NaturesCandy BusinessPlan

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Natures Candy

By: Sumeet Kaur; Santosh Keerthi Sagiraju; Narghiza Ismailova; Abubakar Syed;

Executive Summary: Nature's Candy is an e-commerce company designed to become the market leader in Web based sales of naturopathic and homeopathic nutritional supplements. The company is located in Portland, OR. Although many Internet companies have recently failed, the Internet is still poised to support e-commerce retailers. Most of the dot-coms failed because of too easy access to capital and unproven business models with no true revenue streams. Nature's Candy will overcome these problems with an easy-to-use website and an efficient distribution system.

In the next three years Nature's Candy intends to create an icon e-commerce brand through laserfocused marketing and will grow to $319,000 in revenue.

Objectives: Nature's Candy's goal is to become the e-commerce market leader in sales and marketing of naturopathic and homeopathic dietary supplements.

Nature's Candy's objectives for the first three years are:

To make Nature's Candy an icon brand. To develop an effective, well placed e-commerce site for sales of homeopathic and naturopathic products. To launch a laser-focused marketing campaign in a controllable and measurable market that will drive customer's toward the company's website. To create an infrastructure for the fulfillment of Web-based sales.

Mission Statement: Nature's Candy's mission is to provide the finest in natural supplements using the Internet to lower the consumer's cost. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.


Nature's Candy will market and sell private label (manufactured by a company that places the retailer's name on the packaging) naturopathic homeopathic dietary supplements to individual consumers via the Internet. These products will include ginseng, ginkoba, and various antioxidants. After year one additional products will be offered.

Market Analysis:

The market for vitamins and nutritional supplements has grown to over $6.5 billion annually.

Herbal sales alone are growing by 20% per year. This market is lead by the aging Baby Boomer who is concerned with his/her mortality. Also, there has been a paradigm shift of perception of nutritional supplements. Homeopathic and naturopathic products are seen as normal. In addition, positive medical results from major studies have further legitimized these products. A significant trend in America, and abroad, is that people are taking a more proactive interest in their health. This is exemplified by the increase of health clubs and health club memberships. People are looking to avoid invasive surgery and powerful pharmaceuticals. People are taking an active role in the maintenance of their health and practicing preventive medicine. Naturopathic medicine promotes the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human disorders through the use of non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical products and practices. In 1993, the United Stated government recognized this trend when it established the Office of Alternative Medicine.

Besides the general development of naturopathic medicine, the aging of the American population is a significant trend driving the use of naturopathic and homeopathic health supplements. The Baby Boomers are now reaching middle age and mortality is becoming a focus. This demographic segment, which is comprised of 80 million people, represents over 50% of our county's discretionary income. It is reasonable to believe that this wealthy market segment will continue to grow the sales of naturopathic products.

Competition: The nutritional supplement market is a semi-mature market characterized by high-growth rates, medium barriers to entry, and a few large competitors. Despite the competition in the market, many companies have reported annual growth levels of 30%.

The market leaders are as follows: T

GNC (General Nutritional Companies, Inc.): This company is a nationwide specialty retailer of vitamins, minerals, and sports nutrition supplements. With over 3,000 stores, GNC generated $1.19 billion in 2000. G

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.: Nature's manufactures and markets a variety of health supplements. This multi-level marketing company had 2000 revenues of approximately $370 million. $

Rexall Sundown, Inc.: Rexall develops, manufactures, markets and sells vitamins, nutritional supplements, and consumer health products through retailers, independent distributors, and mail order. Rexall had 2000 revenues of approximately $370 million.

International Vitamin Company, Inc.: IVC manufactures, packages, sells, and distributes private label vitamins and nutritional supplements to drug stores, supermarkets and health food stores. IVC had revenues of $107 million in 2000.

The primary channels of distribution in this market are: T Mass-market retailers (Fred Meyer, Rite Aide). M Direct Sales organizations. D Health Food Stores (GNC). H Mail order catalogs and the Internet.

Competitive Edge:

Nature's Candy's competitive edge will be their easy-to-use website and superior customer service. The website design will be a competitive advantage because research indicates that an easy-to-use website significantly increases sales. The design of Nature's site will encourage purchases because it is so easy and quick to make the purchase. Too often sales are lost because of complex websites that are far from intuitive. Nature's Candy's other competitive edge is superior customer service. The mantra of the customer service department is to serve the customer in any way required. Customers that call in with problem/issues will be amazed at the amount of personal attention they receive and how quickly issues are not only resolved, but significantly improved. This will be a powerful asset.

Marketing Strategy:

Nature's Candy is focused on the merging/redefined Internet marketplace. The users will be Baby Boomers, which represent approximately 50% of the discretionary income currently in the United States. They are looking for proactive, non-invasive, and non-pharmaceutical ways to

stay healthy as they age. Nature's Candy can bring these people cutting-edge products coupled with convenience and service.

The long-range goal of Nature's Candy is not only to dominate the naturopathic and homeopathic supplement market, but to create an icon brand. Initially the company will: Engage in Web-based marketing for the next year to generate awareness of the company and product information. Because Internet based advertising has declined in recent quarters, the prices for advertising have consequently significantly dropped making the expenditure more cost effective. Engage in outdoor advertising providing general awareness to the public at large and direct individuals to the company's website.

Sales Strategy: Nature's Candy will process 90% of it's sales online through a secure socket layer (SSL), an secure Internet connection. All orders will be charged to Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.

By ensuring that the website is easy to navigate as well as simple to order from, Nature's Candy will be ensuring that people who make it to the website will end up purchasing something. This last point is key. Research indicates that too many sites that are not easy or intuitive lose customers who migrate through the site, often putting products in their basket, yet leave without purchasing anything.

Website Plan Summary:

Nature's Candy will use their website as their catalog and ordering device. The website will be a complete product offering as well as to provide company information. The website will be designed with simplicity in mind. It is imperative that customers are able to navigate throughout the site intuitively with no problems. Nature's Candy will be benchmarking websites such as Amazon's to develop best practices for the different elements of the site.

A phone number will be offered on the website to remedy and problems that customers encounter.

The website will be marketed through search engines such as Yahoo and Google. In addition to advertisements on search engines, Nature's Candy will advertise with websites that have similar customer demographics like, an outdoor retailer. The cost of Internet advertising has dropped significantly with the collapse of so many dot-coms that it has become quite cost effective.

Finance Plan:

The following are the startup financial projections for the Natures Candy.

Start-up Requirements Start-up Expenses Legal $1,000

Stationery etc. Web Development Total Start-up Expenses Start-up Assets Cash Required Other Current Assets Long-term Assets Total Assets Total Requirements

$200 $10,000 $11,200 $65,600 $0 $3,200 $68,800 $80,000

Start-up Funding Start-up Expenses to Fund Start-up Assets to Fund Total Funding Required Assets Non-cash Assets from Start-up Cash Requirements from Start-up Additional Cash Raised Cash Balance on Starting Date Total Assets Liabilities and Capital Liabilities Current Borrowing Long-term Liabilities Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) Total Liabilities Capital Planned Investment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,200 $65,600 $0 $65,600 $68,800 $11,200 $68,800 $80,000

Quack Stewart Other Additional Investment Requirement Total Planned Investment Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) Total Capital Total Capital and Liabilities Total Funding

$45,000 $35,000 $0 $0 $80,000 ($11,200) $68,800 $68,800 $80,000

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