Qasida Burda Shareef
Qasida Burda Shareef
Qasida Burda Shareef
Chapter - 2
Concerning restraining lust and carnal desires. In this chapter Allamah Busairi R.A. mentions two reasons for restraining of lust and carnal desires. Firstly: A person falls in love due to lust and carnal desires. After mentioning love in the first chapter he now mentions restraining lust and carnal desires. He also mentions that his entire life has been spent in sin. He sincerely regrets what he has done and repents to Allah Taaala. Secondly: Restraining lust and carnal desires is essential for gaining love for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. The love which has for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, is a pure love and can only be attained by purifying oneself of lust and carnal desires. 1. Verily my soul which is laden evil did not heed the advice. 2. Due to its ignorance, from the warning by grey hair and old age. 3. And I have not prepared, for good deeds, a feast, 4. For a guest (that) has lodged on (my) head nor did I honour (him). 5. Had I known that I would not be able to honour him (it). 6. I would have concealed my secret, which is exposed, by dyeing. 7. Who is there that can restrain my wayward-self from its waywardness. 8. Just as unmanageable horses are restrained by resins. 9. Do not try, through sinning, to subdue sensual desires. 10. For verily food, only increases sensual desires. 11. Your self (desires) is like when breastfed. 12. Loves suckling but when you wean it, will stop. 13. Then stop its inclinations and beware that it does not overpower you. 14. Verily lust whenever it overpowers (it will) kill or maim (your character). 15. And guard it while it is grazing in (the field of ) actions 16. If it enjoys pasture, do not let it roam (graze) freely. 17. How often has pleasure been considered good, whereas it turned out to be deadly. 18. Because he does not know that there is poison in the fat. 19. And fear the evil of (both) hunger and satiation. 20. For most times hungers (poverty) is more evil that overeating. 21. And shed tears from those eyes which have become full. 22. Of forbidden sights and regard it as obligatory (upon yourself) to guard your eyes from forbidden things. 23. And oppose (your) self (nafs) and shaytaan and disobey them both. 24. And if both of them give you sincere advice regard it as lies. 25. And do not obey them both (nafs and shaytaan) as an enemy or as a wise (person). 26. For you know well the deception of (such) an enemy or a wise (person). 27. I seek forgiveness from Allah from such sayings (preachings) which I do practice upon. 28. For verily I have attributed (claimed), through this, offspring from a barren woman. 29. I command you to do good but I do not command myself to do the same.
30. And I was not steadfast ( on deen) so then of what use (value) is my saying to you: "Be steadfast!" (on deen). 31. And I made no provisions before death of voluntary (nafl) worship And I did not perform salaat nor did I fast except what was obligatory.
22. (Like a) handful (of water) from the ocean or (a few) sips from continuous rains. 23. And they all stopped before him at their (assigned) limits. 24. (Either) of a point of knowledge or to gain one wisdom from (his) wisdom. 25. For he is the on e with whom, ended all outward and inward perfection. 26. And then the creator of all creation chose his as (His) most beloved. 27. He has no equal in his magnificence. 28. The jewel of (excellence) in him is indivisible. 29. Discard what the christians claim about their Nabi 30. Then decide and say what you wish in praise of him (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). 31. And attribute towards his personality whatever you wish of excellence. 32. And attribute to his dignified status as mush greatness as you wish. 33. For verily excellence of the Messenger of Allah has no (limits) 34. Bounds, that a speaker might (be able to ) express with his mouth. 35. If his miracles were proportionate (according ) to his rank, in greatness, 36. Then his name would have, when called out brought decaying bones back to life. 37. He did not try to (test) us with that which would confound our minds. 38. Out of keen interest (kindness) for us, neither were we suspicious 9about the truthfulness of his mission) nor were we confounded (by his doctrines). 39. His perfect inner nature made people helpless from comprehending, so it was not understood. 40. Those near and far, except according to their (helpless) imperfect understanding. 41. Like how the sun is seen by the eyes from far. 42. Verily small, yet hurts (dazzles) the eye (when you stare at it). 43. And can the reality of him be comprehended in this world. 44. A sleeping nation whose description of him are (like interpretations of) a dream. 45. So the extreme depth of (our) knowledge concerning him, is that he is a man. 46. And verily he is the best of all the creation of Allah. 47. Every miracle which all the Nabis showed. 48. Verily they have been derived from his NUR. 49. For verily he is the sun of virtue (and ) they (Ambiyaa) are its stars. 50. Which show their lights to people only in the dark. 51. Until when the sun rose his light spread. 52. Universally and gave life to all the nations. 53. How noble are the physical qualities of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, adorned with good character. 54. (Who) was vested with beauty and disguised by pleasant temperament. 55. (He) is like a blooming flower in its freshness and the full moon in splendour. 56. And the ocean in generosity and time its fearless courage. 57. Even when alone, it appears sue to his grandeur. 58. As though (he is) in the midst of a large army and its retinue. 59. It is like pearls well preserved in oysters. 60. From the two mines, of his speech and his smiles. 61. No perfume equals the dust (earth) which is touching his (Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallams mubarak ) body. 62. Glad tidings be to the person who smells it (the dust) and kisses it .
Chapter - 6
Concerning the Glory of the Quraan (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) In this chapters Allamah Busairi (R.A.)describes the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. Every miracle of all the other prophets was only temporary and was only witnessed by those who were present at that time. The Holy Qur'an is that ever lasting miracle which is witnessed by all people for all time to come. Allamah Busairi encourages people to recite the Holy Qur'an and act upon its commands. 1. Allow me to describe the miracles of him (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) exposed (performed). 2. Like the lighting of fires on the hillside at night for guests. 3. The beauty of a pearl is further enhanced in a necklace. 4. But its value does not diminish )in the least when not strung on a necklace). 5. So why should the ambitions of those who praise not increase towards 6. That which (him (Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) ha of noble character and good habits. 7. Verses of truth from the Most Merciful (Allah Taaala) newly heard. 8. (As well as being) eternal which is quality (of Allah) Who is described with eternity. 9. It is not connected with any period of time, while it informs us. 10. About the hereafter as well as of Ad and Iram. 11. Which remains with us forever, therefore it is superior to every miracle. 12. Of the other Nabis (for) when (their miracles) came but did not remain. 13. Absolutely clear (as evidence) so it did not leave (room for any ) doubts. 14. By the enemies nor so they require any judge. 15. No one opposed it ever except for the vehement enemy. 16. (Due to) the enmity of the enemy towards it,(but that he) refrained from it seeking a truce. 17. Its eloquence refuted the accusations of its objectors. 18. Just as a respectable man keeps off the hand of a transgressor from his harem. 19. Its meaning is like the waves of the ocean in helping (one another) 20. And the (Quran) transcends the jewels of the sea in beauty and value. 21. Its wonders cannot be counted nor comprehended. 22. Nor would you (be) satiated by its constant repetition (recitation). 23. It cools the eye of its reciter, so I said to him 24. You have succeeded with the hope of Allah, therefore hold steadfast onto it. 25. If you recite it due to fear of the heat of blazing fire. 26. Then you have doused the blazing fire with its cool water. 27. It is the Houze-e-Kauthar with which faces are illuminated. 28. Of the sinners even though they came to it (with faces) black as coal. 29. It is like the straight bridge like the scales in equilibrium. 30. Justice, without which, amongst man cannot be established. 31. Do not be astonished if the jealous person rejects it. 32. (Feigning ) ignorance while they are shrewd. 33. Verily the eye rejects the ray of the sun due to dust. 34. The mouth rejects the (sweet) taste of water due to sickness.
29. The winds of help (from Allah) would guide you to their fragrance. 30. So you would think every brave man to be a flower in the bud. 31. As though they were, when on horse back like the plants on hills. 32. On account of the strength and bravery, not because of the tightness of their saddles. 33. The hearts of the enemies flew into terror (due to their) prowess. 34. So they could not make distinction between a lamb and a mighty warrior. 35. And the person who has the help of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam with him. 36. Even if a lion meets him in its den it begins to fear. 37. And you would never see a friend not assisted. 38. By him, nor would you find any enemy, but in pieces. 39. He lodged his ummat in the fort of his religion. 40. Like a lion which lodges with its cubs in a jungle. 41. How many queries did the words of Allah have with defiers. 42. Concerning him, and the clear evidence (of Allah), disputed many a plaintiff. 43. It is sufficient for you as a miracle (to have so vast) knowledge in an unlettered person. 44. In the period of ignorance, and such noble etiquettes in an orphan.
12. With my Nabi Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and nor is my rope broken. 13. For verily I have a security from him due to my name. 14. (Being) Muhammad, while he is the most faithful of mankind in fulfilling his promise. 15. If at my resurrection, he should not take me by my hand 16. Out of kindness, then say O the slipping of my foot. 17. I seek the sanctuary (in Allah) that he should deprive one who is hopeful of his graces. 18. Or that his neighbour (follower) returned from him dishonoured. 19. And since I have devoted my thoughts to his praises. 20. I have found him to be best sanctuary for my salvation. 21. His bounty will never escape from (my) hand which has been soiled. 22. For verily rain causes flowers to bloom on rocks 23. And I did seek the flowers (wealth) of the world which were plucked. 24. By the hands of Zuhair through his praises of Haram.
12. By you, and make my reckoning (of deeds) not destructive. 13. Be kind to Your Servant in both the worlds, for verily his 14. Patience, when called upon by hardships (calamities), runs away. 15. So order clouds of blessings (salutations) from you perpetually. 16. Upon Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam abundantly and gently 17. And upon his family his Sahabah, then upon those who follow them. 18. The people of piety, knowledge, clemency and generosity. 19. (Then) be pleased with Abu-bakr and Omar (Radiyallahu Anhuma). 20. And Ali and Uthman (Radiyallahu Anhuma), the people of nobility. 21. As long as the easterly breeze makes the branches of cypress rustle. 22. And (as long as) the camel riders make their camels march with the enchanting songs. 23. Forgive its writer and its reader 24. I ask of you all goodness O You the Most Generous and Most Munificent.