IGNOU MBA MS-53 Solved Assignment 2013
IGNOU MBA MS-53 Solved Assignment 2013
IGNOU MBA MS-53 Solved Assignment 2013
Management Programme
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Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2013 to the coordinator of your study center.
1) Explain the common principles on quality amongst the theory of Deming, Juran, Crosby and Baldridge criteria.
2) Explain the importance of forecasting in Production Management. Briefly discuss the various methods of forecasting.
3) Compare the manual and quantitative models for process Layout design. What are the advantages of each kind of model?
4) Define Aggregate Planning. Explain its managerial importance. How it is different than scheduling?
5) Outline the purpose of MRP and explain how an MRP System can achieve these purposes.
6) Write short notes on: a) Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing b) Just-in-Time manufacturing system c) Role of computers in Production/Operations Management.
Q1.Explain the common principles on quality amongst the theory of Deming, Juran, Crosby and Baldridge criteria. Ans: Deming addressed the entire process and focused primarily the assertion that poor quality is not the fault of the worker, but is the fault of the system. Deming also strongly opposed the creation of quality inspection departments. Juran's work focuses on the idea that organizational quality problems are largely the result of insufficient and ineffective planning for quality. In addition, Juran fleshed out many of the implementation issues involved with quality through his trilogy. Crosby made two key points in his arguments about the responsibility of the quality department, and not the individual worker. Crosby has enjoyed the most commercial success of the three. First, he argued that quality, as a managed process, could be a source of profit for an organization. Second, Crosby adopted a "zero defects" approach to quality management, and emphasized the behavioral and motivational aspects of quality improvement rather than statistical approaches. Similarities: All three men were very passionate about the role of quality in business organizations, and felt that quality is a process that must be deliberately managed. In addition, all three of them saw quality as the focal point for organizational performance and effectiveness. Differences: Deming and Juran were more statistically oriented in their approach than Crosby. The individuals emphasized different aspects of quality management in their approaches. Crosby's zero defects approach probably goes further than would be advocated by Deming or Juran. Crosby was also more prolific than Deming and Juran in terms of the production of quality related materials (e.g., videos, workbooks, lecture series, etc.). Q2)Explain the importance of forecasting in Production Management. Briefly discuss the various methods of forecasting. Ans: Importance of forecast lies in its ability to help the managers /planners to help them take better actions regarding future and also to help to help them in discharging their functions more effectively. How does it help? A manager invariably continues to discharge his functions-forecast or no forecast. When a forecast is available: 1) The manager is comparatively better informed so as to set up his objectives more clearly. 2) His thinking, and generation and choice of alternatives becomes more focused.
3) Because sufficient time is available, it is possible to organise and implement his actions in a more effective way. The importance is directly proportional to: [Results of an action based on forecast] -[Results of an action for the same situation without any forecast]. If the difference in positive and large then the importance is more, otherwise it is not important. Importance of forecast and of ability of used statistical forecasting techniques to generate reliable/accurate forecasts, are directly related. If in general forecasts are not accurate i.e. quantum of forecast error is more; then difference of results of actions as discussed above may not be relevant. Because both become unreliable. Forecast Error can be explained as: Forecast Error = [value forecast value actually happenning] The more sophisticated models of forecast often provide forecast with smaller error but cost of development of the model, forecasting and maintaining tends to be high. There has to be a tradeoff between choice of model and the cost The following figure clearly explains this trade off:
Methods of Forecasting Three of the most important qualitative methods of forecasting are: i) Judgemental forecasting ii) The Dephi technique iii) Cross impact analysis. These methods are useful where historical data are not available or are not reliable predicting the future, Qualitative methods are used .primarily for long and medium range forecasting involving process design, facilities planning. Delphi Technique is gradually becoming an important tool in the hands of planners. Delphi and its variants can help collecting opinions of a large group of experts in the ill-structured area of forecasting, objective setting and long range planning. Cross impact analysis presents a matrix for analyzing the strength and direction of the impact of different events. An impact can be enhancing type of inhibiting type. JUDGEMENTAL FORECASTING Judgemental (subjective) methods are those in which the process used to analyze the data has not been well specified. They may use objective data or subjective impressions as inputs, they maybe supported by form-al analysis, but the critical aspect of these methods is that the inputs are translated into forecasts in the human mind. Various methods of judgemental forecasting are listed below: 1) Personal Interviews 2) Telephone Interviews 3) Traditional Meetings 4) Structured Meetings 5) Role Playing 6) Mail Questionnaire 7) Delphi 8) Cross- Impact Theory 9) System Dynamics Various types of errors are associated with judgemental forecasting. But the most serious ones are 1) Bias, and 2) Anchoring Bias is caused by preconceived notion about the world. Bias is also caused by the
judgements of a person who stands to lose/gain from the forecast. Although bias can be caused by the researcher and from the situation, the most serious form of bias is caused by the judge. Judges often mention what they hope should happen rather then what they think should happen. Optimism is one form of bias often associated with judgemental forecasting. Anchoring is the tendency to start with an answer while making a forecast. A conservative judge uses the pastas an anchor for marking a forecast.
THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE Opinion-Capture Techniques: Collecting the opinion of experts to analyze the genesis and odor lads of a problems and to come up with recommendation for As solution has been a very desirable task among planners and Administrators, and particularly so among the technology forecasters. One can distinguish four categories of opinion-capture techniques that are generally employed for the purpose of forecasting: genius. (single individual) forecasting survey (polling) forecasting panel (face-to-face interaction) forecasting, Delphi (survey with feedback without face to face interaction) forecasting
The Forecasting Delphi The original and the most common use of Delphi is to forecast a future event. Organization have used the technique to forecast the future demand for their products and to foresee advent of future technology. The Decision-Analysis Delphi Another application of Delphi process has been made to the process of decision making. Turoff (1970), while developing this application, calls it the "Policy Delphi". He has pointed out that Delphi in such uses is not a decision-making tool, but rather a decision-analysis tool. In this type of Delphi exercise, the planning horizon is held constant, and the participant evaluates various objectives or alternatives according to their importance, desirability, feasibility, ease of implementation, or probability of occurrence. The
rounds are fairly similar to the forecasting Delphi. FORECASTING BASED ON CROSS,IMPACT ANALYSIS The basis of cross-impact theory is a cross-impact matrix. The matrix has all the possible future events in its rows as well as in its columns. The columns the affecting events, and the rows show the affected events. Each cell represents the strength and direction of the impact of the column event on the row event. Since no event can be enhancing type or inhibiting type. An enhancing impact increases the probability of occurrence of the impact event due to the occurrence of the impacting event. An inhibiting impact reduced this probability. Of course, this probability may remain unaffected as in the case of the diagonal elements of the matrix.
Q.3 Compare the manual and quantitative models for process Layout design. What are the advantages of each kind of model? Ans:P RO C E S S L AYO U T(Manual & Quatitative) The most common approach to developing a process layout is to arrange departments consisting of like processes in a way that optimizes their relative placement. For example, the departments in a low-volume toy factory might consist of the shipping and receiving department, the plastic molding and stamping department, the metal forming department, the sewing department, and the painting department. Parts for the toys are fabricated in these departments and then sent to assembly departments where they are put together. In many installations, optimal placement often means placing departments with large amounts of inter department trafc adjacent to one another. Suppose that we want to arrange the eight departments of a toy factory to minimize the interdepartmental material handling cost. Initially, let us make the simplifying assumption that all departments have the same amount of space (say, 40 feet by 40 feet) and that the building is 80 feet wide and 160 feet long (and thus compatible with the department dimensions). The rst things we would want to know are the nature of the ow between departments and how the material is transported.If the company has another factory that makes similar products, information about ow patterns might be abstracted from the records. On the other hand, if this is a new product line, such information would have to come from
routing sheets or from estimates by knowledgeable personnel such as process or industrial engineers. Of course, these data, regardless of their source, will have to be modied to reect the nature of future orders over the projected life of the proposed layout. Let us assume that this information is available. We nd that all material is transported in a standard-size crate by forklift truck, one crate to a truck (which constitutes one load). Now suppose that transportation costs are $1 to move a load between adjacent departments and $1 extra for each department in between.The expected loads between departments for the rst year of operation are tabulated in Exhibit TN5.1; available plant space is depicted in Exhibit TN5.2. Note that in our example, diagonal moves are permitted so that departments 2 and 3, and 3 and 6, are considered adjacent. Given this information, our rst step is to illustrate the interdepartmental ow by a model, such as Exhibit TN5.3. This provides the basic layout pattern, which we will try to improve. The second step is to determine the cost of this layout by multiplying the material handling cost by the number of loads moved between each pair of departments. Exhibit TN5.4 presents this information, which is derived as follows: The annual material handling cost between Departments 1 and 2 is $175 ($1 X 175 moves), $60 between Departments 1and 5 ($2 X 30 moves), $60 between Departments 1 and 7 ($3 X 20 moves), $240 between diagonal Departments 2 and 7 ($3 X 80), and so forth. (The distances are taken from Exhibit TN5.2 or TN5.3, not Exhibit TN5.4.)
The third step is a search for departmental changes that will reduce costs. On the basis of the graph and the cost matrix, it seems desirable to place Departments 1 and 6 closer together to reduce their high move-distance costs. However, this requires shifting several other departments, thereby affecting their move-distance costs and the total cost of the second solution. Exhibit TN5.5 shows the revised layout resulting from relocating Department 6 and an adjacent department. (Department 4 is arbitrarily selected for this purpose.) The revised cost matrix for the exchange, showing the cost changes, is given in Exhibit TN5.6. Note the total cost is $262 greater than in the initial solution. Clearly,doubling the distance between Departments 6 and 7
accounted for the major part of the cost increase. This points out the fact that, even in a small problem, it is rarely easy to decide the correct obvious move on the basis of casual inspection. Thus far, we have shown only one exchange among a large number of potential exchanges; in fact, for an eight-department problem, there are 8! (or 40,320) possible arrangements. Therefore, the procedure we have employed would have only a remote possibility of achieving an optimal combination in a reasonable number of tries. Nor does our problem stop here. Suppose that we do arrive at a good solution solely on the basis of material handling cost, such as that shown in Exhibit TN5.7 (whose total cost is $3,550). We would note, rst of all, that our shipping and receiving department is near the center of the factoryan arrangement that probably would not be acceptable. The sewing department
is next to the painting department, introducing the hazard that lint, thread, and cloth particles might drift onto painted items. Further, small toy assembly and large toy assembly are located at opposite ends of the plant, which would increase travel time for assemblers (who very likely would be needed in both departments at various times of the day) and for supervisors (who might otherwise supervise both departments
simultaneously). Often factors other than material handling cost need to be considered in nalizing a layout.
CO M P U T E R I Z E D L A Y O U T T E C H N I Q U E S C R A F T A number of computerized layout programs have been developed since the 1970s to help devise good process layouts. Of these, the most widely applied is the Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique (CRAFT).
The CRAFT method follows the same basic idea that we developed in the layout of the toy factory, but with some signicant operational differences. Like the toy factory example, it requires a load matrix and a distance matrix as initial inputs, but in addition, it requires a cost per unit distance traveled, say, $.10 per foot moved. (Remember, we made the simplifying assumption that cost doubled when material had to jump one department, tripled when it had to jump two departments, and so forth.) With these inputs and an initial layout in the program, CRAFT then tries to improve the relative placement of the departments as measured by total material handling cost for the layout. (Material handling cost between departments = (Number of loads X Rectilinear distance between department centroids X Cost per unit distance.) It makes improvements by exchanging pairs of departments iteratively until no further cost reductions are possible. That is, the program calculates the effect on total cost of exchanging departments; if this yields a reduction, the exchange is made, which constitutes an iteration. As we saw in the manual method, the departments are part of a material ow network, so even a simple pairwise exchange generally will affect ow patterns among many other departments. SYSTEMATICLAYOUTPLANNING In certain types of layout problems, numerical ow of items between departments either is impractical to obtain or does not reveal the qualitative factors that may be crucial to the placement decision. In these situations, the venerable technique known as systematic layout planning (SLP) can be used.It involves developing a relationship chart showing the degree of importance of having each department located adjacent to every other department. From this chart, an activity relationship diagram, similar to the ow graph used for illustrating material handling between departments, is developed. The activity relationship diagram is then adjusted by trial and error until a satisfactory adjacency pattern is obtained. This pattern, in turn, is modied department by department to meet building space limitations.
Q4 Define Aggregate Planning. Explain its managerial importance. How it is different than scheduling? Ans: If the demand for a company products was absolutely stable, there would be no need for aggregate planning. The company can develop a production process and a workforce level that would produce exactly the amount demanded every month in a repeating cycle, while maintaining practically no inventory. the aggregate plan is based on satisfying expected intermediate term demands, it is necessary that accurate forecasts of these demands be made. Due importance must be given to seasonal factor while arriving at forecasts. In addition, intermediate range wage rates, material prices and holding costs also affect optimal plans. All these parameters must be properly considered. Aggregate Planning is necessary in Production and Operations Management (POM) because it provides for, Fully loaded facilities and minimizes overloading and underloading, thus reducing costs. Adequate production capacity to meet expected aggregate demand. Getting the most output for the amount of resources available, which is important in times of scarce production resources. Aggregate planning is the key to managing change in POM because the changing patterns of customer demand and the plans for providing production resources that adapt to those changes are fundamental to aggregate planning. Managerial Importance: In this let us concentrate on the managerial inputs, objectives, alternatives and strategies associated with aggregate plans. Managerial Inputs Figure 11.2 shows the type of information that managers from various functional areas supply to aggregate plans. One way of ensuring the necessary cross-functional coordination and supply of information is to create a committee of functional -area representatives, chaired by a general manager, the committee has the overall responsibility to make sure that company policies are followed, conflicts are resolved amanda final plan is approved.
Typical Objectives The many functional areas in an organisation that give input to the aggregate plan typically have conflicting objectives for the use of the organisation' s resources. Six objectives usually are considered during development of a production or a staffing plan: 1)Minimize costs maximize profits. If customer demand isn't affected by the plan minimizing costs will also maximize profits. 2)Maximize customer service. Improving delivery time and on-time delivery may require additional work-force, machine capacity, or inventory resources.
3)Minimize inventory investment. Inventory accumulations are expensive because the money could be used more productive investments. 4)Minimize changes in production rates. Frequently changes in production rates can cause difficulties in coordination line rebalancing. 5)Minimize changes in work-force levels. Fluctuating work-force levels may cause lower productivity because new employees typically need time to become fully productive. 6)Maximize utilisation of plant and equipment. Firm with a product focus require uniformly high utilisation of plant and equipment. Balancing these various objectives to arrive at an acceptable aggregate plan involves consideration of various alternatives the two basic types of alternatives are action s that
adjust demand pattern, whereas reactive alternatives are actions that respond to given demand patterns. Reactive Alternatives Reactive alternatives are actions that can be taken to cope with demand requirements. Typically, an operations manager controls reactive alternatives that is the operations manager accepts forecaster demand as a given and modifies work-force levels overtime, vacation schedules, inventory levels, subcontracting and planned backlogs to meet that demand. Work force Adjustment. Management can adjust work-force levels by hiring or laying off employees. The use of this alternative can be attractive if the work force is largely unskilled or semiskilled and the labour pool is large. However, for a particular company, the size of the qualified labour pool may limit the number of new employees that can be hire at any one time also new employees must be trained and the capacity of the training facilities themselves might limit the number of new hires at any one time. Overtime and undertime an alternative to work -force adjustment is the use of overtime and undertime. Overtime can be used to satisfy output requirements that cannot be completed on regular time. However, overtime is expensive. Moreover, in many cases, workers do not want to work a lot of overtime for extended period of time, and excessive overtime may result in declining quality and productivity. Undertime is used when labour capacity exceeds demand requirements, workers are kept on the payroll rather than being laid off. Vocations Schedules: A firm can shut down during an annual full in sales, leaving a skeleton crew to cover operations and perform maintenance, employees might be required to take all or pan of their allowed vacation time during this period. The companies sometimes use of this alternative during the holiday period, not only to do maintenance work or install equipment, but also to decease inventory. Anticipation Inventory: A plant facing seasonal demand can stock anticipation inventory during light 6unand periods and use it during heavy demand periods although this approach stabilizes output rates and work-force levels, it can be costly because the value of the product is greatest in its finished state, stocking components and sub assemblies that can be assembled quickly when customer orders come in
might be preferable to stocking finished goods. Service providers generally cannot use anticipation inventory because services cannot be stocked, in some instances however, services can performed prior to actual need. Subcontractors: Subcontractors can be used to overcome short-term capacity shortages, such as during peaks of the season or business cycle. Subcontractors can supply services, components and subassemblies, or even assemble an entire product. If the subcontractor can supply components or subassemblies of equal or better quality less expensively than the company can produce them itself, these arrangements may become permanent, the major automakers. Backlogs, Backorders and Stockouts: Another way in which firms with a process focus often cope with a high demand forecast is to plan for order backlogs. A backlog is an accumulation of customer orders that have been promised of delivery at some future date. Firms with a process focus often use this method. The customer places an order for a customized product or service, and the firm promises it for later delivery, job shops, TV repair shops, and automobile repair shops work to varying degrees to backlogs Backorders and stockouts are used by firms with a product focus. A back order is a customer order that is not ready for the customer when promised or demanded, thereby delaying demand requirements to later periods. A stockout is an inability to satisfy the demand for a stock item when it occurs. In this case, the customer may go to a competitor, resulting in a lost scale. Generally, backorders and stockouts are to be avoided. Planned stockouts may be used, but only when the expected loss in sales and customer goodwill is less than the cost of using other reactive alternatives or aggressive alternatives, or adding the capacity needed to satisfy demand. Difference Between Aggregate Planning & scheduling Aggregate plans act as interface between strategic decision, which fix the operating environment, and short term scheduling and control decisions, which guide the company's day-to-day operations. Aggregate planning typically focuses on manufacturing several aspects of operations-aggregate production, inventory, and personnel levels-to minimize costs over some planning horizon while satisfying demand and policy requirements. Intermediate term planning is normally performed in terms of aggregate production
units and resources (hence the term aggregate planning) rather than for individual products. Although in the intermediate term major facility and process changes usually be expanded by using overtime - work, subcontracting production, hiring addition workers, or even adding entire work shifts. This approach takes the demand pattern as forecasted and focuses on minimizing the costs.
Q5)Outline the purpose of MRP and explain how an MRP System can achieve these purposes. Ans: Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a system of planning and scheduling the time-phased materials requirement for production operations. If the delivery schedule for the end products is known, then Me sue and timing of the requirements of the various lower-level work-in-process items and raw-materials can he planned exactly by simple arithmetical calculation. Such planning is known as Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Although MRP is easy to understand, it can he used in two different ways: MRP-I and MRP-II. MRP-I: It is an inventory control system, which releases manufacturing and purchase orders at the right time to support the maser schedule. This system launches orders to control work-in-process and raw materials inventories through proper timing of order placement. MRP-I doesn't include capacity planning. Henceforth the terminology MRP-I and MRP will be used interchangeably. MRP-II: It is an information system used to plan and control inventories and capacities in manufacturing companies. The MRP-fl system coordinates sales, purchasing, manufacturing, finance, and engineering by adopting a focal production plan and by using one unified data tame to plan and update the activities in all the systems. The subsequent sections shall cover MRP followed by MRP-II.
How an MRP System can achieve these purposes? MRP is a calculation of the requirements of the dependent demand items, i.e. items whose demand in dependent upon the demand for their respective higher level
items. The end products in a company would be the independent demand items if the demand for these is not easily computable based on the demand for other items some where else. The MRP system generates planned order releases. Each order is associated with a set up cost i.e. cost of placing and receiving an order. This raises the question of how much to order. One must consider the tradeoff of ordering costs and holding costs. Various lot-sizing policies are possible. Lot-for-lot ordering is one important lot sizing policy. Lot-for-lot is a lot sizing policy in which order quantity equals net requirements for the period. The definition will be more cleared through examples discussed subsequently. The main advantage of an MRP system is that it avoids unnecessary stocks of items and produces/procures them only when required and in the quantities required. Classical inventory systems use `averaging' techniques suffer from a predictable drawback: in some periods there is more of the stock when less is needed and in others there is less when more is needed. This type of averaging technique is of an unrealistic approach. For most dependent demand items their demand is `bunched' or lumpy'. MRP treats the discrete distribution as discrete and not continuous. In the classical production-inventory systems, averaging is a part of the system. In such cases the economies in materials are sought through Economic Order Quantities (EOQ) or Optimal Period of Review which try to balance the order cost with carrying costs for the materials. MRP obviates this need and treats the problem of costs due to the materials directly, by producing/procuring the materials in the quantity and the time these are required. The timing of the order quantities are not `averaged' and made uniform. The material is .ordered in the lot sizes, but only at the -time they are required for production. There is no extrinsic trigger for placing an order quantity or a review period. Computing the MRP for releasing a production/procurement order, involves following steps. To determine the time the higher level item are required and in what quantity? To determine the time when and in what quantity the next lower level item is required? This gives the gross requirement of the material. To obtain the real or net requirement, the `on hand' and `schedule to receive'
quantities of the item are deducted from the gross requirement. If there is sufficient quantity on hand then there is no need to order for a further quantity. The MRP so calculated are checked for viability vis--vis the production capacity. If there is mismatch then the master schedule is modified and the MRP is calculated again.
Q6 a)Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing Ans: GROUP TECHNOLOGY (GT) It means grouping parts of a similar characteristic into families. Grouping is done either based on similarities in design (i.e., the geometry of the parts), or based on similarities in manufacturing (i.e., the type of processing requirements). For computer-compatibility and ease of classification, various coding schemes are used. Coding schemes facilitate retrieval of parts for either design or manufacturing purposes. Thus, GT can be used either for retrieving existing designs for developing new parts or for retrieving existing process plans for generating new ones by editing. GT can be also used in forming manufacturing cells of machine groups that are closely associated with each family of parts. Cellular Manufacturing Cellular manufacturing is Grouping of machines into cells that function like a product layout island within a larger job shop or process layout.
Q6 b)Just-in-Time manufacturing system Ans: JIT also known as zero inventories and stockless production is a philosophy of manufacturing, which focuses on the reduction of waste and delays at each stage of the manufacturing process starting with purchase and ending with after-sales-service. The major focus of a JIT system is waste elimination.
Waste is anything other than that which adds value to the product. Every moment from order entry to delivery is meant to add value to the product. Non-value adding moments are reduced to a minimum. Thus, waste is also defined as anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space, and time, which are absolutely essential to add value to the product. There are several types of wastes. Toyota motor company of Japan has identified seven wastes after years of continuous improvement activities (see figure 18.12). These are : waste from overproduction, waste of waiting time, waste of transportation, processing waste, waste of motion, inventory waste, and waste from product defects. As high-lighted in Figure 18.12. Japanese manufacturing systems focus on producing what the customer desires without any delays or defects, and without wasting any resources (i.e., labor, material, or equipment). They employ methods through which employees are bound to develop. An ideal JIT system aims to achieve zero defects (i.e., high quality products), zero inventory, zero lead time (implying rapid response),
and a theoretical lot size of one. This is an unattainable ideal, which leads to continuous cycle of never ending improvements. The basic elements of a JIT system are: Pull production system Kanban production control Flexible resources Cellular layouts Small lot production Quick setups Uniform plant loading Preventive maintenance Employee involvement Reduction in number of suppliers Smaller shipment quantities Reliable transportation system Quality at source
Q6)c)Role of computers in Production/Operations Management. Ans: The role of computers have gone much beyond debates, discussions and doubts. Computers and its latest avataar, Information Technology, has already arrived and should encompass the overlapping technologies of computing, micro-electronics, robots and telecommunications capabilities. Operations management has been undergoing a metamorphic change in its philosophy, content and approach ever since Michael A. Porter, the Guru of strategy, has propounded the Value Chain Analysis (VCA), which is a whole new way of looking at a company's functions and structures. Porter has visualised a firms structure as below :
An organization's functions can be grouped as below: a) Primary Activities 1)Inbound logistics 2)Operations 3)Outbound logistics 4)Marketing and sales 5)Service b) Support Activities i) Purchasing and Outsourcing ii) Human Resource Management Technology (or knowledge base) Infrastructure comprising of finance, planning, quality etc. Subsequently Porter and many other researchers have argued that it is not only important to develop competence in these individual functions, but also build strong links among them so that they function in tandem to one another and harmonize their activities to deliver higher real and perceived value(s) to the customer. It is almost impossible to visualize strengthening links among individuals, functions and companies without learning to use computers imaginatively and integral with telecommunication, micro-electronic and information technology capabilities.