Sl-01 Prov Reg - Provisional Registration

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SIERRA LEONE International Ship Registry


Work Instruction Number SL-01 PROV.REG Page 1 of 5 Date Issued 05/14/2005


Supersedes Rev 9



Review 05/27/2010

/ Effective Date 06/07/2010

1 -PURPOSE To establish procedures for provisional registration of ships under Sierra Leone Flag and outline the process of registration. To give instructions for the provisional registration of vessels under Sierra Leone Flag. To give the necessary support to Regional Registrar (RR) and Registration Officer (Reg. Off.) to prepare the proper certificates and documentation

2 - SCOPE The following procedure applies provisional registration of ships under Sierra Leone flag and issuance of Provisional Certificate of Registry, Provisional Ship Station License, Provisional Minimum Safe Manning certificate and Provisional Continuous Synopsis Record. 3 -RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY 3.1 - Maritime Registrar (MR) Authorizes the concerned Registration Registrar and Registration officer to issue the documentation. MR has the authority to issue provisional certificates as and when necessary on receipt of application. MR shall be responsible for review of all documentation submitted by the applicants/Regional Registrars/ Registration Officers. MR shall be responsible for timely reporting of matters related to registration, to the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration.. MR shall have authority for issuing the call signs, official numbers; MMSI numbers, authorization number. MR shall be solely responsible for maintaining the Register of Ships and making timely entries 3.2 - Regional Registrar-(RR) RR has the authority to issue provisional certificates upon obtaining the authorization from MR. RR shall have the authority to authorize Registration officers to issue provisional registration certificates. RR has the responsibility to follow the MR instruction and implement the registration procedure.
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3.3 - Registration Officer (Reg. Off.) - Reg. Officer has the authority to issue Provisional certificates upon obtaining the authorization from RR, the responsibility to follow the RR instruction, and implement the registration procedure. To have direct contact with the owners, to collect all the documents necessary for registration process, to send registration certificates, forms and supporting documents to RR, to collect the registration fees, and to pay the regional registrar fees, as agreed 4 - PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION - PROCESS 4.1 - The Registration Officer/applicant submits to the RR (or MR) the Application form SL-APPL or an email request with vessel details (vessels name, IMO#, GRT, KW, and Type of Vessel). RR will verify the availability of names and do a preliminary review of the condition of the ship (detention records, survey status). RR will do a detailed background check on the vessel and determine if vessel can be accepted by the Administration. The following shall be reviewed by RR prior to give authorization number for provisional registration. Vessel Older than 20 years old Vessel has 2 or more detentions or vessel has an average of 20 or more deficiencies during PSC detentions or follow up within the last 12 months prior of the vessel coming to Sierra Leone Flag. Vessel is coming from a Black List Flag. Vessel has been involved on a collision or casualty within the last 12 months prior the vessel changing flags. Vessel has been not been constructed to navigate international waters (Vessels constructed for coastal or river navigation) Vessel has no outstanding dry dock survey or annual survey. If one or more of the above are met by the vessel, RR shall contact MR in order to obtain authorization for registration. MR may request a Pre-entry survey on the vessel prior to the vessel registration under Sierra Leone. RR sends to MR an acceptance of quote SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE. SLACCEPT.QUOTE shall be completely filled. MR will inform RR of the decision concerning quote and further instructions (if applicable) and issue an official invoice to RR. RR provides authorization number for the provisional registration to RO. RO sends all required documents for Provisional Registration to RR which is forwarded to MR in a timely matter. 4.2 - RR/MR shall review the documents using checklist SL- CHECKLIST and give the Registration Officer authorization to proceed or issue the provisional registration as the case may be or otherwise. RR or MR also provides the call signs, official number, MMSI and authorization number as per SL-AUTHO#, to the Registration Officer. 4.3 - The Registration Officer/RR/MR issue the provisional registration certificates , affix hologram in each certificate, .and forward a copy of the certificates issued and all the required documents to the MR within 48 hours.


Issued by: Leslie Mezzich

Rev 9


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4.4 - MR or RR should advise (Reg. Off.) or the owner about Minimum Safe Manning required on board, the process for Endorsement of the Certificate of Competence (COC), required documents for COE, and fees. MR/ Reg.Off should start the process collecting all the required documents for endorsement.. For issuance of COE and question read SL- COE PROCEDURE. 4.5 - MR shall review provisional certificates issued and if all are in order, enters the ship details in the Register of Ships and add name of ship in Sierra Leone webpage. If review of provisional certificates issued is not satisfactory MR shall advise the concerned RR/Reg. Off for rectification of error. MR will save all the documents in the vessel data base folder. 4.6 - Validity of provisional Registry Certificates The following Provisional Registration Certificates shall be valid for 06 months from date of issue: Provisional Certificate of Registry Provisional Ships Station License Provisional MSMC Attestation Letter for CSR. 5- REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION (All documents must be written in English or translated in English) 5.1- Copy of Bill of Sale notarized 5.2 - Copy Notarized Builders Certificate (if new ship) 5.3 - Application for Registration -Form SL-APPL - duly completed and signed by the applicant. 5.4 - Certificate of Incorporation and document in which shows who are the owners For applications by a company. 5.5 Copy of Passport - For applications by individuals 5.6 - Copy of previous International Tonnage Certificate. 5.7 - Copy of Previous Registration Certificate 5.8- RAA letter, if applicable (Restricted and International trading area) 5.9 - Survey status of the ship if available 5.10- Letter confirmation from Recognized Organization that ship to be registered has arranged performance of survey for the ship. 5.11 LRIT if applicable (read Circular 08-007, and 09-001) 5.12 For Reefer Carrier, Declaration of Cargo, SL-DECL OF CARGO if the vessel carry Fish to follow the SL- 17 FISHING REGISTRATION PROCEDURE. 6 EXTENSION OF PROVISIONAL REGISTRY CERTIFICATES 6.1 - For extension the provisional COR, SSL, and MSMC the validity date is for 03 months. There is not extension for Attestation Letter CSR. For CSR question, read the SL- 10 CSR PROCEDURE. 6.2 - The Registration Officer shall submit a written request by email or application for extension SL-APPL EXT to RR/MR, along with acceptance of quote SLACCEPT.QUOTE.
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6.3 - Before extensions can be granted the following documents are required: Copy of the valid statutory certificates issued on behalf of Sierra Leone flag. Copy of updated Crew List, COEs and copy of COC. LRIT if applicable 6.4 - The RR/MR shall verify the request and supporting documentation as required and authorize/decline as the case maybe to the concerned Registration Officer. 6.5- The Registration Officer shall submit copies of certificates so extended to The RR/MR with in 48 hours of issuance. 6.6 - The MR shall save documents in folder data base. 7 CHANGE OF VESSEL NAME 7.1 - The Registration Officer shall submit a written request by email or application for change of particular SL-MOD PARTIC to RR/MR. MR will check the validity of name in Sierra Leone web site. 7.2 - RR to provide a quotation and send to MR SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE 7.3 If the new name is approved and once payment is received (or confirmation from Reg. Off. that they have received payment), MR/RR to advice Reg. Off to issue the applicable provisional documents/certificates with 06 month validity date, and affix hologram in each certificate. RR has to send a copy of the provisional certificates issued by Reg. Off to MR. 7.4 - Reg. Off to dispatch all provisional documents to Owner, Owners Agent, as Appropriate. 7.5 - MR to make entries in the Registry for merchant ships other Information required to be recorded therein, as per Merchant Shipping Act 2003. The SL web page also should be updated, and will save all the require documents received in the vessel data base folder. 7.6 - Within 15 days from the change of name or ownership, new statutory certificates with new name should be submitted to RR and RR to MR. 8. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP 8.1 Request of change of ownership to be submitted along with the following documents: Application Form Copy notarized BOS Letter confirmation from RAA (if applicable) Letter confirmation from Recognized Organization. 8.2 - RR to provide a quotation and send to MR SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE 8.3 - RR is to review all documents received and if approved and once payment received (or confirmation from Reg. Off. that they have received payment), to advice Reg. Off to issue the applicable provisional documents/certificates with 06 months validity date, and affix hologram in each certificate. RR has to send a copy of the provisional certificates issued by Reg. Off to MR.
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8.4 - Reg. Off, to dispatch all provisional documents to Owner, Owners Agent, as appropriate. 8.5 - MR to make entries in the Registry for merchant ships other Information required to be recorded therein, as per Merchant Shipping Act 2003. The SL web page also should be updated, and will save all the require documents received in the vessel data base folder. 8.6 - Within 15 days from the change of name or ownership, all original documents as per Documentation Procedure should be submitted to RR and RR to MR.

9. RELATED ACTS, PROCEDURES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Merchant Shipping Act. 2003-Part III PROCEDURES NO.. SL- 05 MOD.PARTIC SL- 06 CHARTER PROC SL- 07 MORT PROC SL 09 AUTHORIZATION # SL- 10 CSR PROC SL- 11 HOLLOG PROC SL -12 COE PROCEDURE SL 16 YACHT REGISTRATION DOCUMENT FORM SL- APPL REG SHIPS SL- APPL EXT SL- DECL OF CARGO SL- SAFE MANN REQ TABLE SL- CHECKLIST SL- PROVCOR SL- PROVSSL SL- PROVMSMC SL- PROV CSR ATT LETT SL-CSR SL-AMEND.CSR SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE Appointment of Registrar, Registration of Ships and Property Interests in Ships DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE Modification of the Particulars of the Ships Registration of Bareboat Charters Mortgage Authorization numbers Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Hologram Procedure Seaman Certification Yacht Registration DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENTS Application for Ship Registry Application of Extension Declaration of Cargo Safe Manning Requirements Checklist Provisional Registration Certificate Provisional SSL License Provisional MSMC Certificate Provisional CSR Attestation Letter Permanent CSR Form 1 and 2 if Amendments CSR-Form 2 Acceptance of quote

End of procedure


Issued by: Leslie Mezzich

Rev 9


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