Dike Operation and Maintenance Manual Template: (For Dikes and Associated Flood Protection Works)

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Dike Operation and Maintenance Manual TEMPLATE

(for Dikes and Associated Flood Protection Works)

Public Safety Section Water Management Branch Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks January 2001

Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Dike Operation and Maintenance Manual TEMPLATE

(for Dikes and Associated Flood Protection Works)

Public Safety Section Water Management Branch Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks January 2001

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Dike operation and maintenance manual template Includes bibliographical references: p. ISBN 0-7726-4436-5 1. Dikes (Engineering) - British Columbia - Maintenance and repair. 2. Dikes (Engineering) - British Columbia Management. I. British Columbia. Water Management Branch. Public Safety Section. TC337.D54 2000 627.42'028'8 C00-960394-8

Dike Operation and Maintenance Manual Template

(for Dikes and Associated Flood Protection Works)
This document has been prepared to assist Diking Authorities and flood protection professionals in fulfilling dike safety requirements as legislated under the British Columbia Dike Maintenance Act. Standard management includes a range of activities aimed at ensuring flood protection works are repaired and well maintained, and that advance preparations are made to protect public safety during flood events. In brief, this means implementation by a local diking authority of a continuing funded program including provision for periodic inspection, performance monitoring, operation, repairs and maintenance, contingency emergency planning, and flood patrol and response all in accordance with the system Operation and Maintenance Manual. The purpose of this document is to provide advice and information to assist diking authorities in preparing new, or in updating existing, Operation and Maintenance Manuals. The document takes the form of a template which, with system specific data and expert advice, may be adapted for local use. P.J. Woods, P.Eng. Inspector of Dikes January 2001

The purpose of this document is to provide a template so that communities in areas protected by flood protection works may easily create an Operation & Maintenance (O & M) manual for their flood protection system. Large flood protection facilities, with many dikes and sophisticated equipment, will require additional operation and maintenance procedures not covered by this template. The intent of this guide is NOT to replace existing O & M Manuals, but rather to ease difficulties encountered by numerous communities where extensive, and expensive, manuals are not required. This guide is also NOT intended to fully identify the requirements applicable to new or proposed works. Such proposals will require design, construction, and documentation acceptable to Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks.. As information is added to Chapter 3, a check mark should be placed in the appropriate box on the Table of Contents and in the relevant section in Chapter 3. This will assist users of the manual to identify the information that is included. The Emergency Response Plan for the local area may be inserted into Chapter 3.

Layout of the Manual

The manual is divided into four Chapters. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 include increasing detail of information on the flood protection works and Chapter 4 includes the references. The information in the first three chapters is presented in the following order:

Administrative information including location, ownership, management, taxes; Physical description of the flood protection works; Information identifying the predictable flood hazard including high water seasons, flood history, and hydrometric data; Inspection requirements for the flood protection works; Maintenance requirements; Emergency repair work information and problem identification;

Instructions for Using the Template to Create the O & M Manual

The template is embedded within this document so that when the Fundamental Information (Chapter 2) has been completed, the template becomes the O & M Manual. To create a basic O & M Manual, the local diking community association or the Diking Authority simply needs to fill in the tables in Chapter 2, Fundamental Information. These tables are printed on the blue pages. Data specific to the flood protection works should be filled in and any inappropriate items crossed out. Once the fundamental tables are completed and the new title filled in, the basic O & M Manual is complete. Chapter 3 (yellow pages) includes information that is supplementary. Some information is already filled in as reference material. The site-specific information in the tables should be filled in over time, and technical information (including drawings, manufacturer information, etc) should be inserted directly in the binder or into a data pocket.

Emergency Response Plan (insertion is optional).

Operation and Maintenance Manual


(Dike Name) Of The _______________________________________________________________________

(Diking District)


(Dike Owner)

Dike Operation And Maintenance Manual Insert name of diking system here

Table of Contents
1. Background Information...................................................................................................................................................i 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Administration .........................................................................................................................................................1 Physical Works ........................................................................................................................................................1 Flood Hazard ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Inspection.................................................................................................................................................................2 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................................2 Emergency Work .....................................................................................................................................................3 Emergency Warning ................................................................................................................................................3 Emergency Repairs ..................................................................................................................................................3 Emergency Response Plan.......................................................................................................................................3

1.7 2.

Fundamental Information ................................................................................................................................................5 Table 1. Administrative Information for the Flood Protection System....................................................................5 Table 2. Regional and Local Contact Names and Agencies ....................................................................................6 Table 3. Summary of Legislation Applicable to Flood Protection Works...............................................................7 Table 4. Summary of Relevant Available Guides....................................................................................................8 Table 5. Overview of the Flood Protection Works ..................................................................................................9 Table 6. Physical Description of the Works ..........................................................................................................10 Table 7. Sensitive Months for Flood Concern and Hydrometric Considerations ..................................................11 Table 8. Annual Inspection Activities....................................................................................................................12 Table 9. Special Inspections ..................................................................................................................................14 Table 10. Routine Surveillance Check List (Whenever you visit the site.) .........................................................15 Table 11 Inspection and Maintenance Schedule....................................................................................................16 Table 12 Routine Maintenance Activity Summary...............................................................................................17 Table 13. Troubleshooting Guide (An Example)...................................................................................................18 Table 14. Summary of Emergency Conditions and Repair....................................................................................19


Supplementary Information...........................................................................................................................................21 3.1 Administration .......................................................................................................................................................21 Additional administrative information is included:.......................................................................................21 Table 15. Stakeholders ..................................................................................................................................22 Table 16. Property Owners within the Flood Protection Area ......................................................................23 Table 17. Local Contractors & Suppliers ......................................................................................................24 Physical Works ......................................................................................................................................................25 Additional Physical Works information is included: ...................................................................................25 Table 18 Design Criteria ...............................................................................................................................26 Flood Hazard .........................................................................................................................................................27 Additional flood hazard information is included:..........................................................................................27 Table 19. Past Flooding Events Record ........................................................................................................28 Table 20. Hydrometric Records and Streamflow Gauges .............................................................................29 Inspection...............................................................................................................................................................30 Additional inspection information is included: .............................................................................................30




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3.7 4.

Maintenance of Flood Protection Works ...............................................................................................................31 9 Additional information is included: ..............................................................................................................31 Dike Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................32 9 Table 21 Summary of Supplementary Dike Maintenance Considerations....................................................33 Slope & Bank Erosion Protection ..........................................................................................................................34 9 Table 22 Summary of Supplementary Slope & Bank Protection Maintenance Considerations....................34 Floodbox................................................................................................................................................................35 9 Table 23 Summary of Supplementary Floodbox Maintenance Considerations ............................................35 Pump Station..........................................................................................................................................................36 9 Table 24. Typical Pump Station Surveillance Checklist ..............................................................................37 Emergency Repair Work .......................................................................................................................................38 9 Additional information is included: ..............................................................................................................38 Active Boiling........................................................................................................................................................38 Excessive Slope Seepage .......................................................................................................................................39 Riverside Erosion...................................................................................................................................................39 Wavewash..............................................................................................................................................................39 Local Overtopping .................................................................................................................................................40 Internal Drainage ...................................................................................................................................................40 Emergency Response Plan inserted .......................................................................................................................40

References ........................................................................................................................................................................41


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

1. Background Information
This chapter provides background information applicable to all flood protection systems. Site specific information is included in the following chapters. An O & M Manual is the most important reference for management of the flood protection system. It is the place to turn whenever there are questions or concerns about flood protection in a community, from how to maintain vegetation, to where to turn in a flood emergency. Regular inspection and maintenance of works is necessary to maintain the dependability of the system. The O & M Manual is intended to be a comprehensive and up-to-date document into which new information will be added over time and as experience is gained. Future operators and residents can then benefit from and build on previous experience.

provincial and federal legislation applicable to works on and around the flood protection system, relevant local legislation and bylaws.

1.2 Physical Works

The flood protection works are described in this section. Areas with restricted access need to be identified, as access to the dike system is very important during emergency events. There should be no obstacles that prevent access by authorized vehicles. Access to dikes should be restricted to authorized vehicles only and access routes must be kept accessible at all times. Fundamental descriptive information is identified in Chapter 2, and includes:

1.1 Administration
Administration information is important as it clarifies the ownership and management issues specific to the flood protection system. Fundamental administration information is identified in Chapter 2, and includes the following:

An overview including identification of the watercourse, location, year of construction and upgrades, and a list of structures and associated appurtenances A description of the structures and appurtenances associated with the works including location, lengths, sizes, etc. Access difficulties and considerations.

areas and facilities that could be affected by flooding, local government and association, diking organization and taxation arrangements, management arrangements for inspection and maintenance, regional contacts including PEP, governments and authorities local contacts such as local committee or ratepayers association members, landowners and stakeholders affected by flooding or involved in management of the system,

1.3 Flood Hazard

The flood hazard, for which the flood protection works have been constructed, is identified in this section. Certain conditions and times of the year can be established as sensitive to flooding. Unexpected conditions, including rain, temperatures, storms, and debris jams, can create flood conditions at any time of the year.

Dike Operation And Maintenance Manual Insert name of diking system here

Fundamental information on the predictable flood hazard is identified in Chapter 2, including the sensitive months and the types of activities to be performed during, before, or after each period. Issues that create sensitive months include the identifiable high and low water periods and the usual wet season. Other important information includes the fisheries construction window the time period each year, for the specific watercourse, during which permits for construction MAY be obtained (through MELP). The availability of hydrometric data is also identified. Information regarding how to obtain data for this chapter can be obtained from MELP.

1.5 Maintenance
The flood protection works must be maintained to assure serviceability of the structures in time of flood. Failure to maintain works properly may render the flood protective system inoperative during periods when protection is needed. As well, neglect of maintenance will mean significant capital expenditures in the future to rehabilitate a deteriorated structure. Maintenance should correct all problems and concerns identified in inspections, and should include the control of development and construction on, through or in, the vicinity of flood control works, to ensure that the standard of protection provided by the works is maintained. Access to the dike crest, slopes and adjacent bank protection must be maintained to permit inspection and repair of the dike, bank protection, and adjacent flood protection works. Vegetation control is an important aspect of maintenance as excessive growth can obscure problems and tree roots can threaten the stability of the dike itself. Vegetation on the dike slope should ideally consist of closely trimmed grass. Tree and brush growth should be removed for the following reasons:

1.4 Inspection
Frequent periodic inspection is essential for identification of areas requiring maintenance before major problems develop. Both inspection and maintenance are required to maintain the dependability of the flood protection system. Information in this section includes a description of the items to be covered in routine annual inspections and in special inspections. Annual inspections should be completed prior to the flood hazard sensitive month of the high flow season (see above) and early enough to allow adequate time for any required work to be completed prior to possible flood events. Special inspections are conducted during high and low water events, after an occurrence of a flood or earthquake, and as needed to react to particular situations such as storms, stream channel sedimentation or degradation, ice or debris jamming events, etc. In addition to annual inspections, the appurtenances of the flood protection system (such as pump station and floodbox) may require more frequent checks to verify that the system is operational. These surveillance visits provide an opportunity for frequent surveillance to check for any obvious problems with the system. All inspections should be scheduled, conducted and documented according to the Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide (3).

Vegetation attract burrowing animals whose burrows are detrimental to dike stability. Tall vegetation obscures signs of seepage or damage to the dike which thus may go undetected and eventually cause dike failure. Tree roots, when they decompose, can encourage the development of pipes and consequent dike failure. Large trees pose an additional threat to dike stability, especially during flood events when the dike structure becomes saturated. High winds and overbank erosion during floods can cause trees to fall resulting in the displacement of dike fill material and possible failure of the dike as well as debris problems downstream. In coastal regions especially, these conditions may occur simultaneously.

BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Vegetation control should be in accordance with Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works to Protect Public Safety and the Environment (5). Fundamental maintenance information is identified in Chapter 3, and includes a schedule, based on the flood hazard sensitive months (see above), for surveillance checks, inspections, and routine maintenance activities. Maintenance may be required more frequently than identified in the schedule when safety, security, and operational issues warrant. A typical troubleshooting guide is included as a reference and this table can be modified as necessary for specific facilities.

Emergency Repairs If there is a threat of failure to the dike system, repair work that is essential to prevent the dike or bank protection from such failure should be undertaken immediately, as long as working conditions remain safe. An emergency warning (see above) should be issued if there is concern of an imminent dike failure. If high water levels are sustained for some time, and the dikes become thoroughly saturated, it may become necessary to restrict traffic on the dike crest road and in low-lying areas near the dike. A summary of emergency conditions and repairs is included in Chapter 2, Table 14, and supplementary information on failure modes and repair is identified in Chapter 3.

1.6 Emergency Work

If there is a threat to the safety of the dike, the Local Diking Authority may carry out any work that is essential to prevent the dike or bank protection from failing, when site conditions provide a safe working environment. Further information is available in the Flood Planning & Response Guide (7). The local diking authority is responsible to ensure there is adequate personnel, equipment and materials available to respond to emergency conditions. As the river rises to critical levels, crews should be prepared to undertake emergency repairs as discussed below. Environmental agencies should be consulted for advice as to good environmental practise. Emergency Warning An emergency warning is necessary when the possibility of uncontrollable dike failure is identified. Such failure could occur due to an identified potential overtopping or a breach. If a potential failure is identified, the local Emergency Response Plan should be implemented. The Local Authority and community group(s) should confine their efforts to preventing flooding while ensuring the safety of the workers.

1.7 Emergency Response Plan

An emergency response plan is important to provide for the safety of the public and is required by provincial legislation. Emergency plans are intended to prevent loss of life, and to minimize damage to and loss of property resulting from flooding. For detailed information, see the Flood Planning and Response Guide (7). A copy of the local Emergency Response Plan can be inserted in section 3.7.

Pump disassembled for maintenance.

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2. Fundamental Information
Table 1. Administrative Information for the Flood Protection System Item Areas that could be Affected by Flooding and Areas Protected by Facilities
(towns, communities, districts, public facilities, etc.)


Towns, communities, districts: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Homes, residential complexes Agricultural lands, farms, etc Airport ______________________________________ Highways, railroads ____________________________ Schools _____________________________________ Utilities, _____________________________________ Public facilities _______________________________

Local Government
(municipality / regional district) Address: Phone: Fax:

Local Association
(residents association, rate payers association, etc.)

Diking Taxes :
Paid by local residents?

If yes, Diking taxes paid to: (local government, district, association, Inspector of Dikes, etc.) Diking taxes provided to: (rate payers association, etc) By: (direct taxation / grant from district) ROW: registered Easement: registered

yes no
Dike Right-of-Way or Easement Management of System Dike Inspections

yes yes

no no

Diking Authority (under the Dike Maintenance Act): Group responsible to conduct dike inspections (Local Diking Authority, Inspector of Dikes, etc.) Is there a special agreement in place for inspections?

Dike Maintenance



Group(s) responsible to undertake maintenance activities: Is there a special agreement in place for inspections? yes no

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Table 2. Regional and Local Contact Names and Agencies Organization Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) Local Government Diking Authority MELP MELP Regional Office RCMP or Police (local detachment) Local Committee or Association Local Committee Members Stakeholders and Landowners Water Management Branch, Victoria (250) 387-1531 Office Address & Phone Representatives & Phone Numbers 1-800-663-3456 After-hours Phone Numbers

BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 3. Summary of Legislation Applicable to Flood Protection Works Legislation Type of Work Proposed Contact Authority* (for information & direction)

Written approval from the Office of the Inspector of Dikes (MELP) is required, as per the Dike Maintenance Act, prior to the start of any construction work on or near flood protection works. Approvals from other government offices may also be required. Proposed work at or near existing flood protection MELP Dike Maintenance works Act Proposed new flood protection works. Any work proposed in and about watercourses. MELP Any instream work or crossings. Water Act Proposed gravel or sediment removal or excavation. Any proposed work or vegetation removal in or MELP. Canada Fisheries adjacent to waters frequented by fish or containing DFO. Act fish habitat (marine or fresh water). Proposed gravel removal / borrowing BCAL (where the streamLand Act bed is on Crown Land). Removal of merchantable trees and wood from MOF. Forest Act Crown land including streambeds and banks. All proposed work within, above or under the MOT. Navigable Waters wetted perimeter of a navigable water (defined in Protection Act the Act). BC Environmental Major projects. (Legislation under development.) MELP. Assessment Act Provides for formation of bylaws and Improvement Local Government. Districts. PEP. Local Government Authorizes new Diking Authorities. Act Provides authority for local government to regulate diking works. Local Government. Requires a local government to establish and maintain and emergency management plan. Emergency Program Act Provides local government authority to declare a state of emergency. Other Legislation (local bylaws, etc)

MELP: BC Ministry Of Environment, Lands & Parks. MOF: BC Ministry of Forests. DFO: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Government of Canada) BCAL: BC Assets & Land Corporation MOT: Minister of Transport (Government of Canada) PEP: Provincial Emergency Program For further information on legislation relevant to flood protection works, see Guidelines for Management of Flood Protection Works in British Columbia (1), and www.qp.gov.bc.ca/bcstats/.
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Table 4. Summary of Relevant Available Guides Information covered Guide Guidelines for Management of Flood Protection Works in British Columbia (1) Date of publication March 1999

Summary of legislation & regulation relevant to flood protection works. Approvals & controls under the Dike Maintenance Act. Responsibilities for flood management. Overview of operation, maintenance, & emergency measures. Checklists. Responsibility of local government for flood hazard management and development in flood prone areas: Authority and regulation, Implementation of controls, Official Community Plans, Floodplain bylaws. Steps in preparation of a floodplain bylaw (including a sample bylaw). A complete guide to inspection of flood protection works including dikes and appurtenances. Inspection scheduling, preparation, record keeping, report forms, patrol logs, etc. Field guides to identifying problems. Explanation of typical issues affecting flood protection works. Guide to design and placement of riprap for bank and slope protection. Design considerations. Construction practices and placement. Emergency repair. Maintenance. Technical appendix. Minimum standards for vegetation management on flood control structures. Environmentally sensitive approach to vegetation control. Consideration of fish habitat and dike maintenance activities. Responsibilities under the Emergency Preparedness Act (EPA). Flood response activities. BC Flood Plan Emergency planning and preparedness in B.C.

Regulatory Tools for Flood Hazard Management A Guide for Local Government (2)

March 2000

Flood Protection Works Inspection Guide (3)

March 2000

Riprap Design and Construction Guide (4)

March 2000

Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works to Protect Public Safety and the Environment (5) Water Related Hazards Emergency Response Plan and Procedures (6) See web site: www.pep.bc.ca

March 1999

February 1998

Local Guides (eg. Gravel removal guide in Chilliwack)

BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 5. Overview of the Flood Protection Works Item Watercourse (river, lake, inlet, ocean) General Location (town, region, local name) Specific Location (right/left/both banks when looking downstream) Year of Original Construction Year(s) of Upgrades / Rebuilds Description

Dike(s) Bank / Slope Protection Floodbox(es) Pipe / Storm Sewer(s) Pump Station(s) Trash Rack(s) Water Level Gauge(s) Other: Access Route (direction, road, etc.) Access restricted (locked gate / private property ,etc.) yes no

9 yes Number:



Number of locations:

yes no Number of locations: yes no Number of locations: yes



yes no Number of locations: yes


no no

yes Number:

Access / keys available through:

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Table 6. Physical Description of the Works Item Dike Location (left/right bank) (length) Description

Bank / Slope Protection

(left/right bank

(type of protection (e.g. riprap))

(number, size, material at each location) Floodbox (number, size, material at each location)

Pipe / Storm Sewer

(number and type of pumps, etc.) Pump Station (location, purpose) Trash Rack (location) Water Level Gauge Datum: ____________________ m GSC (size, type, etc.)

Note: Systems with more than one of any item above (protection works) should include additional information. Extra pages or multiple rows below first entry may be used as necessary.


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 7. Sensitive Months for Flood Concern and Hydrometric Considerations Item Sensitive Months Importance and Activities

Usual High Water Period (Usual flood season)

Usual or predicted flood threat season(s).* Annual inspection and necessary maintenance should be completed prior to usual flood season. Water level gauges should be read during the high water period. High water inspections and watches may be needed. High water inspections and watches may be needed. Read water level gauges.

Usual Wet Season (heavy rainfall)

Usual Low Water Period

Low-water inspections to be completed. Repairs to areas exposed during low water should be completed. Annual maintenance should be done in months prior to onset of usual flood season.

Fisheries Construction Window

Period when work in the specified watercourse is allowed. (Approval through MELP required.)

* Note: Unexpected conditions, including rain, temperatures, storms, and ice and debris jams, etc., can create flood conditions at any time of the year.

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Table 8. Annual Inspection Activities Component Safety Inspection Items1 Operational Duties

Take safety seriously and take precautions. Flood Protection Works Basic Inspection Checklist1




Bank / Slope Protection

Check for security; safety, vandalism; signage, operation. Check condition of crest road. Check for obstructions to access, conditions of fences, gates, etc., availability of keys. Check crest, slopes, and toe for settlement, depressions, sinkholes cracking, slides, sloughing, erosion, seepage, piping, boils, loss of freeboard, low spots. Look for unauthorized activity (construction, excavation, etc). Check for areas where vegetation hampers inspection and/or may weaken the dike. Look for rodent activity paths and burrows. (Beavers can cause serious sinkholes.) One or more inspections annually to be done at low water to include toe.) Check for unauthorized excavation or construction on or adjacent to dike. Check river flow pattern for changes, deposition, scour, debris jams, etc. Check condition of scour or erosion around bridges or other structures in the vicinity. Check bank protection along river for signs of erosion, damage to existing protection, including: Loss, disturbance, weathering, or abrasion of protective material, Sloughing or cracking on slope, Scour at the toe (Toe to be done at low water), Erosion or scour of upstream or downstream ends (outflanking), Animal burrows and activity, Vegetation growth through bank protection material.

Review safety requirements and take precautions. Fill in inspection checklist. Identify required maintenance work. File inspection report in O & M Manual. Initiate repair or correct access and safety issues as soon as possible.

Identify needed repairs. Report unauthorized activity. Complete Basic Inspection Checklist1 and Flood Protection Inspection Report1 during annual inspection. Insert copy of report into O & M Manual and provide copy to DIOD.

identify needed repairs.


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch


Inspection Items1

Operational Duties


Pipe or Storm Sewer

Pump Station

Trash Rack Water Level Gauge Low water inspections

Check condition of flap gates and operation to open and close freely providing a watertight seal. Check inlet and outlet for debris, structural conditions, etc. Check for leaks: look & listen for trickling or flow in inlet channel. Check outlet at low water for leaks and operation of gates. Check exposed outlets in the vicinity of the sea for corrosion. Check structural integrity of inlet/outlet structures. Check for clear flow path; debris blockage. Check for erosion or sedimentation at inlet and outlet. Check security; vandalism, signage outside and inside station. Check access structures and railings for safety, security. Check for debris, sedimentation, or other problems at inlet or outlet. Check structural condition and functional operation of pumps. Check outlet for free and effective flow. Check maintenance records. Check condition of pump power source (lines, control switches, breakers, etc.) Check for areas where vegetation hampers inspection. Check for beaver activity. Check structural condition. Check for debris or sediment blockage hampering flow. Check for damage, proper operation. Check reference level, visibility of gauges, monitoring equipment. Check toe for rodent activity, seepage, settlement, condition of bank protection etc. Check all outlets for leaks, gate operation, debris, etc.

Identify needed repairs. Monitor identified minor leaks.

Identify needed repairs.

Make entries into logbook: pump hours, deficiencies. Run pump and motor to check for smooth operation and discharge. (See Troubleshooting Guide in Section 5 as necessary.) Check and tighten grease cup at motor. Identify needed repairs.

Identify needed repairs. Read and record water level. Ensure gauge is maintained at correct datum. Identify repair or releveling required. Identify needed repairs.

For more information, see Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide (3).

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Table 9. Special Inspections Type of Inspection1 Low water inspections Inspection Items1 Operation Duties1

High water patrol inspections

Conducted at least once annually (see Table 11). Conducted during floods and high water events. Monitor the performance of the flood control works. Monitor land side slope and toe for excessive seepage and possible piping problems. Conducted after a flood event.

See Table 8 Annual Inspection Activities. Organize dike patrols, if required in flood years. Initiate or take corrective action as required.

Post Flood

Post Earthquake

Integrate with emergency plan.


As needed at other times of the year to react to particular situations including: Storms, earthquakes. Stream channel sedimentation. Debris or ice jamming.

Develop high water profile. Inspect and assess condition of works. Conduct a rapid overall assessment of remaining level of protection. Identify immediate danger of secondary damage. Organize dike patrols, if required. Initiate or take corrective action as required. Other duties as needed

For more information, see Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide (3).


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 10. Routine Surveillance Check List (Whenever you visit the site.) Component Safety Access Dike (crest, slopes, toe) Bank / Slope Protection Floodbox Pipe / Storm Sewer Inspection Items1 Operational Duties

Take safety seriously and take precautions. Check for security; safety, vandalism; signage, operation. Check for obvious problems & damage (erosion, rodent burrows, sinkholes, etc.) Check for obvious problems & damage (erosion, loss of material, scour, etc.) Check for obvious leaks, debris blockage, gate closure problems. Check inlet and outlet for obvious problems of erosion, deposition, debris, etc. Check security, signage, etc. Check safe access bridges, railings, etc. Check for obvious debris blockages at inlet and outlet. Check pump operation. Check outlet for effective flow.

Review safety requirements and take precautions. Initiate repair of access and safety issues as soon as possible. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Monitor identified minor leaks. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Make entries into logbook: pump hours, deficiencies. Check pump and motor for smooth operation and discharge. (If problems are encountered, see Table 12, Troubleshooting Guide.) Check and tighten grease cup at motor. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed. Read & record water levels. Initiate repair immediately or with annual maintenance work as needed.

Pump Station

Trash Rack Water Level Gauges

Check for obvious damage & blockage problems. Check for obvious problems and damage.

For details on inspections see Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide (3).

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Table 11. Inspection and Maintenance Schedule




Routine Surveillance1 Annual Inspection1,2 High Water Inspection2 Low Water Inspection2 Routine Maintenance Vegetation Control3

During high water events. At least once annually. At least once annually.

Once monthly during low water months (9); twice monthly during high water and wet months (99); more often during periods of heavy rain. For more information see Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide. Public Safety Section, Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; March 2000.

Vegetation control should be at least once or twice annually, depending on growth. For more information see Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works to Protect Public Safety and the Environment. BC Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks and Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; March 1999.


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch










Table 12. Routine Maintenance Activity Summary Component Maintenance Items Schedule Action

Gates, locks, access


Operation of security, safety, and access systems. Clear access needed at all times. Integrity of slope and bank erosion protection. Settlement, sinkholes, loss of material in dike crest and cross section, and other dike damage. Beaver or other animal activity causing damage to dike. Gate operation. Prevention of backflow through floodbox. Pump and motor operation. Pump discharge as per operational requirements. Controls, electrical, switching. Mowing / trimming grass and weeds on dike crest and slopes including toe. Operation and visibility of gauge. Datum level. Major leak or settlement. Structural damage to any part of system. Stability of dike threatened Creek bed erosion Sedimentation

Annually or more often if needed. Safety issues immediately. Annually or more often if needed for operation. Safety issues immediately.

Lubricate locks, hinges, etc. Correct sign and access issues.

Annually or more often if needed for operation. Safety issues immediately. Annually or more often if needed for operation. Safety issues immediately. At least once or twice annually. Annually or as necessary.


Repair damage and settlement to maintain design elevation and section. Repair erosion protection. Carefully explore and expose all rodent holes and tunnels. Excavate and fill with suitable compacted material. Control animal population as necessary. Lubricate hinges and locks. Investigate cause and location of suspected leaks. Clear debris. Perform maintenance and repairs to pump and motor. Re-fill grease cup and lubricate equipment. Clear debris at inlet and outlet. Mow dike from crest to toe of slope. Remove trees as needed. Repair & re-level as necessary. Ensure gauge can be observed from dike. Maintain correct datum. Repair immediately. Inform DIOD. Invoke Emergency Plan if necessary. Advise landowners as necessary. Establish procedure for sediment/debris removal Establish design allowances.

Pump Station

Vegetation Control Water Level Gauges


Critical Dike Damage

Special Maintenance Items

As necessary and determined by established procedures.

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Table 13. Troubleshooting Guide (An Example) Problem Beaver holes Details Action Carefully explore and expose all tunnels leading to/from main hole. Excavate holes & tunnels and fill with suitable compacted material. 1. Check connections and plug-ins. 2. Set on MANUAL. 3. Press re-set button. Try to start motor. Motor doesnt start

Sinkholes or dike damage.

Power is on but motor/pump doesnt start.

4. Check power in building. Lights could be on but one phase off will prevent pump operation. 5. Check main breaker and fuse boxes in station. 6. If power is on and pump still wont start, arrange for repair, contact DIOD. 7. Advise Landowner Contact if pump will be inoperative for a time. 1. Check Hydro fuse breakers near pump house and on power poles. 2. Check for downed wires.

No Power

No power in building.

3. Check manual power cut-out (if existing). 4. Contact BCHydro. 5. Advise Landowner Contact if pump will be inoperative for a time. Contact DIOD (MELP Regional Office). 1. Check for debris inside sump and remove object if visible. (Pump and main breaker must be off.) 2. Observe discharge flow at outlet for fluctuation (i.e. suction at impeller is impeded).

Pump runs rough

Rough running with vibration or loud banging noise.

3. Check for cavitation within screened sump (air suction displayed by vortex). 4. Stop and re-start pump to clear debris. 5. Shut down pump if vibration is severe or loud banging noise persists. 6. Arrange for repair as necessary; contact DIOD. 7. Advise Landowner Contact if pump will be inoperative for a time.

Backflow through Floodbox Leaking suspected by eye or ear. Gate not properly sealed.

Monitor minor backflow concern (some minor leaking occurs occasionally when small debris stuck in gate may correct itself at next high water.) Check hinge operation at low water. Lubricate or arrange for repair as necessary. Look for obvious blockage at gates logs, submerged objects or rocks blocking free swing of gate doors. Arrange for debris removal as necessary.


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 14. Summary of Emergency Conditions and Repair Emergency Condition Definition Problem Repair

Active boil

Slope Seepage (excessive)

Riverside Erosion


Stream of seepage water Sudden failure due to Construction of an impervious carrying silt and sediment undermined dike ring around boil to stop and rising as a spring in a foundation. transportation of solid depression on landside of material. dike Contact emergency organization if (1) active boils extensive, (2) inactive boils and water levels rising. IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IF DIKE FAILURE IS POSSIBLE. Percolation of water through Sloughing of landside toe, Add free draining fill berms or under the dike foundation threatening dike stability. where landside slope soggy. usually visible in landside toe ditch. Obtain expert advice on slope stability where time permits. IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IF DIKE FAILURE IS POSSIBLE. Scour of riverside slope of Removal of dike material Additional bank protection dike, berm, or bank. under the water surface (such as large riprap). End resulting in dike failure. dumping acceptable in emergency situation only. Obtain expert advice on bank protection and stability where time permits. IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IF DIKE BREACH IS POSSIBLE. Erosion of the dike slope by Removal of exposed Placement of protective wave action (high wind and materials causing breach. material or filled sacks. wave conditions). Patrol identified areas and monitor closely. Obtain expert advice on likely locations of wavewash prior to high water.. Flow of water over the dike crest. Breach of dike due to wash out of crest material once overtopping occurs.

Sandbags for raising short sections of the dike. Other methods of adding material for Local longer dike sections. Overtopping IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IF OVERTOPPING OR BREACH IS POSSIBLE. No heavy equipment on dike when water level is high. Temporary pumping or Local runoff and drainage Saturation of landside of upstream diversion of inflow from areas inside dike which dike. Possible flooding of is trapped due to high water areas internal to dike. from higher elevations. Internal on the receiving Drainage watercourse. Maintain a list of potential pump and generator suppliers.

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3. Supplementary Information
3.1 Administration

The O & M Manual can serve as the place to document all information regarding the flood control works, and a list of local contractors and experts can be very useful when work is required on the works. Table 15 is an example table that can be copied and filled in with information relevant to the local area and works, as suggested in the list below. Additional information and suggested tables are included in the Flood Planning and Response Guide (7).

Additional administrative information is included: Information Located:

Copies of Relevant Documents & Drawings

Maps, plans, drawings, including benefit area Agreements Government Acts Right-of-way information

Stakeholders Agencies and individuals concerned with flooding issues. Property Owners Local Contractors and Suppliers Local or experienced professionals (such as engineering firms and construction firms). Local contractors and equipment. Locally available rental equipment (such as pumps and generators). Local sources and available materials (such as gravel pits, sources for riprap and fill material).

Table 15 Table 16 Table 17

Local Authority supplies available: Stores, services, equipment, Radios and cellular telephone numbers, Employees with first aid certification.

Drawings and Maps Plan or map of protected (benefit) area. Aerial photos.

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Table 15. Stakeholders Contact Person Phone Involvement Community Action Group Environmental Group


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Table 16. Property Owners within the Flood Protection Area Property Identification (address, legal description) Phone Number

Landowner Name

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Table 17. Local Contractors & Suppliers Phone Expertise Consulting Engineer Construction Contractor Equipment Rental Gravel Supplier

Contact Person


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Physical Works
Additional Physical Works information is included: Information Located: Table 18

Design Criteria Key plan or schematic Design drawings As-constructed drawings Design report

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Item Designated Flood Event

Table 18. Design Criteria Object Criteria

Crest elevation Freeboard

1 in 200 year event 1894 flood of record 1 in 20 year event

Dike design


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch


Flood Hazard
Additional flood hazard information is included: Information Located: Table 19 Table 20

Record of past flooding events Record of Hydrometric Records and Gauges Records of historical flood events (newspaper articles, interviews, etc.) Photographs of flood events and damage. Floodplain mapping. Annual peak flow and stage (water level) Mean monthly and annual flow data Rainfall records

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Date (month, year):

Table 19. Past Flooding Events Record Flood Severity (return period, severity) Flooded Area (general description)


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Table 20. Hydrometric Records and Streamflow Gauges Additional data Location:

Information Geodetic Survey of Canada bench markers

River levels at Gauge: Location:

Source: Environment Canada

annual peak flow and stage (water level) mean monthly and annual data

River flood levels Location:

Report prepared by

included in:

(dated _____________)

included in:

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Additional inspection information is included: Information Located:

Inspection reports


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch


Maintenance of Flood Protection Works

The information presented below is supplementary to the summary presented in Chapter 2 and provides additional detail to the maintenance activities identified in that table. 9 Additional information is included: Information Located: Table 21 Table 22 Table 23 Table 24

9 9 9 9

Summary of Supplementary Dike Maintenance Considerations Summary of Supplementary Slope & Bank Protection Maintenance Considerations Summary of Supplementary Floodbox Maintenance Considerations Typical Pump Station Surveillance Checklist Manufacturers and other specialized documentation Pump Motor Maintenance records Inspections and tests List of potential pump and generator suppliers

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Dike Maintenance
Access, Fences, and Gates Access should be restricted to authorized vehicles only, wherever possible. Access should always be free of obstacles since an emergency can occur at any time and access may be needed for fire fighting, rescue, etc. Gates and locks should be kept in good working order, with keys readily available. (The location of the key is included in Chapter 2, Table 5.) Dike Crest, Cross-section, and Embankment To provide the intended flood protection, the crest elevation and dike cross-section must be maintained. The crest elevation protects against the water levels predicted for the design flood event and the crosssection provides dike stability at those water levels. Dike crowns should be graded for good drainage, and vegetation controlled appropriately. Every three to ten years the dike crest profile should be surveyed and compared to the design profile. Any low areas should be raised by the addition of crushed gravel surfacing, prior to grading of the whole dyke crest as required to maintain a smooth riding surface. A significant part of maintenance of the dike itself is the early identification of problems. Identification and repair of problems is discussed further in Guidelines for Management of Flood Protection Works in British Columbia (1), and Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide (3). Vegetation Control Vegetation is the most effective means of protecting the dike from surface erosion due to rain, currents, and wave wash. The root systems of larger trees and shrubs can threaten the stability of the dike system by providing routes for piping. Piping removes fill material and can result in structural failure of the dike. Thus, from a flood protection perspective, vegetation on dike slopes should consist of closely trimmed grass. Large trees pose an additional threat to dike stability, especially during flood events when the dike structure becomes saturated. High winds and overbank erosion can cause trees to fall resulting in the displacement of dike fill material and possible failure of the dike. In coastal regions especially, flood and storm conditions can occur simultaneously. (9) Trimming of vegetation is important to:

allow proper inspection of the surface and slopes for seepage and erosion, prevent piping, which can lead to dike failure, due to tree and brush root systems, discourage burrowing animals whose burrows are detrimental to dike stability, prevent large trees, and thus prevent potential piping routes along root systems, from establishing on the dike.

In recognition of environmental and recreational opportunities, and of the cost of mowing, longer grasses and small bushes are acceptable on dike slopes under controlled conditions. Vegetation should be well trimmed just prior to the high water season so that proper inspections can be made as water levels rise. Trees should not be permitted to attain a diameter greater than about two inches. Larger trees, and their root systems, should be removed and the excavation properly backfilled. This work is best carried out after the predicted flood season has passed. The document Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management (5) presents effective techniques for vegetative maintenance which balance the environmental benefits of vegetation with the operation of the dike for flood protection. Animal Burrows Animal burrows can threaten the stability of the dike and embankment as well as cause significant settlement and erosion. If animal holes or burrows are discovered during inspection, the holes and tunnels should be completely excavated and backfilled with suitable compacted material.


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Trapping of the animals may be advisable in such areas after consultation with local Fish and Wildlife authorities. Internal Drainage Internal drainage systems are installed to prevent excess flow through the dike fill which can convey material out of the dike resulting in a piping failure of the foundation and ultimately the embankment. Inspection of the dike system should identify potentially serious seepage problems. 9 Component Access, Fences, & Gates

Serious seepage problems, particularly where seepage waters are observed to be muddy indicating that material is being lost from the dike, the responsible individuals should be notified without delay so that corrective action can be taken immediately if necessary. Table 21 summarizes the dike maintenance considerations.

Table 21. Summary of Supplementary Dike Maintenance Considerations Important Considerations Maintenance Activity

Dike Crest, Cross Section, & Embankment

Maintain clear access at all times. Fences & gates reduce vandalism, provide safety, reduce liability. Restrict access to authorized vehicles only. Crest elevation protects against water levels. Cross section and embankment (slope) provide dike stability at high water.

Vegetation Control2

Animal Burrows Internal Drainage


Trimmed grass protects from surface erosion. Large vegetation and roots interfere with inspection, threaten stability of dike by providing a piping route, and can displace dike materials and create debris during flood event. Burrows threaten stability of dike and embankment. Prevents excess flow through dike fill. Piping can result in dike or foundation failure due to lost material.

Maintain roadways, fences, gates, etc. Ensure locks are in good order and keys are readily available. Keep access clear at all times. Repair damage and settlement with appropriate fill materials and compaction1. Grade crown for drainage. Maintain crest road. Control vegetation. Repair seepage problems1. For erosion protection see below. Occasional survey to verify crest profile. Trimming, mowing and weed control. Remove large trees and shrubs.

Excavate burrows and tunnels and fill with suitable compacted material1. Discourage animals1. Repair drainage system1. Install additional drainage systems.

Obtain expert advice as needed. Contact MELP for assistance.

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Slope & Bank Erosion Protection Bank erosion protection is installed on steep slopes adjacent to the watercourse to prevent erosion from degrading the material comprising the dike embankment. The protection is comprised of angular pieces of blasted rock, or riprap, which protects the fine materials in the embankment from degradation due to swiftly moving waters of the main watercourse. The gradation and size of the rock is determined by the stream velocity and/or wave strength and the slope of the bank. Bank protection requires varying degrees of maintenance depending upon the degree and frequency of exposure to stream flow or wave action. The protection should be maintained to design grade and thickness. Riprap surfaces should be kept clean of all trees and brush as the root system of a toppled tree can displace riprap to expose finer materials subjecting the embankment to severe erosion attack. Damage to dike slopes should be repaired by the addition and compaction of appropriate earth fill materials to restore the slope to original conditions, and by the addition of suitable graded rock riprap. Approval must be obtained from MELP before commencing repair work within the wetted perimeter of the dike system. Where severe erosion has or is occurring at points of concentrated attack, redesign of protection may be needed before repairs are effected. Technical advice can be obtained from MELP. Table 22 summarizes the erosion protection considerations. For more information see Riprap Design and Construction Guide (4).

Table 22. Summary of Supplementary Slope & Bank Protection Maintenance Considerations Component Important Considerations Maintenance Activity

Riprap or Rock Slopes2

Angular pieces of rock provide protection against erosion due to high water velocities and waves.

Vegetation Control3 Animal Burrows Debris & Drift

1 2 3

Vegetation and roots threaten the integrity of the erosion protection. Burrows displace protective materials and threaten slope stability. Debris can cause rock materials to be dislodged.

Maintain design grade, elevation, and thickness by addition of suitable rock1. Repair slides, settlements, washes, and material loss. Prevent undercutting at ends of protection. Remove vegetation from protected areas. Excavate burrows and tunnels completely and fill with suitable compacted material1. Discourage animals1. Remove debris, drift, refuse, etc. washed onto the slope.

Obtain expert advice as needed. Contact MELP for assistance. For further information see Riprap Design and Construction Guide (4).

For further information see Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works to Protect Public Safety and the Environment (5).


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Floodbox The purpose of the floodbox is to allow the gravity discharge of the internal drainage water from behind the dike into the main watercourse during times when the external water level is lower than the level behind the dike. The system consists of culverts through the dike with gates at the outlet to prevent backflow from the watercourse when water levels are high. Trash racks may be fitted at the inlet and/or the outlet. Maintenance of a floodbox consists of cleaning the inlet and outlet of any accumulated debris and sediment to ensure water can flow freely through the culvert, and cleaning and lubricating the closure gate to ensure that it swings freely and closes properly with a good seal. The dike slopes adjacent to the floodbox should be kept clear of trees and brush to allow unimpeded inspection of the inlet and outlet and to restrict the amount of debris accumulating in the channel. The floodbox should be checked regularly in areas where beavers are present since these animals can plug culverts or construct dams very quickly. Unusually high water levels are a good indication of beaver activity. Culverts should be cleared immediately, before the situation becomes more difficult to rectify. Table 23 summarizes the floodbox considerations.

Table 23. Summary of Supplementary Floodbox Maintenance Considerations Important Considerations Maintenance Activity

Component : Floodbox (Pipes and Culverts) Inlet and Outlet Channels & Headwalls Gates, Valves, Operating Mechanisms, Emergency Closures Trash Racks

Provides drainage for areas behind the dike from which surface runoff would otherwise be trapped. Channels direct flow into culvert(s). Headwalls provide structural and hydraulic control. Control mechanisms allow the pipes to be closed in times of high water (on the watercourse) to prevent reverse flow or for repair purposes. Trash racks keep large debris from entering the pipe where it could become lodged against a wall causing a blockage inside the pipe. Riprap provides erosion protection to the surfaces of the structures that are in the watercourse.

Keep pipes clear of trash and debris. Inspect frequently where beavers exist. Clear any debris or blockage. Identify, evaluate and repair structural problems1. Lubricate and test operate gates regularly. Maintain in good operating condition. Clear debris and blockage. Clear trash and debris. Maintain in good operating condition and repair damage, corrosion, etc. See previous section on Slope & Bank Erosion Protection.


Obtain expert advice as needed. Contact MELP for assistance if necessary.

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Pump Station Pump stations provide for discharge of drainage water from within the diked area during times of high water in the main watercourse when the floodboxes are closed. Proper maintenance is necessary since failure of the station will likely result in flooding inside the diked area. Skilled electricians and mechanics should complete specialized tests and repairs when necessary. Manufacturers recommendations should be followed for maintenance and removal / installation work. Any equipment removed from the station for repair or replacement should be returned or replaced as soon as practicable and should be trial operated after reinstallation. Repairs requiring removal of equipment from the plant should be made during off-flood seasons as far as practicable. Checklists provide an easy way to check a facility thoroughly. An example checklist is included in Table 24, below. This table can be modified to fit the specific pump station. The Troubleshooting Guide, in Chapter 2, also provides some insights into inspection and maintenance checks for a typical pump station.


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9 Component

Table 24. Typical Pump Station Surveillance Checklist Item Activity


Outside conditions & grounds. Outside lights. Building and locks secure. Inside of building.


Inside lights. First aid kit, flashlights, etc.

Fire extinguisher. Air quality, odours. Log book.

Breakers, switches, etc. Power source; BC Hydro lines, breakers, etc. Emergency lighting, telephone, automatic equipment, etc. Pump and motor bearings, seals, oil levels. Pump(s) & motors.

Check safety and cleanliness. Replace bulbs, etc. Check and lubricate locks, doors, gates, etc. Check conditions. Clean and re-paint painted equipment and surfaces as needed. Replace bulbs, etc. Check first aid kit is complete. Check flashlights work and other tools are available as nec. Check extinguisher is up to date and readily accessible. Check for gas leaks and unusual odours in building. Record entry in logbook. Record any faults, concerns, or work in progress.; Check are in ON position as appropriate. Verify intact, on, etc. Test and service equipment and insulated wiring as needed. Check levels, fill oil reservoirs and lubricate as necessary. Run pumps and motors. Check for proper operation, temperature, vibration, noise, leaks. Check outlet for proper discharge and performance. Operate, lubricate, maintain as necessary for proper operation. Check and replenish as necessary. Check switches, power, etc.


Gates, valves, etc. Fuel supplies. Generator.

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Emergency Repair Work

Additional information is included: Information Located: Table 14 (Ch 2) below

9 9

Summary of dike emergency problems Descriptive paragraphs of supplementary explanation of explanation of these problems and their repair

Active Boiling A boil is a definite stream of seepage water issuing from the earth, usually near the landside toe of the dike or appearing as a spring in a ditch or depression on the landside. An active boil is a boil that is actively upwelling sandy or silty water. Recognition of a boil is discussed in the document Flood Protection Works Inspection Guide (3). Water that flows from a boil carries with it material from beneath the dike itself and may gradually undermine the dike and result in a failure by causing sudden subsidence of the dike foundation. Due to the difficulty in evaluating the seriousness of a boil, all boils should be marked, uniquely named, and watched closely for changes. A boil that discharges clear water in a steady flow is an inactive boil and is usually not a serious threat to the safety of the dike. The only action necessary in this case is to make careful and frequent observation of the boil and to drain excess water off to prevent its impoundment near the dike. If the flow increases and carries a material load of sand or silt, corrective action, as for an active boil, should be taken immediately. (7). All flowing inactive boils should be flagged and uniquely numbered and closely monitored throughout the flood period in case they start to transport solids. The dike emergency organization should be notified if (1) the area of active boils is extensive, or (2) the area of inactive boils is extensive and the river level is expected to rise. Repair: The simplest and most effective method of treating an active boil (one that is carrying sand and silt) is to construct an impervious ring around it of a sufficient height to stop the transportation of solid material. It should not be built to a height which stops the flow of clear water because of the probability of building up an excessive local pressure head, which could cause dike failure or additional boils nearby. Sandbag rings are the most generally accepted method of repair, but concrete well rings, short pieces of large diameter pipe, earth berms, sheet steel pilings, etc., can all be used. The recommended method of building a sandbag ring is:

Scarify the base for the ring (internal diameter of which should be at least 1.5 times the contemplated height) to provide a watertight bond between the natural ground and the sack ring (a very important step).


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

Lay sacks in a ring around the boil and surrounding weak ground starting at the outer edge and working towards the centre. Joints should be staggered and loose earth used as a mortar. When proper height is reached (when clear water only is being discharged) a V-shaped drain constructed of wood or sheet metal should be inserted near the top of the ring to carry off water in a controlled manner and in the desired direction. An alternative method of controlling an active boil is by placing a blanket of pea gravel or other free-draining gravel over it. The thickness of the gravel blanket must be increased until the seepage water runs clean. Note: When soil conditions are such that boils occur, it will probably be impossible of imprudent to bring loaded dump trucks into the area. First consideration should be given to methods that do not impose heavy loads on the ground adjacent to boils.

Riverside Erosion Riverside erosion is scour of the riverside slope of the dike, berm, and/or adjacent banks by abnormally high water velocities. Scours are particularly dangerous due to the treacherous manner in which they develop and the difficulty of detection until almost irreparable damage has been done. The danger is that the scour will work into the dike slope. This type of scour resembles the caving bank of a river in that it erodes under water and has a vertical caving face. When the water is near the top of the dike, and by the time the vertical caving face appears above the water surface, a large portion of the dike is gone. (7) Repair Where river currents are eroding the face of the dike or nearby overbank, additional large rock riprap should be placed with an excavator or end-dumped if the site is accessible to heavy equipment and safe for operation. If time permits, expert advice should be obtained. Under emergency conditions, maintenance of bank protection by end-dumping quarry-run rock into the bank is acceptable. Fines should naturally settle against the embankment face, and the coarser stones will work to the outside. However, under normal maintenance, placement by hydraulic excavator or clamshell is preferred. Specification of riprap placement is further discussed in the Riprap Design and Construction Guide (4). If overtopping or creation of a breach is possible, an Emergency Warning should be issued (see above). Wavewash Wavewash is the erosion of the slope of a dike by wave action. The wave action may be caused by passing boats, on-shore winds, or storms. In any case, wave action may cause serious damage to a dike if the water surface is near the dike crown or is the dike has fine materials exposed. Expert advice can often predict the locations where wavewash is likely to occur, and in that case filled sacks and other materials should be kept available for

Excessive Slope Seepage Seepage is the percolation of water through the dike or under the foundation. Although not dangerous in itself, it may threaten the stability of the dike by saturating the soil and causing sloughing of the landside slope. Seepage is usually first visible in the seep ditch at the landside toe of the dike. As the water rises against the dike, the seepage flow increases. As long as the wetted area is relatively small on the landside slope, and no movement of soil at the base is observed, no action other than keeping the water drainage away from the dike will be necessary. (7) Repair Where seepage on the dikes landslide slope leads to soggy unstable conditions, free draining fill berms may be added. Where time permits, expert advice regarding slope stability should be obtained before taking corrective action.

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an emergency. During periods of high wind and waves, patrols should closely monitor the identified areas. Under water washouts can occur under high wind and wave conditions, and wavewash can lead to formation of a breach in the dike due to progressive loss of dike material. The necessity for wavewash protection cannot be foreseen in all cases, and observation must be continuous under high water conditions, as described in the Flood Protection Works Inspection Guide (3). Repair The type of wavewash protection to be constructed depends on local conditions. The result of excessive erosion due to wavewash is likely to be a breach, and if a breach is possible, an Emergency Warning should be issued (see above). Local Overtopping Local overtopping is the flowing of water over the dike crown. Overtopping may occur over a small local area, at a depression in the crown, but presents a significant danger. Once water flows over the dike crest, fill is usually washed away from the crest and landside slope creating a breach. Such a beach is virtually impossible to close until the water levels equalize on both sides of the dike. Equalization of the water levels occurs either due to subsiding water levels or due to uncontrolled flooding of the landside area. Although dike crowns are constructed to the design elevation plus freeboard, local settling can occur over the years to reduce the crown elevation. As well, the design event can be exceeded. Either situation can

result in overtopping during a flood. As the prediction of flood profiles is uncertain, and because dikes often have varying freeboard, patrols should pay close attention to lower than average freeboard. Repair Sandbags are usually considered for raising low sections of dike. However, progress is slow and an excessive amount of labour is required. Sandbags should normally only be considered for raising short sections of dike. As an alternative to sandbags, reinforced plastic sheeting can be used to contain loose granular of other fill. Heavy equipment and trucks can be used to raise a dike provided this work is done well in advance of high river levels. No heavy equipment should be allowed on the dike when the water level is near the top of the dike as the vibration might cause a failure. If overtopping or creation of a breach is possible, an Emergency Warning should be issued (see above). Internal Drainage Internal drainage is the local runoff and drainage from the areas behind the dike on the landside that drain to the main watercourse through the floodbox of pump station. Local drainage will not escape in diked areas that lack adequate permanent pumping facilities. Temporary pumping of local drainage, or interception and diversion of inflow from higher elevations, may be necessary to alleviate this condition.


Emergency Response Plan inserted


BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Water Management Branch

4. References
1. Guidelines for Management of Flood Protection Works in British Columbia. Public Safety Section, Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; March 1999. 2. Regulatory Tools for Flood Hazard Management A Guide for Local Government. Public Safety Section, Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; March 2000. 3. Flood Protection Works, Inspection Guide. Public Safety Section, Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; March 2000. 4. Riprap Design and Construction Guide. Public Safety Section, Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; March 2000. 5. Environmental Guidelines for Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works to Protect Public Safety and the Environment. Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. March 1999. 6. Water Related Hazards. Emergency Response Plan and Procedures. Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; February 1998. 7. Flood Planning & Response Guide for British Columbia. Water Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks; and Provincial Emergency Program, Ministry of Attorney General. March 1999. 8. Flood Fight Manual, A Manual of HighWater Practices and Construction. US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District. October 1993. 9. Operation and Maintenance Manual, Local Flood Protection Works. US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District. 1990.

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