of children and their families in the Fremont/Irvington area. Currently, our focus has been outward directed. IPC has made vital connections at Hirsch Elementary through our Homework Club. Members of our church tutor upper elementary students several times a week. Through their love, support and presence lives are being changed. Hirsch administration reports that they are seeing an increase in testing scores, and many children who participate are improving in their behavior and social skills. Additionally, IPC members are active participants in Hirschs weekly Kids Klub. This is a remarkable opportunity for children to experience a weekly Bible club held after school on Hirschs campus. Again, lives are being changed as children build relationships with loving, caring adults and deepen friendships with classmates. Were thankful to have the opportunity to affect the spiritual lives of so many children each week. On our own campus Tuesday nights are filled with fun, energy and discovery through our midweek program BLAST. With a consistent group of 18-22 children participating weekly we gather together for dinner, games and a teaching time. We have been blessed with a large group of volunteers this year 4 hospitality volunteers who see that our kids have a great healthy dinner and are welcomed and made to feel at home and. 5
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church volunteers who directly work with and support our two age groups of children. In 2010 we focused specifically on evaluation. We looked at where God has been actively at work; creating a vision and mission for Childrens Ministries here at IPC and beginning to lay a foundation what will reenergize our mission to the surrounding community. In addition to our outreach activities, we have seen neighborhood families join us for events such as our Fall Fest, musical performances in service and at Christmas.
Beginning in 2011 we are making small, measured changes to how we do Childrens Ministries at IPC. Our mission/vision statement is Creating experiences for children and families to Pray+Grow+Celebrate, This year well be focusing specifically on: Building meaningful relationships with the local neighborhood Shifting our focus from child centered programs to family centered experiences Increasing our presence in the local community Increase the number of adults ministering to our children/families As we begin to make small, intentional changes in how we support children and families, our need for more individuals will increase. We cannot expect to make inroads into our neighborhood with only a handful of very dedicated volunteers. It will take a village to impact this neighborhood and transform lives through the power of Jesus. I invite you to hold up our ministry this year, and to consider how you might be able to join us in this amazing adventure! Touching Hearts, Changing Lives one child at a time. Jeanette MJ Beland Director Children's Ministry
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church WYLDLIFE FELLOWSHIP We had great relationship with Young Life over the years that aided in our past Junior High fellowship. However, it was not our main focus this year, but is in the works for 2011. 2011: Wyldlife will be meeting at IPC until the end of the year. This is a great opportunity for us to provide a Junior High fellowship for us and the community. FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP Reviving our high school weekly fellowship was a blessing. I had already established a fellowship prior called 12Stones, which we were able to merge the students at IPC with 12Stones. Something about the meetings on Friday night creates a place for students to feel at home and invite their friends. 2011: We continue to meet to discover what a family is about by living it together. from nothing to something Our family here is a community. All of us come from all backgrounds and situations. Diana Lam, IPC Youth
COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP We currently have a limited amount of young adult and families at IPC. In order to build up the future of IPC, we need to care and grow our current college bound students. We kept the lines of communication open by providing care packages, emails, phone call, and letters. 2011: We are working towards having a college summer fellowship with a hiring a college intern. Anh Truong Director Youth Ministries
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Missions Team
"Missions: the Heart of the Church" We on the Mission Team are happy to report that because of the generosity of folks at IPC, we have been able to support missionaries who are proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ locally and in many countries. Jesus commanded us to make disciples in all people groups, and thus missions is the heart of the church. IPC missions were underfunded at first, but your Mission Team trusted the Lord to provide the needed funds to complete our obligations and, indeed, that happened. The Lord provided and we were able to honor our commitments to those we help support. It has been a year filled with many blessing and many opportunities.
Sisters in Service In January, our first Sisters in Service (SIS) meeting was held and the SIS group has continued to meet monthly to learn about the people of Sudan and to pray for their specific needs. We had the privilege of Michele Rickett, Director of SIS, speaking to us at a luncheon in April. At least 20 ladies attended this luncheon. At our September SIS prayer meeting, Erika Holzclaw, the SIS coordinator for advocacy groups for Sudan, had just returned from Sudan and spoke to us about her experiences while there.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church HOPE UNLIMITED BRAZIL TRIP On January 30, 2010 we held a Crab Feed fund raiser for the mission trip to Hope Unlimited in Brazil and we were able to raise $2,345.00 for the mission trip.
In January, the Mission Team hosted a Presbyterian Womens Council meeting and in March we served a luncheon for the Presbyterian Women of the San Francisco Presbytery. The proceeds of $380.00 from this luncheon were added to the funds for the mission trip to Hope Unlimited. The mission trip to Hope Unlimited in Brazil was held the first ten days of July. We were blessed to have Lynnette and Natalie Ariathuria, Mary Ellen McKowen, and Sarah and Richard Reavis go on the mission. In September, those traveling to Brazil gave a wonder presentation on Hope Unlimited and each person shared their experiences with the children of Hope Unlimited. TRI CITY VOLUNTEERS In our December Birthday Party for Jesus collection of gifts for the needy distributed by Tri-City Volunteers, we received 55 bags of gifts, which included more than 220 presents in all. Mission Team again wishes to thank the congregation for all your support, financially, in attendance at our special functions, with your prayers and encouragement. We cannot outgive the Lord as is evidenced and promised in Luke 6:38.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. MISSION TEAM MEMBERS Patti Boyland Pastor Michael Boyland Carole Kinslow Mary Ellen McKowen Bonnie Nichols Teresa Oliver Jenni Pellot Virginia Stull
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$8,235.70 $24,912.40
$650 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $650.00 $650.00 $1,300.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,400.00 $2,400.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 -0-0$120.00 $17,670.00
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church LOCAL MISSION / OUTREACH PROJECTS : East Bay Habitat for Humanity Tri-City Free Breakfast Program Tri-City Volunteers through our Meal-A-Month program WORLD MISSION / OUTREACH PROJECTS : Jack and Joanne Blanch - Navigators (ret.), Spanish speaking USA/Colorado Larry and Valerie Bockus - New Tribes Mission, Venezuela translating scripture - Piaroa Indians temporarily in Missouri Bill and Joyce Butler Tim and Ginny Gradin Global Sharing, Muslim peoples New Mexico, Pakistan and Sudan Northern Canada Evangelical Mission Dene peoples, Northwest Territories
George and Esther Manoukian - Child Evangelism Fellowship USA and Armenia John and Linda Miller Markku Pelanne Paul and Alice Ryon Hispanic Ministry(ret.), Arizona Richmond Seamen's Center, Richmond California Christar, Leicester, England reaching Gujarati Hindus from India
Philip and Corenne Smith - Hope Unlimited, Brazil helping street children in Brazil to know Jesus and develop vocational skills
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Markku Pelanne
Richmond Seamen's Center to sailors
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Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee is responsible for staff and assisting the committees with staff oversight and supervision. Personnel Committee consists of the chairperson for any committee/team which has paid personnel under their ministry. During 2010, there was change in the youth staff at Irvington Presbyterian Church (IPC). In May, Nancy Aguilo left the church as our Youth Worker. The position was split into two half-time positions of Children's Ministry Director and Youth Ministries Director. In July, Anh Truong was hired as Youth Ministries Director and Jeanette MJ Beland as Director of Children's Ministries God continues to bless our church with gifted and talented staff in our ministry! Paid staff at IPC include: Pastor, Michael Boyland Director Children's Ministry Jeanette MJ Beland Director Youth Ministry Anh Truong Music Director Jonathan Fadner Organist, Daniel Khuc Office Manager Frankie Cabral Bookkeeper Jeanette Ollison Financial Recorder Kathy Jeffries Nursery Attendant Fauzia Kamal Facility Manager Dan Kingman Security Assistant, Justin Chaikin Dick Hwang is Pastor of our Chinese ministry. Truly IPC is blessed with wonderful staff whose ministry continues to serve our community and world with the love and grace of Jesus Christ. David Wegener, Chairman Personnel Committee
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Stewardship Team
This year saw the transition of Jeff Jaycox into the role of Stewardship, carrying forward the effort of Russ Pennelly from prior years. Russs continued help and advice have been greatly appreciated throughout the year 2010. The first activity of 2010 for Stewardship was coordinating the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This special offering supports people worldwide experiencing need including disaster relief, refuge assistance and resettlement, and community development. A total of $447 was raised through the generosity of members, and sent on to the Presbytery to help One Great Hour in its mission. In November and December the primary effort for stewardship got into full swing the annual drive to encourage congregation members to pledge their tithes and other assistance to help IPC and its missions. Good news set the stage for this campaign. Giving had already risen and exceeded budget; and along with deliberate reduced expenses, IPC was operating with a surplus. For the first time, we found it possible to imagine how to put these resources to work in a positive way, instead of looking for ways to cut. Seven pledge drive meetings were held in November and December as part of the Stewardship 2011 campaign. The focus this year was put on Setting Priorities, with the idea that funds were up and for the first time in several years, we did not need to talk about potential cuts but instead where we might put our priorities for new investments for the future. A focus of the meetings was to have an open discussion on potential areas for spending in 2011 and beyond. This discussion was aimed at understanding how congregation members feel about the relative priorities that should be given to potential expense areas. Many ideas were raised in the group discussions:
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church 1) Childrens and youth ministries 2) Music ministry 3) Associate pastor for evangelism 4) Building and grounds improvement (not including roof or carpet) 5) Roof 6) Carpet 7) Projection system, screens 8) New projection system Every one present at the meeting was encourage to offer their own opinion on the priorities that IPC should hold to, and we had lively and constructive discussions. Overall, the pledging results were most gratifying. As of the end of December, 45 pledges totaling $161,658 have been received for the General Fund. This represents a 25% increase in the number of pledges, and a 38% increase in the amount pledged. Praise God! The stewardship year ended with the Christmas Joy special offering. $622 was raised for this offering benefits racial ethnic schools and colleges, and the PCUSA Board of Pensions assistance programs. Jeff Jaycox Stewardship Elder Pledges for General Fund Missions 2008 $109,802 $ 19,505 2009 $123,646 $ 19,002 2010 $116,000 $ 18,860 2011 $161,658 $ 25,214
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Homework Club
The Homework Club is a ministry at Hirsch Elementary School, across the street from the church, that several members of IPC have been participating in for nearly 5 years. Every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 2:35 to 3:45 p.m., three or four volunteers have been tutoring students who need extra help to succeed in school. We have heard from former students that they are now doing well with their schoolwork as a result. Mrs. Casey, Hirschs Principal, says that the students test scores have improved also. We were recognized with the California Golden Oak Award for our support of the school in 2010 by the California PTA.
The volunteer tutors find the work rewarding as we see the light bulb turn on when the students gain understanding of something that was puzzling them. Its wonderful to hear the students talk about how their grades have improved. Students who were failing in one or more subjects are proud to show us the great grade they received on a test or paper. This year the Homework Club has been especially helpful to the teachers at Hirsch who have had new responsibilities and fewer prep periods as a result of the state budget cuts. We now have up to 70 students from grades 1 through 6 attending the club. Thank you to the IPC tutors who have given many hours of their time to this ministry: Jeane Garrett, Carol Lynn, Shirley Murray, and Thea Pex. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by the students, teachers, and the principal. You have shared Gods love in a wonderful way that will make a difference in the lives of these children and in our community. Joyfully serving Him, Jeanette Ollison, Homework Club Coordinator
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church of Boy Scouts of America. Over the course of 2010, we had 9 weekend campouts, including the following:Big Basin, ISOS (In Search Of Snow) Campout, Yosemite, Del Valle Fishing Trip, a week summer camp at Wente in Willits, a beginning backpack trip in Sunol, a "Survival" campout, Shooting Sports camp at Los Mochos in Livermore, and a "Foul Weather" campout. The troop also participated in Scout Sunday, the first Sunday in February showing up to worship, read Scriptures, distribute bulletins, sing offertory, and praise God! Scoutmaster Don also came to the Crab Feed and helped share about Brazilian phrases to the missions team. Troop 102 had a very successful year in 2010. We had 3 young men receive their Eagle Scout Award and age out of the Troop, but at the same time had 10 new boys join, putting the number of boys in Troop 102 at 40. The number of boys in the unit has increased from 18 to about 40. The Eagle Scouts were Alex Shambaugh, Stephen Hicks and Jamison Galvez. Amazingly, we'll have probably that many this year also! We are so grateful to Irvington Presbyterian church for allowing us the use of their facilities. It has truly been a blessing to have both the indoor facilities as well as the spacious lawn on which the boys love to run! We look forward to 2011 continuing a great working relationship between Troop 102 and IPC. Thank you, Amy Genthner-Wright Committee Chair Boy Scout Troop 102 Don Gordon Scoutmaster Boy Scout Troop 102
Assistant Scoutmasters: Jim Colvin, Buck Cunningham, Doug Jung, John Wu, Barry Yeates, Committee members include: Amy Gensler-Wright, Committee Chair Carol Eshelman, Secretary Debbie Amato, Treasurer
plus a host of other parents John Clinton, Tim Fairbairn, Tony Gonzales
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Estimated Cost
$17,600. $3,500.00 $1,800.00 $150,000? $75,000? $10,000
Chinese Ministry
We thank God for His mercy and grace. We have had several people baptized here and then go back to Taiwan and China where they are living witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Sunday morning Chinese language service serves an average of 18 people. On Thursday nights we have ping-pong ministry, led by the Rev. Dick Hwang. There are over a dozen people who participate in this ministry with much fun, laughter and friendship evangelism happening. While the Farmers Market was here next to the church, we have gone out to witness and invite people to attend worship. Our small group is growing both spiritually and numerically. We pass out invitations and gospel tracts every Thursday morning in the Fremont Senior Center. We have also been discipling and witnessing and growing through the use of multimedia from China Soul for Christ Foundation. Glory to God. We worship Him. In Christ Elder Amy L. Wu
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church A total of 9,667 volunteer hours were used to prepare, cook, clean and serve breakfast to our guests. This number does not include the volunteer hours of those who serve on the Steering Committee or the volunteers who do food pick-up at the store for the program. In 2010 TCFBP continued to receive the following grants: City of Fremont ($14,847.00); Walter & Elise Haas Grant ($3,500.00); and Emergency Food and Shelter Program ($21,000.00). IPC Missions continues to support this mission with an annual commitment of $2,400.00. The remainder of money needed to run the program comes from other churches, individuals, organizations, and businesses giving one time or ongoing donations. The program receives donations of food from many of the local grocery stores. TCFBP reimburses the church for 52% of the utilities and 50% of the custodial expenses incurred by IPC. This year the breakfast program was overwhelmed and richly blessed with the response from the San Jose Mercury Make a Wish article. TCFBP had wished for a new refrigerator to replace the one with broken shelves that could not be repaired in the kitchen (we didnt mention the same problem with the one in the back) and because of the donors generosity the program was able to replace all of the program refrigerators and its one freezer. Praise God! TCFBP Financials 2010 Beginning Balance All Funds 1/1/10 (Includes Contingency Fund of 5,000.00) Receipts City of Fremont Grant Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Fremont Bank Foundation Fremont Cong. Church Wishbook Foundation ( Refrigerators/Freezer) EFSP (FEMA Grant) IPC Missions Walter & Elise Haas Fund General Giving Total Receipts
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$13,333.19 $500.00 $1,797.93 $385.00 $11,950.00 $21,000.00 $3,150.00 $3,500.00 $8,755.00 $64,371.12
Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church Expenditures Food Supplies Protein Purchases Kitchen/Dining Supplies Utilities Custodial Equipment Repairs & Maintenance NewsLetter/OfficeSupplies Guest Needs Christmas Gifts Guests Refrigerators (2) and a Freezer Total Expenses $6,102.95 $2,618.92 $3,447.14 $10,441.66 $10,200.00 $515.64 $982.32 $355.47 $71.66 $3,250.00 $9,614.01 $47,599.77
Ending Balance All Funds - 12/31/10 $43,501.00 The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) is a ministry of Irvington Presbyterian Church. Current TCFBP Steering Committee Members are: Betty Blizel Dining Room Manager Lisa Blizel Treasurer Don Carson Grant Writer Virginia Chan Recording Secretary Resigned 12/31/10 Deborah Davis Public Relations/Newsletter Editor Bon Dawson Program Coordinator Resigned Linda DeStigter Director Resigned 3/31/10 Richard Doberstein Food Pick-up Coordinator Jeane Garrett Food Purchasing Carole Kinslow Interim Steering Committee Chair Wayne Neesham Correspondence Secretary Jim Putler Facility Maintenance Florence Yeh Volunteer Monday Cook Lisa Young Volunteer Coordinator Thank you TCFBP Steering Committee, volunteers and supporters! You make it possible for the Breakfast Program to serve the growing number of people in our community needing help. Carole Ann Kinslow, Interim Steering Committee Chair
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Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring funds received are properly counted, deposited, held and spent. The Finance Committee ensures bills are paid promptly after approval for payment by the appropriate Committee Chairperson(s). The Finance Committee monitors all funds on deposit with Bank of America and with Synod for the IPC On Demand Savings Account and Certificates of Deposit. The Finance Chairperson keeps Session and the Congregation informed of the churchs financial situation and ensures that all committees present proposed budgets for review and approval by Session. In 2010, the Finance Committee consisted of Don Carson as Chairperson; Helen Jorgensen, Shirley Murray, Russ and Denise Pennelly, Ron Fong, and Gill Carson as volunteer Counters; Jeanette Ollison as Bookkeeper; and Kathy Jeffries as Recorder. The Chairperson monitors the functions of the Finance Committee and the IPC financial status and reports to Session and the Congregation. The Counters rotate on a weekly basis so that each week one Counter prepares and makes a bank deposit which includes all receipts for the week: general giving, special designated giving, facility rental receipts, and any other funds received by IPC. The Recorder keeps records of all income and specifically individual contributions, and sends statements to church members and other contributors for their financial records. The Bookkeeper issues checks for all approved bills and keeps financial records including payroll and tax information. Church records are kept in a secure database managed by a software program called 'Church Windows.' In 2010, the Finance Committee completed negotiations with Clearwire LLC for rental of space on the sanctuary bell tower and in the storage area for equipment to serve as part of a 4th generation wireless internet network in Fremont. The resulting lease provides a substantial rental income for a five year period with options to renew for five additional five year periods. The rental income stream began with the start of construction (now completed) in September.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church 2010 Financial Results. In 2010, the IPC General Fund financial position reversed a trend of deficit spending in recent years to achieve a substantial surplus of income over budgeted expenses. This surplus was due partly to an austerity budget and additional rental income but was primarily due increased giving and to several large individual donations. In addition, a substantial donation was received from the Chinese Ministry in response to a request for help in maintaining our youth program. See graph below for the cumulative General Fund giving results over the calendar year. On the expense side, the planned budget for personnel anticipated only half-time for our full-time Youth Director, to be spent in the first half of the year. As a result of the generous donations up to mid-year and the successful conclusion of the Clearwire negotiations, we made a decision to fund the position at full-time again. This resulted in a (deliberate) overrun in the Personnel budget. In addition, there were some un-anticipated maintenance items in the Building and Grounds area, causing an overrun. These income/expense conditions led to an actual surplus (income minus expenses) for the year of $53,612 as compared to a planned deficit of $2,788. The end-of-year General Fund balance is $116,594.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church 2011 Budget. The General Fund Budget is based on the projected income for 2011 using the historical data from the last three years, with the addition of the new long-term lease with Clearwire. For General Giving, the stewardship campaign for 2011 resulted in substantially increased pledges for the coming year. In addition, contributions in 2011 have started off very well. The additional amount in the 2011 projection over the pledged amount (about $34,000) represents Session's faith and belief that historical trends will continue. The expense budget for 2011 includes the restoration of salary increases of 2009 that were cut in 2010 as part of the austerity program, increases in Christian Equipping to fund our expanding youth programs, an increase in the music director's salary to go with expanded responsibilities in youth music, and a substantial set-aside for a new roof on the social hall to take advantage of a City of Fremont grant to the TCFBP for that purpose. Other increases for 2011 include the addition of funding to the Deacons for non-benevolent items such as coffee, juice, and communion supplies, funds for block house repair, and funding for a new projector for the sanctuary.
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church The two charts following show the relative relationship of major categories of income and expenses for 2010 actuals compared to 2009 actuals and to the 2011 budget, in graphical form:
$240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Giving Rental
IPC Income
$240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0
IPC Expenses
Personnel Bldg/Grnds
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Annual Report 2010 Irvington Presbyterian Church The 2010 actuals and 2011 budget details are as follows:
IPC 2011 Draft General Fund Budget (Modified by Session 27 January 2011, added 2010 actuals) Summary of Expense Changes from 2010 Re-instated 2009 4% COLA to affected personnel Changed Youth Directors to actual salaries added salary increase for Music Director added new projector cost Worship Building and Grou added blockhouse repair cost added social hall roof replacement additional printing costs, lowered per capita Finance Christian Equippin added budget request No Change Church Alive No Change Stewardship added budget per Session Deacons Personnel 2011 Budget Expense Summary Comparison Personnel Worship Building and Grou Finance Christian Equippin Church Alive Stewardship Weddings TOTAL 2010 Actual $ 176,457 $ 3,134 $ 64,703 $ 15,233 $ 3,988 $ 251 $ $ 746 $ 264,512 2010 Actual $ 234,005 $ 218,678 $ 4,527 $ 10,800 $ 83,990 $ 57,887 $ 18,720 $ 3,558 $ 1,386 $ 854 $ 1,585 $ 317,995 2010 Bdgt. $ 160,510 $ 2,700 $ 59,333 $ 15,300 $ 3,400 $ 2,100 $ 650 $ $ 243,993 2010 Bdgt. $ 172,000 $ 166,000 $ 6,000 $ $ 72,021 $ 47,856 $ 19,165 $ 4,000 $ $ 1,000 $ $ 244,021 2011 Bdgt. $ 185,248 $ 5,200 $ 82,233 $ 15,900 $ 6,915 $ 2,100 $ 650 $ $ 298,246 2011 Bdgt. $ 206,000 $ 200,000 $ 6,000 $ $ 98,421 $ 74,256 $ 19,165 $ 4,000 $ $ 1,000 $ $ 304,421 2011 - 2010 $ 24,738 $ 2,500 $ 22,900 $ 600 $ 3,515 $ $ $ $ 54,253 2011 - 2010 $ 34,000 $ 34,000 $ $ $ 26,400 $ 26,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ 60,400 Notes 2011 projected 2011 projected
2011 Projected Income Comparison General Giving Envelope Offering Loose Offering Other Donations Income Rental Income TCFBP Interest Other Per Capita Weddings
added Clearwire
not defined
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24,738 876 reinstate 4% COLA 1,697 reinstate 4% COLA (395) (161) (91) reinstate 4% COLA 557 add merit 85 (6) 48 reinstate 4% COLA reinstate 4% COLA, add 50% reinstate 4% COLA
Music salary guest mus. organist children director youth director youth medical nursery salary payroll taxes payroll expense workers comp pers resource Worship Recording and Sound piano tuning etc. pulpit supply bulletins bibles music recording/sound maint. resource material recording/sound supplies Other Misc
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
12,000 9,000 33,666 1,601 5,838 1,052 2,868 330 3,134 588 750 382 677 422 74 241 -
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
11,875 9,400 19,250 1,838 5,262 840 2,235 350 2,700 350 900 300 100 800 100
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
18,247 9,540 16,500 16,500 1,838 6,195 1,370 2,654 332 5,200 350 900 300 100 800 100
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
- 6 Sundays @ 150 -
$ $ $
150 -
$ $ $
150 2,500
$ $ $
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2010 Actual Building and Grounds Custodian service Helper Supplies Landscaping Facility Services Pests Garbage Gas & Elec. Internet Access Phone & email Equipment Leases Repairs Security Other Finance Misc Office supplies Postage Printing Other Bank Per capita Insurance Taxes Christian Equipping Children VBS Youth Adult ESL Leadership dev't $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 64,704 18,700 600 919 9,140 209 3,230 1,335 3,717 16,573 418 2,778 123 1,471 5,258 198 35 15,233 36 1,491 1,090 825 49 3,108 6,353 2,281 3,989 3,390 65 375 28 131
2010 Bdgt. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 59,333 18,600 1,800 8,500 1,200 3,800 16,573 2,760 1,000 1,000 2,500 600 1,000 15,300 200 1,500 1,100 300 200 3,300 6,400 2,300 3,400 1,000 550 500 100 250 1,000
2011 Bdgt. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 82,233 18,600 1,800 8,500 1,200 3,800 16,573 2,760 1,000 1,000 25,400 600 1,000 15,900 200 1,500 1,100 900 200 3,300 6,400 2,300 6,915 1,915 1,450 2,950 100 500
- facility mgr's job 22,900 600 600 printing costs 3,515 915 requested 900 2,450 requested (250) (500) Blockhouse repair; social hall roof
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$ $ $ $
Bible StudiesStudying and investing in the Word will cause you to prosper in life says Joshua. IPC abounded in opportunities in 2010 small groups in the Word. The Ladies Bible Study is on Monday mornings starting at 9:30 AM. Around a dozen women attend. Pastor Michael has the Friday morning Mens breakfast Bible study at Bay Street Cafe. Nick McClure- Holds the Joy Bible study on Sundays at 9:00 am Sunday 8 am Study is also available Pastor Michael and Patti Boyland held a Couples Bible study on every other Sunday after church. Usually 3+ couples attend. Carroll and Carole Kinslow held Bible study in their home on the 2nd and 4th Thusdays evenings. 5-7 church members attend Mary Ellen McKowen hosts a Monday evening Bible Study Chinese Bible Study in Sequoia Manor twice a month. Thanks be to the Lord for the dedication and volunteer time that our church members have done for spreading the word of the Lord through the Bible study meetings that they lead.
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